86-691 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT YA U L C uncil CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLVE - MAVOR Fl e NO. ��� �/ � + • O.r indnce o� inance N O. Present By �6 Referred To �—'S'�+ � "'��� Committee: D te 'S 20— ��p Out of Committee By D te An Ordinance amending Chapter 107 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the Planning Commission. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 107 .05 of the Saint Paul Administ ative Code pertaining to compensation to be paid to Planning C mmission members be and is hereby amended to read as follows 107.05. Compensation. Each member of the lanning Commission shall be paid $25 for each meeting f the Commission as a whole, of committees of the co mission and meetings of task forces established by the commission, that the members shall attend, but in no event shall any commission member receive more than ���9A $180 per annum for attendance at such meetings. The compensa ion set forth herein shall be the entire compensation o com- mission and/or committee members for the perfo mance of their duties. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in for e thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publicatio . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor Rettman �j Scheibel �'� Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 9 - 1986 Form Approve b City A rney Certified Pas e ouncil S ta BY By Appr y Mayor: Date _ SEP 1 1 1 Approv by Mayor for Su � ' ' n t ?Counci By B i PUBUSHEO S E P � 019�6 � PED � _ plan.ning DEPARTMENT (;����,cq�:� 3595 � Pegciv Rei chert CONTACT ����f� 292-1577 ext. 253 PHONE DATE �Q/�� Q� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : artment Director �Director o Management/Mayor inance and Mana ement Se vices Director ��y Clerk , 9 irector �K S�� � � Plannin D vision - Pe Reicher��_ City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur ose/ Rat onale) : Ordinance amendment will permit Planning Commission members to earn 1800/year maximum for attendance at meetings instead of current $1200/year maximum. C�y'�+ c�, T �a` COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: No need to appropriate more money in budget but actual expenditure o appropriation will increase by an estimated $1,000-$1500. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNIBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (May r's signa- tur not re- Total Amount of Transaction: qui ed if under $10 000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Letter from P�layor to Council President & City Council members Ordinance (City Council )- amendinc� City Council Ordinance to $1800 yr. maximum compensation List of Planning Con�aission roernbers and earning for year 1985. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Re uired? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suf icient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . , . . ��- �q� 's �t�T�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL J73�'� o~� �� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' ii�i i�ii ; � ♦p Av ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR A ril 16, 1986 Council President Tedesco and Members of the City Council 7th F1 . City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Council President Tedesco and Members of the City Counc 1 : The St. Paul Planning Commission has requested that the City Council amend the City Ordinance regarding Planning Commission compensation to increase the maximum allowable per member from $1,200 to $1,800 per year. The St. Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 107.05 currently s ates that each member of the commission shall be paid $25 for each meeting f the commission as a whole or of a committee of the commission, but that in o event shall any commission member receive more than $1,200 per annum. As th attached statistics indicate, only five of the commission members in 985 received the maximum allowable $1,200; however some of these five individ als reached their maximum compensation level by the fall of that year. The re son for this situation is that some members have been quite active as cha'rs of their committees and as chairs of various citizen and neighborhood task forces working on Planning Commission issues such as Child Care, Su it Avenue, 0'Gara's parking, Grand Avenue parking, etc. The city budget appropriates monies for Planning Commission compensation based on the assumption that each member will attend two full com ission meetings and two committee or task force meetings per month. The total budget appropriation for 1986 therefore is $35,200. The expenditu es during 1985 were $18,400. I believe that we can safely increase the ma imum allowable compensation per member to $1,800 without needing to increa e the budget appropriation for Planning Commission fees. In actuality t e increased cost to the city of this ordinance amendment will likely be only a few hundred dollars, but will be important to enable those members of t e Planning Commission to continue to participate in the planning and p oblem solving activities of the commission without undo personal expense or necessities such as parking or child care. I therefore recommend that the City Council adopt the attac ed amendment to the City Administrative Code. Thank you for your considera ion. Very truly yours, George Latimer Mayor GL:ss Attachment �4B � • Y � s � ' � ' � ��.—� 9/ , 7��� PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS COMPENSATION - 1985 Anderson, Marvin $ 525 Brown, Peter 700 Christenson, James 550 Ferderer, Robert 1 ,125 Galles, John 850 Horak, Frank 425 Indihar, Frank 800 Lanegran, David 975 Levy, Jeff 1,200 Luna, Donald 600 McDonell , David 1,025 McLaughlin, Judy 175 Morton, Gladys 975 Mulder, James 200 Pangal , Joseph 1,200 Park, Gary 475 Summers, Gayle 1,150 Tracy, Nancy 1,200 Treichel , Imogene 1,050 VanHoef, Robert 1,200 Young, Robin 400 Zieman, Kathleen 1 ,200 TOTAL $ 18,000 _. � � 'v � �/ - �O�/ ' � CIT4 OF SAINT �gIIL /��q� OFFIG'� aF' TSE CITY COUNCIL _ . � p a fi e � Au ust 20, 1986 ...... M�1���������• � �����`��Q�t .� �� �� CpMM[TTEE RE PORT TO = Satnt PQU 1 City Councit . Q (� • C o rn m it t e e O Ct RULES AND POLICY, August 18, 1986 j ` FR • . , CNAiR : Victor Tedesco - - The Rules and Policy CommitteordinancesU9ust 18 meetin of the following resolutions/ � , Reappointment of Marvin York aencelAdvisoryeCommMtt errington to the Civil Service Commission Refer 2, An ordinance amending Chapter� �ens$tioneforiattend nce�atlmeeti�9$ Code stipulating a mexirnum � ►nP of the`-Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul of $1 ,800 per � year inst�ad of the present $1 ,200. 3, _ Resolution reappointing Robert D. Lowe, Sr. to ser e onteTm Boaexpire . _. _-_____ . _ Directors of the District -Heating Development Coun i , September, 1989. The following ordi.nance was a roved with cCi�alAt�o neyestOfficee and . -resolution will be redone by Karla Hancock, roval nd then will be submitted to Council Member Bill Wilson for app forwarded to the City Clerk: � , Amendment to Chapter 183 of the Humaa1Rlbetdesign ted bySthe1Mayorat the Chairperson of the Commission etc. with the approval of the Council, mmPndation The following resolutio�nSthatetheytbe�clarifiednfor hehCouncileby and with the stipulati Jane McPeak, City Attorney's Office: � , Request from the City Council �°tleefor•aPmember fethe�CitySCounc�l review and recommend a proper S bdivision 7, per pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 410.12, City Charter amendment. 2, An ordinance amending the St. Paul Administrativ Code, Appendix A-1 , pertaining to the title for member of the City ouncil. Lois Coakley, 719 City Hall ' gpQ�IT pAUL.MINI`1ESOTA SS • SEVEN'1"H FLOOR . CTIy HAI.I. •£�•�, . _ ,._�,�,.��__�_-�...�,�:...�..�- w