86-838 � c�TV F s I� PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. Cs �� PRELIMI A Y ORDER " � � By File No. S 11464 thru S 11473 Votinq Inthe ter f sidewalk constructian aad/or reconstruction, only where necessary, �y� a the follawin� locationa: 6 S 11464II oth sides Payne Ave. from York Ave. to Sims Ave. and orth side York Ave. from Payne Avenue to West approximate 5 feet with integral curb. 2 S 11465I orth side E. Seventh Street from Lafayette Road to illius St. with integral curb. 2 S 1146 II orth side E. Seventh Street from Willius St. to Kittson t. with integral curb. 2 s ii46 I I outh side E. Tenth Street from Robert St. to Jackson St. ith integral curb and areaway elimination. 2 S 1146 ast side Wall Street from E. Sixth St. to E. Seventh St. ith integral curb and areaway elimination. 1 S 1146 II idewalks at Galtier School on Charles Ave. , Edmund Ave. , nd Syndicate Street. 2 S 1147 outh side Grace Street from Osceola Ave. to west 117 feet t 301 Osceola Avenue and outh side Grace Street from Daly St. to west 117 feet and t 301 Daly St. - 15 feet on Daly Street. 1 S 1147 I est side N. Grotto Street from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll venue. 5 S 1147 orth side W. Hoyt Ave. from N. Griggs St. to Alley. 1 S 1147 outh side Thoma,s Ave. from Syndicate St. to west 250 ft. d South side Thoma,s Ave. from Hamline Ave. to East 100 eet. � COUNCI ER ON Adopted by the Council: Date JUN 19 i986 Yeas Dre ays Certifie sse by Council Secre ry Ret an ' 1' In Favor By Ted co '' l� Against Wil n ' Mayor JUN 1 9 1986 ; pUBIISHED JUN 2 819$f�,