99-804CouncilFile# qq-�ey �������� .:.,,:, Refecre�l To RESOLUTION SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62987 �� c.ommiaee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the classification of "Emergency Communications Center 3 Manager" in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Emergency Communications Center 5 Manager" be established at the rate set forth in grade 44, of Bargaining Unit 04, Police Federation Sa1azy 6 Schedule, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 7 FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect on the first pay period following its passage 8 and approvai. Yr- � App� � Reguested by Department of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURGES By: r `�'��rA.� • �1:if1�1 � Forsn Approved by City Attomey By: W�\�' "� � �d I Appra � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary .�_ - �;� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: I3uman Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL# OF 9q-4�ny DATE �r"`"�D GREEN SHEET No.: 62987 August 3, 1999 � INfClAi/DATE INiT7AilDATS ASSIGN _DEPARTMENT D • 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. 1�iUMBER 2 CTTYATI'O 6 CITYC gpg 3_ BUDGET DIl2. FIN. & MGT. SERYtCE DIlL ROUTING ? MAPOR(ORASST. CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ORDER acrcox �u�En: Approval of a Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly created Emergency Communications Center Manager class in grade 44 of the Police Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensation. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVI[, SERVICE COMbIISSION CffiCAIvIIvfITtEE STAFF D7STRICT COUAT SOPPORTS WHICA COUNCII.OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVI2:E CONTRACT5 MIIST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: 1. HasUtispexsodfumeverwotkedunderaconhactforflvsdeyai4nent? Yes No 2. Has titis persoal5rm ever beea a city employee? Yes No 3. DoesthispersoxJfinnpossessaskillaotnonnaltyposxessedbyanycuixexttcity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yea sosrvers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet IAIITIATINGPROBLEM, SSSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, W6af, When, WHere, Why): Eazlier this year, the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency communications and dispatch functions under Police Department management. Under the new structure, it was deternuned that there was a need to establish a new single incumbent maziagement classification that combaned the duties and responsibilities previously performed by Fire Communications Chief and a Police Lieutenant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Equitable compensation will be established for this new class having the combined responsibility for managing both the Fire and Police emergency dispatch/communications functions. None APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Compensation will not be established for this new class. Consequently, the City's ability to appropriately classify and compensate this management position will be limited. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION:17�e salary forthis class will rauge &om 555,900 m$75,500. 1Le 5 yeaz rate is $70, 100 COST/REVENUE BTJDGETED: Yes H9JNDINGSOURCE:001 Gene�atFund FINANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EYPLAIN) ACTIVITY NL7MBER: 04302 Police Emergency Communications �ousss�f Pes�asch Center �; <=N,.7 `,� r �' _,:��,� ������ �G.. o __ ���._. ; F� y'- u Y ��t . u . +t . s ... oor , . � � a°i -8'0� CODE: 675A BU: 04 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED 1TTLE OF CLASS: EMERGENCY COMMUIVICATIONS CEN'rER MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WaRK General Statement of Duties Performs highly responsible administrative and maaagerial work in planning and directing the activities of the Emergency Communications Center; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received Works under the general direction of a Deputy Chief of Police. Supervision Exercised Exercises, within the unit, general supervision ovrs all Emergency Communications Center staff either directty or through subardinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may aot i�clude all the duties perforcxied by all positions in this class. Establishes the mission and vision for the Emergency Communications Center and develops performance standatds that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Birects, supeivises, assigns, and evaluates the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; a�thorizes payroll, hiring, discip]inary, and other related aetions. Develops and oversees the implementatioa of procedures for the Emergency Communications Center. Plans, and directs practical, procedural, and technical trainuig for Shift Supervisors, Bispatchers and Telecammunicators. Manages ongoing systems including radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD)• Manages E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. �q ��� EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (wntinued) Researches needs, prepares proposals and requests for system refinements on new or replacement equipment; evaluates equipment and systems pertinent to the emergency communications program. R esponds to the Emergency Communications Center in the event of ma}or emergencies such as mukiple alarm fires and CAD system malfunctions in order to coordinate dispatch activities or trouble shoot and conect problems. Measures the emergency communications program effectiveness by analyzing performance data relating to responses to requests for services; ensures appropriate responses, and addresses any deficiencies; maintains appropriate data used to measure performance. Prepares, revises, and maintains an emergency vehicle data hase and response plan, including standards procedures, and emergency revisions. Supetv'sses the maintenance of r.ecords pertaining to exnergency setvices perforn�ed outside the City and reports these to the appropriate administrative staff. Plan, prepares, and manages Emergency Communications Center budget, suthorizes purchases and paymems. Provides statistics for reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge ofcurrent operating characteristics of radio communications and related systems, including the computer assisted dispatching system and data collection and evaluation systems. Thorough knowledge of emergency dispatch procedures. Considerable knowledge of new communications technologies. Considerable knowledge of budget planning, preparatioq and management techniques. Considerable knowiedge of stress recognitionJmanagement techniques. �q-�� EMERGENCY COMMIJNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTI�S AND COMPETENCIES (continued) Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regularions, policies, and procedures gaverning the work of a communications center. Considerable ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems with equipment and systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and direct the work of an emergency communications center. Considerable ability to remain calm in emergency situations and communicate effectively with a diverse group of peopie, both orally and in writing. MIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in public adminisuatioq business administration, communications, electronics, or a related field, and three years of supervisory eacperience in an emergency communications center providing computer-sided dispatching services to law enforcement, fire suppression, and emergency medical service agencies (no substitution for educarion). F:\USERS�I3RCOMMONUGHNSPEC. WPD City of Saint Paui BARGAINING UNIT 04 Issued 4/23/99 POLICE • Effactiva 1999 aq •QQy � GfiADE 41H 545H LIEUTENANT-HOSTAGE A B C D E F 10-YR. 15-YA. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) O1/Q2j49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03J99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 4IK 545K LIEUTENANT-CIRT O1/02/99 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2726.58 07/03/99 2051.OG 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.82 GRADE 410 5450 LIEUT£NANT-ORDNANCE AISPOSAL 01/02/49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03/99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2SS0.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 41T 545T LIEUTENANT-TRAFFIC �J1/02f99 I965.83 2063.37 2165.82 2252.62 2367.11 2462.47 2589.56 2653.18 07/03/99 1975.64 2073.67 2176.63 2263.86 2378.92 2474.77 2602.49 2666.42 GRADE 44X 544% COMMANDER W/0 PRElfIUM O1/02/99 2049.70 2151.69 2258.83 2349,61 2469.26 2568.98 2701.85 2768.38 07/03/99 2059.95 2162.45 2270.12 2361.36 2481.61 2581.82 2715.36 2782.22 GRADE 044 544 COMMANDER W/PRFMSUM O1/02/99 2131.69 2237.76 2349.18 2443.59 2568.03 2671.74 2809.92 2879.12 � 07j03/99 21k2.35 2248.95 2360.92 2455.81 2580.87 2665.09 2823.97 2893.51 GRADE 440 5440 CO2IIiANDE&-ORDNANCE DISPOSAL O1/02j99 2211.69 2317.76 2429.18 2523.59 2648.03 2751.74 2889.92 2959.12 07/03/99 2222.35 2328.95 2440.92 2535.81 2660.87 2765.09 2903.97 2973.51 � 04 - 07 �E���� �,�-�ny JdmHaxulton,Dirs�wr CITY OF SAINf PAIJL IpOCiryHa7lAmrsx Tdsp�wm: 617-166b500 Nwin Coknwrt, Mayor 251yrstForrt7�Slmt �AZSY.• 612-266-6507 SaLrPmt�Minr�rsoua 33102-163] JobUnr. 612-2666502 Faai�d'k: 612-292-7636 TO: 'Ibe Fa�esgeacy Communicatiau4 Manager and ShiB Supeivisor Files FROM: DATE: RE: �. � .�. ;, /. • ��. . ,. � �. .. F.mergency Cotnmunications Center (ECC) New Classification Name Chaage On July 13, 1999 I received a phone c�li fran the Chief of Police, William Finney. The Chief stated Ukat Le approved the 20 day � oa the proposed Fanergency Comvuwications Center Convnander and Shi& Supervisor class �aei5cations. However, �e would like to change the nacne of t}�e Coaunander to Maaager. The reason for doing this was that the Commander title is commoniy associated with sworn law wforcement activities and the position in questio�n will be �8�8 ��rB�Y Comttsunicatiotts Ceaiter aand not perfortning sucli acxivities. Aiso on July 13 , 1999 I mceive a FAX from Brad Jaeabscm, Preside�i of tLe Police Federarion, and he indicated fhat he atso approved of the new cl�ss speci5cations and pay assignmeuts. Iie Lad no objeetions to cl�anging �e natwe fradn C;ommaadet W b3auager. JUL-1�-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PaUL NJ'1RN RESOUR OFFiGB OF RUMAN RFSOURCES fo�u�a�,�• � C1TY OF SAII�TI' PAZJL. .00aqxau,a,�.� Nevn Colrna�f, Xayos 23 iVi#FaartMSbwt SplwtPmdAfls+aMa SS702•1631 TQ: � Willism K F�mnry Chicf of Police FROM 7ohn Shockley �� Oflia of Hna�an Resourcee DATE: 7u1y 12, 1999 RE; TaentyDayNotiee P.�3i09 �a ��4� T.tr�+,�.x: srs-:es.ssoe TcN1ZTl.� 6/1•Sb6650f JoMlne.• 617•2666SOZ FaeAnIY: 61I•79Y�6J6 It f�as bem detecmined tt�at the alassificatians entitled Emugeacy Commanicatiaua Center Commander �nd Emergeacy Communications Center Shift Supervisor shoutd be created. I have attached wpies of the ckss speeifications for your review. I will aiso be Processing City Council Resolutions establislun� raUes of psy for the new ciassi$cations in the Salary Ptan and Itata of Compmsation. The EmeTSenc�' Coa.mun;catian: Center Commaader w�1t be asaigaed to grtde 4A, �ad tde Emergency Commnnicationa C�ter Shift 5uperv'uor w� be assigned to grade 36X, of the Palla Federatior� Barganiing Unit 04, Satmy Sche�ile. These are the same rates of pay as thc Commander-with premivat and the Ses'geairt-without premaun, respectively. Please notify me withm twmty days of nceipt of tbis mcmo ef you wish to discuss these actious. If I do nat hear f�om you within tt�at rime freme, I wilt assume agrcement and will proceed with the process. I hereby F` _� time}emaining on this 20 day noticC £or the pvrpose of croating the s specificaiions. 13, ��___ , _ Date JUL-1�-15°9 13�2° CITY ST.PAUL HUMAN RESCUR ' OFYlCE OP HUAL4N RESOURCES Jakn Hamf7ton, Dlractw � CTIY OF SAII�TT PAUL .aa c��xau.�,R� Nonw Cala�nan, Mayor 25 Wert FmvtA S'hsat SatwtPauxM�nnsrpra SSJOYl63l �./ �� ��►3(°� � 7uly I2, I999 Brad Iacobsen, President Saint Paul Police Federation 373 Selby Street 5aint Paul, MN 55IO2 RE: TwentyDayNoticc Dear Brad: P.02�06 aq - `� Talepkare: 6fY16S6500 ?bLY177: 611•�666507 Jpblina: 613-d666307 FacerM.k: 6J2•292J656 It has been deternuned that ihe classifications entiiled Emergency Communications enter �audar sad Emetgenry Commnnications Center Shift 5upervisor should be created. I have attached copies of the clasa speci5cations for your review. I will also be process � Council Resolutions establishing rates of pay for the new classi&cations in the Salary and Rates of Compensation. The Emergency Communicallons Center Ge�+ntaoder will be assigned to grade 44, and tbe Emergency Communications Center Shift Supervisor will be assigned to grade 36X, of the Fofice Federatios� Bargauvng Unit oa, Satary Scbedule. These are the same rates of pay as the Cornmander-with premiutn and ihe Sergeant-without premium, tespectively. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these actions. If I do not hear &om you Yvithin that time frame, I will assume agreement and wi1! proceed with the process. Sincerely, L�� 3ohn H. Shockley Seniar Consultant I}ureby waive the sime remsining on this 20 dsy not'sce for the purpose of creating the class ti�3r�}nd class specificarions. Name P�iCLpSSUOHI�n�ET.MEMtEGC2oDAV.R'PD ---- ----°°-- Date :UL-12-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PqUL H_MRrJ RESCNP. a������ 3ob,Hmd4un, D1maa � CTfYOFSAIl3TPAUL .00ca NarsCatam+t M�ror 3S W.at,ra�.d� Sanr SoistParl,��o SS10bJbYi TO: WiDiam K. Finpey ChiefofPotice FROM: Jota► Shockley � O�'we of Fiusnan Resrnuces DATE: July 1Z, 1999 P.02i09 q°t-rny 71[�Jwrn: 6lY-466.6590 ID7X1'JY.