86-792 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council --• /� CAPi-ARV - D�`PARTMENT File NO. � � ^��^�� BLUE� - MA1'OR ' • � ' , � ��n�nce Ordinance N 0. �7���a Presented By ."� �"J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance i3o. 17299, Council File No. 85-877, adop�ed October 15, 1985 pertaining to the regulation and licensing of persons engaged in the business of applying lawn fertilizers or pesticides. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 17299 , Council File No. 85-877 adopted October 15 , 1985, be and the same is hereby amended to read as �'ol lows: Section 2. [License Required. ] No person shall engage in the business of lawn fertilizer or lawn pesticide applica- tion in Saint Paul without a license issued by the City of Saint Paul . [Council Approval . ] All City programs for pes�Cicide use shall b� reviewed and approved by the City Council prior to any application upon City property. Section 2 . That ordinance No. 17299 , Council File No. 85-877 , adopted October 15 , 1985 , be and the same is hereby amended so as to add the following new section thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman s�ne'bei A gai ns t BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��- �� ���QQ+�- 7��'8�0 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT YAUL Council /A/ � CAN�,RY - D'�PARTMEN T File . N O. (,�� ` �� BLUE� - MAWOR _ � Ordin�nce Ordinance r)�. �7��� Presented By����"'^ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pesticide applications : posting. Al1 persons who apply pesticides outdoors are required to assert or affix warn- ing flags on the street frontage of the property so treated. The warning flags must protrude a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the grass line or grade line, whichever is higher. The warning flags must be of a material rain resistant for at least a 72-hour period. The information printed on the sign must have letters measuring at least 3/4 inch. The letters shall be in black on a white field with all letters capitalized and shall provide the following information: (1 ) The name and telephone number of the company providing the pesticide or, if not a company, the name and telephone number of the person having done the application. (2) The date of application. (3) The following language: '�This lawn chemically treated. Keep children and pets of�' for 72 hours. " The sign may also include the name of the pesticide used. The sign shall be posted on the lawn or yard no closer than two feet from the sidewalk or right of way and no further than five feet from 'che sidewalk or right of way. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen 7!d!lee+ Wilson / JUL � 0 i986 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass d b cil S r ta By L�' N• 7—�'B� By Appro y ayor: Dat � �� � r � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PUB�ISHEO J U L 1 91986 , �_�. ��.2 • , , . /73 7 � ,,��*_ �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL A• •► OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � '�r � ���,��'� C G ?o „� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY G°���� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 1 , 1986 j�e � �l t-�ov��r t� '��F 1 V����_ — � ��Vl/ M E M O R A N D U M COUhCiL MEf�13ER KIKI SO(VhEN TO: Council Member Kiki Sonnen 722 City Hall FROM: Jane A. McPeak J� Deputy City Attorney RE: Pesticide Ordinance Enclosed please find a clean copy of the pesticide ordinance. You will note that I have deleted the Public Housing Agency (PHA) and Independent School District No. 625 (ISD No. 625) as entities which must obtain City Council approval for programs for pesticide use. After the Council meeting on Thursday, I did some research and thought about the legality of including PHA and ISD No. 625. In my opinion they may not be included without including other entities similarly situated. It would be a denial of equal pro- tection to single out, for example, ISD No. 625 and not include all schools , day care centers, camps, etc. where groups of children spend significant amounts of time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but ask that at this Thursday' s (July 3) Council meeting you move to delete the PHA and ISD No. 625. JAM: jr Enc. cc : Members of the City Council Edward P. Starr . . G���- 7�2 � r��v PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY OF THE CiTY OF SAINT PAUL PHA380 B�emer Building•419 North Robert Street.Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 •Pho�e(612) 298•566H July 1, 1986 � `„y c � �� r -: The Honorable William Wilson ` �. '""� Room 718 City Hall � �, 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard : t�f r= St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ;`:.' v _:�:; - __ . ___;, .�;:. Re: Amendment to the Pesticide Ordinance All Public Housing i� �, Dear Councilperson Wilson: . '� We were recently informed that the City Council intends to amend their proposed amendment requiring sign posting �or pesticide application to incl�de City Council app�oval whenever the Public Housing Agency staff or contractors apply pesticides. We have some concern that this may delay or prevent pest and weed control, which in turn may cause the PHA p�operties to detract from their neighborhoods' appearance. We have several questions on the adv�.sability of including the PHA properties under the requirement for City Council approval prior to any appiication of pesticide: 1. The present City Council may be very knowledgeable about pesticides, methods of applying and problems, but we would question whether future Council members would be so knowledgeable on this specific item. It would a�pear to add another work item for the City Council. Perhaps the Council 's concerns could be addressed better by having experts in the hazards of and application of pesticides review and approve guidelines £or the PHA to follow. 2. The PHA pesticides program may vary with budget approvals which vary with the whims o£ HUD. For exam ple, our bud�et that was required to be submitted by January 1, �986 was approved by HUD (with changes) in June of 1986. So whatever we may submit for City Council action before pesticides are needed may need revising after HUD's budget approval, or it may be too late to even revise the program and still allow the City Council time for approval. 3. The ordinance will add to PHA costs in staff time in preparation and in coordinating the best program with various possible contractors. Letter to City Council �—'�' 7�Z .r�iY ,, ,9s6 /'j.��d .. , Page 2 of 2 �. Without knowing what is acceptable in the progr�.m in �.dvance and without our knowing who will be the low bidders, a final program approval may be a long process. It would appear that the guide for program approval should be given in advance and then followed, rather that leave it up to a vote of City Council for each year's program. The ordinance as written may allow a standing program to be approved by City Council even though new information on materials etc. may be learned l�ter. With the above complications it may be in the PHA's best interest to forego pest and weed control. We assume that City Council approval would not be required for fertilizer applications. If there are questions please call Russell Harju at 298-�i�81. Sincerely, l i:� , !