86-671 N�HITE. - C�TV CLERK __..V+P1K� - FINANCE C011 lI ` CANA�V+- tlEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� �0 �� BLUE -MAVOR � � � T • • � � Ordin�cnce o�di ance NO. � Presented By John Drew Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code providing for the regu- lation of lawful gambling; repealing Chapters 402 and 419 of the L�gislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Chapter 402 of the 5aint Paul Legislative ode , regu- lating bingo, be and is hereby repealed in its entir ty and the following adopted in place thereof: CHAPTER 402 - LAWFUL GAMBLING 402. 01 . Definitions. As used in this Chapt r, the terms defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 3 . 12 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be plicable to the provisions contained herein. 402.02. Gambling Prohibited, Exception. N person except an organization licensed by the State C aritable Gambling Control Board pursuant to Minnesota S atutes , Chapter 349 , or an organization permitted unde this chapter, shall conduct lawful gambling within he corpo- rate limits of the City of Saint Paul . 402.03. General Regulations. Subdivision l . The following regulations and restrictions shall apply to lawful gambling co ducted within the City of Saint Paul and shall apply o organizations licensed by the State pursuant t COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmen of: Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�ne'bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv y City ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor for S b ission to Council By By . = � � .� �� � � ��� - ��r , � � ' � ���� Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, and to organiza ions issued permits pursuant to this chapter. Subd. 2. Prize Limits. Prize limits for 1 wful gambling shall not exceed the limits permitted b State law. Subd. 2. Liquor and Minors/Bingo. No int xicating or non-intoxicating liquor or beer shall be sol , served or consumed in the room where the bingo game is conduct- ed. Subd. 4. Bingo - Game Conduct and Procedu e. (1 ) Public view of proceedings. All bing games shall be conducted in full view of th public and all accounting for and changing o money shall take place in the game room or all in full view of game participants . (2) Numbers . The selection and calling o numbers shall be in view of game part ci- pants and all numbers called shall be determined by chance by use of a fix- proof device of a kind approved by th inspector. (3) The organization shall maintain in fu 1 public view a record of the number of bingo games played or that is being played t all times during each bingo session. Subd. 5. Time and Place Limitations. No rgani- zations may conduct more than one bingo occasio per week in the City of Saint Paul , or for a period long r than faur consecutive hours ; provided, however, that when an application requests a permit hereunder for not more than one week' s duration on condition that the permi tee will not apply for or receive another bingo permit ithin the succeeding eleven months , the council , in its dis- cretion, may issue a permit to such applicant or more than one day or for every day of said week. A the expiration of the year applied for, the applic nt shall , if it is desired to conduct further bingo game on the same premises , file a new application which sh ll �take the course of the original application. 2. . . � � �,��-��i . � . � � ����y Subd. 6. Bingo Regulations-State Licenses. The following regulations apply only to charitable rgani- zations licensed by the State Charitable Gambli g Con- trol Board for the conduct of bingo. (1 ) No person under the age of 18 years s all be allowed in the room while bingo ga es are conducted. (2) Limitation of Number of Bingo License . No more than 70 bingo licenses shall be ' ssued or permitted to be issued in the city of Saint Paul . This restriction shall a ply only to bingo licenses issued for mor than four bingo occasions during a twelve onth period issued by the Minnesota State hari- table Gambling Control Board. (3) Pull-tabs and Tip Boards may be sold only during the hours that bingo may be c n- ducted and one-half hour before and iter each bingo occasion, shall be sold o ly from a booth approved by the inspect r and used solely by the charitable or ani- zation for that purpose. Pull-tabs nd Tip Boards shall be sold only by mem ers of the charitable organization. 402.04. State Gambling Licenses. Subd. l . Notice of Application. Applica ts for state-issued gambling licenses shall file notice of application with the license inspector. The inspector shall investigate the applicant and shall rep rt to the council in sufficient time so that the co ncil may consider the approval or disapproval ther of within the 30-day period provided by Minnesot Statutes , Chapter 349. Applicants shall prov' de i,he inspector with all information requested, and failure to do so may be cause for the council ' s disap roval of its application. 3. As amended 7-31-86 . • . ; � . , � . . ��t,_G7� . � �� � ' i1.�'��' Subd. 2. Reports. A licensed organization shall file with the inspector copies of all reports wh ch it is required to file with the State Gambling Cont ol Board, and shall do so within seven days of fili g the report with the board. Failure to comply wi h this provision may constitute grounds for disapp oval of state gambling licenses by the city council . 402.05. Investigation Fee. Pursuant to auth rity granted by Minnesota Statutes , Section 349. 16, t ere is hereby imposed on organizations applying for r renewing a state-issued license to conduct lawfu gambling an investigation fee in the following ounts , which fee must accompany the notice filed with he City Clerk. Failure to pay this fee shall be c use for the council ' s disapproval of the applicatio . A) All forms of gambling: $500 B) All forms except bingo: $300 C ) Bingo only: $200 D) Raffles only: $100 In the case of an initial application for a n w state gambling license , Class B (all forms except bin o) , payment of the investigation fee may be paid to the cit in two equal installments , the first installment paid t the time of application and the second installment paid ithin six months of the application. The late fee provis ' ons set forth in Section 310.09 , Subd. 4, shall be appl ' cable to late installment payments . 402.06. City Permit Required. Lawful gambling by organizations not required to obtain a state 1 ' cense pursuant to said Chapter 349 may be conducted 'n the City of Saint Paul if an organization has been issued a permit approved by council resolution and up n com- pliance with the provisions of this chapter. 402.07. City Permit Application. Applicat on for city gambling permit shall be made to the insp ctor upon an application form supplied by the inspe tor, together with such additional information as m y be required by the inspector. A separate applica ion 4. . � . ; � , . - : . �v,_-�,-� �r . . ����� shall be required for each separate day or occur ence on which the gambling event is to be conducted. Ap lications must be filed with the inspector at least 30 day prior to the requested date of the gambling event. Th appli- cation shall be referred to the police chief, wh shall report to the city council at its next regular eeting following the filing of the application. 402.08. Permit Fee. Permit fees for each da or occurrence for proposed gambling are as follows: A) Bingo , raffles , paddle wheels , tip boa ds and pull-tabs - $100.00. B) Paddle Wheels , tip boards and pull-tab only - $50. 00 C) Bingo only - $25.00 D) Raffles only - $50.00 402.09. Compliance with State Law. Organiz tions shall , in the conduct of gambling permitted by he City Council , comply with the provisions of all laws nd ordinances, including Minnesota Statutes , Chapt r 349 and this chapter. 402.10. Use of Gambling Profits. Profits rom lawful gambling may be expended only for lawful purpo es as authorized at a regular meeting of the conduct 'ng organi- zation. 402.11 . Reports. The permitted organizati n shall file with the inspector within 30 days of each gambling occasion permitted a copy of the reports requi ed to be filed with the State Charitable Gambling Contr 1 Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , §349. 214, subd vis�on 2. 402.12. Compensation. No compensation sha 1 be paid to any person, including the manager, in conne tion with the operation of the permitted lawful gambling conducted pursuant to a city permit. No person who is n t an active member of the permitted organization, o its auxiliary, or the spouse or surviving spouse o an active member, may participate in the organiza ion' s operation of a permitted gambling occurrence. 5. . � � � � � . . � � � � �-�7� � . � � � ����� 402.13. Owned/Leased Premises. An organizat on conducting the permitted lawful gambling shall d so only on premises either owned by it or pursuant o a written lease agreement with the owner of the ro- perty. Copy of the lease agreement shall be fil d with the inspector. 402.14. Gambling Managers. All operation o gambling devices and in the conduct of raffles s all be under the supervision of a single gambling ma ager designated by the organization. The gambling ma ager shall be responsible for gross receipts and prof ' ts from gambling devices and raffles and for its co duct in compliance with all laws and rules. The gamb ing manager shall give a fidelity bond in the sum of $10, 000 in favor of the organization conditione on the faithful performance of the manager' s duties and the terms of the bond must provide that notice e given to the City in writing not less than 30 d ys before its cancellation. Section 2. That Chapter 419 of the Saint Paul Legislative ode per- taining to and regulating lawful gambling be and is ereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval and public tion. 6. 'WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL Councl . CAI�(4fiV - O+EpARTMENT /,n BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `� y� �/ � . � � Ordinance orain nce NO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 4. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of th Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated there 'n and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. 7. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman � $°�'"'�� Against BY so�nen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date A�, 7 — ��6 Form Approv by City ttorney Certified Passe ci c t BY I By Appro by Mayor: Dat AU.G 1 t �986 Appro ed Mayor for S bmission to Council B BY � p�g�{s}�D AU G 1619$6 . � . . � ��-� �ri Subd. ' 6. Bingo Regulations-State Licenses. The following re'gulations apply only to charitable o gani- zations licens,ed by the State Charitable Gamblin Control Board for the dQnduct of bingo. � (1 ) No pers��n under the age of 18 years sh 11 be allow�d in the room while bingo gam s are condu�ted. '� (2) All bingo g�nes shall be conducted usi g non- reusable bin},,o cards containing separ te serial number�,. The organization shall file each week with�`��,the inspector reports 'ndicating the serial numb�rs of all bingo cards used during the previdus week. \ � ( 3) Pull-tabs and Tip B4oardsrriay be sold o ly during the hours th�t bingo may be co ducted and one-half hour be�ore and after ea h bingo occasion, shall• be sold only fr m a booth approved by the `inspector and u ed solely by the charitabl'e organization for that purpose. Pull-tabs and Tip Boar s shall be sold only by members of the charitable organization. 402.04. State Gambling Licenses. ' Subd. l. Notice of Application. Applica s for state-issued gambling licenses shall file notice of application with the license inspector. The i spector shall investigate the applicant and shall `repo t to the council in sufficient time so that the �ou cil may consider the approval or disapproval there f with- in the 30-day period provided by vtinnesota S�a utes, Chap:ter 349 . Applicants shall provide the ins ector with all information requested, and failure to .do so may be cause for the council ' s disapproval of �s application. \ ` 3 . . � � 7i ,�.�y� A����== o, , ITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE F THE CITY ATTORNEY � ii�i ii°i '� �,?+� „�� F�LFp EDWA D P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY °�n�.•� , „ 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � �'? �„ �"�S ��. i?r,;� � j� � � �r j L}� 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER x�'�" MAYOR -r .