• 67A166EJDl Jobkrx: 6IY2666S07 Facrtdic 67T.291.1656 RB: Swdy of The Froposed Emergency Communicatio�s Supervisory Posirion We have compteud the atudy of the proposed �sory positions resulting from the merger of Lhe Fire and Pdice anugawy communicadons functions. As a result, it has bcen determined that two new desses be created eatided Emergency Communications Cemer (ECC} Connnander and Emerg«icy Commuaications (ECC) Center Siu� Supervisor. It has atso been detes�ned t6at the two mw cfasus should lu ssaigtted to the Pofice Federation bergainitig unit. The recommended pay for th� ECC Comsnander class tiriit be grade 44, which is the a�une as chat far Cosranander-with premium. The recmmcunded pay for the ECC 5hiR Supervisor ctass will be grade 36X, which is tl�e same as Sergeaat-withcaut premium. `v�'e will bt �ending out twenry day nolices, ASAP, with the new class speci&cations and ysy grades to both you aird the Palice Fedtrotion. If you hauo any qvestions regarding this matta� Please cali me at 266-6482. CC: Dick Crardeit ,- qg��'a `� Job Descrintion This position will be perfomilng highly responsible adnvnistrative and managerial work in plannuig and directing the activities of the newly combined Emergency Communications Center. Supervision will be received from the Deputy Chief in charge of Support Services. Approximately fiRy-seve� positions in the class tiiles of Shift Supervisors, Fire Alazm Dispatchers, Police Dispatchers and Telecommunicators will be under the general supervision of this position. Some of the typical duries performed by the position will he: Bstablishing the mission and vision of Emergency Communications Center and developing performance standards that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Directing, supervising, assigning, and evatuating the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; also authorizing payroil, hiring, and disciplining. Developing and overseeing the implexnentation of palicies and procedures. Plazuung and directing training for staff. Managing ongoing systems iatcluding radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD). Managing E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. Researching needs, preparing proposals and requesting systesns refinements on new replacement equipment; evaluating equipment and systems pertinent to ihe emergency commm�ications program. Being on call and responding to the Cerner in the event of major emergencies in order to coordinate dispatch activities or uouble shoot and correct problems. Maintaining appropriate performance data, analyzing such data, and measuring the emergency communications program effectiveness. Preparing, revising, and maintaining and emergettcy vehicle data base and response plan, including standard procedures, and emergency revisions. Superc�sing the maintenance of records pertaining to emergency services performed outside the City and reporting these to the apprapriate administrators. Planning, preparing, and managing the Emergency Communications Cerner budget, to include authorizing purchases and payments. 9q -�°'i Comparisons The duties of the groposed position are similar to those ofthe Fire Communications Chief which supervises the Fire portion of the City's emergency communications operation and the Lieutenant which manages the Police side. The �ception is that the proposed position has responsibility for providing leadership and management to a combined Fire and Police emergency communications program. The supervisory responsibilities af the proposed position aze similar in scope to those of Commanders itt the Police Department. However, the position does not have any responsibility for direct law enforcement activiries as do Commanders. Therefor, the proposed position does not match well with e�sting class specifications or with positions allocated to existing classes. O. E. S. Evaluation and Anatysis The QES analysis sugports assigning the proposed position to grade 44 of the Potice Federation salary schedule. Recommendation It is recommended thaz the posiiion be allocated to a new classification entitled Emergency Comraunicauons Center Manager. It is also recommended that the new class be assigned to the Police Federation bargaifling uxsii in grade 44, which is the same as that assigned Commanders in the Police Departmer�t. �t9 - Y'oy POSITION STUDIED: INCtMBENTS: STUDIED BY: DATE ST[TDIED: COMPENSATiON STtTDY REPORT Proposed Emergency Communications Cemer Manager Timothy Butler Dick Dugan dohn Shockley July 1, 1999 PERSONS CONTACTED: Timothy Butier Richard Gardell Dick Dugan Background Earlier this year the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency comuwnications and dispatoh functions under Police managesnent. Previously, Fire dispatch operations were managed by a Fire Communications Chie� and the Police 911- operatorldispatch functions were managed by a Lieutenant. Consequently, under the new structure there was a need to develop a nsw single incumbent management classification with combined duties. Study Components Review of}ob informauon Interview �ith incuanbexits Interview with supervisor Comparisaa to class specifications Comparison to otlier positions QES evaluation and analysis APPROVAL OF H UMAN RESOURCES DII2ECTOR CouncilFile# qq-�ey �������� .:.,,:, Refecre�l To RESOLUTION SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62987 �� c.ommiaee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the classification of "Emergency Communications Center 3 Manager" in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Emergency Communications Center 5 Manager" be established at the rate set forth in grade 44, of Bargaining Unit 04, Police Federation Sa1azy 6 Schedule, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 7 FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect on the first pay period following its passage 8 and approvai. Yr- � App� � Reguested by Department of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURGES By: r `�'��rA.� • �1:if1�1 � Forsn Approved by City Attomey By: W�\�' "� � �d I Appra � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary .�_ - �;� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: I3uman Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL# OF 9q-4�ny DATE �r"`"�D GREEN SHEET No.: 62987 August 3, 1999 � INfClAi/DATE INiT7AilDATS ASSIGN _DEPARTMENT D • 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. 1�iUMBER 2 CTTYATI'O 6 CITYC gpg 3_ BUDGET DIl2. FIN. & MGT. SERYtCE DIlL ROUTING ? MAPOR(ORASST. CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ORDER acrcox �u�En: Approval of a Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly created Emergency Communications Center Manager class in grade 44 of the Police Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensation. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVI[, SERVICE COMbIISSION CffiCAIvIIvfITtEE STAFF D7STRICT COUAT SOPPORTS WHICA COUNCII.OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVI2:E CONTRACT5 MIIST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: 1. HasUtispexsodfumeverwotkedunderaconhactforflvsdeyai4nent? Yes No 2. Has titis persoal5rm ever beea a city employee? Yes No 3. DoesthispersoxJfinnpossessaskillaotnonnaltyposxessedbyanycuixexttcity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yea sosrvers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet IAIITIATINGPROBLEM, SSSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, W6af, When, WHere, Why): Eazlier this year, the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency communications and dispatch functions under Police Department management. Under the new structure, it was deternuned that there was a need to establish a new single incumbent maziagement classification that combaned the duties and responsibilities previously performed by Fire Communications Chief and a Police Lieutenant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Equitable compensation will be established for this new class having the combined responsibility for managing both the Fire and Police emergency dispatch/communications functions. None APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Compensation will not be established for this new class. Consequently, the City's ability to appropriately classify and compensate this management position will be limited. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION:17�e salary forthis class will rauge &om 555,900 m$75,500. 1Le 5 yeaz rate is $70, 100 COST/REVENUE BTJDGETED: Yes H9JNDINGSOURCE:001 Gene�atFund FINANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EYPLAIN) ACTIVITY NL7MBER: 04302 Police Emergency Communications �ousss�f Pes�asch Center �; <=N,.7 `,� r �' _,:��,� ������ �G.. o __ ���._. ; F� y'- u Y ��t . u . +t . s ... oor , . � � a°i -8'0� CODE: 675A BU: 04 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED 1TTLE OF CLASS: EMERGENCY COMMUIVICATIONS CEN'rER MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WaRK General Statement of Duties Performs highly responsible administrative and maaagerial work in planning and directing the activities of the Emergency Communications Center; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received Works under the general direction of a Deputy Chief of Police. Supervision Exercised Exercises, within the unit, general supervision ovrs all Emergency Communications Center staff either directty or through subardinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may aot i�clude all the duties perforcxied by all positions in this class. Establishes the mission and vision for the Emergency Communications Center and develops performance standatds that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Birects, supeivises, assigns, and evaluates the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; a�thorizes payroll, hiring, discip]inary, and other related aetions. Develops and oversees the implementatioa of procedures for the Emergency Communications Center. Plans, and directs practical, procedural, and technical trainuig for Shift Supervisors, Bispatchers and Telecammunicators. Manages ongoing systems including radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD)• Manages E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. �q ��� EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (wntinued) Researches needs, prepares proposals and requests for system refinements on new or replacement equipment; evaluates equipment and systems pertinent to the emergency communications program. R esponds to the Emergency Communications Center in the event of ma}or emergencies such as mukiple alarm fires and CAD system malfunctions in order to coordinate dispatch activities or trouble shoot and conect problems. Measures the emergency communications program effectiveness by analyzing performance data relating to responses to requests for services; ensures appropriate responses, and addresses any deficiencies; maintains appropriate data used to measure performance. Prepares, revises, and maintains an emergency vehicle data hase and response plan, including standards procedures, and emergency revisions. Supetv'sses the maintenance of r.ecords pertaining to exnergency setvices perforn�ed outside the City and reports these to the appropriate administrative staff. Plan, prepares, and manages Emergency Communications Center budget, suthorizes purchases and paymems. Provides statistics for reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge ofcurrent operating characteristics of radio communications and related systems, including the computer assisted dispatching system and data collection and evaluation systems. Thorough knowledge of emergency dispatch procedures. Considerable knowledge of new communications technologies. Considerable knowledge of budget planning, preparatioq and management techniques. Considerable knowiedge of stress recognitionJmanagement techniques. �q-�� EMERGENCY COMMIJNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTI�S AND COMPETENCIES (continued) Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regularions, policies, and procedures gaverning the work of a communications center. Considerable ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems with equipment and systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and direct the work of an emergency communications center. Considerable ability to remain calm in emergency situations and communicate effectively with a diverse group of peopie, both orally and in writing. MIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in public adminisuatioq business administration, communications, electronics, or a related field, and three years of supervisory eacperience in an emergency communications center providing computer-sided dispatching services to law enforcement, fire suppression, and emergency medical service agencies (no substitution for educarion). F:\USERS�I3RCOMMONUGHNSPEC. WPD City of Saint Paui BARGAINING UNIT 04 Issued 4/23/99 POLICE • Effactiva 1999 aq •QQy � GfiADE 41H 545H LIEUTENANT-HOSTAGE A B C D E F 10-YR. 15-YA. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) O1/Q2j49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03J99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 4IK 545K LIEUTENANT-CIRT O1/02/99 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2726.58 07/03/99 2051.OG 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.82 GRADE 410 5450 LIEUT£NANT-ORDNANCE AISPOSAL 01/02/49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03/99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2SS0.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 41T 545T LIEUTENANT-TRAFFIC �J1/02f99 I965.83 2063.37 2165.82 2252.62 2367.11 2462.47 2589.56 2653.18 07/03/99 1975.64 2073.67 2176.63 2263.86 2378.92 2474.77 2602.49 2666.42 GRADE 44X 544% COMMANDER W/0 PRElfIUM O1/02/99 2049.70 2151.69 2258.83 2349,61 2469.26 2568.98 2701.85 2768.38 07/03/99 2059.95 2162.45 2270.12 2361.36 2481.61 2581.82 2715.36 2782.22 GRADE 044 544 COMMANDER W/PRFMSUM O1/02/99 2131.69 2237.76 2349.18 2443.59 2568.03 2671.74 2809.92 2879.12 � 07j03/99 21k2.35 2248.95 2360.92 2455.81 2580.87 2665.09 2823.97 2893.51 GRADE 440 5440 CO2IIiANDE&-ORDNANCE DISPOSAL O1/02j99 2211.69 2317.76 2429.18 2523.59 2648.03 2751.74 2889.92 2959.12 07/03/99 2222.35 2328.95 2440.92 2535.81 2660.87 2765.09 2903.97 2973.51 � 04 - 07 �E���� �,�-�ny JdmHaxulton,Dirs�wr CITY OF SAINf PAIJL IpOCiryHa7lAmrsx Tdsp�wm: 617-166b500 Nwin Coknwrt, Mayor 251yrstForrt7�Slmt �AZSY.• 612-266-6507 SaLrPmt�Minr�rsoua 33102-163] JobUnr. 612-2666502 Faai�d'k: 612-292-7636 TO: 'Ibe Fa�esgeacy Communicatiau4 Manager and ShiB Supeivisor Files FROM: DATE: RE: �. � .