86-745 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - FINqNCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council ��`///�/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO• �� ` �/ v BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution ;-�� °, ° ��� �--- Present d By Referred To �"E ���'l��.1� Committee: Date ���'��? Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: The Mayor pursuant to Sjection 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul , does certify there are available Ifor apprapriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1986 budget; andiwhereas, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and wheras, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1986 budget: Financing Plan Current Budget Change Amended Budget 205 Public Works Engineering Fund 3,836,730.00 $,000.00 3,844,730.00 12000-6905 contributions from Outside Agency (Spring Hill Center) Net Change ' 3,$36,730.00 8,000.00 3,844,730.00 Spending Ptan ! 205 (nfrestructure lnventory 12103-219-000 Fees 10,000.00 8,000.00 1$,000.00 All other codes the same ' 3,826,730.00 -0- 3,$26,730.00 Net Change 3,836,730.00 8,000.00 3,844,730.00 Now, therefore, be it R�SOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1g86 budget. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: I APPROVED: � . Director of Finance Budget i ctor COUNCILMEN ! Requested by Department of: �1 Yeas p�� Nays � ' PUBLIC WORKS (JFS: 't) 4/7/86 N'M�� �Tl�L�� [n Favor Scheibel , Sonnen � Agai St BY redesco � ona . ygaar , i or wilson JUN 5 _ �86 Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa.se b ouncil Se ary BY gy, � A►ppro 1�lavor: Date — Approve yor for Submiss' to C uncil By B PUBIISHEO J UN 141986 Pub•t,ic Works DEPARTMENT C'�-��'�y-5 ND 2965 , • Richard Person CONT CT 29�-6122 PHON . 1-17-86 DATE / e�� r, e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : enar _ 4 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Direc or 6 City Clerk et Director � City Council City Attorney 8 Chief Accountant WHAT WILL BE ACHTEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : RECEIVEI� Completion of the Traffic Lighttng Maintenance Management s,►St�„ Des ign. APR 2 3 'f99Q RECEtVED � � � �APR 2 � CiTY ATTORyEY ,�— _ MAYaR'S OFFICL COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMP CTS ANTICIPATED: Implementation of the MMS wilt greatl streamii�e maintenance activities in Traffic Lighting and provide valuable management infor ation. The Lighting MMS is the prototype for maintenance management systems in the other Publi Works operating divisions, Water Utility and other city operating departments. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBE Cb�ARGED OR CR�DITED: (Maydr's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $ 8,000. 0 quired if under �10,00Q) Funding Source: Outside Agency (Sprin Hill Center-Urban Infra tructure Program) Activity Number: 12103 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachmen s : Consuitant contract with Peer Systems of Philadelphia (copy) . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution aequired? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 , . - ' (,��� ry� � � CITY � OF SAI�TT PAUL ���`"� OFF'IC� OF T�3F CITY COIIITCIL :;;i ;;r.ni • ,. � ' � C�mmittee Re�ort �:i�ance. Mana�en�ent, � Person�el Cammittee � � ..�� i i iMAY 29, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 21, 1986. avproved 2. ��,, ing the I986 �budget by adding $8,000 to tha �inaac��.;,e�d to t� '�r` . `g Plan ¢or':l�ibla.c Vo�infra�uc.�ure. °��,}; 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding �3�,500 to the Financing Plan - and to the Spending Plan for �Parks and Recreation--Supply and Ma.intenance. approved 4. Resolution amending the 1986 'budget by transferring $25,O�Q from Contingent Reserve to department of Community Services--Parks and Recreation--Ground Maintenance. avproved 5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding �274,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services--Citywide Information Services Division. approved 6. Resolution providing funds frpm the Hotel-Motel tax to finance activities related to attracting convention business. approved 7. An ordinance amending Chapter, 25.02 of the Legislative Code pertaining to locai taxes on hotels and motels and increasing the room tax for certain establishments. approved 8. Resolution approving and authorizing the acceptance of an Economic Development Grant from the State of Minnesota (Economics Laboratory Inc.). anproved 9. Resolution amending C.F. 85-1�.82 being an agreement for inter library Ioan service by the Saint Paul Public Library ior the State Department of Corrections, Oak Park Heights� facility. anproved 10. Resolution approving memorandum of settle�nent between the city and the Twin City Iron Workers Local 512. ' approved 11. Resolution establishing the title and specifications for Street Services Worker and abolishing titles and specifications as listed. laid over to 6/26 12. Resolution authorizing format'on of the Saint Paul Seed Capital Corporation, negotiation of terms of corpo�ate documents, and contingent initial capiLalization of $250,000. I approved - 13. Resolution transferrin� $S,OOI'0 to Community Services for a long-term comprehensive plan for Saint Paul and Ramsey County park systems. aovroved 14. Resolution setting tax levy on bonds sold and certifying Ievy to County Auditor. - Broueht in under suspension o�f rules - approved CTi'Y HALL SEVE�('I�i FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSI02 ��s