86-819 WHITE - CITV �LERK `"""'' =�'E`=R`T E"�'' GITY OF SAINT �AUL F1eci1N0. �� ��� � BLUE - MAVOR ounc 'l Resolution � ' r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4��HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has adopted an ordinance, Council File N0. 86-620, Ordinance Number 17359, establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying for the construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer sys-cern in Saint Paul and for the maintenance, operation and use of the sex�arated storm sewer system, and 6aHEREAS, �ursuant to this ordinance, the Ci-�y Council must establish a fair and equitable methodology for the deter- i�ina�ion of the Storm Sewer System Charge, and adopt policies establishing procedures and standards for the consideration and determination of requests for review of the Storm Sewer Sys�cem Charge, and WHEREAS, the City Council must also establish by resolution the Storm Sewer System Rates to be applied to the various parcels located within the City of Saint Paul . �10W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the ordinance adopted in Council File Number 86-620, Ordinance Number 17359, and upon recommendation of the Department of Public Works, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby establish the following polici�s regarding the determination of the annual Storm Sewer System Charge, and adopts the following procedures and standards to be used as guidelines by the Department of Public Works in its consideration �.nd de-termina- tion of requests for review of the Storm Sewer System Charges. BE IT FURT�;ER RESOLVED, that the Sto.rm Sewer System Rates to be applied to properties located within the City of Saint Paul shall be as set forth in Appendix B of the follcwing City policy: COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Public Works Rettman [n Favor -' :� Scheibel so,,,,a„ __ Against BY Tedesco �� Q� W ilson f� Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date < /� A Certified Passed by Council Secretary By '�.�Y 6 �( By� Approved by Vlavor: Date _ Approved by May for Su 'ssion to Counc'1 + � BY - - — . . .. ��� -��9 June 10, 1986 CITY OF SAINT PAUL POLICY FOR THE DETERMINATION AND REVIEW OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE I. INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The City of Saint Paul has adopted an ordinance establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the � separated storm sewer system. The storm sewer system includes all facilities pertaininq to the management of stormwater discharged from property, including but not limited to drainage ways, ponds, lakes, flood preventive measures, catch basins, storm sewer pipe, curbs and gutters. The storm sewer system charge shall be based on a parcel 's anticipated contribution of stormwater runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a function of the parcel 's size and its land use. Typically more intensively developed land uses have a larger percentage of impervious surface and contribute a greater volume of stormwater to a storm sewer system. Similarly, a large parcel would contribute more runoff than a smaller parcel with the same land use. Under the charging system established in this policy statement, a parcel that contributes a greater volume of runoff would pay a higher Storm Sewer System Charge. As a result, charges allocated under this methodology would better reflect a parcel 's fair share of the costs of the storm sewer system. It is not possible to inspect every parcel in the City of Saint Paul to determine its individual hydrological response to stormwater. Therefore, to implement this charging policy, the numerous land uses found in the City of Saint Paul are classified by their expected peak stormwater runoff. Each land use is grouped with other land uses that share similar hydrologic responses under certain standard conditions. Thus, two parcels of the same size with different land uses would pay an equal share of the costs of the storm sewer system if their land uses are determined to have a similar hydrologic response to stormwater. Both parcels would be classified in the same land use classification for purposes of applying this charge. It is recognized that assigning costs and making charges based on expected hydrologic response cannot be done with mathematical precision with the technology available at the present time, and can only be accomplished within reasonable and practical limits. It is intended that this policy and procedures will establish a just, equitable and practical methodology for making such charges. . . _ „ , C� �� -�i9 Some parcels due either to their unique topographic, vegetative, geologic and other characteristics, or the existence and maintenance of an on-site storm drainage control, detention or retention facilities have a hydrologic response substantially different from that of similarly sized parcels of the same land use. Therefore, provisions are adopted in this policy statement to permit adjustments or credits to the Storm Sewer System Charge for those parcels with these unique and unusual characteristics. II. METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING STANDARDIZED PEAK RUNOFF RATES A. RUNOFF The city�s storm sewer system is developed and designed usinq the peak stormwater runoff rate for a five year storm. The Storm Sewer System Charge is in part determined by utilizing this same criteria. To establish the standardized peak runoff rate for a particular land use, Saint Paul utilizes the Modified Curve Number Method as outlined in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. This method takes into consideration the primary factors of land use and area among other factors such as soil types and topography or slope and develops a mathematical model to predict the runoff rates for rain storms of various intensities and duration. The rain storm applied to this analysis of runoff is a 5 year 24 hour storm with Type II rainfall distribution and a total rainfall of 3 . 60 inches. H. LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS To organize its analysis of the numerous land uses within its boundaries, the city applied an already existing property identification system known as the Sub-Usage Code List which is prepared and used by the Ramsey County Department of Taxation. These Sub-Usage Code Listings were reviewed and regrouped according to their land use and the similarities of their runoff characteristics. The end results for purposes of this charging system are designated as "land use classifications". See attached Appendix A, incorporated herein by this reference. For each of these land use classifications a standardized peak runoff rate was determined. The analytic method that was applied included examination of data provided by the above referenced five year storm model, as well as information derived from a random sampling of numerous parcels within the City of Saint Paul. -2- . � � � � � �G �'iy C. Standardized Peak Rates of Runoff The standardized peak runoff rate identified for each land use classification is as follows: TABLE I STANDARDIZED PEAR RUNOFF RATES Land Use Standardized Peak Runoff Rate Classification Example of Land Use Per Acre A Cemeteries, golf courses, parks, 0.25 cfs unimproved vacant land, and 1 & 2 (cubic feet family residential properties in per second) excess of 1/3 acre. B Railroads 0.50 cfs C 1 & 2 family residential properties less than 1/3 acre 1.00 cfs D Condominiums and Townhouses 2.00 cfs E Public & private schools & community centers 1.50 cfs F Multiple dwellings, churches, synagogues & government buildings 2.00 cfs G Commercial & Industrial 2.70 cfs III. DETERMINATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM RATES A. In General The Council of the City of Saint Paul shall annually adopt a storm sewer system budget based on the anticipated expense to construct, operate and maintain the storm sewer system. A portion of this budget will be apportioned to all of the land use classifications, based on their standardized peak runoff rates per acre. The resultant rate per acre is the Storm Sewer System Rate. This amount reflects that portion of the annual expenses charged to a one acre parcel of a specific land use classification for providing some of these services. The rates from time to time may be revised or amended by resolution. See attached Appendix B, which is incorporated herein by this reference and is a listing of the Storm Sewer System Rates to be applied to properties within the City of Saint Paul. -3- . . __ : . . � �G���� B. One and Two Familv Residences All one and two family residential parcels less than l/3 of an acre in area are