86-843 �� ci oF I�T. P,au� COUNCIL FILE NO. �'7`J FIN L 'ORDER By File No. l�il� Voting In the att #of Ward I 7 C ton of se�rer and/or xater r.c�a�ctions st the lallaving p rt �s os� Bnrlit�gto� Roa,d t ` P?.lt -�►3-001�2 551 �rli�gta�t Rvad PIi -�-a►3-OOko �3g Bnrlington 8osd under Prelimi ry rder O '�` ^��� approved �/�7i�� £ .; The Co cil f the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof havin bee ,given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHERE S, e Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has ully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOL D, hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and e p per City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTH R SOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses in rre therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCI ER I N Ado ted b the Council: Date JUN 2 4 1986 P Y Yeas ays Certifie assed by Council Secretary B�t � SC i In Favor B S a � Against qi JUN L �J �g86 ayor PUBIISNED �l U N 2 81986 � � , , �� �---3 Ilembetn: Chl�s Nlcoeln, C6nir (i1TY OF 1�.E1I1TT YAUI. Jenlce Rettmsn I Iuii : Bikl 9onnen t. �!��� pFFl�l�UF TFII� CITY COIINUIL John Drew (AI!) Date; June 11, 1986 � : � �� C o mmit�te e Re o r -t p , . . I To: Saint Paul City Council � From: Committee on Public Works ris N ico sia Chair __ I ' Ch , Th Pul�lic Works Committee at its .meeting oF June ll , 1986 took the fo I'lu ing action: e<�r f ng Date l . ,' 6/24/86 VACA1'ION: Petition of Housing and Redevel���ment Authority for tl-ie vacation of the alley in Hlnkens Rear rangement bo�anded by Cedar, Comc�, Char I es ancJ C��p t to 1 hleiqhts. Purpose ls for construction of Bethesda Elderl Nousing Pro,j ect. Hospital Y ,I Recornrnended an�rova I . ,»-+a � flPF 01r ��8f� �7�/�'}I;, .'i����' 2. F/ 4/86 � .,� N ry ���������.., . : . : , � � :. �!t11Nl� ��i C�''di��F�1� �bF► �t�L`� 1 "5��1 Bur��ng'�` Ro�ti. Rr.roatr�c� r�P'Prc.f+�e� , + - 3, iE,/ �4/86 FINA� ORUER: Improving BENSON AVENUE from 450 feet east of Homer Street t+� Glen Terrace by grading, paving, constr�ucting curb and gutter and storm sewr-�r. Also installation oP wat.er main in Benson Avenue from Glen Terrace to 480 feet west of vacated Leland Street. Also. construction of water service connections. Also, slope . o n Avenue construction in ttie grading and paving of Bens from 450 feet east of Homer Street to Glen Terrace. RPCOmmended approval with the delet.ion of tlie language "Also, construction of water service conriect i ons". ,' 4. 6/?_4/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving MARYLANO AVENUE ��I frorn Burnquist Street to ProspPrity Avenue by c�rinding anrJ over I ay. � Recommended approval . 5, Policy and Rates for STORM 5EWER SYSI"EM CNARGE. Recommended approval . 6, RESOLUTION: authorizing a $40.00 rebate to family homes tliat disconnect their rainleaders. Recommended approval . 7, RESOLUTION: abatin!� street maintpnanc�? ������m�n#- in .th�! amount of $20U.46 in the ye3rs as listed and r��que�sting - Ramsey County to include tFiese as exempt assessinents Por � - lock 1 Coleman Park ro�er t i n B , the Cit of�t. Pau) (p f Y Y acquired for Bluff Preservation) . Recommended approvai . (�, ORDINANCE: granting �ermission to Historic Landmarks for � iving to construct, operate and maintain a stair-way witti I�andrails ir�to the sidewalk on E. Sth Street between Wacouta and Wall Streets. �1S tl�e�� was no one present from the department, tYii� was laid over. 9, ORDINANCE: granting permission to St. Patrick's Ciiurch to ; construct, oper�te and maintain telephone cable under and across Desoto Street. i � As there was no one present from the department, . � this was �laid over. � I � COMMITTEE UF THE WHOLE 1TEM I !0. i Presentation by Public Works staff on what they are doing with computers and infr-astructure. � No action r�quired. , � �UR��R�I,I ��lTY �FtQ1+�T 4�t$ , . �:,f? � �` ' ��� �! SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL ��G _ �i� � ° �e � ��n��tiui �� �' � n�� t n n �� �; �rf�� "�r` ��! PJBLIC NEARING NOTICE f��tt� i s e• 6� I�i,. �`�msntit``c PUBLIC IMPRCIVEMENT CONSTRUCTION i' Please note t t t e Public i�orks Co��ittee of tLe City Couacil will diacuss is tes aad develop a recoiaiendation to the full Ctty Council it J�ne llth meeting. Please bcing any concerns you say have th s aeeting on 1lednesday, June 11, 1986 in Rooi 707 at 9:00 a.!