BLUE - MA;oR File NO. �o r
Co nc ' es lu 'on ,-
Presente By +
Referred To ! �"l� LC Committee: Date �� �
Out of Committee By Date
4JHEiREAS, the State of Minnesota has passed a law regulatin the
allocation of tax exempt industrial revenue bond authority to muni ipalities
�NHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul needs to continue to take a broad
approach in its efforts to revitalize our City including a continuec� emphasis
on industrial, retail, office and housing, including both neighborh od and
downtown development and;
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Port Authority is one of the most s ccessful
industrial develo�ment agencies in the country and because of the development
of their reserve fund can also act in a very important fashion in upporting
projects that might otherwise not be able to be funded and;
W�IEREAS, the City has created, in its Department of Planni g and
Economic Development, a broad-based redevelopment agency struct rec�
to undertake projects that require close coordination between our ity's
planning and development objectives, including housing developme t and
large and small-scale real estate-oriented redevelopment projects a d;
WHEREAS, the limiting of the amount of tax exempt industria revenue
bond authority will create a need to more clearly identify the resp nsibilities
of the Port Authority and the Department of Planning and Econom' Development
�JVHEREAS, the allocation of industrial revenue bond authority will come
directly to the City of Saint Paul to be further allocated as the Ci y Council
and Mayor deems appropriate.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �n Nays __
Drew [n Favor � �
�1ww�r i�.ettman
scheibel __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved City Atto ey
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY �
B}� C
t�pprov d Mavor. Date
� Approv by Mayor for Su uncil
. , , . � ' � -z- C'�-d'� ���
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council
adopts the following policies regarding the allocation of tax exe pt and
taxable revenue bond authority between the Department of Plan ing and
Economic Development and the Saint Paul Port Authority and al o identifies
the specific areas of responsibilities that each agency will have in issuing
tax exempt and taxable bonds for development projects within t e City.
I . Non-Profits
HRA/PED will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all on-profit
projects in the City.
II. Housin
HRA/PED will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all ousing projects
in the City regardless of their location.
$15 million of Saint Paul's tax exempt bond allocation will e set aside
to be used for rental housing projects. If funds from the statewide
competitive pool are available to be used for rental project in Saint
Paul and any or all of the $15 million has not been used o is not
needed for pending rental housing projects, then the rema ning sum
will be reallocated according to the following sections.
III. Neighborhood Development
HRA/PED will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all rojects outside
of downtown except those taking place on Port Authority wned land
and/or manufacturing in nature.
$12 million of the City's allocation will be set aside to be sed by the
HRA/PED will receive 40$ of any funds left from the $15 m'llion rental
housing commitment.
IV. i�anufacturing
Port Authority will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all manufacturing
projects. Funding should be sought from the statewide co petitive
pool before any of the City's allocation is used.
V. Downtown Projects (see map)
Port Authority will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds for all downtown
projects (excluding housing and non-profits)
Bonds will only be issued for projects taking place on land now publicly
owned in an effort to put the land back on the tax roles nless unusual
circumstances exist and the HRA and Port Authority Boards jointly
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VI. Port Authority Owned Land
Port Authority will issue tax exempt and taxable bonds fo all projects
on land they own (excluding housing and non-profits)
VII. General
$16.7 milliion of the City's allocation will be set aside to b used by
the Port Authority for downtown and manufacturing proje ts and projects
on Port Authority land.
Port Authority will receive 60� of any funds left from the rental housing
In recognition of the continuing HRA/PED staff commitmen to assist
the Port Authority in the development of its projects, the Port Authority
agrees to provide to the HftA/PED a sum of money equal o the HftA's
normal bond fee (Z o at closing, Z% on first anniversary d te of issue
and 1/l0o annually thereafter) for planning, design and roject management
assistance. This sum shall be paid for all tax exempt bo ds issued
by the Port Authority.
The Director of the Department of Planning and Economic Development
and the Executive Vice President of the Port Authority s all meet monthly
to jointly review the projects to be financed and the stat s of the
use of the bond allocation. They shall report monthly, be inning in
September, to the HRA and Port Authority Board on the tatus of
the use of the bond allocation and any recommendations f r adjustment
to the allocation formula.
The Port Authority will issue bonds for all expansion pr jects of previously
financed 876 projects in neighborhoods and for all projec s previously
sent out for ENS review.
