86-916 wHiTE - C�rr c�e I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council (//� CANARV - OEPARTM T �File NO. Y� � ��� B.UE --�MAV OR I � . Co cil Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mi tee By Date �� RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION OF I� PLASTICS, INC. FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY WE� I , lastics, Inc. (the "Co�npany") filed with the City Clerk an Application for classifica on f its existing property located 224 Ryan Avenue as Employment Property pursuant t Mi esota Statutes Section 273.1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Progr ( e "Program"); and I Wf� , e new investment, tax classification, and State tax credits as set forth in detail i t June 4, 1986, Staff Report will result in the creation of 125 new positions i S 'nt Paul by the installation of a new food storage container production operation, nd Wt� , ere has been presented to and considered at this meeting a Participation P,gree�nent tw n the City and the Company whereby the Campany covenants respecting the ccgnpletion f operty improvements; and WF� , e Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has requested authorization frcan the De nt of Energy and Econanic Develognent to utilize an alternative local contributio of a writedown of leased warehouse space in lieu of local property tax reduction; d WE� , t e City Clerk duly published on June 6, 1986, in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the ff cial newspaper for the City a notice of public hearing before the City Council upo th Canpany's Application; and WHE , t e City Council on June 24, 1986, approved the lease of 53,900 square feet of the fornn st Publishing building to Plastics, Inc. for warehouse space, and COUIVCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ay Nicosia l� Rettman In Favor Scheibel Sonnen __ AgBillst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr by City Attorney Adopted by CounciL- II Date .�-_� Certified Passed by unc 1 Secretary � By Approved by Mavor. at _ Appro � Mayor for Submis 'on BY - – — B I . � N�HITE - C�TV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council . �j _�� CANARV - OEPARTMEN B�UE �MAV�OR File NO. �� Council Resolution Presented By I' Referred Committee: Date Out of Co mit e By Date I� Wf� , e City Council conducted a public hearing on July 8, 1986, upon the Applicationl�at hich hearing opportunity was provided for the Applicant, the County Assessor, r pr entatives of affected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the City or member of blic to present their views orally or in writing at or before the hearing, and having considered the testimony and written views presented at the hearing and the Applica ion staff report and draft Participation Agreement; now therefore, be it RESOL b the Council of the City of Saint Paul that it hereby determines that the Application f lastics, Inc., the property improvements, retained and new jobs and tax benefits pr s d meet the objectives of the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise 2one Program. RESOL I F RI'I�R that the City Council additionally finds. and determines that installatio of the new production operation: (1) is reasonably likely to create new e�nployment ' t e City; (2) will not have the effect of transferring existing employment fran one or r other cities within Minnesota; (3) will result in an increase in market value of thelem oyment property of $50,000 which is .000008� of the market value of all taxable pro rt in Saint Paul; and (4) will not result in the reduction of the assessed value of exi ti property within the City owned by Applicant. RESOLVE F I-lER that the Application and employment property reclassification thereby pro se is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to transnit the Application �g er with a certified copy of this resolution to the C�nnissioner of Energy and E n ic Developnent and the Cc�unissioner of Revenue for consideration and final approv l. RESOLVE F HER that the Participation Agreement between the City and the Applicant is hereby ap ov d, and the proper City officers are authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City, l nd upon its signature by the Applicant to transnit Attachment C of said Agreesnent to e Cca�unissioner of Energy and Econanic Develo�enent and the Ccatenissioner of Revenue for �'gn ture by the Cc�erQnissioners or their designee upon final approval of the Application. 'Ij I� - 2 - COUNC[LMEN I Requested Department of: Yeas p�eW N ys Nicosia lI � Rettman —JL� In Favor Scheibel II Sonnen II � __ Ag8lllst BY Tedesco Wilson IIII J��L g .�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate � Certified Vas e b cil ecr ry ` � ss� � Appro y iNavor: te �` �� a �g8� Appr y Mayor for Su mis ' cil BY - — BY � ! PUBUSHED J U L 1 � 19�6 St. Paul Port Au or DE PARTMENT �� 0� ���'� N� 2 2 7 5 J.A. C obasso .A Kraut CONTACT 22�-5686 PHONE Ju1y 1, 1986 �! DATE e�� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR OU ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Di ' ct � Director of Management/Mayor 3 Finance and M ! ag ent Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget Direct ; RE: ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS � City Attorney ! pr,asTl��, INC_ WHAT WILL BE ACHI ED Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : Enterprise Zone ed s will be used as an incentive for Plastics, Inc. to install a new food storage containe pr uction line and related plant modifications and other related expenses totaling $5,400, 0, their property located at 224 Ryan Avenue in St. Paul. Plastics, Inc. p s ly has 1��.3 employees and will create 125 new positions with the installa- tion of the new od et line. Attached are two eopies of the Participation Agreement for 'review and execu �, on COST/BENEFIT, BUD TA AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �;;� RECEIVED, � ; N/A •��.��.. N �4R6 OFFfCE OF rH� p, >�c;:�7 DEPART"�1�I�IT (1�' F: JA' F E11VD MA��A.:�t:i�tti� 3t��ivl.�tS FINANCING SOURCE � D DGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount o Tr saction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source N/A Activity Numbe '� ATTACHMENTS List � nd umber All Attachments : l. Draft City C c ftesolution 2. Staff Report 3. Participatio Ag ement cc. J. Shoholm DEPARTMENT REUIEW ! CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Cou I il esolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Ins ' an Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Ins an Attached: (SEE R�EVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ; �� '' HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Ti�ne Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less �.han $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must aT�s be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. B�low is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney � 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. . ..