86-771 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIL NO. ` 7'T/ PRELIMINARY ORDER ' � By File No. S t�45�4 thru S �k4�3 Voting IntheMatterof sidewalk construction and/or reconstruction, .where necessary, w� at the follopring locations; � S 11�+54 South side Concordia Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Pascal St. 3 S 11455 Southeast side Fort Rd. from Springfield St to Madison St. 4 S 11456 East side Fry St. from Thomas Ave. to Lafond Avenue. 1 S 11457 East side Hamline Ave. from Edmund Ave. to Thomas Avenue 1 S 11458 North side Lafond Ave. between N. Lexington Pkwy. and Chatsworth St. at 1015, 1021, 1035, 1039, 1043, & 1061 Lafond Avenue and South side Lafond Ave. between N. Lexington Pkwy. and Oxford St. at 1066, 1072, 1076, & 1088 Lafond Avenue. 3 S 11459 Both sides Princeton Ave. from S. Wheeler St. to Fairview Ave, at 1777, 1788, 1792, 1797, 1798, & 1803 Princeton Ave 1 S 11�+60 North side Sherburne Ave. from Mackubin St. to Kent Street 6 S 11461 East side Payne Ave. from Jenks Ave. to Lawson Ave. with integral curb. 6 S 11462 West side Payne Ave. from North Street to Hopkins Street with integral curb. 6 s 1�463 Both sides Payne Ave. from Sims Ave. to Case Avenue with integral curb. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to ttie persons ana in tne man,�cz pro.•,u��y u���a�.�.,_,o�.._...a ..._ time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ;�H 1 01986 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Drew Nays Nicos ia Certi�ed P d by ouncil Secr ary Rettman Scheibel In Favor -6�e�wwa ii�f�ae�r L7 Against Mayor JUN j 1 198fi PUBL(SHED J UN 2 1 19�6