86-781 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII n/' CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL x/- /GJ/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. uv 4 �v 1 �ncil Resolution . �, Presente By 3� � � ,� �- �- `..., �{ Referred To � � � �-� Committee: Date � � �"�/n � Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1983 WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDING OF 8TH STREET REALIGNMEN'f PROJECT. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1983 Water Pollution Abatement Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this council, is hereby further amended to provide funding of Sth Street Realignment Project: Current Amended Account Code and Project Budget Change gudget 893-72089 (Public Works) Water Pollution Abatement 1983 $5,986,726.76 $ (80,332.70) $5,906,394.06 806-66048-0739 (PED) 8th Street Realignment Project -0- 80,332.70 80,332.70 $5,986,726.76 $ -0- $5,986,726.76 Net Increase $ _p_ (^,.� 5t. Paal Lonc�-�ian�re C�.pita_1 ��:r�;�+�v.,���':. �'�.^lsct �'.CIel'LCl?��:::?1."f.,^,C-I.'Ct� �t�s:;� '' 1'..i?;�' �'�. �'.�cit;'i � �.�.. :a:.� !::`.vC� ..:1':.:.� rnei:v.��... . I I Srqn COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � o`eN1 [n Favor �...p: �°n'�yA�/ NiCOSia sche�be� �__ Against BY Tedesco —�AfMes�r JUN � 2 '�$� Form Ap oved by Ci Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s d y ouncil S eta BY By� , tlppro y ;Navor: Date � N � � �S� Approv d by Mayor for Submiss' o C T By — BY -— PUBtISNED J Ui� 2 1 1986 PC�O, .��Ow�vTaGVr�/ ,QE�/ , DE PARTMENT ���7�� Np 4119 �G,� /��'C�c.�J CONTACT � � 9y �C� o��l� PHONE ` �-� � DATE 1 Q��� r � ASSIGN �UMBER FOR ROU7ING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : ' � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk �, , ,� �G��l�MqN CfIM �� _ City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ l�Soc.c��'a�c! li,�c c��o��%�' �-r�i,,,,�If' �'o �.�,o-„C�,c Ra t i o n a 1 e) : �w—' C�c� ,(oS/,,,cs" ��qo�E,2S �N�ovLia�Zs �•v�G N�� L�l,ro3ia•Tuflq J t,�.`i•c�!/ ��� (��,�.��� C�Lv�C f' 7�' �u/" s�'.�,. �ec�,�-� c,�.�Ca.�fre ��`� ,�`.���-�.�,o����,,.,— ��a � �s c�.h,o�e S�e d Iw �, �� � %S S Gl.�/ �COvS� �� Sc,�2 Or���a✓G�:� / ,l �fi /G /1�2C1 �y� I'I OGti�� MP.-or�Qi`+.�e� r� � ��cG�. S�•cR,2� ��w,�� /�.o%n,�,�✓NGd .-,�2u /��tiG, .6.��crc cro.�rw,o�i�..�° ,� � �S� S/i�Gtr��/G ��t. /0'T p'o�L7` 7��2 �9�5 �'.�,GB�Aj��c�iy,o�yp,� � /r10!/Da �v.ti� o � � �N� Cu�s�° �� � �Ck2 ��� r.�.,dv �odal��ia�/ /9���v �ia�� .�Zci�v� COST/BENEFIT, $�UDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �'�'�`TM�'�`r� 7� c,�� �sr�,cs� e�A/ �NUo% <,v�l�c �� c���� �o� �a �c. �j���'�'� As��� f�G 7O�js -2��c,.�.t 74-� �o1.ro�p, �j�iv�, TC2 G'oJ'�' /S �, 33Z. -- \� �,.,� �� k��CC{V�D C�'�- "� �� � � MAY 1 6 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa-�.1AYOR'S QF��C€ ��/i 33Z� �� ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: , quired if under /98�,� U:�. �c�/�o�N % �;,,� $�o,000) Funding Source: �.����L �����,�- �v �������,D Activity Number: �'_ G'��L�� p��9 �Y � � �1ee� ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : "'°� c� ����� �-�����,� ct t� ����o�r�Er ' DEPARTMENT REVIfW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? ' Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �Vo Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . , � , �,� �`"�,,� � �j:_'_.. 'r'' i;"'�'�. I � - � .+;, CITY OF S�.INT PAUL � �� .:=�i°iii�� { OFFICE OF THF CITY COII�TCIL FtLED ......... ' CiU��� � � 53 ��? Jr.n � J'! L J Cammittee Re�art ��TY �L;�,1� c.� �� ST ,;! � .rt.'_ . �"�:,;�. . F':i�ance. �Iana�ement�. & P�rsonnel Committee. JUNE 5, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 29, 1986. approved 2. Resolution establishing rate of pay for titles of Environmental Health Aide, Environmental Health Technician and Environmental Health Technician Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation in Section I D 2 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. approved as amended � 3. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the titles of Environmental Health Specialist, Environ�ental Health Analyst and Environmental Health Supervisor in Section I D 3 of Salary Plan and Rates of Corspensation resolution. anproved as a3ended 4. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates af Compensation resolution regarding Environmental He�lth Specialist. approved as amended � 5. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Environmental �iealth Program ' Supervisor in Section I D 4 of the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. apnroved as amended 6. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution by establishing a salary range under the 1986 Technical Range and Salary Range under the 1986 Professional Non-Supervisory Range. avnroved 7. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Park Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. apvroved as amended 8. Resolution expaiiding the P�rk Ranger Program. avuroved as amended 9. Resolution authorizing 1986 Operating Agreement with Independent School District No. 625 whereby tue city furnishes various services. auvroved 10. Resolution aznending the 1983 Water Pollution Abatement Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding of the 8th Street Realignment project ($80,332.70). apnroved 11. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and decreasing the financial plan by $971,537 ($935,537 - various departments; $36,000 - legislative branch) and underspending the authorized budget by equal amount. laid over to 6/12 12. Administrative Orders: . D-8030: Budget revision in various departments. laid over to 6/12 C� �►Z-1. SEVE,\TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 �ae