�. ;, /. • ��. . ,. � �. .. F.mergency Cotnmunications Center (ECC) New Classification Name Chaage On July 13, 1999 I received a phone c�li fran the Chief of Police, William Finney. The Chief stated Ukat Le approved the 20 day � oa the proposed Fanergency Comvuwications Center Convnander and Shi& Supervisor class �aei5cations. However, �e would like to change the nacne of t}�e Coaunander to Maaager. The reason for doing this was that the Commander title is commoniy associated with sworn law wforcement activities and the position in questio�n will be �8�8 ��rB�Y Comttsunicatiotts Ceaiter aand not perfortning sucli acxivities. Aiso on July 13 , 1999 I mceive a FAX from Brad Jaeabscm, Preside�i of tLe Police Federarion, and he indicated fhat he atso approved of the new cl�ss speci5cations and pay assignmeuts. Iie Lad no objeetions to cl�anging �e natwe fradn C;ommaadet W b3auager. JUL-1�-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PaUL NJ'1RN RESOUR OFFiGB OF RUMAN RFSOURCES fo�u�a�,�• � C1TY OF SAII�TI' PAZJL. .00aqxau,a,�.� Nevn Colrna�f, Xayos 23 iVi#FaartMSbwt SplwtPmdAfls+aMa SS702•1631 TQ: � Willism K F�mnry Chicf of Police FROM 7ohn Shockley �� Oflia of Hna�an Resourcee DATE: 7u1y 12, 1999 RE; TaentyDayNotiee P.�3i09 �a ��4� T.tr�+,�.x: srs-:es.ssoe TcN1ZTl.� 6/1•Sb6650f JoMlne.• 617•2666SOZ FaeAnIY: 61I•79Y�6J6 It f�as bem detecmined tt�at the alassificatians entitled Emugeacy Commanicatiaua Center Commander �nd Emergeacy Communications Center Shift Supervisor shoutd be created. I have attached wpies of the ckss speeifications for your review. I will aiso be Processing City Council Resolutions establislun� raUes of psy for the new ciassi$cations in the Salary Ptan and Itata of Compmsation. The EmeTSenc�' Coa.mun;catian: Center Commaader w�1t be asaigaed to grtde 4A, �ad tde Emergency Commnnicationa C�ter Shift 5uperv'uor w� be assigned to grade 36X, of the Palla Federatior� Barganiing Unit 04, Satmy Sche�ile. These are the same rates of pay as thc Commander-with premivat and the Ses'geairt-without premaun, respectively. Please notify me withm twmty days of nceipt of tbis mcmo ef you wish to discuss these actious. If I do nat hear f�om you within tt�at rime freme, I wilt assume agrcement and will proceed with the process. I hereby F` _� time}emaining on this 20 day noticC £or the pvrpose of croating the s specificaiions. 13, ��___ , _ Date JUL-1�-15°9 13�2° CITY ST.PAUL HUMAN RESCUR ' OFYlCE OP HUAL4N RESOURCES Jakn Hamf7ton, Dlractw � CTIY OF SAII�TT PAUL .aa c��xau.�,R� Nonw Cala�nan, Mayor 25 Wert FmvtA S'hsat SatwtPauxM�nnsrpra SSJOYl63l �./ �� ��►3(°� � 7uly I2, I999 Brad Iacobsen, President Saint Paul Police Federation 373 Selby Street 5aint Paul, MN 55IO2 RE: TwentyDayNoticc Dear Brad: P.02�06 aq - `� Talepkare: 6fY16S6500 ?bLY177: 611•�666507 Jpblina: 613-d666307 FacerM.k: 6J2•292J656 It has been deternuned that ihe classifications entiiled Emergency Communications enter �audar sad Emetgenry Commnnications Center Shift 5upervisor should be created. I have attached copies of the clasa speci5cations for your review. I will also be process � Council Resolutions establishing rates of pay for the new classi&cations in the Salary and Rates of Compensation. The Emergency Communicallons Center Ge�+ntaoder will be assigned to grade 44, and tbe Emergency Communications Center Shift Supervisor will be assigned to grade 36X, of the Fofice Federatios� Bargauvng Unit oa, Satary Scbedule. These are the same rates of pay as the Cornmander-with premiutn and ihe Sergeant-without premium, tespectively. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these actions. If I do not hear &om you Yvithin that time frame, I will assume agreement and wi1! proceed with the process. Sincerely, L�� 3ohn H. Shockley Seniar Consultant I}ureby waive the sime remsining on this 20 dsy not'sce for the purpose of creating the class ti�3r�}nd class specificarions. Name P�iCLpSSUOHI�n�ET.MEMtEGC2oDAV.R'PD ---- ----°°-- Date :UL-12-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PqUL H_MRrJ RESCNP. a������ 3ob,Hmd4un, D1maa � CTfYOFSAIl3TPAUL .00ca NarsCatam+t M�ror 3S W.at,ra�.d� Sanr SoistParl,��o SS10bJbYi TO: WiDiam K. Finpey ChiefofPotice FROM: Jota► Shockley � O�'we of Fiusnan Resrnuces DATE: July 1Z, 1999 P.02i09 q°t-rny 71[�Jwrn: 6lY-466.6590 ID7X1'JY.• 67A166EJDl Jobkrx: 6IY2666S07 Facrtdic 67T.291.1656 RB: Swdy of The Froposed Emergency Communicatio�s Supervisory Posirion We have compteud the atudy of the proposed �sory positions resulting from the merger of Lhe Fire and Pdice anugawy communicadons functions. As a result, it has bcen determined that two new desses be created eatided Emergency Communications Cemer (ECC} Connnander and Emerg«icy Commuaications (ECC) Center Siu� Supervisor. It has atso been detes�ned t6at the two mw cfasus should lu ssaigtted to the Pofice Federation bergainitig unit. The recommended pay for th� ECC Comsnander class tiriit be grade 44, which is the a�une as chat far Cosranander-with premium. The recmmcunded pay for the ECC 5hiR Supervisor ctass will be grade 36X, which is tl�e same as Sergeaat-withcaut premium. `v�'e will bt �ending out twenry day nolices, ASAP, with the new class speci&cations and ysy grades to both you aird the Palice Fedtrotion. If you hauo any qvestions regarding this matta� Please cali me at 266-6482. CC: Dick Crardeit ,- qg��'a `� Job Descrintion This position will be perfomilng highly responsible adnvnistrative and managerial work in plannuig and directing the activities of the newly combined Emergency Communications Center. Supervision will be received from the Deputy Chief in charge of Support Services. Approximately fiRy-seve� positions in the class tiiles of Shift Supervisors, Fire Alazm Dispatchers, Police Dispatchers and Telecommunicators will be under the general supervision of this position. Some of the typical duries performed by the position will he: Bstablishing the mission and vision of Emergency Communications Center and developing performance standards that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Directing, supervising, assigning, and evatuating the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; also authorizing payroil, hiring, and disciplining. Developing and overseeing the implexnentation of palicies and procedures. Plazuung and directing training for staff. Managing ongoing systems iatcluding radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD). Managing E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. Researching needs, preparing proposals and requesting systesns refinements on new replacement equipment; evaluating equipment and systems pertinent to ihe emergency commm�ications program. Being on call and responding to the Cerner in the event of major emergencies in order to coordinate dispatch activities or uouble shoot and correct problems. Maintaining appropriate performance data, analyzing such data, and measuring the emergency communications program effectiveness. Preparing, revising, and maintaining and emergettcy vehicle data base and response plan, including standard procedures, and emergency revisions. Superc�sing the maintenance of records pertaining to emergency services performed outside the City and reporting these to the apprapriate administrators. Planning, preparing, and managing the Emergency Communications Cerner budget, to include authorizing purchases and payments. 