HRA/PED will issue bonds for all public use facilities (i. . skyways,
parking ramps, etc. ), all tax increment projects and all rojects on
PED owned land.
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� ��
Co ci es lu ion
Presented By +
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
In order to more closely integrate its Economic Develo ment programs
with its equal employment, equal opportunity and job t aining and
job placement activities, the City will require that dev lopers and/or
firms receiving financing and/or financing assistance a sociated
with a commercial or industrial project valued in exces of $1,000,000
shall agree to:
l. Demonstrate compliance with a carefully considere and reasonably
constructed affirmative action policy and plan,
2. Execute, with appropriate City officials, a carefu y considered
and reasonably constructed binding first source ployment
agreement, and
3. Comply with the City's set-aside requirements for minority, handicapped,
women and small business enterprises.
4. These three provisions will take effect 30 days f om May 29, 1986.
COUNC[LMEN Requested b Department of:
Yeas SQnngn Nays �
Drew [n Favor
�...� Rettman
Scheibel ° __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 9 1986 Form Approved by City Attor ey;
Certified Pass d il Sec e r,� BY
�lppro by 14avor: Date — Approve y ayor for S 'on t Council
By By
PUBIISHED 7U�! 7 19�6
iil.JE -• MAYOR � Flle O.
. ,
Co ci es lu ion
"t'resented By +
� Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
j _
In order to more closely integrate its Economic Develop ent programs
with its equal employment, equal opportunity and job tr ining and
job placement activities, the City will require that devel pers and/or
firms receiving financing and/or financing assistance as ociated /�/�
with a commercial or industrial project valued in excess of , 00,000 �
shall agree to:
1. Demonstrate compliance with a carefully considered and reasonably
constructed affirmafiive action policy and plan,
2. Execute, with�appropriate City officials, a carefull considered
and reas�ably constructed binding first source e ployment
agreement, and
3. Comply with the City's set-aside requirements for inority, �������
women and small business enterprises. �
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COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas $ r gn Nays , -�Z_
Drew "^��
-�K Rettman In Favor
scne�be� Against BY
Form Approved by City Attor ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �
Approved by Mavor: Date Approve y ayor for S 'on t Council
sy By
. _ ; � � . . . � . �-� -��3
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GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
April 21, 1986
Victor Tedesco, President
and Members of the Saint Paul City Council
Seventh Floor City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear City Council Members:
Attached for your consideration is s resolution ou lining an
agreement drafted by Jim Bellus of the Department f Planning
and Economic Development and Gene Kraut of the Por Authority
regarding tax exempt and taxable revenue bonds. A all of you
knorr, our ability to issue tax exempt industrial r venue bonds
has been severely limited by federal legislation. Whereas last
year the two agencies issued over 5300, 000, 000 wor h of bonds,
our allocation from the State this year will be 54 . 7 million
�vith previously excluded items such es rental hous ng pro�ects
now having to be included within the $43. 7 millian limit.
This reduction in tax exempt bonding authority has been
anticipated for several years and has provided the impetus for
the development of several new initiatives to meet the changing
t i mes.
Undoubtedly the most significant part of this bond ng agreement
is the strong and direct language that eneures tha the city's
set-aside, affirmative action and binding first so rce
employment agreements are applied to all bond fina ced pro�ects
over 82 million. This is significant because it c estes for the
first time in the history of the city a direct lin betWeen our
bond financed pro�ects and our �ob training, set-a ide and
affirmative action activities, thus ensuring more pportunities
for the economically disadvantaged residents of ou community.
With your approvel of this agreement, major pro�ec s financed
with taxable and tax exempt revenue bonds will dir ctly result
in the crestion of �ob opportunities for unemploye and
underemployed city residents. This agreement prov des us with
our first opportunity to implement one of the ma�o
recommendations of the Citizens Commission on Bond ng and
Financing Practices and establish a direct linkage betpeen our
economic development programs and the needs of the
underpriviliged in our city.
- , . - . ' ��
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Despite restrictions on the amount of tax exempt r venue bonds
available to the city, we remain committed to an i novative and
broadly based economic development program which a dresses the
city's housing, commercial and industrisl needs.
We remain committed to the needs of small business s in our
city. For example, PED now manages an industrial ncubator and
is looking toward the crestion of a second one and the Port
Authority and PED are jointly developing a seed ca ital fund.
We remain committed to the maintenance and improve ent of our
housing stock. We propose that more than one-thir of our tax
exempt bond allocation -- some $15 million -- be s t eside for
rental housing projects and programs. We will con inue to seek
, and find additional innovative ways of financing m rket-rate and
loM-income housing. PED will retain authority ove housing
finance programs.
We remain committed to downtown revitalization. B cause our
bonding authoirity �ill be limited, priority will e given to
those pro�ects which utilize land that is already ublicly
owned. Because downtoNn pro�ects will likely requ re a
combination of taxable and tax-exempt bonds, the P rt Authority
will finance most downtown commercial developments
We remain committed to the expansion and maintenan e of our
industrial and manufacturing �ob base and the Port Authority
will continue to finance these types of pro�ecte. We remain
comitted to assisting non-profit organizations and neighborhood
businesses and PED will continue to finance these ypes of
In order to meet our committments, both the Port A thority and
PED Mill continue to seek ways of leveraging our f nancial
resources in order to maximize their effectiveness We
anticipate using more taxable bonds in the future nd we are
exploring a variety of rrays of ueing the HRA Devel pment Fund
and UDAG loan paybacks in the most efficient and p oductive
manner possible.
Jim Bellus and Gene Kraut will be available to mee rith the
Council and review this agreement in more detail. I hope you
will give it your prompt and serious consideration.
eor e Latimer
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F:i�anc� l�ana ement � Personnel Cammitt e.
MAY 21, 1986
1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 8, 1986. a roved
2. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $100,000 to the Fi ancing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Civic Center Operating. ap rove
3. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding $8,000 to the Fina cing Plan '
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works--Infrastructure Invent ry. 2 ,•a a ov�� to 5/29
4. Resolution amending the 1986 budget by adding �42,517 to the Fin ncing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Housing Information Office (Better pportunities
Through Self-Sufficiency). approved ,
5. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and adding $15,200 to the Fi ancing Plan
and to the Spending Plan for Public Works operations. approv d �
6. Administrative Orders:
D-8000: Budget revision in the Mayor--Budget Section. discuss d
D-8001: Authorization for payment to Robert P. Provost for 3 pr -retirement
seminars. discussed
D-8007: Authorizes an agreement with Bonestroo, Anderlik and As ociates,
Inc. to design canopies for the Public Works Department discussed
7. Resolution establishing rate of pay for titles of Environmental ealth Aide,
Environmental Health Technician and Environmental Health Technic an Supezvisor
in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation in Section I D 2 of the Salary
Pl.an and Rates of Compensation resolution. laid over to 6/5
8. Re.solution establishing the rate of pay for the titles of. Enviro ental Health
Specialist, Environmental Health Analyst and Environnental Healt Supervisor
in Section I D 3 of Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation resolu ion. Iaid over to 6/5
9. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compensation re olution
regarding Environmental Health Specialist. laid over to 6/5
10. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Environmental Health Program
Supervisor in Section I D 4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Comp nsation '
resolution. laid over to 6/5 � .
11. Resolution amending the salary plan and rates of compensation re olution by
establishing a salary range under the 1986 Technical Range and S lary Range
under the 1986 Professional Non-Supervisory Range. laid over to 6/5
'.:`�IITTEE REPORT � a�' � �3
.;� 21, 1986
_�e 2 • -
12. R�a���:en adc�ati�g pi�c��c�ea Ys�arding 'the a�location of:.t,zx ex pt and
taxa'bl�'��v�nue ba�"authority t�etweea the Department of 1*,lana g and
E�oac�m#�a�Be�e]:�r�at and tiie'` Saint Paul Port Au�tho�t#ty, an� id ti�qing
areas of i�sponsibilfty. �"a���e�"�th amendments
13. Resolution recognizing the reconstitution of Citizen Participat on District
No. 2. approved 'f
14. Executive Order:
E-24: Establishment of an Employee Policy of HTLV-III Disease AIDS). laid over to 6/5
15. Resolution appropriating $20,000 to the Saint Paul Division of ublic Health
for soil lead testing, lead screening and education of neighbor ood residents,
and $8,000 to Dr. Howard Mielke for soil mapping. a proved
16. Resolution amending the 1986 budget and transferring $10,Q00 fr m Contingent
Reserve to Executive Administration--Civic Organization Contrib tions. approved