86-851 WHITE - GTV CLER � PINK - F�NANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council o// CANARV ��DEPARTME FlIC NO. uW ��� BLUE - MAVOR Return copy to:'I CO cil Resolution Valuations (Roo 21 ) �� (RF) (CounRes) ' Present d By a c� ,� Referred o � � � � Committee: Date '`� ���� ' Out of C mi ee By Date E �AS, in 1981 the City of Saint Paul, by Council Resolution numbe 2 7001, did purchase property legally described as Coleman Park , ot 2 and 3 , Block 1, (ID #24-29-23-13-0026 and ID #24-29-23- 13-002 ) or bluff preservation; and W R S, this property should have been listed as tax exempt on the ta r lls and was not; and W RE S, the City of Saint Paul did assess Property Identification Numbe 4-29-23-13-0026 and 24-29-23-13-0027 for street maintenance for th a sessment years 1981, 1983 , 1984 and 1985 as follows: I,, ID �24-29-23-13-0026 ID #24-29-23-13-0027 1981 p ya le 1982 $ 39 .00 $ 39 .00 1983 p ya le 1984 $ 60. 06 $ 60. 06 1984 ya le 1985 $ 50 . 70 $ 50 . 70 1985 ya le 1986 $ 50. 70 $ 50. 70 $200. 46 $200 . 46 and I E AS, these street maintenance assessments appeared on the tax state nt as taxes due and should have been paid through the General Gover e t Account Activity #09051 (Exempt Property Assessments) but were t ecause they were not on the tax exempt list. COUNC[L I N Yeas Drew �� Na s Requested by Department of: Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel �i Sonnen __ Against Bv � Director r�aes�o � �O� wi�son ��ti� � Form Appro d b ity Attorney Adopted by Counc�I: Date Certified Passed Co hcil Secretary BY � � 2 , sy� t Approved by �lavor D te _ Appr by Mayor for Submi ' n o Council By _ _ _ By I I WMITE - C�TV CLERK I�I PINK - FINANCE �I COIlIICIl (j CANARV,� DEPARTME I� G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L ���/ �CUE - MAVOR I� File N0. O� Return copy to• i • • Valuations (Roo 21 ) Council Resolution (RF) (CounRes) II Presented By Referred I o Committee: Date Out of C mit'ee By Date NO I T EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the street maintenance assessm � nt listed above are hereby abated and removed from the tax rolls a ' t�iat the proper City departments are authorized to pay these assessm nt from Account Activity # 09051 through inter -office transfe �; nd BE RTHER RESOLVED, that the Valuation and Assessment Division is her y directed to request Ramsey County to include these propert esI on the Ramsey county annual report of Exempt Assessments for Sai laul. j� ,I 'i� i I COUNCIL N Requested by Department of: Yeas �^ Na s �� Finance & Mana ement Services Rettman Itl FBVOt c scne�bei � _ A ainst BY Dire tor � Sonnen _ g �..a.�, !I II . wilson ���N � Adopted by Counc'I� : Date JUN 2 � ,�vs Form Appr ved City Attorn Certified Pas•e o I .il , e BY B}� Appro y Mavo I te _�JU 2 5 198� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — By I I PUBIISHEO J U N 2 81986 . ����� N° 0540'7 Finance & Manag en Services DEPARTMENT � • _ Dave Ne�son " CONTACT �1/ - PHONE ril 23 1986 DATE ���i� �Q,r � ASSIGN NUMBER UTING ORDER C1i All Loc,ations for Si: nature : Department re tor 3 Director of: Management/Mayor 2 Finance and n gement Services Director � ^ 4 City Clerk Budge� Dire or �� 5 valuations 1 City qttorn HAT WILL BE AC EY BY TAKING A TION ON TFtE ATTACHED M�tTERIALS? (Purpose/ Ratio�'ale) : Delinquent stre m intenance assessments will be paid and removed from tihe tax rolls. , _ C9„ _ / � `1° ����^l� � � �\� �- f�ECEtVED . GOST BENEFIT B GE RY AND PERSOI�NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: APR Z 5 The street main na ce fund will recover some of their expenses. � f�lAYOR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURC AN BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount f ' an�action: $400•92 quired if under � �10,000) Funding Sour : , Activity Num r: 09051 , � ATTACHMENTS Li a Number All I#ttachn�nts : 1. Council res ut on to be considered. , DEPARTMENT REVI CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW x Yes No nci Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No I ur ce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No I ur ce Attached: (SEE •REV�,RSE SIDE POR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ' ��-��i , 1 . Uemben+: Chirs Nlenaln. Chslr �iITY UF ��1Ii�TT YAUL Jenlce Re!lmsn Rlkl 9onnen :i iiiii� OFFICIID OP' TFILr CITY COUNUIL 7ohn Drew (Al!) Date; June 11, 1986 � : � Commit�tee Re ort p . . . . ' To: Saint Paul City Council lic Works From: Committee on Pub . Chris Nicosia, Chair Tt � 'ul�1 i c Wor-ks Cvmmi ttee at i ts meet i ng oF June 1 1 , i�86 taok the f � lu ing action: e<� �i n� Date 1 . 6 ,24/86 VACAI"ION: Petition of Housing and �edevelopment Authority for the vacation of the alley in Hinkens I� Re�rr�ngement bounded by Cedar, Comc�, CFiaries �nd C�pitol He>_ights. PurpoGe is for construction c�f Bethesda �� Hos��ital Elderly Housing Froject. '� Recamrnended af��rova I . I I 2,I'I � 24/86 FINAL (�f2DER: Construrtion of sewer and/or water connections at tl�e following properties on BURLINGTON Road: 561 and 589 Burlington Ro�d. Recommended ap�roval . 3.' 6 24/86 F[NAL ORUER: Improving BENSON AVENUE From 450 Feet east of Horner Street to Glen Terrace by grading, paving, constr•uct.i ng curb an.d gutter and storm sewr�►-. A 1 so installation of water main in Benson Avenue from Glen Terrace to 480 feet west of vacated Leland Stree�t.. Also, construction of watPr service connectic+ns. Also. slope construction in the grading and paving of Be nson Avenue from 450 Peet east of Homer Street to Glen Terrace. Recommencl�d approval with the delet.ion of i.fie language "Also, construction of water service connections". ,' A. 6/7_4/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving MARYLANO AVENUE frorn 6urnquist Str-eet to ProspPrity Avenue by �rinding and overlay. � Rer.��nunr•rir.l�•r1 n►r�,r nv�a I . 5, Policy and Rates for STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE. RecommendPd approval . 6, �i RESOLUTIUN: author9zing a $40.00 rebate to family homes tfiat disconnect their rainleaders. Recommended approval . 7, I'�, � ��r �+�r�1 stra�rt m�i nt�n+ar�cee asz�arassct�t� ��?;"��t . -�� a �. 7`.'.,, . `,.. . amq ,�,, �4C� .i n. ti:�v �s�',�.�#��.���sd,��nc� �es��ng �nty to i nc 1 ude tFiese as exemp� esgtrs�shi�int�s for th�e ; t��rof St. Paul (Pr� t'X`: ,������ Go#te�err ,P�`k ��ohacq: ` , !'or B:luf� Pt'�l�erva ) - Recolrw�ended approva 1. g, , C�RDINANCE: grantinq �ermission to Nistoric Landm�rks for � �ving to construct, operate and maintain a str3irway with liandrails into the sidewalk on E. 5th Street between Wacouta and Wall Streets. li '' �1� tY�e�e was no one present from the department, ttiiS was laid over. 9. ! URDINANCE: granting permission to St. Patrick's C:Iiurch to ; i construct, operate and maintain telephone cable under and I across Desoto Street. ; As there was no one present from the department, � this was �laid over. � 1 COMMITTEE UF THE WHOLE ITEM � 10 Presentation by Public Works staff on what they are doing with computers and infr-astructure. � No aclion r�quired.