86-741 WHITE - CITV �LERK �� � PINK - FINAN�E COUnCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I T I OF SA I NT PA U L lle NO. �� ` ��/ BLUE - MAVOR � ri � cil Resolution / � Present d By y Referred To ��� ��� Committee: Date �"���8b Out of Committee By Date - RESOLVED, that the Council� of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorand�m of Settlement between the City and the Twin . City Iron Workers' Local 512. i i � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia �I [n Favor PE FICE Rettman Scheibel ;p� Sonnen �� _I Against Tedesco Wilson JUN 5 - 198fi Form A ove y Cit Att ey Adopted by Council: Date +— � Certified Pa•s d ouncil S ar BY + By� Appro by Mavor: Date _ `'�NI 6 — Approve Mayor for Subm' ion o Co�It�cil g _ By - PUBIISHED J�'N 1419$6 i Personnel Office D� ARTMENT `�'� � �u'/ t�170 James Lombardi CO TACT • 292-7301 ' PH NE _�__ May 5, 1986 D E re en e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli 11 Locations for Si nature : �Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Di ector 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING AGTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution approves a Memorandum etween the City of St. Paul and Iron Workers Local 512. This Memorandum adjusts the wage rates and fringe benefit contributions for 1986, 1987 and 198�. The total package increase is . 0 per hour e�ch year. This is based on the outside union settlement. �����IVr�� l:4AY ',' COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ���1'G��'S O,=F(CE None. The City has no regular employees employed as Iron Workers. Temporary employees are hired when specific projects require t em. � �I � �- FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET AETIVITY UMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Att chments : 1 . Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk DEP RTMENT REVIEW CITY A7TORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Re uired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �lo Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes 1jNo Insurance Attached: (SEE REVER E SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 T . � . . � � �� _ ��r J- , � • t ' • MEMORA�TDUM OF SETTLEMENT :. � ° This Memorandum of Settlement, by and between the City of Saint Paul and Twin City Iron Workers' , Local 512'. In full settlement of 1986 ne!gotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: (1) Except as modified 'by the terms of this Memorandum, the previous understandings between the parties shall remain unchanged. (2) Effective immediately, the rates of pay for the employees represented by the Union shall be those set forth in Appendix A hereof.� (3) Said rates, as wel� as all other understandings between the parties, shall con�tinue through April 30, 1989. It is further understood that ttye wage rates shall remain in effect until the parties have algreed to other rates as part of subsequent bargaining, or until the understandings of the parties have been terminated by,' either. It is understood that the at�ove settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is subject �o the approval by the City Administration and adoption by the City Counci�. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Cit�y Negotiator has affixed his signature this 2nd � day of May, 1986. j CITY OF SAINT PAUL TWIN CITY IRON WORKERS, LOCAL 512 . ' abo Relatio� siness Manager Labor Relations � . . ' � � � � - ��� " ` � APPENDIX A The basic hourly wage rates for employees covered by this SETTLEMENT shall be as follows: ' Regular, Probationary Effective Effective Effective and Provisional May 1, 1986 May 1, 1987 May 1, 1988 Iron Worker $16.88* $17.36* $17.84* Iron Worker Foreman , $17.84* $18.32* $18.80* Temporary and Emergency � Iron Worker $17.55* $18.05* $18.55* Iron Worker Foreman $18.55* $19.05* $19.55* The above rates may be decre�ased as long as the contributions listed below are increased by the same total �amount. It is agreed that the follo�ting contributions and deductions shall be made by the Employer for each hour �orked by employees who are members of this Bargain- ing Unit. These contributidns and deductions shall be made as designated below: � Effective May 1, 1986 Health and Welfare Fund $1.80 Pension Fund $2.05 Apprenticeship Fund $ .09 Vacation Fund Deduction $1.00 These contributions may be �.ncreased as long as the applicable hourly rates shown above are decreased b� the same total amount. *These rates include the $1I.00 Vacation Fund deduction. - A1 - I . � �=- � - 7�`� �• �; CIT� OF SAIITT P�.UL "'✓� O�`P'ICF OF THF CZTY COU�TCIL :;i� :.t:iu .. 'i ' � �ammittee ReFort �:i�anc�, I�ana�e!ment, � Persann�I Comm.i�tee. � MAY 29, 1986 1. Approval of minutes from. meeting held �Iay 21, 1986. approved 2. Resolution amending the 198j6 budget by adding $8,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for. Public �dorks--Infrastructure. approved 3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding w3�,500 to the Financing PZan � and to the Spending Plan fqr Parks and Recreation--Supply and Maintenance. approved 4. Resolution amending the 1.986 budget by transferring $25,0�?0 from Contingent Reserve to department of Community Services--Parks and Recreation--Ground Maintenance. aoproved i 5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding �274,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Services--Citywide Information Services Divis�.on. approved _ -, —_ _ _ ___._�_ .�_ --- -__ _ 6. Resolution providing fundslfrom the Hotel-Motel tax to finance activities related to attracting convention business. approved 7. An ordinance amending Chapter 25.02 of the Legislative Code pertaining to local taxes on hotels and motels and increasing the room tax for certain establishments. approved 8. Resolution approving and a�uthor�_zing the acceptance of an Economic Development Grant from the State of Mi4nnesota (Economics Laboratory Inc.). approved 9. Resolution amending C.F. 8''S-1182 being an agreement for inter library loan service by the Saint PaullPublic Library ior the State Department of Corrections, Oak Park Heights facility. auproved 10. Reso�.ution apprflvfng memo aadum of settlenent between the citq and the Tw3.0 City Iron Workers Local 57�2. approved 11. Resolution establishing the title and specifications for Street Services Worker and abolishing tit es and specifications as listed. laid over to 6/26 12. Resolution authorizing fo ation of the Saint Paul Seed Capital Corporation, negotiation of terms of corporate documents, and contingent initial capitalization of $Z50,00�1. approved � � • 13. Resolution transferring $5,000 to Co�unity Services for a long-term comprehensive plan for Saint Paul a.nd Ramsey County park systems. avnroved 14. Resolution setting tax le{vy on bonds soZd and certifying ievy to County Auditor. BrouQht in uader suspension of rules - approved CTTY HALL SEVE�ITH FLOOR SrLIl�IT PAUL,MIl�INESOT�SSI02 . . . . I �46 . . i WMITE - CITV CLFo•- PINK - F�� c„N•- wncil y�/ - e N0. �^ � / _ ,�^ �� .� /'t,�� �f���� � ��� i �roves and I, the Twin I _��� , � �G� _ �� � COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays I Nicosia PERSONNEL OFFICE Rettman [n F�vor Seheibel �„�,,, A gai ns t BY Tedesco Wilaon Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Councit Secretary BY B}� - , Approved by Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � sy _ , By