86-825 �NHITE - CITV CLER �I�' ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPAFtTME �II� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � -�� � �'�' ouncil Resolution `�� ,; ,� � Presented By / p � ./ Referred �I o �rl hl� C� Committee: Date t� ' -5 '� V i' Out of C mit�tee By Date �AS, Z�e or� �rsuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available `r �propriation revenues in exccess of those estimat.ed in the 1986 budget; artid � � WI�RE'AS, The or recommends the following changes to the 1986 budget: Current Amerided 'i' ' Budget Changes Bixlget FII�NCING PLAN ,,j ' -- _ �---------_ �M____ 12b PID Ope ti�ns Fund 36000 P 1�min-Receipts & Misc -7299 �er from General Fund (06000) 1,366,694 -17,567 1,349,127 All F#.nancing 5,616,726 0 5,616,726 ; ' 6,983,420 -17,567 6,965,853 SPEDDING PLAN I' , 126 PID Ope ti ns Fiu�d 36010 ity Development Division 36010-0 1 �'ull Time Certified 1,007,712 -13,942 993,770 36010-0 9 r uige Benefits 256,881 -3,625 253,256 All S�er�d ing 5,718,827 0 5,718,827 ;, �� _ ------------ 6,983,420 -17,567 6,965,853 �� ' � �� ,� -17,567 � , RESQLVID, Thati�.he� City Council approves these changes to the 1986 budget. Financ' i� Avai le Approval Recommended , �' � �. ~~ ~ �� �'� Bu�3 e Di ector Directo ' of Finance �.,,�- g COUNCILM �1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nay �� Dept. of Planning & Economic Development Rettman In Favor Sakait�L i �/ �� ;�, �� __ Against BY Tedesco ,I, Wilson ;'; JUN i 9 t986 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council ii, Date Certified P-: e o ci , cre BY B}� i Approved by ;Vlavor: !�'„ D — �� —��° J��N � 9 6 Appr Mayoc for Submi ' n Co�ncil ���� gy _ � � � By PUBLISHED J � N � 819$6 PUBLl�!�E� "'"' `' � 198 ,i , P n 'n E DEPARTMENT (�`'� �- �°�S ]v0 4014 Tom Msy�r � CONTACT 292-1577 • PHONE 5-19-86 DATE �e v� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR OU ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : �,�� Department Di ct 5 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and M ag ent Services Director 6 City Clerk Budget Direct City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : A more unified a ro ch to set-aside within the city will be accomplished by this transfer of the day-to-da ma agement of set-aside from PED to the Finance and Management Services �. . _ � � Department. �����u`�� :,� RECEfVED ,,,;., l�p.Y � f� MAY 2 01986 f,1AYG�'S OFFI�E OFFiCE Of TM� DIRECTOR COST/BENEFIT BUD ET Y AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED; ��PA�MENT OF FJ1VAIVCE ANG M�MENT SER1riC�s Overall (Speci F nds and General Fund) net change = 0 . A full time certified position and i e benefits totalling $17, 567 are being taken out of 126 PED Operations an a ed to 124 Joint Purchasing Services. The General Fund activity (06U00 PED Co r ' ution) that makes contributions to PED Special Funds will be decreased by 7, 67 and the General Fund activity (01250 Purchasinc� Services- City Share) t t ' s expensed for salaries and fringe benefits for the Finance & Manager.lent Se i s Special Fund 124 will be increased by $17, 567. FINANCING SOURCE ND UDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount T nsaction: $17,567.00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Sourc neral Fund �EC�,v�� Activity Numb . MAY � 2 �agg ATTACHMENTS Lis an Number All Attachments : C��Y ���o��Gi 1. 3 Re so lut on DEPARTMENT REVIE CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No C nc' Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No I ur ce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No I ur ce Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET , . , The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: l, to assist in routing documents and in securing requ�red s�gnatures 2, to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, �f required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to m�ke decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execu�ion. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside a ency;b$�'Qre` �riuting through City offices. �. . Below is the preferred. ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: � CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Ou�side Aqency 4. Mayor 2. Tniti.attng Depattment 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) l. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providinq funding. 8. Budget amendments. . � � �- �a� M�`�,** ,. ' , , CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; ; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES : '�i1p ; . � ,��� EUGENE A.SCHILLER, DIRECTOR GEORGE LATIMER I 234 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR � (612) 298-4637 I To: Ma�►or George Latimer From: �IJim Bellus, Planning and Economic Developmen�� Ge e Schiller, Finance and Management Services��G��, , Date; �I'Ma 21, 1986 Re: IISei�'-Aside Program Improvements � ' 1 We havi b�en reviewing positive ways to improve the effectiveness of the 'Citiy ' s "Set-Aside" program. Please see the attached staff report jo�ntly prepared by Jackie Hicks from PED and Bill Peter, Financ ia d Management Services/Purchasing. It is ur finding that the current set-aside program needs to be update '� ar�'d reconstituted , if it is to better serve the citizens of Sai 't Paul. We would appreciate an opportunity to discuss the needed '�ch nges in detail . Improvements are necessary in the enabli Ig �rdinance, administrative procedures, unified staffing and re 'burce needs. We would like to start the transition proces immediately. , It is ur recommendation that we approach the City Council with the ne �de�, program changes as well as to prepare our 1987 budget recomm hd tions to reflect the improvements . We are also pleased to rep rt that both our departments are continuing discussions regard �g 'other "compliance" issues which we will report back to you on '''in I the future. In sho l�t, we believe that an opportunity exists to "strengthen" our de !iv�ry of service in this vital social/economic City progra . Please �!ad�tise. JB/GS/ Attach +ent� cc: G �g IBlees P ' e Hames J k'�e Hicks B 1 �'eter L A n Turchin I , �� I S c� � �I ; � � r�� �,� —�� �' s = CITY OF SAINT P/1UL � INTERDEP�IRTMENTAL MEMORANDUM I . I DAT MAY 15 , 1986 TO ' I ; JAMES J . BELLUS EUGENE A . SCHILLER� FRO i i JACICIE HICRS /Y��,�y��.� BILL PETER '�i f�' SUB ECx: RECO�IMENDATIONS FOR REVISIONS TO THE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM WE �'IHAVE MET TOGETHER SEVERAL TIMES TO PLAN FOR REVISING THE CUR EN�' SET-ASIDE PROGAM IN EFFORT TO MABE IT OPERATE MORE EFF CT�YELY. AFTER MANY DRAFT PROPOSALS AND MUCH THOUGHT WE ARE NOW �'PR PARED TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED REPORT . MANI �ONG HOURS OF THOUGHT AND CONSIDERATION HAYE GONE INTO THE PRE AR�lTION OF THIS REPORT. ALTHOOGH WE CONSIDER IT TO BE COM REHENSIVE AND THORQUGH , AS OF TODAY , iiE RECOGNIZE THAT OTHBRS MAY 'WANT TO MAHE CONTRIBUTIONS OR COMMENTS. AFT R �'YOUR READING AND COMMENTS, PLEASE CONSIDER THIS A HIGH PRI RI�'Y ITEM FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1987 BIIDGET REQUEST . i � I I I . ,,, ° . . (�- � -�� . � , � I. CIIRa IATI3TATQS OF TH8 SAIAT PAIIL SET-ASID$ PROGRAM A . WHATIIS � IT SUPPOSED TO DO? - PURC AS� 20 � OF CITY REQUIREMENTS FROM CERTIFIED SET-ASIDE BOSI ES�ES -. oWHO IS HEiPROGRAM FOR? - PART CI�ATION DIRECTED TOWARD BUSINESSES THAT DO LESS THAN $1 MILL 'ON IN SALES OR UTIL�ZE LESS THAN 45 , 000 EMPLOYEE HOURS - BIISI ES�ES �THERE AT LEAST 51x OF OWNERSHIP IS VESTED IN A RACI L INORITY/MINORITIES AS DEFINED BY ORDINANCE - BUSI ES ES WHERE AT LEAST 51� OF O�INERSHIP IS VESTED IN A WOMA /W�MEN - BIISI ES ES WHERE AT LEAST 51x OF OWNERSHIP IS VESTED IN A HAND CA�PED PERSON/PERSONS oWHERE? �i � FOR '�AL�. PURCHASES BY THE CITY INCLUDING DISBURSEMENT OF GRAN -T'�PE FIINDS I oWHY? i - FEDE ALI�� MANDATE OMB CIRCULAR A102 , ATTACHMENT"Oa - - BOSI ES1� E%PANSION PROGRAI� TO HELP CREATE - NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPO TII ITIES - CUL� RA� SUPPORT TO HELP NEi� BIISINESSES GROW,PROSPER AND PAY TA%E {HpMB G�tOwN ECO�IOMY) l oWHEN I IISE -ASIDE PARTICIPATION MODIFIED? - KHEN, �ARBET/PERFORMANCE IMPACTS(ie . aumber of minority b�si es es availab�e to perform maq increase or decrease size of t-' side) - WHENITH AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFIED SET-ASIDE BUSINESSES IS LINITED - WAE � T�I RE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF CERTIFIED BUSINESSES - YAE �� PRtME CONTRACTORS PLEDGE A PERCENT OF SET-ASIDE AND HAVE PRIOR CON AC;TS WITB SIIB-CONTRACTORS TO DO TAE WORR - WHE I' TIHERE IS A SHORTAGE OF PARTICIPATION IN A SPECIFIC CAT ORIX(ie. emall ,mi�ority,female or �andicapped) - WHE '� TIHE PRIME CONTRACTORS PERFORM SERVICES OR HAVE PRIOR CON ACITS oWHAT I II SE '-ASIDE APPLIED TO? j - . . . R THE PORCHASE OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES , INCLUDING CON RU�TION i�ORR , AND FUR�HER INCLUDING TRANSACTIONS iiHERE THE ITY IS THE COORDIN�TOR AND AD�IiNISTRATOR OF THE DIS R $MENT OF FIINDS IINDE�t A GRANT OR SIMILAR PROGRA�I. . . I � � • ' � � �� yG- ��.�� � � I oWHEN IS IET-ASIDE PARTICIPATION CALCULATED? - AT E TIME OF ORDER PLACEMENT ' B. WHAT S INOii~BEING DONE? BY PURCH ING DIVISION oREGISTR IO OF BOSINESSES INTO PROGRAM - BIISIN S COMPLETES APPLICATION - PROCII MENT SPECIfiLISTS APP�tOVE OR REJECT APPLICANT BASED UPON INTER EWIS WITH NO ONSITE INSPECTION - STAFF AI�UALLY RECORDS VENDOR ON GOODS/SERVICES LIST - CONST CT'TON RELATED �GOODS/SERVICES SENT NEWSLETTER - STAFF �tEIPARES A LIST OF CERTIFIED BOSINESSES oESTABLI IN'G SET-ASIDE REQIIIREMENTS FOR BIDS � . - PROCU NE�NT SPECIALIST ESTABLISH 0-100'j PARTICIPATION - REQIII MENT FOR EACH BID BASED UPON COMMODITY �?EQOIRED - PARTI P �iON REQUIRED (0-100x ) ON CONSTRUCTION PROJE S ESTABLISHED BY �dRCHITECT , PROJECT MANAGER AND PROCD I M��TT SPECI�►LIST - BSTAB SAiED itEQUIREMENT PLACED ON FACE OF BID AND IS VENDO ��, S�ECIFIC ON FACE OF �IWARD oNOTIFIC � I AND SOLICITATION - SET-A I' D IREQUIREMENT IS PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED IN ALL ADVER '' 3 }�ENTS AND SOLICITATIONS - REQUE FOR BIDS ARE CIRCDLATED THROUGH INDIVIDUAL SOLIC ' A ZONS USING PDRCHASING OFFICE VENDOR DATA BASE, THE I R ASING NEWSLETTER AND POSTED IN THE OFFICES OF PaRCH � I �, DODGE REPORTS, CONSTRDCTION BULLBTIN, TAE SAINT A L AND MINNEAPOLIS URBAN LEAGDES, SAINT PAUL AND N �APOLIS BIIILDERS E%CHANGES, ASSOCiATION 0F BIIILD S AND CONTRACTORS, CONTROL DATA BUSINESS CENTE �, MINNESOTA INDIAN CONTRACTORS, MiNNESOTA HISPA C CHANBER OF COMMERCE, HOLLAND CONSULTIKG �IND T I��ITIONAL ASSOCIAT�ON OF THE WOMEN�S BUSINESS OWNER I! oVERIFYI ��SPONSIBILITY OF LOW BIDDER �' - iIITHI T IE ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOW $ D�R , THE P�tOCIIREMENT SPECIALIST VERIFIES TAAT TAE NAME OR NA S OF T�iE SET-ASIDE BIISINESSES COMMITTED TO PARTICIPATE ARE R I�TERED IN THE PROGRAM I � - . ��l-���s I � � - YERIFICA�ION THAT THE SCHEDULED SET-ASIDE BUSINESS PARTICIP ATION EQUAL OR E%CEEDS THE PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT OF THE BID IS ANOTH R ELEMENT REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS PRIOR TO AYARD 'NG THE ORDER , , okWARD/RICO DING - THE A ARDING CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDEA IS IISED TO RECORD THE CONMIT EN�' TO TAE SET-ASIDE REQUIREMENT . THIS COMMITMENT SHOWING SPECIF C VENDO�t NAMES AND AMOUNTS APPEARS ON THE FACE OF THE ORDERI G IpOCUMENT oMONITOR NGIVENDOR PERFORMANCE . , - THE S !T-ASIDE COMMITMENT SHONN ON THE FACE OF THE ORDERING DOCOME T BECOMES A SPECIFiC CONDI�ION OF �HE CONTRACT TO BE MONITORED DORING �,ANID UPON COMPLETION OF THE TRANSACTION - THE R E�'VING PERSON, THE PROJECT MANAGER OR THE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE P$RSON U T VERIFY THAT TH£ SET-ASIDE CONDITION OF TflE TRANSACTION WAS F �.F]�LLED BEFO�tE PAYNENT CAN BE PROCESSED oREPORTI I'G - PIIRCHA N(� REPORTS THE NOMBER OF SET-ASIDE BUSINESSES REGISTERED, THEIR NAMES D {THE TYPES OF GOODS OR SERVICES OFFERED BY PLA I G � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . - ESTABLI H �SET-ASIDE REQUIREMENT ON MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. - CONSIIL I1 �TITH PROJECT MANAGERS T0 ESTABLISH SET-ASIDE REQUIREMENT ON SM I L R DBVELO�MENT PROJECTS (ie skyxay bridges , amall street m �ovements,etc) . - dTTEND , P1�E-CONSTRIICTION CONFERENCES � PRESENT SPECIFICS OF SET-ISIDE TO DEV ' OPERS, PRIME CONT�tACTORS AND SIIBCONTRACTORS. - IN 30M ' C SES INTERVIEii AND CBRTIFY BUSINESSES. - MAHE 0 iS TE RE9iEi�S. OF CONSTRDCTION SITES. - SOLICI �, B SINESSES TO BECOME CERTIFIED iN THE PROGRAM. - PREPA�tI' A�YERTISEMENTS FOR SET-ASIDE BOSINESSES. - ATTEND SEIHINARS , CONFERENCES AND TRADE F�IRS TO REPRESENT PLANNI AiND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM. - RBSPON T0', QUERIBS itEGARDING SET-iSIDE PERCENTAGES , REQUIREMENTS AHD EL i LITY. - NEGOTI E �REQDIREMENTS WITH DEYELOPERS AND CONTRACT �lANAGERS. - DBSIGN ND' COMPILE TAE PED SET-ASIDE REPORT. - 1�$ET ' ND RESPOND TO THE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAHSPORTATION COMMIT E �ON NATTERS OF SET-ASIDE. - �tSSPON TO QIIERiES OF COIINCIL PEOPLE ON MATTERS OF SET-ASIDE. i i , . . ��_�as— � . � � � BY HUMAN 'IG TS - HAS TH R�SPONSIBILITY UNDER THE ORDINANCE TO MONITOR CITY CONTRACTS FOR SE -A�IDE : UNAWARE OF ANY SPECIFIC DAiLY ADMINIST�tATIVE SET-ASI E �'3tOC,�EDURES. I . i II . PROBLIH ARBAS II�DBR THB CIIRRERT PROGRAN . . . . . _ . . oFLAT 2� IiSE�ASIDE APPLIED TO ALL ORDERS DOES NOT WORR - SET-AS DE+IREQUIREMENTS NO3' APPLIED EQUALLY IN ALL DEPARTMENT�S CONTRA TS ' - SINGLE I'�S0�1RCE ITEMS - I!lPORT D �TEMS - LACH F CONSISTENT IITILIZATION BY DfiPARTMENTS AND STAFF WHO REQOIR S$RYICES - REQUIR ME�ITS ARE FINALIZED BEFORE SET-ASIDE REVIEW oIMPRACTI AL! TO APPLY SET-ASIDE TO SERVICE FEES - GENERA ' CpNTRACTORS - DEVELO ERS - ARCHIT CT�RAL AND DESIGN wORK(done in most casss bePore any Set-As deirequirements are applied) oRDLE OF HU B "NEYER INTERFERE BETWEEN A DEVELOPER AND HIS HER ARCHITE T"i . - - DEVELO ER� NEEDS TO BE CONFIDENT IN THE iiORB OF HIS/HER ARCHIT CT�, - IN CA 0 , DEFECT . . CITY COIILD BE LIABLE - OUR IL TY � TO ENFORCE ALMOST INPOSSIBLE ON MAJOR PROJECTS BBCAII T ERE ARE NO ENFORCEHENT PROVISIONS IN THE ORDINANCE �� oALLOCAT N OF 10 � AND �' IS OFTEN TIMES IMPRACTICAL ON CONSTR TI N PROJECTS(should be a tar et + �I . - ONLY 5x FEMALE CONSTRIICTION FIRMS IN TiiIN CITY AREA - APROB � NINORITY CONSTRUCTIOK FIRMS - NO RE DISTA ON HANDICAPPED FIRMS oTHE SM � L �$USINESS PROVISION IN THE ORDINANCE(gross less than �1 mill nlqr less than 45 ,000 employee hours annually) IS NOT CONSISTE �TITH THE SMALL BO5INESS ADMINISTRATION DEFINITIONS, THOS CR T 1JG CONFOSION AND PERMITS BUSINESSES OTHSR THAN THOSE OiiNED B I JARGETED GiiOIIPS(see OI�B A102) TO BE ASSiSTED BY THIS PROGRAM I o PLANNI �IG AIND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT , POBLIC WORHS AND COMMUNITY SERVICI�S i �10ST CONSI3TENTLY PARTICIPATE IN THE SET-ASIDE PROG�tA � i . . . . . � � � � . ��,/�-����� VV' I I , I . o NO REQ IR�MENT FOR PROJECT MANAGERS OR ARCHITECTS TO APPLY SET-ASI E. , PRESENTLY APPLIED AT THEIR OHN DESCRETION YITHOUT REVIEW R �LANNING iMPUT BY PURCHASING OR PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOP EN1f AND NO ENFORCEMENT Sl1NCTION OR EVEN THE CAPACITY TO COMPLET Q�1AL�TY CONTROL AIIDIT. o NO DED CA�'ED STAFF PERSON IN PURCHASING TO AUDIT COMPLIANCE BY VEN OR1��"OR DEPARTMENT SERVED . ONE STAFF PERSON IN PLANNING AND EC N01�IC DEVELOPMENT DOE3 COMPLIANCE ON MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 0 LY. NO IMPDT ON PURCHASING ACTIVITY . NO PENALTIES FOR DE AR�MENT MANAGERS NOT MEETING SET-ASIDE REQIIIREMENTS ATTACHE �0 ORDINANCE . IN FACT NO STAFF PERSON DEDICATED 3'0 RECO�iDI G �ESIILT3� FOR PURPOSES OF MONITORING PERFORMANCE OR MANAGING THE SET AS�DE PROGRAM. - j o IN THE EAL MORLD , ON MOST DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, THE CITY IS NOT THE BUY R �ND DOES NOT LET CONTRACTS. Ci1RRENT SET-ASIDE ORDINANCE H�IS NO NF�RCEl�ENT CAPABILITIES ONLY MONITORING. PRIVATE BIDDING ON MAJO P RTIONS OF PROJECTS, W�TH REPORTING BUT NO ENFORCE�IENT CAPABIL TI�S. NO INTERNAL AUDIT CAPABILITY OR FUNDS TO HIRE STAFF OR CON UL{�ANTS TO DO SAME IN EITHER PORCHASING AND MANAGEMENT SERIIICE pR PLANNIN� AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPI�ENT . I . o CONVENIIG �HE CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE AS DEFINED BY ORDINANCE HAS N T ��iOVEN FUNCTIONAL . CERTIFICATION IS DONE ADMINIS RA I�1ELY,- WITH NO COI�MITTEE iMPUT. �� �. . o CURRENT Y ALL CITY DBPARTMENTS DO NOT APPLY SET-ASIDE TO PROFESS ONfAL SERVICES, CLERICAL SERi1ICBS, TRANSPORTATION SERYICES OR F00 S�RVICES. � o SPECIFIIAT�ONS, PRINTS AND PROJECTS ARE FINALIZED WITHOIIT THE PRELIMI AR IMPUT OR PLANNING OF PURCHASING OR PLANNIIiG AND ECONOMI D�VELOPMEN�'S MONITORING AND �V11L�ATION IINIT . I I III. PL 3 �0 B1iHAHCE ?HB S8T-1SIDB PEOGEAM oSPECIFICiIPR. GRAM INPROVEMENTS NEEDED - DO ON TEjINSPECTIONS - DATA NT Y COMPILE COMPUTER BASE AND PRODUCE PERFORMANCE REPOR - CONDU A NUAL APPLIC�TION REVIEW OF PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS - CONDU NGOING TitAINiNG AND OIITREACH FOR CITY DEPART!lENTS, CONTR TO S, DEVELOPERS AND PARTiCIPANTS - PROVI �IhELY RESPONSE TO P�tOGRAM INQIIIRIES FRO�! P1IRTICIPIHTS AND T PUBLIC - - - - HAINT N !