86-871 vw+�Te ..- c�rr CLERK I ' . i PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT YA U L Council o CANARV - OEPARTMEN FIIe NO. v� ��/ BLUE - MAVOR ! � _ � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ;� � , Presented By � �eferred �o � ���_�-� � � � �� Committee: Date ��� —�_`��! Out of C I mi ee By Date Page 1 of 2 _ An inte II'm rdinance restrictin new develo rnent alon� ortions of the � P o P i+lississ � pi riverfront pendin� completion of possible amendments to the City's compreh si e plan, redevelopment policies, and zoning regulations, adopted pursuan to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462. 355, Subd. 4. THE COU CI OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioni; 1 . The City Council has previously demonstrated its intentions to _ initia �' t e steps necessary to make major improvements in the riverfron� area by app vi � several important elements of the city's comprehensive plan and by aut ; ri ino and approving the formation of a Riverfront Commission to advise the Co Ici on riverfront development matters. In its latest and nost siUnif an action, the City Council authorized, approved and partially funded the �o is ion of a "Pre-Development Analysis" study by the Piverfront Commission. This s ud will be used by the City as a �uide in determinin� appropriate dev�lo r,ie patterns, strategies, finance, and re�ulations that could be used to sti ul e m�jor public and �rivate redevelopment investrnerrts alon; riverfront in do to n Saint Paul . The City Council anticipates that when the study is compl e, thz Riverfront Commission will recommend that the City Council and other � it agencies and cornmissions undertake a variety of actions to implement its r om endations. Consi en wit relimina conclusio s of the P -Develo nt Analy s study build ' g ts may be 'ssued for epairs or teration to vacan existin struc ur in the are South of lmore Ave e and ab ting W ha Stree for rmitted ' an I-1 I ustrial D' rict exc t uses i ntified ' Sect' n .612 S sections ) through 5) inclu ve, and ection 0) S tion 0.614 of e Saint Pa Legislat' e Code provided at • o o �si s rage is a owed in co ection wi any suc rmitted e. COUNCI MF Requested by Department of: Yeas �; Nays � Drew Nicosia;j In Favor Rettm s�ne�n A ainst BY Sonne ; g Tede Wilson q �i Form Appro by City torney Adopted by Co'ncil Date Certified Pass � by Council Secretary BY By Approved by M yor: Date Approved Mayor for Sub ' �on uncil gy By � WHITE - CITV CLERKII • PINK - FINANCE COUflCll /�, CANARV - OEPARTME , GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. 4 `� _��/ BLUE - MAVOR � � �' 0 dindnce Ordinance N�. l �J�� Presented By �� Referred i o Committee: Date Out of C mi tee By Date Page 2 of 2 Sectioni2. Pending completion of the study and the adoption of possible amend— ments t t city's comprehensive plan, zoning re�ulations, or other redevelopment and/or ub ic improvement pro;rams administered by the city, not to exceed one year f m he date of this ordinance, the 6uilding Official is hereby directed to not is ' e ny building permits, and the Planning Commission is hereby directed not to ''ss e any floodplain use permits, other than permits for repair of or altera �,"on of presently existin� structures, which repairs or alterations do not ch ' be the existin� use of such structure, for properties which are contained vrithinithe area defined by Kellog� Boulevard on the north, L�Jabasha Street on the are t, lato Boulevard on the south, Robert Street (to Fillmore Avenue) on the so 'th st, Fillmore Avenue (to State Street) on the south; State Street (to Al ba Street) on the southeast; Alabama Street (to Minn. Hwy 3) on the south; i�linn. �wy (to the north shoreline of the r�lississippi P,iver (to Robert Street) on the no heast; Robert Street (to Kellogg Boulevard) on the east, Secti T ' ordinanc all ta effect be in ce th ' (30 s ; o � after i passa� pprova nd publ � tion.