86-689 `1 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN L II�E O. �� � �� / PRELIMINARY ORDER =� By . File No. S 11 3 thru S 11443 Votitty IntheMatterof cosstruction and/�r reconstructioa. oF sidowalks, oaly where Wsrd neceasary, at the follo�ring l�catioas: 3 S 1143�+ Both sides Roy St. from Highland Pkwy. to Scheffer t. 3 S 11435 South side Saunders Ave. from Davern St. to S. Fair iew Avenue. 1 S 11436 South side Van Buren Avenue at 650 Van Buren Avenue 2 S 11437 East side Western Avenue from Goodhue Street vacate to Goodrich Avenue. 3 S 11438 East side S. Wheeler Street from Princeton Ave. to orth approximate 200 feet and North side Princeton Ave. from S. Wheeler St. to erst Street. 2 S 11439 South side Armstrong Avenue at 862 Armstron� Avenue and Both sides Armstrong Ave. from View St. to Victoria St. 2 S 111+40 West side Bay Street from Randolph Ave. to north 11 ft. 1 S 114�+1 East side Victoria St. from Dayton Ave. to north 40 feet and North side Dayton Ave. from Victoria St. to Fis St. 3 S 11�+42 Reconstruct sidewalk abutting Horace Mann School on S. Wilder St. , Kenneth St. , Eleanor Ave. & Bayard A e. 3 S 114k3 South side Beechwood Avenue from Davern St. to east 60 feet at 1696 Beechwood Avenue. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner proviaea oy u�e L��a�«,SLa��u=� time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as stimated. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Da MAY 2 7 1986 Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Certified assed b Council S cr ary Rettman Scheibel In Favor By • Sonnen Tedesco � Against Wilson MAY 2 9 198�ayor PUBII NED �u N 71986