�ORRENT MAILING AND CERTIFICATION LISTS � . , - ! . � �- ��5- � � - AN jLY7�E RESEARCH AND DEVELOP NEW ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (i ' Ibonding , short term financing, cash flox, graduation pr ce$s , ete) - RE IOLY`E POLICY/ORDINANCE ISSOES REGARDING LITTLE DAVIS-BACON , . o REC 'MM NDED ACTION PLAN - ADIPT �I''FEDERAL GUIDELINES FROM OMB A102 ATTACHMENT "0" iJHICH OU ,Li�IES MBE PROGRAM ST�INDARDS(attached) - ADIPT 'THE MOST STRINGENT(Federal Department Of Transportation) CE Ti�iCATION PROCESS WITH MODIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PA L .�,advanced certification of businesses) (attached) - MO 'IF�f NON-TARGETED SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION IN THIS PROGRAM � - iiI H THE ASSISTANCE OF AFFECTED CITY DEPARTMENTS DEYELOP A NE A�MINISTRi�TIYE PROCEEDURE AFTER REVIEWING SEVERAL PROGRAMS CII RE�iTLY iN USE AROOND THE COIINTRY . EV RY, EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO MABE SIIRE THeT SET-ASIDE OP RA'�IONS IN NO WAY DUPLICATE EXISTING FIINCTIONS AND PR GRAMS. THE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM WILL WORg CLOSELY WITH BU IN SS REVITILIZATION AND JOB CREATION AND TRAINING TO AC IE�E THE GOALS OF EACH PROG�tAM. �TE iTILL INCORPO�iATE OUR PL NS FOR BIISINESS DEVELOPMENT , TRAiNING OF STdFF AND THE BD IN�SSES TO BE SERVED SO THAT EVERYTHING IS CONSISTENT . - IM EDxATELY NOVE TO BRING PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SE -A}SIDE STAFF PERSON AND RESOURCES TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT . i - RE OM�lEND TAAT NECESSARY ORDINANCCE CHANGES BE DRAFTED IN A TI EL1� MANNE�i. - - IM LEMENTATION 1/2/87 , ' . oRES IIRCIS REQIIIRED TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAM . - C ' OR�INATOR TO SIIPERVISE PROGRAM a28 ,7�� - A LYST TO MONITOR D�TA-BASE AND ASSIST IN QUALITY C TR�OL AUDIT 22,515 - B iN�SS DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST FOR CONSULTING, OIITREACH A TRAINING 22,515 - C RiCAL 15 ,200 - F NG� BENEFITS e26j 23 , 133 - D A PROCESSING EQUIPMENT b SOFTi�ARE 10,000 - 3 �PLTES 5 ,000 127 , 107 HICB II�P�TER 5/15/86 Ii I I � ' � — �v -�� � I I I PROPO �DiDUTIES OF THE SET-ASIDE STAFF I� I ' I, COORDIHATOR I� -. � � . -MANA �� T!HE SET-ASIDE PROGRAM -DRAF IORIDINANCE CHANGES AND ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS -ESTA �ISI,H PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND REPORTING SYSTEM -DESI I�NTERNAL AND E%TERNAL INFOMATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS f -COOR NATE OIITREACH FIINCTIONS j -DEVE P ' AND MAINTAIN A CENTRAL INFORMATION PROGRAI� FOR CITY STAFF , VENDO /C�ONTRACTO�tS, SET-ASiDE BOSINESSES AND CITIZENS(ie . news� telr, cabie) -PERI ICjALLY REVIEW AND OPDATE PROGRAM -REVI �OMEN AND MINORITY BUSINESS PROGRAMS NATIONWIDE FOR INNO TI E APPROACHES -ATTEN P�IYATE SECTOR AND PUBLIC SECTOR MEETINGS FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF NETWOR IN ON SET-ASIDE ISSUES -DEVEL P �' RE-CERTIFICATION , DECERTIFICATION , AND GRADOATION PROCES ES . -NEGOT AT AND COORDINATE , WITH CITY DEPARTMENTS, SET-ASIDE AGREEM NT�$ FOR CITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS �� , I I � I • ' � ' � ��_�.�.5' I � . I I j eNeLY3T -DESI �AND PREPARE PERIODIC PERFORMANCE REPORTS THAT MEASURE SET-A DEIACHIEVEMENT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO CITY COUNCiL , CITY DEPAR EN'TS AND GENERAL PDBLIC -MAIN IINII'CURitENT STATISTICS ON MINORITY, FEMALE AND HANDICAPPED BUSINE SEp, WORKFORCE , POPULATION AND AVAILABILITY BOTH LOCALLY AND NA IO�ALLY -DEVEL P ,I! DESIGN AND MAINTAIN A SET-ASIDE BUSINESS DATA BASE -DEVEL P I� TESTING MECHANISIMS TO AUDIT PERFORMANCE QUALITY OF THE PROGRA A�TIVITIES -MONIT R $ET-ASIDE PARTICIPATION BY PROJECT , CONTRACTOR/VENDOR , ETHNIC I'MI�IORITY, SE% OR HANDiCAP -OFFIC I�ITERVIEWS OF �APPLICANTS -ASSIS � I�COORDINATOR AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST AS REQUIR D ' I BIISIHBSS DSYELOPMBHT SPBCIeLIST , _. . . -DEVEL �IP ! NEii METHODS TO ASSIST AND IMPROVE SET-ASIDE BIIS�NB ,SE�(STAY CURRENT WITH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC BOSINESS DEVELO �IE T ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS) -PERIO 'IC SITE VISITS TO CITY PROJECTS TO VERIFY SET-ASIDE PARTIC �A�'ION . . -SITE �IS�ITS TO BIISINESSES FOR INTERVIEWS -SITE IS ITS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE PROGRAM -MONIT �t �HE ON-SITE PARTICIPATION OF BUSINESSES -OFFIC , I1�TERVIEWS OF APPLICANTS -RECRII I� IAND CERTIFY NEW SET-ASIDE BIISINESSES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PR I�RA�M AND PREPARE AND UPDi�TED LIST OF SAME -REFER 'I; PARTICIPANT BUSINESSES TO OTHER CITY PROGRAMS iiHERE APPROP A E - '�j -ASSIS � C ORDINATIOR AS REQIIIRED I I �li I � • . ° ' ', . . �i` �-���-- I i CLEEICAL -SCHED LE 'IAPPOINTMENTS FOR STAFF SET-ASIDE INTERVIEWS , -DATA NTAY F�tOM SET-ASIDE APPLICATIONS -TYPIN F�IR STAFF -MAINT ;IN A FILING SYSTEM FOR PROMPT RETRIEVAL r -MAINT ;IN ' PUBLIC INFORMATION PHONE BASE � , � � I , 2 . . � �-�� � 1300.17 � ATTACHMENT 0 Circular No. A-102 , i PROCUREMENT STANDARDS ' � i i l, A ii 1 cabilit ' i a This Attachment establishes standards and guidelines for � the p oc�trement of supplies, equipment, construction and services for F de�al assistance programs. These standards are furnished j to ns�are that such materials and ser.vices are obtained f effic ,en�ly and economically and in compliance with the ; provi io s of applicable Federal law and executive orders. f',, b No additional procurement requirements or subordinate regul ti ns shall be imposed upon grantees by executive agencies �' unles s�ecifically required by Federal law or executive orders `i or a thCrized by the Administrator for Federal Procurement � Polic . This prohibition is not applicable to payment conditions tj issue i accordance with Treasury Circular 1075, indivicial �� grant e equirements pursuant to Section 10 of the basic circu_ar �; or th '' p ovisions of this or other OMB circulars. ` � � � � c Provisions of current subordinate requirments not � confo mi�ig to this Attachment shall be rescinded by grantor �: agencies ' unless approved by the Office of Federal Procurement � Polic (OFPP) . � 2. G an 'ee Grantor Responsibility � E a These standards do not relieve the grantee of any contr ct al responsibilities under its contracts. The grantee is respo si le, in accordance with good administrative practice and ` sound '�bu iness judgment, for the settlement of all contractual_ and 'dm nistrative issues arising out of procurements entered in suppo t f a grant. These include but are not limited to source evalu ti n, protests, disputes, and claims. Executive agencies � shall 'no substitute their judgment for that of the grantee j unles ' he matter is primarily a Federal concern. Violations of E; law a e o be referred to the local, State, or Federal authority havin ' p�+oper jurisdiction. � � � ' b ' Grantees shall use their own procurement procedures � which r�flect applicable State and local laws and regulations, j provi 'edi that procurements for Federal Assistance Programs � I� • ' 1 3/s2 d , , i . ��������� 13 I�0. 