placed into a single land use classification to be charged on an equal per parcel basis. A majority of the parcels within the city falls within this land use classification, which also is the most diverse in terms of area and intensity of use. For purposes of simplification and to provide equity in the allocation of costs, all one and two family residence parcels less than 1/3 of an acre in area are assumed to have the standardized peak runoff rate of a one and two family residence parcel of 7500 square feet. Generally, smaller sized parcels of this specific land use _ have more impervious area in relation to their overall size, and larger sized parcels have less impervious area in relation to their overall size. One and two family parcels less than 7500 square feet when compared to parcels greater than 7500 square feet but less than 1/3 of an acre, are likely to have a similar ratio of impervious areas in relation to their overall parcel size. Therefore, the runoff contribution of one and two family residence parcels less than 1/3 of an acre are considered equivalent for the purposes of the Storm Sewer System Charqe Policy. For parcels larger than 1/3 acre, the excess will be considered equal to park land and charged on an area basis. C. Condominiums and Townhouses All condominium and townhouse parcels have also been placed into a sinqle land use classification to be charged on an equal per unit basis. A one acre parcel of townhouse units or condominium units has a standardized peak runoff rate equal to the standardized peak runoff rate for a one acre parcel of multiple unit dwellings. Unlike the individual units in multiple dwellings, a condominium or townhouse unit is typically owned by a single entity or person. As a result, the Ramsey County Department of Taxation bills condominium and townhouse units separately despite the fact they may be part of a single structure. For the purpose of simplification in the billing process and to provide equity in the allocation of costs under this policy, a one acre parcel containing condominium units and/or townhouse units is assumed to have a density of 19 units per acre, which is the density of a typical multiple unit dwelling parcel. The per unit charge in Appendix B reflects this. -4- . . _ : . � � ���� IV. DETERMINATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE With the previously discussed exceptions of one and two family residence parcels and condominium and townhouse unit parcels, the Storm Sewer System Charge for a parcel shall be the sum of the multiplication of its area times the Storm Sewer System Rate specified for that parcel 's land use classification. V. ADJLTSTMENT OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE Where stormwater management is employed or where other conditions exist such that the peak stormwater runoff rate for a given parcel is substantially different as compared to the standardized peak runoff rates for parcels within its land use classification, the Director of Public Works or his designate may adjust the parcel 's storm sewer system charge. to an appropriate level in accordance with the guidelines specified herein: A. Procedure Statement After filing a request for a review of the charge within the 30 day period it will be the responsibility of the property owner or his agent to present to the Director of Public Works or his designate within 60 days after receiving the Storm Sewer System Charge billing statement sufficient information concerning that parcel 's hydrologic characteristics to permit an accurate assessment of the conditions that exist. This information may include, but is not limited to: 1. A site plan showing locations of all buildings and other development contained within the parcel. 2. The total parcel area and area of imp�rvious surfaces. 3 . Site topography and contours of sufficient detail to ascertain flow directions, rates and volumes. 4. Size, details and/or volumetric characteristics of any drainage control facilities. �. Hydraulic calculations specifying outflow volumes and rates for various rainfall events. B. Land Use Intensity Credits Where the actual peak stormwater runoff rate from a parcel is shown to differ from the standardized peak runoff rate given in Table 1 by more than 10�, the Director of Public Works or his designate may adjust that parcel 's storm sewer system charge in accordance with the following parameters: -5- . � �. � . � � �� � ���g 1. Calculation of the parcel's peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determined by the methods outlined in the USDA Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. The design storm shall be the USDA Soil Conservation Service 24 hour, Type II rainfall distribution for a 5 year storm in Saint Paul, utilizing the parcel 's soil group and a normal antecedent moisture condition. The total rainfall for this storm is 3.60 inches. The data for this storn[ is qiven in Appendix C. 2. If a parcel's calculated peak stormwa�er runoff rate on a per acre basis differs from the rate listed in Table 1 by more than 10�, the parcel's storm sewer system charge will be adjusted by the ratio of the actual runoff rate to the parcel's assigned peak runoff rate. 3. Because the charges for 1 and 2 family residences under 1/3 acre, condominium and townhouses are not based on actual parcel acreage, no adjustment for peak rate of runoff differences will be made. 4. For parcels with public drainage easements, calculation of the peak stormwater runoff rate shall be based on the non-easement area. C. Rate of Discharge Credits Where the peak stormwater runoff rate from a parcel is limited by on-site facilities such as ponds that are owned and maintained by the property owner, up to a 25� reduction in the Storm Sewer System Charge may be granted in accordance with the following parameters: 1. A 10� credit will be granted to parcels that provide on-site storage for the five year design storm that also limit its discharge to a maximum of 1.64 cfs per acre. Calculation of the peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determined as outlined in Section V, B, 1. 2. An additional 15$ credit will be granted to parcels that provide on-site storac�e for the 100 year design storm that also limit its discharge to a maximum of 1.64 cfs per acre. Calculation of the parcel's peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determined by the methods outlined in the USDA Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. The design storm shall be the USDA Soil Conservation Service 24 Hour, Type II rainfall distribution for a 100 year storm in Saint Paul, utilizing the parcel's soil group and a normal antecedent moisture condition. The total rainfall for this storm is 5.90 inches. The data for this storm is given in Appendix D. 3 . For parcels with public drainage easements, calculation of the peak stormwater runoff rate shall be based on the non-easement area. -6- . � �- � - �-✓� -��g D. Multiple Credits Land use intensity credits and stormwater rate of discharge credits may be cumulative. If a parcel is entitled to both credits, the land use intensity credit will be applied first then the rate of discharge credit will be applied. E. Retroactivitv ' Credit adjustments shall not be made retroactively with respect to previous billinq years. F. Increases A parcel's Storm Sewer System Charge shall be subject to increases as well as decreases by this procedure. G. Special Cases For special and unusual cases where t2�e above procedures do not result in an appropriate storm sewer system charge, the Director of Public Works, upon recommendation of his staff, has the authority to make adjustments consistent with the intent of the ordinance establishing the storm sewer system charge and with this policy. H. Periodic Inspection and Credit Ad'ustments The Director of Public Works reserves the right to inspect periodically all storm drainage control facilities to ascertain that they are operating properly. If such a system due to improper maintenance or other reason, fails to detain stormwater runoff in an effective manner, the director shall issue an order to complete the repairs of the facility within 60 days. If such repairs are not completed in a timely manner, the director may eliminate or reduce detention credits to an appropriate level. Any such facility shall not be eligible to apply for Storm Sewer System Charge adjustments for a period of 12 months following any credit adjustment. I. Land Use Change The issuance of any building permit or other action which changes or intensifies an existing land use shall be cause for an ad�ustment of the Storm Sewer System Charges to an appropriate level. J. Connected Rainleaders No credits will be given for a property which has rainleaders (downspouts) , catch basins or any other source of clearwater discharge that is connected to the sanitary or combined sewer system. -7- �. � . (� �� � �� � APPEND(X A Page 1 of 3 The following Sub-Usage Codes shail be placed in Land Use Classif ication A 42. Go i f Course - 43. Recreat i on/Amusement Fac i 1 i ty , 45. Culture & Nature Exhibit 47. Marina 70. Cemetery , 8!. Vacant Land - Commercial 82. Vacant Land - industrial 83. Vacant Land - Exempt 85. Radio 8� T.V. Tower 89. HRA Vacant 95. Vacant Land - Residential 99. Undef inable The following Sub-Usage Codes sha)i be placed in Land Use Classification B: SS. Rai lroads The following Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Ciassification C: 90. Singie Family 91. Duplex 93. Double Dwelling The following Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classification D: �� l. Condominiums tincluding Co-op) 94. Townhouse . . � '- � � -�i 9 tippendix A Page 2 of 3 The following Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classification E: 71. School (Primary/Secondary) 72. Coliege/University The following Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed , in Land Use Classification F: 2. Apartment - GardQn 3. Apartment - Walkup 4. Apartment - Elevator 7. Nursing Harr�e 8. Mobile Home Park 9. Other Residences 36. Residentiai Garage/Shed 49. L i brary 73. Church/Synagogue 76. Government Facility 77. Dorm i tory 78. Post Of f ice 79. Fire Station 92. Triplex The following Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classification G: 5. Hotei 6. Motel/Tourist Court 10. General Retail 8� Service 1 1_ 5upermarket 12. Department/Discount 5tore 13. Commerciai/Apartment 14. Lumber Yard & Bui lding Materiai IS. Community/Strip Shopping . � - � �,� �-��� Appendix A Page 3 of 3 16. Regional 5hopping Center 17. Restaurant/Bar 18. FastFood Restaurant i 9. Funeral Home 20. MedicalOffice/Clinic . 21. General 1-Story/WalkupOffice 22. General Elevator Of f ice � 23. Bank/Savings 8� Loan/Credit Union 24. Vet Clinic, Hospital, Dispensary 25. Discount Store 26. Tavern/Cafe (Low Cost) 30. Gas Station 31. Auto Service Center/Garage � 32. New Car Showroom/Service Garage 33. Boat 8� Other Vehicle Sales/Service 34. Car Wash 35. Parking Garage 37. Parking Ramp 40. Theater 41. Drive-In Theater 44. Sports and Pub i ic Assemb ly Fac i i i ty 46. Club/Association Hall 48. Bowling Alley S0. warehouse S 1. Storage Tank/Tower 52. Grain Elevator 53. Transportat i on Fac i 1 i ty 54. Tnack Term i na) 56. Airport Facility 57. Greenhouse/Nursery 58. Mini-Storage Warehouse 60. L ight Manufacturing 61. Heavy Manufacturing 62. Construction Service Facility 63_ Food/Drink Process ing Fac i 1 i ty 64. Research/Development/Testing Facility • 74. Hospital 75. Welfare & Charitable Facility 80. Utility Service Facility 84. Miscellaneous . � � _ � � -�'�� APPENDIX B The Councii of the City of Saint Paui hereby adopts the foliowing storm sewer system rates for various Land Use Classif ications within the city f or 1986: L,4ND USE 1986 STORM SEWER CLASSIFICATION EXAMPLES OF LAND USE SYSTEM RATE A Cemeteries, Golf Courses, �50.00 per acre Parks, Unimproved Vacant Land and 1 & 2 Family Residential Land in excess of 1/3 acre B. Railroads $90.00 per acre C. i & 2 Family Residentiai $32.00 per parcel Properties less than 1/3 acre D. Condominiums and Townhouses �20.00 per unit E. Public & Private Schools �275.00 per acre and Community� �enters F. Muitiple Dweilings, Churches, =370.00 per acre Synagogues and Government Buildings G. Commercial and Industrial $500.00 per acre . � � . -. . � �� ���� � APPEND{X C . Rainfail Distribution for a S yr. 5torm in St Paul Rainfall interuity in inches/hour tlrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Nrs 0 � 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 � 1 1 � 0.036 0.036 0.045 O.OGS 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 ( 2 2 � 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.047 0.047 � 3 3 � 0.047 0.04T 0.047 0.067 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.054 0.054 � 4 4 � 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.058 0.058 �� 5. 5 � 0.058 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 � 6 6 � 0.068 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.0T2 0.072 0.072 0.072 � 7 7 � 0.072 0.072 0.0T2 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 O.OTZ 0.072 0.072 ( 8 8 � 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.108 0.108 � 9 9 ( 0.108 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.144 � 10 10 � 0.144 0.144 0.180 0.180 0.180 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.252 � 11 11 � 0.252 0.288 0.288 0.324 0.576 0.9T2 1.620 2.340 6.120 2.628 � 12 12 � 0.792 0.540 0.540 0.360 0.3b0 0.360 0.288 0.252 0.216 0.216 � 13 13 � 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.180 0.158 0.155 0.155 0.144 0.144 0.146 � 14 16 � 0.144 0.126 0.126 0.122 0.122 0.115 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 � 15 15 � 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 � 16 16 � 0.090 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.0T2 0.072 0.072 0.07Z O.OTL 0.072 � 17 17 � 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 G.072 0.072 0.072 0.0T2 0,072 0.072 � 18 18 � 0.072 0.072 0.0T2 0.072 0.072 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 ( 19 19 � 0.054 0.050 0.050 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 � 20 20 � 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 O.OG7 0.04T 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 21 21 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.0G3 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 22 22 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 23 23 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 24 «::tt*�.*.w..:.:..�..�:ti:..::....:.......*.,�:,�+:::�.*...::*:.+.:.*.*:.......�.t.. Cunutative Rainfall in inches � 1 Nrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Mrs 0 � 0.0036 0.0072 0.0108 0.0144 0.0180 0.0216 0.0252 0.0288 0.0324 0.0360 � 1 1 � 0.03% 0.0432 0.0477 0.0522 0.0567 0.0612 0.0657 0.0702 0.0747 0.0792 � 2 2 � 0.0837 0.0882 0.0927 0.0972 0.1017 0.1062 C.110T 0.1152 0.1199 0.1246 � 3 3 � 0.1292 0.1339 0.1386 0.1433 0.1480 0.1526 0.1573 0.1620 0.1674 0.1TL8 � < c � o.��az o.is� o.�a90 o.�vca o.��s o.tos2 o.z�ob o.t�bo o.tz�a o.2z� � s S � 0.2333 0.2394 0.2455 0.2516 0.2578 0.2639 0.2700 0.2761 0.2822 0.2884 � 6 6 � 0.2952 0.302G 0.30% 0.3?68 0.3260 0.3312 0.3384 0.3456 0.3528 0.3600 ( 7 7 � 0.36T2 0.3744 0.3816 0.3888 0.3960 0.4032 0.4104 0.<176 0.4248 0.4320 � d 8 � 0.4410 0.4500 0.4590 0.4680 0.4770 0.4860 0.4950 0.5040 0.5148 0.5256 � 9 9 � 0.5364 0.5490 0.5616 0.5742 0.5868 0.5994 0.6120 0.6246 0.6372 0.6516 � 10 10 � 0.6660 0.6804 0.6984 0.7164 0.7344 0.7560 0.7776 0.7992 0.8208 0.8460 � 11 11 ( 0.8772 0.9000 0.9288 0.%12 1.0188 1.1160 1.278D 1.5120 2.1240 2.3868 � 12 12 � 2.6660 2.5200 2.5740 2.6100 2.6460 2.6820 2.7108 2.T360 2.7576 2.7792 � 13 13 � 2.8008 2.8224 2.8440 2.8620 2.8778 2.8933 2.9088 2.9232 2.9376 2.9520 � 1i 14 ( 2.9664 2,9790 2,99�6 3.0038 3.0161 3.0276 3.0384 3.0492 3.0600 3.0708 � 15 15 � 3.0816 3.0924 3.1032 3.1122 3.1212 3.1302 3.1392 3.1482 3.15R 3.16G2 � 16 16 � 3.1752 3.1824 3.1896 3.1968 3.20�G0 3.2112 3.2184 3.2256 3.2328 3.2400 � 17 17 � 3.2472 3.2544 3.2616 3.2688 3.2760 3.2832 3.2904 3.2976 3.3048 3.3120 � 18 18 � 3.3192 3.3264 3.3336 3.3408 3.3�80 3.3538 3.3595 3.3653 3.3710 3.3768 � 19 19 � 3.3822 3.387Z 3.3923 3.3970 3.4016 3.4063 3.4110 3.G157 3.4204 3.4250 � 20 20 � 3.4297 3.4344 3.4391 3.4438 3.4484 3.4531 3.6574 3.4618 3.4661 3.4704 � 21 21 � 3.6747 3.4T90 3.4834 3.4877 3.6920 3.4963 3.5006 3.5050 3.5093 3.5136 � 22 22 � 3.5179 3.5222 3.5266 3.5309 3.5352 3.5395 3.SG38 3.5482 3.5525 3.5568 � 23 23 I 3.5611 3.%54 3.5608 3.57�1 3.573�. 3.5827 3.58�0 3.SOtc ;.SOa� z ,crux� I �c " . APPENDIX 0 � �-- �G � d''l �' Rainfali Distribution for a 100 yr. Storm in St. Paul Rainfall Intensity in inches/Aour Hrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Q.6 Q.T 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Nrs 0 � 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.054 0.059 0.059 f 1 t � 0.059 0.059 0.074 0.074 0.074 O.OTG 0.07G 0.074 0.074 O.D74 � 2 2 � 0.074 0.074 0.0T4 0.074 0.074 0.07G 0.074 0.074 0.077 0.077 � 3 3 � O:Q77 0.077 0.077 0.077 O.on o.on o.077 0.077 0.089 0.089 � 4 i � 0.089 0.089 0.088 0.089 0.088 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.094 0.094 �� 5 5 � 0.094 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 ( 6+ , 6 ( 0.112 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 � 7 � 7 � 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.918 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 � 8 8 � 0.147 0.148 0.147 0.147 0.148 0.148 0.147 0.148 O.