^ v'i'- • - � �"� ,r, August 1 , 1986 Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Re : Proposed Gambling Ordinance Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find the new page 3 for the prop sed ordinance amending Chapter 402 of the Legislative Code. This page 3 comprises the amendments made by the City Council t the ordinance on Thursday, July 31st. The original Subdivis 'on 6 , Clause 2 , relating to non-reusable bingo cards is eli inated and in its place the limitation of 70 bingo licenses has been inserted. I am sending a copy of this letter with the amen ed subdivision 6 to the Mayor and all members of the City Council . Yoiurs very tr y, \ �� �� JER E J .? S G As i tant{ ity Attorney JJS :�ig I cc : Mayor Councilmembers License Department Edward P. Starr � � � v��- �-�7� i���y Subd. 6. Bingo Regulations-State Licenses. The following regulations apply only to charitable rgani- zations licensed by the State Charitable Gambli g Con- trol Board for the conduct of bingo. (1 ) ' No person under the age of 18 years hall be allowed in the room while bingo g mes are conducted. (2) Limitation of Number of Bingo Licens s . No more than 70 bingo licenses shall be issued or permitted to be issued in the cit of Saint Paul . This restriction shall pply only to bingo licenses issued for mo e than four bingo occasions during a twelve month period issued by the Minnesota State Chari- � table Gambling Control Board. ( 3) Pull-tabs and Tip Boards may be sold only during the hours that bingo may be c n- ducted and one-half hour before and after each bingo occasion, shall be sqld ly_ from a booth approved by the inspec or and used solely by the charitable o gani- . �`� `��� "'�"" zation for that purpose. Pull-tabs and Tip Boards shall be sold only by me bers of the charitable organization. , 402.04. State Gambling Licenses. � Subd. 1 . Notice of Application. Applic nts for state-issued gambling licenses shall- file not ce of � , application with the license inspector. The nspector - � _ shall investigate the applicant and shall rep rt to ` the council in sufficient time so that the co ncil � may consider tY�e approval or disapproval ther of within the 30-day period provided by Minnesot , Statutes , Chapter 349. Applicants shall prov' de the in.spector with all information requested, an failure to do so may be cause for the council ' s disa roval ' � � . of its application. 3 . � As amended 7-31-86 � . � ��_� 7� , ,3�� Subd. 6. Bingo Regulations-State License . The following regulations apply only to charitable organi- zations licensed by the State Charitable Gambi ng Con- trol Board for the conduct of bingo. (1) No person under the age of 18 years hall be allowed in the room while bingo g es are conducted. (2) Limitation of Number of Bingo Licens s . No more than 70 bingo licenses shall be issued or permitted to be issued in the cit of Saint Paul . This restriction shall pply only to bingo licenses issued for mo e than four bingo occasions during a twelve month period issued by the Minnesota State Chari- table Gambling Control Board. ( 3) Pull-tabs and Tip Boards may be sold only during the hours that bingo may be c n- ' ducted and one-half hour before and after each bingo occasion, shall be so�d o ly from a booth approved by the inspec or � and used solely by the charitable o gani- zation for that purpose . Pull-tabs and � Tip Boards shall be sold only by me bers of the charitable organization. 402.04. State Gambling Licenses. � Subd. 1 . Notice of Application. Applic nts for . state-issued gambling licenses shall file not' ce of • - application with the license inspector. The 'nspector . . � • ; shall investigate the applicant and shall rep rt to _ the council in sufficient time so that the co ncil may consider the approval or disapproval ther of within the 30-day period provided by Minnesot Statutes , Chapter 349. Applicants shall prov de the � . inspector with all information requested, and fail�re to do so may be cause for the council ' s disap roval • of its application. 3 . As amended 7-31-86 . . � � : . .; . . � G, ��-1 7/ � ,,��=�o,. ITY OF SAIC�(�P/�UL • o' '�� OFFICE F THE CITY ATTORNEY �+ _'������� o� EDWA D P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ?• � �Q�r,�•� 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 18 , 1986 � �� � �G���I�� � �,. 1 s,ses OUNCiIMAN OMN �REW Councilmember John Drew 7th Floor City Hall Re : Proposed Ordinance regulating gambling, including bingo. Dear Councilmember Drew: Attached please find the ordinance establishing t e regulations for gambling, including bingo. This ordinance raft contains the changes which are proposed by the Legislati n Committee. This ordinance draft should be substituted at the c uncil meeting for the original draft. One change which is in this draft is a new subdi ision 6 found on page 3. This subdivision contains provision relating to bingo games conducted by organizations under a state license and therefore excludes those four or fewer bing sessions per year licensed by the City. This subdivision 6 w uld then pro- hibit persons under 18 years of age from attendi g those bingo games and would require organizations licensed by the state to use non-reusable bingo cards, sell pull-tabs nd tip boards one-half hour before and after each bingo game as ell as during the bingo game and further require that the org nization sell the pull-tabs and tip boards from a booth appro ed by the in- spector. As stated earlier, these provisions w uld not apply to the four or fewer bingo occasions conducte pursuant to a City permit and not state license. The investigation fee for an initial applicati n of a Class B license only could be paid in two equal i stallments and a provision was added which would require the payment of a late fee penalty in the event the second insta lment was not paid in a timely fashion. I am sending a copy of this letter and a copy o the ordinance . � � .� . . �--�-� 7i .. �>3�y Councilmember John Drew Page Two July 18 , 1986 draft to the members of the City Council , the M yor and the License Inspector. If you have any questions , please contact me. Yours ery truly, JEROME EGAL / Assis t City P;t rney i JJS : g � ! Encl . cc : City Councilmembers Mayor License Inspector i "��� - . _. ' i`�- - s0 � ` _ �'" � WMITE - CITY CIERK � PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT � AIT L Cou � il CANARV - DEPARTMENT � / ry BLUE - MAYOR Flle� NO. ���`� // . � I� Ordin�nce Ordi ance N�. `c"°°'�. • Presented y tiYt i '�'� � ,�' . I Refer d To �� U'�S LI�TI�/� Committee: Dat ��^�� � � Out of Com ittee By Dat An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code providing for the gulation of lawful gambling; repealin Ch pters 402 and 419 of the Legislative Cod . THE i3OUNCIL OF THE ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Chapter 402 o the Saint Paul Legislative ode, regu- lating bingo, be and is ereby repealed in its entir ty and the following adopted in plac thereof; CHAPTER 402 - LAWFUL G BLING 402.01 . Definitions. As used in this Chapt r, the terms defined in n�innesota Statutes , Section 34!9. 12 are incorporated herein by refe ence and shall be a plicable to the provisions contained rein. 402.02. Gambling Prohibite Exception. N person except an organization licensed y the State C aritable Gambling Control Board pursuant t Minnesota S �atutes , Chapter 349 , or an organization pe mitted unde � this chapter, shall conduct lawful gambl 'ng within he corpo- rate limits of the City of Saint Pau . 402.03. General Regulations. Subdivision l. The following regul tions and re- " strictions shall apply to lawful gambling cond cted within the City of Saint Paul and shall ap y o organizations licensed by the State pursuan t COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays � Drew G.` Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman � Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Fotm Appro by City A ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �' Approved by Mayor: Date Ap Mayor for m' sion to Council By B . � � �. � �-� �7f Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, and to organi� tions issued permits pursuant to this chapter. '` ,. � Subd. 2. Prize Limits. Prize limits or awful gambling shall not exceed the limits permi�ted y State law. � Subd. 3. Liquor and Minors/Bingo.� No int xicating or non-intoxicating liquor or beer sha�l be sol , served or consumed in the room where the binc�"o game is conduct- ed; and no person under the age of 1 years sha 1 be allowed in said room while said game�is conduct d. ;� Subd. 4. Bingo - Game Conduc and Proced re. (1) Public view of proceed' gs . All bin o games shall be conducted in ull view of t e public and all accounting fo and changing f money shall take place in e same room or hall in full view of game p ticipants . � (2) Numbers . The sele�tion and calling f numbers shall be �fn view of game par ici- pants and all nu�ers called shall b determined by ch nce by use of a fix proof device of a kin approved by the ins ector. (3) The organizati n shall maintain in f 11 public view a record of the number o bingo games played r that is being played at all times during each bingo session. Subd. 5. Time d Place Limitations. No organi- zations may conduct ore than one bingo occasi n per week in the City of Sain Paul , or for a period lo ger than four consecutive ho rs ; provided, however, th t when an application reques s a permit hereunder for n t more than one week' s duratio on condition that the per ittee will not apply for or eceive another bingo permit within the succeeding el ven months , the council , in its dis- cretion, may iss e a permit to such applicant for more than one day or or every day of said week. t the expiration of t e year applied for, the appli ant shall , if it is desire to conduct further bingo gam s on the � ' - same premises , file a new application which s all take `- � 4 the course of the original application. -' _ , 1 � � (z�.: � �� C C-: 2 . � °- � . • � �'�= ��� �•�i A ��4 Subd. 6. Limitation of Number of ngo Li enses. No more than 60 bingo licenses shall be issued r per- mitted to be issued in the City of Sai�it Paul . This restricti,on shall apply only to bingo licenses ' ssued for more than four bingo occasions d ring a twe ve- month period issued by the Minnesot State Char ' table Gambling Control Board. 402.04. State Gambling Licens s. Applican s for state-issued gambling licenses s 11 file with the City Clerk notice of state applicatio . The City C erk shall refer all such applications to he license ins ector who shall investigate and report t the council in sufficient time that the council may cons der the approva or dis- approval thereof within the 3 -day period prov' ded by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 3�9. Applicants s all pro- vide the inspector with all �nformation reques ed, and failure to do so may be caus� for the council ' dis- approval of its application�' 402.05. Investigation ee. Pursuant to au hority granted by Minnesota Statu�es , Section 349. 16, there is hereby imposed on orga 'izations applying fo or ' renewing a state-issued 1 cense to conduct law ul gambling an investigatio fee in the following amounts , which fee must accompany the notice filed with the City Clerk. Failure to ay this fee shall be ause for the council ' s disap roval of the applicati n. A) All forms of �ambling: $500 r B) All forms ex ept bingo : $500 C) Bingo only: $200 D) Raffles on y: $100 402.06. City P rmit Required. Lawful gam ling by organizations not equired to obtain a state icense pursuant to said C apter 349 may be conducted in the City of Saint Pau if an organization has bee issued a permit approved by council resolution and u on com- pliance with the rovisions of this chapter. 3 . � � � � c'��= ��-�� �� 402.07. Permit Application. Applicati:on for city gambling permit shall be made to the ins;�ector pon an application form supplied by the inspector, tog ther with such additional information as may be requ red by the inspector. R separate applicatior�' shall be required for each separate day or occurrence o�i which th gambling event is to be conducted. Rpplicatic�ns must be filed with the inspector at least 30 days3,�rior to th re- quested date of the gambling event.r�' The applic tion shall be referred to the police ch�;`ef, who shal report to the city council at its �ext regular eeting following the filing of the appli�'ation. r 402.08 . Permit Fee. Permit �ees for each ay or occurrence for proposed gambling:�� are as follow : , A) Bingo, raffles , paddle;�'Iwheels , tipboa ds and pull-tabs - $lO0.Q0. B) Paddle Wheels , tipboa'rds and pull-tab only - $50.00 C) Bingo only - $25 . 00�� � D) Raffles only - $50�`00 402.09. Compliance witYj� State Law. Organi ations shall , in the conduct of g�mbling permitted by the City Council , comply with the p�ovisions of all law and ordinances , including Minr}'esota Statutes , Chap er 349 and this chapter. ��' 402. 10. Use of Gambli�ng Profits. Profits from lawful gambling may be expended�only for lawful purp ses as authorized at a regular ,t�ieeting of the conduc ing organi- zation. � 402.11 . Reports. T1ze permitted organizat ' on shall file with the inspector within 30 days of eac gambling occasion permitted a cppy of the reports requ red to be filed with the State C�aritable Gambling Cont ol Board pursuant to Minnesota 7Statutes , §349. 214, sub ivision 2. l � � � � � 4 . . � � ��, ��_� �� 402.12. Compensation. No compensation shall be paid to any person, including the manager , in conn ction with the operation of the permitted lawf,#.il gamb ing conducted pursuant to a city permit. Np perso who is not an active member of the permitted prganization, or its auxiliary, or the spouse or surviving spouse of an active member , may participate in the organiza ion' s operation of a permitted gambling ocCUrrence. 402.13. Owned/Leased Premises. No organiz tion conducting the permitted lawful gar�ribling shall do so on premises either owned by it or -pursuant to written lease agreement with the owner of ' the property. Copy of the lease agreement shall be �iled with the inspector. 