1�7 At cl�ment O � - confo �to the standards set forth in this Attachment and appli le Federal law. � 3 . G ' nlee Procurement Improvement E cu�tive agencies awarding Federal qrants or other assis nce which require or allow for procurement by the recip' nt}�s are encouraged to assist recipients in improving their . procu ' m�t capabilities by providnq them with' technical assis nd�e training, �ublica�ions, and other aid. 4. P �'� c 'rement System Reviews all IExecutive agencies are encouraged to perform reviews of theirl�rala�tees' procurement systems i.f a continuing relationship with Q grantee is anticipated or a substantial amount of the Feder �alssistance is to be used for procurement and review of indivl ua�,l contracts is anticipated. The purpose of the review shall ' e 'to determine: (1) whether a qrantee' s procurement system ' meetsi h�� standards prescribed by this Attachment or other cri':e ' aI acceptable to the OFPP, such provisions of the Model Procu m$!nt Code for State and local qovernment; and (2) whether the �a�tee' s procurement system should be certified by the , revie ,in agency. Such a review will also give an agency an � oppor n�lty to qive technical assistance to a grantee to remedy �; its p c rement system if it does not fully comply. In addition, �'� such ' r�view may provide a basis for deciding whether the qrant je' contracts and related procurement documents should be �� subje t �o the grantor' s prior approval, as provided by Section �� 6. I j � b '' � In conductinq procurement system review, grantor agenc �es will evaluate a grantee' s procurement system in terms of � � wheth r Iit complies with the standards prescribed by this - � Attac e�tt and represents a fair, efficient and effective procu m nt system. To the maximum extent feasible, reviewers will l� upon State or local evaluations and analyses performed by ge�cies or organizations independent of the grantee contr �ct ng activity. " c I� When a Federal qrantor agency completes a procurement , revie ', I�it shall furnish a report to the grantee, with a copy to '� OE'PP. ' d ; � All agencies should normally rely upon the resultant findi gs or certification for a period of 24 months before anoth "r �eview is performed. � , 2 I I �li I� jl _ _ ��-��s� � 1300.17 Attachment O � � I e. 'I �eviews shall be conducted in accordance with standards and qu '+de ines approved or issued by OFPP. �, ; e reviews authorized by Section 6 are waived if a qrante '.s procurement syst�m is certified. $, Pr te�t .�rocedures a, 'I �rantor agencies may develop an administrative procedure to han le ' complaints or protests regarding grantee contractor select on actions. The procedure shall be limited as follows: a. l,l �do protest shall be accepted by the grantor agency until all a inistrative remedies at the grantee level have been ,, exhaus ed. ;, i� b. '�,I �teview is limited to: ;`, � (i �Jiolations of Federal 1aw or regulations. Violations of Sta te r ocal law shall be under the jurisdiction of State or il �ocal ut urities. ' (i ) iolations of qrantee' s protest procedures or failure to , , revie Ia ompLaint o.r protest. ; i 6. G 'I'nt r Review of .Propos�d Contracts I F er l grantor pr�-award review and approval of the ,� grant ' s� .prcpQSed contracts �and related procurement documents, � such r�equests for proposal and invitations for bids, is permi ed only under the following circumstances: ` i � � a. lj �e procurement is expected to exceed $10,000 and is to _ 4 be a rdled without competition or only one bid or offer is r recei d in response to solicitation. b.'Ij The procurement expected to exceed $10,000 specifies a "bran I', name" ,�roduct; or , { c. ' ,The $rantee' s procurement procedures or operation fails � to m�!ly with one or more siqnificant aspects of this f1 Attac e t. The grantor agency shall notify the grantee in � wsiti , 'with a copy of -such notification to the OFPP. 7. C e �of Conduct � 4 ' � � I, • I 3 3/82 I , i - , • . C,F�-�-�.� '3ob. i� — tt�chment O , con �r ntees shall maintain a written code or standards of c� which shall govern the performance of their officers, emp , ye��es or agents engaged in the award and administration of con acts supported by Federal funds. No employee, officer or age ojf the grantee shall participate in selection, or in the awa or aclministration of a contract supported by Federal funds if � colnflict of interest, real or apparent, would be involved. Suc lal�onflict would arise when: �. The employee, officer or agent; . , Any member of his immediate family; . His or her partner; or An orqanization which employs, or is about to employ, an Ilofl' the above has a financial or other interest in t Y I , he firm sele te�l for award. eigrantee' s officers, employees or agents shall neither soli it nor accept gratuities, favors or anything of monetary valu f�om contractors, potential contractors, or parties to suba re�ments. ra�tees may set minimum rules where the financial interest � i! is n t �ubstantial or .the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal u' intr jns�:c value. f� � o $he extent permitted by State or local law or regulations, such �st�ndards of conduct shall provide for penalties, sanctions, � or o e� disciplinary actions for violations of such standards by `�' the �gr�intee' s officers, employees, or agents, or by contractors or i aqents. � �; �! �i - � 8. o urement Procedures � ejgrantee shall establish procurement procedures which '�� prov e that proposed procurement actions shall be reviewed by � gran el,' officials to avoid the purchase of unnecessary or dupl a ive items. Consideration should be given to � cons i�ation or breaking out to obtain a more economical ; pure s �. Where appropriate, an analysis shall be made of lease ' �iers �urchase alternatives, and any other appropriate analysis to t�rmine which approach would be the most economical. To fost � xeater economy and efficiency, grantees are encouraged to ente 'I! ir�'to State and local intergovernmental agreements for proc d�e �nt or tise of common goods and services. 'll � �, ' 3 �2 4 I I J� i . , � . . ���-��� 1300.17 � , Attachment O 9. I!Co�tracting with Small and Minority Firms, Women' s Business ��erprise an�c a or urp�Area �irms I'a.l It is national policy to award a fair share of contracts ; to all and minority business firms. .Accordingly, affirmative ; ste mpst be taken to assure that small and minority businesses ; are tillized when possible as sources of supplies, equipment , con ru�ction and services . Affirmative steps shali include the foll� wi�g: ( 1;) Ineluding quelified small and minority businesses on soli�itl�tion lists . , (2) Assuring that small and minority businesses are sol ' it�ed whenever they are potentiel sources. O When economically feasible, dividing total requirements int Ils �ller tasks or quantities so as to permit maximum small ' and ' i ority business participation. ',I (�j) Where the requirement permits, establishing delivery ' sch �u1es which will encourage participation by small and , min t�i�y business. (5) Using the services and assistance of the Small Business Adml i tration, the Office of Minority Business Enterprise of the Dep �t�ent of Commeree and the Comnunity Services Administration • as equired. � '� (�;) If any subcontracts are to be let , requiring the prime con ra�tor to take the affirmative steps in 1 through 5 above. �I b:' Grantees shall take similar appropriate affirmative � �. act on in support of women' s business enterprises. _ ' �I cl'' Grantees are eneouraged to procure goods and services ! fr l�bor surplus erees . ' dl Grantor agencies may impose additional regulations and req ir�cnents in the foregoing areas only to the extent spe if�cally mandated by statute or presidentiel direction. � 10. 1 S lection rocedures I a. All procurement trensactions, regardless of whether by sea ed bids or by negotiation and without regard to dollar value, sha 1 �e conducted in a manner that provides maximum open and • I 5 3/82 � I ii i . � . . ��-��s i o o!. i� ta ' hment O / free omfpetition consistent with this Attachment. Procurement proc ur�s shall not restrict or eliminate competition. Example of w t pis considered to be restrictive of competition include, but re! not limited to: (1) placing unreasonable requirements on firms '�' i� order for them to qualify to do business; nonco pe�itive practices between firms; (3) organizational confl cts of. interest; and (4) unnecessary experience and boriding requi e�ts. b The grantee shall �ave written selection procedures whichj, sY��all provide, as a minimum, the following procedural requi ments: ( I� ISolicitations of offers, whether by competitive sealed bids competitive neqotiation shall: ( !I IIncorporate a clear and accurate t e c h n i a lI r e q uiremen ts for the material d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e be pr culred. Such descri ption s ha l l �notoducin orcompetitive procur ments, contain features which unduly restrict competition. The de cr#�ption may include a statement of the qualitative natuxe �f � material, product or service to be necess r procured, and when charac ler�sticsaland $standardshto wh cheit musticonformelsential to sat �fy its intended use. Detailed f it is , ' shouldl, be�' avoided if at all possible. When�itcis impractical�or unecon ' ictal to make a clear and accurate description of the � bechne 11 � requirements, a "brand name or equal" description may i a� a means to define the performance or other aalient requir ents of a procurement. The specific features of the named an�i which must :be met by offerors shall be clearly �tated. '' (b) I! C�early set forth all requirements which offerors must fulfill a�d all other factors to be used in evaluatinq bids or proposa s. � ' (2) , A ards shall be made only to responsible contractors that p jss�ss the potential abilit to the t 'rms and conditions of aperform succesafully unde� Conside t on shall be Proposed procurement. integri � � given to such mattera as contractor , compliance with public policy, record of past perform ce, and financial and technical resources. 