�l'.c��-1� � /--�-,�—:�-�—�- f�"'-Marshall D. Anderson C� % Executive Director Councilmembers CC: Kiki Sonnen John Drew Janice Rettman Chris Nicosia James Scheibel Victor Tedesco William Wilson Albert B. Olson, City Clerk � ARtI/m t 1 cc:File:Jerry Hendrickson:Jene Sigvertson St. Paul Public Schools:ARH � ��7�� A n�sr.;iC1 b^ .._:._.:-; - _. . . .� _ . . , . ....... -.-' ... . �.'�ticide Control �inally Tops the E.P.A.'s List of Most Pressing Problems ri '1'fw t> ' ��.. s to•q� - W E.P.A. uzni�. ...��P SHABEWFF � '1.08� of fiBum,a6oltt over t0e kst two to thlee del' l� r�n.w.v«t rrr ' Ppmds Pastlddee a�Himdrads of peaticldea were ap �8 M "oo�imrlY busioe�a mwt- Liu•vr }!�L?M . � mdrads WASFSINGTON, Mereh 5 —This 1nt6isoamtcyin1981.nxr�Ydw� m tGe buts o}tasta by Indue- 1n�• wlth E.P.A. a16d�la in tl�t Sroar.�rly 25 yean�ltQ Ra��el Car. f s%�^:.''� �� le t6e amamt in IB84. uW Bioteat Laborator[es thst a caurt �erbd w tailc about Alar sod at6s a�Cuat warncd ot daoger in ha book M o e t o t t h e eapeita inteiviewed ssW later tamd wae tcavdulmt ptodocfs.If the meeNOgi rmWtad fe a ••Silmt Spiiog,•• the finvuwmmhl ..=;.�*...� thme were rdatively tew�ellaDle atnd- But Mr.Heabrook ot t6e Natiao�l slowing ot tbe�gulatrnY P�� �iunHB�Y�+sP�Po1►�W y'a��� a P�da' etfect m Wmana. Academy of Scieaas sald�the pesti- Al�r,shew141twaabecraseota�nw Pestidqas at the P� Evidmce that they pn cauee,pnoer cidea ���[op M its ilst of mast comes Wetly hom ustn�aoimals. addipg,••�an�lostltutimd�- o��grsc6edt��t ID�m Ond� �* "WehsvedmeaverYP�'l�otool- tlm W blioic.^ . lrst A�an�g OtmajorMsuadiettibuted Y'�T.aftei Dr.Moote soA Mr. m'Ic�r�B�Sr omcfab ey me a8mcy's ��s�awem+o�aAcv mcmmanon oo �wa p�mbi�mm�� ��am.�they�vm�posea m.��be .A Lee M.T6omss.Places � `a¢ . C�hatla�,�iive dirxtor tirst two ot the R 'in_ . fVU"Y paettiou oomUOl Ot peeN. Ya� esg�n Adminis- hamro0 becatue of t6e c�oat stadlet. o}the agricWMa1 DoaM Ot the Na. tnd�. A mimber M dNe�'�'c�]Y m oommercisl me. tlmal Audemy ot Scimas."Bvt the thpugryts were itiPPmPrisu►Y� Bpa el�revlewcd ,the sddfee and�aabd . ��U��r.eB�cr oendals.aw. wtlgbt of evidena is cl�r:E�u+o co�UUs :etrorss`to`�ol air.m.v.ter pollu- w yesuaae is a«me or ooca.^ �'Q1•wa�o.7.ee�s sat ther were wo awea eor uee in aw� wd adm e�`Am1.�Im w�ae.vaete over- : mgWanon on tne b�oc mmeny.na iegw.uom.l�r�ng a wn.. . shado�rcd t6e pmgram for iegulaUpg _ ��;.� Dr.Raorld J.PmkoPY.a P�'oi let's let tix staus m�ke their own ded•� In Ienuaty.the�gem.y ama�mosG h mwmology at the Univetsityd Masea- dms:' 6e said. wae Isviog t6e ptod�t m t6e m�rloey �v�►�?a'v�e w pe.naars.r�oe.l�lsr. . cnu�ts.sata tbe cou m Buaa.�.Inw. Mr.smaaoo.s.w.ana critla a the wisn eome ratrlctiam.ana o,dacea 1LO�as�ahd aher otlfdale py the � in the 19611eakot a pestitlAe iog�edimt agmcy ageeed,Nat tlkre 6ad sloce moro studim.It no flttther evldenoe d �as�N�`t�wr be�miog w nte sne �«xa m�y a smau potnon a rbe �a m.)or wmnoum.rna pestl- d�ger is vxoduoed.ic wu�rem.m a act[dbnebaeweytoptotactthepubiic numberothumeostha[areP�bY cWe P+a6� �P�s to themarket.ltaewr�aeecchiediabs MS"�vlMttte fiom the eltens ut pestl.� .� year•• Mme ehen submtt dats tor ci&s:ttie�rrwa urm the ariews ux � ..i'��.....�.,. P��1aes evay aecermwng wheeeer t[ous�uoxr.n wowa ee�emove4 °� 2.000 peopk Ned in B6opa1 aod I50.000 cLmicais a6ould sta m for imectldtlm.hertlddes.hmg(cides . Y Ne martet. but the pmcass wWd talce as!mg�c ...