86-907 �NHITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 � CANO�RV - DE?ARTMEN , GITY OF SAINT PAUL (p� BLUE � -MAVOR File NO. �"� ���� O�WZ/L�/LCG Ordinance NO. � ! `�� / Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co I mit e By Date Section 3. That the fi ition of Rooming House in Section 34.07 of the Seint Paul Legislative Code is a nd to read es follors: ROOMING S -A roowing honse shall wean any resfdence building or any part thereof containi o or �ore rooa�ing units, in rhich space is let for neriods lonaer than one Meek � y e oMner or operator to five or �aore pereone rho ere not huaband or rife. son or da� �gh r, wother or father, or sister or brother of the oMner or operator. Section 4. That the ef ition of Roowing Unit in Section 34.07 of the Saint Paul Legisletive Code is n to read as follors: ROOMING U IT A roowing unit ehall �ean any roo� or group of roows foreing a single habitablelun uaed or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking e ing purposes. This definition includes but is nat li�ited to auest roo�s es' ef ned in this section. � Section 5. That Sec � on 34.08 of the Saint Peul Legislative Code is awended to read as follors: 3�4.08. fi er or property areas. Mo-pereen-aAa33-eeeaay-aa-oraer-oeenpant-or-�et-to- anot r ar-xcnp�ner-anp-dve3�f�g-nnft-for-thr-pnrposr-of-3frtng-tkere�n;-er 7'he orne' of an reaidence buildin shall �aintain the prewises;-rh#eh-doea-not of that ui din so aa to cowply rith the folloring require�nts: Section 6. li Thet Su ct one 34.08(1> through 34.08(8) of the Saint Paul Legislative CoQe shall re�ain u h ged. COUNCIL I ,N Yeas � N s Requested by Department of: Fletcher (`rxmn�ni{v St�r�ri t•�s ��ew In Favor Masanz I Nicosia Against BY Scheibel Tedesco II Wilson II Form App ove City Att rney Adopted by CounC : Date Certified Passed II Co ncil Secretary BY C � By Approved by Mayo ate Appro by Mayor for Submi ' n t L 1 By �, WHITE - C�TV CLERK �INK - FINANCE COUIICII e��E�" =ti°,A�oRT"'E"TI' GITY OF SAINT PAUL . . File N0. ��' ��7 . • D �y � Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. l �� d ! Presented By Referred T� Committee: Date Out of Co � itt e By Date Section 7. That sectio 1i34 Q9 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is aa�ended to read as follors: 34.Q9. Exte 'or structure. Ka person sha3l occupy as o�ner-occupant or let to another r cnpansy any d�ee��ing-er-�res�t�p�e-dre�3in�; dvelling unit;-roaming- 3�o�xae; o ing unit;-or-portion-t�ereef-�3�ich-dxa-not in anv residence buildin nI ss t3�e drellin or roosin unit and the residence buil.din co�ply rith the foll in require�aents as saecified: SecLion $. T�at subseclio 34.09�1). 34.�9t2). 34.09�3)(a), 34.09(b), and 34.U9(d) through 34.09th) oflth Saint Pau2 Legis�ative Carcie sha13 rea�ain unchanged. Sectinn 9. Ij That secti � 3 .Q9t3)�c1 of the Saint Pau3 i.egislative Code is aa�ended to read �s fol3oYS: tc3 Eve v ndc,r, other than a fixed rindor, shall be capab3e of being easily opened and ha I �-3te�r!-i�n-�aitioa-bp-rindon have hardtiare to ho3d it in the ooen s ia and harcftiare to lock it in the closed nosition. No locks sha12 be r on rindors above the seaond stor . Section i0. That ::ubs ti 34.09t3) ti) of the Saint Paul i.egis2ative Cade is gmended to read ss follors: �i3 11�� �irlg-nnit-doora-rst3�-ir�greaa-arsd-egreaa-to-co�reon-3�a�3raya-in-e�riaterree-� aa- - effretiYe-date-of-thia-as�}sparagra�-Eii Everv eatrY door to a d� 3i nnit ar to a roo�inq anit rhich is not a quest roo�e shall be providec! r�� a ead twlt 2ack as clefined in Section 34.0? by-no-�e�er-thart-3ane- �; � �'ach auest raom eatrv daor sha�� !� tsrovided vith a I�kina wecha�is�. COUNC[L ,N Requested by Department of: Yeas N s Drew I � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel � Sonnen li Against BY Tedesco Wilson II i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc' : Date Certified Passed C ncil Secretary BY By Approved by Mayo,: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �-�.�-�e� y�HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANq.RV -DEpARTMEN , 9 BLUE � - MAYOR File �O. � '/�� � . • s� p r� O/ WZ/`�/`CG Ordinance N O. �!�d / Presented By i Referred I Committee: Date Out of Co I itt e By Date Section il. That sub I� ti ne 34.09(4) end 34.09(5) of the Saint Paul Le�islative Code ehell rewain unchange� ; Sectfon 12. That eect on 4. 10 of the Saint Paul Legis2ative Code is awended to read as follo�s: � 34. 10. I er or structures. No pereon shall occupy ae orner-occupant or let to another for cu ancy any d�e}�g�g;-�}tgp}e-dirc��feg,- d�nelling unit;-reewfag-ltotise; or r wi g unft;-or-pert�en-�hereef; in env residence-buildinq for the purpoee of 1 in therein �rh#aR-dees-net unless the drellinQ or roow�inct unit and the_ resi nc buildin cowply �ith the folloxing requirewente as soecifierf: Section 13. Thet su ons 34. 10f1) through 34. 1Ot8) of the Saint Paul Legisletive Code shall , re�ain u ch ged. Section 14. That s fo 34. 