11. Met Id ,Procurement I 3/82 ,i 6 ! I I I --�.•■,r __ _ . � j � � ��-�'�s' 1300.17 � Attachment O Prll�cu�ement ur�der grants shall be made by one of the � follow ng methods, as described herein: (a) small purchase ; proced' re�; (b) competitive sealed bids (formal advertising) ; (c) compet ti�+e negotiation; (d) noncompetitive negotiation. a. Small purchase procedures are those relatively simple and i fo4rmal procurement methods that are sound and appropriate for a �'pr curement of services, supplies or other property, costi �n the aggregate not more than $10, 000. Grantees shall compl wi'th State or local sinall purchase dollar limits under $10,0 . If small purchase procedures are used for a procurement i under q�ant, price or rate quotations shall be obtained from an � adequ e umber of qualified sources. ;j i b. In competitive sealed bids (formal advertising) , sealed i bids e ublicly solicited and a firm-fixed-price contract (lump ' sum nit price) is awarded to the responsible bidder whose �'� bid, n orming With all the material terms and conditions of the invit i n for bids, is lowest in price. ` ( I� Sn order for formal advertising to be feasible, �I appro iaite conditions must be present, including, as a minimum, �' � k� the f lqwinq: ( '�� A complete, adequate and realistic specification or purch e description is available. . ( I) Two or more responsible suppliers are willing and able to co et��e effectively for the grantee' s business. ( ') The procurement lends itself to a firm-fixed-price contr t, and selection of the successful bidder can appro i�,tely be made principally on the basis of price. ' ` O If formal advertising is used for a procurement under a grant ��th following requirements shall apply: ( ' ) �A sufficient time prior to the date set for opening of bids, b ds sha11 be solicited from an adequate number of known suppl r . In addition, the invitation shall be publicly . adver is d. � ( I,) The invitation for bids, including specifications and perti en attachments, shall clearly define the items or services ; neede n order for the bidders to' properly respond to the invit 'ti 'n. i � � 7 3/82 i i , 'I 1 � . � - ���'as 30 . 17 tt$chment O , , 1 �IC) , All bids shall be opened publicly at the time and place sta d in the invitation for bids. �d) A firm-fix-price contract award shall be made by written noti e to that responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the invi at on for bids, is lowest. Where specified in the biddinq doc en s, factors such as discounts, transportation costs and life '', c ' cle costs shall be considered in determining which bid is lowe t. Payment discounts may only be used to determine low bid whe prior experience of ' the grantee indicates that such disc unts are generally taken. e) ', Any or all bids may be rejected when there are sound doc en�ed business reasons in the best interest of the program. ' In competitive neqotiation, proposals are requested from a n er of sources and the Request for Proposal is publicized, neqo iations are normally conducted with more than one of the sour es submitting offers, and either a fixed-price or cost 're mbursable type contract is awarded, as appropriate. , Comp ti ive negotiation may be used if contiitions are not appr pr ate for the use of formal advertising. If competitive nego iation is used for a procurement under a grant, the foll ing requirements shall apply: � l) Proposals shall be solicited from an adequate number of qual Ifi d sources to permit reasonable competition consistent with ,�th nature and requirements of the procurement. The Re est for �o osal shall be publicized and reasonable requests by other sour es to compete shall be honored to the maximum extent prac �icable. ) ' The Request for Proposal shall identify all significant eval t'�on factors, including price or cost where required and thei �r lative importance. ) ' The grantee shall provide mechanisms for technical eval jat'on of the proposals received, determinations of resp s'ble offerors for the purpose of written or oral disc ' s' ons, and selection for contract award. ) Award may be made to the responsible offeror whose 'prop a will be most adavantageous to the procuring party, price and ' t ier factors considered. Unsuccessful offerors should be noti e promptly. � 3 82 8 �i � . . . . ���-��s ; 1300. 17 Attachment O / 11 i� ( ') (�rantees may utilize competitive negotiation procedures I� for pr cu�ement of architectural/engineering professional �I servic s, lwhereby competitors' qualifications are evaluated and il the mo t ualified competitors' qualifications are evaluated and !, the mo t �uelified competitor is selected, subject to negotiation ;,I of fai a�d reasonable compensation. �j d Noncompetitive negotiation is procurement through � solici at� on of a proposal from only one source, or aftec � solici at� on of a number of sources , competition is determined t inade atle. Noncompetitive negotiation may be used when the I award f �a contract is infeasible under small purchase, competlti�ve bidding (formal advertising) or competitive ; negoti tion procedures. Cireumstanees under whieh a contract may ; be aw dejd by noncompetitive negotiation are limited to the fo110 ! ng: �� I11 ) IThe item is available only from a single souree; 2) IPublic exigeney or emergency when the urgency for the requi lem�jnt will not permit a de18y incident to eompetitive solic 'ta�ion; ; I3) IThe Federal grantor agency authorizes noncompetitive � negot lat ,on; or � 14) ,After soliciation of a number of sources , competition is �� deter in�d inadequate. '� II. IAdditional innovative procurement methods may be used by grant ' esl,with the approval of the grantor agency. A copy of such - appro al shall be sent to the OFPP. �� , 12. onitract Pricin � � Ihe cost plus a percentage of cost and percentage of ' � eons uetion cost method of contracting shall not be used. Gran � es' shall perform some form of cost or price enalysis ih ; conn ti pn arith every procurement action including contract modi 'Ie 'tions . Costs or prices based on estimated costs for contj c S under grsnts shall be allowed only to the extent that c ost !�i c u r r e d o r cost estimates included in negotiated prices are pn��istent with Federal cost principles. � 13. ��3r��ntee Procurement Records • ; c ntees shall maintain records sufficient to detail the sign �fi�ant history of a procurement . These records shall M� ��,. I� 9 3/8 2 � � - ��`��5 � I13 0. 17 � At achment O inc ude, but are not necessarily limited to information pertine to he followinq: rationale for the method of nt � sel ct'on of contract t ? ype, contractor selection orrrejection, and !,'th basis for the cost or price. 