402.14. Gambling Managers. `All operation f gambling devices and in the conduct of r.affles shall be under the supervision of a single gambliMg manager desig ated by the organization. The gamblir�;g manager shall e responsi- ble for gross receipts and prbfits from gambli g devices and raffles and for its conduct in compliance ith all laws and rules . The gambling manager shall gi e a fidelity bond in the sum of ;$10,000 in favor o the organization conditioned on:' the faithful perfo mance of the manager' s duties and the terms of the b nd must provide that notice be given to the City in wr ting not less than 30 days before its cancellation. Section 2. That Chapter 419 of the Saint Paul Legisla ive Code per- taining to and regulating lawful gambling be and is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3 . This ordinance shall > take effect and be i force thirty days from and after its passage , approval and publi ation. �� � 5. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Cou il / CANARV - DEPARTMENT ,1 /n 7 BLUE - MAVOR File 1\O. � `W / / / Or in�nce o�ai ance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: D Out of Committee By at Section 4. This ordinance shall be deemed a art of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorp rated ther in and given an appropriate chapter and/or secti number a the time of the next revision of said Legislative ode. 6. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department i� C Drew � �--�� Nicosia [n Favor Rettman � r Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson / Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Att r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �, Approved by Mayor: Date Ap r ve ayor for i sion to Council By BY YvH'ftff '�i'.�'�TV"''•CLF19�C'`' �� ., "c'��c.:!,:, . ' �;:, ,��.^,,�-` 7�'�,�_�> `:�: `�" '': � , <.�� ";:' .; .. ;; : . :. - PINK � F�INANGE . � "' � .. ' � w� �� *' COII •lI. , •. <_ . � 'Y CANARY-� DEPARTMENT �' �T�. O� 1�'A�N.� P���L . . �� � '`..°P � . . BLUE .. -MAVOR :, . , . . � .. . . "Fll@ . NO. I�s ,� .. -� � . . - 1 � . . . . . :.,.� .. ._ , . .P �� � . .. ." . � . . . ��... ..... . . . . � ;1�, � ���Z�dnCe Ordi nce N0. -.. '�' ,. c _ P,r�sented�By - . ( _..__.._ _.._._�. � Referred To Committee: Da { Out of Committee By ate , . ... ' . �.,.`k � _. . . . . . .. . . , ..�F � . .. . . �� � � . . . � � . ..� - � �� � � � � .� � . �� .��� . ' � ���� � � � � , �. � .. � � . . � . . .. . . � �i� � �� � � � � . � � ' . . . ' � �� .����� � ���. #� d` . � _ . � ` . t `;,� .. ' . . . � 'Y , . . . � .. - . . � . .� .� � . - .. .A . . . . � . . , � � � . . . . . � � � , � . . � .� . . � . , . � . r � - ? . . . ,'4. � � . . . . 4�� . . . , .j; 1. . ,. . "` � . . � _ . ' . . . . . . � ' "�:1 � ��S}` . . -,:u . . . .. - . � , , � ti ....;-' . , . . ... .� . a_ � . ' . �.. . . . . . . � .. .... � � . . - -�yy� �4 � .. . �� . . _ . . .. . . ... . . . "}J . . .. � � . . � ' �* . . � � � .. �,'. . .. . . . .. � � . . ' . . .. .. . . �� . � � T9 � - �,.\ � . . . . . . . .. . , A�.�9�t i.�,ti_ r'" , .+� .. f � ' � , ,. . . .. � . : _ � � � . . .. � . .j . . �;•;;f� � . �. � . � _ ... . � - - - � ' � � .. � � . .. \ ,� .. � � . �,..t'4 ..�� . /.. ' . � � _� . - � . . � . . . . �'.., .. . . .. � .. . .. � . . . . � . . �� . � . - . � � .. � �* �. . " . .. . .. '�: . r � .. ' . . . . _ r . . . - _ x .. . . . �,�` : . . . f.,. . — � . . '.� � .. . `��UNCILMEN � , . Yeas I�Iays Requested by Department oft ; '' - - � . �u�cos�a ' , In Favor ,_.., {f � .., ; '`—��...``�, .,, i� , ; Rettman 3'� . ' Seheibel A 8i�st BY . `"''^•'', �+ ' �: Sonnen g Tadssco - r Wilson j �_ f s�: Form Approved by eity Attbrn y � �: ` Adopted by Council: Date ,�,,� ��;*� - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY a By � �� �, � ' °Appioved by'Mayor. DaEe - `- Approved by Mayor for ��mi;: ion-to Council _' a�F � � ��� � • •-,, : , , � . . f i, . �, BY , : .,, . . BY . _ , , . � � , ,� ,. .- . , �,�:.,.,�...� .�;.� _.��..._ . ..>.: ..._ ._:._.��. �...,_�. >_ .�,. . . ,:!< : . _ . . ._. .� <. . _ ,� ..._ . . . .._... ` s.. ,r t 4S - 'r'. . � -- - - - - - ------���-���—�a-a�-�o.���ca�..��r.Ex_�D�zz.o�---- -{�-------------- WHITE -�CITY C{,ERK � P1N�K - �INANCE CO flCll CANARY - DEP�,RTMENT • GITY OF SAINT PAUL FI NO. � � �� BLUE � MAYOR • O I�GLZIZdIZCe Or inance N O. Presented By Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committee By D te An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code providing for the regu lation of lawful gambling; repealing Chapters 402 and 419 of the Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Chapter 402 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code , regu- lating bingo , be and is hereby repealed in its enti ety and the following adopted in place thereof: CHAPTER 402 - LAWFUL GAMBLING 402. 01 . Definitions. As used in this Chap er, the terms defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 3 9. 12 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be pplicable � to the provisions contained herein. 402. 02. Gambling Prohibited, Exception. N person except an organization licensed by the State C aritable Gambling Control Board pursuant to Minnesota S atutes, Chapter 349, or an organization permitted unde this chapter, shall conduct lawful gambling within he corpo- , rate limits of the City of Saint Paul . ` • 402.03. General Regulations. ' Subdivision 1 . The following regulations and . restrictions shall apply to lawful gambling co ducted within the City of Saint Paul and shall apply o • organizations licensed by the State pursuant t _ _ COUNCILMFN Requested by Departmen of: � Yeas Nays Drsw N�oo:�e [n Favor Rettman S`n"'b°i Against BY sonnen Tsdesco Wilwn / ; Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv y City ttorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor for S b ission to Council - By BY Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, and to organi ations issued permits pursuant to this chapter. Subd. 2. Prize Limits. Prize limits for lawful gambling shall not exceed the limits permitted by State law. Subd. 2. Liquor and Minors/Bingo. No in oxicating or non-intoxicating liquor or beer shall be so d, served or consumed in the room where the bingo game i conduct- ed. Subd. 4. Bingo - Game Conduct and Proced re. _ (1 ) Public view of proceedings . All bin o games shall be conducted in full view of t e public and all accounting for and changing f money shall take place in the game room or hall in full view of game participants . (2) Numbers. The selection and calling f numbers shall be in view of game par ici- pants and all numbers called shall b determined by chance by use of a fix proof device of a kind approved by t e inspector. (3) The organization shall maintain in f 11 public view a record of the number o bingo games played or that is being played at all ' , . times during each bingo session. ° • Subd. 5. Time and Place Limitations. No organi- - zations may conduct more than one. bingo occasi n per week in the City of Saint Paul , or for a period lo ger than four consecutive hours ; provided, however , th t when an application requests a permit hereunder for n t more, than one week' s duration on condition that the per ittee will . not apply for or receive another bingo permit within the succeeding eleven months , the council , in its dis- cretion, may issue a permit to such applicant for more than one day or for every day of said week. t the expiration of the year applied for, the appli ant shall , if it is desired to condu_ct further bingo gam s on the same premises , file a new application which s all take the course of the original application. 2. Subd. 6. Bingo Regulations-State Licenses. The following regulations apply only to charitable rgani- zations licensed by the State Charitable Gambli g Control Board for the conduct of bingo. (1 ) No person under the age of 18 years s all be allowed in the room while bingo ga es are conducted. (2) All bingo games shall be conducted us ng non- reusable bingo cards containing separ te serial numbers. The organization sha 1 file each week with the inspector reports ndicati-r�g the serial numbers of all bingo cards used during the previous week. (3) Pull-tabs and Tip Boardsmay be sold o ly during the hours that bingo may be co ducted and one-half hour before and after e h bingo occasion, shall be sold only. f m a booth approved by the inspector and sed solely by the charitable organizatio for that purpose. Pull-tabs and Tip Boa ds . shall be sold only by members of the charitable organization. 402. 04. State Gambling Licenses: Subd. 1 . Notice of Application. Applica ts for state-issued gambling licenses shall file noti e of . _ application with the license .inspector. The i spector , � shall investigate the applicant and shall repo t to ' the council in sufficient time so that the co cil ` may consider the approval or disapproval � there f with- in the 30-day period provided by Minnesota Sta utes, , Chapter 349. Applicants shall provide the ins ector with all information requested, and failure to do so. may be cause for the council ' s disapproval of ' ts _ , application. 3. � �ubd. 2. Reports. A licensed organizatio shall file with the inspector copies of all reports w ich it is required to file with the State Gambling Con rol Board, and shall do so within seven days of fii ng the report with the board. Failure to comply w th this provision may constitute grounds for disap roval of state gambling licenses by the city council : 402.05. Investigation Fee. Pursuant to aut ority granted by Minnesota Statutes , Section 349.16 , here is hereby imposed on organizations applying for or renewing a state-issued license to conduct law 1 gambling an investigation fee in the following amounts , which fee must accompany the notice filed with the City Clerk. Failure to pay this fee shall be ause for the council ' s disapproval of the applicati n. A) Al1 forms of gambling: $500 � B) All forms except bingo : $300 C) Bingo only: $200 D) Raffles only: $100 In the case of an initiai application for •a ew state gambling license , Class B (all forms except bi go) , payment of the investigation fee may be paid to the ci y in two equal installments , the first installment paid at the time of application and the second installment paid within six months of the application. The late fee provi ions set forth in Section 310.09 , Subd. 4, shall be ap licable to late installment payments . � 402.06. City Permit Required. Lawful gam ling by . organizations not required to obtain a state icense " pursuant to said Chapter 349 may be conducted in the • , City of Saint Paul if an organization has bee issued . a permit approved by council resolution and u on com- pliance with the provisions of this chapter. 402.07. City Permit Application. Applica ion for city gambling permit shall be made to the ins ector • upon an application form supplied by the insp ctor, • . together with such additional information as ay be required by the inspector. A separate applic tion 4. shall be required for each separate day or occ rrence on which the gambling event is to be conducted. plications must be filed with the inspector at least 30 d s prior to the requested date of the gambling event. he appli- cation shall be referred to the police chief, ho shall report to the city council at its next regular meeting following the filing of the application. 402.08. Permit Fee. Permit fees for each d y or occurrence for proposed gambling are as follow : A) Bingo , raffles , paddle wheels , tip bo rds and pull-tabs. - $100. 00. -- B) Paddle Wheels , tip boards and pull-ta s only - $50. 00 C) Bingo only - $25. 00 D) Raffles only - $50.00 • 402.09 . Compliance with State Law. Organi ations shall , in the conduct of gambling permitted by the City � Council , comply with the provisions of alI laws and ordinances , including Minnesota Statutes , Chap er 349 and this chapter. 402. 10. Use of Gambling Profits. Profits rom lawful gambling may be expended only for lawful purpo es as . authorized at a regular meeting of the conduct 'ng organi- zation. a � ` 402. 11 . Regorts. The permitted organizati n shall ' file with the inspector within 30 days of each gambling occasion permitted a copy of the reports requi ed to be . filed with the State Charitable Gambling Cont 1 Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , §349 . 214, sub ivisian 2. , 402.12. Compensation. No compensation sh 11 be paid to any person, including the manager, in conn ction with the operation of the permitted lawful gamblin conducted pursuant to a city permit. No person who is ot an active member of the permitted organization, r its auxiliary., or the spouse or surviving spouse f an active member, may participate in the organiz tion' s operation of a permitted gambling occurrence. 5. 402.13. Owned/Leased Premises. An organiza ion conducting the permitted lawful gambling shall o so only on premises either owned by it or pursuant to a written lease agreement with the owner of the pro- perty. Copy of the lease agreement shall be fi ed with the inspector. 