�n o.�n � 9 • 9 � 0.177 0.206 0.206 0.207 0.206 0.20T 0.206 0.207 0.207 0.236 ( 10 10 � 0.236 0.236 0.295 0.295 0.295 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.356 0.413 � 11 11 � 0.413 0.472 0.472 0.531 0.944 1.593 2.655 3.83510.030 4.307 ( 12 12 � 1.298 0.885 0.885 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.472 0.413 0.354 0.356 � 13 13 ( 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.295 0.260 0.254 0.254 0.236 0:236 0.236 � 14 14 � 0.236 0.206 0.206 0.201 0.201 0.789 0.1TY 0.177 0.177 0.177 � 15 15 � 0.177 0.177 0.177 0.148 0.14T 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 ( 16 16 � 0.148 O.t18 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 � i7 17 � 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 O.ttB 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.178 0.118 � 18 18 � 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.096 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 � 19 � 19 � 0.089 0.083 0.083 0.077 0.077 O.on o.on o.on o.on o.077 � 20 20 � 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.0T7 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 � 21 z� � o.o�� o.o» o.o�� o.o�� o.o�i o.o» o.o�i o.o�� o.o» 0.07� � z2 u � 0.07� o.oi� o.o» o.o» o.o» o.o» o.o» o.oii o.o�t o.o�� � z3 t3 � o.o�� o.oi� o.o» o.o» o.o» o.o�i o.o» o.o�� o.o» o.o» � 24 tt+t+*xe�*r***xt,tti:*:ttNy*tte*r�+�**:r**�N:*�:►:vri*x**�*►x**ttire�**r*rtt►�*rf Cunulative Rainfall in inches Mrs � 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.T 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Mrs 0 � 0.0059 0.0118 0.0177 0.0236 0.0295 0.0354 0.0413 O.OG72 0.0531 0.0590 � 1 1 � 0.06G9 0.0708 0.0782 0.0855 0.0929 0.1003 0.10T7 0.1150 0.1224 0.1298 � 2 2 � 0.1372 0.1445 0.1519 0.1593 0.1667 0.17G0 0.1814 0.1888 0.1965 0.2041 � 3 3 � 0.2118 0.2195 0.22T1 0.?348 0.2425 0.2502 0.2578 0.2655 0.2743 0.2832 � S < � 0.2920 0.3009 0.3097 0.3186 0.3274 0.3363 0.3451 0.35G0 0.3634 0.3729 � 5 S � 0.3823 0.3923 0.�024 O.G124 0.4224 0.4325 0.4425 O.i525 0.6626 0.4726 j 6 6 � O.G838 0.4956 0.5074 0.5192 0.5310 0.5G28 0.5546 0.566G 0.5782 0.5900 � 7 7 � 0.6018 0.6136 0.6256 0.637Z 0.6490 0.6608 0.6726 0.6844 0.6462 0.7080 f a 8 � 0.7Z27 0.7375 0.7522 0.7670 0.7817 0.7965 0.8112 0.8260 0.8437 0.8614 � 9 9 � 0.8791 0.8997 0.9204 0.9410 0.9617 0.4823 1.0030 1.0236 1.0443 1.0679 ( 10 10 � 1.0915 1.1151 1.1G46 1.1741 1.2036 1.2390 1.2744 1.3098 1.3452 1.3865 � 11 it � 1.4278 1.4750 1.5222 1.5753 1.6697 1.8290 2.0945 2.4780 3.4810 3.9117 � 12 12 � 4.0G15 4.1300 G.2185 4.2775 4.3365 4.3955 4.4427 4.4840 4.5194 4.5548 � 13 13 � 4.5902'4.6256 4.6610 4.6905 4,Tt65 4.7418 4.76T2 4.7908 4.8144 <,8380 � 1� �4 I 4-86�6 4•8822 4.9029 i.9230 4.9430 4.9619 4.9796 4.9973 S.Ot50 5.0327 � 15 15 � 5.050G 5.0681 5.0858 5.1005 5.1153 5.1300 5.1448 5.1595 5.1743 5.1890 � 16 ' 16 � 5.2038 5.2156 5.2274 5.2392 5.2510 5.2628 5.2746 5.2864 5.2982 5.3100 � 17 17 � 5.3218 5.3336 5.3454 5.3572 5.3690 5.3808 5.3926 S.G044 5.6162 5.G280 � 18 18 � 5.4398 5.4516 5.4634 5.4752 5.4870 5.6464 5.5059 5.5153 5.5248 5.5342 � 19 19 � S.SG30 5.55t3 5.5596 5.56T2 5.5749 5.5826 5.5902 5.5979 5.6056 5.6133 ( 20 20 � 5.6209 5.6286 5.6363 5.6439 5.6516 5.6593 5.6664 5.6736 5.6805 5.6876 � 21 21 � 5.6947 5.7018 5.7088 5.7159 5.7230 5.7301 5.7372 5.7G42 5.7513 5.7584 � 22 22 � 5.7655 5.7726 S.T796 5.7867 5.7938 5.8009 5.8080 5.8150 5.8221 5.8242 � 23 23 � 5.8363 5.8436 5.a504 i.8575 5.86�6 5.8717 5.8788 S.E858 S.Q929 5.9000 � 2� ...�...,..+,. _...++�.+.+.��,-....�..-...�..._.._--------___ ___ WHITE - C�TV CLE�iK PINK " - FIN/M/CE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council U CANTRV - OEQA.i7TM�JT File NO• �"' - `� � • BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above referenced policy, procedures, standards and Storm Sewer System Rates shall be applied to all properties in the City of Saint Paul under the direction of the Director of the Department of Public Works. : BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Storm Sewer System Rates as set forth in Appendix B of this policy shall be reviewed by the City Council at a minimum of once every two years. �'l� 6- �6- COUNCILMELV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N icosia � Re�� [n Favor _ �/ � �m,e,,. � __ Against BY � �� / rede5�o wi�son Adopted by Council: Date �9 t�� Form Ap ove�City Attorney B � ` `�� � 11 �f6 Certified Pas•e b uncil Sec ry Y gy, " _ + °[ � � yo � � �roved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by :4lavor. �\� � By ��. _ By PUBIISHEO �':.'^.' `' 819�6 Public Works � `�" ��O `�l9 N� �rJ��O DEPARTMENT _ �,.ROV�: Bredah� �'CbNTACT 29�-6138 PHONE : June 10 1986 DATE ` �/.�rr� ,r � ASSIGN NUhBER FOR RpUTING ORDER (Clip Al1v Locations for Signature): : a �__ � ,/ 5 Director'o# Mana ement/Mayor or � � City Clerk J , � - — WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED 8Y TAKI�IG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpase/ � Rationale) : ' Establishes a policy for the determination �nd review of �he Storm Sewer System - Charge. Also approves the Storm Sewer 5ystem Rates effective in 1986. �ECCiV�i� J�1 N � r,� . COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY ANa PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATEQ: f��Yl��`� C1�FICE This new program will generate approximately S.OM in revenue to finance the combined sewer separation program and the maintenance, operation and use of the storm` sewer system. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUI�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re-� Tota1 Amount of "Transaction: Est. $5M credit quired if und.er . $10,00Q) Funding Source; Sto�it Sewer System Charge Activity Number: 22212 � ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Resolution 2. City o� Saint Paul Po�.icy for determination and review of the Storm Sewer System Cl�arge. DEPARTMENT REVIfW CITY ATTORNEY REyIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolutlon Required? X Yes No � Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE •RE�IERSE SIDE F'aR INSTRUCtIONS) � Revised 12/84 � ' _ _ . HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET . � �` t .. The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES= ' " ' 1. to assist in ,routing documents and in securing required signatures � 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval � 3. to hel ensure that necessar su P y pporting materials are prepared, and, if � required, attached. Providing complete informa'tion under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS headinq provides space to explain � the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost " to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . Ti�e personnel impact is a description of change or shift of F'ull-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. � If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. . Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) � 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) , 1. Activity Manager l. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk ' 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOT�UTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNC�L RESOLUTION (all others)- 1. Department Director � 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Manaqement/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F`&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an aqreement requires, eviderice of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attactmnents at time of routinc�. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions iaclude: 1. Contractual relationship wfth another goverimvental unit. 2.. Collective barqaininq contracts. � � 3. Purchase, sale or lease of`land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liabilfty by City, or qranting by City of indemnific�tion. : 7. Agreements with State or Federal Gover�nt under which they are providing fundinq. 8. Budget amendments. : . �':...L....