14. Comtract Provision 'In addition to provisions defining a sound and complete pro r ment contract, any recipient of Federal inc � d the following contract grant funds shall pro r ment contracts and subcontracts�rascorequired bn �11 pro ' sion, Federal law or the grantor agency, y he �• Contracts other than small purchases shall contain pro si ns or conditions which will allow for administrative, con ' ac ual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors viol te � or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and en ' lties as may be appropriate. ' All contracts in excess of suit bl provisions for termination b the�' 000 shall contain mann r y which it will be effected and the basisefornsettlemente In a diiion, such contracts shall describe conditions under which . the n ract may be terminated for default as well as conditions wher ' e contract may be terminated because of circumstances _ beyo e control of the contractor. � All contracts awarded in excess of $10, 000 by qrantees ; and •h ir contractors or subgrantees shall contain a rovis' �� requ' i g compliance with Executive Order 11246, entitled lon a$pl e t Opportunit y, " as a m e n d e d b y E x ecu tive Order 11375�qani �� Pp lemented in Department of Labor regulations (41 CFR�Part 60) ;� All contracts and �subqrants for constructio ,� shall in lude a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Antir Kickb ck Act (18 USC 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor requl ti ns (29 CFR, Part 3) . This Act � contr ct r or subgrantee shall be Provides that each any ed '$ prohibited fro� inducinq, by or re ai of any Person employed in the construction, completion, to wh �ch he isotherwise�entitled.up Part of the compensation suspel�e or reported violations to t� grantee shall report all grantor agency. e �lhen required by the Federal all � n �truction contracts in excessanofprogram leqislation, qrant s and subgrantees shall include a $2'���' aWarded by provision for compliance � ' � 3 2 10 . � �' I I . . - - �-�_�as 1300.17 Attachment O , I with elDavis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a to a-7) as supplemented by Depar e�}t of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 5) . Under this Act contr tcbrs shall be required to pay wages to laborers and mecha �ic� at a rate not less than the minimum wages specified in a wa e determination made by the Secretary of Labor. In addit lon� contractors shall be required to pay wages not less often t�an once a week. The grantee shall place a copy of the curre t revailing wage determination issued by the Department of Labor ,in each solicitation and •the award of a contract shall be condi io ed upon the acceptance of the wage determination. The grant e hall report all suspected or reported violations to the grant r �gency. fi Where applicable, all contracts awarded by grantees and subgr nt�es in excess of $2,000 for construction contracts and in exces o�f $2, 500 for other contracts t�rhich involve the employment of ine ha ics or laborers shall include a provision for compliance with Se�tions 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Stan rd Act (40 USC 327-330) as supplemented by Department of Labo r ' gulations (29 CFR, Part 5) . Under Section 103 of the Act, ac contractor shall be required to compute the wages of ever m�echanic and laborer on the basis of standard workday of 8 hour I' anl�l a standard workweek of 40 hours. Work in excess of the � stan r� workday or workweek is permissible provided that the work �s compensated at a rate of not less than 1-1/2 times the basi jlra�te of pay for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours in any al�,endar day or 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of. the tlis applicable to construction work and provides that no labo r or mechanic shall be required to work in surroundings or unde wo�rking conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangl o s to his health and safety as determined under cons �tion, safety and health standards promulgated by the Secr a�+y of Labor. These requirements do not apply to the pure s s of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily - avai �'e on the open market, or contracts for transportation or_ tran �ni�sion of intelligence. I The contract shall include notice of grantor agency requ lxe ents and regulations pertaining to reporting and patent righ s nder any contract involving research, developmental, expe Iim ntal or demonstration work with respect to any discovery or i !ve tion which arises or is developed in the course of or unde uch contract, and of grantor agency requirements and reguiat ons pertaining to copyrights and rights in data. Al1 negotiated contracts (except those awarded by small purc as� procedures) awarded by grantees shall include a . 11 3/82 — J� I � _ . - - - v�,-����a.� �04. �� talchment O , pro Isipn to the effect that the grantee, the Federal grantor agen y, l the Coinptroller General of the United States, or any of thei d�tly authorized representatives, shall have access to any book , �ocuments, papers, and records of the contractor which are dire 'tl pertinent to that specific contract, for the purpose of maki g �udit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. � � Grantees shall require contractors to maintain all requ !re� records for three years after qrantees make final paym nt�s and all other pending matters are closed. ! Contracts, subcontracts, and subgrants of amounts in excels Iof $100,000 shall contain a provision which requires comp iafice with all applicable standards, orders, or requirements issu 'd dtnder Section 306 of the Clean- Air Act (42 USC 1857(h Sect onI508 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1368) , Executive Order 1173 , and Environmental Protection Agency regulations (40 CFR, Part �' 1�) , which prohibit the use under non-exempt Federal cont ac s, grants or loans of facilities included on the EPA List of io ating Facilities. The provision shall require reporting of v ol �tions to the grantor agency and to the USEPA Assistant Admi is rator for Enforcement (EN-329) . � Contracts shall recognize mandatory standards and � poli Ilie relating to ener e gy fficiency which are contained in the Stat nergy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Ener y olicy and Conservation Act (P.L. 94-163j . � Grantor agencies are permitted to require changes, reme ie�, changed conditions, access and record retention and susp 'nsi'on of work clauses approved by the Office of Federal Proc re�ient Policy. 15. on �ract Administration - raltees shall maintain a contract administration system ensu 'in that contractors perform in accordance with the terms, cond 'ti ns, and specifications of their contracts or purchase o rde is• i . 3 82 12 � . _ . (c�-�� 1300. 17 ATTACHMENT A , Circular No. A-102 � ASH DEPOSITORIES This attachment sets forth standards governing the use f banks and other institutions as depositories of funds dvanced under grants. 2 . Except for situations described in paraqraphs 3, 4, and , no grantor agency shall: a. Require physical segregation of cash depositories or funds which are provided to a qrantee. b. Establish any eligibility requirements for cash Glepositories for funds which are provided to a grantee. A separate �bank account shall be required when pplicable letter-of-credit agreements provide that rawdowns will be made when the qrantee' s checks are resented to the bank for payment. Any moneys advanced to a grantee which are subject to he control or regulation of the United States or any of its ',fficers, agents or employees (public moneys as defined in reasury Circular No. 176, as amended) must be deposited in bank with Federal De osit Insurance Co oration FDIC P Y'P ( ) nsurance coverage and the balance exceeding the FDIC overaqe must be collaterally secured. Consistent with the national goal of expanding the � pportunities for minority business enterprises, grante�es nd subgrantees shall be encouraged to use minority banks (a ank which is owned at least 50 percent by minority group embers) . A list of minority owned banks can be obtained rom the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Department f Commerce, Waahington, D. C. 20230. . 