86-668�. - - . w E -.CITY CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE� C�ITY OF SAINT PAUL / CANARV -�EPARTIRENT C IICIl =• BLUE - MAVOR FI e NO. ��/ ��� , � • ^ � Ord�n�nce or inance N�. �'-���/ � - Presented y ��� � Referre o�� l��"G�.�a �YYI�(�l T— Committee: Da e ���� —a b Out of Committee By Da e An ordinance adding Chapter 3�8to the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Class I Licenses. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the following chapter thereto: CNAPTER s7$ B�� AN9 BREAKFRST RESIDENCE 37s.01. Lieetase r�quired. No person shall keep or operate a bed and breakfast residence in Saint Paul without a license. 3�s.02. �efinitions. Subdivision 1. Bed and breakfast residence. A dwellin unit, located within a one or two family dwelling, in which four or f wer guest rooms are rented on a nightly basis for periods of less than week and where at least one meal is offered in connection with the pro ision of sleeping accommodations only. Subd. 2. Guest room. A room or a group of rooms formi g a single habitable unit which is located within the walls of a d elling unit and which is used or intended to be used for sleeping and 1 ving, but not for cooking or eating purposes and which is let individ ally as a unit. Subd. 3. Owner occupied. A dwelling unit shall be con idered to be owner occupied when it is occupied by a person or perso s who own at least 51% of said dwelling unit. 378.03. Fee. The fee required for operating a bed and break ast residence shall be $50. (continued) COUNC[LMEN Requested by D tmen f Yeas Nays � Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel B so�r,e� Against Y redesco Wilson Form Approved ity A ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date App by r fo u s' n ib Council By B I WMITE - CI7V CI�ERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL C uncil CANARV - DEPARTMENT Fl e NO• ��`�� BLUE - AAAVOR , • Ordin�nce Or inance N�. �7�/7 Presented By I Referred To Committee: Da e Out of Committee By Da e 3�a04. Application, procedures, etc. Subdivision 1. Application. Any person desiring a be and breakfast license shall file with the inspector a written applic tion for such a license, giving in the application, in addition to oth r required information, the full name and place of residence of t e applicant, the exact location of the dwelling unit which constitutes he bed and breakfast residence, the dwelling within which it is 1 cated, the rooms within it which will be used as guest rooms, and the n mber of occupants each room can accommodate. Subd. 2. Inspection and reports. The inspector shall refer a copy of the application to the director of the division of public health, director of the department of police and zoning admini rator, and require from said directors, respectively, a report as o whether or not the proposed place of business named in said applicati , together with the appliances and equipment used or to be used therein in the conduct of said business, are safe and sanitary and in all mann r comply with the requirements listed in section .05 and whether r not the applicant has ever operated or conducted a similar busi ess previously or been connected with one or has been charged with a v'olation of the food ordinance, a report as to whether or not said appl 'cant has ever been arrested and charged with conducting a disorderly ouse or with having sold intoxicating liquors illegally and a report as to whether the proposed place of business conforms to the zoning c de. Subd. 3. License cancellation. The conduct of any bed and breakfast residence in a disorderly manner or permitting any immo al conduct or practice therein, or the violation of any of the rules r regulations of the division of public health, department of fire and s fety services, or department of police, or any of the provisions of th s chapter, shall be sufficient cause for the refusal of a license or the cancellation of any license already issued to the owner thereof. (continued) COUNCILMEIV Requeste b De artment of Yeas Nays �Au`Y�� Drew r Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � ' �' Scheibel Against BY - - Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attor ey Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY By l Approved by Mayor: Date Appro y Mayor for Submi on t Council By B WMITE - C�TV CLEitK I PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ouncil CANARV -pEPARTiwENT lle NO• BLUE - MAVOR � Ordindnce rdinance N O. l��9� Presented By Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By D te 378.06. Register. Every person operating a bed and breakfast residence shall keep at all time a book, to be known as the register, in which it shall be required that every person to whom a room is let shal have his, her or their name or names and address registered therein in ink, along with a true statement of the date on which the room was let, th date it was vacated, the correct number or other designation of the oom let, and the number of the occupants assigned thereto. It shall e unlawful for any person to make false statements in said register. N page of the register may be disposed of until two years after the da of the most recent entry recorded on it. The register shall at all t'mes be available to any city inspector. 378.07 Penalty. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from a d after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman Scheibel '� Sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP � — ���� Form Approved by City Attor ey Certified Pa s d y ouncil Se ry BY By c Ap y Mayor: Date SEP � — 19vU Approved by Mayor Eor Submi ion to Council By I I PUBItSHED S t P 1 31986_ p�D � ' ' .