402.14. Gambling Managers. All operation f gambling devices and in the conduct of raffles shall be under the supervision of a single gambling anager designated by the organization. The gambling anager shall be responsible for gross receipts and pr fits from gambling devices and raffles and for its onduct _� in compliance with all laws and rules . The ga bling manager shall give a fidelity bond in the sum f $10, 000 in favor of the organization condition d on the faithful performance of the manager' s duti s and the terms of the bond must provide that notice be given to the City in writing not less than 30 ays before its cancellation. . Section 2. That Chapter 419 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per- taining to and regulating .lawful gambling be and is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be i force thirty � , . days from and after its passage , approval and publi ation. . ' 6. wf11TE+� �- C�TY CIERK . - -_ ---_��--��-------- 1 P�NK - FINAN�E . COIl C1l CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE � MA,YOR • Ordinance ora� anceNO. Presented By Referred To Committee: Dat Out of Committee By Dat Section 4. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated ther in and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. r M1 � � .... ...r�/l� . . . . � . � r � �� ..rf:,. . . . � . 7• COUNCILMFN Yeas Nays Requested by Departmen of: Orew N;�os;, [n Favor Rattmsn S`n°'b°i Against - BY sonnen 7sdeseo Wilson � % Form Approv by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By . Approved by Mayor: Date Appro ed Mayor for ubmission to Council *'-- R° — --— _ _ _ , ^ .,,..., � _ ��7/ - _ O - _ .� , . . _ - _ . _ - _ ;� _ _ - - GTY OF SAINT_PAUI - - INTERDEPARTMfNTAL MEMORANDUM - - - - _ - -i _.��N�_ �..., _ _ _ . .� .. ,li{.�.�� . . /' j' ,�;� `; , ,. ; , �� � ,, � ��. ; .,.� ,�� To: Mayor George Lat�imer � From: Eu����° ".,hill�, / Director Finance and Management Servic s / , ( l/ Date: May 1, 1986 , Re: City Charitable Gambling Program I am pleased to report that Jerry Segal, Joe Carch di , and I have been reviewing Division procedures and policies , S ate Statutes and City Ordinances that relate to Bingo and other Charitable Gambling. Joe has dicussed the impact of the prog am on the Police Department with Chief McCutcheon. The revised procedures (see attached) will better nable us to . enforce both State and City Gambling laws as well s ta clarify staff support serv'ices to City Council . In keepin with a recent change in State Statutes, we are proposing that bo h license and investigation fees be used (see attached) to provi e necessary program resources. These fees will be used by the Police Department and the License and Permit Division to oth administer and investigate all legalized Bingo and/or Gamblin occasions in the City of Saint Paul . This strengthened program should be self supporting. Finally, we recommend repealing Chapters 402 and 419 of the Legislative Code , and replacing them with a single updated ordinance (see attached) . We will keep you informed as to our progress. ES/sw Attachments ' cc : City Council Members Joe Carchedi Peter' Hames Chief McCutcheon Jerry Segal � LeeAnn Turchin - - - . _ _ ' r . ���i � � - (� y l , ., � �;�;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA�TMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 7, �956 T0: Gene Schiller, Director Finance & Management Services FROM: Joseph F. Carc ' � License Inspec RE: Charitable Gambling Presently we are not involved in the processing/inspectio /investigation of any organizations that have a State of Minnesota Chari able Gambling License. I anticipate with the recent chznges in State law that t e License and Permit Division will now require an indepth review of al applications. This review will include the following steps (see attach d) . This review will be a yearly process which will require minimum of seven hours of License and Permit time as well as four h urs of support time from various City offices for each application. A otal of approx- imately 364 hours yearly for the License and Permit Divi ion and 208 of support hours. It is also anticipated that the License and Permit Divis on will spend one quarter hour per we2k per organization in inspecting Gambling locations/ operations. There are approximately 100 orga izations. A minimum of two hours per license period per organization will be spent in answering complaints and giving information, a total f 1,354 hours yearly. The Police Department will be doing both an on-going ins ection and/or investigation of the organization/location/oper2tion. T e time required will depend on what is discovered. It is estimated that it will take at least one F.T.E. It is my opinion that the City will need the equivalent of two full-time employees at a cost of $60,000.00 to properly administe Jinspect/investi- gate Charita�le Gambling in St. Paul. � � - C%� � �7� ., . I,t is estimated that there will be approximately 100 Charitabl Gambling License holders in St. Paul . It is my recommendation that the ollowing be charged to cover the City's cost: # in Each �.icense Name Yearly Fee Category Total State Class A - Bingo/Tipboards $500.00 45 $22 ,500.00 State Class B - Tipboards Only $500.00 30 $15,000.00 State Class C - Bingo Only $200.00 15 $ 3,000.00 4 or Less Occasions per Year (1) Bingo, raffles�, paddle $100.00 per 25 $ 2,500.00 wheels, tipboards , and session pull tabs (2) Raffles only $50.00 per 10 $ 500.00 session (3) Bingo only $25.00 per 20 $ 500.00 session Gambling Managers $100.00 40 $ 4,000.00 Gambling Locations Class A $200.00 8 $ 1,600.00 Gambling Locations Class B $300.00 28 $ 8,400.00 Gambling Locations Class C $400.00 14 $ 5,600.00 This fee schedule will generate approximately $63,000.00 if 11 eligible organizations obtain a Charitable Gambling License. It is my recommendation that the City Council not approve an State of Minnesota gambling application for any organization that will not have more than 5 separate occasions per year. JFC/cr �,� ��- << �� DIVISION PROCEDURES I. LOCATION II. MANAGER III. ORGANIZATION . . � �-�-�7� ,E���";m� ITY OF SAINT PAUL �~• ;� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND M NAGEMENT SERVICES �+ � .� �, �=i�ii°�i � a; � DIVlSlON OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION `�� � Room 203, Ciry Hall rm�nuc•oti•�` Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor --y� Proposed Procedure for Obtaining a Charitable Gambling ocation License: l. License and Permit Office: a, The applicant fills out an application and pay fee. b. The License Auditor interviews the applicant a d evaluates information on application as well as any requ'red supporting papers. c. The application is sent to the City Attorney's Office for a review of completed file. d. If application is in order and meets all the r quirements, the applicant is notified of the hearing date bezo e the City Council and a 45 day early alert notice is sen out. 2. City Council: a. The Council reviews all the information and in erviews the applicant, if desired, and rsakes a decision. b. If resolution is approved, the License and Pe it Division is authorized to issue a license. . ���-� � i Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARITABLE GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled out with a typewriter or by pri ting in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has inte est in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the na e of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJF.CT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBL C 1. Application for (name of license) 2. Located at (address) 3. Name under which business is operated 4. True Name Phone (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth Place of Birth (Month, Day, Year) 6. Home Address Ho e Phone 7. Have you ever been convicted of any gambling violations? 8. List licenses which you currently hold at this location. 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMBLING BOOTH WII,L BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAI. SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have anr;wered all of the above ques ions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my nowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or o her considerations, directly, or indirectly, in connection with this license, from any p rson by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) ss County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this (Signat e of Appli.cant) day of 19 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota My Commission expires � � �-��� = •`'"' °• CIT OF SAINT PAUL _,• ; ; ; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MAN GEMENT SERVICES � i=iia . ,% � �°� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRAI ION 4���,a;,�,��� Ruom ?03 r� Hdll Saim Paul, Minneso�a 551o2 George Latimer Mayor ATTENTION: ON SALE LIQUOR LICF.NSE HOLDERS Please read the following ordinance then sign and return the ba k page. If you have any further question, please contact the I.icense Di ision at 298-5056. 3/86 i r+HI TE - C�TY CLERK - � . � �j� �7/ T�~x •_ F�~�~�E GITY OF SAINT PALTL Counc 1 / /}� , -�NAR;.'�-C�F_PARTMENT File NO. ���/VJCl� �IUL -MAKOR � � • , r Z/`vL/�CG - Ordin nce N0._��,,,�,�� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 409 of th - Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining o ' the regulation of intoxicating liquor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 409.05 of the Legislative Code be nd is hereby amended so as to add the following license fee there o: D. Charitable gambling (Pull-tabs and tipboard ) : Class A establishments . . . . . . . . . 200.00 (seating capacity less than 100) � Class B establishments . . . . . . . . . $300.00 � (seating capacity 100 to 300) Class C establishments . . . . . . $400.00 - •- --� (seating capaeity more than.300) .—---- Section 2. That Section 409.08 , Clause 6, , of the Legislat ve Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows: (6) No licensee .shall keep, possess or operat , or _ permit the keeping, possession or operation of, on any licensed premises or in any room adjoinin the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice, or ny gambling device or apparatus, nor permit any ambling therein (whether or not licensed by the state) , nor COUiVCILMEN Requested by Departmen of: Yeas Nays Fletehsr o�� In Favor Masanz . Nicosia B s�ne�bs� Against Y Tedesco � Wilson , , Form Approv d y City ttome �ldopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY F3y ' Apgroved by Mayor• Date Appro ed y Mayor for ubmission to Goutscil � By By � . . (;�� � y! � � � C`��.S��o�' �73�/ permit the licensed premises or any room in th same or in any adjoining building directly or indir ctly � under his control to be used as a resort for p osti- ' - tutes or other disorderly persons, e�ee��-�l�a� �a�+�}}�g-de�r}ees-r�a�-be-}�eg�-e�-ege�a�ed-a�d-� €€�es ee�de�e�ed-e�-�}ee�se�-g�ex�}ses-a�d-a�}e����g-� er�s wY�e�-sr�e1�-ae���a}�}es-a�e-��eer�sed-gtz�st�ar��-�e- �iag�er ��9-e�-��e-Fa}��-Pat��-�eg}s�a���e_Sede- except that pull-tabs and tipboards may be sold on license premises when such activit is licensed b the State u suant to Minnesota Statutes , Cha ter 349, and conducted ursuant to the re ulations contained in this Le islati e Code. This exce tion shall not ap ly to establishmen s li- censed by the City for the sale of non-intoxic tin malt beverages, non-intoxicatin malt beverage and wine, and non-intoxicating malt fi�everages and ine as � menu items only. Notwithstandin other provisions of this Legis ative Code to the contrar , the Council may permit a on- sale licensee to ermit the holdin of a sin 1 event, such as a banquet , that includes the sale of affle , . . tickets as a part of the event activit , provi ed that--- -- _ - � such events are separate from the public areas of the licensed establishment, not open to the genera public and the raffle conducted b a charitable or an zation licensed b the State of Minnesota � Section 3. That Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code be an is hereby _� � amended so as to add the following new section ther to: 409.21 . Pull-tabs and tipboards in bars. On-sale licensees may request permission of he City Council to permit qualified charitable organiz tions to conduct lawful gambling in the form of pull-ta s and tip- boards only on the licensed premises. Applica ion for permission shall be made to the license inspec or and payment of the specified fee. If the applicat on is granted the license shall contain an endorseme t speci- � :. , 2. ,y , . ' . . Ll=�.i -/4�G� . , , • � . / Y�� !� ��-��� fying this approval and the gambling endorsement may be considered for renewal at the same time as th Council may consider renewal of the on-sale lice se. Gambling endorsements on on-sale licenses shall e subject to the following regulations which shall be deemed as a part of the license, and failure of compliance may constitute grounds �for adverse ac ion as prescribed in the Legislative Code: 1) Only charitable non-profit organization whose primary function is the support of athletic activities and serving a majority of the youth from the City of Saint Paul o contributes a majority of its revenues on Saint Paul youth may be allowed to sell pu l- tabs and tipboards on the premises. 