�n�n...,.�...,cals wed to c�bat usran..�.o.e.um.i ,r,�ie� ��f�• C o m p a des t 6 a t d ona a u b m it t 6 e l o t o r- lour more yeus.or 19 yesn eher i� He dted eetlmata by the world matioamuets[op�ellingthepmduct. pafs,---- . Iwe M.'Ihoma�,hs�0 M ths EevF� Dr.7ackA.Mw�e,the E.P.A.a�- Hcelth OrgaNutlon that 500.000 people ••g����••�p�e�y�. ��waa Nrat warned o[poWble Eovi�mmtalists. admtbts aod [a�mtal ProteWan A6�9• � eiti in c6n{eotpastlddp, a year wae atteeted�ch Y'�'bY Q- ated to d�rmine it p¢od��en pase an ••Alar ve+Y��9 P�ts aut tla ah�e�perts in[eiviewed reunttyeaia � �posw�e to prsticlde and ac lsst s.000 �meamable rlsk w ha►th.Mr.Schat- qiwndary a dealing wlm old verns 1�tLP'aat M patleldea w pobiic healffi� mw said.He end other ageocy ofticials new rhemicals,^Dr.Mome Wd.°U tt aod''the��vironmmt had incmesed m��involved.Tmcic waste farm waairois a ynr io this oamvY Dr.Moore M the E.P.A.esid Nat Wd the avient arm'slmgth reletlar wae a�w�emical lt woWd have m svit�h NNevre In the laet quarter am- 4�P8 maY attect a tew thoosand peo-wrereattecccd by pesticide poisaning. P�ddeR�e gmeisliy eate it ueed s6f w!ffi t6e oed 3iup..lheY esid the Goveinmeot had eo P�e who live aramd them.But virtuapy 92M 8�B�W�m P�cides. propKly but added,••Certain mes and no pthe ase�m the R�ngan Ad- able�bdme be4fg la m tdeHm�rla�.� �faz`'�M ZQ'4IlY���f�- �C�Y�e ID�W P!B(�C�AlB.�' !�!M NmCblf!C!�!A m UIIB COO�- p�g�C!&IDHy D!Im6BIl.��HE OO[!Q vIG �i�e�K 19Z2 ro peotcat PeoPt��od t6e A number ot developmmts in recent try.w developiog wimnies w6ae[heY case of miofatratfan.Tlx regWaton have alw Uniroysl said It had caoducted mwy lat�d.eir.aater and wildllte 6om t�e� Y�s Wve added new et6plme dibromlde.a fumiBan� mtered hu�o negodatims aimed at teats a�tam4 t6e product uta. urgmcy to the often are wcmtroiled. uxd am gnin aod inut that is sus. ,che�idb:�. . , need W tegWate P�+udda. experp The patldde i�ustt'Y disWtes the P�d ot causfog oncer in h�aos.It bra��er envfi'�memtal emca�ns.suel� c1E.P.A.otticials ondOthoreocpe�ts.io- .:r'tama:srltla actoowledged that �s+Y.�m8 th��xe these:. -et[ects m tum workecs. Buc it w was Denoed by the ud1n6 Mr..Bmbrodc ot t6e Natlwsl >�'�Ltr Tnom.s.unda nr..la�Y A. 4'��r�m�P�ndaes.re�nedg�s.eeea mr ima�oved regu- uses two r�s ago e�cee+ae.� "vQ�+dae ereecn an wuaute..re oow ����o��ue etre�� -alamn,ihe l,ssiscanc Aamtoiatraeor •vna�a��da�go�md waeer sup tauao o[pesnaaes aoa is workiog.rim fama m a wiae 8��8 anennan. e�et8e et•pasciddes,ana particWad P1fes�Spite an earlia betlM thst ran8e ot tood praducta Svm so.the busineo ot metuig wre aalty Wv tl�an the chemtnLL teat �:mda•'SteYea S�Bataow.a�iB�ed last would rot Pass tluvugh the aoll.To mvlronmentalists for signi[icant and 1n uMe�gwnd water suppliee in p�g�{ddea are sate and sefdy used o00- have bcw on t6e mattet.••I don't tllmlt -�9eaeao.heed the pesticWe divisian.t6e date.17 pestlddes.includtng alNcarb in�the Federal Irexticide.�aevenl ar�s."I am etW eatwmded at tinuea to move at a'•glacfal pace;'1n they have xegistaed a reWy OW new ��..9e�onmental P�otectim Ageocy had � �Y� dibromide. either M tldde end Peetidde Ac4 last eane M tha wp of EDB.e�how we t6e wor�of]sy Fddman.aoord'mator themical�t�marleet in the p�et 8va be�miu aa aggr�aively to regula whic6 might csufe cmcer in humeos� io 19T2. caild be so stupid,^Dr.Mome eaid. ot the Natlaoal Caalitim Agsinst the y�is;'btr.Henbtook said.. pesticido. 