11 of the Seint Paul Legislative Code is awended to read as follo�s: 34. 11. ei factlities. No person shall occupq es oMner-occupant or let to another for c pancy anq drelling unit or roowinq unit in an�r residence buildinq for the pur ee of livingf-a�eepfng;-eookfefg;-er-rattng therein ri�feh-�aea-� unlese the re lin or roowin unit and the residence buildin cowply rtth the folloMing req re nta ae aoecified: (2� , Me er-e3oae! Toflet. Every drelling unit shall contain �ithin its �alls a i r �, separete fro� the habitable roows, which afforda privacy and Mhich is � ipped rith a raler-e�eset toilet. COUNCIL EN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ys Fletcher �, CCHT�CtL1Tll�i S2Y'V1C2S Drew i In Favor Masanz I scneibei i; Against By ' Tedesco r Wilson � Adopted by Coun ''1: Date Form Approved b ity Attorney Certified Passed I y C uncil Secretary gY C C'�'�- � o , By Approved by May II : ate Appr e by Mayor for Sub sion cil By � ,WH17E - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE CANq.RV -DEPARTMEN GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council Xfy /y�O 9lUE , -MAVOR . F1I@ NO. U � � • � . • / � Ordzndnce Ordinance N 0. ` �.��� . Presented By �I Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co I mit ee By Date (2) va errHendsink. Every dMe��fng-nnft toilet which is suoplied in any si ence buildin shall eentafn have provided a �avatery; handsink . ic ,--rhen-a-xnler-e�eaet-�a-reqnfred; shall be in the same roow Mith, or t e roo�a ad�acent to, aatd-Mater-e�eee! the toilet. Ifftehen-atnka A tc en sink may not be used es the required hend-�avaterr handeink. (3) th ub or shorer. Every dMelling unit shall contain a roo� Mhich affords iv cy to a person in antd the roo� and Mhich is equipped Mith a bathtub s oMer. (4) it en sink. Every dMelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink apart froa� he avatorY handsink require�ent in paregraph (2) of this section. (5) on cted to rater and seMer syste�. Every kitchen eink, �a�ntory-baafn an ink bathtub� or ehoMer and-Mater-e�oaet-reqnfred-ander-the- ro afona-of-paragrapha-F4�-throagh-E43-of-thta-eeelfon. toilet. or urinal 'hi ie su lied in a residence buildin shall be properly connected to tt r-a-pab��e both a rater and seMer syete�. Theee svste�s wav either be ub c or to-an approved privete �ater-and-aerer-ayetew-and svsteais. ac of these facilitiee shall be supplied rith het-and-ee�d running at . Everv kitchen sink. handsink. bsthtub. or shorer shall be suaplied it both hot and cold runnin �ater. (6) at heating facilities. Every dMe��tng-anft residence buildina shall av anpp3�ed rater heating facilities rhich are installed in an approved an er, properly maintained, and are properly connected Mith hot rater lines eq ired under paragraph E33 (5) of this section and rhich are cepable of ea ing rater to such a tewperature as to per�nit an adequate awount of r�ter o e dra�n at every reqnfred kitchen sink, 3avaterr-baafn handeink. et tub, ehoMer� and laundry faef�tttes facilitv or other eiwilar units at t wperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit at any ti� needed. (7) ea ing facilities. Every dre��fng-snd-sa�tfp�e-dre��fng residence ui din shell have heating facilities end-lhe-orner-of-aafd-healfng- ae �ftiea-eha��-be-reqatred-to-aee that aafd-heatfng-faef�ftfea are ' ro erly installed, safely �aintafned and in good Morking condition, and ha -aatd-faef�fttea-be capable of safely and adequately heating all i ab table rooa�s, bathroo�s and toilet rooais located therefn to a te�perature � f t least 68 degrees Fahrenheit rith an outside tea�perature of -20 degrees COUNCIL ! ,N Yeas N ys Requested by Department of: Fletcher I C�[TC[[11T11�7 SPx'V10E'S Drew In Favor Mesenz sche�be� li; Against BY � Tedesco li Wiison jl Form Appro ed ity Attorney Adopted by Counc : Date Certified Passed C ncil Secretary BY �� � fr 'll By Approved by Mayo I ate Appro d Mayor for Sub ' si ncil By ,WHITE - CITV CLER I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �G _ Q., CANM7Y -DEPARTME I F11E NO. � BIUE - MAVOR ` � /�.���y Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ' / Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C mi ee By Date ;Fa enheit. The orner ehell waintain a �inia�u• rooa� tewperature of 68 id ees Fahrenheit at five feet fro� the floor in all habitable roows iin uding bathroowe end te��eta toilet roo�ns at all tiwea.rhen- oe pfed. (8) i0 ation of heating facility and incineretor. Every heating or rater 'he ing facility and incinerator eust be installed and �ust operate in Ilac rdence rith the requireuents of the Building Code. (9) �Ru ish etorage feef�it�ea snd removal. Every atraelare-eentafnfng-tre- ior re-dMe��fng-nn�ta residence buildina ehall be supplied Mith approved �co ainers Mith covers for atorage of rubbish;-and-ft-aha��-be-tke- �re onafbt�ftr-of-anJ►-peraon-�ho-exne,--eperatea,--eoatre�a,--�anagea-er-�eta- �a- e��fng-in-aaeh-atrnetare-te-provfde-aaeh-eonlafnera-aad-te-re�e�e-aneh- rn fah and reeklv rubbish rewoval. In the case of etructures containing 'on d�elling or roo�ina unit only• it ehall be the responsibility of the ' �oc pantts) to provide aneh these containers and re�ove aaeh the �ru ish. In all other residence buildinas it ehall be the reeoonsibility of th oMner to rovide the containera and rewove the rubbish. 