86-914 WMITE - C�TV CL K PINK - FINANCE �'�, GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council CANARV - DEPART NT �n BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Uv +�� u ci solution ; Presented By � �r yo'�• � Referre To Committee: Date Out of om ittee By Date RESOT�V D, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to th C' ty, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper' C' ty of_ficers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of th Tort Liability Func1 09070-511-000 , to : 1 . Gi' be t A. Tonn the sum of $844 . 66 in full settlement of his cl im of damages sustained on or about June 11 , 19$6 , as more pa' ti ularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Cl rk ' s office on June 12 , 1986. COUNC[L ElY Requested by Department of: Yeas orew ys � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � Scheibel Sonnen __ AgBillst BY Tedesco Wilson JUL 3 - 1986 Form Ap roved by Cit At orney Adopted by Coun l: Date Certified Va_s y uncil S t BY gy. Appro by �+lav ate � 7 • �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y - — BY PUBUSHEO .I U L 1 219�6 . , ��-�i� ,,��== o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL e� '�� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ` "'����° 'p EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY o• ^c� ' �Q�o�•� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIME MAYOR 24 Jun 1 86 M E M O A D U M CLAIM GA NST CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY GIL, ER A. TONN On Ju 1 , 1986 , a City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works , t ck driven by our employee, Har.ry Low, backed into a vehicl s opped behind him. This vehicle was driven and owned by claima t , Gilbert Tonn, and as a result of the impact sustained damage i the amount of $844. 66. :� �= . �-.,.� _ ;, a.., -*, -`-- r=- rn ' ' ��'� o' -� __;-� ['a�7 i�l v"i .