6eve been famd lo the geowd water ot Misuee of Pesdcides. au Wi�nce M Dr.Jacic FsHY.Presidmt of tEe tia- ,,yvc,rsey,,�o�.w it„��rc e� $„c�. The Pesticide Problem A Decade to Figure put a�•-�oa,or�.n�.. � e;oo�,�;,�e�,i r�•-.+•y�.e.o�. +:tvspB�.«nc�reaorew�mo- 9���r u��.o�yo� s Worse Than Ever' What It Wanted to Do UO°.°II+�r�v.�e a�+- �S�Pw�F/xSicwes were bsnoed, ce. *�seuaa tor we in ttie so's.eo�s and ChelrilCel WhOSC ReviCw daa an imp�aceable part�a moesen at+�o�,�a�..��w��a. 8��.��.m�uo�.oa s�co���s�.xeweu�,a nr.MooR..wa c���� 'A d Got Buried' "`�'�.�m n�Y'eoo��.i� -::n�,��,,�.�rnom.s.�a m- w�sn a�m m�.o..oa u��u- No�w c�w+�,.va�uy m.i ne �v••wot iu m u,��nemR,t PP�n Y �•• r 'a'ersed+ewurcm woWd be bmug6t W utlao that f�most of the ather chemi- was optimietic Nst a new law could be ifgured aut what it wanted w do sbout '!be agmrcy's actiaos on tM peeticide out them:'he aaW. beer on pacictae cegWatbn.Prnslaent cxis m the market t6ece ia inaut[ideat enacted this yar.Eftorts w taghen P�ddrs.•• . � �.wld uoder the[rade mme But P�oteeeor Ptokopy a tke vdva- �-�8�tar the ffa�al yar and some[imes fraudulmtty� the yatidde sntate have bea�stalled Noa the pieces are comfo6�B�- Alar Dy Uafmyai Inc,.Provlde a nse in.ily rmartable md i�ode[hat we�t iotmmatlm about t6efr effeda on tormmechana�decade.in proudMwherewe odc ] Nlp1R atting moa[ot6er Fedetal healtL aod the mvlio�ent. M P�beceuae v,"he said.•'I am ppSnt.It is cLiefly ueed W meke applea P������8�PW��9 ,P?i�r�..caotalm a modest tl mlllim aPD�itbn fra�yesUdde.taod pro- are goiog an pe9ticides camP�� firmer aod iedder and w make a -i�arC$e,1Qr t6e peatldde DroBam. 9T��Y m P�dde� ceesfog and agricultural mncexas. two}rears ago.The�ublem ID�we are tipen �mifmmly. Roidue het � )ust u p'eat if nM a gmter level d� 'wWch wodld briog mtal apmdiog to S°a�rnmberM}oodpiaduas. To date.the mWxo�eotal ageocy l0yearsbeNndwhere�ves4ouidbe.^ � famd in a emPmjuryhompearsuwedidOdae .5224•.�Ilim• And Mr.'I'ha�es aatd �A �*�BB a P�'�9DWe the arrival M D��r DDT rams ioto 8im�io8 awuemsa that huge w4 hss been able to piovtde assaanoes ot A8�9 ottiGeis apleined flnt the prod�ts.focluding baby toods. ���}�i�B_A�1bYD�'�waWdjdnSn umn of pestlefdea ere med foslde eafetYfor37MtLemorethen6Wactive D�ddelawktt6eagmcysetstand- Inthemid•1970'st6eE.P.A.rxNved wideuxaherWOrldWarII. ���!fNi'^�n 6oma.lactorio aod haspifals rod on it�pedi�n ueed in 45�OOD paetiddes on aMa tor new produUa before thty weot eeveral atudias euggetlog that tlami- Ae cited esUmates by tpe D�rt- .,.�,-w„{�„ la..re ana farms.olten uy peopte m�. � on u�e market wc ma not auow ro-' noriae coula cauee ca�cer m e�ane. �a A�tcwnue th.t 3Z oeer�i( the market.Evm at the more aBB�s-moval of alnadY be1n6�d A review began in 19T1 W see i!it ahwld ��T'O�were bst to mecct.dies�o ud Uained in thdr use or twwsre ot thdr P�ddea EaC�osed to Pesticides: a.11$e�. ��e a.oe.aonc�a�enuy,ic caa re-�w� u�,�,ey �owa .mw u�r sc.y�nx ro.rree. s��me�e.P �n�m ie�s.�me;n ueo w�m `.tT.atually Everyond . acomq.m�a mas c.rm.00�t«s are ��i nm.0 osso�a�■�m.�-C18Qa s+�ecaos nerm rnu wc- ..o i�...s a��«oc. .rasnoe sne emMlts. w°'�c�y�c euriea�r e�u�a °tin �,eaw some pdu. �,,;;�•�•,�• P•Pas:axm'dm8 to oce otticlel.and Pfa�eeeor sdll i�dequatelY P��d/rom pesti- immmtal naysayer.Dut t6e pestieWe Further.the .,m��� aBmeY deala with," cides and that wiE�ead illnns ta D�1� is woise then It ever has vant Wormatim on�wha harm the ac- 198�review�Wndaoed sod the d�uee was neaaarY•���mYY Pm- sWts.A l'ecent etudy by the Woild Ro- bem."ssid AIbM H.Meyerhoft,e law. � laeaph9 ie that least 1s bmt,"6e nW. Mr.Schelzow aeid. The rhks trom eouras Imlwte� a �eeearch �s�+n8 chemi�Js Wght cauae. TheS c6emiwl was qrc fn a reteBsuation "The lau you iMMefe wlt4 t6e hdolo4- Paulcides are so mnd�pe�ter becauae ��P Y�for the Natunl Reaounxs Defmx p�p�reg�ered for ux before test- �heze.es[imated thrt more tOro 300.000 Camcil.aa mvironmmtal gwp. P�.a much sbwer prooeduee. '.icalsystem.thabetterolf youstsfo�e . . in8 techdquss were mad�ed(y-f�-� -Rmee Pota�p.epdcesman tot Ud- ]mg nm.