99-806� v.�OS'� �'�'�-�G — !�`'� as � `�� ! Council File # �[9- �1 �a v SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Green Sheet #62986 Referted To Committee Date 1 An Adnuuistrative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 ofihe Civil Service Rules. 2 I2ESOLVED, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28, Compensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 3 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: 4 28.B.5 ff any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a higher grade and the minimum rate for the 5 position in the lrigher grade is at least five percent higher than lvs present salary, they sl�all be paid the 6 murimum rate, plus one additional step if they have already received a fi$een-year increase, except for 7 appointrnents made under Subsection 3 of this Section. S If any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a]vgher grade and the employee's present 9 salary is equal ta, more than, or less than, but wiUun five percent of the minunum rate for the higher grade, they 10 sl�all be paid at the next salary step which is at least five percent higher than their present rate, plus one 11 additional step if they have already received a fifteen-year increase. No employee shall be paid at any longevi_ty _ 12 step that they had not received in the tide from wluch they aze being promoted. No employee shall receive a 13 salary greater than the last step in the 5tandard Rauge for the posltion, except for those employces who have 14 been appointed under Subse�tion 3 of flvs Section. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Benanav Bostrom Requested by Department of: uvmar �esovc�eg By: �.� �,�.. Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption gy: � Approved �'— For current Citu or School District emnlovees aroroointed to a position in the Fire Fiehter classification. the rate appointment in the Fire FiQhter classification and will be consistent with the Salarv Plan and Rates of Compensation This does not affect candidates appointed from the 1999 Fire Figlrter eli�ible list who haue nromotion riphts under Section 14 of the Citv of Saint Paul Civil Servics Rules. Such candidates rate of pav Date `\ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Civil Service Commission: Date �,: , �'p'��-�`"`.'�.� �"`�"`-' S �� Jl ' rson ' • �� G:�Slwed�TesGng V✓PFII.E. �EXAMS98�FII2EF1'98u2UI.H28 � \ _ +�e�y-.f�, � .� . � b ��Y'v`Q C:� . w� 1�'t �` Adopted by Council: � nrsnxzMErrrro�cr�comvcu.: Human Resources CONTACT YERSON & YHONE: Lisa McKeown, Human Resources Specialist 26b-6479 MUST BE ON COUPICII. AGENDA BY (DATL� TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGFS DATE INITIATED � 1_ 0 O'O 07/29/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62986 � mzrrnr.nnrE marurinnrE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIl2.`�.t�l tt�!'C� 4 CITY COUNCSL NUMBER 2 CTTY ATTORNEY �� _ CLTY CLERK gpg FIN. SERV. DIR. FINANCFIACCT. gp�N 3MAYOR(ORASST.) ,CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION ORDER ALLLOCATION3 nrriox a�u�.srEn: Approval of attached Council Resolution. RECOMI��NDATTONS; Appnove (A) orRejed (R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION CIVII,SERVICE CAhIMISSION CIB COMbIlTTEB STAFF DISIRICT CAURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OHJECTNE7 PER.40NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING puESr[oxs: 1. xastLispe�sod5rmeverwatcedunderacontractforthisdepaitmmt't Yes No 2. FIesthispecsonlEnneverbce¢acityemployee? Yas No 3. Doce4hispe[son/fitmpossesssskillnotnonuallypossessedbysuya�rtenf.�i�y emploY�? Yes No EzpWn eIl yes an4wetrs on separate sheet m�d apachto green s6eet INITIATINGPROBLEM,I9SUF,� OPPOR'fi7NITY (Whq WLnI, VJhen, WLern, Why): Due to Civil Service Rule 28.B.5, the Department of Fire and Safety Services is required to pay differing salaries to Fire Righters hired on the same day who participate in the same training programs and perform the same work. Civil Service Rule 28.B.5 does not conform to the Standards of Apprenticeship for the posirion of Fire Fighter. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This will allow the Department of Pire and Safety Services to con£orm to the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 7ob Apprenticeship Training Program for Fire Fighters. DIHADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I3on-conformance with the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Job Apprenriceship Training Program for F'ue Fighters. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiRON: I+i3NDING SOURCE: FINANC7AL INFORMATION: AGTIVPi'Y NUMBER: wu!?�'.,� �I��r �"-,� , < ,x. � COST/REVENUE BIIDCEI'ED: ; .tfr? ���� ���������p q����� CITY of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Half Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612)266-8560 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM August 31, 1999 Mark Robertson Office of Human Resources Nancy Anderson � � SUBJEGT: City Council Resolution. I am forwarding to you the original resolution adopted by the City Council on August 25, 1999, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). .. :1. Please retum to me when it has been signed by the � Thanks. � 2�� y ) ��nw e.s � �,�,�n; ss; �; � cNos�. �a�- �c� NA Attachment: 1 Original Council Resolution ��,�� 2���, � ��.� ��� � S���N N1c�a�- �—���1 �r�3��� Council File # 99 - �0 6 �{ Presenrea by� Refened To 1 2 An Adnunisttative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 of the Civil Service Rules. 3 RESOLVED, That the Civil Sezvice Rules be amended in Section 28, Q'ompensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 4 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: , S 28.B.5 If aay person holding a graded position is promoted to a positio a lugher grade and the miviumm rate 6 for the position in the lugher grade is at least five percent high than his present salary, they shall be paid 7 the mivimuxn rate, plus one additional step if they have received a fifteen-yeax increase, except for g appointments made under Subsection 3 ofthis Section. 9 If any person holding a graded position is promoted to position in a]ugher grade and the employee's 10 present salary is equal to, more than, or less than, bu 'thin five percent of the miniuium rate for the 11 higher grade, they shall be paid at the next salary p wlrich is at least five percent higher tiuw their 12 gresent rate, plus one additional step ifthey have lready received a fi$een-year increase. No employee 13 shall be paid at any longevity step that they ot received in the title from which they aze being 14 promoted. No employee shall receive a sal greater than the last step in the Standard Range for the 15 position, except for those employees who e been appointed under Subsection 3 of this Section. 16 17 18 19 20 21 accrual rate. 80118ti��' BlatcC Bostrom Coleman Hacris I.antry Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifiec�i B Requested by Department of: ��C�i �� �IlYYX4N hOQOV�CQ� By: �v�.� � Form Approved by City Attorney B �, � `��- ��� �G t � l�� Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � Green Sheet # 62986 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Date �� � v.�OS'� �'�'�-�G — !�`'� as � `�� ! Council File # �[9- �1 �a v SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Green Sheet #62986 Referted To Committee Date 1 An Adnuuistrative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 ofihe Civil Service Rules. 2 I2ESOLVED, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28, Compensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 3 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: 4 28.B.5 ff any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a higher grade and the minimum rate for the 5 position in the lrigher grade is at least five percent higher than lvs present salary, they sl�all be paid the 6 murimum rate, plus one additional step if they have already received a fi$een-year increase, except for 7 appointrnents made under Subsection 3 of this Section. S If any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a]vgher grade and the employee's present 9 salary is equal ta, more than, or less than, but wiUun five percent of the minunum rate for the higher grade, they 10 sl�all be paid at the next salary step which is at least five percent higher than their present rate, plus one 11 additional step if they have already received a fifteen-year increase. No employee shall be paid at any longevi_ty _ 12 step that they had not received in the tide from wluch they aze being promoted. No employee shall receive a 13 salary greater than the last step in the 5tandard Rauge for the posltion, except for those employces who have 14 been appointed under Subse�tion 3 of flvs Section. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Benanav Bostrom Requested by Department of: uvmar �esovc�eg By: �.� �,�.. Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption gy: � Approved �'— For current Citu or School District emnlovees aroroointed to a position in the Fire Fiehter classification. the rate appointment in the Fire FiQhter classification and will be consistent with the Salarv Plan and Rates of Compensation This does not affect candidates appointed from the 1999 Fire Figlrter eli�ible list who haue nromotion riphts under Section 14 of the Citv of Saint Paul Civil Servics Rules. Such candidates rate of pav Date `\ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Civil Service Commission: Date �,: , �'p'��-�`"`.'�.� �"`�"`-' S �� Jl ' rson ' • �� G:�Slwed�TesGng V✓PFII.E. �EXAMS98�FII2EF1'98u2UI.H28 � \ _ +�e�y-.f�, � .� . � b ��Y'v`Q C:� . w� 1�'t �` Adopted by Council: � nrsnxzMErrrro�cr�comvcu.: Human Resources CONTACT YERSON & YHONE: Lisa McKeown, Human Resources Specialist 26b-6479 MUST BE ON COUPICII. AGENDA BY (DATL� TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGFS DATE INITIATED � 1_ 0 O'O 07/29/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62986 � mzrrnr.nnrE marurinnrE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIl2.`�.t�l tt�!'C� 4 CITY COUNCSL NUMBER 2 CTTY ATTORNEY �� _ CLTY CLERK gpg FIN. SERV. DIR. FINANCFIACCT. gp�N 3MAYOR(ORASST.) ,CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION ORDER ALLLOCATION3 nrriox a�u�.srEn: Approval of attached Council Resolution. RECOMI��NDATTONS; Appnove (A) orRejed (R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION CIVII,SERVICE CAhIMISSION CIB COMbIlTTEB STAFF DISIRICT CAURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OHJECTNE7 PER.40NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING puESr[oxs: 1. xastLispe�sod5rmeverwatcedunderacontractforthisdepaitmmt't Yes No 2. FIesthispecsonlEnneverbce¢acityemployee? Yas No 3. Doce4hispe[son/fitmpossesssskillnotnonuallypossessedbysuya�rtenf.�i�y emploY�? Yes No EzpWn eIl yes an4wetrs on separate sheet m�d apachto green s6eet INITIATINGPROBLEM,I9SUF,� OPPOR'fi7NITY (Whq WLnI, VJhen, WLern, Why): Due to Civil Service Rule 28.B.5, the Department of Fire and Safety Services is required to pay differing salaries to Fire Righters hired on the same day who participate in the same training programs and perform the same work. Civil Service Rule 28.B.5 does not conform to the Standards of Apprenticeship for the posirion of Fire Fighter. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This will allow the Department of Pire and Safety Services to con£orm to the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 7ob Apprenticeship Training Program for Fire Fighters. DIHADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I3on-conformance with the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Job Apprenriceship Training Program for F'ue Fighters. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiRON: I+i3NDING SOURCE: FINANC7AL INFORMATION: AGTIVPi'Y NUMBER: wu!?�'.,� �I��r �"-,� , < ,x. � COST/REVENUE BIIDCEI'ED: ; .tfr? ���� ���������p q����� CITY of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Half Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612)266-8560 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM August 31, 1999 Mark Robertson Office of Human Resources Nancy Anderson � � SUBJEGT: City Council Resolution. I am forwarding to you the original resolution adopted by the City Council on August 25, 1999, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). .. :1. Please retum to me when it has been signed by the � Thanks. � 2�� y ) ��nw e.s � �,�,�n; ss; �; � cNos�. �a�- �c� NA Attachment: 1 Original Council Resolution ��,�� 2���, � ��.� ��� � S���N N1c�a�- �—���1 �r�3��� Council File # 99 - �0 6 �{ Presenrea by� Refened To 1 2 An Adnunisttative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 of the Civil Service Rules. 3 RESOLVED, That the Civil Sezvice Rules be amended in Section 28, Q'ompensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 4 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: , S 28.B.5 If aay person holding a graded position is promoted to a positio a lugher grade and the miviumm rate 6 for the position in the lugher grade is at least five percent high than his present salary, they shall be paid 7 the mivimuxn rate, plus one additional step if they have received a fifteen-yeax increase, except for g appointments made under Subsection 3 ofthis Section. 9 If any person holding a graded position is promoted to position in a]ugher grade and the employee's 10 present salary is equal to, more than, or less than, bu 'thin five percent of the miniuium rate for the 11 higher grade, they shall be paid at the next salary p wlrich is at least five percent higher tiuw their 12 gresent rate, plus one additional step ifthey have lready received a fi$een-year increase. No employee 13 shall be paid at any longevity step that they ot received in the title from which they aze being 14 promoted. No employee shall receive a sal greater than the last step in the Standard Range for the 15 position, except for those employees who e been appointed under Subsection 3 of this Section. 16 17 18 19 20 21 accrual rate. 80118ti��' BlatcC Bostrom Coleman Hacris I.antry Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifiec�i B Requested by Department of: ��C�i �� �IlYYX4N hOQOV�CQ� By: �v�.� � Form Approved by City Attorney B �, � `��- ��� �G t � l�� Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � Green Sheet # 62986 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Date �� � v.�OS'� �'�'�-�G — !�`'� as � `�� ! Council File # �[9- �1 �a v SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Green Sheet #62986 Referted To Committee Date 1 An Adnuuistrative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 ofihe Civil Service Rules. 2 I2ESOLVED, That the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 28, Compensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 3 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: 4 28.B.5 ff any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a higher grade and the minimum rate for the 5 position in the lrigher grade is at least five percent higher than lvs present salary, they sl�all be paid the 6 murimum rate, plus one additional step if they have already received a fi$een-year increase, except for 7 appointrnents made under Subsection 3 of this Section. S If any person holding a graded position is promoted to a position in a]vgher grade and the employee's present 9 salary is equal ta, more than, or less than, but wiUun five percent of the minunum rate for the higher grade, they 10 sl�all be paid at the next salary step which is at least five percent higher than their present rate, plus one 11 additional step if they have already received a fifteen-year increase. No employee shall be paid at any longevi_ty _ 12 step that they had not received in the tide from wluch they aze being promoted. No employee shall receive a 13 salary greater than the last step in the 5tandard Rauge for the posltion, except for those employces who have 14 been appointed under Subse�tion 3 of flvs Section. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Benanav Bostrom Requested by Department of: uvmar �esovc�eg By: �.� �,�.. Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption gy: � Approved �'— For current Citu or School District emnlovees aroroointed to a position in the Fire Fiehter classification. the rate appointment in the Fire FiQhter classification and will be consistent with the Salarv Plan and Rates of Compensation This does not affect candidates appointed from the 1999 Fire Figlrter eli�ible list who haue nromotion riphts under Section 14 of the Citv of Saint Paul Civil Servics Rules. Such candidates rate of pav Date `\ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Approved by Civil Service Commission: Date �,: , �'p'��-�`"`.'�.� �"`�"`-' S �� Jl ' rson ' • �� G:�Slwed�TesGng V✓PFII.E. �EXAMS98�FII2EF1'98u2UI.H28 � \ _ +�e�y-.f�, � .� . � b ��Y'v`Q C:� . w� 1�'t �` Adopted by Council: � nrsnxzMErrrro�cr�comvcu.: Human Resources CONTACT YERSON & YHONE: Lisa McKeown, Human Resources Specialist 26b-6479 MUST BE ON COUPICII. AGENDA BY (DATL� TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGFS DATE INITIATED � 1_ 0 O'O 07/29/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62986 � mzrrnr.nnrE marurinnrE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT DIl2.`�.t�l tt�!'C� 4 CITY COUNCSL NUMBER 2 CTTY ATTORNEY �� _ CLTY CLERK gpg FIN. SERV. DIR. FINANCFIACCT. gp�N 3MAYOR(ORASST.) ,CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION ORDER ALLLOCATION3 nrriox a�u�.srEn: Approval of attached Council Resolution. RECOMI��NDATTONS; Appnove (A) orRejed (R) PLANNINGCOMbIISSION CIVII,SERVICE CAhIMISSION CIB COMbIlTTEB STAFF DISIRICT CAURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII.OHJECTNE7 PER.40NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING puESr[oxs: 1. xastLispe�sod5rmeverwatcedunderacontractforthisdepaitmmt't Yes No 2. FIesthispecsonlEnneverbce¢acityemployee? Yas No 3. Doce4hispe[son/fitmpossesssskillnotnonuallypossessedbysuya�rtenf.�i�y emploY�? Yes No EzpWn eIl yes an4wetrs on separate sheet m�d apachto green s6eet INITIATINGPROBLEM,I9SUF,� OPPOR'fi7NITY (Whq WLnI, VJhen, WLern, Why): Due to Civil Service Rule 28.B.5, the Department of Fire and Safety Services is required to pay differing salaries to Fire Righters hired on the same day who participate in the same training programs and perform the same work. Civil Service Rule 28.B.5 does not conform to the Standards of Apprenticeship for the posirion of Fire Fighter. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This will allow the Department of Pire and Safety Services to con£orm to the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry 7ob Apprenticeship Training Program for Fire Fighters. DIHADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVAN'CAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I3on-conformance with the rules of the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Job Apprenriceship Training Program for F'ue Fighters. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiRON: I+i3NDING SOURCE: FINANC7AL INFORMATION: AGTIVPi'Y NUMBER: wu!?�'.,� �I��r �"-,� , < ,x. � COST/REVENUE BIIDCEI'ED: ; .tfr? ���� ���������p q����� CITY of Saint Paul City Council Research 310 City Half Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612)266-8560 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM August 31, 1999 Mark Robertson Office of Human Resources Nancy Anderson � � SUBJEGT: City Council Resolution. I am forwarding to you the original resolution adopted by the City Council on August 25, 1999, for Civil Service Commission approval (it has not been signed by the Mayor). .. :1. Please retum to me when it has been signed by the � Thanks. � 2�� y ) ��nw e.s � �,�,�n; ss; �; � cNos�. �a�- �c� NA Attachment: 1 Original Council Resolution ��,�� 2���, � ��.� ��� � S���N N1c�a�- �—���1 �r�3��� Council File # 99 - �0 6 �{ Presenrea by� Refened To 1 2 An Adnunisttative Resolution amending Section 28.B.5 of the Civil Service Rules. 3 RESOLVED, That the Civil Sezvice Rules be amended in Section 28, Q'ompensation, Subsection 28.B.5. 4 At Time of Appointment, so said subsection shall read as follows: , S 28.B.5 If aay person holding a graded position is promoted to a positio a lugher grade and the miviumm rate 6 for the position in the lugher grade is at least five percent high than his present salary, they shall be paid 7 the mivimuxn rate, plus one additional step if they have received a fifteen-yeax increase, except for g appointments made under Subsection 3 ofthis Section. 9 If any person holding a graded position is promoted to position in a]ugher grade and the employee's 10 present salary is equal to, more than, or less than, bu 'thin five percent of the miniuium rate for the 11 higher grade, they shall be paid at the next salary p wlrich is at least five percent higher tiuw their 12 gresent rate, plus one additional step ifthey have lready received a fi$een-year increase. No employee 13 shall be paid at any longevity step that they ot received in the title from which they aze being 14 promoted. No employee shall receive a sal greater than the last step in the Standard Range for the 15 position, except for those employees who e been appointed under Subsection 3 of this Section. 16 17 18 19 20 21 accrual rate. 80118ti��' BlatcC Bostrom Coleman Hacris I.antry Reiter Adopted by Council: Adoption Certifiec�i B Requested by Department of: ��C�i �� �IlYYX4N hOQOV�CQ� By: �v�.� � Form Approved by City Attorney B �, � `��- ��� �G t � l�� Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date � Green Sheet # 62986 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Date ��