86-694 ..�:
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PINK - F�MAMCE � C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Cou cil ///y
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` CQ n il,Resolution , -
� ,
Presented By � �� �
Referre o Committee: Dat
Out of Committee By Dat
WHEREAS, there is a public concern over the po sible chronic
effects of environmental exposure to lead in young hildren; and
WHEREAS, a new public awareness has focused on the broad
deposition of lead via the combustion of leaded gas line; and
WHEREAS, the lead emissions remain in the s il for long
periods of time; and
WHEREAS, young children have an exposure to outdoor soil
and/or household dust during their typicat piay activity and
young children are likely to mouth objects or suck heir fingers,
and therefore are more likely to consume environmen al lead; and
WHEREAS, expert committees have found a relati nship between
soil lead leveis in neighborhoods and the effect of those levels
on the heaith of the resident children;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Sai t Paul , shall
appropriete �20,000.00 to the Department of Commu ity Services
through its Division of Public Health to assess th soil levels
in selected neighborhoods and the possible correla ion with the
children's health in those neighborhoods.
The $20,000.00 wili be spent by the Saint Pau Division of
Public Heaith for soit lead testing, lead screening and education
of neighborhood residents in the following manner:
150 Soii Lead Tests at $10. 00 per test $ 1 ,500.00
750 Blood Lead Tests and analysis at $10.00 per tes 8,000.00
Incentive Program, marketing 2,000.00
Mailing ( 10,000 mailings) 1 ,000.00
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department o :
Yeas �ann Nays
In Favor
Sonnen A gai ti s t BY
W ilson
Form Approved by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
A►pproved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subm'ssion to Council
9LUE� •-�YOR ��
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Commiitee: ate
Out of Committee By ate
Telephone solicitation 5,000.00
Food incentives 2,000.00
Miscellaneous 500.00
Total $20,000.00
BE IT FURTHER RESO�VED, that $8,000.00 be ranted to Dr.
Howard Mielke for soii mappi�g; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that tnsofar as p ssible the Saint
Paul Divis9on of Pubiic Heaith sampling program be coordinated
with the sampling and testing programs being c nducted by the
Minnesota Pollution Co�trol Agency and the Sta Department of
Health, pursuant to 1985 laws First Speclal Ses ion, Chapter 14,
Arttcle 19, Section 811 .
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Departme t of:
Yeas �tettmanNays
�� [n Favor
Sonnen �__ Against BY
W i Ison
MAY 2 9 1986 Form Approved by City ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pa s uncil Se ta BY
/\pproved by Ytavor: Date Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council
Approved without the signature of the Mayor
�rsuant to section 6.08 of the �ity Charter. PUBUSHED J UN 7 ��$6
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.:ii ;�t:t i O�`F'IC� OF THF CITY COIINCIL ,
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�ommitte� Report , . ..'r r�-� '�r
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F':i�anc� I�ana ement � P�rsonnel Co tte�.
MAY 21, 1986
1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 8, 1986. a rove
2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $100,000 to th Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Civic Center Operating. appr ved
3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $8,000 to the inancing Plan ' 1
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works--Infrastructure In entory. 7aid over to 5/29
4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding �42,517 to the Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Housing Information Office (Bet er Opportunities
Through Self-Sufficiency). approved
5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $15,200 to th Financing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works operations. ap roved _
6. Administrative Orders:
D-8000: Budget revision in the Mayor--Budget Section. dis ussed
D-8001: Authorization for payment to Robert P. Pz�ovost for pre-retirement
seminars. discussed
D-8007: Authorizes an agreement with Bonestroo, Anderlik a Associates,
Inc. to design canopies for the Public Works Depar ent. discussed
7. Resolution establishing rate of pay for titles of Environme tal Health Aide,
Environmental Health Technician and Environmental Health Te hnician Supervisor
in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation in Section I D 2 of the Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation resolution. laid over to 6/5
8. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the titles of E vironmental Health
Specialist, Environmental Health Analyst and Environnental ealth Supervisor
in Section I D 3 of Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation r solution. laid over to 6/5
9. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compensati n resolution
regarding Environmental Health Specialist. laid over to 6/
10. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Environmental H alth Program
Supervisor in Section I D 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation '
resolution. laid over to 6/5 � •
11. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compensati n resolution by
establishing a salary range under the 1986 Technical Range nd Salary Range
under the 1986 Professional Non-Supervisory Range. laid ov r to 6/5
;:`LIITTEE REPORT �' - F�'� �O ��
:•: 2L, 1986 '
_;e 2 �
12. Resolution adopting policies regarding 'the allocation of ta exempt and
taxable revenue bond authority between the Department of P1 nning and
Economic Development and the Saint Paul Port Authority, and identifying
areas of responsibility. approved with amendmertts
13. Resolution recognizing the reconstitution of Citizen Partic pation Distri.ct
No. 2. approved �I
14. Executive Order:
E-24: Establishment of an Employee Policy of HTLV-III Dise se (AIDS) . laid over to 6/5
15t�� �ts,arlut°�cm ;��gri;a..t�,,;,�24,.,4QQ t�r the Saint Pa��:�..1�ivisioa of ,Pu�'�.i.c Aealth
for st5��..�:i�,�,d_t��.ng, -].a�d screening aad..�ati�:of aeig bdrhood zes�clents,
and �8;��`'cf�. �at�'ard .Mi��ke �i3r soi� m�pping.� a ro d
16. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and transferring $10,00 from Contingent
Reserve to Executive Administration--Civic Organization Co ributions. approved
, . (,� ��- �G�
. . . . . ;
Lead Testing
150 Soil Lead 'I�ests at $10.00 per test: $ 1,500.00
750 Blood Lead 'I�sts and analysis at $10.00 per test: $ 8,000.00
Incentive Program, marketing: $ 2,000.00
Mailing (10,000 mailings) : $ 1,000.00
Telephone solicitation: $ 5,000.00
Fbod incentives: $ 2,000.00
�S���� $ 500.00
Zbtal $20,000.00
'Il1e Lead Cbalition in 000peration with the Division of Publi Health will seek
funding of $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 for a 000rdinator and inci entals.
An added benefit of the lead screening p�ogram will be real'zed b� the fact that
in addition to the lead screening the children will also be tested for anania
and iron deficiency. Children with these problans will be eferred for medical
attention. Additio nal information will be obtained on the ildrens health
through the use of a questionr�aire and also this testing ca be used tA evaluate
the current lea+d �'ogram at the Saint Paul Division of Publ c Health.
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1s.t .� ��:.�.i �- L;� -2nd �> . .5- ��
3rd �! /p ,�� Adopted �- �/ 7-�'�
Yeas Nays
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