2) Use of the licensed premises shall be y means of a written lease agreement between the licensee and the charitable organization. The lease shall be for a term of at least one ear; a copy shall be filed with the license ins ector� . _. _.and also a copy must be_kept on the -gremis s and----- __ _ available for public inspection upon reque t. Leases shall be governed by the following: a) Maximum rent that may. be charged is ` i.s $100.00 per week. b) Rental payments may not be based on a percentage of profits from gambling c) The charitable organization may not reimburse the liceiisee for any licens fees or other gambling related expens s incurred by the licensee. d) The only form of gambling that shall e permitted on the licensed premises sh 11 be pull-tabs and tipboards approved b the license inspector. � 3. . � . cr- �'��� G�. . • /7.j�Z / - G� ��-(�7/ e) Pull-tabs and tipboards shall only be sold from a booth used solely by the chari able organization, and pull-tabs and tipbo rds , shall neither be sold by employees of the licensee nor sold from the bar servic area. f) The construction and maintenance of t e booth used by the charitable organiza ion shall be the sole responsibility of t e charitable organization. g) The lease shall contain a provision p r- mitting the licensee to terminate the lease if the charitable organization s found guilty of any violation of stat or local gambling statutes, ordinances o rules and regulations. 3) Oniy one charitable organization shall be permitted to sell pull-tabs and tipboards n the licansed premises of a class A establishme t, no more than two organizations at separate ti es in a class B establishment, and no more than y -charitable organizations" shall be permitte to --- �- - sell pull-tabs or tipboards on the license premises of a class C establishment, provi ed they are located in totally separate area . 4) The licensee may not be reimbursed by the charitable organization for any license o � permit fees, and the only compensation wh'ch - the licensee may obtain from the charitab e organization is the rent fixed in the lea e agreement. 5) The licensee must commit to a minimum of 20 hours �f sales of pull-tabs and tipboards for the charitable organization. 6) As a qualification for removal of the per- mission to allow the sale of pull-tabs an tipboards on the licensed premises, th� licensee mu t demon- strate to the license inspector that at 1 ast $1 ,000 in gross gambling revenues weekly are gen rated in a class A establishment, $2,000 in a clas B estab- 4. . . . - . �_ : ��.,��'s_���� . _ . /7�-r/ . ��'t°"�y� ment, and $2,000 per charity in a class C establishment, based on a 20 hour per wee � operation. � ' 7) The licensee shall be responsible for the charitable organization' s conduct of sell 'ng . pull-tabs and tipboards. The City Counci may suspend the licensee' s permission to allo gambling on the premises for a period up o 60 days for any violation of state or local ambling laws or regulations that occur on the pre ises by anyone, including the licensee or the cha itable organization. A second violation within 12 month suspension, and any additional viol tions within a 12 month period shall result in he revocation of the gambling permission, an may also be considered by the Council as grou ds for suspension or revocation of the on-sa e liquor license. Section 4. : That Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code be an is hereby ' � �amended so as to add the �fol lowirig new sectiori-ther to: ----- � - - 409.22. Charitable gambling regulations. The sale of pull-tabs and tipboards in on-s le licensed premises shall be conducted only by qualified and state " licensed charitable organizations. In additi n to satis- fying the qualifications set forth in Minneso a Statutes, Chapter 349, the following regulations and qu lifications must be complied with by all such charitable rganizations: a) Must be a non-profit charitable volun eer organization whose primary function i the support of athletic activities, incli.x ing the following activities: Acquatics , base- ball , basketball , boxing, football , nastics, golf, hockey, skiing, soccer, softbal , speed and figure skating, tennis, volleybal and wrestling. TYie Council may, at its d scretion, include non-profit charitable volunte r organi- zations whose primary function is the support of youth activities other than athlet cs after an initial six month period, provided such 5. � y " � � - � ��d� �°�%-i�c,?' . � ., . -f i . :,� ��_� 7� organizations meet all other requiremen s of the charitable gambling ordinance. b) Must be a local charity serving youth, majority of which are from St. Paul and or spends a majority of its revenues on St. Paul youth. � c) Must have been in existence for three y ars. d) May not be supported by a school athle ic program, either public or private. e) Must file with the license inspector . annually a list containing the names a d addresses of all current members. f) Must use gambling proceeds only for yo th athletic activities. If the organizat on generates funds for other uses, it mus keep separate and accurate accounting recor s of all gambling receipts and disbursement . g) Must file financial reports weekly wit the license inspector. � h) May not have a gambling license in mor than two class A establishments and no more than one class B or class C establishment i the City of St. Paul . i) Must exhibit and sell pull-tabs and ti boards in a method as required by the license inspector. j ) May be required to demonstrate to the ity Council that the majority of their to al in- come is given to youth athletic activ'ties. k) Workers or managers may not divulge t e number of or the dollar amount of the winner at any time. 1) Shall not co-mingle game cards. 6. .� , _ . �_�Jf _ I�.v�- . i73-?� . , ��_��� :; . . . � m) Shall pay employees a minimum wage of 3_35 per hour (federal minimum .wage) and no more than a5.00 per hour. . :; n) Shall co ' • : - � _ mP�y with all the provisions o � - � . Minn. Stat. , Ch. . 349. � _ - _ , . . o) Gambling manaqer's compensation shall ot � � exceed $50.00 per week. ' - . . . . , p} Shall register with the State Gamblin Board .. � all equipment and supplies used in a icensed � - � on-sale liquor establishment. . . q) Shall post in a conspicuo�s �place ruI s and � regulations concerning cl�aritable .gam ling - - � as required by the license inspector. � , r) Shall pay to the City-wide organizati n _ designated by the City Council 209�. of the � - � net prafits from selling of pull-tabs to be � � distributed to other youth athletic o - - __ . zations to be e�cpended for suclZ lawfu gan1 � . . _ -' �- ..__. pu�oses as specified in Minn._Stat. , �_Ch_.349. --- � _ :;� . . - - - ---� _ .. . ._ ._ . . S) The charitable or anizatl,on shall not tise a ' � �� u11--tab or tipboar whic}i does na-t return � - to e la ers a m��„1„�m, ercentaQe o 750 . � . . �- _ nor a ma.,Umua srcentaQe o 80 o which . . ercentaae shall inclurs.. ' � � • . � ° ee p1avs a�.arded _ ' . - t) The charitable organiza�tion will be . ~. for the booth and other e SPonsible operation as a� deductibleeipment us in- the . ' xpense of he charity�. � � � Section 5. � That Cnapter 409 of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following riew section th retos hereby 409.23. Fund established; Administration. � �There is hereby established a special fun for the administration and distribution of the proce ds contrib- uted by charitable gambling in on-sale liquo establish- � ments as specified in this Chapter. Monies ' - n this fuzzd _ � 7. � � , • - L.�'=�'�=i� o� � �� l7�:c/ . ��,,-�-�-� 7� may be expended only for such lawful purposes a set forth in Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349, and s all be expended to assist youth athletic organizations which are not selling pull-tabs and tipboards in lice sed � establishments. The City Council shall appoint a city-wide char table organization and youth or adult representatives from each of the City' s recreation districts to advi e the City on the disbursement of these funds. The C uncil , with the advice of the appointed city-wide char table organization and representatives, shall by reso ution adopt rules and regulations governing the admin stration of the fund, eligible applicants, and appropria e uses for the funds. These rules shall include the f llowing: 1) Applicants for funding must be incorpor ted, nonprofit organizations formed for the ur- , pose of supporting youth sports and ath etic programs. Booster clubs organized for recreation center or a specific sport y be eligible, but organized school teams w ether public or private will not be _eligible. . 2) Applicants shall provide information s tting forth its stated purpose, number of pa tici- pants served, area served and reasons hy the funds are needed. • 3) Funds may not be used for capital expe ses, nor for salaries or travel expenses, b t may be expended for an individual or team epre- senting the city or state in a state o national championship tournament. 4) No organization operating charitable g mbling in the State of Minnesota will be elig ble to receive funds. 5) Funds will be awarded on a matching ba is only. 6) Organizations receiving funds shall fi e with the City financial reports showing how the funds were expended and for what purpo e. No additional grants will be made unti the organization has filed such reports of previous expenditures. 8. � : • L�l=J.� -i���G � . " � / 73-{ / _ (�i-`-�- �yi Section 6. That Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the following new se tion thereto: 409.24. Gambling managers. No person shall be a manager of any charita le organi- zation selling pull-tabs and tipboards in on-s le liquor establishments unless licensed by the City as rovided herein and compliance with the following requi ements. Application for gambling manager license hall be made at the office of license inspecto on forms provided by said office. The annua license fee is $100.00. Gambling managers shall meet all the requ' rements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, and m st file proof that a $10, 000 fidelity bond has be n pro- vided. � An individual may not manage any charitab e - --- - --organization' s gambling operation for-mor than three consecutive years. Gambling managers may not receive more th n $50.00 per week for compensation.for services as a gambling manager. All gambling managers must successfully c mplete a training program established by the Cit , which - training program shall include state char table gambling laws, city charitable gambling o di- nances, accounting procedures, record kee ing and reporting procedures and methods. 9. PINK� � FINANC6 `^ . GITY OF �SAINT PAIIL Co cit �CaNARY —OEPARTMENT � - BLUE � MAYOR Fll . NO. � � O � . . . a. ' -' . . . . ���liZ��� ,,e O nance NO. " Presented By �—� � Referred To Committee: - Da e Out of Committee By Da e Section 7. • �IX� This ordinance shall take effect and be in for .e t� days _ from and after its passage, approval and publicatio . __� : _ _._._- -. _ . � _ _ ___�- - -- -- - --_-- .� _. s i - 10. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme t oE: Y�as Nays � r+��SaNI+AEP! p�,,,,, In Favor Masanz N'c°"a / Against BY scne��et Tede$�o Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��� 3 1 �9$5 Form Approve City ttomey Cettified Pa Council t BY By �pprov by Mayor: Dat a�A� 2 — ���s Approved Mayor for ubmissioa to Council B BY PUBIIS�IED J AN 111986_ r - � � - � �- �� 7� I understand and will uphold the ordinance amending Chapter 40� o the St. Paul Legislative Code (Intoxicating Lic�uor) . I further understand that failure to comply may result in the sus ension or revocation of :;�,� On Sale Liquor and corresponding licenses. Signature Establishment Date Return to: License f, Permit Division Room 203, City tiall St. Paul , MN 55102 Attention: Kris 3/86 � Y �-�o� �7/ : ,��=• o�,. ITY OF SAINT PAUL ~� '�' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND M NAGEMENT SERVICES ; �� „ _��������' �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''�,,,���� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor �. Proposed Procedure for Obtaining a Charitable Gambling Lic nse (Manager) : 1. License and Permit Office: a. The applicant fills out an application and pays f e. b. The License Auditor interviews the applicant and valuates information on application as well as any require supporting papers. c. The applicant is given a training program which i cludes the use of: 1. Equipment 2. Method of distributing pull tabs/tip boar s 3. Accounting procedures 4. Record reporting procedures d. The application is sent to the City Attorney's Of ice for a review. e. If application is in order and meets all the requ rements, the applicant is notified of the hearing date bef re the City Council. 2. City Council: a. The Council reviews all the information and inter iews the applicant, if desired, and makes a decision. b. If resolution is approved, the License and Permit Division is authorized to issue a license. �� City of Saint Paul (/1` �10 ��/ . Department of Finance and Management Services � Division of License and Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE AMBLING GAME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying for licen e � 2. Address where games will be held Number Street Cit Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Date of Bi th (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organizat n 4. Address of Manager Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this application is for 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the tate of MN? 7. Date ot incorporation 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota 9. How long has organization been in existence? 