•• � , � • � '.l�'�• � . M . ' • • . .. °r'� . � ._.._./� . WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL Council 1 �J CANARV - OEPAR7MENT j� p� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � '" � � ` � • Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. -°��"`'^ Presented By � � �� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ,,. An ordin ` ce amending Or�inance No. 17299, Co il File No. 85-877 , adopted October 15 , ''1985 pertaining to the regulation �'d licensing of persons engaged in th ''�,business of applying lawn fertilize � or pesticides. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI `�AUL DOES ORDAIN: �4 ' S2Ct1 '�4:Y 1 • � : That 5ection 2 of Ordinance No. `�7299 , Council File No. 85-877 adopted October 15 , 1985, be and the �me is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. [License Required. ] No person shall e age in �he business of lawn fertilizer or lawn pes icide applica- tion in Saint Paul without a license iss` ed by the ��s�,�,;�.f City of Saint Paul . Tn�Q N�Q �-��h��-/ b ZS � � I'IO�tSiH /���� [Council Approval . ] Al1 City pro rams for pesticide use shall be reviewed and appr ved by the Ci y Council prior to any application upon City, property. pu�/rc I�ausin��r Sc�,00�D�s�-,=�c� Section 2. � J That ordinance No. 17299 , Council File No. 85-87�, adopted October 15 , 1985 , be and the same is hereby amended so as to add the following new section thereto. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne�bei Against BY So�nen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �-���- �• �`Z� ^�v By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHIYE - CITV CLERK � . � 1 PINK - FINANCE C011flCll /��' CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �(� 7 .2 BIUE - MAVOR File NO. ""r • � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pesticide appli ations : posting. All persons who apply pesticides outdo r.s are required to assert or affix warn- ing flags on the t�eet frontage of the property so treated. The warn'n� flags must protrude a minimum of 18 inches above the t'�p of the grass line or grade line , whichever is higher. The warning flags must be of a material rain resista �.for at least a 72-hour period. The information printe on the sign must have letters measuring at least 3/4 i ch. The letters shall be in black on a white field wi h., all letters capitalized and shall provide the foll `ing information: � (1) The name and telephone n �mber of the company providing the pesticide o _, if not a company, the name and telephone num ' r of the person having done the application � (2) The date of application. �i, (3) The following language: "This awn chemically treated. Keep children and pets off for 72 hours. " The si n ma also include the name of t. e g y pesticide used. The sign shall be posted on the lawn or � d no closer than two feet from the sidewalk or right ''o ay and no further than five feet from the sidewalk dr right of way. � � Section 3. ��� This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew N;�os;a [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson �' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY u�"e"" �. `�e�.