9q -�°'i Comparisons The duties of the groposed position are similar to those ofthe Fire Communications Chief which supervises the Fire portion of the City's emergency communications operation and the Lieutenant which manages the Police side. The �ception is that the proposed position has responsibility for providing leadership and management to a combined Fire and Police emergency communications program. The supervisory responsibilities af the proposed position aze similar in scope to those of Commanders itt the Police Department. However, the position does not have any responsibility for direct law enforcement activiries as do Commanders. Therefor, the proposed position does not match well with e�sting class specifications or with positions allocated to existing classes. O. E. S. Evaluation and Anatysis The QES analysis sugports assigning the proposed position to grade 44 of the Potice Federation salary schedule. Recommendation It is recommended thaz the posiiion be allocated to a new classification entitled Emergency Comraunicauons Center Manager. It is also recommended that the new class be assigned to the Police Federation bargaifling uxsii in grade 44, which is the same as that assigned Commanders in the Police Departmer�t. �t9 - Y'oy POSITION STUDIED: INCtMBENTS: STUDIED BY: DATE ST[TDIED: COMPENSATiON STtTDY REPORT Proposed Emergency Communications Cemer Manager Timothy Butler Dick Dugan dohn Shockley July 1, 1999 PERSONS CONTACTED: Timothy Butier Richard Gardell Dick Dugan Background Earlier this year the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency comuwnications and dispatoh functions under Police managesnent. Previously, Fire dispatch operations were managed by a Fire Communications Chie� and the Police 911- operatorldispatch functions were managed by a Lieutenant. Consequently, under the new structure there was a need to develop a nsw single incumbent management classification with combined duties. Study Components Review of}ob informauon Interview �ith incuanbexits Interview with supervisor Comparisaa to class specifications Comparison to otlier positions QES evaluation and analysis APPROVAL OF H UMAN RESOURCES DII2ECTOR CouncilFile# qq-�ey �������� .:.,,:, Refecre�l To RESOLUTION SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 62987 �� c.ommiaee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay 2 for the classification of "Emergency Communications Center 3 Manager" in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Emergency Communications Center 5 Manager" be established at the rate set forth in grade 44, of Bargaining Unit 04, Police Federation Sa1azy 6 Schedule, in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 7 FURTI�R ItESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect on the first pay period following its passage 8 and approvai. Yr- � App� � Reguested by Department of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURGES By: r `�'��rA.� • �1:if1�1 � Forsn Approved by City Attomey By: W�\�' "� � �d I Appra � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary .�_ - �;� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII.: I3uman Resources CONTACI' PERSON & PHONE: 7ohn Shockley MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� �� TOTAL# OF 9q-4�ny DATE �r"`"�D GREEN SHEET No.: 62987 August 3, 1999 � INfClAi/DATE INiT7AilDATS ASSIGN _DEPARTMENT D • 8 5 CTI'Y COUNCII. 1�iUMBER 2 CTTYATI'O 6 CITYC gpg 3_ BUDGET DIl2. FIN. & MGT. SERYtCE DIlL ROUTING ? MAPOR(ORASST. CIVII.SERVICECAMbIISSION ORDER acrcox �u�En: Approval of a Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the newly created Emergency Communications Center Manager class in grade 44 of the Police Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Raxes of Compensation. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMbIISSION _CIVI[, SERVICE COMbIISSION CffiCAIvIIvfITtEE STAFF D7STRICT COUAT SOPPORTS WHICA COUNCII.OHJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVI2:E CONTRACT5 MIIST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: 1. HasUtispexsodfumeverwotkedunderaconhactforflvsdeyai4nent? Yes No 2. Has titis persoal5rm ever beea a city employee? Yes No 3. DoesthispersoxJfinnpossessaskillaotnonnaltyposxessedbyanycuixexttcity employee? Yes No Ezplain all yea sosrvers on separate sheet and attach to greea sheet IAIITIATINGPROBLEM, SSSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, W6af, When, WHere, Why): Eazlier this year, the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency communications and dispatch functions under Police Department management. Under the new structure, it was deternuned that there was a need to establish a new single incumbent maziagement classification that combaned the duties and responsibilities previously performed by Fire Communications Chief and a Police Lieutenant. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Equitable compensation will be established for this new class having the combined responsibility for managing both the Fire and Police emergency dispatch/communications functions. None APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Compensation will not be established for this new class. Consequently, the City's ability to appropriately classify and compensate this management position will be limited. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION:17�e salary forthis class will rauge &om 555,900 m$75,500. 1Le 5 yeaz rate is $70, 100 COST/REVENUE BTJDGETED: Yes H9JNDINGSOURCE:001 Gene�atFund FINANC7AI.INFORMATION: (EYPLAIN) ACTIVITY NL7MBER: 04302 Police Emergency Communications �ousss�f Pes�asch Center �; <=N,.7 `,� r �' _,:��,� ������ �G.. o __ ���._. ; F� y'- u Y ��t . u . +t . s ... oor , . � � a°i -8'0� CODE: 675A BU: 04 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED 1TTLE OF CLASS: EMERGENCY COMMUIVICATIONS CEN'rER MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WaRK General Statement of Duties Performs highly responsible administrative and maaagerial work in planning and directing the activities of the Emergency Communications Center; and performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received Works under the general direction of a Deputy Chief of Police. Supervision Exercised Exercises, within the unit, general supervision ovrs all Emergency Communications Center staff either directty or through subardinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may aot i�clude all the duties perforcxied by all positions in this class. Establishes the mission and vision for the Emergency Communications Center and develops performance standatds that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Birects, supeivises, assigns, and evaluates the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; a�thorizes payroll, hiring, discip]inary, and other related aetions. Develops and oversees the implementatioa of procedures for the Emergency Communications Center. Plans, and directs practical, procedural, and technical trainuig for Shift Supervisors, Bispatchers and Telecammunicators. Manages ongoing systems including radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD)• Manages E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. �q ��� EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED (wntinued) Researches needs, prepares proposals and requests for system refinements on new or replacement equipment; evaluates equipment and systems pertinent to the emergency communications program. R esponds to the Emergency Communications Center in the event of ma}or emergencies such as mukiple alarm fires and CAD system malfunctions in order to coordinate dispatch activities or trouble shoot and conect problems. Measures the emergency communications program effectiveness by analyzing performance data relating to responses to requests for services; ensures appropriate responses, and addresses any deficiencies; maintains appropriate data used to measure performance. Prepares, revises, and maintains an emergency vehicle data hase and response plan, including standards procedures, and emergency revisions. Supetv'sses the maintenance of r.ecords pertaining to exnergency setvices perforn�ed outside the City and reports these to the appropriate administrative staff. Plan, prepares, and manages Emergency Communications Center budget, suthorizes purchases and paymems. Provides statistics for reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge ofcurrent operating characteristics of radio communications and related systems, including the computer assisted dispatching system and data collection and evaluation systems. Thorough knowledge of emergency dispatch procedures. Considerable knowledge of new communications technologies. Considerable knowledge of budget planning, preparatioq and management techniques. Considerable knowiedge of stress recognitionJmanagement techniques. �q-�� EMERGENCY COMMIJNICATIONS CENTER MANAGER KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTI�S AND COMPETENCIES (continued) Considerable knowledge of laws, rules, regularions, policies, and procedures gaverning the work of a communications center. Considerable ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems with equipment and systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize, and direct the work of an emergency communications center. Considerable ability to remain calm in emergency situations and communicate effectively with a diverse group of peopie, both orally and in writing. MIIVIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in public adminisuatioq business administration, communications, electronics, or a related field, and three years of supervisory eacperience in an emergency communications center providing computer-sided dispatching services to law enforcement, fire suppression, and emergency medical service agencies (no substitution for educarion). F:\USERS�I3RCOMMONUGHNSPEC. WPD City of Saint Paui BARGAINING UNIT 04 Issued 4/23/99 POLICE • Effactiva 1999 aq •QQy � GfiADE 41H 545H LIEUTENANT-HOSTAGE A B C D E F 10-YR. 15-YA. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) O1/Q2j49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03J99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 4IK 545K LIEUTENANT-CIRT O1/02/99 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2726.58 07/03/99 2051.OG 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2550.17 2677.89 2741.82 GRADE 410 5450 LIEUT£NANT-ORDNANCE AISPOSAL 01/02/49 2041.23 2138.77 2241.22 2328.02 2442.51 2537.87 2664.96 2728.58 07/03/99 2051.04 2149.07 2252.03 2339.26 2454.32 2SS0.17 2677.89 2741.62 GRADE 41T 545T LIEUTENANT-TRAFFIC �J1/02f99 I965.83 2063.37 2165.82 2252.62 2367.11 2462.47 2589.56 2653.18 07/03/99 1975.64 2073.67 2176.63 2263.86 2378.92 2474.77 2602.49 2666.42 GRADE 44X 544% COMMANDER W/0 PRElfIUM O1/02/99 2049.70 2151.69 2258.83 2349,61 2469.26 2568.98 2701.85 2768.38 07/03/99 2059.95 2162.45 2270.12 2361.36 2481.61 2581.82 2715.36 2782.22 GRADE 044 544 COMMANDER W/PRFMSUM O1/02/99 2131.69 2237.76 2349.18 2443.59 2568.03 2671.74 2809.92 2879.12 � 07j03/99 21k2.35 2248.95 2360.92 2455.81 2580.87 2665.09 2823.97 2893.51 GRADE 440 5440 CO2IIiANDE&-ORDNANCE DISPOSAL O1/02j99 2211.69 2317.76 2429.18 2523.59 2648.03 2751.74 2889.92 2959.12 07/03/99 2222.35 2328.95 2440.92 2535.81 2660.87 2765.09 2903.97 2973.51 � 04 - 07 �E���� �,�-�ny JdmHaxulton,Dirs�wr CITY OF SAINf PAIJL IpOCiryHa7lAmrsx Tdsp�wm: 617-166b500 Nwin Coknwrt, Mayor 251yrstForrt7�Slmt �AZSY.• 612-266-6507 SaLrPmt�Minr�rsoua 33102-163] JobUnr. 612-2666502 Faai�d'k: 612-292-7636 TO: 'Ibe Fa�esgeacy Communicatiau4 Manager and ShiB Supeivisor Files FROM: DATE: RE: �. � .�. ;, /. • ��. . ,. � �. .. F.mergency Cotnmunications Center (ECC) New Classification Name Chaage On July 13, 1999 I received a phone c�li fran the Chief of Police, William Finney. The Chief stated Ukat Le approved the 20 day � oa the proposed Fanergency Comvuwications Center Convnander and Shi& Supervisor class �aei5cations. However, �e would like to change the nacne of t}�e Coaunander to Maaager. The reason for doing this was that the Commander title is commoniy associated with sworn law wforcement activities and the position in questio�n will be �8�8 ��rB�Y Comttsunicatiotts Ceaiter aand not perfortning sucli acxivities. Aiso on July 13 , 1999 I mceive a FAX from Brad Jaeabscm, Preside�i of tLe Police Federarion, and he indicated fhat he atso approved of the new cl�ss speci5cations and pay assignmeuts. Iie Lad no objeetions to cl�anging �e natwe fradn C;ommaadet W b3auager. JUL-1�-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PaUL NJ'1RN RESOUR OFFiGB OF RUMAN RFSOURCES fo�u�a�,�• � C1TY OF SAII�TI' PAZJL. .00aqxau,a,�.� Nevn Colrna�f, Xayos 23 iVi#FaartMSbwt SplwtPmdAfls+aMa SS702•1631 TQ: � Willism K F�mnry Chicf of Police FROM 7ohn Shockley �� Oflia of Hna�an Resourcee DATE: 7u1y 12, 1999 RE; TaentyDayNotiee P.�3i09 �a ��4� T.tr�+,�.x: srs-:es.ssoe TcN1ZTl.� 6/1•Sb6650f JoMlne.• 617•2666SOZ FaeAnIY: 61I•79Y�6J6 It f�as bem detecmined tt�at the alassificatians entitled Emugeacy Commanicatiaua Center Commander �nd Emergeacy Communications Center Shift Supervisor shoutd be created. I have attached wpies of the ckss speeifications for your review. I will aiso be Processing City Council Resolutions establislun� raUes of psy for the new ciassi$cations in the Salary Ptan and Itata of Compmsation. The EmeTSenc�' Coa.mun;catian: Center Commaader w�1t be asaigaed to grtde 4A, �ad tde Emergency Commnnicationa C�ter Shift 5uperv'uor w� be assigned to grade 36X, of the Palla Federatior� Barganiing Unit 04, Satmy Sche�ile. These are the same rates of pay as thc Commander-with premivat and the Ses'geairt-without premaun, respectively. Please notify me withm twmty days of nceipt of tbis mcmo ef you wish to discuss these actious. If I do nat hear f�om you within tt�at rime freme, I wilt assume agrcement and will proceed with the process. I hereby F` _� time}emaining on this 20 day noticC £or the pvrpose of croating the s specificaiions. 13, ��___ , _ Date JUL-1�-15°9 13�2° CITY ST.PAUL HUMAN RESCUR ' OFYlCE OP HUAL4N RESOURCES Jakn Hamf7ton, Dlractw � CTIY OF SAII�TT PAUL .aa c��xau.