� - . . - . �l� ��6- /� � 9 _ b NC1t2(� OL� E�]BSLIC HEARING OL� APPLICATICi� E 7 EARIN FOI� REfT�,S�ICATICI� OF PR�ERrY FOI� TA� PEJ1�t�6ES [�� �RISL ZONI� PRiOGR� to Minnesot� Statutes I98�. Section 273.1.313 Subdivis.ion 2(b) anct t i p vision of th� Progran� For City of S�int Paul Riverfront Ente� is Zon� N�CE IS I�REBY GIVEI� TB�T`AE PUBLI� �ARI1J� �iLL b� held beforer Council of_ th� Citg o� S�int Faul i� ther Covncil Chaanbersf third floo�c i ffa.LZ,� I� West Kellogg B'onTevard�`. Sai.rit Faul:�, Nfinnesat� on e� 8ttx da�r o� Tuty,. i98C�,. �t 1.a_00� �,- or as soorr thereafter as the m t r ivag bef h�ardp upolt th� Pfp�?Z1C�t10� of glastZC�r Lnc.. (a subsic�' o� Anchor Hacking Carporatiorr) ,. �24 Ryarr Avenu�� Sai.nt Paul, Minne t� far reclasgification of certaur real property Iocated in the �aint a Riverfront Enterprisg Zone�,� Kamsey County, Minnesota, as e�nplo n property and for assessment of said �aroperty as provided for '��: " class rty iur Minnesota Statute� 1984,. Section 273.13. Subdivisiorr 9-, P h (¢) for taxes le�,riec� uz T98� anc� for four succeeding years A II S ' POBLIC H�ARIlJ� th� City Council �ill consider whether to approv sa�id Applicatior� uporr findings a� requirec� by Minn�sota S tatut 8'4-,� S'e�tiorx 273«I,313 Subd:ivigiocr 2(d) . At s�id hearing, the Appli t,. � Ra�se�r County Assessor� representative� of affected taxing autho i anc� an� taxpayer of t}�mo�aicipaLitg or repres�tative�of ariy �i . tioct v�Yll ha.ve oppoztunity- ta be� hearcY or may present the�ir ia writing at o�beforg th�Iiearing.. Co� i of th� Applicatiorr,. th� repozt o� th� Saint Paul Riverfront Offic� groposed. patt,icipatiori Agreeanent betweerr the� Applicant and th� Ci y be� inspected at th� office� of the� City Clerk or the Port Authori the� �ity of Sai.nt Paul during nornttal. businesg hours, and writteir � may be� delivered or maile� % City Clerk. Roan 386, City Hallr W t K�llogg Houlevard,. Saint Paul� MN. 55102, or c/o Port Autho ' � the City of Saint FauT, 25 West F'ourtk Street, Suit� 1305, Sai.�P ,. 1� 55LQ2« T�leptaori� in�7Mes ma�� be made� ta� JOhrr Ca�Qobasso°, 224-568 AI�F.It� ,. Cit� Clerlc. . - . illl . - �� < � � � �- �'/� . 6/4/86 STAFF REPORT RE: CS, INC. RISE ZONE APPLIC'ATION A. P D ENI�TA7�NT PROPEKTY P1 st s, Inc. proposes that its property located at 224 Ryan Avenue, Sa nt aul, Minnesota, be reclassified as employment property through C y's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Progra�n. This property is id�nt ied by the Raansey County Tax Department through the property i nt ication nunbers 06-28-22-24-0031-0-625, 06-28-22-24-0030-7-625, 0 28 2-32-0001-4-625, and 06-28 22-32-0010-8-625. The property de cr ion is as follaws: 'ce and Irvine Addition, Block 26 through 41, 46 through 3; Lots 4 and 13, Block 34; Lots 5 through 12, Block 34; ts 9 and 10, Block 35; Ex Nwly 101 23/100 ft., Lot 1, ock 3S. III B. I AND PROP06ID USE Pl st' , Inc. has five different facilities with St. Paul serving as its ma adquarters. The ccenpany proposes to install a new food storage contai' er roduction operations and conduct related plant modifications. This pr ents a renewed ca�¢nitrnent of Plastics, Inc. to their Saint Paul plant s ey have moved tw�o product lines out of� this plant to other facili ie in Illinois during the past year. In�'�ad 'tion to Enterprise Zone credits, incentives provided to the ccenpan i lude a $250,000 state loan, Port Authority financing, Saint Paul job c at' rr and training assistanc�. Also, the e�nployees of the canpany have s their support to the canpany with a new union contract. C. P ID INQ2F.ASID MARK�� VALUE It is nticipated that the project will increase the market value only min' ly s the $5.4 million investment is for new equi�x�ent, retooling and o er elated expenses. Market value is estimated to increase by $50,00 'ch is .000008 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint a D. AND NEW JOBS P1�' st' s, Inc. presently has 443 employees at its St. Paul plant; and withou 's n� investment, all these positions could be in jeopardy. The new p u line is expected to create over 125 new positions when it is fully pe tional. ' �I . . • � . . � y� �/� __ . ��� _ E.. PARTICIPATION AGREII�NT A�d t Participation Agreement is attached to this report. It incl s e follawing tax benefits for the canpany: S t Debt Financing Credits $420,000 ted local contribution is $226,040 based on reduced rent the City is i g the cc�npany for warehouse space in the old West Publishing bui.ld I g T 's epresents a private-to-public ratio of approximately $8.36 in priva i vestment per $1 public tax reduction or credit. It also repre nt one new job per $5,168 tax credits or reductions. F. C FINDINGS P st cs, Inc.'s application proposes creation of up to 125 new jobs, none ich w�ould be a transfer fran another Minnesota municipality. The appli ti n further proposes establisYment of an employment property class' i tion of an estimated market value of $50,000 which is .000008 of the e value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. The proposal will not r ul in the abandornnent or demolition of other property awned by the appli nt in Saint Paul causing reduction of the assessed value of existing prope y ithin the City. G. LlATION T � s ff of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul reca�anends the Ci y uncil approve the e�nployment property reclassification for Plasti s, nc. Staff further reca�¢nends the City Council approve the atta d rticipation Agreement as drafted and forward Attach�nent C of the Agr nt o the Ccmnissioner of Energy and Econanic DeveloFment. Iji II� I� . i , CITY OF SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA ; � •' • �� ' AP�LICATION FOR 1�-_- � _c'jj fo ; . � RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS � � � . 1 . Name of P�' rs n Applying: Robert H. Horn, President and General Manayer Position: N 0 er/Manager Name of Blsi ss• Plastics, Inc. (A subsidiary of Anchor Hockin4 Corporation) . Address ol�� B iness: 224 Ryan Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 �,I -- - ?hone Num er: �612) 227-7371 �xtensinn �hg,� - � 2. Legal des �li ip ion of the parcel of land on which ihe business is located (or is to � e ocated for new construction): i ii � Rice and I vin Addition, Blocks 26 throu h 41 46 hr ; Block 34; 1 ts 5 through 12, Block 34; Lots 9 and 10 Block 100 i i F+. , Lot i !'; B1 ck 35. � 3. The marke ' va ue and assessed value of the land and other taxable property i from your � os recent Property Tax Statement: �� Estimated I ar et Value: $1 ,410,600 �� $ 597,463 Assessed VI� lu : i ;� I� 4. Total prop rt taxes listed on line 10 of the property rax statement ror 19 85 paya le in 19 86 : #Note: attach a copy of your Property Tax State- Iment. ii I $ 4, 8.40 i i I5. If you lea e he land or space for your business, do you pay the property ' taxes? �' No Applicable i Ye ' No ' �nlho pays t II e roperty taxes i f you don ' t? I i6. Current n��lbe of employees: Full-time: 443 Part-time: I (As of 5/ ! 86 i 0 � i � ( ' �� . I • . � ,...