�, ���o�g� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .,- j_ � '• , . . � . ' �U WHIYE - CPTV CLERK - PINK - FI ��.NCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council A n CANARV - DEP'ARTMENT File NO. r'[O _S �'^ BLUE -MAVOf�t • � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By ' ` �,� � R err To Committee: Date of Committee Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17299 , Cou cil File No. 85-877 , adopted October 15 , 1985 ertaining to the regulation and licen ing of persons engaged in the business of app ing lawn fertilizers or pesticides. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI `OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Ordinance No. 172 �,, Council File No. 85-877 , adopted October 15 , 1985, be and the ' ame is hereby amended so as to add the following new section the ' to. Pesticide applications: po ting. All persons who apply pesticides outdoors are requ� ed to assert or affix warn- ing flags on the street front� e of the property so treated. The warning flags mtxs protrude a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the g ss line or grade line , whichever is higher. The warning lags must be of a material rain resistant for at leas a 72-hour period. The information printed on the si'gn st have le'cters measuring at least 3/4 inch. The let rs shall be in black on a white field with all letters capitalized and shall provide the following informat on: (1 ) The name and telephone number of the c mpany providing the pesticide or, if not a company, the name and telephone number of the person having done the application. (2) The date of application. ( 3) The following language : "This lawn chemically COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve y City Attorn y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . By /� ! Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor for Submission to Council By By . . . .. , . . . � . WHITE - CITV GLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPAf2TMENT y/} �,�n( BLUE - MAVOR File �O. (' � � ��I ` � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee y Date trea d. Keep children and pets off for 72 hours. ' The sign may so include the name of the pesticide used. The sign shall b posted on the law or yard no closer than two feet from the sidewalk or right of way and no further than five f t from the sidewalk or right of way. S tion 2. This ordinance shall take ef ct and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °'ew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson Form Approve City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , , Approved by IVlavor: Date Approved y yor for Submission to Council BY BY � ~ I '' ' , ,� ' is� � ,-�7-��P�' ' -�iPa G - � �f-��; 3rd � -oc G --�'�, Adopted -��.-�'--�'�. � ' �; �-�'� �-�v-�� Yeas Nays j DREW �G - 71o�- � , NICC3SIA • . � 7.�7� � �� SCHEIBEL S ON�I�N WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO j , , , - F�N�NCe - ; Council /'+ . , �j , ��ANAR�Y-OEPARTMENT �CITY OF , SAINT.���PAUL . ]� / 4 � FI.Ufi -MAVOR . .• . � . . � FII@ NO. �Gi � ` ! r� s . � . . . . . � � � . . . .. . . t. � / � IbsZ/`CG Ordinance N O. � _ -- . . Presented By � �y . Referred To Committee: Date -Out of`Committee By .. Date � - An ordinance a�ending �rdinance No, �� _ 37299, Council File Na. 85-877, adopted t?ctober 15, 1985 perta�ning to the::' " - regn].ation and li+ce.�sfng of persc�xas � - e�ngaged: �n the ?�siness af applying - � Ia� fert�iizers or pesticides. � � / -,-� �� � '� � THE COUI�IGIL 8F THE GITY (?F SAIt�'p PAL3L DO�;S ORDAIN: �� � ��' : �� ' � � . Section I. � That Sectiori 2 0€ Ordinance No, 3.?