86-753 i M�H17E, - CiTV CLERK � PINK - [F�INANCE COUnCII p`� BLUERV�-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File N 0. O(s " �.�� � � C ncil esolution . _� Presented By ' � - �:��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, by Gity Council Resolution, C.F. 85-853, dated June 20, 1985, authorized the approval of four Joint Powers Agreements ta establish the Central Ramsey Watershed, Southwest Ramsey Watershed, Middle Mississippi Watershed and Lower Mississippi Watershed Organization; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, Qirector of Finance and Management Services and Assistant City Attarney did sign said agreements on behalf of the City, and WHEREAS, the agreements entitle the City to appaint one or more cQmm i ss i oners to each Baard of Comm i ss i oners, and a i ternates; and WHEREAS, service on these Boards requires knowledge of the Stormwater Management Act, Minnesota Statute 471.59, which estabiishes the reguiatian of these Joint Powers Agreements; and knowledge of the City's surface water management plans; and WHEREAS, the foilowing City employees have the necessary knowledge and experience: Page 1 of 3 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �at�xSonnen ' Drew In Favor +�� Rettman NiCOSIa � scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY a d E. ard, D'rector By .� t#pproved by iNavor: Date _ Appr Mayor for Su ' si uncil By BY M�FIITE - CITV CLERK � PINK ' - FINANCE COIIRCII /f� a�� BLUERV.-�AAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL p � _ , File N 0. r � Co cil R olution Presented By , • � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE !T RESaLVED, that the City of Saint Paul appoints the foilowing people to said 8oards: To the Central Ramsey Watershed— Richard Hedman, untii January 1, 1987 or until a successor is appointed, and Roy Bredahl Jr., until January 1, 1989 or until a successor is appointed, and as an alternate, Michael Kassan, until a successor is appointed, and To the 5outhwest Ramsey Watershed— Richard Hedman, untii January 1, 1987 or untii a successor is appointed, and Roy Bredahl Jr., untii January 1, i 989 or until a successor is appointed, and as an alternate, Michael Kassan, until a successor is appointed, and Page 2 of 3 \ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �I�tctmxSonnen °`ew In Favor P 1 Yaaaox Rettman Nicosia � , schetbel _ __ Against BY redesco Donald E. Nygaard, ctor Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by iNavor: Date _ Approv d b ayor for Submissi o gy By WH17� - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council , 7,�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �LUE �-:.AAYOR File NO. / � . � Co ncil solution . , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Richard Hedman, until January 1, 1990 or until a successor is appointed, and as an aiternate Roy Bredahl Jr., until a successor is appointed, and To the Lower Mississippi Watershed— Richard Hedman, until a successor has been appointed, and as an alternate Roy Bredahl Jr., untii a successor is appointed, and BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED, that said employees shali receive no compensation other th�n their appropriate salary and benefits. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, That these appointments are considered temporary appointments and will be processed under the open appointments procedures. Page 3 of 3 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: �� Yeas ����SOnnen Drew � [p F8v0[ ��A�Rettman , � Nicosia � < Scheibel � __ Against BY ' Tedesco wiison Donald E. Nygaard, ector Adopted by Council: Date �UN � - 198� Form Approv by City Attorney Certified P�ss b Council S BY � By � Appr by avor: Date JUN 6 — ���� Appr b Mayor for Submis By BY P�g�iS}��p J U N 1419 8 6 . C'r��r.5�* ks DEPRRtMENT 1�I� _05��� Rov Bredahl ,_ CONTA�T 292-6Y38= � PHONE � ee� e� ��``May `13,198 6 DATE ' � : ASSIGN NUh��R FOR ROUTING ORDER (C1ip A11 �_Locations for Signature) : ' ' 3 ' Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Direcltor - � City Clerk Budget 0irector . 5 Citv council � City Attorney ' - � Y�HAT WILL BE ACHIEVEA BY TAKING ACTION 0�1 THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ � Rationale) : This Resolution will appoint Boa�d, members to the four Watershed Management Organizations to which the City �elongs. f�EC�(VED RECElVED MAY? i COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL ,I�MPACTS ANTICIPATED: MAYOR'S OFFICE �Y 2 3 �86 ' CITY ATTOR�JEY None. Funds for this activity mave been budgeted previously. , `�Y� C�� �� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY t�UNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ' ture not. re- Total Amount of 'Transaction: ; quired if under ' �10,000) Fun.ding Source; , Activity Number: � ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Att�cF�nents) : . l. Council Resolution� pEPARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTt}RNEX REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? , ' Resolution Required? �Yes No _,Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient� Yes X No Yes X No Insurance Attached: � (SEE •RElIF�RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS� . _ � Revised 12/84 � . tme ;