86-746 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK '. PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �//// CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/�`-� - �� BLUE - MAVOR Co ncil Resolution ,::--� �� Presented By � " . Referred To /— ��V'����-- Committee: Date ��°'�� �8 Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS the City of Saint P ul has been authorized to apply an additional 2� Hotel/Motel tax on certa�n hotels and motels over and above the current 3$ Hotel/Motel tax ;and WHEREAS the City and the Port Authority of Saint Paul made certain committments to the Convention Bureau, the Downtown Council and the Civic Center authority when seeking legislative authorization for this additional tax ;and ' WHEREAS those committments �nclude financial aid for attracting convention busrness for the Civic Center and city hotels and motels; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with the committments made at the time the 2$ tax was enacted, the City Council intends that there be provided funds from various sources n amounts sufficient to finance activities related to attracting conve�tion business as follows: years _ �mount 1986 $100, 000 for powntown Council promotional activities 1987 $200,000 for powntown Council promotional activities 1988 $175,000 for powntown Council promotional activities 1989 $150, 000 for powntown Council promotional activities 1990 $100, 000 for powntown Council promotional activities 1986 $ 50, 000 for the Civic Center Authority promotions 1987-1990 $100,000 for the Givic Genter Authority promotions 1986 $12, 500 or Joint promotions of the Downtown Council, Conv ntion Bureau and the Civic Center Authority. 1987-1990 $25,000 for Joint promotions of the Downtown Council, Conv ntion Bureau and the Civic Center Authority. BE IT FDRTHER RESOLVED that the distribution of the 3$ hotel/motel tax shali not� provide more than 50� of that 3$ tax for any activities related to the hotel business or pr moting retail sales. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays N icosia � Rettman [n Favor Scheibel soo�e� � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson n� a7V� 5 I �86 Form Approve City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas• d by ouncil Sec tary BY B}� Approv y \7avor. Date �� 6 Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council B By PUBLISHED J U i�a 1419 S'6 � ��� y�� � �• ��: CITY 'OF SgI�'T P'.AUL "'-'✓'"/� OFFIC� OF THF CZTY COU�TCIL ::iii �tl:tu � Cammittee Re�art F:i�ance, Man.a�en�ent � Personnel �ammit�tee. v , MAY 29, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from meezing held May 21, 1986. avvroved 2. Resolution amending the 1986 �budget by adding $8,000 to the Financing I�lan and to the Spending Plan for Public Works--Infrastructure. approved 3. Resolution amending the 19S6�budget by adding �39,500 to the Financing Plan • and to the Spending Plan for Parks and Recreation--Supply and Maintenance. approved 4. Resolution amending the 1986� budget by transferring $25,0�0 from Contingent Reserve to department of Comtnunity Services--Parks and Recreation--Ground Maintenance. approved 5. Resolution amending the 19861 budget and adding $274,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan fo� Finance and Managemeat Services--Citywide Information Services Divisidn. approved - 6. Resolution providing funds �rom 'the Aotel-Motel t� to finance activities related to attracting conve tion business. abproved 7. An ordinance amending Chapter 25.02 of the Legislative Code pertaining to local taxes on hotels and motels and increasing the room ta�c for certain establishments. approved� 8. Resolution approving and auithorizing the acceptance of an Economic Development Grant from the State of Mix�nesota (Economics Laboratory Inc.) . approved 9. Resolution amending C.F. 85�-1182 being an agreement for inter Iibrary loan service by the Saint Paul Ijublic Library ior the State Department of Corrections, Oak Park Heigt�ts facility. anproved 10. Resolution approving memor�ndum of settlenent between the city and the Twin City Iron Workers Local 51�. approved 11. Resolution establishing the title and specifications for Street Services Worker and abolishing titles and specifications as listed. laid over to 6/26 12. Resolution authorizing fortaation of the Saint Paul Seed Capital Corporation, negotiation of terms of co'rporate documents, and cantingent initial capitalization ot $250,000. approved � • 13. Resolution transferring �9,000 to Co�unity Services for a long-term comprehensive plan for Saint Paul and Ramsey County park systems. approved 14. Res�lution setting tax levey on bonds sold and certifying Ievy to County Auditor. Brou�ht in �inder susvensibn of rules - approved CITY HALL SEyEN'TH FLOOR S�►INT PAUL,MINNESOT'A 55IO2 �Q�46