89-930 " Coun�c.il
�IN* �ITY QF SAINT PAUL File N0. ` nf_.�� _
, _ , , ,
Council eso�uti�� �c. ia�.��
. BY _
Referre T Committee: Date
Out of om ittee By pa��
S, �.S.R. Inc. made application to the Planning Commission of the
City o Sa nt Paul for a determination of similar use under e provisions of
Sectio 6 113 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for the pu se of determining
the ap ro iate use classiffcatior� being made by the applicant or its property
at 457j�We Seventh Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, legally des be as the west
40 fee o the east 99.75 feet of a part of SE } NWly of West e Street of
Lot 4,j!Le h's Additi�on of outlots to the to of S 'nt Pa 1, nnesota; and
IE S, the applicant proposed to use th p operty f n emergency shelter
for pe pl new to the area, awaiting residentia lac , awaiting chemical
depen nc treatment, suffering from a disaster icti of critnes, battered and
abuse � pe sons, indigents, migrant w kers, an ople ho are experiencing
other me gencies, and the applicant rovide ser ces uch as referral and
info ti n for public �ocial ser ce agencies em oyemen� service including
on-th , jo training, G.E.D. reparatio , money man nt, independen# l�ving
skill ian recreation progra�; and
E AS, the applicant's p'�oposed �se is t 1 sted as a s.pecific permitted
use i �' th B-2 zoning district and the P�.anning Co ission, pursuant to
Secti 6 ,113, is authorized to �nake a �termi on whether the proposed use
- - of th pr perty by appl-ic-�nt in tii s case��is si lar-to other uses pe�nitted-in -- -
the z i district in which the p�operty ��is loc ted; and
II E AS, the Planning Commissio did y its resolution No. 86-17 by a
7 to v e find and determine that t e ap icant's prqposed use is most similar
to a ix residential and commercial se w ich is a specified permiteed use in
'the B 2 ning district; and
E S, the decision of the Planning Commission was appealed to the
City ou cil by the West Seventh Street� Federation, acting as the recognized
COUNC M � Requested by Department of:
Yeas �dW i Nays
N"°"' � [n Favor ,
scne� I
S°""°"li Against BY
Wihon II
Adopted hy Co Incil Date Form Appcoved by City Attorn�y
Certified Pass I by Council Seccetary BY -
Approved by M Ivor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counril
By _ _ By
. ��
� . �e--- `� - �3d
Citizlln rticipation Planning Council for District Nine, stating as grounds
for o er rning the Planning Commission�s decision as follows: erroneous
inter re tion of similar use, no application of density restriction, and
insuf ic' nt information for the Planning Commission to make interpretations;
and j
II E AS, in accordance with Section 64.208 of the Le islative C
g ode, the
City ou il conducted a public hearing on May 1, 1986 at which time it
consi er the appeal of the West Seventh Street Federation and heard testimonv
on be al of the Appellant, the applicant and other interested parties; and
E S, the City Council having considered the testimony and having
cons er d the minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and the Planning
Comm si , the report of the staff and the application made by P.S.R. Inc. , in
acco an e with Section 64.207 of the Legislative Code, does hereby
S LVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse
the te mination made by the Planning Commission and the Council does hereby
find nd determine that the use of the property to be made by the applicant,
P.S. I c., is more similar to a mission, which is not a p mitted use in the
B-2 ni g district in which the subject property is locate an that the
deci "on of the City Council that the use i� more similar to a of a mission
rath t an of a mixed commercial residential use is based u the following
find gs of fact:
�! ) That Section 60.213.M of t e Legislat've Co e d ' es "Mission"
� as "A non-prof i�t, charitab �- �
- - , � �reli i us ization pr�`tT'iding
boarding and/or lod g and��ancillary � ervi e! on its premises to
primarily indigent, n dy, h�pmeless o tran �nt persons."
�12) That P.S.R. primarily p ovides, housing for ndigent, needy,
homeless or transient pe sons.`,
I�3) That P.S.R. provides hous g fo, a e which is primarily paid
for by the Red Cross and E ergen y ial Services which are
contracted and reimbursemen by h County of Ramsey for this
i!4) That P.S.R, also obtains profi hrough the solicitation of
money from individuals, social we fare agencies, and churches
for the charitable purpose of housing individuals who are needy
and unable to pay for housing with their own resources.
I� 5) That occu anc at P.S.R. i
p y s contracted on a daily basis.
!� 6) That P.S.R. screens and solicits personal welfare information
from its residents.
,�I7) That P.S.R. 's living accommodations are similar to a dormitory
�� -2-
� ` ``� A� G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L Counc il -
'' `" File N�. �� ' ���
..w ,
}��� ! Council Resolution � �`;��~�
,esented By __
Referr l d Commi ttee: Date
' Out o � o ittee By Date
at except for the fact that P.S.R. is a profit-making
rganization, P.S.R. is most similar to the definitio.n of a
ission as defined in Section 60.213.M of the Saint Paul
egislative Code.
and, l e i
UR ER RESOLVED, that the appeal of the West Seventh Street Federation
be an i hereby granted; and, be it
R ER RESOLVED, that in recognition of the concern by the City of
Saint 'Pa for the needs of the homeless, P.S.R. Inc., shall have a period of
90 da s om the date of the adoption of this resolution to discontinue the
use o t property at 457 West Seventh Street in the manner proposed, for the
purpo e permitting P.S.R. Inc. to find a more suitable location in an area
whic iis oned properly for the proposed use; and, be it
IN LY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shal ail a copy of this xesolution
_ __ to P. .R Inc., West Se_v_e�th St�eet Federation, e� Zoning Administrator_an_d_the
_�__ _... _
-- . . - - _
Plan ng Commission. - . ``'
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COUN LM N Requested by Departaient of:
Yeas �� Nays
• NtO°" In Favor
so��e I _ Against BY
JUL 8 ;�� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by C nci : Date
Certified Pa:• ouncil . re BY
Approved by . vor Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — BY -