• D�PARTMENT � ��� � 3 5 8 7 � Roaer Rvan � � � CONTACT 7 y 7494. Ext. 303 PHONE Apri 1 15, 1986 DATE 1 �,/�r e�,r ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : artment Director 4 Director o Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director � Peggy Rei ert � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur ose/ These three license ordinances are companions to a zoning code Rat onale) : amendment permitting bed and breakfast residences in residentially zoned districts which passed the Planning Commission on April 11, 198 , and which will be transmitted to the City Council . (A copy of the �'��D draft transmittal letter is attached.) Neighborhood groups requeste c� that the residences be licensed and owner occupied if �ermitted in ��� residential areas. APR 161986 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY ANO PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �T� Afi����EY License fee adequate for review. �ECE[V�D /Ig � MAY15 1`�� . MAYOR'S OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor' signa- - ture n t re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00 ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : 3 Ordinances E�EIVED M AY � � JlAYO�'S OFFICE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REV EW Yes X No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requir d? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 , . . . . , �. . ., � � -.� � � - �,� � -� ��' �.ito ,6 •� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �i j Z��� : : OFFICE OF THE MAYOR o � � �uie,u2u �� II • �ic[ t',u n' , ♦� �c �„� 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 � GEORGE LATTMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR I I April 15, 1986 �� Council President Victor Tedesco and �i Members of the City Council �i 7th Floor City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �i Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Council: In December of 1985, the Planning Commission initiated a zoning amen ment which would permit bed and breakfast residents in residentially zoned districts. On anuary 19, 1986, the Commission held a public hearing on the amendment and on April 1 , 1986, recommended adoption of it. The Commission's resolution is attached. The amendment permits bed and breakfast residences, with up to four g est rooms, to locate in residentially zoned districts. It varies the minimum lot size, de ending upon the number of guest rooms and dwelling units on the lot; requires off-street arking; restricts the number of people who may be employed at the residence; and requir s residences with 2 through 4 guest rooms to be 1,000 feet from each other. The amendment had required originally that the bed and breakfast resid nce must be owner occupied. The City Attorney has issued an opinion that the City i not authorized through zoning to regulate the ownership of bed and breakfast residence but that owner occupancy could be addressed through City licensing regulations. A bed nd breakfast licensing ordinance which requires owner occupancy has been drafted an will be transmitted to you so that the Council may consider the zoning and licen ing ordinances at the same time. � I am pleased to transmit the zoning amendment to you. Sincerely, George Latimer I Mayor � GL/mb attachment . �as I � . Cyi= ��-���' � i�3�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � -���,,,;, OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL II ���u�r�ue� e��!��;,�y�� Date : � ugust 11 , 1986 COMM (TTEE RE PORT - T0 = Sa�nt PQUI City Council F�0 M � C o rn tn it t e e O h C i ty Deve 1 opment and !ITransportat i on CHAIR W� 1 1 iam L. Wi lson II 1 . Appeal of Planning Commission - Century Company (Moved out of comm9ttee without recommendation) I � 2 , � . � �, . `",,-� � ���. � t� .... . �,Y{y �� �-�"���',�. '8:� . ��. �.� `�' e�e�rent) . , 3. Ordinance amending Chapter 407_ of__ the Le islative Code � �- -perta'rning to the licensing of hotels (Ct�mmitt e recommends — - approval ) 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 321 of the Legisiative Code pertaining to the licensing of boarding and roo ing houses and dormitories. (Committee recommends approval as mended) 5. Ordinance arne�ding Chapter 60, 62, and 66 of t e Legislative Code by adding provisions pertaining to bed nd breakfast residences (Committee recommends approval as am nded) 6. Ordinance amending Chapter 34 of the Legislative Code, Housing Code, pertaining to clarification of applica ility, guest rooms, deadbolt locks, garbage cans and shared b throoms (Comrnittee recommends approval ) • 7. Ordinance amending the food ordinance, Section1331 . Q2 of the Legislative Code pertaining to food licenses for bed and breakfast residence (Committee recommends appro 1 ? 8. Letter of the Mayor transmitting the Special District Sign Plan for Highland Village as recommended by he Planning Commission (Committee recommends approval ) . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT AUL. MINNESOTA SS10Z •�r�. i M�MITE - C17V CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L auncil �j / CANARV - OEPARTMENT Ile NO. u ��v/� BI.UE - MAVOR Ordin�nce inance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By D te 37s.06. Register. Every person operating a b and breakf st residence shall keep at all time a book, to be known as the register, in which it shall be required that every person to whom room is let s 11 have his, her or their name or names registered th rein in ink, alo with a true statement of the date on which the oom was let, the d te it was vacated, the correct number or ot er designation of th room let, and the number of the occupants ass' ned thereto. It shal be unlawful for any person to make false state ents in said register. No page of the register may be deposed of u il two years after the d te of the most recent entry recorded on it The register shall at al times be available to any city insp ctor. 3�s.�7. Peet�lty. Any person who violates any of the provis ons of this chapter shall be guil of a misdemeanor. Section 2. This ordinance shall t e effect and be in force 30 days fro and after its passage, approval and ublication. COUNCILMEN Requested by De artment o . Yeas Nays �� Drew Nicosia [n Favor Rettman s�n.�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve y y Atto Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro a r for S mi Council By B I :. , '� I � • � ; lst ,�� �� .� _ ���� �, � � /� � � ._3rc;. �// /�G �dopted ; Yeas q ��( DREW N 3'S �~� l� . NICOSIA C�: � �6 ��� RETTMA�T / 1�� � SCHEIBEL SQNNEN WILSON MR. PRESTDENT TEDESCO