--T � . . ��- �/9 �� CITY UF SAINT PAUL POLICY FOR THE DETERMINATION AND REYIEi�V OF THE STOR EWER SYSTEM CHARGE � �.: � . , ; �� � -�i9 June 10, 1986 CITY OF SAINT PAUL POLICY FOR THE DETERMINATION AND REVIEW OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE I. INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The City of Saint Paul has adopted an ordinance establishing a Storm Sewer System Charge for the purpose of paying the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement and improvements necessitated by the separation of the combined sewer system and for the maintenance, operation and use of the separated storm sewer system. The storm sewer system includes all facilities pertaining to the management of stormwater discharged from prope,rty, including but not limited to drainage ways, ponds, lakes, flpod preventive measures, catch basins, storm sewer pipe, curbs ,and gutters. The storm sewer system charge shall be based on a parcel 's anticipated contribution o�� stormwater runoff to the storm sewer system, which is a function '4of the parcel 's size and its land use. Typically more intensiV�ely developed land uses have a larger percentage of imperviou� surface and contribute a greater volume of stormwater to a storm�sewer system. Similarly, a large parcel would contribute mo'�e runoff than a smaller parcel with the same land use. Under the charging system establish�d in this policy statement, a parcel that contributes a greater �olume of runoff would pay a higher Storm Sewer System Charge. As''Y�a result, charges allocated under this methodology would�:better reflect a parcel 's fair share of the costs of the storm se�er system. It is not possible to inspect every parcel in the ity of Saint Paul to determine its individual hydrological re onse to stormwater. Therefore, to implement this charging pol cy, the numerous land uses found in the City of Saint Paul are c assified by their expected peak stormwater runoff. Each lan � use is grouped with other land uses that share similar hydrolog�c responses under certain standard conditions. Thus, two parc�els of the same size with d�fferent land uses would pay an equal ehare of the costs of the storm sewer system if their land uses--are determined to have a similar hydrologic response to stormwater. Both parcels would be classified in the same land use classification for purposes of applying this charge. It is recognized that assigning costs and making charges based on expected hydrologic response cannot be done with mathematical precision with the technology available at the present time, and can only be accomplished within reasonable and practical limits. It is intended that this policy and procedures will establish a �ust, equitable and practical methodology for making such charges. . � ����� Some parc�ls due either to their unique topographic, vegetative``� geologic and other characteristics, or the existence and mainten nce of an on-site storm drainage control, detention or retention facilities have a hydrologic response substantially different fro that of similarly sized parcels of the same land use. Therefore, prov ions are adopted in this policy statement to permit adjustmen s or credits to the Storm Sewer System Charge for those parcels with these unique and unusual characteristics. II. METHODOLOGY FOR DE LOPING STANDARDIZED PEAK RUNOFF RATES A. RUNOFF The city's storm ewer system is developed and designed using the peak sto water runoff rate for a five year storm. The Storm wer System Charge is in part determined by utilizing this s e criteria. To establish the stan ardized peak runoff rate for a particular land use, int Paul utilizes the Modified Curve Number Method as outli ed in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conse ation Service Technical Release No. 55. This method takes to consideration the primary factors of land use and rea among other factors such as soil types and topography or slope and develops a mathematical model to pre 'ct the runoff rates for rain storms of various intensit es and duration. The rain storm applied to this analysis of runoff is a 5 year 24 hour storm with Type II rainfall distri ution and a total rainfall of 3. 60 inches. B. LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS To organize its analysis of the numerous land uses within its boundaries, the city applie an already existing property identification system own as the Sub-Usage Code List which is prepared and used b the Ramsey County Department of Taxation. These Su -Usage Code Listings were reviewed and regrouped according t their land use and the similarities of their runoff chara eristics. The end results for purposes of this chargi system are designated as "land use classifications��. See a tached Appendix A, incorporated herein by this reference. � For each of these land use classificatipns a standardized peak runoff rate was determined. The analytic method that was applied included examination of data provided by the above referenced five year storm model, as well as information derived from a random sampling of numerous parcels within the City of Saint Paul. -2- . � � �� � C. Standardized Peak Rates of Runoff The standardized peak runoff rate identified for each land use classification is as follows: TABLE I SiI'ANDARDIZED PEAK RUNOFF RATES ``; Standardized Peak Land Use �= Runoff Rate Classification Example o� Land Use Per Acre 2, A Cemeteries,���olf courses, parks, 0.25 cfs unimproved v��ant land, and 1 & 2 (cubic feet family reside�al properties in per second) excess of 1/3 re. B Railroads � 0.50 cfs C 1 & 2 family resid�ntial properties less than 1/3 acre �+ 1.00 cfs D Condominiums and To ouses 2.00 cfs E Public & private school & community centers 1.50 cfs F Multiple dwellings, churc es, synagogues & government bu'ldings 2.00 cfs G Commercial & Industrial 2 .70 cfs III. DETERMINATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYST RATES A. In General The Council of the City of Saint Pau shall annually adopt a storm sewer system budget based on e anticipated expense to construct, operate and main ain the storm sewer system. A portion of this budget will e apportioned to all of the land use classifications, ba d on their standardized peak runoff rates per acre. The resultant rate per acre is the Storm Sewer System R te. This amount reflects that portion of the annual expen s charged to a one acre parcel of a specific land use cla ification for providing these services. The rates from time to time may be revised o� amended by resolution. See attached Appendix B,—w3��r�_� incorporated herein by this reference and is a listing of the Storm Sewer System Rates to be applied to properties within the City of Saint Paul. -3- . �� ���� IV. ��ETERMINATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE Wit the previously discussed exceptions of one and two family res�nce parcels and condominium and townhouse unit parcels, the S� rm Sewer System Charge for a parcel shall be the sum of the mul iplication of its area times the Storm Sewer System Rate specifie for that parcel's land use classification. V_ �T1.TTtCmML+l�rm L+ rntr,_, �,.,,..,•.�- ----- ---- (��~ �� � B. One and Two Family Residences All one and two family residential parcels less than 1/3 ��°� of an acre in area are placed into a single land use �''� classification to be charged on an equal per parcel basis. �`•� majority of the parcels within the city falls within ��is land use classification, which also is the most di'verse in terms of area and intensity of use. For pur`Roses of simplification and to provide equity in the allo�„ation of costs, all one and two family residence parce� less than 1/3 of an acre in area are assumed to have th� standardized peak runoff rate of a one and two family r`�esidence parcel of 7500 square feet. > Generally,�`��Smaller sized parcels of this specific land use have more i ervious area in relation to their overall size, and 1'a�ger sized parcels have less impervious area in relation td their overall size. One and two family parcels less t��n 7500 square feet when compared to parcels greater 'than 7500 square feet but less than 1/3 of an acre, are like�y to have a similar ratio of impervious areas in relation �'to their overall parcel size. Therefore, the runo�f contribution of one and two family residence parcels less than 1/3 of an acre are considered equivalent for the pu`�poses of the Storm Sewer System Charge Policy. ' For parcels larger than� 3/3 acre, the excess will be considered equal to park land and charged on an area basis. C. Condominiums and Townhouses � All condominium and townhouse `parcels have also been placed into a single land use c3assification to be charged on an equal per unit basis. A one acre parcel of townhouse units or condominium units has a standardized peak runoff rate equal to the standardized peak runoff rate for a one acre parcel of multiple unit dwellings. Unlike the `individual units in multiple dwellings, a condominium or townhouse unit is typically owned by a single entity or person. As a result, the Ramsey County Department of'Taxation bills condominium and townhouse units separate�.y despite the fact they may be part of a single structure. For the purpose of simplification in the billing process and to provide equity in the allocation of C.osts under this policy, a one acre parcel containing co�}dominium units and/or townhouse units is assumed to h�ve a density of 19 units per acre, which is the density of a typical multiple unit dwelling parcel. The per unit charge in Appendix B reflects this. -4- - , �;� � -��9 1. Calculation of the parcel 's peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determined by the methods outlined in the USDA Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55. The design storm shall be the USDA Soil Conservation Service 24 hour, Type II rainfall distribution for a 5 '� year storm in Saint Paul, utilizing the parcel's soil '��, group and a normal antecedent moisture condition. The �. total rainfall for this storm is 3 .60 inches. The data for this storm is given in Appendix C. 2.