1 3/82 I � i � �� ' II - /'/� (� `��� l/• S b1it1� A—Offic� of th� S�cr�lory of Tr�nsporfalion §�3.51 2) The reciplent may count 20 per- (3)The records and reports required c t o its expendltures to MHE sup- by this sectton shall provide Informa- ers hat are not manufacturers.pro- tion relatina to firms owned and con- v ed hat the MBE suppller perlorms trotled by minoritles separately from a om erclally useful function tn the intormetton relatina to firms oaned s ppl process. end controlled by women. If the records and reports tnclude at�y sec- 0 .49 Maintensnce of reeords and re- tion 8(s) contractors that are not ml- po . noritles or women, informatton con- s) i order to monitor the proaress cerning these contractors shall aiso be ' its BE proaram the appllcant/re- recorded and reported separately. ien sha11 develop a recordkeeping ��s� ���� ot the ei[tiWlity � s te which will identify and assess BE ntract awards, prime contrac- �;noritr busineu enterp�ise.. ' aress in achleving MBE aub- (s)To ensure that this part benetits nt t Qosla, and other MBE afiirm- only MBFs which are owned and con- ve tlon effotts. Lrolled in both form and substaaee by (b) tically, the applicant/recipf- one or more minorities or women. t a 1 malntaln records shoainS: DOT recipients shall use Schedules A ,K1> trocedures which have been and 8 (reproduced st the end of this op W comply with the require- Part) to certify firma who�vish to pu- en of this Dsrt• ticipate as MBEs in DO'T under thb (Z? WBTdS LO MBF+4. '1'hCBC iWaTdS pATL. all be measured aQainat pro7�d (b) Faccept as D�vfded ia para�raDh E �eaards atzd/or MBE Qoals. To �c) of this sectlon. each busine�a. 1n- t ln thla eftort,the appllcaat ahall cludir� the �E partner in s loint reQUlar reporta fmm prlme con- venture. wishiaQ to Darticipste ss s rs on thelr pro�ress ia meetitt¢ MBE under this part in s DOT-aasist- nt tual MBE obliasttons. ed contract shall complete aad submlt (3) Decific efforts to identtfy and Schedue A. Each entlty wLshin� to 'contracta W MBFs. participate aa s �oint venture MBE ''(c) ords ahall be 4vatlable upon under thls part ln DOT-assisted con- e r puest of an suthorized oiflcer or tracts ahall in addltion complete snd pl yee of the�overnment. submit Schedule B. The schedule(s) _, _� _ ld)( ) The recipient ahall aubmit re- ahall be aiQned and notarized by the rta conformina !n treQuencq and suthortzed repreaentative af the busi- rm to exiatit� contract reportina ness entltq. A buainess seekin�certiil- ut menta of the applicable Depart- cation as an A�E ahall submit the re- en element. Where no such con- qulred schedules wtth 1ts bld or Dro- ct IreportinQ requlrements exist, posai for transm1s41on to the contract- BE �eDorts ahall be aubmltted quar- !ng agency involved. rly.� . (c) Under the followlnQ dreum- (Z) Theae nports shall include ea a atances, a business seel�ins � Ps��• um: pate aa aa I�E under thls aubDart � (p e number of contracLs ewarded need not submit schedule A or B: Ea: (1) If a DO'P reclPient 2us estab- '' (1!)A deacription of the general cate- lished a different certiflcation Drocxas � orf of contracts awerded to MHEa: that DOT has determined to be aa or (1U The dollu value oi contrsets more effecWve than the procets pro- w ed to MBEs: vided for bY Lhis section.Where such a ' tiv I The percentaQe of Lhe dollar pmcesa exlsta. potentisl l►�E coatrac• alu 'of all contracts awarded durin� tois sha11 submit the lniormstion n- hia pertod ahlch wen awarded to quired bY���Pient's proaaa. H :and c2) Ii the Dotentlal �E cantnctos (v)M lndicatton of whether�nd the ststes in writtn� thst tt has suDanitted � xte 't of which the percentaQe met or the same lnformstion to or dss been x ed the Qoal spcclfied fn the sp- certlited by the DOT rec1Dlent !a- Ilq► lon. volved, any DOT eletarn� or another 133 � - , �,a � �`�- ; I §�� Titl� 49—Tronsporfolion , F�+deral rnc that uses easenttally aarlly aufficient tor recoanitfon as an � Y 1 MSE. I n determinin� whether �► po- the wme dcflnll.lon and ownerah p in de ndent busl- e ten t lel M BE ts an Pe and control criteria aa DOT. Th po- teatial MBE contractor shall obt,aln .neas, DOT recipients shall consider all Lhe tnformatlon and certiftcaUon (if relevant factors. includin� the date any) irom the other a�ency and the business was established. the sde- submtt !t to the rectpient or cause the puacy oi ita reaources for the work oi other a�ency to submlt tt. The cectpi- the contract. and the de�ree Lo which � ent may rely upon auch a certification ftnanctel, equipment IeaslnB, and ' Where another sQency has collected other relationahtps atth nonminority lnforrmWon but not cnade s deternnt- ilrms varY from induatry practice. nstloa coacernlnQ eltaibllity. the DOT (3> The minority or women oaners tectpieat shall make its own determi• shall alao poasess the power to dlrect nation based on the tnformaUoa ft hu or esuse the direction ot the manaQe- obWned irom the other eaencY. taent and pollcles of the firtn and to (a) Ii the potentfal MBE oontractor mal�e the day-to-dsY es well as malor hss been determined by the 8:as11 decisiona on matters of inenaBement. guslness Administration to be owned pollcy. and operations. The flrm shall and oontrolled by aoc1al13+ and eco- not be subJect to any formal or inior- nomlcc�111y disadvanta�ed fndividuala mal restrlctlons ahich 11mit the cus- under aectton 8(a) oi the Bmall Bus1• totnar3► diacretlon of the minority or neas Act.aa amended. women ownera. There shali be no re- sttictions throush. for example.bylaw 0 23.53 Eli�iblli�.tanduds. provlsions. PattnerahiP a�'eementa. or (a)The folloainQ standsrds sha11 Ue charter reQuirements for cumulative used by teciplenta in detercninln� votin� riQhta or otherwise that pre- ahether a itrm ia owned and con- vent the mki�ritp or womet� owners. LroAed by one or taore miaorities or without the 000peratlon or vote of any women fa and shall theretore be eliQi- oamer aho !a not a minority or ble to De certtfled as an MHE. Bus!- woman, irom makina a business dcci- n eved b th e de teraunaWon sion ot the flrn►. eaaes a�aM Y a in axordance with proce- (�)Ii the owners of the firm who an maY PDe� dis ra dures aet forth in !Z3.SS. not minorities or women are p <1) Bona tide minority Qroup mem- portionately responslble for the oper- bership aha11 be established on the ation of Lhe firm. then the ftrm is not � baaia of the individual's claina that he controlled by minorltles or aomen and I or ahe ia a member of a minorlty aroup shall not be considered an MSE afthin and 1s ao reBs�'ded by that particular the meanin� of this part. Where the minority cflmrnunity. However. the re- actual mana�ement of the firm Is con- cipleat !s not required to aooept thla tracted out to indivlduala other than clatm tf !t determines the claim to be the owner.those persons who have the �y�d, uitdmate power to hire and fire the (Z) M eligible minority business en- mana�ers c�n. for the purposes oi this tetprise under thls part shsll be an in• part, be considered aa controllinQ the dependent business. The oamershlp businesa. - and contml by ac�inorittes or women (b) All securities whlch constltute ahall be resl.substantial. and continu- ownershlp and/or contrnl of a cotpora- It�and shall ao beyond the pro Iornaa tlon for purpoaea oi establlshtn� it as ownershtp of the firm as reflected in an MBE under thls Ds� shail be held Its oamership documents. The minorl- dtrectlY by aiinorfties or aomen. No ty or aomen owners shall en�oy the securftfes held !n trust. or by any customary lncidents of ownerahlp and Quardian for s minor. shall be consld- minorit or women in shall share in Lhe risks and Drofita ered as held by Y commensurate with their ownership detercalnir� the oamershlp or control tnterests, aa demonstrated by a exami- oi s corporation. nstlon of the substanoe rather Lhan t8> The contributions of caDital or fotm oi srranB�sents. R,ec:oanition oi ea[pertise by the mtnorlty or women the buslness aa s aeparate entlty for owners to a+cquire their lnterests!n the - a snd aubatantlal. Ex- tax or corporate purpoBea ia not neces- iirm shall be re I � 134 � � . � . � �-�-��3� Su ifl� A—OHic� of It►� S�c�Nory of Trousporlation §�.ss a les t Insutticient contributlons in- tnformation ahich msy be requested cl e a promtse to contribute capttal. tn Qrder to make a determinatfon. a oLe psyable to lhe tlrm or ita ct) Once certlfied. an MHE shsll o ets who are not scefwlly and eco- update tta submiaslon annually by sub- n lca fy disadvantsBed. or the mere mittlne a new Schedule A or certlfyln� p tic► ation as sn emP�oY�. ��her thst the Schedule A on file is atill ac- t s�a mana�er. curate. At anY time there is a char►Be ) I sddition to the sbove stand- fn ownership or control of the flrm. s . OT recipienta ahali �lve specls] the MBE shall submit s new schedule c td ratlon to the tolloalna circum- A. s ' ce ' in deternninina e1lQibllity �g)ExceDt�Arovided in ;23.55, the u der hls Da�» denial of s certificatlon by the Depart- 1) ewly formed itrms and firma �ent or a recipient shall be final. for � ose oanershlp and/or control haa �hat contract and other conW�a,cta c n� d sinee the date ot the sdver- ��Q let by the reciplent at the time t me t of the oontract are closelY oi the denial oi certtfication. MBEs ti ' to determine the re,�asons �d joint ventures denied certificatlon [ th tlmin� of the formstion oi or �y ��t deficienciea in their oavn- � � in the tirm. ership and control and apD1Y tor certi- 2) prevlous and/or continuin�em- fication only for future contracta. ye employee relationship between �h� g,�pients ahall safeQuard irora nQ preaent owners ts canfully ��ure to unauthorized persons tn- vle ed to ensure that the employee- formation that reasonably maY be re• e hsa cnanaB�ment responsibil• �� � ���dential business inier• f es d capsbilities dlscussed 1n thls mation. conaistent with Federal. stst� tio and local law. ,(3> ,AnY relationship between aa HE and a Dusineas which 1s not 8n 0�,� Appeab ot deniatt of eertification HE which has an lnterest in the �u,�g�, gE ia carefully reviewed to deter• �s) FitinO. MY f� ahich belleves tne Ii the tnterest of the non-MBE �hat it has been wmn8ly denied certl- nil ts aith the ownership and con- fication as sn MBE or joint ventun ol r Quirements of thts section. �der 44 Z3.51 and 23.53 by the De- (c) Ioint venture is eliaible under �ment or a reciDient of DOT finan- !s art if the MBE partrier oi the ��� ���ce may ftle an aDP�� � � ' int ventun meets the atandards for �.itir►B.s!