86-673 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COIlIl Il /�/�. �'J CANAR�- DEPARTMENT �i I TY OF SA I NT PA U L - �{ //� / BI.UE - MAVOR File � NO. " �_�✓ / � P � r � P, Ordi ance N 0._����� Presente y - 's_�- � � w � � ��-�-� ��� Referred To Committee: Dat — Out of Committee By � Dat _ AN ORDINAIrCE GRANT!(�PERMISStt�i TO q�!lRCH t)F SAINT PATRI , 1095 DESOTO STI�ET, �►IK�' PAL�, MII�q+�SOTA, ANDlOR tTS SI�CFSS tN INTEREST,TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAIMTAIN A PRIVATE�'E EPHONE CABLE L�ER AND ACROSS I�SOTO S7REET RIfNT OF WAY WITHl�1 CITY � SAlNT PAlll., AT APPROx1MATELY TWENTY-f IYE FEET NORTFJ� 1� I�TH RtGHT � WAY LINE [!F h1AGfiQLIA AVENUE,T0 CQI�CT Ti# � SAINT PATRtCK 1�liTH SAINT PATRICK �. TF� C�IL �TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL D�S ORDA1 • Sectton 1. That pe�missivn �nti authority ere h�neby gronted to Ch�uch of int Patridc, 1095 Desc�io Str�est, Saint Paul, Mirme�ota �d/or its s�ces in inta�est, to construct, o�ete end maintain e �ivate telephone c�la � ecross Desoto Strost ri�t ot way within the City o�Seint Paul, �pro�cirqstely trr�ty-tivv leet notth o! the n�rih right of w�y ir�e of Megnvlie Avenue. Svction 2. Thet ttre Dinctor vt the Department of Publ�c Works is h�by zvd Lo issue a permit ta Chiu�ch o! Seint Patrick ond/�its succQS�s in inier�est for tbe con�truction, operotion and mei�tenance ot said private unde�gnound telephone cable, eccor�ding to approved plans, upero seid permitt e's co�iiecice with ttre following conditions: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Public Works Drew Nicosia [n Favor Rettman s�ne'bei Against BY � � Sonnen Tedesco � Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve t tor y Certified Passed by, Council Secretary BY , By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approv b a r for S bm' io ncil gy By � � , . � � � � ��-G�3 " � � /7.37�' a.That said permittee•sholl poy the costs af publication of this ordinance and ali ordinences and resolutions passed in relatio to this ordinance; b.That said permittee shell pey the costs ot administrotion, eng r�eering ond inspection incurred by the Deportment of Pubiic Works be ause of this underteking. Soid costs are estimoted to be o sum of s2 .00; c.That said permittee andlor its successors in inter�est shall fu ish and deliver unto the City of Soint Paul o surety bo�d in the omoun of Five Thous�d Dollors (:5,000.00) for soid privote underground tel ceble, made ond executed by soid permittee ond/or its succes ors in interest es Prir�cipal, and a Corporote Surety Corr�eny �ly horized to trons�t busi�ss in the Stete ot Minnesota os Surety, to a d in fovor of the City ot Saint Paui os Obligee, conditioned that in the event the pernnittee a�d/or its successors in interest feil to maint in, repair or repiace seid private widergraund telephone cable to e r�asonobie stendard of safety or fail to remove or relocete id privote undergro�d telephone coble upon order by the Saint eul City Council, the City ot Soint Paul may undertake the mointenanc , repair, replecement, relocation or removol thereot end may r�ecover ts reosonebie cost incurred thereby trom seid surety, which Su ty Bond shall remain in force and eftect es long es said �tvate d tel�hone cable or any part thereof remains in thet portion o Desoto Street, as shown on the plans on fite with tt�e Depertment o Public Works. The Surety Bond shai l be in such f orm as shal l be ep d by the City Attorney and sholl heve such Sur�ety os shall be epp ved by the Director ot Finonce ond Mono�ment Services; d.Thet soid permittee and/or its successors in interest agree to comply with Chapter 125 of the Saint Paut Legislative Code, es ded, pertaining to street obstroctions, in the course of installin or repairing soid private underground telephone cable; e.That said private underground teleph�e cable shell be remo ed or re)ocated by end at the sole cost and expense ot said pernni tee endlor its successors in interest whenever the C�ncil of tt�e City t Saint Paul shell by Resolution determine such removal or reiocati n necessary in the public interest �d occ�di�ly order the ovol or relocation of said priva#e underground telephone ceble f soid street; Page 2 . . . �� �7 � ' � . . ��.��� f.Thot seid permittee ond/or its successors in interest shell, a its own cost and expense and in accordence with all appiicable Ordi ces of the City of Saint Peul, Statutes ot the State ot Minnesota, a regulations of pubiic outhority having cognizance, construct, intoin and operate said private underground telephone cable; g.That said permittee �d/or its successors in interest shell f lly indemnity, hold hormless �d detend tt�e City of Soint Paul, i s o�nts, otficers ond employees trom ony end all d�neges, cleims, lo ses, ju�nts, suits or ex�nses � on account ot ell cloims of hotever not�e for in jury to persons end/or property orising out vt o connected with the construction, maintenance, operotion end or removai of said private wide�nd telephone ceble end by t e permission ond euthority gronted herein; and thet supplemen al to oll other obiigoti�s on their port, jointly ond/or severolly, he �r, said penrrittee ondior its successors in interest shell turni and meintain, and pay ail premiwns and other expenses ther�etor, Cosuolty Insuronce Coveroge with a dui� licensed Casualty Insuronce ompeny, naming the permittee end the City os jointly insured to the xtent of Z500,000.00 tor injury to an� pers� and/or persons in any ingle inci�nt and to the extent of =204,000.00 for damage to pro erty in any single accident and insuring the City of Soint Paul again t liability on account of all claims ot third persons for in j�uy to perso (s} andior property arising from or connected with the c�struction, mointenence, operntian, relocotion and/or removal ot said p vete under�ound telephone ceble heroun�r ot oil timas. The ittee shall turnish e certtttcate ot this insuronce poltcy, trom ti to time, to the Director of the Depertment of Public Works, said c ficate of insurence shell be in such form as shall be approved by the ity Attorney; h.That said�rnnittee shall coordinate all work involving exi ting utility instailetions, public ar private, with the atfected utility c panies or agencies i.Thot said permittee sholl et no cost to the City repair eny d mege to said private underground telephone cable which occurs duri g the normal course of the City's mainten�ce ondlor constructi of public t�ilities; Pege 3 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil CANARV - DEPARTMENT t BLUE - MAVOR Fll NO. � ��� 0� Z n Ord nance N 0. ����� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat . j.That �id permittee shell, within thirt� �3Q) days from e�d t�the - pubilcai�on vt tMs ordir�ar�c�e, f�e wriiten acce�►ta�ce t , - speciticall�a�eving tv ail at the provisic�s, terms o�d lions t�in, wi th ths Ci ty Clark. Section 3. Thet thls �dinoncs �il t�ko vffact end� ip tocca i�irty �30� tro�n and after its pASS�s. eppr�val �d p�licotion. - - Pegs 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department f: Drew pUb1.1C WOr'}CS Nicosia �— In Favor Rettman (� �� � s�ne�bai Against BY Sonnen �H Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 15 1986 Form Appro b City Att ney Certified Pa se y Council S t BY By A prov by Mayor: I�17 19 6 Approv y Mayor for Sub iss' '1 B By PUBIISHED J U� 2 6 19�6 • , . � DEPARTMENT (:��v7 0 37OH RnhPrt A._ Hnrri-�hQr�JPr r Tr_ CONTACT .3 � 292-6131 . � PHONE r en Mav 9, 19 8 6 D�lTE „� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (C1_ip All Locations for Signature) : � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director � � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purp se/ Rati nale) : Grant permission to St. Patrick' s Church, 1095 DeSoto Stre t to construct, operate and maintain a private telephone cable under and a ross DeSoto St. , just north of Magnolia Avenue, to connect the Church to St. Patrick' s School. Cable to be pushed under street and should not conflict wi h use of street. ��1 D � COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY ANO PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: St. Patrick' s Church to pay Public Works costs for Adminis ration and Inspection of installation, as required by Ordinance. RECEIVED MAY 1 31986 CfTY ATTQRN�Y FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIUITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture ot re- Total Amount of Transaction: none quire if under $10� Q) Funding Source: ____ Activity Number: ____ ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : C�ECEiV�D ordinance ��Y , � Plan r�Ati�oR�s oF�ic� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY EVIEW Yes �No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Req ired? Yes No X Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suff cient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: will be submitted be�eR��ElSSIU�t��IIVSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i Z �— i I I � �� \ � . �' h � i 0 ��i � � . � � n � ,,, �J � � f--a � �_� c'_ � � �� I I° � �_---{---- D r a o N 6� 'J '" i e. � i �` " � � ., � ' � � =-— -- = N�._ _----- ---....__--- --- c o �� � r----� b � i ��� c�` �. ` � , � ' � � �� � � � �� � � ,��S� ro� -��2c-E r � ��� � G� � � --r-- „ I� � �h x�� . I ; a� 01� � -, , �,'` �� ----- -- -T------.- i y, c� r � ' I G I �? ! � I -_ - � I � � � \ � � � I N �� l� � ��Z� � � � � I L c:, � , r' w �� � ' , . . � � : , .. . , �� lst ,�-_-�,_ ��. . 2nd �� ` �- ..�--s � 3rd _ i'-�-��? Adopted --/�-- ��� I ( Yeas � Nays DRE41 _ C'���- � 7 . NICOSIA , /7.�7 � RETTMAN � SCHEIBEL . SONNEN LJILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO �. � i , i � _ • I / . _ _ _ ._ _____ _._ .___ . ._ -- ----�--- / �