99-802�������� c Presented By Re£err2d to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, a memorial to Don Juenemann, a career City employee, 2 killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997, is to be installed in 3 Como Park, on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory, and 4 WAEREAS, the City wishes to contribute to the cost of said 5 memorial, and 6 WAEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 1D.07.01 of the City 7 Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, 8 revenues in excess of Chose estimated in the 1999 budget 9 10 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of 7.1 Saint Paul hereby approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: 12 13 14 15 16 17 Financina 001-00000-9890 Use of Fund Balance 001-Q000� All Other Financing Current Budctet 0 450,952.00 450,952.00 18 Spendina 19 001-03120-0882 Land Improvement 0 20 �01-03120 All Other Spending 450.952.00 21 450,952.00 Council File # " 6 (� �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 1001'Q �� Chanae +5,300.00 0 5,300.00 5,300.00 0 5,300.00 Amended Budaet 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.00 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.OQ qq-��' Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _�� �9�� Adoption Certified by Council Se�reta y BY �, -�,�� � ��-�/ � Approved Mayor� Date: �� !� BY � �� I Divisidn of By: Approval Recommended b�/Financial Services Director: $Y�_��� ,�i2� �d � Form Approved by City Att n BY� �" .uG� Approved�by ! ayor f� Submis�ion to DEPARTMENT/0 FFICElCOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Vic Wittgenstein 266-6409 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) NA � � DATEINITlATEQ GREEN SHEET � �' NO. �� July 28, 1999 Qq �pQ� � i i INITIAL/DAiE INITIALIDAIE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CfiYCOUNCII ASSIGN NUMBERFOR Z CINATTORNEV E CITYCLERK ROUTING OROEfl 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR, 7 FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG 4 MAYOft �OR ASSISTA $ Parks and Recreation TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES�{ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRp AGT10N REQUE5iED: Approval of City Council Resolution Don Juenemann Memorial Construction RECAMMENOATI�NS: Approve (A1 or Re�ect tR) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CMl SERVICE COMMISSION __CIB CoMM1TiEE _ A STAFF _ __DISTRICT CoUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? MRIATING PRO%EM, ISSUE, OPPOIi7UNiTY (Who, Whaq When, W�ere, Whyl: PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CT5 MUST ANSW ER THE fOL�OW ING QUfSTfONS: i. Has Chis pe�sun/firm ever workW ander a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a crty employee2 YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by anY curren[ crty emploYee� YES PIO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheM. City will contribute 55,300.00 toward completion of the Don ,luenemann Memorial to be instal4ed on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory. AOVANTAGESIF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPftOVED: �s���i ��� ,��� 3 0 ��s� ��������� DISADVANTAGES IF NOiAPPROVED: �� � � � _ . ; ��¢ � �- � � �LhbVt� ;° : TOTAL AMDUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J.3OO.00 FUNDING SOURCE General Fund Continqencv FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI COST/PEVENtlE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO acnwnNUnnsEa to �07-03120 C����1 Research �e�te� � ,: , .�� Qg_fo� interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3une 24, 1999 TO: 3oe Reid FROM: Vic Wittgenstein RE: 7uenemann Memorial We have been working with Jean LaClare on a Memorial for pon Juenemann to be placed in Como Park. As you may recall Don was killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997. 