86-739 WHITE — CITV GLERK PINK —FINANCE CANA-f7V - DEPARTMENT GIT OF SAINT PAUL COUI1 II,1 /y�/ BLei:E —.�MAVOR File 1\O. v— r��� • ` O �nance Ordi ance N 0.��7��109 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Dat An ordinanc amending Chapter 245 of th St. Paul Le islative Code pertaining to drinking in public and add�ng restricti ns during the nnual Riverfest or summer festival held on Harriet Island THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Chap�cer 245 of the St. Paul Legislative Cod be and the same is hereby amended s as to add the following new section thereto: "245.04. Taste of innesota Festival . No perso shall have in his possess ' on or drink intoxica�ing liq or, non-intoxicating ma t liquor or wine at the Stat Capitol or on its surroundi g property at the annual Tas e of Minnesota Festival eld for the pu�pose of comme orating the Fourth of July oliday. This prohibition s 11 not �e applicable to no -intoxicating malt liquor o wine purchased and cons ed on the Capitol grounds f m a duly licensed on-sa e establishment. Riverfest Festival . No person shall have in hi possession or drink intoxicati g liquor, non-intoxicatin alt liquor or wine at Harriet sland or on its surrounding property at the annual River est Fes�ival or annual summ r festival held on Harriet Isl nd or on its surounding pro erty. This prohibition sh 11 no� be applicable to non intoxicating malt liquor or wine purchased and consumed on t e Harriet Island grounds or s rrounding proper�ty from a d ly licensed on-sale establishme t. " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department f: Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City A torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� ,�: � �-z s-�3 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Council By BY WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK -�INANCE GIT OF SAINT YAUL Cou cil �� ,, 7,39 CAf.IARV - DEPARTMENT � BWJE �AYOR File NO• • 0/ indnce Ordi ance N O. I?c3�r 9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat Section 2. This ordinance shal take effect and be in forc thirty (30) days from and after its assage, approval and public tion. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department o : Drew Nicosia l FBVO[ — Rettman d s�na�bai A ainst BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date J�� 1 — � Form Approved by City Att ney Certified Pas e b cil Secr r BY ��'�'� �' ��"l�" ��� g� By Appr d y Mayor: Dat �" �� ' Approved by Mayor for Subm ssion to Council By By pUgUSNEp J U L 1 21 86 . v \_/ ------____ --------— _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _. -- _ --_ _ _ '`. . wMITE - CITY CLERK � PIN�K - FtNANCE GIT OF SAINT � AUL Cou il o /�-T� CANARY -.DE�ARTMENT � File NO• <J� ` �� • BLUE - MAVOR - Ord . . in�znce ordl ance NO. Presented By --�-� ..�.� , / Referred To �--C�� s �-✓'� ► �a Committee: Dat � � ��b �t'z- I� Out of Committee By Dat An Orciinanc amending Chapter 245 of th - Saint Paul egislative Gode pert 'ning o drinking in public, and adding estrict ons during. the nnual Taste of Mi esota fe ti- val . THE COUNCIL OF THL CITY OF' SAINT PAU DOES ORDAIN: Sectio 1 . That Cha�ter 245 o the Sa' t Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby ame ded so as to add the follow ng new section thereto: 245.04. Taste f nnesota Festival. No p rson shall have in his o ession or drink intoxica ing liquor, non-intoxi ing malt liquor or wine a -the 5tate Capitol or o its surrounding property a the _ _ . annual Taste of . ' nesota Festival held_.�o.r �h pur- _ pose of commemor ng the 4th of July holiday. This prohibition shal ot be applicable to non-int xicating malt liquor or in purchased and consumed on he Capitol ground fr m a duly licensed on-sale e tablish- ment. > Section 2. This ordin nce sha 1 take effect and be in for e thirty days from and after its pass ge, approval and publicatio . �It�iZ.F�S T FEST�UA C. . N� rP� �o.�� Ito�MS w.. I�ce i'v � b p9,dJ`�,,d,t IrY� a�ILiw�. i X i ca�+l'iq ��qµ�L�u r1-1 rr�oe�' I� cs1 �t1►ti ,� !1'"�""� v � �,�.•� J ° � �.. � t��t,�,� �u�- . , � COUN LMF,N hov►-��j�c , . . ` Yeas Nays Requested by Department o : Drew Nicosia l Favor Rettman s�na�bei A ainst By Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Appro d by City rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Sub ission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I T O F SA I NT PA U L Cou cil o CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �/� � 739 BLUE - MAYOR • ' O� in�nce Ordi ance N 0. Presented By )��-� , / Referred To j-C� S �-✓�1/a Committee: Dat � ' ���� I� Out of Committee By p An Ordinanc amending Chapter 245 f th Saint Paul egislative Code pert ning o drinking in public, and adding estrict ons during the nnual Taste of Mi esota fe ti- val . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PRUL OES ORDAIN: Section . That Chapter 245 o the Sain Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby ame ded so a to add the follow ng new section thereto: 245.04. Taste f Mi sota Festival . No p rson shall have in his osses ion or drink intoxica ing liquor, non-intoxi ati malt liquor or wine a the State Capitol or o it surrounding property a the annual Taste of Mi ne ota Festival held for th pur- pose of commemorat 'n the 4th of July holiday. This prohibition shall t be applicable to non-int xicating malt liquor or win purchased and consumed on he Capitol grounds f m a duly licensed on-sale e tablish- ment. Section 2. This ordinanc sha 1 take effect and be in for e thirty days from and after it pass ge, approval and publicatio . COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia l Favor — Rettman Scheibel A ainst BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appro d by City o ney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Subm ssion to Council By By �� - � r ' �. � • � n � �'G� ��� ����. � ITY OF SAINT PAUL .�0 '�� OFFICE F THE CITY ATTORNEY � �_ � muimn ,a '` 1° �'°° '� EDWA D P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY %,o �°€ '', ''��°`�ary 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR May 28, 1986 � �� �� -=�r -°c :•,—, t..�:., - _.? L;.:;,> � � Councilman James Scheibe --- �-- 7th Floor -��:f� �� o City Hall - =� .�� - i"Y4 � _ ''"�'7 �rBw. Dear Councilman Scheibel " �"' m �,-� Enclosed and prepared pursuant to your request please find ordinance amending Chapter �45 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code which would proh'bit persons from consumi g or having in his possession any liquor at the Taste of Mi nesota other than non-intoxicating ma t liquor or wine purchased and consumed on the Capitol grounds f om a duly licensed on-sale stablishment. You � very truly, i i � 1 .. JER E J GAL As.�i,�tan City Attorney / ; �JS/'Cg � ��-fii d�, ,A �_J ���.a., ..,� . .,a1 Encl . � ' (,_ ��_ . .IAi:,�__ _��, , ._ . [ � , . . ,� � •CIT OF SAINT P�.UL �'— �0 �7�� - OFFI E OF THE CITY COIINCIL :...�.,. ��........,. s:: '='=;��" D a t e ; Ju e 16, 1986 COMM ( TEE RE PORT TO = Saint PQUI City Councit FR011i1 : Corr�mittee OtI LEGISLATIO�J C�1 l�i R ; JOHN REW • l. Approval of minutes from meetings held May 5, 1986, and Ju e 2, 1986. - APPROVED. 2. An Ordinance amending th Saint Paul Legislative Code prov ding for the regulation of la ful gambling; repealing Chapters 02 � and 419 of the Legislati e Code. (Councii File 86-671) - LAID OVER TO JUNE 30, 19 6. 3. CTTY HALL SEV NTH FLOOR SAI 'T PAUI.� MINNESOTA 55102 ��� Z. . . . J!� � } � :�.�st (v - �^ c) � -Zna \ '� I _ - /. �` 3rd — � Adopted �—/��- Yeas Nays DRE6J • �!'" �� _ �� . NI�OSiA ! � �/� . - RETTMAN " ' SCHEIBEL SO�TNEN WILSON � . PRESIDENT TEDESCO '