86-845 ,I� �
Cit I of S .Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. n �`�`� ��—`�
File No.
YOtit�s In the atte of
� C � �d ��kiag +aa aase��� i� �h� ls�e� a+ecassa�ry� Sc►r
sl s agtr aac� fil�.s, inc:3.�dir� ri�ht at' remov�l ot la�eral
s� fr� s�'b,�s�t 1u�8 ar re�iad�r ther�sot, o�oasicuaed by
e �ra �c�: t,h�reo�' or ce3ns�Gruatl� vi �lo�ss iee� the gradi� �►nQ
pa ' of B�a,�asa A�� ��mr 4� t'eat �t ot �oaMrr 8�rae�: to
al T raas.
..w rr
under Admini rati Order approved
�'� -��' S" �- 7��,�
under Prelimi ry rder approved
A publi I''I he ing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard
all persons, o ecti ns and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOL ED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made
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FURT R R SOLVED, That the Coancil herebq determines that the estate reqnired tpr thie improvemeat be ae describ-
ed above, an ttiat the proper City otticers submit a report to the City Counoil tor the purpose of the Connoil'e ooaking an
award of da es f the interes�i��and determination of assessments. if any, against the benefited propetty.
oouxci� JUN 2 � 1986
Adopted by the Council: Date
YeasD�'sr— ; Na s
; Certified P d b Council S retar
SeiNi �1 In Favor B
foa�al �
iKl• � JUN 2 5 '� Mayor
� .
` III � llomben:
Chite tUcnale, C6slr
, GITY UI.r �11I�7�1' ..L�.E1UL J�nf�e t�ettman
'""i ii'"
Rlkl 9onnen
�iiij�'j„ II ' � OFIt'IOIC OP' TFILn CITY COUNUIL " ]ohn Drew (1U�)
. °!�� . � �-���
III ` Da�e: June 11, 1986
. .
: � � �� ee Re or �L
�'; ; C o m m. p . . .
. _ . . . _
IiiT I: Saint Paul Cit Council
Y . .
i!F om: Committee on Public Works .
� Chris Nicosia, Chair
T��e� f' ��1i Wor-ks Committee at its .meeting oF June ! 1 , l986 took the
fo 1 1 uw I�ig ct i on:
Ne<�r I y �te
1 . 6/ /8 VACAI'(ONs Petition of Housing and Re�evelor�ment
Authority for tl�ie vacation of the alley in F1lnkens
Rearrangement bounded by Cedar. Como, Charles ancJ C�pitol
Heights. Purpose ts for construction af Bethesda
Hospital Elderly F�ousing ProJect.
II� I Recomrnerided anprova 1 .
Z, F_./ Ilq/ K FINAL ORDER: ` °'"��Constructton of sPwer and/or water:r
cnnnections at the-f�llowing propertees on ` BURLINGTON
Road: 561 and 589 Burlington Road.
_ _ _ _ _ -
_ _
j�"--� < , _ �.t__
Recomrnended approvai .
3. 6/ III4/ � F I NAL ORUER: !mprov i ng �E�hl'30N AVENUE from 450 Feet e��st
of Norner Street tt� Glen Terrace by grading, paving,
constr-uctinc� curb and gutter and storm sewer. Also
installation of wat�r main in Benson Avenue from Glen .
4 0 feet west oP vacated Leland Street. Also,
f<3CP. 'EO a
Te r
construrtion of water service connections. Also, slo�ae
construction in the grading and paving of Bensan Avenue
Ilj i from 450 feet east of Homer Street to G)en Terrace.
ili '• RecommendPd approval with the deletion of tt�e
languacle "Rlso, construction of water service
II� conneetions". •
frorn Burnquist Str-eet to Prosperity Avenue by grinding �
and overla . .
Recommended approval .
5. Policy and Rates for STORM 5EWER SYSTEM CtiARGE.
mmended a roval .
Reco pp
6. RESOLUTIUN: authorizing a $40.00 rebate to farnily homes •
tl�iat disconnect their ra9nleaders.
Recommendecl approval .
n tl�f?
.. � n
. �p ..nk i
R� C. 5:'�:'nfil
rp t ma i nt_n�n . a
RESOLIIT 1 ON. at+at i n_ st _�
7. ry
F� ears
as itst
ev anr� reGUE.'St1��g
U.46 in t e
amount of 2U Y
Ramse Count to include thesP as exem�t assessrnents for
� Par
III the City of ot. Paul (property in Block 1 , Cof
acquired for Bluff Preservation) .
Recommended approval .
o IIII I (1Rf1 I tJAN!`C. r.r�r,#-i r.n r�orm i a�i nn tn N;StElf 1 C Lanclmarks fOr'
� , . • f�['��.�.-d/[/ .[`�
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� ..,�.�ls aad t�I1s.�iaelu ���
di�.right oi:remov�l Qf Ia#eral
. er .d�ed�y ezG,avations therc�f��`�atR�
s z ,
#o G1ettgTe� �i�r��f�OII Avenue irom 450 feet��.
, �� o,r�,�wa:a,�.
� t11e above����S�fnt,3�a��,}��;t�tv�}tl�k;�'k at pt�e�ay�pr
es; �'bvement, �and }isi'in8 coneide� �d t+e�f� �
'�� That the said�ost aad t�re saaie is hereby aPprovec��t►�1�0 8tte�t}�S�
�tt tbe estunate�oost theneof is�00.�.
� � �OQ oucllic h�ring be had a�i i�d Ynh�pr�veme�t oa th� --
, e oi Saint��Itbers o�tlie City��
. Tl�t notice ot � publie b� 8ivea ta.-t�e.. �apna Anbd.ia.t$�e
. I�4�±ided by tl� sta ' s t3�ne aad � ia
��t A���t°ta�`cros� i�r-��. ��tbe n�
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�t7t�.1�. _ w_.
Ap�ravEd May 29, 9�g,� _ � - . , _
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