86-827 — N�HITE - GTV CLERK �I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council (�/f G C4NARY - DEPARTMEN � F11C NO. V� �v �� BLUE - MAVOR �'� Co ncil Resolution - Presented By f� Referred i� � Committee: Date � � � —�� Out of Co mit ee By Date �AS, The May , rsuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�unerid the follawing ts 'to spending plans for the 1986 General Fund Budget: � Current Amended Bud et C es Bud et 9 h�9 9 M� � ---------�_ e__________ Finance and t Services 01250 Purc Services-City Share 01250-0299 r Misc Servrces � 295,904 +17,567 313,471 01250 A11 r ing 0 0 295,904 +17,567 313,471 Planning and o 'c Development 06000 PID Co tion 06000-0537 ra irx� Transfer Out 1,366,694 -17,567 1,349,127 06000 A11 Ot r ing 0 0 0 1,366,694 -17,567 1,349,127 �� '�I � C� 0 RESQLVID, That C ty Council approves these changes to the 1986 budget. i Financing is va lable: Approval Recomner�ded: � ---------- � - � --- Director of e ��,�°� Budget r torw COUNCILM Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ay '' �� 'I Planning an�d Economic Develop�nent Rettman Ifl F8v0[ � Seheibe� � �,rm�r � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: ', I Date ��� 19 19�6 Form Approved City Attorney Certified Ya s y oun �'��il Se tar BY By� Approved by iVlavor: ,Da �_ �� —�� '19 6 Appr d ayor for Submissi �t Council By �_ ""�• _ By !� PUBIISNEO J UN 2 8198� il i� P ann'n & � DE,PARTMENT �jC�°�- �,�7 � Tom Meyer �• 4��� CONTACT -•- 4 � 292=1577 �:-" . •' PHON E 5-19-86 ' DATE �e ,,n/. �� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ����t0 ING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : ��� Department Di lectbr 5 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and M nagjement 5ervices Director 6 City Clerk Budget Direct 'r City Attorney �; ; — WHAT WILL BE ACHI �'hIED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? �Purpose/ '' Rationale) : A more unified a ro ch to set-aside within the city will be accomplished by this transfer of the day-to-da ma agement of set-aside from PED to the Finance and Managemen�t Services � flepartment. !. ���:.�:-i-��.� RECEfVED i -�- ..� , (.�p.Y ;. �' MAY 2 01986 ' f:.�AYG�'S CF;Ft�E OFFtCE OF THE DfRECTOR COST/BENEFIT BUD TA Y AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��PA���Nfi O� Ft'N�N�E Overall (Specia ' F nds and General Fund) net chang�D �ANAGEMu1Vig�Ry e� certified position and f ',in e benefits totalling $17,567 are being taken out of 126 PED Operations and 'Iad ed to 124 Joint Purchasing Services. The General Fund activit1� (06000 PED Con 'ri ution) that makes contributions to PED Special Funds will be decreased by $ '',7, 67 and the General Fund activity (01250 Purchasinq Services- City Share) th '''�t s expense�--for salarie s -and fr inge bene f its for�the �inance & Management Ser 'ic�s Special Fund 124 will be increased by $17,567. � !i�� � � , FINANCING SOURCE D UDGET ACTIVI7Y NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- " ' ture not re- Total Amount o ':Trainsaction: �17�567.00 quired if under $10,000) �y Funding Source. � Geineral Fund (�j,,*F���� �.r� . . . �. . � . . . � . � .. . • `i.�lJ+... 4..��j Activity Number ', � . fd�AY � n ° � 1 i c� t��� ATTACHMENTS List ' d umber All Attachments : �} : l� �'�� .. ��.��.� ` 1.. 3 Resolutiojifls ' - t�� t+�iii�ve = '�i : � �i� . ' . ,, _ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Coun 1 esolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes NQ Yes No Insu nc Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu nc Attached: � ' (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12�84 i . f , . � � _ . . C��J �c�-K . . /�,� �--��7 CITY OF S�.INT PAUL "�" � ..� .. 1�. . I ', :,;,��;I;`��� ili OFFIC� OF THF CIZ'Y CDIIi�TCIL � .... ' • Commlttee �eport ..��' . �: a ce l�ana em�nt � Persannel Cammlttee. — . JUNE 12, 1986 - � 1. Approval f inutes from meeting held June 5, 1986. approved 2. Discussi o�.budget requests for Citizen Participation Districts (committee- of-the-w le item) . discussed (Patton to draft resolution) 3. Resoluti a ending the 1986 budget and decreasing the financial plan by $971,537i�$9 5,537 - various departments; $36,000 - legislative branch) and underspe in the authorized budget by equal amount (laid over from June 5) . a ro d 4. Resoluti I a ending the 1986 budget and transferring $9,768 from Contingent Reserve F nance Department General Government Accounts - Exempt Property Assessme jts.l approved 5. Resol�t" �nding the 1986 budget by reducing $17,567 in tt�e Financing Plan and in" �he Spending Plan for PED_Op_erations Fund �Set-Aside) . approved =__ _ 6. Resolutiln ending the 1986 budget by adding $17,567 to the Financing Plan and to t e pending Plan for Joint Purchasing Services (Set-Aside). approved 7. Resolut• I'In �nending the 1986 budget by transferring $17,567 from PED - PED Contrib io Ito Finance and Management Services - Purchasing Services - City Share ( t- ide) . approved 8. Resolut n �ending the 1986 budget by transferring $27,508 from Contingent Reserve o �lanning and Economic Development - PED Development Contribution (Job Cr ' tiQn and Training Section). approved 9. Resolut n Imending the 1986 budget by adding $27,508 to the Financing Plan and to e pending Plan for PED Operations (Job Creation and Training) . approved 10. Adminis at ve Orders (Laid over from June 5) : D-8030: IIBu get revision in various departments. discussed D-8031: jIBu get revision in Finance and Management Services Department. discussed 11. Resolut �On onsenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amo t f $850,000 to finance construction of manufacturing facility in Energy ar for Michael S. and Lynnette M. Larkin. approved , 12. Resolut onlapproving Labor Agreement between the City and International Union of Oper ti�g Engineers, Locals 70 and 967. approved CITY HALL ill SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 5510Z a�r46 ��