86-874 WHITE - CITV ' Eq PINK - FINAN E G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CAN ARV - DEPA i,TME T FIIC N O. �,� V �� BLUE - MAVp � Co n ' es t 'on - Presented y I �� � � Refe ed o V�S d' � � C' Committee: Date � ' � �' Out o Co mittee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul de b do s hereby approve and consent to the appointment, ma y th, ayor , of Terry T. Saario to the Downtown Riverfront Co m ' sion to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of La r Buegler . - COUNCI E Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ys � Nicosia lR Favor Rettman Scheibel li Sonnen I�I � _ AgBinst BY Tedesco Wilson �p JUL 1 — I�U6 Form pprov by i tor Ado ted b� Coun I l: Date P y l` Certified Pas ncil S ta BY gy. Appr by 17avo : ate _ ���- 2 ' I�Op Approv by Mayor for Subm' io o CAQncil By _ PUBUSHEB J U L 1 21986 � �� CITY OF S�INT P.A.UL �l=J'�' '�'�� ' ` o�zc� oF Ta� cz� co�czz. -..:..: ...,.........., D a t e : �=t_•,•��:,',•y June 23, 1986 COMMITTEE REPORT Satnt PQUt Ci� Cauncil " T0 y . . F R I = C o m m it t e e Q Ct RULES AND POL ICY C� !�t R : Victor Tedesco RECOMMEN I TI NS OF RULES & POLICY COh���IITTE� AT THE Jl1NE 19, 1986 MEETING: rec.approval2• i Ap ointment to the Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board of � Ma y Kay McNamara to fill the unexpired two-year term of � G rge Meirick, such term to expirz on Qctob�r 31 , 1987. i' ( id over from May 28 meeting.) . :ec.approval 3• i pointment to the Saint Paul Affirmative Actian Advisory C mmittee of Terry Vasquez to fill the unexpirzd ter�n of ndi -Gritz. Term to expire October 18, 1986. _ec.approval 4•I� A �aintment. of Terry T. Saario ta th� �Jowntown Riverfront • --- - C mmission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of L rry Buegler. . . rec.approval SI pointms�ts by the Mayor of the following psrs�n.� to fill the ven ad�ition3l seats on the Saint Paul Emergency Overnig`�t elter Board: Mic!�ael Banks, David Dalberg, Jean A. Do�aldson, ichael T. Fahey, Jewell Le�Nis, Bob Long, and Sadie Zibley. erms to exoire O��tober 31 , 1987. '_a�d over n Ordinance amendm�nt which will per�nit Planning Com�-nission members o earn $1 ,800 per year maximum for attendsn�e at m�etings instead f th� currant $1 ,200 per year maximum. c— �� �- - =� _-- _ :-4,.� - .� --- . -.: -n --._. r, - . m . '� o _ - . _. __. ii . - _. . . - ��.'� ��� �.: i; . - � ' SEVENTFi FLOOR SAII`1T PAUL. �N��T�SSI02 . Cm ; ..�.�: ._..:_- �_._.. .__, ... __ _ __ , __. � _ . . _ .,.�.,.._ ,. _ _,., ,,�.,. . �_.w_ _.�,.,�.:P..