�9g, Council File PIa. 85-877 .. adopted October 15, I985, be and the same is hereby aAeendecl to read,._ : �� as follows: _ - _. � , �. , �. -�. ._ •. , - : . �ection 2. - f Lic.ense Requ3red.] ATo persora shall engage ir� the . busiz�ess of Tawn fertilizer or lawrt k` •` pesticide app��ca- tion in 5aint Pau2 without a Iicerise iss�ed by the Cits of Saint Paul.. -- _ _ � _ - � �. , � -. [Couneil Approval.3 All Gity programs for pesticfde _ : �se shali be rev�ewed and approv�by the City Co"—'uncil prior to any app3.icatio� upon City Prnpert�� � - . S�ct�:on 2. , � � � _ .� That ordinance I�o.. 1?299, Cotu�cil File Ido. 85-877, adopted C7ctober I5, 1985, be and the same is hereby amended sa as to add the fo].Iawing new secticn thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays _ Requested by Department of: Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman s�n.�beF Against BY � Sonnen � Tedesco Wilson _ Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certiiied Passed by Council Secretary By T,r.L1P �, `���llL '7-/-f'j n .Y � - By _ ._. Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $y _ gy . ; . ... . . _.: ... n`. ,� - - --. _ - -s } - - .. . .. . . _ __ _ _ _._ _ .. _..: _:,�._r., : _ . . _:. . ,. _ . .:. � : < �_ ...:_... _._.:_ .._ �._ _ >. - - - , =- . _ �.�,.�...v .. •y__. . .;_ .a ._: c� _'OEVARTMENT ' ITY OF �AINT' �'AUL File N0. ��f�` ��� B E - MAVOR � - . - � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ,�7 �� Presented By F -;�,,, i� �is���'°'�-- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pesticide applications: posting. AlI persons who a ply esticides outdoors are re ired to assert or affix �aarn- ing Iags on the street rontage o the property so treated. The warnin fIa s must rotrude a minimum of � � IS inches above the to of the ass ine or rade lane vahi ever is bigher. The warning f�a�s must be of a . - - Faaterial rain resistant for at least a ?2-hour eriod. - The ormation rinted on the si must have Ietters � measurin,q at least 3 4 inch. 'P e letters �I2 be 3n b2ack on a �rhite field w�th all letters eapitalized � � and shall Provide the fo�lowing inforiaation; (1j The name and ��lephcme number of the comparay rovidiri the esticide or, if not a co an , the name and te ephone number of the persan - � having done the applicatioti. _ (2) The c�ate of application� - � . (3) The foliowing language: pThis Iawri chernically � - treated.. Kee� cha.ldren ar�d pets off for 72 hours." - .._�.�..� -- - - --_. -- - The_ sign may a2so include the name of the pesticide used. The s� shall be posted on the la� or yard no closer than two eet rom. the sidewalk or ri ht of wa arid no - �rther t an ive eet ro� the sidewalk or righ� o wa�. Section 3. . This ord3nance shaZi take effect and be in force 34 days from arid a€ter its passage, approvaZ and publication. -- COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays • Drow - Nieosia l(1 FBVOt ' Rettman S`ne'b'i d Against BY sonoen - T�rca. -Wiiwn : Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 0 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass ncil Se tar BY-��� �• ���'''('l�''�- �—����O By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .� By BY , . ,. .. . . . . . . . _ ..�... ._ �_ ____ . _ . _.. .. . _.,::_ . . ._.. � . -- •� ...._.,.,.......,.,._,......'.__.,..,�..-.........� _..� _....�.�..... __.__�.._._..,x....,�-- �• -a. __._,___.,...__._-_------�-�-�-•--- �.. _.._ ..,.�.. -:� � .-..,�._�,.,�,-_.;: