86-784 WHITE - CITV �LERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council . r//� C4NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. `� `�� BLUE - MAVOR � � Cou ' , Resolution - j- � � _ � Presented y � ? Referred To �l l��1���= Committee: Date � � �° � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Chapter 705, Laws of 1965, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and direeted to execute the 1986 Operating Agreement with Independen�t Sehool Distriet No. 625 whereby the City furnishes the v arious serviees to said Distriet and is compensated according to the terms and eonditions of the agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of reeord in the Department of Finanee and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f• Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia � Rettman �� FaVOf � `� Scheibel �.p �__ Against BY redesco 1 rPi3trrr Adopted by Council: Date JUN 1 2 1986 Form proved by it tor y � Certified Pa.s d y ouncil Se ar BY By � A�pprove y avor: Date � �� Appr by Mayor for Submi ion o,�ouncil ; By — B �, _��' PUBIIS�lED J Utd 2 119$6 Finance & Management Services DEPARTMENT 7 No 3 9 3 0 -- -- - ��- �i` . James Sn der CONTACT 298-4118 PHONE 5/13/86 DATE / Q/�� Q Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor 1 Finance and Management Services Director ��ity Clerk Budget Director L' S city councii 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : City agreement to the 1986 contract provil-:�F; Per�o:lne��, :�1Fx�':io-�s and Police Services to Independent School District N�. 625. �9�'`'� � � COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � � � — � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $356,400.0o quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1986 contract with Independent School District 625 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No N/A Yes No Insurance Attached: N/A (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . . � .� , , �-�� -7��{ OPERATTH� AGREEMENT 1986 NHEREAS, The Public School System oF the Citp of Saint Paul, . Mianesota, now e=ists. as Independeat Sahool District No. 625 oF the- 3tate� oP� Mianesota; aad _ � WHEBEAS,_ The provisioas of Chapter T05, Laws of 1965, direet that said District shal 1 contract xith the City to purchase � serPiees- o=' the varlous City degartments as prescribed therein and pag to the Citg the aost or ezpense oP the furnishing oP suah services by the Citp of Saiat Paul to Iadependeat 3chool Dis�riat No. 625 ; IT IS HEREHY AGREED by the CITY OF SAINT PAIIL, hereinaPter referred to as "Citp", aad INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 , hereiaatter--reterred to as- -"Distriat°, actiag_a:.by__ and through its _ School Hoard, as folloas: � � I. .That this contraat and the terms and provisions hereaf shall be in ettect from Januarp 1 , 1986 to De�ember 31 , 1986 and that the terms and provisions hereot xill bind said parties during the term of this Agreemeat , and further, that the ezeautioa of this Agreement shall ia no vap affeat the right oP either party to renegotiate anp or al 1 portions of this contrac� for subsequeat periods aPter t986. II. That the purpose oP �his coatraet bp and between the parties is to comply With those provisions as enumerated ia said Chapter 705 , Laxs of 1965 , as they relate to the furnishing oP Citp services necessary to the operation oP said District. 1 . • �- � f��� ZI2. That the provisioas oP Chapt�er T�5 , LaWS oY 1965 , are hereby incorporated iato this Agreemeat bp rePerence as though tully set forth hereia. =Y. Tkat the services to be Purnished bp the City dapartmeats. sha11 include the� Pollo�ing: A � pt�RSC�NNEL OFFICE . �� Th� Persoaael Oftics ot the Citp shall coatinue to provide aerv�iae�< to t�te District as •it has in the past, pursuan.t to the groRisions. o� the Persoanel Ru2es, beiag Ordinanee No. 3250 , as ameaded, o� the C1ty.. Such services shall include, but not tteQe9sarily be li�ited to, the rearuiting oP persoaael, the admiaistratioa of eYaminations, �the csrtiticatioa oP applicaats, tYte- eLass�iE_yiag of pesitions, the grading of, classes oP pa�itioa�,. the. certitieatioa QP� paprol l s, and the establ ishment ot alass �speaiPications. The� Distriat agrees to abide bp and to be bound by the provi�ions� of the Charter oP the City and the provisions of the Feraoaael Rules as thep apply to classiPied emplopees. The eharge to be paid by the District to the Citp for these servicss is �2.T0,6a5.00. Iacluded ia the preceding amount is reimbursement Por the tolloxing services: 2 __ ... ..,._� ..,r..,.,�.�.-.� .._..�-.. . .,� �._�s..--. __. . �. �. _ - - ,.�.-.. �_ _.v.._, _ -�--.-- . _. . _ ..�-,,�- _...._ . .. _ . �._ , - , .. (;�" cKo �-71l`f� . ' ' Assambling ba9e- cost data Yor Ci�ril Service bargaining units Whiah are � ointly aegotiated ; assembling prevailiag xage ' information Por _ the trades bargaining uaits, and pro�ectiag the� aost oY emploqer-provided beaefita ; providing int'ormatioa as aeeded regardiag the Civil Service rules as related to coatract qusstions, sometimes iacl uding initial drattiag ot laaguage xhi.ah Kill ba common� to the City aad - thc ISD' nontraata; aad, providiag pre-and post-retirement iasuranae inPormatioa tor Sahool District employees not in the� CitriZ Serviae (teachers, admiaistrators, eduaational " asaistaata, teaaher aides). The� Distriat hereysith. Qoneurs in and subscribes to those beaetits heretofore� enacted by the Citp in behalP oP its � em lo ees, specitiaally thoae pertaiaing to severanee pap as D Y am.bodied ia Ordlnaace� No. 11 �49��, approved June 12 , 1959 , as . .. ..___ - -- a�eaded; healt�r aad welfare insurance benefits; retirement program� ; aad, fur�ther agrees to abide bp aad be bound by the aatioa ot the Couaail ot the City of Saiat Paul pursuant to the proPi�iona of Ordinaaae No. 6�46 , adopted January 23 , 1925 , ameaded, trom time to ti�e, as it relates to civil service eaployee�, iaaludiag those� of the District. The City xil l notiPy ttie Distriet of anp ma� or ehanges to the Fersoanel OfPice budget, in advaace oP the adoptioa oP its 1g87 budget. 3 . • , ��" 4�• /0 7 � • The Citp shall -aoasult With the Joint Personnel Commlttee •before� propasing anp chaage ia the Civil Serviae Rules afYectiag District employees. The City Purther agrees to adviss and ooasult with the Diatrict at Ieast aiaetp d�ays prior to effecting any �hanges ia the health aad �elP'are beaef its progra� aPPecting District employeea. ' - B CITY CLERK Th� Citp Cl erk�s OPtice shal l contiaue to Purnish services to ttte� IIistrict ia the mat.ter of registratioa of voters and the haadlia� of all eleaticas pursuaat to 1aW on behal. P oP the Distriat. The District shal 1 pay 20� oP registration egpenses eaah pear aad. 50x ot eleation ezpe�nses in those pears ia which _ . �. �_._ _ _ _ _ - =---- Sahoal Hoard eleatioas. are held. The cost�"to be paid-by� the - - Distrle�t for. registratioa. e=peasea ia 1986 is $25 ,595.00. No sahooL board eleations are aaticipated_ - It is ezpresaly agreed that the Distriet shal l pap 1 Q0� oP �np eleatioa ezpense inaurred due to the neeessity oP any special el.eation ealled solelp tor the purpose og determining school isauas, e=eept that in the ev ent a special electien is cal led by tha District or by the Gity, and the other body also aalls a s.peaial eleetion for the same dap, the eost oP that election . shal 1 be shared equal lp bp the City aad the District. - 4 �---- --__�- .__..,.. ,._. _.__._ ......�,�..,,-..,.�,�......�.....,. ,�,,.,�,�-....�a,.�,..... -.�.�.-....�. _,._�._. . ...,.,_..�:,.,. . . - �. . � (,�=�c;-� 7�`� . � � � . F.I�IAT.AYF.� FRINGE BENEFIT The Distriet shall . reimburse the City's employee gringe beaari� costs �or Peasions, � Social Security (FICA), Employee and Retiree L.ite and ffealth rnsurance, Severaaae Pay, Worker�s Compea�atiorr and tTaemplopmeat Co�peasation the� sum oP �6a,200.00 _ - (2k..t��) for th� ses�rices refleeted ia paragraphs- A aad B. II , PAYMENT SCHEDIILE The total cost of the� services reflected in paragraghs A t�rongh C' of this agreement total �356 ,�00.00, Which the District � agrees to. pay the C'itp for 1986 serviees. The Dlstri�t shall �akQ payment. upon reaeipt oP' registered bills submitted quarterly . __..�__ _ _. by the� Citp's- De-partmea� of Finance� aad Managemeat Serviess, . Acaouating Divisioa. All su�s so recsived shal�l be aredited agaiast the total a�ouat owiag by the District ta the Citp Por the �ervices rePleated ia paragraphs A through C. The �356,�400.00 for 1986 ser`riees is to be ad3usted to actival• coat �1986 ezpended aad enaumbered) and settled by eredit or additicaal payment oa subsequeat bill ings. Additioaally, aotWithstaadiag anp stated terminatioa date hereia, the obligation of the District to remit the papments ahall aoatinue into the subsequeat cal endar pear and uatil such time as a nex agreement for the subsequeat calendar pear is entered into bp the parties. 5 � � �- �- �' ��= �� �7'�y E � POL ,�E SERVICE Ia addition to the above, . it is mutually agreed betweea the Citp and the District as folloKS: t . That tha: City of Saiat Paul , by its PoliQe Department, ` �ill furaish a�a.—duty polic� oPf icers to the District f'or the . purposes of providiag aroWd aoatrol and management and geaeral • seaurity at. night P'octball gamea coaducted at Sardiag aad Central stadiums• as said gam.es are coaduated uader the auspices oP the � Distr�lat. 2_ T�tat the Dist.rict, ia consideratioa oP the polics offiaer. s so turaished bp the City, agr. ees ta pap the Citp, u,pcn aubmissioa oP registered. bills frcm. the Depart�eat oP Police to the° District, tl�e aatual hourly -sal ary--rate, iaclu�ing� the act_ual __ _ Priage benePi� rate, earaed bp each police oYPicer Purnished bp the- City.. 3. T�tat it is antiaipated that each. night Pootball game �ill be conduated trom T:00 P.M. to 11:OQ P.M. �. That. the Dis�rict Purther agrees to give at least tveaty—four hours rtotice to the Citp oP its police requiremen�s for said football games, and Por the purposes of the admiaistration of this agreemeat. 5. That ia the event the Citp is unable, Por aay reason, to furaish the number of patrolmen and raaking officers requested, it shall not be construed as a breach oP this agreement. 6 ...__.�n,.__--��....�..� .�,�.....��.�..�_.,,.,..a - -- . . . � �,L, 7�1� . . , F . g�FN • =QTTAT?'ON OF' AGREEM Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a 1 imitation upoa either the City or the District to renegotiating the terms aad� aoaditicns � oP the Agreemeat nor to bind either party subsequent ta the ead ot th� caleadar year. G ,�FRMTA TION OF S RF VICES ' It, durin�� the term of this aoatraat, aap servi�ss provided to the District by the� Cltp� ot St. Paul are discontinued, the payment sc�tedule oP. that service• Will be prc-rated aacording. to aatual serviae delivsrp. � , 7 �_........... ...__..._,....�.�...,�,,..,.�..,.�.. -.----..�...�- _..,.,�.,,.�,,.,�.�.�.�.�...mA_ _�_-._ • • �� �j'�. _ 7�� . . • � � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the proper otPicial.s oP the Citp and the District have eseauted this Agreement this dap of , 198 . CITY OF SAINT PAQL \ /[�/ �3_,� � . �� { �•� � ��1. �...._�. � . � ' Mapor �, -�_ App .ov d o �rm - , � � ' 1 As�istaat City Attornep Director, Finance & Mgm ervices � , INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #625 . . . ,. ____ _ _ . _ _. _ i� _— - _ _ Approved as ta rorm: ,. Chairman � ,�' i,� .� 11t� o ae Por the Di9trict � � ` ��� i'x CLERK Tre rer � 8 � �! .,f ^ , � .. ` � ; .� �,.. i � -. . . 1 �--- .:--- L , :...,�, CITY OF SgINT P�UL � ��' _ 7�� '.ii��''�'''a�i,�t_�� ; OP'F`ICE OF THE CITY COUNCZL F1LED .. �-�` � 4(;�f � � �3 ��� =^r I fi L"J Cam�ittee Report �IT� �': . ^�`� �=r� 'L�� `.�: :J `�.ri.. SI �_. ��t . F_:i�ance. Mana�em.ent.� � Pers�nnel �ommi�t�e. JUNE 5, 1986 , 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 29, 1986. approved 2. Resolution establishing rate of pay for titles of Environmental Health Aide, Environmental Health Technician and Environmental Health Technician Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compeasation in Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved as amended � 3. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the titles of Environmental Aealth Specialist, Environrental Health Analyst and Environmental Health Supervisor in Section I D 3 of Salary Plan and Rates of Corspensation resolution. avvroved as a3ended 4. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution regarding Environmental He�lth Specialist. anproved as amended ' 5. Resolution establishing the rate of. pay for Environmental Health Program - __ _- - � ` Supervisor in Section I D 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved as amended 6. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Cor.�pensation resolution by establishing a salary range under the 1986 Technical Range and Salary Ra.nge under the 1986 Professional Non-Supervisory Range. anvroved 7. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. avnroved as amended 8. Resolution expaiiding the Park Ranger Program. anvroved as amended 9. Resolution authorizi�a.g 1986 Operating Agreement with Independent Schoal ° D'istrict`�'100.'`"`525 whereby tue city furnishes various services. avvroved 10. Resolution amending the 1983 Water Pollution Abatement Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding of the 8th Street Realignment project ($80,332.70) . anvroved 11. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and decreasing the financial plan by $971,537 ($935,537 - various departments; $36,000 - legislative branch) and underspending the authorized budget by equal amount. laid over to 6/12 12. Administrative Orders: , D-8030: Budget revision in various departments. laid over to 6/12 CTTl' Ht1L.I. SEVE,\TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 a�16