� �v�� i nc I ua@: ~ A• A II�I � ,..._ � en ral description of the facility or improvement and its pr os� , �/� •� P �se. I T i stallation of a new food storage container production operation � anl r lated plant modif�cations. B• A Irob ble time schedule for un�ertaking the construction or im rovem Thllpr ject was initiated /�pril 15, 1986 and is p ent, expected to be compieted by � Dec� mb r 31, 1986. �• A� Ist ate of the probable cost of new construction r o improvement. $5• mi lion (including tooling, working capital , and related ro 'e p � ct expenses.) �• A� Il� ti ate of the market value of the new or II lan , w en completed. �nproved facility (exclud,n; Incr me al value estimated at $5. 1 hlillio ; n. ; ; E. The Ium r of new jobs expected to be created. 125 to 140 � 8. State th ��l ty e and amount of n � e terprise �one incentives requested and briefly explain Ily hey are necessary to the ro � � • . � R ,7e.,t. Plastics, �',In . requests that the agreed to $420,000 in Enterprise Zone Tax Credits I � be receiv ' a refundable state income tax credits. This incentive is i necessary to ; offset reli' ti ely higher costs of doing business in the state of Minnesota which i � would othe wi e have ' � prompted the installation of this new operation in another ; state with�i�a re favorable economic cli i mate. I ; II hereby declalle a , d certify that this applic3tion is true an� corre�� �� �ne ; best of my kno led e and belief. i i � Signatu o Applicant MaY 21 , 1986 Oate Posit on �r Title il Remember to att h he following: . I 1 . A copy �if our property tax statement for taxes payable in 19g�, 2. A check���� fo 51500, payable to the Port Authoritv nf thA r +� .. � rau i . .i „ I, c3 �i ., - _.,.. u �,� �` � � �� `�,. � ,. � ^'Q�� DETACH MERE AND RETURN TMISPORTION WITH►AVMHNT :;.r` r9 ty<I .. . tn � tn W� o m ., fn N� � , tn � � N �'' v �-1 '�'r r�n r S n �nr � �i, -� <-� > -�ro r -�.N s r s �Z ! 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W ►+ '+ h+ � i'.::F � rrI' r o� �+ v� �� .�? a onl' . . . . . o0 �z Z � o O I', ►�' orOr Z . - � � lT O O�O O� ' . '.. I ' '. _ -_ I . . r � • . - @� � -�� � NOri'ICE plication for reclassification of property through Saint Paul's Rive ro Enterprise Zone Program has been filed by Plastics, Inc. (a subsi ia of Anct�r Hocking Corporation) . The property proposed for recl if cation is located at 224 Ryan Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. I e roperty reclassification will be considered at the follawing publi I tings: Dawnt iverfront CcRmission: Develognent Task Force Nbnda I" J e 16, 1986 2:00 p.m. lOth F oo Conference Roan, City Hall Annex 25 W. � th treet St. Pa� , 55102 Cit I el nt and Tran rtation Cc�mittee ',� Monday ''i J e 30, 1986 1:30 p.m. Rocm 7 - 7th Floor City Hall 15 W. 11 g Boulevard St. Pa , 55102 Saint PI ��� City C c' Chambers 3rd F1 r City Hall 15 W. 11 g Boulevard St. Pa ', 55102 Inl' re ted parties are welcosne at any or all of these meetings. The applica � , e assessor, representative of the affected taxing authorities, and any ai t Paul taxpayer may be heard or may present their views in writing t r before the July 8 public hearing. Cop�les f the application, the report of the Port Authority of the City of i Paul, and the proposed Participation Agreenent between Plastics ' I . (a subsidiary of Anchor Hocking Corporation) and the Port Authorit be inspected at the Port Authority office during noanal businesslho s. Written camt�ents may be delivered or mailed c% Port Authorit of the City of Saint Paul, 25 w. Fourth Street, Suite 1305, Saint Paul, NIl�t I 55 02. Telephone inquiries may be made to John Caanpobasso, 224- 5686. ','� II ��i �i _. . � � `< � �G � � � �i K � � � ffl �� �, < aq �� fD ,� � � '� ' S � 'i�, fD ;! � , i� LC � .� � �I . . mm� ���� mmm���� ..,.,, �� .:�� .. ��� ��a �m ���� . �,, ��r�.. m � � ., �����, m � .. m CQ � � �� ��' D� .m � 'I;i'� � 0 II * Q • � � � li ; -; .. i � ; ����� ' �p • , 8 mo �� :,r� �. _ � ,:: ;: : a . . a ���': .�� � . -a -.---.., .�;..�: i �.. ` , . : � ��. l i+ i �y �. •Y . O Il � ?� _F'T . ;; '�'. V ? Q ��.. �D � ::. ., �--I �`i n t a - >'`a � . � �j �� .. � � � O ',' , -+, C ; � � � � _ ���? �� 0 � � � � �'I -�� ', � -< � �, � � : .t � � . , � � � :� , � , . - - - . . . . �� � � �� �-�L -�/� CITY OP` S�,INT PAUL = • OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL .,.e.�� w��l�.u�•���e �.l1l��i�f� �� Dafe : - Juns 30. 1986 . COMM (TTE � REPORT TQ = I��,�� SQint PQU I City Councit �R �� � C o m m ii�t e e Q h C i tv Deve 1 opment and Transportat i on CHAIR . William L. Wilson . � II 1 Enterprise Zone Credits - Plastics, Ic�c. , and Vomeia Spec. Co. (hlaved out of co►rnn i ttee w i thout recommendatian) . . ', 2 Consideration of Guidelines for UDAG Revolving Loan . Fund: Commercial Real Estate Program (HRA) lCommittee recommends approval with amendments) _ . _ -_ ._. _ ._ . �---- - -_ - _ - . . . - CI'i'1'HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55IO2 w�y.■ � 1 � P O R T�',' ° �-.d'l° _ �'i� \ AUT �' RITY OF THE CITY � F S . PAUL Memorandum TO: A1 II so �'°`�June 4, 1986 FROM: J.A. ','; basso SUBJECT: EI�TI' RI E ZONE APPLICATIONS Attac'ed or your infonnation are copies of the public hearing notices for the �ns' eration of Enterprise Zone credits for Vcgnela Specialty Company and P as cs, Inc. Also enclosed are the staff reports and application forms�' ease note that Plastics, Inc. only involves State credits and does t equire a change in the tax status of that property. As re ' ir d, please distribute the information to the appropriate taxing juris 'ct ons. I have already fonaarded material and will be meeting with the R' e ront Canunission Task Force regarding these projects. The Parti � pa ion Agre�nents will be forthcoming, and I will get them to you as soon t y are completed. If you'���ha any question, please contact me. JAC:ca��,, Attach ',' .� .._ �- � ���� 6486 / / �II STAFF REPORT RE: AS ICS, INC. TE RISE ZONE APPLICATION ,i a A. P PO D EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY Pl st s, Inc. proposes that its property located at 224 Ryan Avenue, Sa nt aul, Minnesota, be reclassified as employment property through th Ci y's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. This property is id ti ied by the Ramsey County Tax Department through the property id ti ication numbers 06-28-22-24-0031-0-625, 06-28-22-24-0030-7-625, 06 , 8- 2-32-0001-4-625, and 06-28-22-32-0010-8-625. The property de � ri tion is as follows: ce and Irvine Addition, Block 26 through 41, 46 through ��i 5 ; Lots 4 and 13, Block 34; Lots 5 through 12, Block 34; !