10. How long has organization been in existence in St. Paul? 11. What is the purpose of the organization? 12. Officers of applicant organization Name Name Address Address Title DOB Title DOB Name Name Address Address Title DOB Title DOB 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who paid for servic s to the organization. Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names ) � � � �� 7i 14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members o the organization. 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name Address 16. Persons who will be conducting, assisting in conducting, or operating the games: Name Date of B'rth Address Name of Spouse Date of B rth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate Name Date of B rth Address Name of Spouse Date of B rth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate 17. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling g mes? 18. Attached hereto on the form furnished by the City of St. Paul i.s a Financial Report which itemizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the pplicant organization as we11 as all organizations who have received funds for the pre eding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified by Name Address who is the of the a plicant Organization. Name of Office 19. Operator of premis�� where games will be held: Name Business Address Home Address 20. Amount of rent paid by applicant �rQani.zation for rent of the h 11; specify amount paid per 4-hour session ' . (�,� �'�- (��� 21. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: 22. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified f r occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? 23. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant Association may be made only wit the consent of the City Councit. Or anization Date By: Manager i charge of game �7 t7 � � � z cn rr N. n � c� cn w m � m �t o � �' � w m o R n� �* � � cr w oo rr r� c w m m �-t n m cn rr r; � � n m ro o n � �v o 0o n �o �v o � � a w �' � � a � o w � m G � N � rµr rt FG-� r�r� M � m m � a m r� �' �C � su a w � o w o w ay r� n a � � � � � � � E � � • n - a w o �n �o n vx m y cn a. r• � � o E a� o rr i'r �-�t f�A M �t � � f�'� (A � a' N (D fD UI �C � (D t,' � �C v�� ''b K7 �'t �' o r� � c� o o n w I I m r �t r- o rn a' u� m r� m n c a' m r- r�u c� p � r�r, I n I � ��" � fn �G O a" O ri t�t W C"� F'� tD � ri I � fD � I R � � fD F-�++. � (D Cl. � h'� M Q' � � fD � !t rt C7V� a" h�'� � m a' O N m � rt N C ( m m .-- C O �p 1-�•. � � rh � � n tn O (D O ¢> F+� a w E n n �v w I � �u m b � m o oc � o a �-n o r� oa �• i i r� -' � 7 � '� � ' I � ; I N . 0 . � � D /� � , . ' '. j _ . R rt '-3 ""3 r7 �] � ' I � m w w o o w m • ' � ! I i I � . ~ �—` rr rr �- , ' ; i `,� R =8 � . . +n `C7 F--' 1-• ,n z . . � � � � . � � n ' � w o � � -v o � � ! j I ' w w cn � � � p �• r• cn I � ' � z i C L'. Cl. i ` �U rt � �� . , . I � I i i I m� � a � � � � n O G7 C � n ; ' � I I �; �h `G rr rr N ' � F,. F,. ; � . . � � � � i � � o 0 f"r � H 1--1 b . �. . . :� � � I � � I = w � � rt � � � � c� w c� z � � ; � � I i i i I �, C) OQ F�' (D '-7 � � ' � � I =n (D (D Fh rr y � . . ' � � ; 5 � i-'' �-i ".7�' O . ! � � j I I c n < �, � � ' ' � � � � , I G- � OC � ! i I i I Cn F+• (D � � . � i Q G7 F-�• N V1 � �..� � , I '-� � � V1 (J) � � ' I ! _ � �t A� y � I fD rt � ' : i i I I I`= N � N , ; � , i i I � I I-t CD I � I � � I I I I _ I ( � K i ; i - w � � i � i � ' � I I j I _�� b4 64 � � I � �• � ! , � ! � 1 I G � , � � i , � � ' i � I i_— _ G � D . ; � I � � _ _ � � I I � � � ; � ' ' j � � ��= � � : ; ; ; i i i ; =� � ' � , j I � i , � , ' i � � i i I_ _ _i , : ? , , - : ; : i i i ; I i , �r_ _ . � � � � � ' � I � �I i i ; I ; I � � I I I = I � I � � � � t � ` � I � � � � � I I � I -:> i � , ; � I I � � � ► � I I ; ; � i � I ! cc= � , � _ � I I j i � I n D I i I : ;: � � � ; � �; � � , � L` � �� � , �U , � � ► ! i � ; _ � i ' I I i I _ m � � y�' ❑ � ' I I � I I n 9 � a I' v. C L7 ' , I � ' � n q m 0 •' ❑ � 3 � N� 9 �2 � o°= o , o°i ❑ �� ...r v -o c 3� _ -iO � � � � � D � � � ° � � �ae r • o p_ � ? �l I � b� Q O � I o o � \' � I o n I \ � a � � � ��-��r CHARITABLE GAMBLING MANAGER'S CHECK LIST DATE ' NAME GAMES LOCATION IN OK APPLICATION BIRTHDATES FINANCIAL STATEMENT BOND LEASE CHECKS RECEIPTS 990 OR 990T MEMBERSHIP LIST CLOSING BANI: BALANCE DONATION LIST EXPENSE LIST CHARITABLE GAI�IBLING BANK ACCT & TREASURER ORG. BANK ACCOUNT & TREASURER CITY ATTORNEY ST. PAUL CITI COUNCIL LICENSE GRANTED CHECKS RETURNED � � � �-�7� City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services Division of License and Permit Administration UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAMBLING FINANCIAL REPORT Date 1. Name of Organization 2. Address where Charitable Gambling is conducted 3. Report for period covering 19 through 19 4. Total number of days played 5. Gross receipts for above period $ 6. Gross prize payouts for above period $ 7. Net receipts - line S mi.nus line 6 $ 8. Expenses incurred in conducting and operating game: A. Gross wages paid. Attach worker list with names,� address and gross wages. $ B. Rent for weeks � i,. License fee � � D. Insurance $ E. Bond � F. Dishonored checks not recovered $ G. Employers F.I.C.A. � H. Sales Tax � I. Minn. U.C. Tax � J. Federal U.C. Tax � K. Miscellaneous Expenses. Identify the amount and to whom paid. 1• $ 2. $ 3. $ 4. $ 9. Total Expenses TOTAL $ 10. Net Income - line 7 minus line 9 � 11. Checkbook balance beginning of period $ 12. Total of line 10 and 11 � 13. Total contributions from line 17 $ 14. Checkbook balance end of reporting period - line 12 less line 13 � 15. Specify use made of amount on line 13: COMPLET� THi? KEVT'RSE ST!;E . � �� ��� 16. Disbursements from amount in line 12: Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Am unt Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Am unt Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Am unt Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount eiint 17. Total Disbursements THIS REPORT MUST BE FILLED� IN COMPLETELY TO QUALIFY APPLICATION FOR HARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE. y �- � H C� a� cn r v' H c� c1� cn .�a H � �o m a" O H N• � m �' O H w [=f x tn O � � H � O � Z �9-] � O � n rn H t�7 co rS �-n H C�7 tD :� � m o hC a m o �-C a H �-+ ty ri O ri O tn p C � O � � `� O �C m o � � O 9 w � � � z � w � � z x � w w oo � z o n oo � z t� c 09. � z y � � o m �r• ro w N � �-�c o � a a z �u w �n y w m a p �n y cn � w b � n a � � � �o � a � y c� � o �u n � w � n w m m n � � � n �, � o�i � o �n n o, a. m `.`.�. n ro �.�.�. � �d w � m v � m � H 't7 `�C tt m O >C N rt tn �-1 � ['+7 N fD tn rh 't7 ri tA n w v�i ��-n w o n o m z y � °a N a�v u�i � cn o �i � H �C 7r � N � � G� � .. o E a� � £ �' a � m o m � r m o, � a a a ov � � � a. a a a I �. . � �, �7r ATTENTION: Charitable Gambling Managers Please read the following ordinance, then sign and return t e back page. If you have any further questions, please contact the Licen e Division at 298-5056. ,� . - c�rr CLERK ' � // � FINANCE GITY OF .SAINT PALTL ouncil /�/� J . -ct�aaRrt�Er�r 11@ NQ. �i.�`�/(pd _/ - MavOR (V • • , r�Z/�ZG��CP. - rdinance N O. ���,�� Presented By � Refecred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate An Ordinance amending Chapter 409 of he - - Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaini to ' the regulation of intoxicating liquo . — THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 409.05 of the Legislative Code e and is hereby amended so as to add the following license fee th reto: D. Charitable gambling (Pull-tabs and tipbo rds) : Class A establishments . . . . . . . . �$200.00 (seating capacity less than 100) • Class B establishments . . . . . . . . $300.00 � (seating capacity 100 to 300) Class C establishments . . . . . . $400.00 ' � - �- --- (seating capaeity more than.300) .---. - _ Section 2. . That Section 409.08 , Clause 6, of the Legis ative Code be and is hereby amended to read as follows : (6) No licensee .shall keep, possess or ope ate, or _ p�rmit the keeping, possession or operation of, on any licensed premises or in any room adjoin ng the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice, r any gambling device or apparatus, nor permit an gambling therein (whether or not licensed b the sta e) , nor COUNCILhiEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Depar eat of: Flatehsr o�� In Favor Masanz � Nieosia Scheibel Against BY , Tedesco � Wilson � " - Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv d y C ty Attome Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary By �y . Apgroved by Mayor: Date Appro ed y Mayor or Submission to Council BY By , . : �. C��.S��o� � � --- �73=�/ ��-�O 7/ permit the licensed premises or any room in the ame or in any adjoining bui�lding directly or indirec ly under his control to be used as a resort for pro ti- � � tutes or other disorderly persons, e�eeg�-��ia� _ gar�b�}�g-�e��ees-x�a}s-be-}�eg�-e�-ege�a�ed-a�d-�a€ �es ee�dxe�ed-e�-��ee�sed-g�er��ses-ar�d-a��e}�}�g-�ee s wY�er�-sttel�-ae�}�}�}es-a�e-�}eer�sed-g��st�ar-n�-�e-��i p�e� 4�9-e€-�l�e-Sa�r��-Pat��-�eg}s�a�}�e-6e�e- exce t t at pull-tabs and tipboards ma be sold on licensed remises when such activity is licensed by the State purs ant to Minnesota Statutes , Cha ter 349 , and conducted rsuant to the re ulations contained in this Le islative Code. This exception shall not a 1 to establishments li- censed b the City for the sale of non-intoxicat n malt bevera es , non-intoxicatin malt bevera es nd wine, and non-intoxicatin malt i�evera es and wi e as menu items only. Notwithstandin other rovisions of this Le isla ive Code to the contrar , the Council ma permit an n- sale licensee to ermit the holdin of a sin le vent, such as a ban et� that includes the sale of ra fle . ._ tickets as a part of the event activit , provide that -- -- _ such events are separate from the public areas o the licensed establishment, not open to the eneral ublic and the raffle conducted b a charitable or ani ation licensed by the State of Minnesota. � Section 3. That Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code be and is hereby � amended so as to add the following new section there o: 409.21 . Pull-tabs and tipboards in bars. On-sale licensees may request permission of t e City Council to permit qualified charitable organ?za ions to conduct lawful gambling in the form of pull-tab and tip- boards only on the licensed premises. Applicat on for permission shall be made to the license inspect r and payment of the specified fee. If the applicati n is granted the license shall contain an endorsemen speci- 2. . . (�I U v .. /-w - .� . h y / , , . /��T l . . � ��-�71 fying this approval and the gambling endorsement ay be considered for renewal at the same time as the Council may consider renewal of the on-sale licen e. Gambling endorsements on on-sale licenses shall b subject to the following regulations which shall e deemed as a part of the license , and failure of compliance may constitute grounds �for adverse act on as prescribed in the Legislative Code: 1 ) Only charitable non-profit organizations whose primary function is the support of athletic activities and serving a majority of the youth from the City of Saint Paul or contributes a majority of its revenues on Saint Paul youth may be allowed to sell pull tabs and tipboards on the premises. 2) Use of the licensed prem,ises shall be by means of a written lease agreement between t e licensee and the charitable organization. T e lease shall be for a term of at least one year; a copy shall bs filed with the license inspector, . .. _.and also a copy must be__kept on the premise and------- -- - available for public inspection upon reques . Leases shall be governed by the following: a) Maximum rent that may be charged is � �s $100.00 per week. b) Rental payments may not be based on a percentage of profits from gambling. c) The charitable org,anization may not reimburse the licerisee for any license fees or other gambling related expense incurred by the licensee. � d) The only form of gambling that shall b permitted on the licensed premises sha 1 be pull-tabs and tipboards approved by the license inspector. � 3. � , -. � G`T �✓/� C, . /7j,.Z/ � . � ��-�7� e) Pull-tabs and tipboards shall only be s ld from a booth used solely by the charita le organization, and pull-tabs and tipboar s shall neither be sold by employees of t e licensee nor sold from the bar service rea. f) The construction and maintenance of the booth used by the charitable organizati n shall be the sole responsibility of the charitable organization. g) The lease shall contain a provision per mitting the licensee to terminate the lease if the charitable organization is found guilty of any violation of state r local gambling statutes , ordinances or rules and regulations . 3) Only one charitable organization shall e permitted to sell pull-tabs and tipboards o the licensed premises of a class A establishmen , no more than two organizations at separate tim s in a class B establishment, and no more than _ . . _ _ y -=- -- - charitable organizations' shall be permitted to sell pull-tabs or tipboards on the licensed premises of a class C establishment, provid d they are located in totally separate areas. 