� If a parcel�s calculated peak stormwater runoff rate on � per acre basis differs from the rate listed in Table 1 more than 10�, the parcel's storm sewer system charge wi 1 be adjusted by the ratio of the actual runoff rate to e parcel's assigned peak runoff rate. 3 . Becau the change for 1 and 2 family residences under 1/3 acr , condominium and townhouses are not based on actual p cel acreage, no adjustment for peak rate of runoff di erences will be made. � 4. For parcels�ith public drainage easements, calculation of the peak s'tormwater runoff rate shall be based on the non-easement a`�ea. : C. Rate of Discharge Cr�dits � Where the peak stormwa�g r� runoff rate from a parcel is limited by on-site facil�,ities such as ponds that are owned and maintained by the prdperty owner, up to a 25$ reduction in the Storm Sewer System�arge may be granted in accordance with the followi g parameters: l. A 10� credit will be gran ed to parcels that provide on-site storage for the fi e year design storm that also limit its discharge to a ma imum of 1. 64 cfs per acre. Calculation of the peak sto water runoff rate shall be determined as outlined in Sec�tion V, B, 1. 2. An additional 15� credit will b granted to parcels that provide on-site storac�e for the 00 year design storm that also limit its discharge to maximum of 1.64 cfs per acre. Calculation of the parc 1 's peak stormwater runoff rate shall be determined by he methods outlined in the USDA Soil Conservation Servi Technical Release No. 55. The design storm shall be e USDA Soil Conservation Service 24 Hour, Type II ainfall distribution for a 100 year storm in S int Paul, utilizing the parcel's soil group and a normal antecedent moisture condition. The tota rainfall for this storm is 5.90 inches. The data for this storm is given in Appendix D. 3 . For parcels with public drainage easements, calculation of the peak stormwater runoff rate shall be based on the non-easement area. -6- , L�� "��g D. Multiple Credits Land use intensity credits and stormwater rate of discharge credits may be cumulative. If a parcel is entitled to both credits, the land use intensity credit will be applied first then the rate of discharge credit will be applied. E. Retroactivit C dit adjustments shall not be made retroactively. F. Inc ases A parc �s Storm Sewer System Charge shall be subject to increas as well as decreases by this procedure. G. S ecial C es For special nd unusual cases where the above procedures do not result in an appropriate storm sewer system charge, the Director of Pul�,lic Works, upon recommendation of his staff, has the authori�y to make adjustments consistent with the intent of the or�inance establishing the storm sewer system charge and with this policy. `�. H. Periodic Inspection'�.�nd Credit Ad'ustments � The Director of Publia Works reserves the right to inspect periodically all storm�'�-clrainage control facilities to ascertain that they aref�:operating properly. If such a system due to improper m�intenance or other reason, fails to detain stormwater runoff �n an effective manner, the director shall issue and or�cler to complete the repairs of the facility within 60 days.: If such repairs are not completed in a timely manner;� the director may eliminate or reduce detention credits to a� appropriate level. Any such facility shall not be eligible�to apply for Storm Sewer System Charqe adjustments for a�eriod of 12 months following any credit adjustment.�,� � � I. Land Use Change °� �a The issuance of any building permit r other action which changes or intensifies an existing la d use shall be cause for an adjustment of the Storm Sewer stem Charges to an appropriate level. J. Connected Rainleaders No credits will be given if a property has ainleaders (downspouts) , catch basins or any other sou e of clearwater discharge that is connected to the sanitary r combined sewer system. -7- � ��- ��9 �' APPENDIX A Pa e I of 3 �4 9 �;�� :1. -, The failowing Sub-l�ge Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classifica�,,on A `9aK ��� 42. Go i f Course �� 43. Recreation/Amusemen�rfacility 45. Culture & Nature Exhibit�•� 47. Marina `'� 70. Cemetery ���. S i. Vacant Land - Cammercial ,�"�, 82. Vacant Land - industriai ''��, 83. Vacant Land - Exempt �°y. SS. Radio & T.V. Tower '�, 89. HRA Vacant `°�,, 4 95. Vacant Land - Residential 99. Undef inable The f o I 1 ow i ng Sub-Usage Codes sha i 1 be p 1 aced `�, in Land Use Classification B: 55. Rai iroads � The f o 11 ow i ng Sub-Usage Codes sha 11 be p i aced �``, in Land Use Ciassif ication C: ` 90. Single Family 9 i. Duplex 93. Double Dwel i ing The foilowing Sub-Usage Codes shaii be piaced in Land Use Classification D: I. Condominiums (Including Co-op) 94. Townhouse � . ���-��� Appendix A Page 2 of 3 The fo owing 5ub-Usage Codes shail be placed in Land e Classification E: 71. School rimary/Secondary) 72. Coi lege/ iversi ty The following Sub sage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classifi tion F: 2. Apartment - Gard 3. Apartment - Walku 4. Apartment - Elevator''� 7. Nursing Home �'�, 8. Mobi le Home Park �� 9. Other Residences 36. Residential Garage/Shed '�t,{ 49. L ibrary �; 73. Church/Synagogue �"��, 76. Government Faci)i ty �;,, 77. Dorm i tory �' 78. Post 4f f ice 4''� 79. Fire Station '�� 92. Tripiex ' The foliowing Sub-Usage Codes shall be placed in Land Use Classif ication G: S. Hatei 6. Motel/Tourist Court 10. General Retaii & Service 11. Supermarket 12. Department/Discount Store 13. Commercial/Apartment 14. Lumber Yard & Buiiding Materiai � 1 S. Community/Strip Shopping - ������ Appendix A Page 3 of 3 16. Regional Shopping Center � 17. Restaurant/Bar 18. Fast Food Restaurant . Funerai Home 20. edicalOffice/Ciinic 21. G eral 1-Story/Walkup Of f ice 22. Gen ai Elevatar 4ff ice 23. Bank/ ings & Laan/Credit Union �4. Vet Clin , Hospital, Dispensary 25. Discaunt re 26. Tavern/CaFe Low Cost) 34. Gas Station 31. Auto Service Ce er/Garage 32. New Car Showroo 5erv i ce Garage 33. Boat & Other Vehicl Sales/Service 34. Car Wash � � 35. Park i ng Garage �"� 37. Parking Ramp �� 40. Theater 'b 41. Drive-In Theater 44. Sports and Pubi ic Assembly Fa i 1 ity 46. Club/Association Hall 48. Bowiing Ailey S0. Warehouse y� 51. Storage Tank/Tower '� 52. Grain Elevator � 53. Transportation Facility 54. Truck Term i na 1 56. Airport Faci 1 ity 57. Greenhause/Nursery 58. Mini-Storage Warehouse 60. Light Manufacturing 61. Heavy Manufacturing 62. Construction 5ervice Facility 63. Food/Drink Processing Facility 64. Research/Development/Testing Facility 74. Hospital 75. Weifare & Charitable Facility S0. Utility Service Facility 84. Misceilaneous . �� e�� APPENDIX B The C�ncil oF the City of 5aint Paul hereby adopts the following storm ,. sewer system rates for various Land Use Classifications within the city f or 1986: '� �'�. LAND USE 4`��,,� 1986 STORM SEWER CLASSIFICATION � EXAMPLES OF LAND USE SEWER RATE A Ceme ries, Golf Courses, �50.00 per acre Parks, improved Vacant Land and 1 & 2 amily Residential Land in exc s of 1/3 acre B. Railroads �90.00 per acre i � C. I & 2 Family Resid tiai $32.00 per parcel Properties less than 3 acre D. Condominiums and Townh uses t20.00 per unit � E. Public & Private Schools \� s275.00 per acre and Community Centers `�y :ti F. Multipie Dwellings, Churches, ��370.00 per acre Synagogues and Government '�, Buildings '� � G. Commercial and industriai t50 . 