��� Secti �' 3 Consistent with preliminary conclusions of the Pre—Development Analy is tudy, building permits may be issued for repairs or alterations to va an existing structures in the area South of Fillmore Avenue and abutting Wabas a reet for uses permitted in an I-1 Industrial District except uses ident fi in Section 60.612 Subsections (11) through (15) inclusive, and Subs � ti (20) and in Section 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and � ov ed that no outside storage is allowed in connection with any such perm' t use. Sect'I' n This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30 days from ' d after its passage, approval and publication. , COUNCI M Yeas �' Nays Requested by Department of: Drew i [n Favor — 'G��� Rettm � s�ne�b '� Against BY Sonne , Tedesc Wilsonil �� AUG 2� 198fi Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Co�ncil Date Certified Pa cil ret BY By Ap ro by yor: Date � �� Ap y Mayor f n to Council B � PUBUSNED S E P 6 19� . . . ,� : ,� , . . (� �G ��/ s ��** �. � � GITY OF SAINT PAUL o"�� '� , OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ` iiii t t��i ,: � v� �o � 347 CITY HALL ��e• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIME (612) 298-4323 MAYOR June 16,;I 19 6 Victor � de co, President Saint P ul ity Council Seventh �Flo r City Hall Saint P � ul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Pr"si nt Tedesco and Council Members: The Dep' rt nt of Planning and Economic Development has recommended that the City Co nc 1 consider an ordinance that would implement a temporary moratorium on new ; ui ding permits in portions of the riverfront. I have reviewed the recomm ,' da ion, as presented in the attached memo from Jim Bellus, and believe it is � go d one. Therefore, I am asking the Council to approve such an ordinance. Mr. Be � us points out that the City is on the verge of making several decisions about � e owntown riverfront that will live with us for the next generation. We mus pr mote revitalization that is well—conceived; not haphazard. I am please � th t we have taken logical steps to understand the economic and physical forces � at ork on the riverfront. The Riverfront Commission's careful work on its "P' e— velopment Analysis" appears to be leading to several recommendations for Ci y tion that can completely change the most important pieces of the shoreline. I agrel w h Mr, Bellus's conclusion that the City Council needs the time necessary to ana; yz the Riverfront Commission's evolving recommendations, and to determine the b � t eans of promoting (and controlling) appropriate development. It would be a � am if, in that period of time, new but inappropriate proposals surfaced. Given �� ha a lot of the land in question is currently for sale, this possibility i s qu �i e eal . I don � b lieve that a temporary moratorium that still allows for repairs and rehab lit tion of existing buildings and (if specifically approved by the Council ), deve�l� pme t of projects that are obviously in keeping with the intended directions of th re ommended plan and ordinances, will unreasonably harm property owners. Rathe , i will insure that the future of the riverfront will be secure, and t at wners can count on City plans as they make investment decisions. By co y this letter, I am asking the Riverfront Commission to review the propo ed ordinance, and to comment directly to the City Council as the Council consi� er it. Than ''' yo for your consideration. City staff will be available to discuss the prop '; al in more detail at your convenience. Si nc I�rel , r e rl r May G L:d� s ,�,,,,, � . . � , � ' • ' ,' ' . ' �j/�''�� � _ �'�/ ' _.., ,°��4 V' � ' . ' S�l CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE:' June 12, 1986 T 0: Mayor Latimer FROM:, Jim Bellus`;�`�.