86-875 � i � �NHITE - C�7V C RK PINK - FINANC GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council C^/ CANARV - DEPAR EN File NO. `� � _�� BIUE - MAVOR ' Co Re u on - � , ��� , � Presented Referr d T U�� �' ��L Commi ttee: Date � �(�—a � Out of', o ittee By Date SOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul doe h reby approve of the appointments, by the Mayor, of the fol ow ng-named persons to fill the 7 additional seats on the Sai t aul Emergency Overnight Shelter Board. They are: ichael Banks - term to expire October 31, 1987 avid Dalberg - " " " October 31, 1987 ean A. Donaldson - " " " October 31, 1988 ichael T. Fahey - " " " October 31, 1987 ewell Lewis - " " "' October 31, 1987 ob Long - "' " " October 31, 1988 adie Zibley - term to expire October 31, 1987 COUNCI M Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays Nicosia � [n Favor Rettma Scheibel Sonnen ' � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Co cil: Date ��T 1�w� Form pprove by C' y At rne � � Certified Ya: by ouncil S reta BY By� � e I �. �L z — �� Approved y ayor for Submission to nc' Appro y �la o . Date By .rs� By PUBIISHEA J U L 1 219$6 - +�- � cz�Y o� S3IivT P�►.UL � �P'�r-J ' pg�g'IC� OF THE CITY CO[NCZL l��I���M ,,.;........;.; 0 d f e : �"-•,":- June 23, 1986 COM (Vl (TTEE RE PORT -fp Sa�nt PQUi City Councsi - .� F R � C o m m it t e e O h RULES AND POL ICY C�{ A l R ; Victor Tedesco RECOMMEND IO S OF RULES & POLICY COh�f�IITTE� AT THE JUNE 19, 1986 MEETING: _ec.approval2• pp intment to the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board of ar Kay McNamara to fill the unexpired two-year term of eo ge Meirick, such term to expirz on Octob�r 31 , 1987. (L d over from May 28 meeting.) =�c.approval 3• �p ointment to the Saint Paul Affirmative Action Advisory Co mittee of Terry Vasquez to fill the unexpirzd ter�n of Ra di -Gritz. Term to expire October 18, 1986. _ac.approval 4• Ap intment. of Terr� T. Saario- to th� Downtown -Riverfront • -- Co ission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of La y Buegler. . _ec.approval S. IAp intm��ts by the Mayor of ths following p�rsona to fill the � se n ad�itional seats on the Saint Paul Emergency Overnig`�t ' Sh lter Board: Mic;�ael Banks, David Dalberg, Jean A. Do�aldson, Mi hael T. Fahey, Jewell Le�Nis, Bob Long, and Sadie Zibley. Te � s to exoire O��tober 31 , 1987. _aid over 6. An Ordinance am,�ndmsnt which will psr�nit Planning Commission members to earn $1 ,800 per year maximum for attendan�e at m�etings instead of th� current $1 ,200 per year maximum. c._ �� �- _, ...._ , . ,.� - , -- . -n • - -- r=. - ".� , �� o `, ,...,_; �„ �;: . ' SEVENTH F'I.DOR SAII�i',�'PAUI,..:vIII1NESOTA 551�2 CTIY HA . ..�,. . _.._ , , .. _._ .�w_.,_ ....,�_.r. ,_ _ . _ _ .._,.v. . --