110f Ga age storage er-d�apeaa�-fae���l�ea and rewoval. Every atrnelnre- ee afnfng-tro-er-�eere-d�e33fng-anfta residence buildin4 sha11 be euppli�d Iri h nn-appreved-garbege-dfepeaa�-er-eterege-fae��ftr.---�t-aha��-be-the- � re penatbf�ftJ►-ef-anr-peraen-rho-o�n�;-eperatea;-eentro�a;-sanagea-or-�eta- � e- e��fng-�n-eneh-etraelnre-te-prevfde-at-�eaat-one-ef-the-fe��or�ng: � Ea an-sdeqne�e-wechanfea�-garbage-d�apeaa�-nnfl-Ea-weehenfea�-afnk- grfnder;-fn-aneh-nnit; iEb an-inefneraler-nn�t;-te-be-sppro�red-by-lhe-dfvfa�on-ef-honefng-and- ba��d�ag-eode-enforeewent;-in-the-atraetwre-fer-the-nae-ef-the- �eapente-ef-eeeh-d�e��#ng-anftr-or ' Fe approved outeide garbege containers rtth-eo�era Mhich ere of sufficient quantity and capacity to store all the garbage fro� the units; and rhich �re eauipaed �ith tiaht-fittina covers. Everv residence buildina shall be orovided rith reekly garbage rewoval. In the cese of a�rnetarea residence buildinqs containing one drelling or ' ro win unit onlv• it shall be the responsibility of the occupant(s) to COUNCIL .N Requested by Department of: Yeas ! N s Fletcher p�eW In Favor Masenz • Schetbel li Against BY ' Tedesco II Wilson Form Appro d b ity Attorne Adopted by Councl : Date B �C� 6 � Certified Passed Co ncil Secretary Y By Approved by Mayo � te Approv Mayor for Submi n t By i ANHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY O.F SAINT PAUL Council �/ ^ CANARV —DE�ARTMEN �, Fll@ NO. V� � / O � BLVE —MAVOR a � I � O� ZIZCLIZCP. Ordinance N O. `P •� �� Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co itt e By Date i� provide aaeh-faef�ttiea-and-d�apoaa�-er-remova� these containers and re�oval. In all other residence buildin4s it shall be the resoonaibilitv of the oMner to provide the containers and re�oval. Section 15. � Thet sect on 4. 12 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is a�ended to read as folloMS: 34. 12. In ta ation and �aintenance. No person ehall occupy as orner-occupant or let to an th for occupency any dre3�fng;-�n�t�p�e-d�e3�fng; dvelling unit;- roo�� g- aae or rooa�ing unit in anv residence buildina for the purpose of livfn ;- eep�ng,--eoektng;-er-ealfng therein •hfeh-deea-net unless the drel n r roowin unit end the residence buildin co�aply �ith the follo�ing requi� e t8 se soecified: li I� Section 16. That eub Ict ons 34. 12(1) through 34.12(5) af the Safnt Paul Legislative Code shall remain u ha ged. i Section 17. That sec on 34. 13 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ia amended to read ea follora: 34. 13. 0 up ncy. No person shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any dMel � ng unit or roowinp unit in any reaidence buildinQ for the purpose of livi t erein Mhfeh-deea-not unless the drellina or rooa�ina unit and the resi nc buildin cosply rith the folloring require�ents as soecified: i� Section 18. That su ct ons 34. 13(1) and 34. 12-(2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall reoafn u ch ged. COUNCILM N Requested by Department of: Yeas ' Na s Fletcher C�YTIUTll SeY'V1C@S Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia i B ' scnetbe� � Against Y Tedesco Wilson li Adopted by Counc� : Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed Co cil Secretary By � � G � ��J�b By Approved by Mayor te Appro y Mayor for Subm' on to � By B i� YVHITE - CITV CLER I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANAf.V - DE'PARTME T / 9 //j 9LVE , -MAVOR File NO. �v �` � " � � • Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ����� Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of C � mi ee By Date Section 19. That sub t on 34. 13(3) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is asended to read as folloMS: (3) e ired spece in sleeping roo�s. In every d�elling unit of-tMe-er-were- ha tab��-roo�e, every roow occupied for s2eeping purposes by one occupant sh 1 have a wini�uw gross floor area of a� l�aet 70 square feet. In everY Id� lfn unit every roo� occupied for sleeping purposes by tro or �ore ioc pants shall have a �ainie�us grosa floor aree of 50 aquare feet per occupant �th eof. Raowina units shall cowalr �ith section 34.17(2) of this code. j Section 20. That su4 on 34. 13t4) of the Seint Paul Legislative Code shall rewain unchanged. Section 21. That eu ec on 34. 13(5) of the Safnt Paul Legisletive Code is eeiended to read as folloxe• '� � (5) IIAc ss liwitation of a�elling unit or roo�ina unit to cowweraial uees. No iha table roos, bathroow� or Mater-e�oa�-�owpartwent toilet roo� Mhich is lac ssory to e drelling unit or r��ina unit shall open directly into or shall '�be sed in con�unction rith e food store, barber or beauty shop. doctor's or Ide ist's exa�ination or treet�nt roow or sia�ilar roow used for public I pu ee. Section 22. 