� L ts 9 and 10, Block 35; Ex Nwly 101 23/100 ft., Lot 1, �r, B ock 35. B.. IMP OV NTS AND PROPOSED USE Pla ti , Inc. has five different facilities with St. Paul serving as its mai h dquarters. The company proposes to install a new food storage contain r p oduction operations and conduct related plant modifications. This re res nts a renewed commitment of Plastics, Inc. to their Saint Paul plant a � th y have moved two product lines out of this .plant to other facilit l s n Illinois during the past year. ���i In di ion to Enterprise Zone credits, incentives provided to the company nc ude a $250,000 state loan, Port Authority financing, Saint Paul job cre io and training assistance. Also, the employees of the company have sh n heir support to the company with a new union contract. C. PRO CT INCREASED MARKET VALUE It i� a icipated that the project will increase the market value only minimall a the $5.4 million investment is for new equipment, retooling and othe re ated expenses. Market value is estimated to increase by $50,000 �hic is .000008 of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Pa . D. RETA D AND NEW JOBS Plas � cs Inc. presently has 443 employees at its St. Paul plant; and without , is new investment, all these positions could be in jeopardy. The new prod ' t ine is expected to create over 125 new positions when it i� fully op at onal. � � _ �,`- �- gJ� � ���� E. PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT dr ft Participation Agreement is attached to this report. It incl � es the following tax benefits for the company: 'I , at Debt Financing Credits $420,000 �� qu sted local contribution is $226,040 based on reduced rent the City is c rg g the company for warehouse space in the old West Publishing buii ng T �I s epresents a private—to—public ratio of approximately $8.36 in priva i vestment per $1 public tax reduction or credit. It also repre nt one new job per $5,168 tax credits or reductions. F. C NC L FINDINGS Pl� st s, Inc.'s application proposes creation of up to 125 new jobs, none o w ch would be a transfer f rom another Minnesota municipality. The applic ti further proposes establishment of an employment property classi ic ion of an estimated market value of $50,000 which is .000008 of the ma e value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. The proposal will not re � lt in the abandonment or demolition of other property owned by the applic � t n Saint Paul causing reduction of the assessed value of existing proper w thin the City. G. RE I ATION - The�'ist f of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul recommends the Cit � C ncil approve the employment property reclassification for Plastic , c. Staff further recommends the City Council approve the attache � P ticipation Agreement as drafted and forward Attachment C of the Agreeme t the Commissioner of Energy and Economic Development. . �(� � ��� PORT AU HO IN OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(800)328-8417 1900 A OI TOWER • 345 ST. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN. 55102 • PHONE(612) 224-5686 October 22, 1986 r. bert B. Olson it Clerk it Clerk's Office 86 ity Hall t. aul, Minnesota 55102 CT: ENTERPRISE ZONE CREDITS PLASTICS, INC. � a Mr. Olson: cl sed is the fully executed Participation Agreement for the � as ics, Inc. project for your f iles. Sincerely, i_ �l F' _' � John A. Campobasso Develo nt Assistant � C: cl _ - . . � _ _ . _.. _.., _ - - ,- _ � -�_ - • k , J .� �+t G��� � EUGENE A KRAUT.C.I.D. DON LD G.DUNSHEE,C.I.D. CHARLES M.TOWLE CLIFFORD E.RAMSTED,P.E. PERRY K.FEDERS C.P.A EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT I A EXEC.VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE RICHARD A GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGNERN ASST.TREASURER PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS GEORGE W. INTE WILLIAM WILSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN VICTOR P.REIM RAVMOND E.LANGEVIN CHRIS NICOSIA JEAN M.WEST PRESIDE VICE PRESIDENT SECREfARY TREASURER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER C.I.D.Certified Industrial Developer , � � ,.� . ��- �. _ riE . ,� - PAIt?ICIPATION AGBEII�NT RIVERFBONT ENTERpRISE ZONE CITY OF SAINT PADL . Preamble 1. Participlllti Business: 2. A licatio pp n Approval Plast ' � I Name Date July 8, 1986 P.O. Box I'646 0 Address C.F. No. 86-916 St. Paul � MN 55164- City Council Employment Property Classification Effective For Assessment Years 19 thru 19 Em lo � p yment Property Classification Certification by Commissioner � Department of Revenue dated Seotember 18, 1986 (Attachment C) � 3. Persons II ( ) �i� ff cers) Authorized to Sign for Participating Business: . �3obert L.. Wasthrnnlr Name � Name President�'& neral Mana er Vice PZ'esic�ant _ nnPratinn� Titl� Title ! / � ' ,'. , � '`� -- /�-' ��� � � �' �� ;�1 G L�k;k,". gnature � Signature (612/227- !I 71 Ext. 268) (612/227-7271 Ext. 255) 4. Person Aut ri ed to Receive Communications for Participating Business: Either off Name Is Authorfzed to Receive Communications From the City or State on Behalf of the Participating Business. Ti tle Address Telephone ; � �. u . . , , �,� ��, - ���� . - . _ 5.- Deac � ti of Properig to Receive "Employment Property" Class ic tioa (Use Descrfptfos Fro� Ramsey Countp Department �Space for Use of of Ta � ti n, 126 City Hall aad County Courthouse): Ramsey County �,I;I -Dept. of Taxation PIN Classification Entered: �_ Date: , �_ • 06-28-22-24-0031-0-b25• 06-28-22-24-0030-7-625 - 06-28-22-32-0001-4-625 06-28-22-32-0010-8-625 (IIse Severae Side of This Page If Necessar�) 6. Alternati� e ocal. Contribution: Yes X No -_ . Descripti 's e a �'' 40 er s .f . wh ch i a ro ma 1 lo k ' rate of 2. er s .f t. 7. Types of S at Tax Reduction: • . (a) Saleg� l�aa xemption Amouat (b) Income �', Credit (1) E � oy e Credit � Amouat (2) Del S rvicr Credit _ = Amouat _�420_000 ` (c) Srate� P�I id ropertp Tar Credit Amcuat The tppe an ' a uat of ezemption and credits shall be those as certified by the Co�issione , of Energy aad Economic Development. If there is variance between this sectio '�, an the Commissioner's Certification, the� latter will control (Attachmeat ). �� ; Subject to �� mp ance with this. Agreement, to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 198 , ctioa 273.13I2 to 2T3.1314 iaclusive, and such regulations as may be� adopt b the Department of Revenue or ef Energy and Economic Pevelopment (the "Act"), �' a upoa filiag proper ras returrts an3 schedules, the participating � businees ia � i ble for credits as approprfate� aga3a9t Mjnaeset� iace� *_az sr.3 � property tasl ia ilities for the tax pears� 19 through I9� . � . . . � �,� }'�; _ cJ��; . . 8. COVEN� BY PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: � In ma � 'n applicat�on for enterprise zone credits, the participating business has r re ented and hereby covenants, for itself and its successors or assigns, (the ", ar icipating Business"): (a) th� t i ( he) will submit construction plans and ev�dence of finan ' an� 1 commence dili entl ursue and timel com lete i cing ' g y p Y p mprovements to the pr pe y described ia Section 5 above in the dollar amount and as specified in''�th Property Improvement Schedule" annexed hereto as Attachment "A". Col� en ement Date A ril 15 1986 Co le ion Date December 31 1986 �mo nt 5.6 milli_o_n (Includine tool.ino wortiino �a�;tat 6 rPlarari �,Prt - (b) tha (i ( he) will recruit, employ and train new employees residentPinses. ) the ��� co omic hardship area designated in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone Pro ' am or persons who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged or of a p te ted class ia accordance with the provisions of the "EMPLOYMENT AND TRAI IN SCHEDULE" annexed hereto as Attachment "B", and that the minimum � numb r new employees shall be as follows: � i Numbl� r New Employees 125 <c) that '�� it ( he) will maintain� complete records respecting its performance of t c venants set forth in Section 8(a) and (b) herein, and permit access to s� d ecords bq accredited representatfves of the Minnesota Commissioner of Re en e, Ramsey County Tax Department and Saint Paul Port Authority; that (it) ` e) will report quarterly to the Division of Job Creation and Train� ng the number of hf res covered by this Agreement; and that upon reque t a d at least annually (it) ( he) will report to the Saint Paul Port � th rity on forms provided by the Saint Paul Port Authority on const ' ct on completion, new hires and other direct or indirect economic activ �� y esulting from its facilitq operations in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone. ', (d) that ( t ( he) will ro p mptly and satisfactorily perform each covenant herein �un rtaken and each.other requirement of the Act, the Program or of this A re ent imposed as a condition of the approval of the application for and gr ' ts of tax credits and designation of property classification. 