0 per acre �, *�, \ , � C�=-� -�''�� � � �x c `�,� n�w�t�i oaa�wt�w�•s�. sca� �n sc � � �,�, Rainfall Intensity in inches/hour �. Hrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Hrs 0 � 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 � 1 1 � 0.036 0.036 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 � 2 2 � 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.047 0.047 � 3 3 � 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.054 0.054 � 4 4 � 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.058 0.058 � 5 5 � 0.058 0.061 0.061 0.067 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 0.061 � 6 b � o.oba o.0�2 o.o�z o.o�z o.0�2 o.o�z o.o7z o.072 o.o�z o.072 � � 7 � 0.072 o.o7z o.orz o.o7z o.o�z o.072 o.o�z o.o�z o.072 o.o�z � s 8 � 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.108 0.108 � 9 9 � 0.108 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.126 0.144 � 10 10 � 0.744 0.744 0.180 0.180 0.780 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.252 � 11 11 � 0.252 0.288 0.288 0.324 0.576 0.972 1.620 2.340 6.120 2.628 � 12 12 � 0.792 0.540 0.540 0.360 0.3b0 0.360 0.288 0.252 0.216 0.276 � 13 13 � 0.216 0.216 0.216 0.180 0.158 0.155 0.155 0.144 0.144 0.744 � 14 14 � 0.744 0.126 0.126 0.122 0.122 0.115 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 � 15 15 � 0.708 0.108 0.108 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 � 16 16 � 0.090 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 � 77 t� � o.o�z o.o7z o.o�z o.o�z o.o�z o.o7z o.o7z o.o�z o.o�z o.072 � �s 18 � 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 � 19 19 � 0.054 0.050 0.050 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 � 20 20 � 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 21 21 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 22 22 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 23 23 � 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 � 24 w,rs**,r*,r*,r**,t***,r*w*,t,t,t«,r,r,e,r,r**,t*,t*tr**,r*****,r*,►***,e******,t****,r,r*,r**,r**,►*,r*,r,r�rws,►*w* Cumulative Rainfall in inches Nrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Hrs 0 � 0.0036 0.0072 0.0108 0.0144 0.0180 0.0216 0.0252 0.0288 0.0324 0.0360 � 1 1 � 0.0396 0.0432 0.0477 0.0522 0.0567 0.0612 0.0657 0.0702 0.0747 0.0792 � 2 2 � 0.0837 0.0882 0.0927 0.0972 0.1017 0.1062 0.1107 0.1152 ��.1199 0.1246 � 3 3 � 0.1292 0.7339 0.1386 0.1433 0.1480 0.7526 0.1573 Q,1620 0:`1674 0.1728 � 4 4 � 0.1782 0.1836 0.1890 0.1944 0.1998 0.2052 0.2106 0.2160 O.Z�18 0.2275 � 5 5 � 0.2333 0.2394 0.2455 0.2516 0.2578 0.2639 0.2700 0.2761 0.28 2 0.2884 � b 6 � 0.2952 0.3024 0.3096 0.3168 0.3240 0.3312 0.3384 0.3456 0.352 0.3600 � 7 7 � 0.3672 0.3744 0.3816 0.3888 0.3960 0.4032 0.4104 0.4776 0.4248 4320 � 8 8 � 0.4410 0.4500 0.4590 0.4680 0.4770 0.4860 0.4950 0.5040 0.5148 0. 256 � 9 9 � 0.5364 0.5490 0.5616 0.5742 0.5868 0.5994 0.6120 0.6246 0.6372 0.6 76 � 10 10 � 0.6660 0.6804 0.6984 0.7164 0.7344 0.7560 0.7776 0.7992 0.8208 0.84 � 11 11 � 0.8712 0.9000 0.9288 0.9612 1.0188 1.1160 1.2780 1.5120 2.1240 2.3 12 12 � 2.4660 2.5200 2.5740 2.6100 2.6460 2.6820 2.7108 2.7360 2.7576 2.7792 3 13 � 2.8008 2.8224 2.8440 2.8620 2.8778 2.8933 2.9088 2.9232 2.9376 2.9520 � 1 14 � 2.9664 2.9790 2.9916 3.0038 3.0161 3.0276 3.0384 3.0492 3.0600 3.0708 � 15 15 � 3.0816 3.0924 3.1032 3.1122 3.1212 3.1302 3.1392 3.1482 3.1572 3.1662 � 16 16 � 3.1752 3.7824 3.1896 3.1968 3.2040 3.2112 3.2784 3.2256 3.2328 3.2400 � 17 17 � 3.2472 3.2544 3.2616 3.2688 3.2760 3.2832 3.2904 3.2976 3.3048 3.3120 � 18 18 � 3.3192 3.3264 3.3336 3.3408 3.3480 3.3538 3.3595 3.3653 3.3710 3.3768 � 19 19 � 3.3822 3.3872 3.3923 3.3970 3.4016 3.4063 3.4110 3.4157 3.4204 3.4250 � 20 20 � 3.4297 3.4344 3.4391 3.4438 3.4484 3.4537 3.4574 3.4618 3.4667 3.4704 � 21 21 � 3.4747 3.4790 3.4834 3.4877 3.4920 3.4963 3.5006 3.5050 3.5093 3.5136 � 22 22 � 3.51T9 3.5222 3.5266 3.5309 3.5352 3.5395 3.5438 3.5482 3.5525 3.5568 � 23 23 � 3.5611 3.5654 3.569a 3.57L1 3.5784 3.582T 3.5870 3.5914 3.5957 3.6000 � 24 •w,e«,r,wrwwwwswww�rw,i►,ewwrs w,k,►rr,rw*w**w*w*r«,w,w+r,�r+r+eswwwww*wwwwrw»wswtww,w v k Nl�Mx 0 �--� f�I�' i�MNal i Dhtr�tNn t�r� 100�'. St�or'�n in St P�ui Rainfall Intensity in inches/hour --- Hrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Hrs ,, 0 � 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 � 1 "` 1 � 0.059 0.059 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 � 2 °� � 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.077 0.077 � 3 3 r 0.077 O.orr o.on o.on o.on o.077 0.077 0.077 0.089 0.089 � 4 4 � 0'�A89 0.089 0.088 0.089 0.088 0.089 0.089 0.089 0.094 0.094 � 5 5 � 0.094 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.700 0.100 0.100 � 6 6 � 0.112 U.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 � 7 T � 0.118 0.'9,18 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.718 0.118 0.118 � 8 8 � 0.147 0.148 0.147 0.147 0.148 0.148 0.147 0.148 0.177 0.177 � 9 9 � 0.177 0.206 0.206 0.207 0.206 0.207 0.206 0.207 0.207 0.236 � 10 10 � 0.236 0.236 0.295 0.295 0.295 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.354 0.413 � 11 11 � 0.413 0.472 0.4'l,2 0.531 0.944 1.593 2.655 3.83510.030 4.307 � 12 12 � 1.298 0.885 0.885 Q.590 0.590 0.590 0.472 0.413 0.354 0.354 � 13 13 � 0.354 0.354 0.354 0�`295 0.260 0.254 0.254 0.236 0.236 0.236 � 14 14 � 0.236 0.206 0.206 0.20_1 0.201 0.189 0.177 0.177 0.177 0.177 � 15 15 � 0.777 0.177 0.177 0.148'A.147 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 0.148 � 16 16 � 0.748 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.178 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 � 17 17 � 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 O.T7,8 0.178 0.118 0.118 0.178 0.118 � 18 18 � 0.718 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.718 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 � 19 19 � 0.089 0.083 0.083 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 � 20 20 � 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.077 0.071 0.071 0.077 0.071 � 21 21 � 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.079 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 � 22 22 � 0.071 0.071 0.077 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 � 23 23 � 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.071 � 24 •*w,r,r*rr***********,t,r,t,r*,r,►rr***,r,r*,t***,r,r,e,t*,r***,r,r*,r,r*****vr*,r*,r*tr***w,r***,r****w�wtw,►w*,r Cumulative Rainfall in inches Nrs � 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 � Nrs 0 � 0.0059 0.0118 0.0177 0.0236 0.0295 0.0354 0.0413 0.0472 0.0531 0.0590 � 1 1 � 0.0649 0.0708 0.0782 0.0855 0.0929 0.1003 0.1077 0.1150 0.1224 0.1298 � 2 2 � 0.1372 0.7445 0.7519 0.1593 0.1667 0.1740 0.1814 0.1888 0.1965 0.2047 � 3 3 � 0.2118 0.2195 0.2277 0.23�48 0.2425 0.2502 0.2578 0.2b55 0.2743 0.2832 � 4 4 �-0.2920 0.3009 0.309T 0.3186 0.3274 0.3363 0.3451 -0.35�+Q 0.3634 0.3729 � 5 5 I 0.3823 0.3923 0.4024 0.4124 0.4224 0.4325 0.4425 0.4525` 0.4626 0.4726 � 6 6 � 0.4838 0.4956 0.5074 0.5192 0.5370 0.5428 0.5546 0.5664 5782 0.5900 � 7 7 � 0.6018 0.6136 0.6254 0.6372 0.6490 0.6608 0.6726 0.6844 0. 962 0.7080 � 8 8 � 0.7227 0.7375 0.7522 0.7670 0.7817 0.7965 0.8172 0.8260 0. 7 0.8614 � 9 9 � 0.8797 0.8997 0.9204 0.9410 0.9617 0.9823 1.0030 7.0236 1.0443 1.0679 � 10 10 � 1.0975 1.1151 1.1446 1.1741 1.2036 7.2390 7.2744 1.3098 1.3452 1.3865 � 11 11 � 7.4278 1.4750 1.5222 1.5753 7.6697 1.8290 2.0945 2.4780 3.4810 3.9777 � 12 12 � 4.0415 4.1300 4.2785 4.2775 4.3365 4.3955 4.4427 4.4840 4.5194 4.5548 � 13 13 � 4.5902 4.6256 4.6610 4.6905 4.7165 4.7418 4.7672 4.7908 4.8144 4.8380 � 14 14 � 4.8616 4.8822 4.9029 4.9230 4.9430 4.9619 4.9796 4.9973 5.0150 5.0327 � 15 15 � 5.0504 5.0681 5.0858 5.1005 5.1753 5.1300 5.7448 5.7595 5.1743 5.1890 � �16 16 � 5.2038 5.2156 5.2274 5.2392 5.2570 5.2628 5.2746 5.2864 5.2982 5.3100 � 17 17 � 5.3218 5.3336 5.3454 5.3572 5.3690 5.3808 5.3926 5.4044 5.4162 5.4280 � 18 18 � 5.4398 5.4516 5.4634 5.4752 5.4870 5.4964 5.5059 5.5753 5.5248 5.5342 � 19 19 � 5.5430 5.5513 5.5596 5.5672 5.5749 5.5826 5.5902 5.5979 5.6056 5.6133 � 20 20 � 5.6209 5.6286 5.6363 5.6439 5.6516 5.6593 5.6664 5.6734 5.6805 5.6876 � 21 27 � 5.6947 5.7018 5.7088 5.7159 5.7230 5.7301 5.7372 5.7442 5.7513 5.7584 � 22 22 � 5.7655 5.7726 5.7796 5.7867 5.7938 5.8009 5.8080 5.8150 5.8221 5.8292 � 23 23 � 5.8363 5.8434 5.a504 5.8575 5.8646 5.8717 5.a7� 5.S85a 5.�29 5.9000 � 24 rwww..:rw.w.w..�r.,.*w.,►,rww,r•ww.ww.....w«w.w««,twwwwwwwwn►s.wwwww.w««www.w«.ww...iw+.w+ . . . . -r�..�,. � . , z:::� _ . . � ��-��� . �� � � . 5 � BURUNGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD 2600 Continental Plaza 777 Main Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT Telephone (817)87$-7009 Jw�e 21, i�86 Ma,yor George Cattf�r� City kal1, Rc�ar+ 3�47 St. Paul, �litmesota 55202 Mf. Ylctar Teclesco �r. Ct�rfs Nicasfa Pres 9 de�nt - Cf t� ��+�c i 1 Cha i nna� � Pt�bt ic �iarlcs Ct�i tte� C#ty N,�11. R� 72t? C i ty t�ta i 1, Rt�tam 7t31 S�. Fau1 s M��t1tlSOta 551Q2 St. Pi��� MflltteS0ts1 55If?2 6entle�a: � R�f�rence is �ade ta the prmpased sto�a se�r systt� ch�rges rhich are sc?��dul�d for pttbtic hear'�g:31r�'�29, �.� �.� Th� pra}�rty af the Bur]i�gt�n �r��.� .