99-777L� City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� RESOLUTION APPROVING A3SESSA�7T AND By �\ FIXING TIME OF HEARING TBEREON File o. 18760-A Q�, C�-F v �-� L Assessment No._0655 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, costs and expenses for street improvements on Pillsbury Street from Raymond Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue in connection with the Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving and Lighting Project, including grading, bituminous paving, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons, and all other work necessary to complete said improvements. PIIRIIS{dFn SEP 4 i999 Preliminary Order: _99-153 Final Order: 99-3 approved: _Feb. 17, 1999_ approved: _April 7, 1999_ � The assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED F'ITRTAER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 6th day of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice tlie time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILFERSON Yeas Nays ✓3�enanav �lakey t�ostrom � l eman .�farri s vLantry �iter �In Favor �1 Against Adopted by the Council: Date � ��"� Certified Passed by Council Secretary c�s�' �r_ - �_271_UU p �to- i ��. . � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 27,1999 Green Sheet Number: 09479 ontact Ferson and Phone Nnmber: EPARTMEN'f DIRLCTOR 1 C[7Y COUNCIL PCtCT WI11tC �/ 266-8850 'O""0� �ATTORNEY CLEAK � IustbeonCouncilAgendabyElllgllSf1g UDGETDIRECl'OR FFICEOFFINANCIAI.SVCS. blic Hearing dafe of October 6,1999 YOR(ORASSISTAN'f) OTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _3_ cc�r,u.L LocnTTONS Fox sicrrnzv�> CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set hearing dafe of October 6,1999, for ratification of assessments for street improvements on PilLsbury treet from Raymond to St. Anthony in connection with the EustislDesnoyer Area Street Paving and Lighting roject, Dept. of Technology File Number 18760-A. . Ratify said assessments. COh1MENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodfirm ever worke�d under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNWG WMMISS(ON A Sl'AFF . -- . Has this pecsodfirm evec been a City empbyee? YFS NO CIVIL SERVICE COMhIIS510N `' . Does this persoolFicm possess a skill nat normally possessed by any YES NO curreat City employee? � C1B COhISiIITEE Ex lain alt YFS answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS W11ICH COUNCIL OBJE(,'ITVE? Better and Safer Streets COUNCIL WARD(S) Q DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL - �'j ITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When� Where, Why?): � Owners of property on Pillsbury Street requested that additional work be done on their properties in connection with the original Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving & Lighting Project, File No.18760. The owners signed Waivers of Notification of Assessment, allowing the work to be completed as early as possible. This work was done as part of the original EustislDesnoye�it Pro'ect, and needs to be ratitied to allow for the collection of assessments to ay for the work. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessment amounts collected will help pay for the project ISADVAI3TAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners benefitted by this work will have these assessments on the property records until aid. ISADVAN'PAGES IF NOT AYPROVED: Additional funding would have to be found to cover the amounts not collected through assessments. Also, to not assess these bene�ts would be inconsistent with City olicy. OTAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACS'ION: �% COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (C[RCLE ONE) YES NO DING SOURCE: CIB SL ASSPSSII1CIlYS ACTIVITYNUMBER: , � (NANCIAL INFORMATION: (SXPLAI� ��p R�earch Center Total Project Cost: $12,140.00 CIB $ 4.802.56 Assessments: $ 7,337.44 �,�� a 3 '��9� 2S property owners will be notiYied oi the public hearuig anci charges. L� City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� RESOLUTION APPROVING A3SESSA�7T AND By �\ FIXING TIME OF HEARING TBEREON File o. 18760-A Q�, C�-F v �-� L Assessment No._0655 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, costs and expenses for street improvements on Pillsbury Street from Raymond Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue in connection with the Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving and Lighting Project, including grading, bituminous paving, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons, and all other work necessary to complete said improvements. PIIRIIS{dFn SEP 4 i999 Preliminary Order: _99-153 Final Order: 99-3 approved: _Feb. 17, 1999_ approved: _April 7, 1999_ � The assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED F'ITRTAER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 6th day of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice tlie time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILFERSON Yeas Nays ✓3�enanav �lakey t�ostrom � l eman .�farri s vLantry �iter �In Favor �1 Against Adopted by the Council: Date � ��"� Certified Passed by Council Secretary c�s�' �r_ - �_271_UU p �to- i ��. . � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 27,1999 Green Sheet Number: 09479 ontact Ferson and Phone Nnmber: EPARTMEN'f DIRLCTOR 1 C[7Y COUNCIL PCtCT WI11tC �/ 266-8850 'O""0� �ATTORNEY CLEAK � IustbeonCouncilAgendabyElllgllSf1g UDGETDIRECl'OR FFICEOFFINANCIAI.SVCS. blic Hearing dafe of October 6,1999 YOR(ORASSISTAN'f) OTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _3_ cc�r,u.L LocnTTONS Fox sicrrnzv�> CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set hearing dafe of October 6,1999, for ratification of assessments for street improvements on PilLsbury treet from Raymond to St. Anthony in connection with the EustislDesnoyer Area Street Paving and Lighting roject, Dept. of Technology File Number 18760-A. . Ratify said assessments. COh1MENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodfirm ever worke�d under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNWG WMMISS(ON A Sl'AFF . -- . Has this pecsodfirm evec been a City empbyee? YFS NO CIVIL SERVICE COMhIIS510N `' . Does this persoolFicm possess a skill nat normally possessed by any YES NO curreat City employee? � C1B COhISiIITEE Ex lain alt YFS answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS W11ICH COUNCIL OBJE(,'ITVE? Better and Safer Streets COUNCIL WARD(S) Q DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL - �'j ITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When� Where, Why?): � Owners of property on Pillsbury Street requested that additional work be done on their properties in connection with the original Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving & Lighting Project, File No.18760. The owners signed Waivers of Notification of Assessment, allowing the work to be completed as early as possible. This work was done as part of the original EustislDesnoye�it Pro'ect, and needs to be ratitied to allow for the collection of assessments to ay for the work. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessment amounts collected will help pay for the project ISADVAI3TAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners benefitted by this work will have these assessments on the property records until aid. ISADVAN'PAGES IF NOT AYPROVED: Additional funding would have to be found to cover the amounts not collected through assessments. Also, to not assess these bene�ts would be inconsistent with City olicy. OTAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACS'ION: �% COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (C[RCLE ONE) YES NO DING SOURCE: CIB SL ASSPSSII1CIlYS ACTIVITYNUMBER: , � (NANCIAL INFORMATION: (SXPLAI� ��p R�earch Center Total Project Cost: $12,140.00 CIB $ 4.802.56 Assessments: $ 7,337.44 �,�� a 3 '��9� 2S property owners will be notiYied oi the public hearuig anci charges. L� City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� RESOLUTION APPROVING A3SESSA�7T AND By �\ FIXING TIME OF HEARING TBEREON File o. 18760-A Q�, C�-F v �-� L Assessment No._0655 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene£its, costs and expenses for street improvements on Pillsbury Street from Raymond Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue in connection with the Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving and Lighting Project, including grading, bituminous paving, concrete curbs and gutters, concrete driveway aprons, and all other work necessary to complete said improvements. PIIRIIS{dFn SEP 4 i999 Preliminary Order: _99-153 Final Order: 99-3 approved: _Feb. 17, 1999_ approved: _April 7, 1999_ � The assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED F'ITRTAER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 6th day of October, 1999, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice tlie time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILFERSON Yeas Nays ✓3�enanav �lakey t�ostrom � l eman .�farri s vLantry �iter �In Favor �1 Against Adopted by the Council: Date � ��"� Certified Passed by Council Secretary c�s�' �r_ - �_271_UU p �to- i ��. . � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 27,1999 Green Sheet Number: 09479 ontact Ferson and Phone Nnmber: EPARTMEN'f DIRLCTOR 1 C[7Y COUNCIL PCtCT WI11tC �/ 266-8850 'O""0� �ATTORNEY CLEAK � IustbeonCouncilAgendabyElllgllSf1g UDGETDIRECl'OR FFICEOFFINANCIAI.SVCS. blic Hearing dafe of October 6,1999 YOR(ORASSISTAN'f) OTAI. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _3_ cc�r,u.L LocnTTONS Fox sicrrnzv�> CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set hearing dafe of October 6,1999, for ratification of assessments for street improvements on PilLsbury treet from Raymond to St. Anthony in connection with the EustislDesnoyer Area Street Paving and Lighting roject, Dept. of Technology File Number 18760-A. . Ratify said assessments. COh1MENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE7ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodfirm ever worke�d under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNWG WMMISS(ON A Sl'AFF . -- . Has this pecsodfirm evec been a City empbyee? YFS NO CIVIL SERVICE COMhIIS510N `' . Does this persoolFicm possess a skill nat normally possessed by any YES NO curreat City employee? � C1B COhISiIITEE Ex lain alt YFS answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UPPORTS W11ICH COUNCIL OBJE(,'ITVE? Better and Safer Streets COUNCIL WARD(S) Q DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL - �'j ITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUHITY (Who, Whay When� Where, Why?): � Owners of property on Pillsbury Street requested that additional work be done on their properties in connection with the original Eustis/Desnoyer Area Paving & Lighting Project, File No.18760. The owners signed Waivers of Notification of Assessment, allowing the work to be completed as early as possible. This work was done as part of the original EustislDesnoye�it Pro'ect, and needs to be ratitied to allow for the collection of assessments to ay for the work. DVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Assessment amounts collected will help pay for the project ISADVAI3TAGES IF APPROVED: Property owners benefitted by this work will have these assessments on the property records until aid. ISADVAN'PAGES IF NOT AYPROVED: Additional funding would have to be found to cover the amounts not collected through assessments. Also, to not assess these bene�ts would be inconsistent with City olicy. OTAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACS'ION: �% COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (C[RCLE ONE) YES NO DING SOURCE: CIB SL ASSPSSII1CIlYS ACTIVITYNUMBER: , � (NANCIAL INFORMATION: (SXPLAI� ��p R�earch Center Total Project Cost: $12,140.00 CIB $ 4.802.56 Assessments: $ 7,337.44 �,�� a 3 '��9� 2S property owners will be notiYied oi the public hearuig anci charges.