�l�/�i-� SUBJ �' T: Riverfront Development Moratorium I reco m d that you request the City Council to consider an ordinance to ins tu a temporary moratorium on new development in portions of the riverf on . I have attached a draft of an ordinance that would prohibit the B ild' g Division and the Planning Commission from issuing building permi a d floodplain conditional use permits for all but minor repairs and r ha ilitation. Also included is a map of the area in which I recommend the t p ary moratorium be applied. In th I la t two years, the City has made a major commitment to revitalizing the r er ront. Even extending back to 1980, the City is on record as inten 'ng to take the steps necessary to make major improvements and catalyzing signi ca new private investment in the riverfront. The culmination of these i eff rts to date has been the commissioning of a "Pre-Development Anal ' is" that is currently being discussed by the Riverfront Commission. This tu y, which should be complete and ready for review by the City Coun il i October of this year, will be the most definitive strategy of what � he City should encourage to happen at various riverfront sites; what actio s t e City should take to insure that preferred development and public inves me t happens; and when various actions should occur to take advantage of p va markets and interests. The I tu y is about 50 o completed now, and has already led to several conclusions whic fo m the basis of future recommendations. First and foremost of thes is hat the most strategic piece of the downtown riverfront is what is c ed the "Central Focus Area": the shoreline and adjacent areas between the ob t and Wabasha bridges, on both sides of the river. That is where the rst redevelopment actions will have the most impact, and (not so coincidently) is t a ea of the riverfront which, by virture of it's physical condition, topo ra hy, and ownership patterns, is the most amenable to early activity. Secol dl , the study has concluded that there are opportunities (both in a p si 1 and market sense) to make major changes in land uses in this area! lthough the Riverfront Commission is still wrestling with specific site �! an uses, there is consensus that redevelopment is warranted and feas i le I am convinced that the final recommendations will call for significant cha I, es in current land uses, zoning, i�icentives, and other City programs that„ar used to promote preferred development in the Central Focus area. . � � � , . '.: , . . , ��-��� . , _, . ' . This st� dy is far enough along, and has given us enough indication about its fin ' ng and direction for us to realize that any new proposals for development of this �are that reinforce current development patterns would be a step backwa ds Yet, current zoning is such that it would be difficult, if not imposs' le, to prevent that from happening. I am c I nc ned about this because almost all of the land in private ownership in thisi ar is currently advertised for sale. As the riverfront plan generates more bl' interest, there is the potential for quick sale and development over � ic we have practically no control. A temporary development moratorium would iv the City Council the time needed to agree on a riverfront plan and to� pu the necessary development regulations in place to achieve that plan. ; There ; re provisions in state law that allow communities to implement moratoriums, but o ' y nder the circumstances I described above. State law puts a 1-yea � li t on the length of time the moratorium can be in effect (although there re provisions for extending it if warranted). I doubt we would need e ntire year to undertake the anticipated regulatory changes, but I wou � r ther lift a longer montorium when we don't need it than attempt to ext nd a short one because of unforeseen circumstances. I rea I e hat this proposal has implications for both current property owners and i t e city's image as one that aggressively promotes private investment. Neve he ss, it is both appropriate and advisable to do it. Our experience with m rary moratoriums on Summit Avenue and Grand Avenue in similar situat on demonstrates that the long-term interests of the City are better addre se , and that even in the short-term, development that occurs is of a ig r quality and promotes the uniqueness of the area in question. In th fi al analysis, it is the quality of the investment that benefits both the ity nd the developer. I willi be glad to review this in more detail if you wish. JJB/ �e cc: I've front Commission Members en Kraut g Reichert ick Wiederhorn d tarr 'm art at Stack 1 ' 1 /' \ / • < ,r ;; �/ p >.� ��� ���, A ;� ,n"o��� � � ,/ ) ( ' >; / t � ' '! ,/ ^� ' % �� �� � ��, � �J ,�/ ��/ � 1 •,J .i �/i , ��,� // � S O ' `�� ■ \ � � i y /� / \ , ) i � � �' • i" \� �V �/ . � � �' • r , t( � � / � /� ,'` ��, � G j ��.; ., � � o�, � >i � °��,� � � . p � i 0 0 � �� � � , �� � � -� n� �� �������� � � �L o� � ������:: � � ; '�t� i�� � � �>'��^ � ` i� � ��� � +./ ,\ � < ry� � ❑i � � ., �: 11p � � � ` �_ } ° ° ' \ ` � \/ r . ,10 \- .�ii� � v� 1 � �� { . • � �, � \ 1 d �,r ;:� i1 o 00 _ , :�.�.1 .1: i• o .0 e. • Q � a � ' > > o\ 1 � '�;:; ';e 000°� a�Q� -�-1`' �� � � 'a, o � �;;���•�� < ' � :; ��" . ra. � ,'1', ' o� i ��'°.�,;['�,r-_^ o 0 � , �` \ , � � ; � j j'_ � _ . � � 1� , � ��,� � � ° c^ \�� �1 I� � I� '��. eA w�� or^ � �; J nrin � ` ��• f � `;� �``�, � � :--•_-, �c,;,,��` ,J G ULJLJ / : _ ` . ,` Q'.��, - �, ^'"' :� 1�', � 4� �O m a i '� +�` � �� - � � 3` � P; t;,� �---, ;� ; ; .� � .� : v - ,� , ",�, � ) �F ; • s �/ . 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Wi lson 1•�:-� ��s�tc�t�t_a-��+�+e 1 opment vc�����`e�►f �''�,='� � '���f,�p!��}'��r�<�+e��`�;,;Pend i n9 ��e�i cx�t: .;�af pVss f b i e a�d�ents ta.. tt� � �C��'s `�r+�er�a.f ve . � Plan, redea,�toPment pa� i s;R an�" z�.t�.;�?��.�ations , t��-'°�bf�"C�IiY��!���+����'`"�`.�'""�nmendat i on) . �i 2. Ordinance amending Section 163. 1 of the Leqisiative Code pertaining to the definition of abandoned _ " `" -- - -- ""- veh i c 1 es �Comm i ttee- recort�nends approva 1 ) . . � . ���I-I- SEVENTH FLOOR SpINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 I • �i „ ,� . � � . �'�- �7/ ' �-� ` ~ �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL , �,.. o, . - : . ' = OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY • s k I �o �. €, ��l������� •� i EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��; w� iun �� +,4• w� �` �••� 647 City Hali,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5137 GEORGE LATIMER I MAYOR i Augus� 1 , 1986 . . . • To : Councilmember Scheibel � From:; Jim Hart • Re: i Riverfront Moratorium Ordinance � . RickiJi derhorn and I met with Roger Morris and Kevin Berg and agre d pon the attached language as an amendr�ent to the Mora or um Ordinance. P.oger needs until Monday morning to go over ! th s language with his father . He will advise you on Mondiy rior to Tuesdays Council consideration of the amendment . . - Ene. .. ��... ~h � � .� ..��.. � � � � ' . _cc : q Ch is Park , - . - i, . - . �. _ • _ . . . .._ - . � .�_. . . .— _ __ - - . . _ . , . . . , . � � : � �- �� i . � , . . Ir. Scheibel moves to amend Council File No . 86-871 , the Niissi si pi riverfront .moratorium ordinance, as follows : y dding a new Section 3 to read: . Co sistent with preliminary conclusions of the re Development Analysis study, building permits ay be issued for repairs or alterations to vacant - xi ting structures in the area �outh of Fillmore ve ue and abutting Wabasha Street for uses e itted in an I-1 Industrial District except se identified in Section 60. 612 Subsections 11 through (15) inclusive, and Subsection (20) n in Section 60. 614 of the Saint Paul Legislative � o and provided that no outside storage is allowed n onnection with any such permitted use. " I y enumbering Section 3 as Section 4. --^- . ��L. ,... . • . __ .. . - � , ..,_ ,_ _ , - - , . . . ' . 1 � . . � .� .. . . . `� A . ' ��.�.:. 3 � � ♦ . . " i } �� 't:.. . ............ _�.... , . .. . w....>..-�..�- � _ . : . . � . . . . ..,....�.....,,.. ��-- �...........��s..«..+.. �..n..�:.....:... y • .. �� . ��{ ��\ i � ... �. - , ��. _ � . ���. � � �t _ r/ � �,�� z�a � ., -��,'~---�� � �, . : : I' rd ,�J r. � / , �_ - - � �o AcloPted — ���--=-�-� � ., , - Yeas � NaYs�-o?G-�� DREW : . � 6�2-��� NICOSIA y�, 1�,' 1 RE'Y'TMAN . � G SCHEIBEL � Q � . _ � � . S ONNEN, I � _ _ _ .; __— __ _ \, —_ � : WILSON - MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO , . . . . '` --�'__ ��:t �.� � ��� �` t �� - , z } .�� , _ ; '��. - _ � - �