4) The licensee may not be reimbursed by t e charitable organization for any license or permit fees, and the only compensation whic - the licensee may obtain from the charitable organization is the rent fixed in the lease agreement. S) The licensee must commit to a minimum o 20 � hours �f sales of pull-tabs and tipboards f r the : charitable organization. 6) As a qualification for removal of the p r- mission to allow the sale of pull-tabs and ipboards on the licensed premises, the licensee mus demon- strate to the license inspector that at le t $1 ,000 in gross gambling revenues weekly are gene ated in a class A establishment, $2,000 in a class B estab- 4. . . �• ' �''���'1�d� . . /7.;=r I ��-(7� ment, and $2, 000 per charity in a class C establishment, based on a 20 hour per week operation. 7) The licensee shall be responsible for th charitable organization' s conduct of selling pull-tabs and tipboards . The City Council m y suspend the licensee ' s permission to allow gambling on the premises for a period up to 0 days for any violation of state or local gam ling laws or regulations that occur on the premis s by anyone, including the licensee or the charit ble organization. A second violation within a 1 month suspension, and any additional violati ns within a 12 month period shall result in the revocation of the gambling permission, and m y also be considered by the Council as grounds far suspension or revocation of the on-sale liquor license. Section 4. That Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code be and i hereby _ amended so as to add the �followirig new sectiori"thereto: -"��- � �- � 409.22. Charitable gambling regulations. The sale of pull-tabs and tip�oards in on-sale licensed premises shall be conducted only by qualified an state licensed charitable organizations. In addition to satis- fying the qualifications set farth in Minnesota tatutes, Chapter 349, the following regulations and quali ications must be complied with by all such charitable org izations: a) Must be a non-profit charitable voluntee organization whose primary function is t e support of athletic activities, incli�din the following activities: Acquatics, ba e- ball , basketball , boxing, football , gymn stics golf, hockey, skiing, soccer, softball , peed � and figure skating, tennis , volleyball a d wrestling. The Council may, at its disc etion, include non-profit charitable volunteer rgani- zations whose primary function is the su port of youth activities other than athletics after an initial six month period, provided su h 5. . . . . �� �J-���� . � r��i � �,-�7/ organizations meet all other requirement of the charitable gambling ordinance. b) Must be a local charity serving youth, majority of which are from St. Paul and or spends a majority of its revenues on St. Paul youth. � c) Must have been in existence for three y ars. d) May not be supported by a school athlet c program, either public or private. e) Must file with the license inspector . annually a list containing the names an addresses of all current members. f) Must use gambling proceeds only for you h athletic activities. If the organizati n generates funds for other uses, it must keep separate and accurate accounting record of all gambling receipts and disbursements. - . g) Must file financial reports weekly wit the license inspector. h) May not have a gambling iicense in mor than two class A establishments and no more than one class B or class C establishment i the City of St. Paul . i ) Must exhibit and sell pull-tabs and ti boards in a method as required by the license inspector. j ) May be required to demonstrate to the ity Council that the majority of their tot 1 in- come is given to youth athletic activi ies. k) Workers or managers may not diwlge th number of or the dollar amount of the winners at any time. . 1) Shall not co-mingle game cards. 6. . . �.���r ���� , � � � ����-�� � � � . � ��-�7/ m) Shall pay employees a minimum wage of $3 35 - per hour (federal minimum .wage) and no m re th� �a5.00 per hour. . . . n) Shall comply with all the provisions of � - � . Minn. Stat. , Ch. . 349. � - - .t . . o) Gambling manager��s compensation shaZ1, no � � � exceed $50.00 per week. ' " . . _ p} Sha•11 register with the State Gambling B ard ' � all equipnzent and supplies used in a lic nsed � - -' on-sale liquor establishnzent. . . q) Shall post in a conspicua�s�place rules nd � • regulations concerning cl�aritable .gambli g � - - as required by the license inspector. � r) Shall pay to the City-wide organization designated by tize City Council 20qo of th " � � net profits from selling of pull-tabs to be � � � distributed to other youth athletic org i-. - " __ . zations to be expended for such lawful . - __ . purposes as specified in Minn.__Stat. , '_Ch �-349. ---- s) The charitable or aniza�ion shall nat use a . � . -. ull-tab or tipboar whi, does not Teturn to the la ers a m,r;,,,,,n, ercentaoe o 7�o � ' � nor a ma.,� �rc��Qe o 80b, which . � � . �rcentage sha11 includ� ee plavs a..arded . ' . . • -.�.._ - t) The charitable organization will be res 'nsible for the booth and other equipnient used ' . the ' operation as a' deductible expense of tl� chax�ity�. - � � Section 5. � Tha� Chapter 409 of the Legislative Code be and 's hereby amended so as to add the following new section there . . . 409.23. Fund established; Administration_ � �TYiere is hereby established a special fund f adrninistration and distribution of the proceeds ontrib- uted by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor es ablish- � ments as specified in this Chapter. Monies in � is furid . 7. . . : G�=�'�.;'i� �� /73=�f � (;� �'(7( may be expended only for such lawful purposes as et forth in Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 349 , and sha 1 be expended to assist youth athletic organizations w ich are not selling pull-tabs and tipboards in licens d � establishments. The City Council shall appoint a city-wide charit ble organization and youth or adult representatives f om each of the City' s recreation districts to advise the City on the disbursement of these funds. The Co cil , with the advice of the appointed city-wide charit ble organization and representatives , shall by resolu ion adopt rules and regulations governing the adminis ration of the fund, eligible applicants , and appropriate uses for the funds. These rules shall include the fol owing: 1) Applicants for funding must be incorporat d, nonprofit organizations formed for the p - , pose of supporting youth sports and athletic programs. Booster clubs organized for a recreation center or a specific sport ma be eligible, but organized school teams whe her public or private will not be._eligible. 2) Applicants shall provide information set ing forth its stated purpose, number of part' ci- pants served, area served and reasons wh the funds are needed. - 3) Funds may not be used for capital expens s, nor for salaries or travel expenses, but may _ be expended for an individual or team re re- senting the city or state in a state or national championship tournament. • 4) No organization operating charitable� gam ling in the State of Minnesota will be eligib e to receive funds. 5) Funds will be awarded on a matching basi only. 6) Organizations receiving funds shall file with the City financial reports showing how t e funds were expended and for what purpose. No additional grants will be made until he organization has filed such reports of p evious expenditures. 8. . , (�"j--d.3 —/�'v v � � . / 7:�� � � � � � �r-�-� 7i Section 6. That Chapter 409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co e be and is hereby amended so as to add the following new secti n thereto: 409.24. Gambling managers. No person shall be a manager of any charitable organi- zation selling pull-tabs and tipboards in on-sale liquor establishments unless licensed by the City as pro ided herein and compliance with the following requirem nts. Application for gambling manager license sha 1 be made at the office of license inspector o forms provided by said office. The annual 1 cense fee is $100.00. Gambling managers shall meet all the require ents of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 349, and must file proof that a $1Q,000 fidelity bond has been ro- vided. - An individual may not manage any charitable • � - --organization' s gambling operation for-�more t an = - three consecutive years. Gambling managers may not receive more than $50.00 per week for compensation .for services as a gambling manager. All gambling managers must successfully com lete a training program establishecl by the City, which training program shall include state charit ble gambling laws, city charitable gambling ord' - nances, accounting procedures, record keepi g and reporting procedures and methods. 9. FINwNCE „` �.OUIIGl �•OEPAHTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAL7L File N0. ����'� - MAYOR � � Ordisa ce N 0. �7�.�f . . 0��'in��tCe Presented By Referred To Committee: - Date Out of Committee By Date Section 7. • - 1 X� This ordinance sha 11 take effect and be i:n force � daYs from and after its passage, approval and publication. 10. COUI�ICILMEN � Requested by Departmen of: Y�as NaYs � �°�""�aN�� In Favor Drow Masanz Nicosia �,_ Against BY Scheibsi 7edesco Wilson p�� 3 1 �985 Focm Approve City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa Council t By By Approv by Mayor. Dat JAN — �� p►pproved Mayor for ubmission to Council B� By �g��S��� JAN 111986_ ��-��r .� I iznderstand and will comply with all requirements set forth :n St. Paul Legislative Codes 409 (Intoxica*_ing Liquor) , �0? (Bingo) , and 419 (Gambling) . I further understand that failure to comply may result in the susper.sion or revocation of my Gambling Manager's Permit and/or the orga ization's State Gambling License. Signature Establishment Date Return to: License � Permit Division koom 203, City Hall. St. Paul, MN 55102 Attention: Kris • ' ��.� 7( ~ .. _��.�"o,.; ITY OF SAINT PAUL �o~ '�P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ANAGEMENT SERVICES �� I{i��ii i Q� ,, � DIVISION OF LICENSE AN PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �:, „� � Room 203, Ciry Hall ��.d� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer ��, Mayor f�L • Procedure for Bingo/Gambling Licenses 1.) Organization submits a copy of State Application a ong with supporting documentation i.e. financial statement bond lease cancelled checks receipts related to bingo game membership list workers list with birthdates bank account for gambling organization bank account for organization, name of bank & treasurer � Request a record check on all workers. Review financial statement making sure that expense matc what percent- age was given to charity or Booster Club. Review application with Mr. Carchedi and place on Agenda for License - Committee. City Attorney would review- file during the time frame th t the Agenda is being prepared. Notify State of Council's decision. . (�-_--���r ��= o� ' C TY OF SAINT PAUL ` �;4�� �'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND M NAGEMENT SERVICES lii'ii"ii Ic� „ DIVISION Of LICENSE AND ERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''n, ,.,, �� Room 203, City Hall �"dnuam� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor To Whom It May Concern: Before any license allowing Charitable Gambling is issued r renewed, the following information must be presented to the License Inspector. All documents and signatures must be on original forms pro ided to you by the Division of License and Permits. (Photostatic copi s of forms and signatures are not acceptable) . 1. Complete application including all birthdates, address s, and telephone numbers of applicant (new/renew) . 2. The Charitable Gambling manager shall file with the C' y a , Continuous Bond in the amount of $10,000.00 as per Section 3, Ordinance 16144, plus a valid power of attorney. 3. The financial statement must be completed answering al questions on the statement. All legal expenses on the front pag , all donations or disbursements listed on the back page (re ew) . 4. A lease or rental agreement with premises owner at whi n games are played. The ordinance requires all agreements to be i writing and limits of $130.00 per session. Include the dates of t e lease or agreement (new/renew) . 5. All receipts, bills, and cancelled checks written on t e Charitable Gambling checking account for the period being reporte . A ledger sheet listing numerically all checks written on Charit ble Gambling checking account (renew) . 6. Furnish proof of separate checking account for Charita le Gambiing operation and sponsoring organization. Include accoun numbers and the name of the bank (new/renew) . I 7. A complete alphabetical membership list and a complete workers list including name, address, and telephone numbers (new/re ew) . 