86-861 __�
COUNCIL F E NO. �'���� � �1
City of St.Paul C/����
� � �
eso tion Approving Assessment By
an Fi ing Time of Hearing Thereon 18410E
and ixin Time of Hearing on the Award File No.
of Damages
Voting In the m er o
Ward� �
Cond mni g and taking a permanent easement for purposes of constructing,
open ng nd maintaining a sewer pumping station and a sewer forcema.in on, oner
and ' cr s the following described land:
That pa of Kosy's Corner, Ramsey County, Minnesota, beginning on the west
linel o Prior Avenue and the northeasterly line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul a Pacific Railway Company; thence northwesterly along said Railway
righ -o way a distance of 430.00 feet; thence North 53 degrees, 30 minutes,
41 s co s West a distance of 221.81 feet; thence North 45 degrees, 41 minutes
West a distance of 215.00 feet; thence North 3�+ degrees, 13 minutes, 10
seco ds est a distance of 176.12 feet; thence North parallel to Prior Avenue
a d st ce of 330.41 feet; thence North 30 degrees West a distance of 127.79
feet ence North parallel to Prior Avenue a distance of 298.29 feet; thence
Nort 1 degrees, 02 minutes, 02 seconds East a distance of 441.54 feet to the
sout we erly line of University Avenue; thence southeasterly along said
Uni rs y Avenue a distance of 601.2 feet; thence Southwesterly at right
an�l s distance of 217.66 feet; thence southeasterly 371.63 feet to the west
linel f Prior Avenue; thence south 1100.12 feet to the point of
begi ni ,which lies within the following described lines:
Begi ni � at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and 1+0.0 feet
nort ea erly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the Chica�o,
Mil ' uk e, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of Prior
Ave e; thence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway right-
of- y ine a distance of 10.00 feet; thence south parallel with said west
lin o Prior Avenue a distance of 30.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
wit Isa d northeasterly Railway right-of-way a distance of 10.00 feet to said
wes li e of Prior Avenue; thence north along said west line of Prior Avenue
a d' ta ce of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Als a parcel of land described as commencing at the intersection of a line
dra " arallel with and 40.00 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-
of- ine of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company
and th west line of Prior Avenue; thence northwesterly parallel with said
norl ea terly Railway right-of-way line a distance of 110.00 feet to the actual
poi of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continue
nor we terly along said parallel line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence
sou we terly deflectin� to the left 90 degrees a distance of 15.00 feet;
the e southeasterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of 30.00
fee hence northeasterly deflecting to the left 90 degrees a distance of
15. f et to the point of beginning.
The no theasterly lines of the above described parcels are to be contiguous
wit ' t e southwesterly line of the sanitary sewer easement according to book
49 p ans, page 20, No. 888930.
Als , a permanent easement over the above part of Kosy's Corner for ingress to
and eg ess from the sewer pump station on, over and across a parcel of land
des ib d as beginning at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and
40. eet northeasterly of the northeasterly right-of-way line of the
Chi go Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and the west line of
Pri venue; thence northwesterly parallel with said northeasterly Railway
rig -o -way line a distance of 1k0.00 feet; thence northeasterly deflecting to
the ri ht 90 degrees a distance of 20.00 feet; thence southeasterly parallel
wit s id northeasterly Railway right-of-way line to its intersection with
sai we t line of Prior Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Prior
Ave e o the point of beginning.
The` ab ve described road easement lies within the sanitary sewer easement
acc rdi g to book �+9 of plans, page 20, No. 888930.
(We s de of Prior Avenue near Feronia)