7'hat �u on 34. 13t6) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ehall re�ein unchanged. COUNCILM N Requested by Department of: Yeas ' Na s Fletcher C�CCiCR1T11'� Ser'V1C2S Drew [n Favor Masanz Scheibel A gai ns t BY ' Tedesco Wilson I Form Approve b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Counci ,: Date / /� � � � � �� Certified Passed I Co cil Secretary BY `��` By Approved by Mayor ' D te Appro y Mayor for Sub ' io ncil By s i WHIYE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FIMANCE �� COUQCIl p CANAWV -DEAARTMEN i CITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. 4� ��D� BIUE - MAVOR � 0 rdindn Ordinance N 0. /! -�� �� ce � Presented By � Referred I� Committee: Date I Out of Co ' itt e By Date � Section 23. That sub t n 34. 13(7) of the Saint Paul Legislatiue Code is a�ended to read ae follo�s: ! (7) c pancy of d�elling-units or roowinq unite beio� grade. No drelling unit or 0o in unit partially belor grede shall be used for living purposes untees a) Floors and ralls are substentially rater-tight; ib) Total MindoM area, total openable area end ceiling h�ight are in accordence �rith this Code; and I c) Required mini�u�n �indor area of every habitable roo�n is entirely above the grade of the ground edfoining euch rindoM eress. Section 24. That su t on 34.13(8) of the Saint Paul Legislative C�e ehall re�sin unchanged. Section 25. That s io 34. 14 of the Seint Paul Legislative Code is a�ended to read es folloMS: 34. 14. �gA and ventilation. Ho person ahall occupy as orner-occupant or let to ana er or occupancy any d�e3��ng,--�a�tfp3e-d�re��fng; dMelling unit;-ree��g- h o roowing unit in env residence buildinq for the purpoae of living therein rhf -d -ne! unless the drellins� or roowinp unit and the reaidence buildincr co� y ith the follo�ing require�ents es specified: Section 26. That su ec ions 34.1411) through 34. 14(6) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code shall re�nain � ch nged. COUNCILM N Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s Fletcher �TITIUrilty S@r'V1C2S p,e,,,, In Favor Masanz Ij Nicosla A gai n s t By Scheibel I Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Counc'II: Date Form Appro d by 'ty Attorney Certified Passed I Co cil Secretary BY � 6 � T3y Approved by Mayoi� te �►PPra d Mayor for Submiss' to C �� i By � WHITE + CITV CLERK , PINK` - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV -DEPARTMEN '�, Q/ .��0� BLUE , - MA1(OR File NO. 0�9 Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. J���� Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Co itt e By Date Section 27. That sect n 4. 17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is a�ended to read as follo�r�: 34. 17. R in heneea units. No person shail eperale-a-reewfng-heaae-er-aha�� occup lor let to another for occupancy any roowing unit in any reesfag-honae;- exeep fn eewp�tanee-���h-lhe-prevfafene-ef-ever�►-eeetfen-ef-thfe-ehapler-exeept-aa- #e�� r eidence buildin unlees the roowin unit and residence buildfn cow 1 rith e ollo�in r uirewents: I (1) te -e�eee°! Toilet. hand-�a�aterr handsink. and bath bathina ci ities. A!-�eaet-ene Every roo�ninQ unit or auest roo� shall have si able a rater-e3osrt toilet. �avs�ory-baatn handsink. and bathtub or or r;-preper�Y-eonnee�ed-lo-a�-sppre�red-�ater-end-ae�er-ar�tew-and-fn-good- rk ng-eandit#on;-arha�3-be-enpp�#ed-fer-eaeh-ff�re-pereene-er-fraelfen-t�hereef- # fng-�r�littrr-a-reew�ng-Aenae;-�ae�nd�ag-wew�bere-e#-the-eptrator�a-fas#�r- er r-lher-ahere-the-nae-ef-aa#d-faef3#tfea. All anch theee facilitiee al be• ) located rithin the reaidence building-aerved-aed-te-be� b) directly accessible or acceseible frow s eew�on-ha��-er heated paseageray to all persons sharing eneh the facilities:--Everr-�a�aterr- baefn-ee�d-bathtnb-or-ahorer-aha��-be-aapp�ted-�4th-ket-aed-ee�d-Mnter-at- ' a}�-tfaiea.--EE�-Mater-e�oaet,--ete.---�eeatfon.--Everr-raler-e3eeef;-f�nah- nrfne�,--�avaterr-baefn-and-bathtab-er-aheMer-reqa#red-b�►-paragraph-E4�-ef- thte-eeetton-aha��-be •ithout aoir►q outside the resfdence huildinQ and in the case of a auest roo� the facilities shall be accessible rithout qoinq outside the d�ellina unit �here the queet roo� is located; c) located Mithin the-roaw�ng-hanse-��thfn e rooa� or roows rhich Ea3 afford privacy and are separate fro� the habitable rooa��; Fb�-are- aeee�eefb�e-fre�-s-eew�en-ha��-end-rftheat-gefng-ente�de-tl�e-reewfng- hoaae= and Ee�1-aha��-be COUNCILME', Yeas ay Requested by Department of: Fletcher �O�tC�Ill SeY'V1CC�S Drew In Favor Masanz , I N�costa Against BY Scheibel TedesCo Wilson Form Approved b ity Attorn Adopted by Council; Date � Certified Passed by oun il Secretary BY ° � By Approved by Mayor: �� Da Appro d y Mayor for Submi on �il By BY WHIT€ - CITV CLERK f PINK � -�FINANCE COl111C11 /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT' CITY OF SAINT PAUL y BLUEj , - MAVOR File NO. y� _/ �� • Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��3 �� Presented By Referred T �' Committee: Date Out of Com itt By Date t ) located on the sa�e floor as, or a floor adjecent to, the roow�ing unit served by aaid the facilities but not in an otherrise unoccuoied cellar. � 1 ast one toil�t handsink and bathtub or sho�er shall be su lied for ch five rsons or fraction thereof reaidin 3n a residence buildin and - in the shared faailitiea. (�92) ni uw floor aree for ale�ping purposes. Every roow xcupied for aleeping r ses by one person shell contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. er roow occupied for sleeping purposes by tMO or wore persone shall contain 1 aet 60 aquare feet of floor area for each xcupant thereof. (rY3) d inen and torels. The orr��r or operator ef-e�rrr-roe�r�ng-honee shall ' en e supplied bed linen and torele therein et least once each reek, and io to the letting of any rooa� to another accupaat. The o�rner or operator al be responeible for the waintenance of all supplied bedding and torels in cl an and sanitary �enner. (54) ad s, drapes, etc. Every �indoM of every roowing unit shall be supplfed th shades, drarn drapes, or other cfevices or waterials rhich, rhen properly ed Mill effard privacy to the occupant of the roowing unit. (�5) in enance of ralle, floors, etc. The orrier or operator ef-e�err-roew�t�g a shall be reaponsible for the 8anitary waintenance of all ralle, floors, d- e��tng; ceilinqs. supplied eauia�nent and #er-the-aan#tarr-wafr►lenanee- ery other part of the roowing honee;-and-he-aha3�-br-#tnrtfier- afb3e-far-the-een�tarr-wafntenanee-of-the-e�tfre-prewteea-rhere-�he- tf e-atruetnre-ar-bn#�d#ng-M�thfn-rh#eh-the-ree�fng-heaae-fa-zentafeed-#a- a -or-eeeap�ed-br-the-eperator unita end the co�aion. ehered. or �ublic re COUIVCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ay Fletcher COlYIITCllril SP.r'V1C2S p�eW In Favor Masanz scnetbe� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d by Attorney Adopted by Council:l Date � /� li `Q-`.J/ 6 2 Certified Passed by oun il Secretary BY F3y Approved by Mayor: II, Da Approv y Mayor for Submissio o C By B i �HITE - CITV CLERK " . - � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANAR'Y - DEPARTMENT BLUE _� - MAVOR File NO. � ` �Oz • p� - � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. l ?3 0 % Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co I� itt e By Date Section 28. I� ,This ordi an shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publi t n. COUNCIL IEN Yeas N ys Requested by Department of: Drew /� Community Services Nicosia � In Favor 'T Rettman I s�ne�bei �_ Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Coun I 1: Date I'NJG 2 6 iaVU Form Appr ved b City Attorney Certified Pas e uncil Secr t y � BY C (`vC � � By App by May : UC7 �_i�{76 Appro d y Mayor for Submis ' n o n ' B � PUBIISHED ��-�' � 1� I I , I � . I _ WHIYE — CiTV CLERK'� t PINK - FINANCE COUIICII o/ CANARV - DEPARTMEN GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. `��' ��D � BLUE -MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred Committee: Date Out of Co mit e By Date Section 7. That sect n 4.09 of the Seint ul Legislative Code is aa�end to read as follo�s: 34.09. Ex ri r atructure. Ho perso shell occupy as o�ner- cupent or let to anoth' f r occupancy any dre��fn -er-�a�!#p�e-dre��#n , drelling unit;- reoe�f -h ae; or roo�inq unit;-er rt�ea-thereof-rh eh-deea-net in anv resid ce buildin unless the drell or roo�in u t end the residence build owply Mith the follo�ing r uir�wients as s cified: Sectio 8. That sub i ns 34.09�1) end 34.09t2) of the af Paul Legislative Code ehel2 re�ain un an ed. Section That eubs ti ns 34.09(3)(a) thraugh 34.09( )(h) of t e Seint Peul Legislative Code shall rew, n nchanged. ' � S tion 10. Thet subs i n 34.09t3)(i) of the S nt Paul Legislative C e is a�nended to read as follors: Ei) 3�- re��tng-nnft-doora-r !h-fngreaa-arid-egreas-to- -ha��rare-fn- f ae-ee-ef-the-eff tf�e-dete-ef-tkta-eabperagreph- t� Every entrv r to a d�ellin uni or to a roo�►fn unit �hich is not a upst roow al be provided rit a dead bolt lock as defined in Section 34.07 br-ee-- t -than-3nae-4,-4 Each queat roow entrv door shall be orovided Mith 1 kin �echania�. I COUNCILM Requested by Department of: Yeas ay Fiecane. C:�►unitv Services Drew In Favor Masanz Nicos�s Against BY Scheibel Tedesco W ilson Form Approv d b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by, oun il Secretary BY � ° � � By Approved by Mayor: Da Appr ed y Mayar for Submiss' o ouncil By I .Communit Servi s DEPARTMENT �� ��°7 No 3209 Alice Bijjani CONTACT 292-7715 or 2 2- 71 PHONE ���� � June 3, 1986 DATE Qr ASSIGN NUMBER FO RO ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : / � Department D ec r 3 Director of Management/Mayor '� Finance and na ment Services Director � City Clerk Budget Direc r � city counci]. - 2 City Attorne WHAT WILL BE ACN � UE BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ - ar es e p y o ou ng e • Rationale) • -Coordinates th Ho ing Code rith the propoeed bed and breakfast residence license ordinance. -Requfres that e ew�iees of vacant residence buildings �eet housing code etandards. -Requiree dead t ks on all entry doore to d�elling or roowing unite snd lc�king wechaniswe on gue�t roow oo . -Requires garba tainere for all residence buildings. -Prohibits roow rr gewente Mhich require paaaage through unheated areee or unoacupied cellers to reach a eh ed bathroow. SEE ATTACHED SH S DETAILIHG THE EFFECT OF EACH OF TBE PROPOSED CHANGES. R �C E i V E D COST/BENEFIT BU ET RY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: J U N 61986 -No eubstantial � ud tary or pereonnel iwpacts. ' r�EC`IV�� CITY ATTORNEY -Clarification 11 id enforce�ent. J��V 7 ::" � ��lAYOR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE ND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount T ansaction: quired if under $10,000} Funding Sourc • Activity Numb : . ATTACHMENTS Lis an Number All Attachments : 1. Propsed ord an a�ending the Housing Code, Chapter 34. 2. List detail g e�ulta of the proposed changes. � � DEPARTMENT REVIE ordinance CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Co ci i�ss��a�R Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No In ura ce Required? Insuran�e Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No I ura ce Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � I HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET „ The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: l, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approwal 3. to help `ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if rez�uired, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (a11 others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Directar of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budqet Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City C�erk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well don�, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signinq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at ti.me of routing. Note: 1�ctions wbich require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. � � ��-9a� OF PRpPOSID AMEN�N'T'S TO THE HCxJSING QODE Sect.l. 34.0 licability and scope. 1. The premises of a residential building such as the exterior yard areas m�st camply with this code even if the yard areas are not used for residential purposes ' 2. Rest homes, corrvalescent hc�nnes and nursing homes are maved to the bottcnn of the section in on�er to group the exceptions. ' 3. Motels are re�noved because they are defined to be the same as hotels. This is made clear in the definition section (34.07) . 4 Not only hotels, but also rest hc�me.s, corYValescent hcmies and riursing harnes must ccm�ply with other city ordinances and state statutes. Sect.2. 34.0 definition of guest room. '� 1 This definition is added to clarify this code's relationship to the new bed-and-breakfast residence license ordinance. �! 2 This definition is added to clarify the requirement on locks [34.09(3) (i) ] and the requirement on bathroam location [34.17(1) (b) ] . Sect.3. 34.0 e definition of roaming house. 1. This definition is changed to differentiate between roaming houses and hotels. ' 2. This definition is changed to correspond to the propsosed �� definition in the rooming hause license on3inance (321.02) . Sect.4. 34.0 e definition of rooming unit. ' 1. The addition was made to clarify the relationship of guest roarns to rooming units: guest rocams are a sub-c.ategory of rooming units. Sect.S. 34.0 ior Property. l. Changed to clarify that it is the premises which are bei.ng regulated by this section. 2. Changed to clarify that any premises connected with any residence building, whether it contain dwelling units or roomiuig units, must comply. '� 3. Changed to apply to vacant residence buildings as well as occupied. Sect.7. 34. ior Structure. 1. Changed to simplify and to make uniform with the other preambles in the Housing Code. Sect.10. 34. 9( (i) Deadbolt loak.s. i 1. Eliminates the past effective date which is no longer necessary. 2. Extend.s the requiremroent for deadbolt locks to exterior entry doors to dwelling units. 3. Extends the requirement for deadbolt locks to independent roaming units. ' 4. Roc�ming units which are inside a dwelling unit (guest rooms) will only be required to have sarne kind of loaking device which will give some measure of privacy. This is the kind of unit that will be rented out in a bed-and-breakfast residence. 5. The language is cleaned up to clarify one lock for each door. i � �G�-Q°� Sect.l2. 34. 0 terior structures. 1. Changed to simplify and to mak,e uniform with the other preambles in the Hausing Code. Sect.14. 34. 1 ic facilities. 1. Changed to simplify ancl to make uniform with the other pre.ambles in the Housing Code. 2. Changed to include rooming units. 3. C�ianged to include shared baths. 34. 1( ) Toilet. 4. Water closet changed to toilet to reflect current usage. 34. 1( ) Handsink. 5. Lavatory changed to handsink to reflect c�zrrerit usage. 6. Handsinks will be required with all toilets including those in roo�ru.ng units and shared bathroc�s, as well as extra toilets which are not required. 7. Won�ing clarified. 8. Water closets -- toilets. 34. 1( ) Bathtub or shcywer. 9. Legalese remwed. 34. 1( ) Kitr,lZen sink. 10. Lavatory -- handsink. 34.' 1( ) Connected to wate.r arid sewer system. 11. All pltm�bing fixtures must be connected to water and s�wer, not just the required ones in dwelling units. 11. Won3ing c.�lariged to make it clear that both sewer and water connections are required. 12. Hot watex not required for toilets and urinals. 13. Hot water required for all other pltunbing fixtures. 14. Lavatory basin -- handsink and water Closet -- toilet. 34. 1( ) Water heating facilities. 15. Water heating facilities required for the residence building not just the dwelling units. 16. Correction in the paragraph cited, (7) -- (5) . 17. Ianguage cleaned up. 18. Lavatory basin -- handsink. 34. 1( ) Heating facilities. 19. Remove excessive and repetitive language. 20. Require heat supply to roamirig units ar� shared baths. 21. Heat toilet roarns rather than toilets. 22. Heat required when people are living in the building not just when they are person�aly present in a given Y-ooan. The pre.�mble x,e�s this requiremeazt frcan bei.r� applied when the building is vacant. 34. 1( Rub3�ish storage facilities. 23. Structure ahariged to residence building for consistet�y. 24. The wording changed to clarify that only in single family dwellirygs with no � units are the occupants required to pravide their own facilities. 25. T�lese remaved. 34. 1( ) Garbage storage or disposal facilities. 26. Structure c,hatiged to residence building for consistency. 27. The wording changed to clarify that only in single family dwellings without roarning units are the occupants requixed to pravide their awn facilities. : . � � --�e� Sect.14. con . 28. All structures now required to have at least one can. Etren buildings which have garbage disposals, incinerators, or rocaning units only will piroduce same garbage. 29. Legalese remwed. 30. The phrase about cc�vers and nwmber of cans changed and moved for clarification. Sect.15. 34. 2 tallation and maintenance. i. c�iangea to simplify arid to make uniform with the other preambles in the Housing Code. Sect.17. 34. 3 Cy. 1. Changed to simplify and to make uniform with the other pre.ambles in the Housing Code. Sect.19. 34. 3( Requirecl space in sleepitzg rooms. 1. �cess unneeded language tak,en aut. 2. Sinoe the preamble was changed to include rooming units, in on�er to retain the limit to dwelling units of the 50 square feet per ax�ant rule, the limit had to be included in this section specifically. 3. Rule on space required in rocaning units cited to avoid confusion. Sect.21. 34. (5 Access limitation of dwelling unit or rooming unit to r.armnercial uses. 1. Expansion of prohibition to roarning units. 2. Water closet cca�ar.tment changed to toilet room to reflect curreizt usage. Sect.23. 34. ' (7 Oc.cupancy of dwelling units or r.�000mirig units belc7w grade. 1. Fxparr.�ed to include roo4niryg units. Sect.25. 34. ' ght and ventilation. 1. Changed to simplif�i and to make uniform with the other preambles in the Hausing Code. Sect.27. 34. units. 1. Expar�ded to include all roarnirig units, not just those in rc�oaning houses. This also includes the roc�ms let o�t in a bed and breakfast residence. 2. Changed to simplify and to make uniform with the other preambles in the Hausim� Code. 34. � (1 Toilet, handsink, and bathirig facilities. 3. Paragraph reon�anized for clarity. 4. Requirement for sanitary facilities connected to units rather than to rooming house to insure that no unit does nat have access. 5. Water closet ahanged to toilet, hand lavatory to handsink to reflect current usage. 6. Requirements for sewer and water connections and hot water have been r�maved froan this section as they are naw cavered section 34.11. 7. r.,egalese re�riaved. .� . �,� �� �e� Sect.2�. co . 8. Accessibility standard rewritten so that direct access to shared bath is also permitted and to prohibit a situation where a person would have to pass through unheated areas of a building to get to a shared bath. 9. If a roaming unit is located within a dwelling unit or apartment, the occupant must not be required to go outside the unit to reach sanitary facilities. This is particularly a potential problem with bed and breakfast facilities. 10. If a person must go autside his roaming unit to get to a bath he must not be required to go into an unoccupied cellar. 34. 7( ) Minim�nn floor area for sleepirig purposes. 11. NLm�bering corrected. 34. 7( ) Bed linen ar�cl tcywels. 12. Ntunbering corrected. 34. 7( ) Shades, drapes, etc. 13. Ntnt�beririg corrected. 34. 7 (5) Maintenance of walls, floors, etc. 14. Changed to also make the cx�mer responsible for cleanliness. 15. Supplied equipment (toilets, t.owel equipment, refrigerators in club kitchens, etc. . .) must also be kept clean. 16. C'h,anged to exclude frarn the awner or operator the responsibility to clean apaztments whiGh might also be in the building. 17. C�anged to make the responsibility to clean c�mnon areas clear. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � �-Qp% DIVIStON OF PUBLIC HEALTH CIYY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-0FFICE COMb1UNICATION � �c�iv�� J U N 61986 June 2, 1986 CITY �TTORNEY T0: E St rr, City Attorney FROn: d berhardt, Public Health Servi a r RE: A nd ents to the Housing Code and Food Code A ac ed are proposed amendments to the Food Code and the Housing Code � r our revier. I I t e Housing Code amendments there are changes to many sections but most f hem clarify to ahich units or structures the requirements apply. _ To t xtent that there are changes they reflect the original intent of the de and are correctione of oversights. Archaic language and usage have en revised. S ni icant changes in requirements are found in Section 10 Mhich requi s deadbolt locke on all drelling or roo�aing unit entry doors and locki echaniems on guest room doors, Section 14 rhich requires garbage cans or all residence buildings, and Section 27 rhich prohibits room arran me ts requiring passage through unheated areas or unoccupied : cella ' t reach a shared bathroom. T �' re are changes in both codes to reflect the city's pending adopt ' n of a bed and breakfast residence licensing ordinance. See espec 11 Sections 2 through 4 in the amendments to the Housing Code end the a nd ent to the Food Code. T ' se changes rere stimulated by the proposed bed and breakfast licen re (C. F.86-668) In as much as that proposal had its first readi n May 27 and has been referred to the Develop�ent committee, it Mould l be expeditious to get these emendments to the Council as quickly as possi e o as to allo� them to be considered together. Appro d �� athy Stac , Director ommunity Services I ��- �� � O CITY OF SAINT PAUL .+����io�s��e OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL e s����G� -' Ddte • . August 11 , 1986 COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = aint Paul City Councii F R 0 R o m m i r t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 opment and Transportat i on H AIR William L. Wilson 1 . App 1 of Pianning Commission - Century Company (Moved out of co it ee without recommendation) 2. Ordl a ce amending Chapter 378 of the Legislative Code per f ing to bed and breakfast residences (Committee recommends app v 1 with amendment) . . 3. Ord la ce amending Chapter 407_ of_. _the �egislative Code -per i- ing to the licensing of hotels (C�mmittee recommends -- - aPP v 1 ) 4. Ordi a e amending Chapter 321 of the Legislative Code per i ing to the licensing of boarding and rooming houses and dor jit ies. (Committee recommends approvat as amended) . 5. Ordil a e amending Chapter 60, 62, and 66 of the l.egisiative Cod adding provisions pertaining to bed and breakfast resi e es (Committee recommends approval as amended) ' �:��l: - e �nend 1 ng Chapter 34 of the Leg i s 1 et 1 v� Code, Ho�gf�tg " i r►t r�g ` to c 1 ar i f i cat i on of app 1 fi cab�fi 1 f ty, gue�rt ro ' • , . l t 1 ocks, 9arb�9e can� end sf�t�rec! batMrocxNs f ' i ee recommends �pprove�l ) . 7. Ordi a e amending the food ordinance, Section 331 .Q2 of the Legi l ive Code pertaining to food iicenses for bed and bre f t residence (Committee recommends approvai ) 8. Lett r of the Mayor transmitting the Speciai District Sign Plan� r Highland Viliage as recommended by the Plann.ing Cam ss on (Committee recommends approval ) CTTY HALL SEVEN'TH FLQOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �.�. � � l/ . �'� �� -�� � � / 5` �,, i� Section . That on 34.09(3) (c) of the Saint Paul Le�gislative Code is ame.nded to read � f llours: ( ! exY windaH►, other than a fixed windaw, shall be capable of ing easilY apened and s�all be-he�d-�rs pe�tt�en b�r�„r�nde� ve ha�t3ware to hold it in the open pc�sition and hazdware to ock it in the closed ition. No locks shall be on indaws abave the second sto . , IIi liil � . __ . _ - __ u _ ; . � ; . . __ Ii -_. _ � ': ' ' ,, """dd'�"-�.."" - � . �` ,� �� , � - . . �� _ i' t . _ _._ ..__ +' . . : � . � — _ � _ 6 � / � � lst ii � � .2nd 3rd lili � "� 9` �'� �Adopted � � o�fo - � � • i � Yeas • Nays DREW � � r�, �_ (��� . d / NICOSIA ' RETri",AN � ' � � �� _ �7 . . -- SCHEIBEL- --- _ _ . - - -- -. , _ . . SONNEN !I', WILSON , � I' MR. PKESIDENT TEDESCO __ _.__- . . . . I' _ . ..+! � _ ._ I M. � \ , '�';:`. .� � ,_ ,���, a 1� �_ +J { 4 4, 1( �- ; ��� ' L ,�A � � 4• �-� , � � II _ . II � � � II � II� �' V ��/' �� • -