86-708 WMITE - CITV CLERK �PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL C uncil �G J7D�/ CANqRV - OEPARTMENT F le NO. �+ BIUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committee By D te ��,� F�: Page 2 of 2 Gen�eral Goverrunent Accounts Contingent Reserve General 09060-537 Operating �Transfer Out -5,000 (Xirrent Amended Budget CY�ariges Budget T�ANS�'ER TO: Co�mrunity Services Department Parks and Recreation Division 03100 Parks & Rec Administration 03100-219 Fees-Other Professional Services 0 +5,000 5,000 03100 - All Other S�eryding 470,043 0 470,043 470,043 +5,000 475,043 L�T (�IANG'E 0 �'.SQLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1986 b get. Financing is Availabl Approval Reco ed: __ r _ �r��_ Direc of Finance �'' Budget D ec r 5-�5 ��� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Departme t of: Yeas �� Nays � Nicosia Community Servi es Department Rettma� Ifl F8V0[ Scheibel Sonnen � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �UN 3 � �9�� Form Appr d by City torney Certifie �s d by oun ' Secreta BY By Appro y Vlavor: Dat _ JUN � — ��s Approved ay r for mission to Council � By _ PUBLISHfD ,��"�� 141986 ,(��'�� . • �"�" ��;o� C IT1' OF SAINT PAUL ��e« % e a OFFICE OF TI3E MAYOR �� iiii'ii'i ' , � ,� �,. �'umm��,;.R°. 34T CITY E�AI,L GEORGE LATIMER SAIITT YALTL,MINNESOTA 5510`�'. MAYOIt ((i12) �f)8-43�3 May 19, 1986 Mr. Truman Porter, President Friends of Saint Paul and Ramsey County Parks 1621 Beechwood Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 � Dear Mr . Porter: Attached is a pending council resolution for the C 'ty of Saint Paul 's $5000.00 contribution towards Friends of Sa'nt Paul and Ramsey County Parks study to examine joint progra ing for the Saint Paul and Ramsey County park system. In addition the Saint Paul Port Authority has agreed to contribute $5000.00 on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Mayor Latimer supports the study and is recommendi that the City Council amend the City's 1986 adopted budget to tr sfer money from a Contingent Reserve General account to the Parks d Recreation , Division of the Community Services Department. The Parks and Recreation Division will work with the Friends of Saint Paul and Ramsey County Parks as they begin to refine the stu y objectives. The resolution must be approved by the City Council but will initially be reviewed by the Council's Finance Co ittee. The resolution should appear on the Committee 's agenda ithin the next three weeks. Very truly yours, � ���� Greg Blee Budget Director GB:bj cc : G. Latimer K. Stack R. Piram E. Kraut <�„�...s Commu�ity Services Dept. DEPARTMENT �" r�� NO 401� 1 K�.thv Stack CONTACT 4431 PHONE ���� �� Mav 19, 19 8 6 DATE ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip Al1 Locations for Signature) : 1 Department Director 5 Director o Management/Mayor 4 Finance and Manageme,�t Services Director 6 City Clerk (J� � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAiCING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur ose/ The City of St. Paul will contribute $10 ,000 (includes R�t5 ���� Port Authority contributed on behalf of St. Paul) towards the Friends of the St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks study which will examine joint progr ing for the St. Paul and Ramsey County park system. The $10 ,000 matches $10 ,0 0 from Ramsey County and $100 ,000 from the St. Paul Foundation to cover an ap oximate study cost of $120 ,000 . COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The $5000 .00 will be transferred from the Contingent Res rve General account to the Parks and Recreation Administration Division. Pa ks and Rec . will work with Friends of the Parks to refine the study objec ives. RECElVEO .�, MAY 2 01986 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (M � �E Of �� aR�CtOq MK1�A '� 1G N SER4 CE Total Amount of Transaction: $5000 .00 qui ed if un�er � $10 000) Funding Source: Contingent Reserve General Activity Number: 09060-537 (Contingent Reserve Gene�al- perating Transfer Out) ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Resolution 3 . Porter memo 4. Contingent Reserve General Status Report 5. Stack memo 6. Blees letter DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Re uired? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Su icient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 G+��-70� _ _ _ � _ _ � _ ' �,T, o, - - _ CITY OF �AI NT �AUL �R°6 �� � - DEPARTM�PIT O COMMUNlTY SERVICES _ _ �o � � er =11�111�1 C_n' `p „C K THLEf N A.STACK—DIRECTOR . - �'''�„ �.a• `° - 54 City Hell, $airtt Paul,MinnesoW 55102 _�nnn.,ot"`O _ - - 612-29&4431 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 28, 1986 T�: t�ayor George Latimer FROPri: Kat hy St ack 7\5 RE: Friends of the Parks Study/Request for Fun ing Truman Porter asked me today if I would support study of the St . Paul/ftamsey County Parks. As you know, the riends of the Parks preliminary "study" some months ago conclu ed such a major study was in order. At that time I indica ed to you that I felt such a study was inevitable for the riends--t'�at they had intended from the very beginning to do uch a thing. Therefore, this request for "approval" to go ahe d comes as no surprise, and I think it is fine i� the Fr�ends ant to do such a thing since it may eventually help �s jus ify outside funding for Parks and Recreation needs. What does come as a surprise is a request �or- $1 ,000 from the budget to demonstrate the City' s interest and co itment to a study. I told Truman that , while the study woul be nice, I did not consider it essential and certainly woul not take $10, 000 from the department budget to see it get done. It appears the St . Paul Foundation will give $10 ,000 for this study if, according to Nancy Harris, we and the ounty each kick in $10,000. P,�y recommendation to you, when Truman approaches you, is to encourage them to be responsible for raising a11 the study funding. I don' t feel we can justify this expen 'iture from �` the department budget. He will ask you if you w 11 provide $10, 000 from elsewhere in the budget . I have no in any way .�: encouraged him to do this, but it is his right , f course, to do so. Frankly, I have predicted �o Truman' that you would be unlikely to agree to the expenditur:e for a "luxu y" when there are so many oth�er needs. P. S. Truman has guaranteed that this request ill not affect - our $192,000 for the conservatory, wh�ch is on the same agenda. IiAS/lf :r�' Housi�g and Buildi�g Code Enforcement Parks and Recreation Public H alth Public Libraries . �fi��C � ..•�; � _ : - _ _ �- r��' _ . _ G� .- Frie»d8 ,�f St. Paul anad Ramsey Coun�y- arJ�s - _ - - 1621 Beechwood Ave.- � St Paul, MN 55116 • 612-�98-4543 - - _ = Apri l 28,_-1986- _ _ ��_ , - _ - �� T0: Mayor George Latimer Board of Commissione � � St. Paul City Council Ramsey County � ______ _--- — � F � "Truman Porter, President � �0 2�� �-�-���L�cl�c�.�-� ;�� �--friends of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks �� �5 � ��' � ��w � T� The Friends of St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks embarked n a study � of the St. Paul and Ramsey County Parks systems in mid 1985, an produced �� a f inal report of that study in January, 1986. w�r�� �� The study raises numerous policy questions for both park systems. �,,,� These questions deserve careful study if the city and county are to �"'�' continue to provide first class park facilities. �r�rd What will be the effect of major demographic changes? 1Khat will be the recreational and open space needs of our communities? What are common areas of concern which both systems co id - address on a 'partnership" basis? Equally important, is the question of an adequate and sta le source of funding for parks. What type of cooperation can be established between the public/private sector? Do we need a Parks Foundation to receive cash, property gifts, and bequests. What will be the policy regarding the sale of open space a d school properties? , The Friends recommend a task force of citizens be appoi ted by the city and the county, which includes broad representation from a 1 interested groups. The task force should engage a consuiting fi , which � has experience with park systems around the