(. �I, r City Council District # � � District Planning Council # 1 File No. 18419—A �� To decide on whether to proceed with the construction of sewer PURPOSE service and/or water service connections to be installed with ;I the construction of the storm sewer in Burlington Road for the AND properties located at 561 and 589 Burlington Road. LOCATION �; ', i �' June 24, 1986, at 10:00 A.M. HEARING �� Tuesday, ;'', Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House . _ If the Council apprcves this project, a portion of the costs �'' will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted FINANCING INFORMATION properties. The estimated assessments For this project are as tollows: il Water Connection $815.00 per connection a Sewer Connection $750.00 per connection I I,; The City Council will hold another hearing after the construc- tion to ratify the assessments. You will receive a notice Iat that time advising you of the exact amount that you will be reciuired to pay. "� QUESTIONS Construction: 292-6281 Assessments: 298-5317 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute ;', questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same da as the hearin . ; � _�` _ _ –f\�_ '_' __ i� �' . {� — MA P '�:, i� `��2%, S � ;� �,... - Notice sent ! % „ J o+� r�,� ` i'''I ���� i i ,c ; �o �� � e ����� ., � �0°1-.., l���-}! y the Val uati o '�s a d �r,, , � ° .f' i A s s e s s me n t D i v i I i o n, ,;r�r, � ^;`"'.';��-',:"' • f N'', ` ,�89 Department cF , ° i 1 � �' � � I�n a r � y �:��.,=. :., �� ,. -� .I •,,:,. / fo�' and Managemer,t ervi ce� , � ° � �' o� �`•j-'°� eUA��hG _ ---- Sai nt °aul , i�i n esota �5 i 02 , J � ``,Q�?�^,�t'���,, �E �� � ,.,� ! 0 � ��`��_J 1/ %� _�^ � \1\:o S��`�._ . '''r' ��OG � ' � oa / / �—�� '��� . ` ` x �V ,s�� ���1 . �'''l� 6 " ��' ,.� - / ;� 1 O , '� �'nr/.t' , l, 1 � ��..� \/ � f'� __' . ) � i� C �,r��; �v �i � / j•. � M� , � \ � ty�" tn �}Uul ; - i' � . � p���' if i% � ._ 1� � � � � ��aU ' -'�� � ,. ." t/ r �ti.� �. - `�', �!x) �., i !?'i\ U.� ,�� (�� " J,��``i,i � /'\, �J_ I _^ .. , i , 1 .�i - � I;.i . � � 1 I '1 .,, � ,` � �'�i� 'i,� �� � � _ i • ` ' � � _�`�3 � ��I � . . _ , , , _ - � ���� . ' . . . ' . .—_"�.'c'r-xl�.)y�g�.�.+�..�. � ..i�F �' ..:dY..�r'y�, ��� . . . . . .. . .' . 'f4^+,.. �:� . .. . ,� `� . ;/���� . . . .. �� . t . �i . .TS. . . s . �.F.� . �e".'. . ��.'� � ��s�1Y4,R:� ,4.,$S>.w _$i'�� �f:_a t... . y. .� � . . . a-w�����,��+ �.. ���_.. .�i..�{!�C ����*;.,�.�,,.,,��`���'�.-��"'�'�i+��"`r. ��+*!R+++���d11�Il'�+*�i.�,������' � i`f. �4;� �T�a4.;.. ��'��� !�':� - :,. � �_ ",� . . -. `�,�t`� � � • ��It-�� :�BitT�II$�O�� ,.�,•.: �.:si'�.��—�'' ��dl af!'�eC'l�y�ofB��atiit rbe�ved `�' ." . ` ,. �,'�"a�b�e� _:• . � ��±a�' �-:. , . _. �r. '��1�t� s�8� , �: . ` ` - . ,.: . �-t+�k;'����" ; } ::�:`Tiseit tlit p� " at�i�e's1(a�le���ra`vad�'�6vit��a'�bal�ii+�„ ' itnd tbat the eatimat�E thezeoi is ^�r�� per connectian.financed�y as� . Est.Water Main Conaectioa i8x6� � `Lst.3ewerCont�cction , �g 2. 'I�at a public bearing be�Lh�ad/�o�n safd impro7�v�e�m�t eM#., th.,;'��'x,`�; �'� '' ' � . . �. . ' �� �t16 W��'�i7Ci3��^Jn.`^... '_ 3 ... i.:q p of 3aint�at�1. :N, ,�':�-�,�,�,�s� B.=That noticae,� said pub�ic L�riag be �ivea to th+e P�:�l�� �er Pravidedfiy'�e�arter;�We time aad p2�ee ot heasia�,.�� :F,�;� oi l.be i�prov�n�and the total co�t theregd aa eatim�tted. Fil�t.�To� 184�9-A,„; . <�� ,.�, � . �__.� � >� :r..:� '�opted by t�►i��ot�Oil b[a�r��..18�6. c�-��=c� . .... � ... A�roved D�ay'2S,1986 ' ' � .. , , _�- _ :�, � � ;.GT�e 7, l�r � � .�� _ _ ��. �_�;�, . � i . �