�,R� Nonw Cala�nan, Mayor 25 Wert FmvtA S'hsat SatwtPauxM�nnsrpra SSJOYl63l �./ �� ��►3(°� � 7uly I2, I999 Brad Iacobsen, President Saint Paul Police Federation 373 Selby Street 5aint Paul, MN 55IO2 RE: TwentyDayNoticc Dear Brad: P.02�06 aq - `� Talepkare: 6fY16S6500 ?bLY177: 611•�666507 Jpblina: 613-d666307 FacerM.k: 6J2•292J656 It has been deternuned that ihe classifications entiiled Emergency Communications enter �audar sad Emetgenry Commnnications Center Shift 5upervisor should be created. I have attached copies of the clasa speci5cations for your review. I will also be process � Council Resolutions establishing rates of pay for the new classi&cations in the Salary and Rates of Compensation. The Emergency Communicallons Center Ge�+ntaoder will be assigned to grade 44, and tbe Emergency Communications Center Shift Supervisor will be assigned to grade 36X, of the Fofice Federatios� Bargauvng Unit oa, Satary Scbedule. These are the same rates of pay as the Cornmander-with premiutn and ihe Sergeant-without premium, tespectively. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these actions. If I do not hear &om you Yvithin that time frame, I will assume agreement and wi1! proceed with the process. Sincerely, L�� 3ohn H. Shockley Seniar Consultant I}ureby waive the sime remsining on this 20 dsy not'sce for the purpose of creating the class ti�3r�}nd class specificarions. Name P�iCLpSSUOHI�n�ET.MEMtEGC2oDAV.R'PD ---- ----°°-- Date :UL-12-1999 13�26 CITY 5'.PqUL H_MRrJ RESCNP. a������ 3ob,Hmd4un, D1maa � CTfYOFSAIl3TPAUL .00ca NarsCatam+t M�ror 3S W.at,ra�.d� Sanr SoistParl,��o SS10bJbYi TO: WiDiam K. Finpey ChiefofPotice FROM: Jota► Shockley � O�'we of Fiusnan Resrnuces DATE: July 1Z, 1999 P.02i09 q°t-rny 71[�Jwrn: 6lY-466.6590 ID7X1'JY.• 67A166EJDl Jobkrx: 6IY2666S07 Facrtdic 67T.291.1656 RB: Swdy of The Froposed Emergency Communicatio�s Supervisory Posirion We have compteud the atudy of the proposed �sory positions resulting from the merger of Lhe Fire and Pdice anugawy communicadons functions. As a result, it has bcen determined that two new desses be created eatided Emergency Communications Cemer (ECC} Connnander and Emerg«icy Commuaications (ECC) Center Siu� Supervisor. It has atso been detes�ned t6at the two mw cfasus should lu ssaigtted to the Pofice Federation bergainitig unit. The recommended pay for th� ECC Comsnander class tiriit be grade 44, which is the a�une as chat far Cosranander-with premium. The recmmcunded pay for the ECC 5hiR Supervisor ctass will be grade 36X, which is tl�e same as Sergeaat-withcaut premium. `v�'e will bt �ending out twenry day nolices, ASAP, with the new class speci&cations and ysy grades to both you aird the Palice Fedtrotion. If you hauo any qvestions regarding this matta� Please cali me at 266-6482. CC: Dick Crardeit ,- qg��'a `� Job Descrintion This position will be perfomilng highly responsible adnvnistrative and managerial work in plannuig and directing the activities of the newly combined Emergency Communications Center. Supervision will be received from the Deputy Chief in charge of Support Services. Approximately fiRy-seve� positions in the class tiiles of Shift Supervisors, Fire Alazm Dispatchers, Police Dispatchers and Telecommunicators will be under the general supervision of this position. Some of the typical duries performed by the position will he: Bstablishing the mission and vision of Emergency Communications Center and developing performance standards that contribute to meeting that mission and vision. Directing, supervising, assigning, and evatuating the work of the Emergency Communications Center staff; also authorizing payroil, hiring, and disciplining. Developing and overseeing the implexnentation of palicies and procedures. Plazuung and directing training for staff. Managing ongoing systems iatcluding radios, mobile data terminals, telephone operations, and the computer aided dispatching system (CAD). Managing E911 Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Saint Paul. Researching needs, preparing proposals and requesting systesns refinements on new replacement equipment; evaluating equipment and systems pertinent to ihe emergency commm�ications program. Being on call and responding to the Cerner in the event of major emergencies in order to coordinate dispatch activities or uouble shoot and correct problems. Maintaining appropriate performance data, analyzing such data, and measuring the emergency communications program effectiveness. Preparing, revising, and maintaining and emergettcy vehicle data base and response plan, including standard procedures, and emergency revisions. Superc�sing the maintenance of records pertaining to emergency services performed outside the City and reporting these to the apprapriate administrators. Planning, preparing, and managing the Emergency Communications Cerner budget, to include authorizing purchases and payments. 9q -�°'i Comparisons The duties of the groposed position are similar to those ofthe Fire Communications Chief which supervises the Fire portion of the City's emergency communications operation and the Lieutenant which manages the Police side. The �ception is that the proposed position has responsibility for providing leadership and management to a combined Fire and Police emergency communications program. The supervisory responsibilities af the proposed position aze similar in scope to those of Commanders itt the Police Department. However, the position does not have any responsibility for direct law enforcement activiries as do Commanders. Therefor, the proposed position does not match well with e�sting class specifications or with positions allocated to existing classes. O. E. S. Evaluation and Anatysis The QES analysis sugports assigning the proposed position to grade 44 of the Potice Federation salary schedule. Recommendation It is recommended thaz the posiiion be allocated to a new classification entitled Emergency Comraunicauons Center Manager. It is also recommended that the new class be assigned to the Police Federation bargaifling uxsii in grade 44, which is the same as that assigned Commanders in the Police Departmer�t. �t9 - Y'oy POSITION STUDIED: INCtMBENTS: STUDIED BY: DATE ST[TDIED: COMPENSATiON STtTDY REPORT Proposed Emergency Communications Cemer Manager Timothy Butler Dick Dugan dohn Shockley July 1, 1999 PERSONS CONTACTED: Timothy Butier Richard Gardell Dick Dugan Background Earlier this year the Mayor accepted a Police Department proposal to combine Fire and Police emergency comuwnications and dispatoh functions under Police managesnent. Previously, Fire dispatch operations were managed by a Fire Communications Chie� and the Police 911- operatorldispatch functions were managed by a Lieutenant. Consequently, under the new structure there was a need to develop a nsw single incumbent management classification with combined duties. Study Components Review of}ob informauon Interview �ith incuanbexits Interview with supervisor Comparisaa to class specifications Comparison to otlier positions QES evaluation and analysis APPROVAL OF H UMAN RESOURCES DII2ECTOR