country, to exam ne the� policy issues and to develop a long term comprehensive plan fo both park systems. _ , � _ . __ _ _ _ 70� _ , _ ��°` - - - - _2_ - The resident taxpayers of St. Paul and Ramsey �ounty and t e park employees will all benefit from this study. An adequate stud�wili take 12 to 24 months to complete The process w i 11 take advantage of the expert i se of the task f orce, a w i i 1 provide a base of support for the �commendations when the stu is , completed. The cost of the study is estimated to be 5120,000. We as the city . and the county to contribute $10,000 each to this project. The F iends will take the responsibility for raising the balance of the money. + _ . . �,,�� -r�� COUNCIL ADGIPTID 1986 BUDGEr p GENERAI. CONI'INGEI�T� RESERVE (09060-537) as of May 19, 1986 Council Change /Transfers Adopted �����- ------------ 1986 Council Budget File D e Amount Available Beginning Balance 210,000 Police paddy wagon 86-56 1 16 (5,000) PID St. Paul Tomorrow survey 86-398 1 4 (13,500) Personnel Fiuyen transfer 86-326 3 13 (35,800) City's share Qi/CH budget adderydums withdrawn I�IGI�ORHOCOS, USA Conference Coordinator 86-557 5 1 (5,000) Atunan Services Needs Assessment Grants pending (10,000) Parks & Rec Trash Co�actor pending (25,000) � Ramsey Co Waste Management Fees pending (9,768) Friends of the Park Study pending (5,000) F�ding Balance 210,000 (109,068) 100,932 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- perrling - Pending action by the Finance Comnittee or identified but ot yet submitted by the department. recomm�nn. - Recomirended by the Finance Coi►�►ittee for approval. withdrawn - Recluest withdrawn before council action OI+�S/jeanetta 700/GRESERV86 5/19/86 � �4 � 7�� �• 'z CITY OF SgI1TT P.A.UL :;ii� OFFICFL OP` TH?�: CI'1.TY COIIITCZL � Cammittee Repart F:i�ancA Mana ement � Personnel �� 'ttee. .. MAY 29, 1986 1. Approval of minuCes from meeting held May 21, I986. v roved 2. Resolution amending the I.986 budget by adding �8,000 to t e Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Public Sdorks--Infrastructure. a roved 3. Resolution amending the 19�6 budget by adding w3°,500 to he Financing Plan � and to the Spending Plan for Parks and Recreation--Supply and Maintenance. approved 4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by transferring $25,0 0 from Contingent Reserve to department of Community Services--Parks and Re reation--Ground Maintenance. approved 5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $274,000 o the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Finance and Management Servi ces--Citywide Information Services Division. approved - 6. Resolution providing funds from the Hotel-Motel tax to f nance activities related to attracting convention business. approved 7. An ordinance amending Chapter 25.02 of the Legislative C de pertaining to local taxes on hotels and motels and increasing the room tax for certain establishments. approved -8. Resolution approving and authorizing the acceptaace of Economic Development Grant from the State of Minnesota (Economics Laboratory Inc.). approved 9. Resolution amending C.F. 85-1182 being an agreement for inter library loan service by the Saint Paul Public Library ior the State epartment of Corrections, Oak Park Heights facility. a�proved 10. Resolution approving memorandum of settlenent between t e city and the Twin City Iron Workers Local 512. approved : 11. Resolution establishing the title and specifications fo Street Services Worker and abolishing titles and specifications as Iist d. laid over to 6/26 12. Resolution authorizing formation of the Saint Paul See Capital Corporation, negotiation of terms of corporate documents, and conti gent initial �(j�a"r capitalization of $250,000. approved � � � . � �e�s 13. Resolution transferring $5,000 to Community Serviees f r a long-term �r� jJ�r. 1�R comprehensive plan for Saint Paul and Ramsey Couaty pa k systems. aoorove� 14. Resolution setting tax levy on bonds sold and certifyi g levy to County Auditor. Brought in under suspension of rules - approved eITY HALL SEVE�i'TH FLOOR SAINT PAIIL,\r1II`NE50TA 55IO2 '�..a