86-675 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL OIIflCIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT Ile NO. �� � �� BLUE - MAYOR Counc 'l es lution _ Presented By � � ���L �..._._ . Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate WHEREAS, The Minnesota State Zoological Garden nd the Saint Paul Como Zoo desire to provide Siberian tige�rs to Korea ' s Grand Park Zoo in honor of the 1988 Summer Game ; and WHEREAS , The Saint Paul Como Zoo has a surplus ale Siberian Tiger that is suitably matched to the female being provided by the Minnesota Zoological Gardens ; and WHEREAS, this donation requires that St . Paul transfer ownership of one male Siberian Tiger to the Minn sota Zoological Garden for transport and donation to he Grand Park Zoo in Seoul , Korea; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Administrative Code Chap er 5 . 05 , Subdivision 5 permits the transfer of surplus an mals for educational purposes upon resolution of the City Council ; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council wishes to p rticipate in this joint project with the Minnesota Zoological Gardens and provide a contribution to the 1988 Summer Olympi s ; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the transfer of ownership of one surplus male Sib rian Tiger to the Minnesota Zoological Garden for the sole p rpose of donation to the Grand Park Zoo , Seoul , Korea . CQUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �e�y Nays � CONY�IUNITY SERVICES �a5�: In Favor N�cos�. � Scne�he� _ __ Against SOnnen TedeQCo �� MAY 2 7 1986 Form A ve Cit tt n y Adopted by Council: Date — �, Certified Pas e b cil Sec ry B B� �, � �MAY 9 1986 Appro d by Mayor for Subm' ion t Council Appr by ;Vlayor: D BY - - — BY PuBUSHEO .�u N '7 198f. ca�z7'St s�vlcES DE PARTMENT �`�� N� 0 5 4 3 5 .��t �RIr� � CONTACT � �126 PHONE "T'?, 14R,h DATE . �� �� ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR.ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for S�9nature) : � Department Director � Direct�r f Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director - �_ City Cler RECE�vE� dge� Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEYED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE AT7ACHED MATERIALS? (Pu ose/ �t•onate) : CITY ATTORNEY This resolution authorizes tt�e transfer of ownership of a surplus rna e Siberian Tiger to 1� Mirniesota Zoological Garden for doantion to the Grand Park Zoo ' Seoul�, Korea. 'Ihe tig�er will be .a gift in honor of the 1988 �rmer Garnes and will de a breeding pair for Korea. There woere once tic�rs in Korea �x.it they are no�.: 1 r f�d there, 'Ig� transfer offers arY: opg�ortLmity to �mdertake a joint venture with Mirm�esota Zoo� as well as a gest�are of gr�odwill to Korea. � � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ` Ti�e Siberian Tiger is surplus aryd has x�I; marietary value; the arr s for transport and d�canatian are being made by the Mirmesota Zoological Garden. IT IS CRITICAL THAT ZHIS RESOLUTI�1 BE HANULED QUTCKi,,Y Tp IIVSURE THpT T'� pN� � BE TRAI+�P�OR'1'ED �F'ELY IlV EARLY JUNE. . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor s signa- ture ot re- Total Amount of"Transaction: ��C�[V�D , quir if ,under : �10,0 0) Fundin.g Source.: , I�AY 1 5 - Activity Number: (,1AYOR'S OFFICE � ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : � �� �_ DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY RE IEW, y�ffes No Counci 1 Resol uti on Requi red? ' Resol ution Requi d? Yes No Yes o Insurance Required? Insurance Suffic nt? Yes ` No �il Yes ��No Insurance Attached: '� � (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 �y i • � Ye bece: �!p.,_� !J'� C Nicoala, Chs4' /�3�1 (iITY UF �AI�TT PAUL �s ce ttattman ����� BI Sonaea ���un � � OFF10E OF THE O[TY COIIN�IL 7o Dr�w(Alt) � � Dat@: June 25, 1986 � - Committee Report . To: Saint Paul City Council �_ - From: Committee o.n Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair - The Pubtic Works Committee at its meeting of June 25, 1966 took t e following action: � Hearina Date 1. 7/1/86 VACATION: Petition of Space Center Inc. for the vacati n of part of Grove, Willius, Ninth, Eighth and the alley n Block 9. Kittsons Addition (bounded by Grove, Wiiliu , C John and Seventh Streets). Vacated area to be used f r commercial developmeht and parking. Recommended approval. 2. 7/f/86 VACATION: Petition of the Space Center Inc. for t e vacation of part of Kenny Road between Lafayette Road a d Zoo Line Plat 8 for the purpose of cortmercial developme t a�d parking. ' Recomme�ded approval. 3. 7/8/86 RATIFICATION OF ASSE55MENT5: For the Lowertown Projec , Street and Transit Improvements. Recommended approval. 4. 7/8/86 RATIFICATfON OF ASSESSMENTS: For the McAfee-Ariingto _ Storm Sewer Relief System. Referred to City Council without recommendation, publi - hearing to be continued on July 8, 1986. 5. 7/8/86 RATIFiCATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Lowertown Area Stor Sewer (Broadway-Sixth Storm Sewer) plus connections. Recommended approvai. 6. 7/8/86 F1NAL ORDER: Condemning and taking easements for th purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewe on, under and across certain property (Edgerton Stree and Railroad property between Edgerton and Payne). Recommended approval. 7. ORDINANCE: Granting permission to Historic Landmarks fo Living to construct, operate and maintain a stairway wit handrails into the sidewalk o� E. 5th Street betwee Wacouta and Wall Streets. Recormiended approval. � � g, ORDINANCE: Granting permission to St. Patrick's Church t construct, operate and maintain telephone cable u�der an across Desoto Street. Recommended approval. 9, RESOLUTION: authorizing proper city officiais to execut • stipulations as to the values reached between the Tow and Country Cl�b and the Metropolitan Waste Control • _��__ �,c e��a,,,onte nver Tow ', � Yembe . j�(�....��`� . v Chln lcoela Chdt /��72 LITY UF �AI1TT YAUL JeNca Etateman ��_�� Hllcl 9 maa ' � , OFFI�E OF THE QITY COIINOIL Jo6n w(Alt) • , � - Date: June 2 , 1986 � � - Committee Re or p . To: Saint Paul City Council - � From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Pubiic Works Committee at its meeting of June 25, 1986 took the following action: � Hearinq Date 1. 7/I/86 VACAT(ON: Petition of Space Center Inc. for the vacation of part of Grove, Willius, Ninth, Eighth and the alley in Block 9, Kittsons Addition (bounded by Grove, Willius, � John and Seventh Streets). Vacated area to be used for cortmercial development a�d parking. Recommended approval. 2. 7/1/86 VACATION: Petition of the Space Center (nc. for the vacation of part of Kenny Road between Lafayette Road and Zoo Line Ptat 8 for the purpose of cortmercial developme�t and parking. Recommended approval. 3. 7/8/86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Lowertown Project, Street and Transit Improvements. Recommended approval. 4. 7/8/86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the McAfee-Arlington Storm Sewer Relief System. � Referred to City Council without recommendation, public - hearing to be continued on July 8, 1986. 5. 7/8/86 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the Lowertown Area Storm Sewer (Broadway-Sixth Storm Sewer) plus connections. Recommended approval. 6. 7/8/86 F1NAL ORDER: Condemnin� and taking easements for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across certain property (Edgerton Street and Railroad property between Edgerton and Payne). Recommended approval. 7. ORDINANCE: Granting permission to Historic Landmarks for Living to construct, operate and maintain a stairway with handrails into the sidewalk o� E. 5th Street between Wacouta and Wall Streets. Recommended approval. ' � 8. ORD(NANCE: Granting permission to St. Patrick's Church to construct, operate and maintain telephone cable under and across Desoto Street. Recomnended approval. 9. RESOLUTION: authorizing proper city officials to execute , stipulations as to the values reached between the Town and Country Club and the Metropolitan Waste Control Comrnission regarding condemnation bf easements over Town and Country Club property. The city is named as an easement holder, howeveY, the condemnations do not affect any city interests. Recommended approval. 10. SHEPARD/WARNER ROAD ECDB Bypass Alternative Screen R�port (first phase). Recomnended acceptance of above report presented by PED. I1. Other Business - RESOLUTION amending Capital Improvement Budgets by transferring $725,401.73 from activities as listed to Como Park Goif/Ski Clubhouse and Sitework. Recommended approval. Cl'fY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 12/298-4475 +�Fp•..