9. REVOCATIONI The Council','ima revoke an alternative local contribution and may request the Commissione � o Revenue to approve the revocation of a classification pursuant to the Act f finds and determines by resolution, after hearing upon notice mailed to t `e plicant by certified mail at least 60 days before the hearing, that '; (a) The conl' ru tion or improvement of the Participating Business' property and operati f cility has not been completed within two years after the aoproval�', of ti�e classification, or any lonQer period as may be orovided in �� Section (a hereof; '�� � �,I . , , ��r� �. _ -'r,�, . I - . . (b) e articipating Business has not proceeded in good faith with the c� ns ruction or improvement of the facilitq, or with its operation, in a � nn r which is consistent with the purpose of the Act, the representations o t application, or the covenants of this Agreement; or (c) T ' P rticipating Business has misrepresented a material statement contained i '� it application for tax credit has failed to perform any express covenant o �,�, th s Agreement or is not in continuiag compliance witn requirements or co' di ions for approval or grant of aa alternative local contribution, state ta r uctions or credits uader the Act, the Program or this Agreement. REVOCA IO OF AN ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSI � C ON SHALL TERMINATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS, CREDZTS AND REDUCTIONS. The Ci C uncil may impose or request imposition of a remed other than y revocat on including withholding of eligibility certifications for credits, exempti� ns or reductions, or institution of suit for specific performance or other r� me in law or equity. No failure of the City to exercise or make selecti n a particular remedy for breach of this Agreement by the Partici l ti g Business shall be deemed a waiver of its rights to enforce perfo � ce bq the Participating Business of• its obligations under the Act or this Ag �' em nt by any remedy available to the City in law. 10. RECAP ' In the e , nt the Participating Business ceases to operate its facility in the Riverfro ' E terprise Zone wi.thin two years after the expiration of tax reductio � u der the Act and this Agreement, the Participating Business covenant �,� an agrees that it shall repay the amount of tax reductions and of the local con�� ri ution pursuant to the following schedule: Terminati n Operations Repayment Portion . Less than �ll m nths after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent 6 months � 75 percent 12 months � r re, but less than 18 months 50 percent 18 months � r re, but less than 24 months 25 percent '� The repapm ' t hall be immediatelq due upon such cessation of operation of its zone facil � y, payable to the State of Minnesota to the extent it represents an income tax " re it or reduction and payable to the City to the extent it represents " p operty tax reduction or other local contribution. ; i � , 11. OTHER TERMSI�, � i i I, � . �,� :�� � r��-, 12. EFFEC � VE DATE This re ment has been accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Busin s y the officers whose titles and signatures appear in Section 3, above The A ' li ation and Agreement have been approved by action of the Saint Paul City ' un il as recited in Section 2 above, and is executed on behalf of the City � S int Paul by the officers whose titles and signatures appear below. This re ment shall be effective upon its execution in Section 2 above and its delive o the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or his au ho ized designee. CI 0 S NT PAUL , By Date Bq II Date CI RK 1 By Date _�/�T (� .� DI I TO DEPARTMENT OF INANCE & MANAGEMENT SERVICES Approv II a to Form � �� �, c ,-,° Assista' t ity Attorney _ � . c/f // . �II ii i!I �ii . � � � ' . � PROPERTY IMpROVEMENTS SCHEDULE C°�F�l�-%/�- - ATTACHMENT"A" . PART1CiPATION AGREEMENT � RIVEAFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE . PLASTICS, INC. PARTIClPAT1NG BUSINESS � .�. Faciliry descripb I The install I' io of a new food stora e on lant modif �� at ons. . 8. Ccnstruction Speci cati ns(idenofy every specification or drawing, title:date and app�cving architect or engineer)* -- ... � ._ _ . . � (copies of each draw g o specification must be supplied to the P01^t AUth01"1 ty� � C. Construction Ccst 0 I il $000) : Ca ital Costs Inc . new e ui ment & R 1 u Toolin 825 Project Expense �2�8 Total (Excl. in re ntal working capital investment of $1 040) $4 567 0. Financing commitmen ( ity and mortgage financing) Financin to beil rr n ed throu h arent cor oration Anchor Hockin Cor oration to include $25 � 00 low interest loan from State of Minnesota � � ; � � i ` Preliminary plans ma'�il e s bmitted with the Appticatian.Within da s of a ' Commissio�er of Rev ue, inal construction plans and specifications acceptable t the City w U�be ubmitted,by the PLASTI I NC. ,�-1 A . C1pA G USINESS k::�: / CI!y^( t P3 I i ;" � , � e��' gy Mayo r H • '� ', g o-�?k-L � ; y Ri. � �`� Bv � %� Ci tv C1 erk , � ,� . � EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDUL.E (� � fl� �%!- ATTACHMENT"B" C • PAATICIPATIOIV AGAEEMENT FiIVEaFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONc PLASTICS, INC. PAATiClPATIWG BUSINESS I. GENEA � A. The City to increese employment opportunides fo�Ciry rosidenb whc are low/moderate income or econom' ly 'sadvarnaged(i.�,JTPA-MigiWe define��n Exhibit Q with Oeveloper/Employers for joba within Saint Paul's�i t Entsrpnse�Zon� . B. OevNop II Em loyes agrees Eo use the Ciiy a�its primary source for recruitr�ent trai�ing, refenal,and placement of new cr r I e�t entry ievel emp�ayees in accordance with the terms of this Agreement C. The Ciry's� e1 ate age�cy will be the Job Creatiort and Training Section i�tha Oepartrnent of Planning and Econom�c i Oevefop nt int Paul.MN 55102 lJob Creadon�,o�any other appropnate Cirj agency as may oe designated by the Mayor. ,, D. This kyr en becomes eff�ective upon the date hereof and shall continue fo�five y�rs from ths ame Employer ev oper occupiea facilities i�the Aiverfront Enterprise Zone.unless tertninated as p�ovided herein. E �his Agr I en shall be applicable to all Oevelopsr/Employef new or replacament entry level positions for which low:med b i come or economically disadvantaged(i.e..JTPA-eiigible)peraons are v�might reasonably be ava�lable. is reeme�+t shali not aoply to those jobs covered by existinq callective bargaining ag�eements o�other �ontracU wh h the OeveiopeN Er�ptoyer is a pariy,whare the tenns ef th�s Ag�eement would cause Developef �I yer to b�each the p�ovisions of such agreements. I1. RECRUI I ' � . � A. The empta en positions Covered by Mis Agreement include all Devefoper/Employar job openi�gs performed w�th�n �e Riverfr t erprise Zone,in the classifications.titfes and quaiificatiens contained in Exh�bit A. B. The Develo er/ ployer wilt notify Job Creanon of Ets need for new emptoyess in covered positions as soon as the �evEloper/ pl yer decides to hi�e such employees or, if pcssible, fifteen(15)wo�k�ng days pnor to the experted hiring dat Not ication may include che informado� requi�ed i� Exnibit A. . C. The Oevelo I / ployx will provide Job Creation with its best estimate of the number and 4ming of potenaal job openir,gs, u uss of the form provided in Exhibit B. 0. The�Oevelo I / ployer may noWy Job Creation of al!vacancies fo�DevelopeN Employer openi�gs in the Rive�fro�t Enterprise ict�aro not coverad by this Agreement The DevelopaN Empleyer is�ot obligated to hi�e employees from these s from Job Croatio�.however.musi demunstrate a good faith a!foR i�this regard. . E Job openi I wh are�Iled by intemai promotio�s from the Oeveloper/Employer's Ixal worlc force are not cavered by this Agr � I Il1. REFERRA II A. Job Cread ��wiil er applicaMS according to the qualifications requesied by CevelopeN Employer. B. If training fo �i p �c job openings has been agreed upo� between the Ciry and OevelopeNEmpl�yer in a separate agreement u der ragraph V.hereof,trainee applica�ta will be considered qualified only when the training is succ�ssfully om leted by applicant C. Oeveloper/ II plo er reserves the right to make all decisions on hiring new or additional employees, incfudi�g �he qualification �� f a plicants.but ag�ees to hire fvr covered positlons irortz among those persons referred by Job Creauon wh �m the job descnptlons and qualificabons,or other persons certfi�:d as eligible. . ; � . . �.� Yl - f��' � IV. PLACEIUI � A. When D lop !Employer not�iies Job Creation of job opernngs�n covered posit�o:�s pnor to���teen(t 5)work�ng days �� aCvanc o!t e propcsed date to h�re.Job Creabon w�U nohiy the Emp�oyer(ive(51 workmg d3ys pnor to me appl�cabo cfo �g Cate of the number of appiicants Job CreaUOn will refer. B. If Job Cr �on annot refer the total number of qualified perso�s.the Developer/Emp�oYer may fill the remaining posinons an means G Job Crea' w� a)provide assistartce 3nd monitor job reten�on ot emploYees Placed under this agreement for six _. ._ _.�.:__: momhs, b) onitor Oevetoper/EmPloysr's Pe���e under this AgreemeM.Developer/Employer will subm�t QuaRerly rin Summaries in the torm attached as ExhibiEC.- --_ -� -Y-_�_-� ..�.—.._.�...-----s::.—.- -: A:......._........,,,�.__._ _: p, after ths e1p er/Employet has hi�ed an applicant referred by Job Cresdon:.:ob C�eation will not be respons�ble for the empl 's onduct and me Oeveloper/Employer reieases the city from any liabiliry for Me actions of such employ , V. TRAINING��,', . A. Job Creap an the Oeveloper/Employer may agree in a speara:e agreement to develop classroom tra��ing. on-the-job ini g.pre-employment training or othet trairnng progtams.The tra�ning spec�fications and cost tor sucn training sh be t fo�t in that Agreement g The pev I / ployer will not discondnue routine on-the-job uaining to employee�h�red un�er this Agreemen� D v . because of is reement or supplements to this Agreement VI. CONTRO '1N LAWS ANO AGREEIVIENTS A. If this Ag �I ent onflicb with or requires OevelopeN Employer to bresct�an existing collective bargaining agresment or any other xis agreemenb.said agreemenb shall p�evail. 8. Deve�opeN pl er wi�l Provide Job Creation with written evidencs that Oeve�oper/Emp�oYer has prov�ded the ' representad ot ny collective barga�ning unit with a copy of thia Agreement and has requested comments from sa�d i urnt �evelo / ployer will provide such comments to Job Creation. C. The Oevelo � / ployer wiU comply wiM any Ioca1.state..or federal law or reguladon as they pertain to the Enterpnse Zone design tion � . VII. DEFiNIT10 I S a atverfroM Zon« an en riss zo�e a�detailed in Exhibit D. Ths area d � na by the State of Minnesota as terp I8� Covered Em � New o�repl � enby�evel emP�aYees and such cther employees as may be mutuaUy agreed upon between the partes. � CIPATING BUSINESS City t Paul • �� - � ,% � 8 �: ,."�� ' � . gy �TtH � ',� � � � �� � ey Cit Clerk . . '� I�,�. 'I . - ATTACHMENT B EXFiIBIT A JOB ORDER FORM City of Saint Paul I����, Department of Planning and Economic Development �',� Job Creation and Training Section 1. Employer ''� P astics Inc. 2. Date July 1 st. , 1986 3. Job Title �'�' s attacl�unent B - exhibit B 4. Number of Openings 129 5. Job Location ' S P�1 Plant s. Contact Perso '' E a Y. Lau Phone 22�'�371 7. Supervisor � P D. HOSier 8. Beginning Date J�y 1 St. 1986 Ending e 30 th 9. Starting Salary $ 4•SZ per hOUr 10. Benefits � 1 enefit acic e after 11. Days to be work ' ��d t,hrou h Frid 12. Hours 13. Will union memb rshi be required? Yes X No If yes,which unio, an local number IAM Lodge 459 Loca1 77 14. If this job involve �,I n-t e-job training to be subsidized by the Ciry,how long will that training period be? 30 calender da S (attach specific tr 'nin plan) pro ation period 15. Specific Duties 1. Hand �' in shin and sandin of lastic mducts. 2. Pack' lastic roducts off resses and or conve or el 3. Dutie °� th t are inherent in each 'ob classification. 16. Necessary Qualific �ions Skill level of educati� n,e perience or training required to enter program(include licenses and/or certificates necessary): Mini�n re �Iir nt : 3 manths manufacturi eri n Q e e ce. . II�,� 17. Are your employees in this position expected to provide any necessary tools+n the job(s)?Yes No�—(If yes, please attach an itemized list(with prices)of tools required for each position.) 18. Describe any on-the-job training you normally provide for this position(i.e.,without City funding) Same as # 14 19. is there.a possibility for promotion from this job?Yes X No If yes,to what position(s)? �Y available positions. 20. Environmental Conditions 21. Physical Demands a.Working Environment a.Strength=%time job will require Inside a/o Standing % Walking % Outside % Sitting % ' Yes No Weight(Number of Pounds) b.Extreme cold with or without Lifting Carrying temperature changes -- Pushing Pulling c.Extreme heat with or without Yes No temperature changes b.Climbing - Balancing d.Wet and/or humid Stooping Kneeling e.Vibration -- Crouching Crawling f. Hazards Reaching Mechanical Handling Electrical Fingering Burns Feeling Explosives Talking Radioactivity Hearing Other Ordinary Conversation g.Atmospheric Conditions Other Sounds Fumes . � Seeing � Dusts Acuity,Near Mists Gases Acuity, Far Depth Perception Poor Ventilation Coior Vision Other Field of Vision h.Noise Estimated Maximum Number of Decibels 22. Could a person with limited English speaking skills perform this job? Yes�— No As long as he/she C8i1 Could a person with limited Engiish reading/writing skills perform this job? Yes�C_ No understand directions fro�n a supervisor and be able 23. Is public transportation easily accessible? Yes X No t0 fill Otlt simple paper work. 24. Does the job require shift work or other than traditional hours? Yes No�_ (If yes, please clarify) � � . . • ��� - !.i i:�C•'•"-.." G - _ EXH��tT A . �os on�c� �oR�n City of Saint Paui U�par,rnent ot p1�nn,n�an� cran;;mic Ueveto�:nen: Job Credci on and Training Sect�on PLASTICS, INC o JUNE 24. 1986 1. E-�p:C�c' �'' --- 2. Uai_ 3. J�+�T�'�a_ �' ODUCT DESIGNER 4. N��rnber os Openings 5. .l05 :•aca;:c I T. PAiJL, MN — 6. Cor.•2c:Pers� n �A Y LAIi Phone 22�-�371 7. SuFen:so� �� - 8. Beginning Date �une 25. 1986 End�r.g ne 30, 1986 g. Starting Salary S � p '�"'- er IIL DISCUSS AT INTERVIEW 10. P.zne'�ts ' il. Days t;,�e v:o �'ed t2. Hours �3. 1rJ�l! un�on mem'ers p be req��ired? Y�s x No �`yes.wr�ch uni�'n a Ixa!r,umber I.M.A. #459 LOCAL 77 �<. N:��s��b i�volv on he-;ob training to be subsidized by the City.how ao�9 wiU tnat train��g ;eriod be? :=r.=_�,:h spec�`:c* ini pian) � _ . . _ _ - .. - i5. S�ec�t:c D:,;�es -2 ears technical scooT majoring-in INdustri.aT Desiga or 2-4 years`deg�ee � . � . • w th .S. _(Industr ial Des ign.) . _ ._ . _ - � 2 ears experience in INdustrial Design field or 2 years experience. Please s�' d esume in confidence to: Human Resources Department ' Plastic s Inc. t6. yecsssary O;,alific tion ' P.O. Box 64610 St. Paul MN 55164 Ski�l level o(educa n, perience or training required to enter program(include licenses and/or ceRificates necessary): Att: �a Y. Lam . --- _ -- �,�i � ! � � '. g�f.� . - /.Ti:.C''''' :, i: - EXNt�i7 A �os oR��� �oR�� city o� Saint Paul D�par:nent o�Pl�nn:n ar�� ccan�mic Ueveto :nen: 9 P Job Crea�+on and Training Section ',P TICS INC. JUNE 27 1986 t. �r�;,:pie.• . 2. �ai� � US MER SERVICE EXPEDITOR 3. J�o 7�:�e _ _ 4. NumSar os Openings 5. ��5 !�:�;:cn ST PAUL, MN _ _ EVA Y LAM 227-7371 6. Cor 2c:Pers�n�' Phone 7. SuFe�v:sor 8. Beginning Oate rTnu� �Q, i oR6 End�rsg Y �. 1986 9. Starti�g Satary S per t0. Eene.�ts YES'�'�, 11. Ca�•s t;.:,e work �� 12. Hours 13. YJ�I! un:o� membe ' ip e req�.►ired? Yes_� No I'yes.which union' nd !number I.M.A. �4 59 LOCAL 77 � �<. If;��s;ob i��:olved � -t!► -;ob training to be s�bsidized by the City.how long wiU inat train��� p�riod be? ,;r_�h 5�=c�`:�tra� ing fan) � t5. Sae�;�:c D���=s 2 1/2 y�ears experience in customer contact related fields and �good . - - - . _ ._ I c unication skill�s, C3tT, ecperience helpful. - . . . _ Please se�d '' e in confidence to• Human Resources Department Plastics, Inc. P.O. Box 64610 St. Paul, MN 55164 A t t: L�a Y. Lam 16. Necessary O�alifica ' ns Skit1 level of educatio ex rience or training required to enter program(include licenses and/or certificates necessary): High S � o Graduate -- --- — �I'� � . - i , :;, . _ _ �Q� Anchor E!J H ock�n 9 '�'�� P I a s t i c� 1 n c. A Subsiaiary of Ancho� NOCk�n9 . P O So, ��5t0 ���!, St Pat,� �1t•�„�.•cn�., - .. '��� 1�:��c : Ji.me Z0, 198� ''� T o : . \OTIFICaTIO:V OF JOB ��►���I`:� �a:�� oi position : Secretary - Sales and Marketing � imun education requirements : High School aduate lus 11 months SI' P post high school education in business related courses. . . - �� � nimum ��:ork experience : 4 vears secretarial experience, Aood . - . . editin skills stron written and verbal commmicatio� abilities _ _ . . . �'�,�, e rien e PC or word rocessin ui nt desirable sales ex-perience helpful. '�,�, I f tliere are any candidates �aho are intere:ted in the abrn�e pos i tion, '�,! pl ase send resisnes in c�fidence to : . Ntunan Resources Ikpartment • Plastics Inc. P. 0. Box 64610 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 - � s es will be accepted from Jtnie 23, 1986 to Ju�e 27, 1986 �,�, Equal Opportunity Emplrn-er �I _ E.Y.La� Plastics Inc. � . . ' ! /- �, � =",/ - � An�h,^,r �.� �_ - - � � ... , __ P I � ., astic� Inc. 5.,� �,�,, � ���h�. M�«. .� . :- . :::,. �;.:,. •� - �.� . ..• . . - . -. : . . . . _ . . , _ , . �, � �-. . _ � . A..._ : .J . � /%,I �� / V�/�+ . � / . /Y J� . i ' Qc,�,�,_Q — ,Tf /v �• �a - �:OTI FICaTIO� OF JOB OPE\I�G , . �'a�.�e of �os i t ion : week End Supervisor - 12 hours shift, Friday llp�r-ll�n, aturday l lgn-11�n plus 2 days ( 8 ) houzs durinS the week. . 11U11i.II� ed�cation requirements : HiEh school graduate plus one vear�st 'g� school caurses in electronics, hydraulics, mechanical/blue print ading. - •- � L'liS", 1:��:'� *'� ► •' . _ . r: e��. zence : �• . _ . , Fi�.e years supen isory experience or two , ears '�� I adperson glus three years as an assist2nt shift supervisor or depa�er.t �� . . . _ , . ','i 5 @ri150T in a manufacturing environment. �r ^r Ii U�_.z �.e an c , . y cazdidates �:ho are intere_ted in the abrn e po�i t i on, _ . _ , �' „� :�.� �--.., . - . c •(+c��,nn_ L'1 CC??T1C��ZCE LO . 'v , - - --•- - E��unan Resources Denartment . � . Plautics Inc. P. 0. Box 64610 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164 s es kill be accepted from Jtme 23, 1986 to J�e 27, 1986 �'I . ��' Equal Opportunity Fmployer Y. E. Lau Plastics Inc. �III � , � _ . J�:i i/�(;!i.►AL•i:T f3 _ _ , EXHIBIT A JOS ORDcR FORM City of S2int Paul De artment oi Pianrnn and cconornic Develo ent P 9 Pm Job Creation and Training Sect�on �',P TICS, INC. JUNE 18, 1986 t. ��alo;?+ 2. Date ONNEL ASSISTANT _____ 3. Job 7r,�s �' 4. Number of Openings �,I ST PAUL 5. Jo� Le;.a;ion ��,I S Y SMITH/EVA Y LAM 227-7371 6. Cor;ac:Person Phone --------- 7. Superv�sor �� A D H 8. Beginning Date — End�ng 9. Starting Salary S s4.52 pe� HR. . t0. B�.,ne'�ts NON I'— T TIME COI�LETE PRG. — FULL TIME �I'� WE K ENDS ONLY 12/PER SHIFT tl. Days:0 5a worked �' 12. Hours t3. Vilill un;on member ip b required? Yes R No �STRAIGHT PAY) I.A.M. �459 LOCAL 77 1`yes.which union d I al number 14. !f this�ob irn•olved o� tne '05 trainirg to be s�bsidized by the City,how long wi11 that training period be? ------- (;ttzch spec�'�c train ��g pl n) ,, I� 15. Specit�c Dut�es '� EN RAL MFG. -------- PACKIN �I . 16. Necessary Oualificati � s . . Skit1 le�el of education�lexp rie�ce or training required to enter program(include licenses and/or certificates necessary): MINIMUM OF 3 � S. MFG, EXPERIENCE. MUST BE FLEXII, E 0 WORK NIGHTS� OR DAYS. MUST JOIN IJNI $ 00.OQ INITI'ATION FEE --.----$1$. SO MONTEILY DUES. . 30 CALENDAR PR BA ON PERIOD. PLEASE GIVE ME THE INTERESTED CLIENTS NAMES AND I WILL CONTACT��'j TICS INC. FOR TIMES TO COME IN FOR APPLICATIONS TO BE 'FIZLED OUT. THANKS JO APpLICATION HOURS ARE FROM 9:00 am to ii:00 am MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. ' ' -� !' l�� � 'i: ATTACHMENT 8 EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE City of Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development Job Creation and Training Section . Employer Date Transfer from Future Jo �' Other Immediate New Hires Title' Locations New Hires (No.&Date) • Estimated Hiring Schedule Lead Happer��,IFi ers 3 Hopper Fill� s 12 � ! Material ' �I rs 6 I I Quality Con �I ol Insp ctors 6 � i - Machine Cle e 6 . Finishers/ P e s g� Utility Pers �' g �` Note : Appro a ly one third of the ab e will be hired by October 1 st. , 1986 I Anothe �� ird by November 1 s . 1986 � Final 'r b Decenber 1 st. 198 . � . � . - � . � . �� �� . �,�� . . . ATTACHM�IT 8 . D(HIBtT C . DUARTEt3LY HIRfNG SUMMARY . For Quarter Ending Vsted below aror I �itions in you�timn which are coverod u�der the Es�ployment and Training Agreement with the Ciry. Please list ths n of hiros for this quarter fc�sach camgory and retum this form to the Joo C�eado�and Training Sectiort w�tnin tt�i l 1 ciays foilowi�g the Ga�s of that quarter . . PasitloR Tiqf Totsl N�w Hires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - � - . . . 8. I certify that the abov�� inf atlon is true and accurate. . Authorized Signature , � . . . Title � . � Oate Please retum this fortn � Job Creaaon and Traini� g tion Oepartment oi Planni�g nd co�omic Oevelopment 25 West Fourth Street li Saint Faul.Minneaota 5 02 � . ��i '�I'�� 1 ( � " � 1 � � � �� � ~ ���� :-'�+ — —� . . �• �. � �+' -.� � .. .f. . � �� I c � � � ; �, ;; , , �. , , � �� C�?J 8���. � I . 6� - �- . . . �.�.....r ����.. �. � ��, �� � �� . � � � E�- ,� - , �� (' .'�"!�. _�.� . � i . � �T t"'r � �` � �, J a��"�� ,�J � � � 'I r���, ., � ��^�:J IJ� � �'�a--..a�....�r'� ��, �;J • I * `j -T-�(�'-� ; •.--��-�- � r�0 I���.J � �� • _.���i ..�t''}L'T:.' '� �%'''r--------� -- . ^ � a%s�tt--- � '�•a.��`' ,,�-'_'����Y� � � i �� � - -- .� � •�„`�"' ' i , 'r-�-r-'r'1 .: �,. . '•►..� , !,' �� / u Y �, '� ., _ ✓`. r— � ��_�r�rT ._ � _�� �� r� .� �� �� � � �� .1 .�==^� •��__� -_ __' ' �I�� j ���:�� � y,: f ,,��i ' .:� �����.�1��1 r������ ` ^� ` . � .�i r.�•. .�. �,:...::•�1--�.r^.�r.. ,� �� � �-- ,,-C- , r � r . r ,, �r'_"`m"m'� ?.' ���L q�' , � ; _ •` ;�: `� ,�lc,..r; � s i I�.;. _IL��_ �G {y� y� _ , , i— F_ � �_..... , � ;i"",,� ' Y i y ` �.j � ,� u �'� ' ..: !-�� � L..�L��. li i /_� .�. � ..`� D � ' . •'�� t 0 — j , : . __ ►��� , �-�'' � � � � � ' ,,',�'', , Jv ,.. %...._•.... � „ - �--{ !� ❑ � Li.i � :� ,..,� . . ;, ' "s D '�� ��1�1�❑ .� j . . , , ' . `�..'. . ' � '� � '•/ C= :�'� (�` / � '�� • � ���� I � i 1, r� � , ,�. '1�i�1YF} s V � �u'�� �,,,�,�_ �, � . �-.���,. ; �� c- ���0 � � � � l �..,..,., . � � � i �' i �'� = �� �,,- �� � , � %� \'�� r � ; .;., .� ='+ !�� . � $,: �„d < ^� L�� � \ '_,�\ ' ' ``,V!"� ,: �.v` � \���� n � ' ' / \. -� �-'�� � �`, �` � %,�+ � ! �' �\ ^ _�I J�� i ;> �\ ' ��� ��` \ ��.�'% ,,- i � �, >p J � /a �� � `` � „�; .,s�y,�: �T ,� i /� � �^� � � s�y � </ ���.! n � • _ a � , c � � � L'_� `C� /' •:�` ?�'": is ��i4 � . 0 . �.-�,.. � � �° � �( �/\ � /�`' � ' �^-�' � r�+�� f � /, � �6� ��TM� � I �..��� � •f �� \/ � sC ) �� �\ �`�\ \� . � �� �. , � .v, ` ` :�� .�� ;�; '�� . , , �`_ `, �� �,;, --� • � 1 � U`;" , ���'-� � , •'`' � s s . � ,' .; , /--„ "'� . ' �,/, •� />,�., S S ' A �..r � � � 4 <\���� � p --�^�`�'� ^ ';�• :..:. -, �j� .. . �„ �� _� �, / ' + O =�' .i —,� , � . ./• nl ��. � � /(, -y•,__� ., �'� � � \\ � � ,�D ,"'✓�.,/^.� � \ wiss..���.:',,�e', �/ ,f , ` � / '�� �\�'i.�'� ' � . - �.. .. 0 ✓ a ��. ���rC � •�y / � �,11' ; - .�:- �.�� ► �, ���� �� .�, .. � � � ���y� -,_ . � ,�„ .� � \� �,_ � _ , ,�1� � , � .i \��� `�� � � � '�� •a ,� . ` ,�. ; —, .; � ,\\ F"i. i. �. �t '. ,�, ,`,. � , : . \ . , � � '\ �\. �--=�7� . ',� �� , ,.: . . � ' ..... � , , i �y l� � �" � �+ � '� `; --�, �,,• / ,,, . � ; �� � . - - �. .�'..�i / � i� (J � _ \�,1 �� � � �J � , � � ;� � ";r�- �" ','' � ,' � /••� ����! `•; ,.. . ,.► , � : - � � ee� � � � � � ' ` �. � � �'�, a� -- ` = ' �� u.�� Q� a. . ,�;,.,.. . W�� �. , �: .� o �:.:��...:._� -��,. ----� . ` L� ���C�C� � n � �°�'���. ��; ����(� � �:� �n . �.� CCI1� ���� .r�" ��� � . � �0� ... ��, •` : , H D � . ..._� /� . �ri I nm��nnn .,-�,��.-, ��t, ..� �� . . o � M (V � .r ��r ar w� w� rea� Q R i " F11t � ZOII � erpnse e , R�.w�...,. r,.:�;�;.._ �- � . H i i N�r,r�tiv� � �'/= �''� -%/C� � MIN E;* 'TA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC ^EVELOPMENT Certificatios ' Applicitioa for Eat�rpriss Zoa• C .it . Nam�°t Hu�ia�r �' MianMOta ID Nuawe P�d�sd ID N�m b�r Plastics, �, Nc 7188385 41-0940959 AddrMr aumb�e � N�ar aad tdphoa�4wnlw ot p�sea te eeaeaat�e el�L 224 Ryan i en e ����hs�rrqu�stiwu about el�is lorm. CIt� � 9tab Zlp Cod� St. Paul ���� � 55101 D��erib�tb�acp t7(qnae�fwt o!acPaa�i�on.numb�r o[jobs a+��ed.ioer�w ia s ° P l►�u.iees�w ia mark�t v�1u�.eosc ot °�AaO�a�.�+P w asd aatue�r ot it�.pevduet . i � The installation of a new food storage container production ope ti a aad related plaat modifications totaling $4,567,000. Payroll increase ,e.eer�..2on.cr.atc� i� y an estimated $50,000. 3dM ess paid oa o �ruetioa mst�eials oe puipa�nt. . . . . . . . . . 1. �� tac.e..t yaid on d.be co eo�s.teuecioo ot a.,.faeility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2. 4�n�nnn s. Numb�rof rosk�es Iqr . .. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Si. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. Crdit p�r werlur( IIn 6 bdow) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b. e. Muleiplp th�aumb�e b�r tti�amouat oa liae b . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ,x, . . nd�r CIlr Zens Onl� i�i .. .... . ... .. .... . �—�-- s. Numb�r ot�os�es . ... . .. .... . . . . .. ... . .. . .. .. . �i. b. Cr�dit p�e worlue( Ita .bdo�) . . .. . . ... . ..... . . .... . .. b. e. Mnitipl�r t!u numb�r 'lia� b�►th�amount oa lin�b . . . . . . . . . . ,tal Cndit� . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .4e.�� . Tota1�atapetk war ( liar.l.2;sc and 4e).. . . . . ... ..... .. .... . . . . ..... . .... .5. $420,000 �� Eat�peik Zoa�Cit�r I�� N��nd cai�phon�nuinb�r ot P�taoa W eootaet if w�hs�e quNtioaa�bont this fosm St. Paul John A. Campobasso, St. Paul Port Authorit y (612/224-5686) G�al dNCription ot peo I r nrhich cr�dit is dum�d. Property Identi ic ion Numbers: 06-28-22-24-0031-0-625; 06-28�22-24-0030-7-625; 06-28-22-32-0001-4-625; 06-28-22-32_0010-8-625. FiU in th�er�dit amouat W I all d for�aeh�n�plopa. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Hord�r eitv weM onlr-Filti th er�dif amouat to braUow�d toewh�mpiqN . .. . . . . . . . . . . T. Ch�el�ebr sppropeiatt baac: ���� � 1 r,�uer f 1�r•o.�on ot.�.w��r.�uih► - ALo till ia th�uaount oi t eo alloa�d[or Prop�t�►�a�e P�7ab1�in 1� . . . . . . .. . . . . . 8. Bord�r dtn wnw onir(foe iseilitiw) �� FW la t6��uat ot erdit br [ar peopai�r tax p�rab4 iQ l� . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 9. ��� Laeal eoattfbu�ion( I d�e�d � Zon�Dduetionr rhe City will leas , fo 26 months 53,900 sq.ft$.�;,,a;,,�H�,� „ �f warehouse space �� 4 � per sq.ft. which is pff.�„ � S186 5q� g 3pproximatel e �wm►. . . . . __,,$,._6 y $1.6 ' be ow the market rate of �sgv�, , , , , , 32.00 er s .ft. �- /�' ��i► an� t the appliestiat u crus and eosr�et to eh�bat ot nt�r knoal�dp and bdi�f. • / . . i � ��' / • /� .v �� '� , �r — 1 ' �"��-ti.�{`/ �`. - �>. , � �/ ,\.�• c� t.•.\ \�1;: =1;" � / .Z �� 9t sttur A Ild Pt PP1� � � ,'�) I�II � � a / � � / ��1 '` ^ � ! /l��i �h�'"CI�oe , p�. Co�wioa�e ot Fnrpr asd Eeoao�oia D�wlopmatt Dsw � Caiiaatba tb�s applieant u loeat�d ia th�- wai�epeiN Eon�and er�di w awilabM. �� � � �a.�e.a h►omd M o aw %_;- . �.. ,. � ,�� e �l/l.��0'6 Cana�rioa�r ot R�waw DsN APP�'��d tar e�etilteatioe.�Ea�p{vp�r�nt Prop�et�r