� railrflad, is prapasa4 tcr be chargBd at a r�a�� vf $9fl per acre. I �1d lfke to ��qnest a re�r#ew o� that rate. - � Bur��r�qtan �{orthern's r#ght-�f-�► woaT� �c�ably ct►��tt�ibuL+� no aare rain rrater run-off thar� a golf eourse or a p�rk. Furtl�er, a 1arg� aa�punt of its �roperty (Da�rtcu�s B1uff Ya�rd arex� fs located �n the , �lissf�si�1 River Flood Plain arM eu�y nerrer l+��ef#t �ro� a star� s�r _ systen�. F1 el811y� thel"e �S � C1 ty S�t?P� Se1�4t' T�R-t�ff p0� 1 o�at�e! E�R �bo�t 15 acr+es of SI� prroparty in �he Midw�t,y area. It �s r�nlikely that pr�perty can De ussd far dny other purpQSe, � For the abcrve reasons, i r�w1d lik� ta r�esL th�t the �r�osed cha�rg� aga�nst Bnrli�gton �iorthern Rallroad be reddced t� x5t1 per acrr�. I appneciate a�y conslderatl� y� ma�r give thts r�qtsest. - �. S#t�er��y, .�'—� � �,,,-� ,� _-�� . . _„_,.,_.._... . .. ..�. � � q."� .. � ,.- . . . . ' . � ' . .. �Tl ,�. r ;�.� � r N. .Durrr�d Cochrum ` _� a' � �Directqr toca�] Assessa�ents '� � .. , � ' i-r7 a JM�f Sg . �' cx'rn / m cc: V�luation � Assess�er�ts Ci�y C'Ierks fl#fice�/ ` C�ty Ha11, R�n 2I8 C1 t,� Na1�, Roaa 38€� St. Paul , M1 nnesota 551t32 St. Aa�1. �ff�rnesota� �51Q2 � ���� ��� Yomben+: Chtrs Nlcnele, Chalr (iITY UF �S.E111T't` I.�A UL Jen1�e eattman ii 1111 &kt 9onnen ���1�'I�' OFFI�IC OP' 2`FI11: CITY COUN(7IL John Drew (Alk) Date: June 11, 1986 � : � � Commit�l,ee Re ort p , . . . To: Saint Paul City Council From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The� F'ut�1 i c Wor-ks Commi ttee at i ts meet i ng oF June l 1 , 1986 taok the folluwing action: He�:ir i ny Date 1 . 6/24/86 VACA1"ION: Petition of Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the vacatton of the alley in Hlnkens Rear-rangement bounded by Cedar, Como, Charles �ncJ C�pitol F�eights. Purpose is for construction of Bethesda HosF�i ta 1 E 1 der 1 y Flous i ng F'ro,ject. Recarnrtierided a�prov�I . Z, 6/24/86 FINAL f�RDER: Construrtion of sewe�r and/or water r_onnections at tl7e following properties on BURLINGTON Road: 561 and 569 Burlington Ro�d. Recommended approval . 3. 6/24/86 FINAL ORUER: Improving BENSON AVENUE from 450 feet er�st of Horner Street tb Glen Terrace by grading, paving, cons tr�uc t.i nc� curb and gutter and storm sewr-�►-. A 1 so installation of wat.er main in Benson Avenue f'rom Glen T�rracP to 480 feet west oF vacated Leland Street. Also, construr.:tion of water service connectic�ns. Also, slope construction in tf�e grading and paving of Benson Avenue from 450 feet east of Homer 5treet to Glen Terrace. RecommendPd approval with the delet.ion of t.fie lanyu:�ge "Also, construction of water service connections". ,' 4. 6/2�/66 FINAL ORDER: Improviny MARYLAND AVENUE frorn Burnquist Street to ProspPrity Avenue by c7rinding � anrJ overlay. Recommended approval . 5, Policy and Rates for STORM SEWER SYSTEM CNA�tGE. Recomd�e�"rcfed epprova i . 6, RESOLUTION: authorizing a $40.00 rebate to family homes tfiat disconnect their rainleaders. Recommended approval . 7. RESOLUTION: abatin!� strp�t m�intpn�ncp �5�e��m�n� in.thp amount of $20U.46 in tlie years as 1 isted and Y�'quf'Stlrlg Ramsey County to include these as exem�+t assessments for t.he City of St. Paul (�roF�er-ty in Block 1 , Coleman Park acquired for Bluff Preservation) . Recommended approval . (�, ORDINANCE: granting permission to Historic Landm��rks for � iving to construct. operate and maint�in a stair-way witli liandrails into the sidewalk on E. 5th Street between Wacouta and Wall Streets. : A� tl�e�� was no one present from the department, _ tfii�� was laid over. � � 9, ORDINANCE: granting permission to St. Patrick's Cliurch to � construct, oper�te and maintain telephone cable under and .' across Desoto Street. � As there was no one present from the department, � this wa�s 'laid over. � � COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ITEM I lp. Presentation by Public Works staff on what they are doing with compurers and infrastructure. ' No ac t i or� r-e�7u i r ec1. i _ , _ w:a17E — CfTY� C4ERK' .- ' .. � .. �'.. ,.,.�: ' .::_.. '... � ,_•. . : .,,�_ . . — _ _.__ . _. . �.�..;. ._ - .. . . � .. �. . . . ';' ' . . . .,.:.. � -., 1`. .. ;. . i . ._._�� ta `.;. CtNK -. FINANCE ' '. � . � •.� � . ." . . .'. COUI�CIl �..� ' �., � •:.,., '� � .� �"""R� _ oEp"RT""E"T G�TTY OF SA I NT PAUL � e NO. �� — 'JS/ B'�UE ' —MAYOR - � A , - r�ouneil �-Resolution - . . � �-�-� �1g Presented By ✓.' .,->�..�.• r • -. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By pate E�ER�Ss the Citp of �a3.�tt Paui �s ir�s2e�entgd ar�d � ��tab].is� 2t Storm Sewer S�s� �rg+� ��� tl�e pc�pc�se of : �Y�4 €or � cvn�tr�tiaa, r�nst�tf.on, re�a�r, eu�arc�e�t -- _ ` a�ad 3.s�a�ov�ents aecess�ta�� 3�q #he 's�parat�oa� o� �I�es �c�i�d ��r syst�m ixt Sai�a�. �an� �r� for t�i� maznt�n�ce„ ap�r�t�o� - and use o� th� separated ��r:� se� sysee�; a�c� �� $S IT �4�.�r the City �nci2 �� � �.��5 � o� Saf.�►t Psul ��:a3.I ho�.d � �bl.ic ��i�tg c� �as� 3�l �.��6 at 14:OQ �..1�.. in the �+�an.cil Ch��s, 3� ��.,oc>r# ��tgr �a�I3. and �aurthause, tv ra�s�.dea �.� a�'�ian c�f �i�ty �IIg.+� r�c'�-- iRq �c eskab3.is��� - Qf t�e �i�r� i�a►�r Sea�r e`�arg� gr�gr�c.. irrclading th� determinatiari �d +�a�,cm�atiQn a� ���d �arge _ aad gui�eli��s �nd gz�oc�d�r�� f�ar re�i�r o� the�+e charges, aa�d � BP. I� F�t� �sobv�� �t �� �a�e �ear3�.x�g �?te Citp - � ��cil �h��.I �sta�l�.sh a�d �et+�rm�.�a �.� Stt�z� Se�r�r �steae �:es fo� a�I �r�pesti.es r��thin ir.�� Ci'� a� 5�int ��tt1 f�t t.?�� ���� ��xs� �.r ��� �hat�gs. r. _ f, _ , .. f� COUNCILMEN Yeas �r� Nays Requested by Departmentjof: PJicosia � [R F8V0[ l r ��i ` � `4 � �_�. Rettman ,,.--^�y � ,. ' Scheib.el ' `' Sonnen �� Against BY ;-�. f� �.-,.��'j!."'Z Tedescts . . �� � Wiison t *���y � — �� Form Approved by City Attorney F,dopted by Council: Date �},� � Certifiro Passed by.Council Secretary Y � •�^` '� B �. .. �, �f ,�- Fjy — t� .J'-/".�- -J� i}"�'� �.:- Approved 'c,y 1�1avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii Ey _ By - : �. - , � � . ,.. - . . w...._��._..._.�...�... � . _ • ,_. _ _: . :_ . � ;.: V.n�3 S!� r�...wxnqqn , • `��G ��!I `�.♦��ff ��.y���i �,• .�;= CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,� �� �� DEPARTMENT OF fINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES .,r• w�� '•,�„ ,..• = VALUATION DIVISION "+T��„�p°'�`` 21A City Hdll GEORGE L/1TIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-298-5317 To: Victor Tedesco, Council President and Members of t ity Council From: Edward J. Warn Civil Engineer Valuations & Assessments Date: June 18, 1986 Re: STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE Attached for your information is a copy of a final draft of the public notice and invoice for the new storm sewer system charge. We have secured the services of a mailing company who will professionally prepare and mail this notice with their respective amounts of charge to all property owners approximately July 15, 1986. Both Roy Bredahl, Sewer Engineer and I will be present at the Council meeting on Thursday, June 19th to answer any questions that may come up in the public hearing on the Storm Sewer ,System Policy, Rates or mailing. EJW:dm cc : Mayor George Latimer Roy Bredahl �� - -- Attach. � w -�, _....._.. � _ -� r� �.,-, o � .. (StormSewerSystem) - ._ - ,.� / � �� ����� WHERE WILL SEWERS BEBUILT? Nearly half the cily will get new sewers over the next len years. For 1987,Public _ . •-:�.:::.....:::::::::::� Works is pianning e�ghl major projecfs: �� .. St. Anthony Park Sewer ��� •• �,��� ./ Near the Raymond Ave. Bridge. i Miss. River Blvd.Sewer •° •••° ./ Around Randolph and Snelling;and � i ' ,/ Around Olis. Trout Brook Sewer ✓ By Elmhursl Cemelery;and .� Cenfered around Arkwrighl ; , and Arlington. � Phalen Creek Sewer ✓ Between Minnehaha and Easf 7th. Riverview Sewer ,/ Around Roberi;around Concord. � Belt Line Sewer ./ Around E.Marylantl and Flandrau. ,r,.o� ' '`'�"' havemore �'� quesfions The Metropolitan Waste Control Commis- '- '�. abo��u,e, I sion is also buiiding sewers in 1987. The City's Public Works sewer program,caN ' TROUT BROOK INTERCEPTOR�utts IheSewerDivision along 35E from Lafayette Rd.to Maryland, af298-5421. then west along raiiroad tracks to Arundel. I . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPT. OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 218 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 � __ � i d�aH ano,� �sa� ��,�� � 111i1� �_ '�, , ► ' , �� �' ::;t :::: ��.-��.. ;; s �J C� �i��lau �W >��:> �, J:::::::`_:::: >:�:::::::::::::::::�:::��� d�aH ano� spaaN pu� saannas nnaN �uip�in8 s� �n�d �ui�s zo�ss r�w'�(lb'd1NItfS ��dHUi�s�z S3�1/1�3S 1N3W3JdNdW C1Nd 3�NbNl� �O 'ld3a lfldd 1NIdS �O J�ll� , � CITY � � . �� � O -` , � o � � iii��� ���II ro � �� h� � Ag�4