86-789 � � ,
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File No.
Voting In the Matter of
For the operation of the above standard street lighting system
for North Waba,sha Area Improvement Pro�ect (Phase 1).
. North side Exchange Street from St. Peter Street to Cedar Street;
South side Exchange Street from Wabasha Street north to Cedar Street;
' South side Exchange Street from St. Peter Street to 150 feet east of
St. Peter Street for the months of October, November and December, 1986.
under Preliminary Order 86-5�2 approved May 6, 1986
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �UN � 7 ��U6
Yeas Drew Nays
Nicosia Certified ssed by Council Secretary
Rettman �
Scheibel In Favor By
Seauan .�/
?edesco �" Against o�_ ��_
Wi ls on -T Mayor
JUN 1 7 1986
PUBIISHED �UN � $ 1���
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_ GITY UF ►.�AI�T'1` YAUL lnniceNRaltman��
nu�l ii p Hikt 3onnen
� � Date: May 28, 1986
�� � � � � Co ' ee t
mmltt Re o r
. p �
To: Saint Paul City Council �
From: Committee on Public Works �
Chris Nicosia, Chair
__ _ _
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 28, 1986 took the
following action:
Hearinq Date
t . 6/5/86 VACATION: Petition of Carlton Mix for the vacation of
part of the North-South alley in Block l , Longs Addition
at the southwest quadrant of Como and Snelling Avenues.
. Vacated area to be used for parking space.
Recommended approval .
2. 6/5/86 VACATION: Petition of City of St. Paul for the vacation
of a drainage easement in Lots 14 and 15, Block 1 ,
Leonard Oak Hills to release the City's interest in the
drainage easement (located at the intersection of
McKnight Road and Burlington Avenue) .
Recommended approval .
3. 6/3/86 FINAL ORDER: Improvements for the North-Wabasha Area -
Project (Phase I ) the following: EXCHANGE STREET from St. ,
Peter Street to �Cedar Street ( includes new sidewalks,
street trees, street lighting. decorative lighting and
site furnishings) ; East side of ST. PETER STREET from
- both sides of Exchange Street to 222 feet north of Tenth
Street; and West side of ST. PETER STREET from Tenth
Street to 172 feet north of Tenth Street ( includes new
sidewalks. street trees and street lighting) ; West side
of ST. PETER STREET from Exchange Street to Tenth Street
(wiil only receive new lighting) .
Recommended approval - deleting from the project that
property owned by PHA.
4. 6/3/86 � f t MAt. ,t�Q�R s F��.�1t'-�e�et�y�;:a�ie �rd
street i i�E�i� '��EMn for Nvr�h �astN p�-ea" Yn�rovement
'�� � Pr.o,�ect ��a��e' 1) EXCHANGE STRE��'"�ir�onr°'�t. Peter- Street
to Cedar ����et for the morttfis t� CJctc��, l�k�rember and
December, t986.
Recaane�e�<.ap�ve 1 .
5. 6/3/86 FINAL ORDER: Improve the following downtown streets by
cold milling to smooth and reshape the roadways,
construct asphalt� wearing surface, and do all other
necessary work: EXCHANGE STREET from Main Street to Cedar
Street; TENTH STREET from Main Street to Robert 5treet;
CO�UMBUS STREET from Cedar Street to Rober� 5treet; MAIN
STREET from Old Sixth Street to Tenth Street; CEDAR
STREET from Exchange Street to Eleventh Street; CEDAR
STREET from Twelfth Street to Columbus Street; and
MINNESOTA STREET from Twelfth Street to Columbus Street.
Recommended approval on a 2-1 vote - Councilwoman Rettman
voting NO and deleting from the Final Order that section
of Cedar Street from Exchange Street to Tenth Street.
�- _ . . .� � � � � �7��
6. 6/3/86 FINAL ORDER: A temporary construction easement for storm �
sewer purposes over, across and thYough the following
. portion of Auditor's Subdivision No. 57. (Southwest
corner of Forest and Wells) .
Recommended approval . �
7. 6/3/86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the St. Anthony Hill .
Storm Sewer Relief System (Western Tunnel ) .
Recommended approval .
8. 6/10%.86 FINAL ORDER: Operating costs for the Seventh Street Place
Mall from August thru December, 1984 and January thru
December, 1985.
Recomrnended approval .
9. 5/10/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a permanent easement
for sewer purposes on, under and across the Northeasterly
10.0 feet of Lots 96 and 97, Hewitt's Outlots, First
Division (bounded by Cleveland, Myrtle, Montgomery and
University Avenues) .
ltem withdrawn at the request of the Public Works
10. RESOLUTION: declaring certain Water Department property
in Maplewood as surplus property and authorizing sale of
excess property to Marco Construction for the fair market
' value.
Recommended approval .
Il . RESOLUTION: authorizing. an agreement with Ramsey County
for the improvement of MC KNIGHT ROAD and request parking "
restrictions on both sides of McKnight Road from 400
north of Ivy to Larpenteur.
Recommended approval .
12. RESOLUTION: abating street maintenance assessment in the
amount of $200.46 in the years as listed and requesting
Ramsey County to include these as exempt assessments for
the City of St. Paul (property in Block l , Coleman Park
acquired for Bluff Preservation) .
Laid over in Committee to June 11 , 1986.
13. ORDINANCE: granting permission to Historic Landmarks for
Living to construct, operate and maintain a pedestrian
ramp with handrails and ornamental lights which extends
approximately 4 feet into E. 4th Street right-of-way.
_ __ __
Recommended approval .
, -M. -
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File No. x��
Voting In the Matter of
: For the operatioa of tbd abore staaciard reet lightiag Qste�
rcu� Aorth M.bssba Ar�e. I�tpro,reaent �►ro ct (P3�ase 1?.
Euchse�ge 3tr�at trom St. Pater to C�►r SLt�aet for the
aoaths af flctober, lfo�ember and r, 1986.
under Preliminary Order � -37 a approved `�—�8^ ��°
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Drew Nays
pieael� Certified Passed by Council Secretary
Re t tMU1
Scheibel In Favor By
Tedbeo Against
W!1�0p Mayor
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City Council District #2
District Planning Council #17
F�le No. 18430
Dear Property Owner:
To decide on whether to proceed with the operation of the
PURPOSE Above Standard Street Lighting System for North Wabasha area
improvement, Phase I - Exchange Street from St. Peter Street
AND to Cedar Street for the months of October, November and
LOCATION December, 1986.
HEARING Tuesday, June 3, 1986, at 10:00 A.M.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House
• - If the Council approves this project, a portion or the costs
FINANCING will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted
INFORMATION properties. The estimated assessments for *his project are
as follows:
Rates/Fr.Ft. $.40
The City Council will hol.d ar_other. hearing atter the construc-
tien to ratify the assessments. `lou will t-eceive a notice
at that ti.m� advising you or the exact amount that you will
bc required to p��r.
QUESTIONS Construction: 2.92-1577 Assessments: 298-4513
Ext. 343
Also, Ci*y staff wi11 be available t_o answe-r any last minute
questions on this project in Room 218 City �iail from 9:30 -
10:00 A.M. the same da as the hearin .
MAP ` --v :4
,�' � �/ ` • ��t
Notice sent May 16, 1986, �
t�'Ls" �
by the Valuations and ' . i� '� � �
Assessment Division, ? � =�;• . r
Department of Finance ,� �� ` �
and Management Services , `�rP.F;."-t 6: �s �MG2:,�IE.D � ' ��� •,� f�,�
Sai nt Paul , Mi nnesota 55102 � � �� �+�"y♦ �
_ �. � � � �
_ ____ _ _ ,
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Please note that the Public Warks Conmittee of the City Counci2
rill discuss this item and develop a recoswendation to the full �_ �
City Council at its Aay 28th meeting. Plaase bring any /�
concezns you xay have to this meeting un L�ednesday, May 28, �f/� w�
1986 in Rooa �07 at 9:00 a.m. d �
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.COlmCu O����O�r��{��]tAV�1`�Cl�Y��1!3^�pQl�O��� .
upo�'tbe above improvement� aad 3iav�n� eo�ed said report�
resolv�: �
,1. T�a���IitE+�l�r�o�€�d fblf sa�is�hrr:a�r p ���#, ' `�.
, �ad.t�at the�timafRd cost t6�+eot is i47A:00 t�Y��l��f�!` +���!��,
�: , : .. � . _. ��;;z
R. That a public l�ri�be 2�ad o�said imProva�t i!a'_ - .,.:
1���y��li.i�m,..���`�1�!'�'��ers oi tise Cl��`f7m�
in the City oi Saint�.___ .
S. T'l�t nctice oi said pqblic heaxlr►� be givea to the aad t�e
maaoes pmvided bg tbe 4'�arCer,st�ati�.fi�e�ims�rd p1�cr o����"�`�i,: �
���P4'�'!!e��t�i►0 tt�l�4it�as.lst�iitl�d.>`; . � r���f
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