8. Furnish copies of the most recent 990 or 990T, if appl cable (new/ renew) . Applicants for permits to conduct Charitable Gambling sessi ns must properly and fully fill in all blank spaces on information uestionnaire given to you by the License and Permit Division. This shou d include all dates on which the organization expects to conduct Char table Gam- bling during the permit period. Answer all questions, incl ding birth- dates. � C�� -�7� ; � � iIf there is a change of the manager, written notice must e filed with I the License Inspector within thirty (30) days. Questionna'res must be signed before a Notary Public by the manager ir. charge of he games. No person shall act as Charitable Gambling manager for more t an one asso- ciation in any 12-month period. The manager shall be responsible for the proper conduct an operation of the game and for compliance with the provisions of the Sta e Laws, City Ordinances, and any other regulations pertaining to the op ration of Charitable Gambling and the premises upon which the games re conducted. Each organization must fill out the Uniform Charitable Ga� ling Sheet for each session played. This includes all money categori s and correct date and game location; not organization address. Both th manager and the Charitable Gambling treasurer must sign each Uniform C aritable Gambling Sheet. The games and premises are subject to inspection by the Po ice, Fire, , Health and License and Permit Divisions. Failure to compl with the regulations of these departments will result in recommenda ion to the City Council to deny or revoke the permit. The organization shall at all times keep proper books and ecords, showing the gross receipts from the operation of said game and the net . receipts, thereof, and all other pertinent matters relatin to the proceeds and distribution of receipts, and shall at all re sonable times permit access by the Police and/or License and Permit Divi ion and their personnel to all such books and records, which shall be ke t on the premises where games are conducted. Violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation, or any ame dment thereof, or any false statement for misrepresentati�n in an applica ion for a Charitable Gambling License will be cause for arrest and r vocation of permit. No refunds of fees will be made in the event of d"scontinuance, suspension, or revocation of permit. Very truly yours, Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp . - ' , City of Saint Paul �/=�-��/ • , . Department of Finance and Management Services , Division of License and Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABL GAMBLING GAME IN SAINT PAUL 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying for lic nse 2. Address where games will be held Number Street C ty Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operat and manage Gambling Games Date of B rth (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organizat on 4. Address of Manager Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this application is for 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the tate of MN? 7. Date of incorporation 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota 9. How long has organization been in existence? 10. How long has organization heen in existen.ce in St. Paul? 11. What is the purpose of the organization? 12. Officers of applicant organization Name Name Address Address Title DOB Title DOB Name Name Address Address TYtle DOB Title DOB 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Name Address Address Title Tir_1� (Attach separate sheer. for addit-�onal names.) 14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members of the organization. . 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name Address 16. :Persons who will be conducting, assisting i.n conducting, or operating the games: Name Date of Birth Address Name of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will conductT assist, or operate Name Date of Birth Address Name of Spouse Date of Birth Dates when such person will conduct, assist, or operate 17. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? 18. Attached hereto on the form furriished by the City of St. Paul is a Financial Report which itemizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organization as well as all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified by Name Address who is the of the applicant Organization. Name of Office 19. Operator of premises where games will be held: hame Business Address Home Address 20. Amount of rent paid by applicant Organizatian for rent of the hall; specify amount paid per 4-hour session , � - �. (�= �-�7r . 21. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: 22. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified f r occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? 23. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant Association may be made only wit the consent of the City Council. 0 ganization Date gy; Manager i charge of game ____ a t� rr E � z cn rr r� n cr c� �n n r°'r m � � °n Q, ar � w w ro o n fD (o �-S n N m r�r � w N � � rwt ,� � ° � n �v o oa n m h rr m � �C W a (n � `C !D � f7 r7 fD F-' M M tS. fA F; a' �C "�, � G. � A r'' � � � � n E � � • rt � � �v w E cn a I� o � � o rt �"'l U� O rt � N fD ri ri � � f�D UJ w fD V1 �C � � $ I � �wG' vv� o W � c� o o n w I cn � n r� o r- �o n � o- h' � m r. �n � � w �c ��" � � . n I� � m � n w rn v' � m � � w m I �o ro r� m a '"� � m � � � o, a" r�+� � [n �' O fP m ro rt cD C ( tn m ,.- G O �D W � �' M � � � W O tD O p� 1-� G. W �' ►i ri 'o ta 1� fD fD 'd r'► m O 00 1-� � a. M O W � �• I 1 N : � �� �� � -� 7i . . . City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services • - Division of L:Lcer.se and Permit Administrati.on UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAMBLING FINANCIAL REPORT ate 1., Name of Organization 2. Address where Charitable Gambling is conducted 3. Report for period covering ?9 thrc�ugh 19 4. Total number of days played 5. Gross receipts for above period $ 6. Gross prize payouts for above period $ 7. Net receipts - line S minus line 6 $ 8. Expenses incurred in conducting and operating game: A. Gross wages paid. Attach worker list with names, address and gross wages. $ B. Rent for weeks $ C. License fee $ D. Insurance $ E. Bond $ F. Distionored checks not recovered $ G. Employers F. I.C.A. $ H. Sales Tax $ I. Minn. U.C. Tax ' � $ J. Federal U.C. Tax $ K. Miscellaneous Expenses. Identify the amount ard to whom paid. 1. $ 2. � 3. $ 4. $ , 9. Total Expenses TOTAL $ 10. Net Income -- line 7 minus line 9 $ 11. Checkbook balance: beginning of period $ 12. Tota"� of line IO and Ii $ 13. Tatal contributions from line 1.7 � Z4. Checicbook balance end of reperCi.ng period -- lir.e 12 less line ?3 $ 15. SpeciFy use made of amount cn Zine 13: C:UATPT.1?�'r 'I'ili?. i?i:`1�:RSF ;iltiiE 16: . Di_;-,,hur.sements from amount in line 12: � J� �7� • Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Am unt Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Am nt Name Name Address Address Date Rec'd Date Rec'd Purpose Purpose Signature Signature of Recipient of Recipient Amount Amo nt Name Name �� . , . . '�' a�I N ' o` o` o' a � ; _ r� r, -� -; � -? C� � I i �. :� , t� O O W ['7 • ' i I ?", � F- rt cY r-� I i i ; - , � .. .n w 1--+ 1--+ � � . . . � ! � � ! _ • ' I I i I � O `G '[1 'C1 O ['Ii � : I � N i ti p �. �. N I � c a a � � _ o - '� rt . � . ' ' � i I I � I I c.,_ - �-'! 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I � � � � � � � � �� I � � ! � � � , ' _ � � � � �7r CHARITABLF GAMBLING MANAGER'S CHECK LIST DATE NaPME G?,I�:ES LOCATION IN OK APPLICATION BIRTHDATES FINANCIAL STATEI�NT ' BOND LEr�SE C:iECKS � RECEI?TS 990 OR 990T u�ERSHIP LIST CLOSI".G B:��?I� BALANCE DONATION LIST E.iP�'NSE LZST CHA�ITABLE GA��IBLING BANK ACCT & TREASURER ORC_ B�?vK �CCOUNT & TREASURER `"TY ATTORi�cY ��. PAL'L CITY COUNCIL L�C�NSc, GR��ITED CHECnS RETt;RNED ' ! (i,�—� -(v7/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL r���� , i�� ��„ OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL ....,..��.�p �^.9.�_ � - Da te ; uly 14, 1986 COMM (TTEE RE POR TO = Sai.�nt Pau i City Councii FROM = Committee Oh LEGISLATION C M A 1 R : JOHN DREW 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting held June 30, 1986. Jim Scheibel moved approval of the minutes as distri uted in writing, Motion carried unanimously. . y . . . . 2. .�d�f i�V e. � -bi - ..:S.. �J _ L i -.�:tr � , . .,. � . __ ....- _.. _ _._. ...�. ... . . ' .. Jim Scheibel moved approval of the ordinance, as amended. . Motion carried 4 - 2. 3. An Ordinance amending Chapter 404 of the Saint Paul egislative Code licensing private clubs a�d adding provisions r lating to lawful gambiing on the premises. (Council File 86-8 0) Jim Scheibel moved approval of the ordinance. The mo ion passed 2-1 to go to the Council without recommendation. � CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ'PAUL, M�NNESOTA 55102 .�.�� f � lst � ,J�- :�� -2ria �— .3—,��, 3rd • --- �—�}' - � , ' Adop ted _ �—/5`-��- Yeas Nays DREW , �.� �"�-�� j`Z . NICOSIA �y3 J 3 � RETTMAN ,� - SCHEIBEL SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO t� ; WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL / CANAR�' - DEPARTMENT F i nci1NO. ���1l� �� BIUE - MAVOR � � O/ Z � Ord nance N�. f�?.� Presented y f ' Referred To �^�5 �— o Committee: Dat �'��—�� Out of Committee By Dat � � Al�l ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSIt�!TO HISTORIC LAI�MARKS ft)R IViI�, 30 SOUTM FRIINT STREET, PHILAOELPNIA, PENNSYLVAN�A, At�/INt - SUCCESSORS tN INT�R'EST,TO C�RUCT,[IPERAT� AI� MAlNTAIN STAIRWAY WITN HANDRAILS AT TI# ENTRANCE TO T!# 8U1LDfl�i AT EAST FlFTH STREET �At)�tACENT TF� WEST 2/�� L[�TS 11 Ati1D 12,�OCK 4, _ WHIT(�Y AA� SMITH'S AQDfTION TO SAINT PAUL) WHICH EXTENDS APPROxIMATELY ���T TEN INC�IES INTO EAST FIfTH STREET RIGHT-IIf-WAY. Tt� COUNCtI OF THE CITY � SAINT PAUL QQES �tDA1N: Seciivn 1. That permission and authority are her�y �tod to Histroic L s for Living andlar its successars in interest, to construct, opsrots end inta�n a s#eirwey with hendraiis et the entrer�ce to the buildiag st 250 �e�t �t� Stt�set {ad j�eni tha wsst 2/3 of Lots 11 end 12, 81�k 14, Whitney - Smiih's Addition tv Saint Peui) which extends oppr�ucimotely one foo ten inctres into Eest Fitth Strost ri�t-ol-woy. Svction 2. Thet the Director ot tt� DQpertmvnt ot P�lic Work� i�� aut zvd to issue a permit to Historic Landmarks for Living andlor its s�ces in - int�est tor the construction, c�pvrativn aru! maint�of gaid stei ay with hendraiis, accvrding to appnovod pians, upon seid�rmittvv's lianc� - with the following cvnditions: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ub11C WOx'kS Drew Nicosia �R FBVOi — Rettman � -- s�ne�bei Against BY ' Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Form Appro d by i Att e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By c Approved by Mayor: Date Appr e yor for Sub s p to C ncil By By . � . . . . , � � �d�-�7� � ��.3�3 e.That said permittee shali pey the costs of publication of this ordinance ' and all ordinances and resolutions passed in re)ation to this rdinance; b.Thot seid permittee shall pay the costs ot odministrotion, en ineering and inspection incurred by ttre Department ot P�lic Works be ause of this underteking. Said costs ore estimated to be a sum ot : 0.00; c.That soid stoirwoy with hondroils shall be removed by end et he soie cost and expense ot soid permittee andior its successors in i ter�est whenever the Council ot the City ot Saint Peul sholl by Resol ion determine such removol necessary in the p�lic interest and cordingly order the removal ot said stairwoy with hm�droils trom East ifth Street right-ot-way; d. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest express y ogrees and undertekes to maintain the steirwoy �d handrefls in prop r condition and to keep the same free ond cleer ot any obstacies snow or ice, in a manner acceptable to the Director ot the Department t Pubiic works; e.That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shell tul y indemnity, hotd harnniess ond detend the Cit� ot Saint Peui, it egents, otficers ond employees from ony ond oll domeges, claims, loss s, judgments, suits or expenses and on account of all claims ot etever nature for in jury to persons and/or property arising out ot or nnected with the construction, maintenance, operation andior removai f said stairway and handroils end by the permission and authority ted herein; ond that s�plementol to oli other obiigotions on their art, jointiy end/or severolly, hereunder, said permittee ond/or its uccessors in interest shall turnish ond meintoin, end pey ell premiums e other expenses theretor, Casuelty Insur�ence Coveroge with a duly lic nsed Casualty Insuronce Company, neming the permittee and ttre Cit as jointly insured to the extent of =500,400.40 tor in jury to ony rson end/or persons in any single incident end to the extent of =200 000.00 for damage to property in any single accident and insuring the ity of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third pe ons for in jury to person{s) end/or property arising from or connected ith the construction, maintenance, operotion, relocation and/or remov 1 of said stairway and handrails hereunder at all times. The permittee s all furnish o certificate of this insuronce policy, from time to tim , to the Director of the Department of Public Works, seid certificate of nsuronce shall be in such form es shall be appraved by the City Attorney; Pege 2 F . , - ' , �-�. I . , � � r - � _ - . s�', � .__=J--�� _ -2nd �� � _ ,� �� � , , 3'-�i � �� � ��= Adopted - �� � -- �/ L � Xeas �a�^� � DREW , IdICOSIA (i1-��''�7/ ' / 7��� ��rr�rt � ' SCEIEI$EL ' S ON?JEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCQ � , �