86-917 wHITE - CITV CIERK I EINK � FINANCE II COUACll / CANAFV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �1Q � �`� BLUE - MAVOR II File NO. �� . Coun i Resolution � • Presented By Referred Committee: Date �� Out of Commit e Date RESOLUI'ION APPROVING APPLICATION OF WNIELA SPECIALTY OONIPANY FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN TI� SAII�PI' PAUL �' RIVERFRONT EI�TI'ERPRISE ZONE AS CL�ASS 4d � � EMPIAYMEI�TI' PROPERTY �I WI�REAS, an a Specialty Canpany (the "Canpany") filed with the City Clerk an Application fo� c ssification of $400,000 in improvements to existing property located at 321 East Grov �St et and 606 Olive Street as Employment Property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sect' n 3.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program (the ��Pr�.���� � a �' WI�REAS, � he property improve,ments, tax classification, and State tax credits as set forth in deta i the June 3, 1986, Staff Report will result in the creation of 15 new jobs in Saint au by the renovation of the buildings; and WE�REAS, �th e has been presented to and considered at this meeting a Participation Agreement bet the City and the Canpany whereby the Canpany covenants respecting the canpletion of�pr rty improveanents; and Wf�REAS,Ijth City Clerk has sent copies of the Application to the Ramsey County Assessor and o e governing body of Independent School District No. 625 and of every other public d authorized to levy taxes upon the property and duly published on June 6, 1986, in the ai t Paul Legal Ledger, the official newspaper for the City a notice of public heari fore the City Council upon the Canpany's Application; and Wf�REAS �� District 5 Planning Council on June 4, 1986, reviewed and recaranended approval of he pplication; and �, � COUNCILME I Requested by Department of: Yeas prew y ay � Nicosia �,' In Favor Rettman 'i Scheibel Sonnen __ Ageltlst BY Tedesco 'i Wilson i Form Appr d by City Attorney Adopted by Council�I Date Certified Passed by ICou cil Secretary B �_ sy� � /�pproved by Mavor:i D te _ Appro d y Mayor for Subm' ion Council Bv - - — BY � I WMITE - Ci7V CIERK II PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council o� , y,�� �CANARV - DEPARTMEN File NO. " BLUE - MAVOR ,'i Council Resolution Presented By li Referred T�I Committee: Date Out of Com�l itt e By Date Wf�REAS t City Council conducted a public hearing on July 8, 1986, upon the Application t ich hearing opportunity was provided for the Applicant, the County Assessor, re re ntatives of affected ta�cing authorities and any taxpayer of the City or member of th lic to present their views orally or in writing at or before the hearing, and having d y onsidered the testimony and written views presented at the hearing and the Applicat n, staff report, draft Participation Agree�nent and Resolution dated June 25, 1986, of the town Riverfront Cc�enission recoirnnending approval of the Application; now therefore, it RESOLVE � by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby determines that the Application V ela Specialty Ccanpany, the property improvesnents, retained and new jobs and tax bene ts roposed meet the objectives of the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. �,, RESOLVED�!F HER that the City Council additionally finds and determines that the renovation ofi�iith Canpany's buildings: (1) is reasonably likely to create new employment in the City; ,(2) will not have the effect of transferring existing employment fran one or m�re other ci ie within Minnesota; (3) will result in an increase in market value of the esnployment pr y of $400,000 which is .000069$ of the market value of all t�able property in S int Paul; and (4) will not result in the reduction of the assessed value of existing pro ty within the City owned by Applicant. RESOLVED U HER that the Application and esnployment property reclassification thereby propo d s hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to transnit the Application t e r with a certified copy of this resolution to the Cc�unissioner of Energy and Ec an Develognent and the Cca�nissioner of Revenue for consideration and final approval - 2 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Illi Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia lil [p FaVOC Rettman Scheibel ��II sor,oe� _ Against By Tedesco Wilson I!I �ill Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: iil Dat Certified Yassed by Councl�l Se retary BY BS� � A roved b Ma or for Submission to Council Approved by :Navor: Dat � — PP Y y By _ _ — By ��I I il WHiTE - C�TV CLERKI PINK �- FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L Council o G tANARV - DEPARTME File NO. v �� / /� BLUE - MAVOR ''� Council Resolution Presented By �i Referred � Committee: Date Out of Co II� itt e By Date RESOLVEII F HER that the Participation Agreement between the City and the Applicant is hereby ap ro d, and the proper City officers are authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City, an upon its signature by the Applicant to transmit Attachment C of said Agreement to I th Cc�rtniss ioner of Energy and Econani c Develognent and the Ccmniss ioner of Revenue for ign ture by the CcxYUY►issioners or their designee upon final approval of the Application. '�; 'p ��i '�i � �i - 3 - . COUNCILMEN I'I Yeas Nay Requested partment of: Drew � Nicosia ill Rettman Irt FavOi Scheibel lili Sonnen �—__ Against BY ' Tedesco II�� Wilson �iil Adopted by Council: �II�I Dat JUL 8 1986 Form Approve y City Attorney Certified Passe y o 1 Se r ry BY B}� ► �Approve by Mavor: Dat II Appr by Mayor for S b si to G�uncil BY — BY ,, BIISHED J U L 1� 19�f DE PARTMENT � -Q�� N� 2 2 7 3 CONTACT PHONE DATE 1 Q��r� ,r Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR OU ING ORDER Cli Al1 Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Di � ct r 4 Director of Management/Mayor 2 Finance and M ag ent Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget Di rect r,BE• FNTFgpRISE ZDNE CRF.D.iT� � City Attorney , VOMELA SPECIALTY COMPANY i WHAT WILL BE ACHI ED Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : Enterprise Zone ed ts will be used as an incentive for Vomela to renovate their existing warehouse l�cate at 606 Olive Street in the Williams Hill area into a production screen printing facilit he company will also be enclosing some loading docks and adding additional space onto their ac lity at 321 East Grove Street which is also in the Williams Hill area. Vomela Specialty s ticipating creating an additional 15 to 30 new jobs and will be in- vesting approxim el $�U0,1J:OD into the two properties. Attached is a copy of the Participation Agreement for re w nd execution. COST/BENEFIT, BUDG AR AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � .�,. R�CEIVED .,� � �L��iu`�� �I �'y, - :� �Q�o N/A I � —''. �� �SS� OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR j i DEPARTMENT OF FtiVANCE � (;`;r:ic;r�'� OFFICE pND MANAGENIENT SERVICES FINANCING SOURCE AN BU GET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of an ction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: ' N A Activity Number: ! ATTACHMENTS List an' Nu ber All Attachments : 1. Draft City Cou il Resolution 2. Staff Report 3. Participation re nt cc. J. Shoholm � r �', DEPARTMENT REVIEW I'�; CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council'�, Res lution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insuran R quired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insuran� A tached: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 I �! AOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1, to assist in routing documents and i,n securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY APiD PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: � � ' CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDFRS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk - 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance,, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. ' � • � �� � (�f�-�/� � 6/3/86 STAFF REPORT RE: SPECIALTY CONIPANY RISE ZONE APPLICATION A. P II�'IPIAYMEI�TT PROPEKTY V I 1 Specialty Canpany proposes that its property located at 321 East G ve treet and 600 Olive Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, be r a ified as employment property through the City's Riverfront En e ise Zone Program. This property is identified by the Ramsey ' t Tax Department through the property identification nunbers 31 2 2-0066-8-625 and 31-29-22-0058-7-625. Th p perty at 321 East Grove Street is Vanela Specialty Canpany's ma n' ant. The property at 600 Olive Street is presently under- ut li d warehouse space. B. I AND PROP06ED USE V 1 s main plant of 50,000 square feet at 321 East Grove was � p c ed in 1973 and contains 4,000 square feet of office and 46,000 s r feet of production space. The canpany has been in business si ce 948. Thl ny proposes to enclose its west-facing loading dock on its ma n ant which will add approximately 300 square.feet and improve the a a ce of the facility signif icantly. Costs are projected at ap ro ' tely $50,000. Th w ehouse facility at 600 Olive Street contains 12,000 square feet wh h ill be upgraded into 12,000 square feet of manufacturing and 1, 0 quare feet of office space. An expansion of 800 square feet wi included in the $350,000 improvesnent cost estimate. The re a ed facility will becane the hcme to Olive Street Screen Printing wh h ill be a division of Vicenela. 3M approached the cxx�any rd ng the establisYment of this operation here because of their cl e rking relationship and its proximity to the research staff. Pr en ly the screen printing is being handled by a firm in Guin, A1 . Major clients of the screen printer are public agencies for st t signage, etc. C. ED INCRF�ASED MARKET VALUE It 's nticipated that wnrk to be conducted on both properties will in ea e the market value of both properties co�nbi.ned by $400,000 which is 00 069 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Pau�. � s � � ��� � _��� . � � . D. AND NEW J�S V 1 presently has 54 full-time and 38 part time employees at their n acility on Grove Street. With the creation of the new division e continued grawth of their main product line, they are a ic rating the creation of up to 30 new positions within three years. E. D ARTICIPATION AGREEMEI�Tr A a t Participation Agreement is attached to this report. It in lu s the following tax benefits for the ccangany: Annual 4-Year Total lo nt Property Reclassification $ 5,000 $20,000 S te ew Employee Credits 6,500 15,000 St te bt Financing Credits 25,000 25,000 To al $60,000 Th s presents a private-to-public ratio of approximately $7.50 pr a per $1 public tax reduction or credit. It also represents one n j per $2,000 tax credits or reductions. F. FINDIlVGS Th V la Specialty Ca�ariy application proposes creation of up to 30 ne j s, none of which w�ould be a transfer fran another Minnesota ici lity. The application further proposes establish¢nent of an o nt property classification of an estimated market value of $4 ,0 0 which is .000069 of the market value of all taxable property im ai t Paul. The proposal will not result in th� abandoranent or d I li ion of other property owned by the applicant in Saint Paul ca in reduction of the assessed value of existing property within the Ci . G. RE I DTIIaiTION Th st ff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul recamnends th '� Ci y Council approve the esnployment property reclassification for V la Specialty Ca�any. Staff further reco�tmends the City Council ap ov the attached Participation Agreement as drafted and fonaard At c nt C of the Agreement to the Ca�missioner of Energy and E c Develo�nent. . • ' , CITY OF SAINT PAUI, ��INNESOTA ; � APPLICATION FOR /� ✓ ! . � T R ONE TAX CREDITS �- I� ��� I lilii RIVERFRONT EN ERP ISE Z U`� , . 1 , Name of Pel�so Applying: R.J, LAMANNA, VICE PRESIDENT/�M _ Position: I'i0w r/Manager Name of Bu in s� VOMELA SPECIALTY COMPANY ' Address ofl'�';Bu 'ness• 321 EAST GROVE STREET ! ST. PAUL, MN 55101 ' , ?hone Numbll� . (612) 224-2354 . ; 2. Legal descll�i'pt on of the parcel of land on which the business is located (or is to 1 cated for new construction): i � 01 -582 �0-0 0-04 OLIVE STREET SCREEN PRINTING �' 01 -225 � -0 3-05 VOP�IELA SPECIALTY CO��PANY � i . I . 3. The market al e and assess�ed value of the land and other taxable proper±y � from your m� st recent Property Tax Statement: � � tstimated M� rk t Value: �OLIVE ST. - $225,000 / V0�1ELA - �787,5��) � Assessed Va� ue• (OLIVE ST. - � 96,750 / V0�1ELA - �329,625) � � 4, Total prope�l,ty taxes listed on line 10 of the property rax statement Tor 1985 payab e � 1986 : �'Note: attach a copy of your Property Tax State- ment. � a the ro ert ine5s do ou p P Y r ace for our bus , Y P Y 5, I f you 1 eas I t 1 and o sp y itaxes? �,i � iYes �,� No I Who pays thl�l pr perty taxes if you don ' t? � d � 6. Current num ��l r f employees: Full-time: �4 Part-time: 38 i �lill � i �� - �� . .i . I , A• A �len al description of the facilit r � � � �� 7 y o improvement and its proposed :,se, -f UP RA A :JAREHOJS� FACILITY INTO A r�1AiVUFACTURING FACI � LITY �RLATIN ! JP � TE SCREEN PRINT PROC�SS aND CRE:� JOB OPPORTUNITIES B• A plo� le time schedule for undertaking the constructi on or improvement. !�i i'ti-1' 1386 � C. An ;i e t� ate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement, �I��3� ,000 to $400,0�0 Ii 0, an e �lim te of the market value of the new or improved facilit excl i Q land i', wh n completed. Y � ud n, (OLIVI S . - $575,000) VOMELA I (�ROVE S T. - $887 50� ; E. The n mb of new jobs expected to be created. 15 t 0 30 over 2-3 years 8. State the �',typ and amount of enterprise zone incentives r equestEd and briefly explain w I� t ey are necessary to the project: � • ; New c � 1 o men t C red i ts - ;15,000.00 I �ebt F na ing Reduction - i $25,�00.00 � �ntitlll t a 50% Reduction in our Property Tax�s i i � All it s re needed to �nake this project seasible for expansion. It �vi?1 � � � bring i � m nufacturing that is currently being produced out of state of ;�1N. I � I hereby declar �l� an certify that this a � best oT my know idg and belief, pp� �cation is true and ccrrect to the , � �. _ ,.1_...._ . , r�`�S i gnaturel�i of A 1 ' � ' ` pp icant Date VI�E PRcSI I�i EN / GM Positi In o Title Remember to attal! t e following: . 1 • A copy o� y ur ro ert tax statement for taxes p p y payab 1 e i n 19 80, 2. A check or 51500, payable to the Port Authority of thA C'ty of �i d'i t Fd�a i � � , . � . w � 2NO '�, LF ST�1B - 1986 /',� � .� I� l.<�ANI;p.l�Nl � <C NO PHOPENTV IUbNT�FIC�\�Ill)NNO. /U/'" X/� `Q�� � r . _.. ___ -'--_ ._ __..... _ . ..___.. .. ._.---...._. _.__. </� V�� ! � � � � I! SE� (WN Hl;t Q7N 11� �-D r I o % � �� 31 29 22 14,_0066 8 FOR TAX DEPARTMENT USE ONIY Z _�_'. O ---- — _ N�>ML �,� �_f�x_F���-�-�-"�-�----�----� Y P a ~ ' MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ¢ � VOMELA PE IALTY COMPANY I DIRECTOR PROPERTY TAXATION N 321 GRD E T �s$ COURTHOUSE I I ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � I ST PAUI �MN 55101 � TOTAL � I III! •— TAX 12� 396� �Q Q � II PHUPE R iV_AI�DFif;SS---_- ---- - - E� TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR z I G BEFORE OCTOBER 15, 1986 a L6Q0 OL � ' T — w ----------------- S E C O N U w W �j TE I ANY NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGES �' TAx 6, 198• 1 O 2 I U Q I' r , w 0 DETACH HER II AN RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT TAXPAYE 5 OPY SSTATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAX �r�,,>�N �„�����'�Y � 986 r��r: vuu�: f+c�.: ios Pf\YABLE IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. PRUPERTY!DE TIFI TIONNQ w�„��L�.���UL LUAN SEC TWN NGE j TR iD Cip '^O OIST. CUMP NEW IMPROVEMENTS . ......-_............ LSfIMATED MARKET Vl1LUE _. _. ZZ S1OOO 1� 6� ASSESSED VALUE ......... .................. q 6 7 50 NAME OF TAXPAVER ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR A REFUND? To find out if you're eligible for V OME�A S � C A�T Y COMP ANY The Minnesota Property Tax Refund 321 GROV !� S filloutFORMM-1PRusingtheseamounts: ST PAUL .i 55101 1 Fill in this amount on line 10 t�'------- — ----- ----------- PRUPEH I V ADOIICS`._ `_ • o0 2 Fill in this amount on line 12 h�0 [1l IV I' � - --- --- I PRGPERTV OWNER � QO II V 7 M E L/� S P C 1 L T Y C O 1"P A tv Y Neeq a FORM M-1 PR?Read the Wck of this fpm. ?21 GROVE !' ST ST PAUI M � 55101 �— DELINQUENT I A �i____ _YClil�i iTlMIZ11� :�fA7EMENT 11 thia liox �;cl�ecl.ecl, y� � owi� iel�n��i.�en� taxus anel inuy a �. 5rn rE `SEE OVER _. ... . .. ._ .. •�0 nUt a�i��ly fui thr. �uopien� tdx fun�l. 4 COUNTY.__.. 21607• 3y __..... --�----- — --- --__-------------------- 2, 9 3 6. 3 S► SPE � IAL `i.`:F::::iMEN1S :�. IqWN:SItIP OH CI I Y. . NAME II N . AMOUNT R. SCIinOL. OISTRICT _.. .�.__ ..._.__.. 4)41b• 71 /. U"f11EFi TAXING UISiRICTS. '4�11.99 STP. MAINi 0 2 30b.72 A. FISCAI DISP. TAX 1� 605.66 WASTE MGMT', 00 9 81. 34 i a rnx eeFOaE cREOirs. ._ .. _,. 12� 008. 14 � I 9. CNEOiTS WHICH REOUCE vOUR TAX... i 1 li � � i���. lQ. TAX qFTEfi CREDITS._...._...._..... 1 Z)OO V� 14 I 1�. ;PFCIAI. ASSESSMENTS II� IA. PRINCIPAL... _._..... ._................ 3BEj�Qb I �ili B. INTEREST_............._..__.... _. .... •OO i TOTAL•SEE ITE II 1 1 3 8 8�Q 5 �Z TOTAL TAX _�.. 12�3 96• - ' , W � ' 2N �I �1 LF S�'�� - �9�6 f . • � � LOANCO.A AC T.NQ �PNUPEHf"��DENTIFIi�r1I"IUN_NU �� �.Q/� / Q �--- �-r / . I = I II! �C I TWN I RGE U-iR ID ���� � , � �1�29 Z 2�1 4L00 5 8 7I FGR TAX DEPARTMENT USE ONIY z NAMEOFTaxPAVER �-� ITY OF ST• PAUL O �- j MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO aV C1 M E L A IIIII S P C I A L T Y C O I DIRECTOR PROPERTY TAXATION � f 138 COURTHOUSE N i 321 GR VF ST E � � ST PAUI M 55101 I ST. PAUL. MWNESOTA55102 � I I� I � TOTAL ' ' � rax 41,7 5 8. 8 4 W PROPERT'I A�DfiESS � TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR 0 II BEFORE OCTOBER 15, 1986 2 a R V T � I SETAXO i 24s879• 42 w RIT IN ANY NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGES _ = li U Q H W I I � DETACH HEI E A D RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT YOUR CANCELLED CHECK IS YOUR RECEIPT TAXPAY ' COPY 5STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAX RETAtN THIS P�� � ��� F�:�� vuuc� F�F i o�r PAYABLE IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINN. PROPERTV I ENTI ICATION NO. rn SCHOOL LOAN __ _.. �-� W"" OIST CUMP. i sE�. 'TwN R C1 �u ;p I NEW IMPRUVEMENTS . ...... ..... I � ii ' F_.STIMATED MARKET VALUE __ ... T8T) 5OO � 31 29 Z 1 0058 I 7 62 5 nssESSE� va�uE _......... ..... ....... ... 329�625 NAME UF TAXPAYEF ARE YOU EL�GIBLE FOR A REFUND? To find out if you're eligible for � VO MF. L A II P E 1 A L T Y CO � The Minnesota Property Tax Refund I3 21 GR(] E T E i fill out FORM M-1 PR using these amounts: ST PAUL ��,MN 55101 � I ; 1 Fill in this amount on line 10 �--- -------- -------- I I II� PROPERTV AppRtSS _� • OO r— �i � 2 Fill in this amount on line 12 I PROPERTY OWNER � 40 � V�M E�.A I E I A l�Y C� � N�etl a FORM M-1 PR?Reatl the Wck of thK fOrm. � 321 GRO '� T � I IST PAUL ;i N 55101 � I � DELINQUEN I i X � I YOUR iTEMIZED S'fATEMENT �f this bOx is checkeei I ou e delinquenr rTxes and may � 3. STATE 'SEE OVER .......... ...._... . • Q� not appry for The pro rry t x retund. a. COUtvTV B s B 83�2 q __ __ __ .._ __ ---- ------ ----------------- I Erl L ASSt`.iSMEN�TS !�. TUWNSHIP OR CITY .. . . ... .... 1 G)OO4• �----., NAME NO AMOVNT 6. $CHOOL OISTRICT . _ ._... __ .._ � 1 5)0�1 7• 5 4 I � 7. OTI-1ER TAXING DISTNICiS...... � 1, 505. 84 STR. MAII T� 0321 766.� A. FISCAI DIS P. TAX 5, 47u. 58 WASTE MG .Ti 099' 81. 34� � rnx HE��a� cHtons _. . 40� 911 .42 I ': i I I �� CREDiTS WHiCH REDUCE YOUR TAX._ i I i I i I I I � I - II ' � I , , i � 10. TAX AFTER CREDIIS_._ _... . . _ I �v/ �il � �1� I � � I � 11 SPECIAI.. ASSESSMENTS I I I , II��� � �/ , I. I I A. PRINGPAL....._....._......._ _..... . A� / �42 II � �1'^ � I � I I L�. INTEREST._... ._..._......._.. _. ..... • VV i i � I� % I � -~ — - - a47 .4�'; � 41s758. 84 � i TOTAL-SEE I EM 1 � 12.TOTAL TAX �.� I ( — — ----- -- —�--- � . . (J,��-y/� . , NaTICE il�l I ap lication for reclassification of property through Saint Paul's Riverf nt Enterprise Zone Program has been filed by Vanela Specialty Ccxnpan i e property proposed for reclassification is located at 321 East Grave r t and 600 Olive Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota. I p operty reclassification will be considered at the following public ings: Downt II R erfront CaYmission: Develo�nent Task Force Nbnday,I���J 16, 1986 2:00 p.m. lOth F1 r onference Room, City Hall Annex 25 W. 4 h reet St. Pa , 55102 Cit Del 1 nt and Tran rtation Ccmnittee Monday, �� un 30, 1986 1:30 p.m. Roo�n 70 - th Floor City Hall 15 W. K 1 g Boulevard St. Pa 55102 Saint P it Council Public Hearin �esday,IJ 8, 1986 10:00 a.m. City C ci Chambers 3rd Floo - ity Hall 15 W. Ke 1 Boulevard St. Paul 55102 Int e ed parties are welcane at any or all of these meetings. The applican , e assessor, representative of the affected taxing authorities, and any in Paul taxpayer may be heard or may present their views in writing o before the ,3uly 8 public hearing. Cop s f the application, the report of the Port Authority of the City of in Paul, and the proposed Participation Agree�nent betw�een Vanela Special � C ny and the Port Authority may be inspected at the Port Authorit lof ice during noYmal business hours. Written camn�nts may be deliver �ior iled c% Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, 25 W. Fourth S ee , Suite 1305, Saint Paul, NIDI 55102. Telephone inquiries may be made t J Caanpobasso, 224-5686. �� . � � . �. .� • �b - . • ��i�� �!�I�! �� ' ' ►�H� � ♦ ` �r " � . ��s , ���� �� �, '�i,���� 1 ��,�. � •� - — . -a , _ � � , �, � . — =. ' ,�i' ����I! � �` :�� I :�����f''�.. � �� -- �� I�� �ii 111�� I"� � .� .� ,. � � i Li�i►i . �I' �'!�'�� ��� ■���..l��� , 111'1l11' i;; •�-- ���� ■ ■� � '�� �'� � ■ � �C,::��a��l �' �� 11�'��i�■-�_�► i � 11� � � ■���� ' � � '_�r-� � �� � � � Sa �� ■ ������� -� , ���� .. ,.���\�'���'I�1",'��"�'�"",�Lt""' , ��1,���'�'"t"'1' `�"" I�,il 11-11 il II II!I��� ���1i=1�=f�:11� I ��N I�I�1�11�1 _�� ����������������i����a ��� ����- � �to � ►�, � �ii� : , �����iii�ii��iiiiiiriiiiii i i 11; � ` � -V�� 1���,������II����������N ■__���~ ■ :�,1 - 11IIliIIIIII�IIiIIIIIIIIIi �� i�hfii�� ' !II il II�II`II'II����II'`�II'If�l I _�!!� � � —=iiII�IIII �I�IIIIIIIII' � � �����II II� I II II II II II II il �✓ ---_�------=--- . . ���1 i i��i o���si imi i ii ii � � II II(II I ll ll ll li i l '� � -- � -- � / . A�1� • - � IIIi�l�'�� __ . / . ' ����Y� ;� �► _ __-- �_ , ——. - � � —— �I - �°- . � . • I _ . � - : , . � . ��_�,7 CITY OF SA.INT PAUL ������.���^e OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �....�a.� � . �= Date . June 30. 1986 _ COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = !' Qint PQU I City Council FRO I� � ommittee on City Development and Transportation CMAIR . William L . Wilson � !I' 1 . Erttcrprise Zone CreditS - Plastics. Inc. , � " � ' M!?�a Spec. Co. (�+�d ' � .;. �af ccu�mi t�.�ee w i#�ttout ur r�acctmmer►c4�t i�n) . I�� 2. Consideration of Guidetines for UDAG Revolving Loan Fund: Commercial Real Estate Prograrn (HRA) (Committee recommends approval with amendments) . . !I�I . CTTY HA3.� SEVENTH FLOOR SAiI�i'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�„ u i . . ' � � .�,�i--� ����--�_� . - r�zc� o� �zr� �ur� or� �r�c�rc�: Fo� �z�ic�a� o� �� �o� �. PUR'L�6F� DN� THF� II�RIS� Z� P� ta Minnesota Statutes 1984F Section 273.1313 Subdivisiorr 2(b) an� ta isiort of the Progranr Eor City of Saiat P�ul Riverfront Enterp Zone NOTICE I� I�REB� GI.VEDi Z�T`A. P[JBLIG I�ARING� will be� held before cil o� the Citp� of �int Paul in th� Council Cha�nbers� third floor - ffalY,. 15: West KeYlogg Boulevar�p Sarin� Paul� Minnesota on Tuesday 8t}� day of July, 1986, at IQ.04 a.m.� or a�. soor� thereaftez as the ma r be heardf uPcn the` ApPiicatiorr of Vaae1� Specialty Canpany► 321 Eas G ve Street and 600 Oliv� Street,- Saint Paulr Minnesota for reclas if c�tion of certairt real property located in the Saint Paul Rive nt Enterprise Zone�� Ramsey County, Minnesota, as employment . prope a d for assessment of saic� property as provided for class- 4d prope i l�innesota Statuteg 1984r Section 273�13 Subdivision 9, Para lt 4) for taxes: leviec� ur 1956 and for four succeeding years th . AT' � POBLIC HEARING th� City CounciZ w�ill consider whether to approv saic� Applicatio� upon finding� a� required by Minnesota Statut 19 , Section 273.1313 Subdivisiorr 2.(d) .. At said hearing, the APPiica t,. th� Ramsey Count�r. Assessor, rep�esentatives of affected taxing authori es any taxpayer o� t� m�icipality or representativ� of any coamnuai ganizatioa� vaill l�ave� oppoztunity ta be heard: or may present their vi ' writi.ng at or befor� th� Hearir�g. _ Cop � s. f the� Application, the report of the� Saint Paul Riverfront Offic� � e proposed Participatiorr Agreement betw�een the� Applicant and the City� be� inspected at th� offices of the City Clerk or the Port Authori the City of Saint Faul during nonmal business hours� and written nt� may be delivered or mailed. % City Clerk, RoccR 386, City Ha11� W st RelTogg Boulevarct,. Saint Paul, MN 55102, or c/o Port Authcri the City of S�int Paul,. Z� West Fourth Street, Suit� 1.305, Saint Pa ,. 55102.. Telephone inquiries may b�mad� to John C�Qobasso, 22�-568G _ AIBERT B I' , City Clerk il�l I� , . . . I� ��� �`�� - PORT AUT I RI OF THE CIN OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE 800 328-8417 � ) 1900 AMH�� IST OWER • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN, 55102 • PHONE(612)224-5686 October 22, 1986 MI�� . bert B. Olson C ty lerk C ty lerk's Office 3 6 'ty Hall S��. P ul, Minnesota 55102 S E : ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS VOMELA SPECIALTY CONIPANY I� r r. Olson: EI lo is the fully executed Participation P,greement for the V 1 Specialty Canpany project for your files. Since�ely, � J � �.e.,u.,,:,����-- � John A. Ca�npobasso Development Assistant JA •C Enll. EUGENE A KRAUi,C.I.D. D ALD .DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD E.RAMSTED,P.E. PERRY K.FEDERS C.P.A EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT T.EXE .VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEfY� CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ASST.TREASURER RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGIVERN PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W.WIN ILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAYMOND E.LANGEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D. Certified Industrial Developer � � ` � �oiir q�TH PAB1'IQPATI01� AGBEEI�NT EAK �R�TY OF BIVEBFgONT ENTEBPItISS ZOIIH �GD✓ ST PAU L CITY` OF' S�IN'P PAQL �MT ,ll . _ CER �AC✓ - J . R � (� � � � AG :y •, bb �ET W� M Preaable RYF RAM 1. ?3rtici alin Businessz Z. A lication A roval KLC P PP PP !3ame � Date JUNE 5, 1386 VOME �A S ECIALTY �Of1PANY Council Approval: 7/8/86 Address i' C.F. No. 86-917 321 S GROVE STREET City Council ST. I UL MN 55101 Employnent Property Classification Effectine For Assessment Years 19 $6 thru 19 91 i li Employment Propertp Classification Certificatioa bp Commissioner Departmen� of Revenue dated August 14, 1986 (Attachment C) 3. (Persons)( Ilff ers) Authorfzed ta Sig� for Participating Business: 20CK J. �i•lAN A CARLO J . LAMANNA � Name • Name . - VIC PRES �iDEN /GM PRESIDENT/CEO Ti 1 ii T le �L t — � Si a r i� Si a re . 4. Person Autllri ed to Receive Communications for Participating Business: ROCK J. LA� NP Name Is Authorized to Receive Communications Fro� the City or_ �rate--on Aehalf of VICE PRESIIEN GM the Participating Business. Title i 321 EAST G OVE STREET, ST. PAUL, M�� 55101 Add res s (612) 224- �i 54 Telepttone �, � �'�.- �'�� � 5. �escriptl�i n f Property to Receive "Employment Property" Classifi ti n (Use Description Fro� Ramsey Couaty Department Space for Use of of Taxat � n,, 126 City Hall and Couaty Courthouse): Ramsey County Dept. of Taxation ' PIN Classification Entered: Date: 31-29-22 ���14- 058-7: Daytons Addition Vac St & Alley Accruin & Fol ; Ex E 98.37 Ft MOL S 50 Ft of E 148.86 Ft of Blk 2 & Lots 11 _ 31-29-22-' 4- 66-8: Patersons Additi n t T f P Ft part NE1 of C1 of Ori 16 Ft G N R S ur R W of Lot 3 Blk 4 (Use Reverse Side• of This Page If Necessary) 6. Alternati I L cal Contribution: Yeg Na X Descriptio - • . . 7. Types of Sl�at Tax Reduction: (a) Sales I� x xemptioA Amount (b) Income''� a Credit (1) Em � o e- Credit X Amount $15,000.00 (2) De S rvice Credit X Amouat $25,000.00 (c) State I id Propertp Tax Credit Amauat n and re s sh 1 be those� as certified b the The e al�l� a ount of exemptio c dit al y tYP Commission o Energy and Ecorcomic Development. If there is variance between this sectio� a d the Commissioner's Certification, the latter wfll control (Attachment��, C) Subject to I' o liance with this Agreement, to the p*ovisions of Minnesota Statutes t9 4, Section 273.1312 to 273.1314 inclusive, and such regulations as may be adop �ed by the Department of Revenue or of Ener�y and Economic Development lthe "Act",l � a unon filing proper tax returns and schedules, the participating busir.ess is iiel ible for credits as appropriate a�ai^st Minnesota i:.come �ax �r.d praperty t 1 bilities for the tax years 19 86 through 1991 . �� � . • 8. COVEN IS P.4RTICIPATING BUSINESS: Ia raakil� plicatioa for eaterprfse zone credits,, th� participating business has rep s ted and hereby covenaats, for itself aad ita successors or assigns, C the "P pattag Business'�): (a) thal (i ) � he) wf.11 submit� constructioa plan� and evideace of financfng and , 1 commence, diligeatlp pursur and timelp complete� improvements to the pro rt describe� ia Sectioa 5 above ia the dollar amouat and as specified ia e Propertp Improve�meat Schedule" anaexed hereto as AttachmenC "A". Co � c nt Date June 1, 1986 Co I et oa Date September 30, 1986 Amo I t 400,000.00 (b) tha li' (i ) ( he) wf1Z recruit, employ and traia ne�s employees resident ia the �co mic hardsttig are� designate� i� th� Riverfront Enterprise Zone Pro a� or persoss whn are unemp�loped an� economicall}t disadvantaged or of a pr t ed class ia accordance with the provisioAS of *_he "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAI N SCHEDIILE'f anaexed hereto as Attachment "B", and that the- minimum rrumb r ae�s employee�- shall be as follows: " Numbl Ne� Employes� 15 . (c) tttaEli� i ( .he) wtll maintaia complete record� respecting its performance of t c venaats set forttr ia Sectioa 8(a) and (b) herein, and permit access to s d ecords� by accredite� representatives of the Minnesota Commissioner of R ea e, Ramsey Countp Tax Department 3nd Saint Paul Port Authority; tha� (it) i he) �sill report quarterly to the Divisiotr of Job Creatioa and Trai �g the number of hires covered by this Agreement; and that upon requ t nd at lea3t annually lit) ( he) will report to the Saint Paul Port ut ority oa farms pronided by the Saint Paul Port Authority on cons c oa completioa, ne� hires and other direct or indirect economic acti ty resultin� fro� itg facility oper�tioas ia the Riverfront Enterprise Zone.i; . (d) that it ( he) will promptlp and satisfactorily perform each covenant herei ertakea and each other requirement of the Act,. the Program or of this meaC imposed a� a coaditioA of the approval of the applicatioa for and aa of ta�c credits and designatiou of property classification. . 9. REVOCATIO � The Counc � revok� aa alternative local contributioa and map request the Commfssio r f Revenue tc approve th� revocatioa of a classificatioa pursuant to the Ac � i it finda and determines by resolution, after hearing upon notice mailed toi�th applicaat bp certified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, thaC � (a) The cl st ction or improvement of the Farticipating Business' property and opera a �scility hss net been c�mpl��ed ��ri.�hin two years aFt�r th� appro 1 f the classificatiun, or anp loager period as may be provided in Secti 8 a) hereof; ' � i� . b Th� ilar ci atin Busfness has. not roceede� ia ood faith with the � ) F S P 8 coas ru tio� or improvemeat af the facilitv, or wfth its operatios, in a mann r ich ia �oasisteat with the purpose af the Act, the representations et � plicatioa,. or the covenaats of this Agreemeat; or (�) The I r clpatfng Busiaess hss afsrepresented a material statemeat contained ia i glicatioa for taa credit has. failed to perfor� any express covenant of t s ree�nt or is �ot ia coIItinuing compliance with requiremeats or coa io s for apprnv�l or grant of aa alternative Iocal caAtribution, state taa du tioas er creditg under the Act,. the Progra� orr this Agreement.. RE.VOCATI � 0 AN ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTItIBLTTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPER'I'Y CLASSIFI TI N SHALL TERMINATE STATE TAX EICgIPTION�, CREDITS AND REDIICTIONS. The City 'lo cfl map impose or request impositioa of a remedp other thaa revocati , ncludiag �ithholdin� of eligfbility certifications for credits, . � exem�Qtie o reductions, or iastitutioa of suit for specific performance or other re dy ia la� or e4uitg. Na failure of the City to exercise or make selectio I' of � particular remedy for bresclz of thfg Agreement bp the Participa�in Business shall be� deemed a waiver of its rfghts to enforc� performan e the Participatin� Business of it�. otrligations under the Act or thig Agre me bp anp remedp avaflable ta the City ia laa. 10. �ECAPTURI.�`.�� . . Za tl�e ev � t he Psrticip�ting Busiaess ceases to� operate its facilitp in the Riverfroa erprtse Zoar wfthia twc yesra� after th� eapiratfoa. of tax reduction u er the Act an� thig Agreement, the Farticipating Business covenaats Ii a agrees that iC stcall repay th� amount of tax reductions and of th� local coa b oit pursuaat ta the following schedule: Ter�dnati I� o Operatfons Hepay�ent Portion Les� thaal nths after eapiratioa of tau reductions 100 percent 6 moaths I�� 75 percent 12 mosths � r re, hut lea� thaa 18 mosths 50 percent . 18 montha� II r re,, but less� thaa 24 moaths 25 percent The repa I at sha1.I be i�ediately due upou such cessatiosr of operation of its zone facil ty� payable to the State of Minnesota to the extent it represents an incom� t ,icr it or reductioa and papable� to the City to the extent it representsi�a operty taa reductiaa or other local contribution. 11. OTSEIt TERM II . . � . ' /�, �J. C; ��� _ • 12. EFFECTII� D TE This A Ilei at has bPea accepted aad. executed ou behalf of the Participating 3usiaes b the otficers wttose. titleg and sigaatures appear in Section 3, above The App ca os aad Agreement have beea approved by actiou of the Saiat Paul City Co ci as recited ia Sectioa 2 abcve, and is executed oa behalf of the Ci±q of ai t Paul bg the� officers whose tftles and signatures appear below. 'This Ag e at shall be effective upoa its executio� ia Sectioa 2 above and its delive 'ito th� City of Saiat Pau1. bp the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or ais auth ri ed desigaer. CI F PAQL By Date OR _ � c-:i % . 3Y r��� ' 1 �..;� Date CI ` � Bp Date � � JIREC AR 0 FINANCE � MANAGEMENT SERVICES - Appr II s- o For� � .--- � �% • Assistan I, Ci p Attorney . . j , lill . � , . • PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE ATTACHMEIVT"�" PART1CiPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRQNT EN i ERPRISEZONE - � VOMELA SPECIALTY COi�1PANY PARTlCIPAT(NCs BUSINESS A. Facility descriptio Ii�, Renovation e istin warehouse facilit at 60 Oliv r ' g production ci it . The facilit is 1' 0 � f 1 0 s .f . of office s ce Grove Street��,ad 'n a roximatel 300 s .ft. of roduction s ace. Total c t ' estimated at $ �00, 00. B. Construction Speci I ti s(identity every specification or drawing,title;date and approving architect or engineer)* Bui di lan PN-10286 dated March 24 -- .. -- . _ _ . (copies of each dra g specification must be supplied to the Riverfront Office). C. Construction Cast D II �I . . . D. F�nanc�nq commitm I� ( uiry and mortgage financing) � Financin isll�bei secured throu h t�orwest Ba - . P *Preliminary plans m I be ubmitted with the Application.Within T days of approval of this Application by the Commissioner of R nu ,final construction plans and specifications acceptable to ths City will be submitted. VOMELA SPECIA lil Y OMPANY IP TIN 9USI!�!ESS Ci ' ^ � gy ROCK J. LAMANNA By Mayor gy CARLO J. LAMANNA BY � Cit Clerk , '' EMpLpYMENT ANQ 7RAININC SCHEDULE ATTACMMENT"�' PAfiT1ClPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE VOMELA SPECIALTY COh1PANY , PAFiTICIPATING BUSINESS . I. GENERA '� A. The Ciry d 'r to incresse emplcyment opportuniUes fo�Ciry residents:who are low/moderate income or econom�c ly d dvantageid(i.e,JTPA-e(igibledefined�i�Exhibit�with Developer/Employers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riv o Entetprise Zon� B. Deveioper I Em oyer agrees to use the Ciiy as its pnmary source for recruitmen�training.referral,and placement of new or r eM entry level emoioyees��r acco�dance wrth the terms of this Agreemer:t C. The City's e1 teagency will be the Job Creation and Training Section in the Oepartment of Planning and Economic Developm t nt Paul,MN 55102(Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agency as may be designaced by the Mayor. D. This Agr I en ecome�effective upon the�date hereof and shall continue for five years�rom the time Employet/ ev per occupies facilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,unless terminated as provided herein. E This Agr ertt hall be applicable ta all Developer/Employer new or replacemeni entry level pos+tions for which low/mod �i ome or economically disadvantaged(i.o-.JTPA-aligible)persons are or might reasonably be available is reement shall not apply to those jobs covered by existi�q collective bargaining agreements or other contracts whi h the�evelopeN Employer is a party,where theterms of this Agreement woutd cause Developer p er to breach the prcvisions of such agreements. , II. RECRUI E � � A. The emplo II en positions covered by this Agreement incluCe all Oeveloper/Employer job openings performecf within the Riverfr t erpriseZone in the classifications,titles and qualificaaens contained i� Exhibit A. B. The Oeveloll eri ployer will notify Joh Creatiort of its need for new employees in covered positions as soon as the Oeveloper/ pl yer decides to hfre such employeesor, if possible,fifteen(15) working days prior to the expected . hiring date No ication may include the infortr�ation required in Exhibit A. C. ThQ Oevel II / ployerwill provid�Jotr Creation with its best estimate of the number and timing of potential job openings. u use of theform provided in Exhibit B.. 0. The Devel I / ployer may notity Job Cr�aort of all vacancies for OevNopeN Employer openings in the Riverfront Enterprise ne hiclt are not covere�by thia Agreement The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire employees from these� a from Jotr CrestioR however:must demortstrstsa good faifh eftort irt thia regard. E Job openin I w ctr are�tilled by intemal promotions from the DevelopeN Employer's local worlc force are not covered by thia Ag Ilt. REFERRA II' A. Job Cr�tl wi0 efer applicanb according to the qualificatlo�s requested by Oeveloper/Employer. B. If training fol� s ific jotr openings haa beert agreed upon betwesrt the Ciry and Oeve{opeN Employer in a sepa�ate agreement de paragraph V.hereof,traineQapplicants will beconsidered qualified only when the traini�g is successfull �co leted by applicant C. OevelopeN I pl er reservea the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additional employees. including the qualificatio of plicants.but agrees to hire for covered posidons from among those persons referred by Job Creation wh m the job.descriptions and qualifications,or other persons certified as eligible: . �� � . . IV. PLACEM 'I'I T A. When Dev I per ployer notifies Job Creation of jotr opernngs�n covered positions prior ta fiReen(15)working days in advence th roposed date to hire.Job CresUO�will noety the Empioyer five�5) worki�g days pnor to the application si date of the number of applicants Job Creation will refe�. 8. !f Job CreStl I c not refer the total number of qualified persons,the Oeveloper/Employer may fill the remaining posiUOna.by y ean� C. Jot�Creatio I ill provide assistance snd monrtor job rgtention of empioyees placed under this agreement for six months,and ►m itor Developer/Employer's performace under thia Agreement Developer!Employer will subm�t Quarterly Hi g S maries in the form attached as Exhibit C. D. After the 0 I op /Employer has hired an applica�t refer�ed by Job Creadort.Job Creation will not be respons�ble for che employ i co duct and the Developer/Employer releases the city from any liabiliry for the actions of such employees , V. TRAININCs .II� � A. Job Creation � d e0evelopeN Employer may agree irt a spearate agreement to develop classroom traming, on-the-job in pre-employment training or other trairnng programs.Tha training specifications and cost for such traininq.shall foRh in that Agreement • B. TheDevelo , Em loyerwill notdiscondnue�routineon-the-joti training W emplQyees hired under this Agreement, . because of thi Ag ent or supplements to this Agreement VI. CONTROLU. � WSrANQ AGREEMEI�T� .A. If this Agreem I t c flicts with or requires OevelopeN Employer to breach an existing coilective bargaimng agreement or any other e stin agreemenb,said agreements.shall prevaiL ' . 8. DevelopeN Eml loy will provideJotr Creation with writtert evidence that Developer/Employer haa provided the representative f a collective bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments from said urnt Oevelo Em loyer will provide such commenb to Jotr Creation. C. The Developer�Em oyer wilt comply with any local,stat�.or federal lav�o�regulation as!hey pertain to the Enterprlse Zone designati n. VN. DEFINITION I A. Riverfront En I ri n� - The ar�desig I tsd the State of Minnesota aa an enterprise zone as detailed in cxhibit D. B. Coverod Emplo II New or replac ��eM leve!empleyees and such other employe+as as may be mutually agreed upon between the p8rdes V ME�A SIIIECI LTY COMPANY ATING BUSINESS Cib�r of n � ROCK J. LAMANNA By M � CARLO J. LAMANNA � ' ! City Clerk . � ATTACHMENT B DCHIBIT A . JOB ORDER FORM City of Saint Paul , Divisiort of Jotr Creation and Training . �. Employer 2. Date 3. Job Title 4. Number of Openings 5. Job Location . ' 6. Contact Person Phone 7. Superviso� 8. Beginning Date Ending 9. Starting Salary $ per Salary after training I',�� per 10. Beneflts �1. Days to be worked ' 12. Hours 13. Will union membersh be equired? Yes No - If yes,.which union � I l number - — . 14. If this job involved ort I e-j b training tc be subsidized by the City,how long will that training period be? (attach specific traini PI ) 15. Specific Duties . . i 6. Necessary Qualificatio�� - . Skill: Level of experience or training required to enter program (include licenses and/or certificates necessary): . . 17. Is a valid Minnesota Dri I rs' cense required? Yes N �� 18. Are your employ �s in tiis position expected to provide any necessary tools in the job(s)?Yes N�+ (If yes, pl�ase attach an i mi list(with pricesl of toofs required for each position.) • ��"9�'� i 9. Education level n I� to perform this job(if any) . . . 20. Oescribe any on-t I�' jo training you normaily provide far this position(i.e,without City fundinq) -- -- - — - 21. Is there a possibili � for romotion from this job?Yes No _ If yes,to what posi I n(s 22. Environmental Co I iUo 23. Physical Demands a.�.Norking Enviror I�ent a.Strength=%time job will require Inside ',�'�i6 Standing % , Walking % Outside � �i6 Sitting ai6 Yes No Weight(Number of Pounds) b.Extremecold withl rw out Lifting Carrying temperature chan s Pushing Pulling c.Extreme hest with I�r wi out Yes No temperature chan b.Climbing d.Wet and/or humid��� . Ba�ancing Stooping e.Vibration I',� . Kneeling � � Crouching Crawling f.� Hazards ���� Reaching Mechanical Handling Electrical Fingering Burns Feeling Explosives T Ikin Radioactivity a g th Hearing O er Ordinary Canversatiort g.AUnospheric Condidll ns Other Sounds Fumes Dusts Seeing Mists Acuiry, Near .Acui ,Far Gases . � P , Depth Perception oor Ventil ti a ort Other I�;II�� Color Vision Feld of Vision h.Noise Esbmated Maximu'I Number af Oecibe 24. Could a person with lim I� giish speaking skills perform this j�b? Yes No Could a person with lim'� glish reading/writing skills perform this job? Yes No 25. Is public transportati�n � �i!y ccBCSIhI?? Yss �le . 26. Does the job require shi I,wor or other than traditional hours? Yes No (If yes, please ciarify) ' ' n� �r�.nw��.� . � p(HIBIT B � ESTIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE . City of Saint Paul Depa�tment of Planning and Economic Development Job Creadon and Training Secbon �p�oy� VOMELA SI EC LTY COMPANY Oate T�irom Futuro Jolx I�, Othst Imme�iatt Nsw Hiros Titles Locatlo�a New�Hiros (No.�Date) O1ive Street P1an � � I Press Operators ; - - - 3 4 Producti on Asst,�' - - - 2 3 ' Production Sur�po� t � ! ; Asst. - - - � � ; � � Grove Street Plant �'� ' ie utters r - - - 3 � Strippers - - - 4 � � • Assemblers �� - - - . 3 ' i . I , I 1 Over Next Three Yeal� s, -10 Additional Hire � � � . ; ; ; � _ _ . , � . , � � � � � � , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � _ � . � �d ��7 ATTACHMENT B , DCHIBIT C QU�RTERLY HIRING SUMNtARY � . For Quarter Ending- Listed below are th po tions in your firm which are covered under the Employment and Training Agreement with the Ciry. Please list the num o hires for this quarter for each category and return this fortn to the Division of Job Creation and Training withirt thi (30 days following the close of that quarter. Positiorr Title Total New Hires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. __ . _ - — . 7. ' . 8. I certity that the abov info atiort is Vue and accurate . c ji - Authorized Signature Title Date Please returrt this fo II� o. . Divisiort of Job Creatiol an Traininq Oepartment of Plannin and Economic Deveiopment 25 West Fourth Street '; Saint Paul,Minnesota 10 n��ub�uiiCi�� v - �n�i �u i � v ��� � '� ' � l' ' , : I ; / � ��II� [��L ee�� :.TP� , ..k.c �I � , , , i T� i I �.� � �i ,� � � � , '� � l._i..�L_� 6���eBE� �1� .� f �\ .�1�• �� � � \ ^ � �I Y �� .�- 1 I � I �_\ �^_,I i I ' ♦ , � ��� I .I I�� � \! '�!' � I� I I ,I� � -_� l;�t�... � � ' � .� ' � J��� . �� —� 1�f 1 1 T � . \ ` � � iT I �� ' I� '���� �'� ��' '_ .�` Q . � I '�� 1_li _.� I`' � '_'-_- _' ^ ' t�i�l2��_ ..;�, - r--r .. � i ' 3 � --- -- K '.� �.,:' �.. i ; .� � : ; , .' - , _ —.�. � i — _ _ - - �7 �� �� _'_ ,"' --- ---.:.� ._ -- --- `� -- ,�� =��� ,� l�+ �� � ., , � �� !! :�1- . , �-- .�ir.t�. 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N � a ... .» a.. �... ,aes ►arr � R H Enterprise Zone �� �� , - ; ATTACHMENT C MIhNEI O DEPART NT OF EN � ONOMIC VE�.OPMENT ' C rtification and Appltcation tor Eaterprise Zone Credlt , '� N�ms ot Bwina� Minn�wts[D�Num�r F�d�rsl ID NumMr VOMELA SPECI TY COMPANY 0975540-0-00 41-0850230 Addnu(numb�e and trNt Nun��nd tdephon�numb�r ot p�ewn to eontut�t ehi� 321 Esst Grov S eet bu�inew if M�h�v�Qu��tioru�bout thi�torm. Rock J. LaManna (612) 224-2354 City i' Stste - Zip Cod� St. Paul �� I�IN SS10i Dacrib�th�expsniion tiv y(pusre f�et ot exp�n�ion,numb�r ot joM ee�at�d,incn��in psywll,iners�s in muk�t valu�,cwt ot �xp�n�ion,d��uiption t bu n...,�,a�.eur.ot�c.proa�ec). Renovation and expansion Of 8 14�000 Sq.f C. pro— duction facilit ,� fo a screen printing process increasing the market value of the propert ver 15 new obs. �nt�rori��Zon�Cr�dih � 4. Int�sNt ud on d bt to fin I t�o lruetion materiab or equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. 1. Ssl��t p sid on uteha�p c�e �truetion ot n�w taeility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. '25 F,j)On S. s. Numb�r ot work�n�mp �d. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��._1 S. . . . . P Y � t 8 low) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. - 1 OOO e. Multi 1 th�numb�r on •s th�unoune on line b r b• r�dit �r w�ork�s from i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3c. 1�,�00� Bord�r C�tv 2one�Oniv " " " " " " " - 4. s. Numbu of work�n�mpl d. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �a. b. Credit per work�r(irom 1 �a 7 lon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. P Y n b th�amount on line b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c. c, u ti i tha numtxr on li Totsi Crodit� ' S. Totsl ent�rpris�son�endits I� d I e� 1,2,Se and 1c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. � � • � • . . . . . . . . . a. $40.000 Enterpria�2on�City Nsme snd tele hon�num P b�r of penon to contaet it we hav�que�tion� about thi�form St. Paul John A. Campobasso, St. Paul Port Authority (612/224-5686) Legsl deaeriptioh o[ ro e I for P P hich credit ii claimed. Property identilii' ca ion numbers 31-29-22-0066-8-b25 and 31-29-22-0058-7-625 6. Fill in the credit smount to be llow for�aeh employee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. 7. Bordar citv aone�onlv-Fill in he e it amount!o be allowed for eaeh amployea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8. Ch�ek th�approprist�box: (ii' ne facility [X�expan�ion of�xi�tin�facility 9. Blord�r,e tv:onn onlv ofor�i� o be llowed foe property tax p�ysbie in 1G� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. $5.��� ( �t iliti��) Fill in tA�amount o[er�dit to allo for prop�rty t�x paysbl�in 19_ . . , . , , , , . g, , . . . . . . . . . Loeal contribution(�xpt ' ho �t�rmin�d) 2on�D�duetiom E3eQinninQ Bslanee . . . . . Reclassi fication as II�4D ployment Property �([erin�to Company . . . . . Remsining Balsne�. . . . . . ereby eet r e thst he application is true snd correct to the be�t ot my knowledge anJ belief. `:��L 1.' � � Z.j �� -Si styr�o Appli t �' - � Dste �.' \ti"��( � _ i� , �f � � Cily Clerk or Admini scor'. Y � Dat• ' 'on�r ot En�e�y and Econo 'e Dwdopm nt p�t� Getitfestion th�t sppliesnt i�loest d in th� tirP�W�o��nd eerdi �n s��ilabb. � � � Elect�d Ci �cial Md,�/ Dat� ,k, �,L� �%f' y� Commiaion�r of Rw�nu D�t� APP+'ov�d!or c�ctitic�tion` Emplorm�nt Prop�rty