7ean LaCiare worked with Aon for many years. The cost of the proposed Memorial is $5800.00, this does not include any of our staff costs, which we will cover. T3owever, the group preparing the Memorial has only $5��.00 to put towards it. 7ean I,aClare contacied Council President Bostrom to get his support in fundin� the Memorial. I have discussed this with Council President Bostrom and he would like the City to provide the remaining funding ($5300.00) to get it done. I talked to Bruce Englebrekt on thls issue on June 23, 1999. He believed he had a process where by it could be accomplished. In addition, he asked that I write to you and lay out the issue. Which I have now done. I am attaching a memo from Dan Bostrom to the Mayor and an E-mail I received from Biil Pesek (Project Manager) for your information. Thank you. cc: Bruce Englebrekt Bill Pesek ..�., .r.�» �.. �.- _....,. .. __ ......,. ' ' "' "_ ___ "" i � Q�N.L • t�:,_z���. )ANIEL 8. SOSTROM Counal Praidcnc GI'L'Y OF SAIl�'T 7�,�.'�;#�. OFFICE OF THE CITY COLJ� YC-� c�► " � � .�--- S I� S �(. �/j "I'o: ?vlayor Norm Coleman From: Cotmcil President Dan Bostr llat;-: une .. Subject: JcunemannMemo a1 �cl / • � � SGOTT J. RBhISTROM r�aso.� n;ae JAN ANDERSON Seoemry t �� � � _.� I hav�y had several conversadons with Jean LaClare regazding fund'uig for the Don � une_nann i emorial in Como Park. It has now been about eighteen months since tbis tragcdy oci;;: an@ Tean has been trying to finish the memorial and give ihe 7eunemann faxnily some � � well d closure from this experience. r I uuderstand Parks and Rec has been working with Jean and has provided up-frant £unding for the memrniai's benches, but Jeaa has not been able Co raise the funds to repay them nearly $4,000. Additionaily, because of its vistoric nature, ihey will not be able to place the memorial pla:��ae on wall which was part of their originat plan. Tfiey will now have to purchase a dias os column to mount this plaque whieh will cost and approximately $2,560 more. Because of the naiurc of Don's death while in the line of duty, she was wondering if the Council and the Administration would allocate $6,000 -$6,500 ta tiie Parks & Rec budget to finish this prc.ject. I balieve ihis is a worthwhile endeavor and would appreciate any leadership you may pruvide in finding a source of fimding. /� �� lTY HALL SUtfE 320B G%��' " ! s � /J�j�� / t�/p� ' , Y/� �4��� � � � �� ���� �� �� �� ��� SAL`IT 1'AUL, MR3NESOTA 55102-1615 aa�aa Prltrea oa RaY<IcE Pap<r 70TqL P.01 qq -to} From: Bi11 Pesek To: wittgens Subject: Suenamann Memorial Vic: Z spoke to Sean LaClare. 5he said that the memorial account has approxi.mately 51,000 in its holding. THerefore, the account does not have enough $ to even pay for the benches. The project's total cost will be approx. $5,800. The Memorial fund could donate $500 towards the total cost. (The other $500 is dedicated to mailing out notices of the memorial event and sending thank you cards and misc.) Summary: The Juenamann Family is requesting a total of $5,300 thru the City Council so that they can make payment to Parks and Recreation for furnishing and installing the 3 park benches and fa6ricating and installing the memorial plaque stand. �������� c Presented By Re£err2d to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, a memorial to Don Juenemann, a career City employee, 2 killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997, is to be installed in 3 Como Park, on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory, and 4 WAEREAS, the City wishes to contribute to the cost of said 5 memorial, and 6 WAEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 1D.07.01 of the City 7 Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, 8 revenues in excess of Chose estimated in the 1999 budget 9 10 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of 7.1 Saint Paul hereby approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: 12 13 14 15 16 17 Financina 001-00000-9890 Use of Fund Balance 001-Q000� All Other Financing Current Budctet 0 450,952.00 450,952.00 18 Spendina 19 001-03120-0882 Land Improvement 0 20 �01-03120 All Other Spending 450.952.00 21 450,952.00 Council File # " 6 (� �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 1001'Q �� Chanae +5,300.00 0 5,300.00 5,300.00 0 5,300.00 Amended Budaet 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.00 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.OQ qq-��' Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _�� �9�� Adoption Certified by Council Se�reta y BY �, -�,�� � ��-�/ � Approved Mayor� Date: �� !� BY � �� I Divisidn of By: Approval Recommended b�/Financial Services Director: $Y�_��� ,�i2� �d � Form Approved by City Att n BY� �" .uG� Approved�by ! ayor f� Submis�ion to DEPARTMENT/0 FFICElCOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Vic Wittgenstein 266-6409 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) NA � � DATEINITlATEQ GREEN SHEET � �' NO. �� July 28, 1999 Qq �pQ� � i i INITIAL/DAiE INITIALIDAIE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CfiYCOUNCII ASSIGN NUMBERFOR Z CINATTORNEV E CITYCLERK ROUTING OROEfl 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR, 7 FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG 4 MAYOft �OR ASSISTA $ Parks and Recreation TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES�{ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRp AGT10N REQUE5iED: Approval of City Council Resolution Don Juenemann Memorial Construction RECAMMENOATI�NS: Approve (A1 or Re�ect tR) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CMl SERVICE COMMISSION __CIB CoMM1TiEE _ A STAFF _ __DISTRICT CoUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? MRIATING PRO%EM, ISSUE, OPPOIi7UNiTY (Who, Whaq When, W�ere, Whyl: PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CT5 MUST ANSW ER THE fOL�OW ING QUfSTfONS: i. Has Chis pe�sun/firm ever workW ander a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a crty employee2 YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by anY curren[ crty emploYee� YES PIO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheM. City will contribute 55,300.00 toward completion of the Don ,luenemann Memorial to be instal4ed on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory. AOVANTAGESIF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPftOVED: �s���i ��� ,��� 3 0 ��s� ��������� DISADVANTAGES IF NOiAPPROVED: �� � � � _ . ; ��¢ � �- � � �LhbVt� ;° : TOTAL AMDUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J.3OO.00 FUNDING SOURCE General Fund Continqencv FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI COST/PEVENtlE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO acnwnNUnnsEa to �07-03120 C����1 Research �e�te� � ,: , .�� Qg_fo� interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3une 24, 1999 TO: 3oe Reid FROM: Vic Wittgenstein RE: 7uenemann Memorial We have been working with Jean LaClare on a Memorial for pon Juenemann to be placed in Como Park. As you may recall Don was killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997. 7ean LaCiare worked with Aon for many years. The cost of the proposed Memorial is $5800.00, this does not include any of our staff costs, which we will cover. T3owever, the group preparing the Memorial has only $5��.00 to put towards it. 7ean I,aClare contacied Council President Bostrom to get his support in fundin� the Memorial. I have discussed this with Council President Bostrom and he would like the City to provide the remaining funding ($5300.00) to get it done. I talked to Bruce Englebrekt on thls issue on June 23, 1999. He believed he had a process where by it could be accomplished. In addition, he asked that I write to you and lay out the issue. Which I have now done. I am attaching a memo from Dan Bostrom to the Mayor and an E-mail I received from Biil Pesek (Project Manager) for your information. Thank you. cc: Bruce Englebrekt Bill Pesek ..�., .r.�» �.. �.- _....,. .. __ ......,. ' ' "' "_ ___ "" i � Q�N.L • t�:,_z���. )ANIEL 8. SOSTROM Counal Praidcnc GI'L'Y OF SAIl�'T 7�,�.'�;#�. OFFICE OF THE CITY COLJ� YC-� c�► " � � .�--- S I� S �(. �/j "I'o: ?vlayor Norm Coleman From: Cotmcil President Dan Bostr llat;-: une .. Subject: JcunemannMemo a1 �cl / • � � SGOTT J. RBhISTROM r�aso.� n;ae JAN ANDERSON Seoemry t �� � � _.� I hav�y had several conversadons with Jean LaClare regazding fund'uig for the Don � une_nann i emorial in Como Park. It has now been about eighteen months since tbis tragcdy oci;;: an@ Tean has been trying to finish the memorial and give ihe 7eunemann faxnily some � � well d closure from this experience. r I uuderstand Parks and Rec has been working with Jean and has provided up-frant £unding for the memrniai's benches, but Jeaa has not been able Co raise the funds to repay them nearly $4,000. Additionaily, because of its vistoric nature, ihey will not be able to place the memorial pla:��ae on wall which was part of their originat plan. Tfiey will now have to purchase a dias os column to mount this plaque whieh will cost and approximately $2,560 more. Because of the naiurc of Don's death while in the line of duty, she was wondering if the Council and the Administration would allocate $6,000 -$6,500 ta tiie Parks & Rec budget to finish this prc.ject. I balieve ihis is a worthwhile endeavor and would appreciate any leadership you may pruvide in finding a source of fimding. /� �� lTY HALL SUtfE 320B G%��' " ! s � /J�j�� / t�/p� ' , Y/� �4��� � � � �� ���� �� �� �� ��� SAL`IT 1'AUL, MR3NESOTA 55102-1615 aa�aa Prltrea oa RaY<IcE Pap<r 70TqL P.01 qq -to} From: Bi11 Pesek To: wittgens Subject: Suenamann Memorial Vic: Z spoke to Sean LaClare. 5he said that the memorial account has approxi.mately 51,000 in its holding. THerefore, the account does not have enough $ to even pay for the benches. The project's total cost will be approx. $5,800. The Memorial fund could donate $500 towards the total cost. (The other $500 is dedicated to mailing out notices of the memorial event and sending thank you cards and misc.) Summary: The Juenamann Family is requesting a total of $5,300 thru the City Council so that they can make payment to Parks and Recreation for furnishing and installing the 3 park benches and fa6ricating and installing the memorial plaque stand. �������� c Presented By Re£err2d to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, a memorial to Don Juenemann, a career City employee, 2 killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997, is to be installed in 3 Como Park, on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory, and 4 WAEREAS, the City wishes to contribute to the cost of said 5 memorial, and 6 WAEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 1D.07.01 of the City 7 Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, 8 revenues in excess of Chose estimated in the 1999 budget 9 10 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of 7.1 Saint Paul hereby approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: 12 13 14 15 16 17 Financina 001-00000-9890 Use of Fund Balance 001-Q000� All Other Financing Current Budctet 0 450,952.00 450,952.00 18 Spendina 19 001-03120-0882 Land Improvement 0 20 �01-03120 All Other Spending 450.952.00 21 450,952.00 Council File # " 6 (� �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # 1001'Q �� Chanae +5,300.00 0 5,300.00 5,300.00 0 5,300.00 Amended Budaet 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.00 5,300.00 450.952.00 456,252.OQ qq-��' Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date _�� �9�� Adoption Certified by Council Se�reta y BY �, -�,�� � ��-�/ � Approved Mayor� Date: �� !� BY � �� I Divisidn of By: Approval Recommended b�/Financial Services Director: $Y�_��� ,�i2� �d � Form Approved by City Att n BY� �" .uG� Approved�by ! ayor f� Submis�ion to DEPARTMENT/0 FFICElCOUNCIL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE Vic Wittgenstein 266-6409 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (OATE) NA � � DATEINITlATEQ GREEN SHEET � �' NO. �� July 28, 1999 Qq �pQ� � i i INITIAL/DAiE INITIALIDAIE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CfiYCOUNCII ASSIGN NUMBERFOR Z CINATTORNEV E CITYCLERK ROUTING OROEfl 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR, 7 FINANqAL SERV/ACCTG 4 MAYOft �OR ASSISTA $ Parks and Recreation TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES�{ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRp AGT10N REQUE5iED: Approval of City Council Resolution Don Juenemann Memorial Construction RECAMMENOATI�NS: Approve (A1 or Re�ect tR) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CMl SERVICE COMMISSION __CIB CoMM1TiEE _ A STAFF _ __DISTRICT CoUNCIL _ SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? MRIATING PRO%EM, ISSUE, OPPOIi7UNiTY (Who, Whaq When, W�ere, Whyl: PERSONAL SERVICE CONTR4CT5 MUST ANSW ER THE fOL�OW ING QUfSTfONS: i. Has Chis pe�sun/firm ever workW ander a contract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a crty employee2 YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by anY curren[ crty emploYee� YES PIO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheM. City will contribute 55,300.00 toward completion of the Don ,luenemann Memorial to be instal4ed on the grounds of the Como Park Conservatory. AOVANTAGESIF APPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPftOVED: �s���i ��� ,��� 3 0 ��s� ��������� DISADVANTAGES IF NOiAPPROVED: �� � � � _ . ; ��¢ � �- � � �LhbVt� ;° : TOTAL AMDUNT OF TRANSACTION S �J.3OO.00 FUNDING SOURCE General Fund Continqencv FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI COST/PEVENtlE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO acnwnNUnnsEa to �07-03120 C����1 Research �e�te� � ,: , .�� Qg_fo� interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL 3une 24, 1999 TO: 3oe Reid FROM: Vic Wittgenstein RE: 7uenemann Memorial We have been working with Jean LaClare on a Memorial for pon Juenemann to be placed in Como Park. As you may recall Don was killed in the line of duty on December 24, 1997. 7ean LaCiare worked with Aon for many years. The cost of the proposed Memorial is $5800.00, this does not include any of our staff costs, which we will cover. T3owever, the group preparing the Memorial has only $5��.00 to put towards it. 7ean I,aClare contacied Council President Bostrom to get his support in fundin� the Memorial. I have discussed this with Council President Bostrom and he would like the City to provide the remaining funding ($5300.00) to get it done. I talked to Bruce Englebrekt on thls issue on June 23, 1999. He believed he had a process where by it could be accomplished. In addition, he asked that I write to you and lay out the issue. Which I have now done. I am attaching a memo from Dan Bostrom to the Mayor and an E-mail I received from Biil Pesek (Project Manager) for your information. Thank you. cc: Bruce Englebrekt Bill Pesek ..�., .r.�» �.. �.- _....,. .. __ ......,. ' ' "' "_ ___ "" i � Q�N.L • t�:,_z���. )ANIEL 8. SOSTROM Counal Praidcnc GI'L'Y OF SAIl�'T 7�,�.'�;#�. OFFICE OF THE CITY COLJ� YC-� c�► " � � .�--- S I� S �(. �/j "I'o: ?vlayor Norm Coleman From: Cotmcil President Dan Bostr llat;-: une .. Subject: JcunemannMemo a1 �cl / • � � SGOTT J. RBhISTROM r�aso.� n;ae JAN ANDERSON Seoemry t �� � � _.� I hav�y had several conversadons with Jean LaClare regazding fund'uig for the Don � une_nann i emorial in Como Park. It has now been about eighteen months since tbis tragcdy oci;;: an@ Tean has been trying to finish the memorial and give ihe 7eunemann faxnily some � � well d closure from this experience. r I uuderstand Parks and Rec has been working with Jean and has provided up-frant £unding for the memrniai's benches, but Jeaa has not been able Co raise the funds to repay them nearly $4,000. Additionaily, because of its vistoric nature, ihey will not be able to place the memorial pla:��ae on wall which was part of their originat plan. Tfiey will now have to purchase a dias os column to mount this plaque whieh will cost and approximately $2,560 more. Because of the naiurc of Don's death while in the line of duty, she was wondering if the Council and the Administration would allocate $6,000 -$6,500 ta tiie Parks & Rec budget to finish this prc.ject. I balieve ihis is a worthwhile endeavor and would appreciate any leadership you may pruvide in finding a source of fimding. /� �� lTY HALL SUtfE 320B G%��' " ! s � /J�j�� / t�/p� ' , Y/� �4��� � � � �� ���� �� �� �� ��� SAL`IT 1'AUL, MR3NESOTA 55102-1615 aa�aa Prltrea oa RaY<IcE Pap<r 70TqL P.01 qq -to} From: Bi11 Pesek To: wittgens Subject: Suenamann Memorial Vic: Z spoke to Sean LaClare. 5he said that the memorial account has approxi.mately 51,000 in its holding. THerefore, the account does not have enough $ to even pay for the benches. The project's total cost will be approx. $5,800. The Memorial fund could donate $500 towards the total cost. (The other $500 is dedicated to mailing out notices of the memorial event and sending thank you cards and misc.) Summary: The Juenamann Family is requesting a total of $5,300 thru the City Council so that they can make payment to Parks and Recreation for furnishing and installing the 3 park benches and fa6ricating and installing the memorial plaque stand.