¢�►ed and dated.wi�h the De- e etble MBE set forth above and �ment.The apDe�shall be filed no ' e BE partner la responsible for s 1a�r �han 180 daYa a��r �he date oi lear Y detlned portion of the work � �denial of certification. The Secretsri► e p rformed and share�in the oaner- may extend the ttme for flllnQ or hip,control, management reaDonsibil- waive the time limit tn the interest of tlea,irisks.and profits of the)oint ven- ��tice. apecitylnS � �t�Q the na- ure sons for so doina. Third P�i� �ho <d A)otnt venture is ellQible to com- have reason to belleve that another te !n sn MBE set-aside undes thls firm has been wron�19 denfed or , art 1f the MBE partner oi the lotnt �d certificaWon as an MBE or Ien re meeGs the standards of an eli- � � ibl '' MBE set forth above. and the latat venture may advfae the Secre• MB P�ner's share tn the ownershlD. �Y. Thia informa��t � �V sec- conCrol, and mansaement resDoastbll- e� � aDP� P ,�tfe risks,and Droftts of the joint ven- tton. Itu !s at least 51 percent and the �b) Dtci.t{oa to inveatipate. The Sec- IMB Dartner is responsible for a clear- retarY �u� that a prompt lnvestf- ly etined port►on of the aort to be D t�,i t1�Vi���t��ti n�i^oce- per ormed. t 1 A bustness wishing to be certifted d�• as MBE or�otnt venture MBE by s (c)Status ql��tf��atior+ durtnD � ,h�e rec Pient lnaa pD1Yin�addltionsl hts/hter�dfscretlo e denY the MBE or 135 �1-1?M O-M---10 . � I . � , i - ,� �-��..� II'��� Tit{� 49—Trons efo ' po hon Ilyoin� venture in Questlon ellaibtilty to 0 23.62 Det►niUons. �P�� �s an MBE DOT�assisted + The foliowing definitions apply to pon ts let durin� the pendancy of thla aubpart. Where these detfnitlons I ithe investtQatlon, sfter providlna the IliM�� or Jotnt ventun !n Qoestlon an �e lncortslstent wlth the definitions ot op rtuNty to show cauae by written ;�•b ot thts part, these de[Initions Ikta ment to the Secretary why thla CO°�10� tor all other purposes under j psbo ld not oocur. ��p� I (d ' Gbopenatlon t� investtpatior�. All ••�•• azeana the Surface Transpor. I es sha11 cooperate fully with Lhe �uon Aasista�ce Act oi 198s (Pub. L v tl�tion. Fatlurt or refusal to tut- 0'1-42�). rWuested informatton or other "DlsadvantaQed buslness" means s I�� � �D��te fa a violatlon oi �� b���ncern:(a>Whlch la st �Jp�, least bl percent owned by one or more !� (e) Dcterirainattons. T'he Secntary ��y °nd econo�ically disadvan- p one ot the followina determfns_ �� ��Wduala• or. !n the caae of I U and informa the MBE or Joiat � publlcly owmed buainess, at least ��ven 1n wr1Wa� ot the resaons for 51 percwt of the stock of which is i�� Wp� oac►ed by one or more sociaily and eca (1 'The MBE or�otnt veature 1s cer- nomicaily dlaadvantaaed ind[vidusls; I Ittii •or � cb> R'h� �aSement and dally i I « Th� �E or�oint venture Is not b��° opersttona sre controlled by e e to be certlfied and is denied °� or �n of the socially and eca I kl ility to participate �s an MBE !n n��� dtaadvant,a�ed lndiv[duais who own!� I,�►ny dlrect or DOT-asslsted oontract ••Sma11 businesi concern" means s un a nea applicatlon for cxrtfiica- �1 busineaa as deftned pursuant to I�Ition�s spproved by the rectpfen� aectton 3 oi the Small Husiness Act aad relevant reaulatlons promulgated D—Impl�nNnMtbn of S�a purauant thereto. !�N In tOS(f) of th� Surfop Tron• ••go�iall and eco � s atbnAssislonq Ad of 198Z ta�ed indlviduals" means ho�indl- vidusls who are citizena oi the United II A o�; g�, 10b(f> of the 8urtaoe $tatRS (or lawfully admltted perma- rtatlon Astistance Act of!!8Z(Pub, nent residents) and who are Black I � �!>. Amerlcans. FIispanlC Amerlcans. ° I i So 48 PR�3442,July 21. 1o8S,uNes� Nstive Amerlcans.Astan-Faciflc Amer- p� °O�°d' ' icans. or Astan-Indlan Americans and II�O ys,�l pdrpo.e, any other minorlttes or Individuels found to be disadvantaged by the Ili �a Th�Diu'pose of Lh1s subDart Ls to Small Businesa Administration pursu- �D ement sectlon 105(i) of the Sur- ant to section Sta) o! the Small Husi- I�f Transportatfon Asslstance Act oi ness Act. Recipienta shall make a re- IlI 198 (Pub.L,97-a1��)so that�eitcept to buttable presumption that lndividusls ihe exteat the 8ecretary determines !n the following aroups are soclaily j ott►�aiae.not leas than ten percent of and economically disadvantaged. Re- the'funds authorized by the Act for ciDlenta slso may determtne.on a case- !�the pro�rams lfsted in �25.83 oi thla by-case basis. that tndividuals aho are I�aub art fs expended arith amsll pusi. not a member of one of the followlna 'n �oncerns ewned and controUed by aroups are aoctally and econocnicaily Ilsoc! Y und economicallY dfaadvan- disadvantaQed. ta� lndivlduala. (s) "Black Americans,•. whlch in- I I �b �� � ��nt level of particS- cludes persons havina ortgins!n any ot I!Dstt n for dlsadvanta�ed busine� the Black raclai aroups of Afrlca; ed by sectlon 108(f) will be (b) "HlsDanic Amerfcans." which in- �lac ed tf reciplenta undes the pro- cludes persons ot Mexican. Puerto oovered by this subpart set and R1can, Cubaa. Central or South Mner- i Im overall dlsadvaata�ed business ican. or other Bpanlsh culiure or oi at least Cen percent, er}Qin,re�ardless oi race; . 136 �II � , I . I il �� �-�l C c�k ���. � � �,_- � -��s . F►. t CITY OF SAINT P.dUL r �. . . ::;ii;iii:'iii t ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL Cammittee Regort . �: a ce l�ana ement & Personn�l Commlttee. JUNE 12, 1986 � - ` 1. Approval f inutes from meeting held June 5, 1986. approved 2. Discussi o budget requests for Citizen Participation Districts (committee- of-the-w le item) . discussed (Patton to draft resolution) 3. Resoluti ' a ending the 1986 budget and decreasing the financial plan by $971,537 �9 5,537 - various departments; $36,000 - legislative branch) and underspe in �! the authorized budget by equal amount (laid over from June S) . a ro d � 4. Resoluti a ending the 1986 budget and transferring $9,768 from Contingent Reserve F �nance Department General Government Accounts - Exempt Property Assessme s. �l approved 5. Resoluti I a ending the 1986 budget by reducing $17,567 in the Financing Plan and n"_ he Spending Plan_for PED_OQerations Fund �Set-Aside) . _a,pproved - 6. Resoluti a ending the 1986 budget by adding $17,567 to the Financing Plan and to t S ending Plan for Joint Purchasing Services (Set-Aside) . approved 7. Resoluti a nding the 1986 budget by transferring $17,567 from PED - PED Contribu on �to Finance and Management Services - Purchasing Services - City Share (S - ide). approved 8. Resoluti ' a ending the 1986 budget by transferring $27,508 from Contingent Reserve P anning and Economic Development - PED Development Contribution (Job Cre io and Training Section) . approved 9. Resoluti I� a ending the 1986 budget by adding $27,508 to the Financing Plan and to t S ending Plan for PED Operations (Job Creation and Training) . approved 10. Administ ti ,e Orders (Laid over from June 5) : D-8030: ud �et revision in various departments. discussed D-8031: Ilud et revision in Finance and Management Services Department. discussed 11. Resoluti c nsenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amou o ', $850,000 to finance construction of manufacturing facility in Energy P k or Michael S. and Lynnette M. Larkin. approved , 12. Resoluti a �proving Labor Agreement between the City and International Union of Opera ng Engineers, Locals 70 and 967. approved CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 e�ra ��!i