86-665 ;:-°-�}
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City of St.Paul COiJNCIL F NO. � �----`"�
: By
File No. 1 '��
�toCit� In the Matter of
Aoquiring p�rmtnent �as�mie8t� for stree� prarpo� � b�y
crpezi3.ng, vsdenitt� �ad ��tc�adiaa� �`ta�r�r Par&. �r�ve acro � Lat�
Z, 2, � ar�a �, Bl.+�ck �6; L4�s 3� �+„ s and 6, Hlc�c� '�; Lc��
"�'"� va���tcd �jr�.e�s �vsr��e�; ve�.cated �endri.ck �tr�et; taa��d
Acla Str�e�; a�ad v�,c�a'ted P�eYard Street e.?.3 in St. th�sr�y
P�rk to ��. Pat�l, ��:m�e�y County�, Minn�s��, lying �r thl,�a a
etrip et le,nd 8fl.Q1� t'eet wid�, th�e casn�esrline of �atd utrip
i� d�seribed a�s tnl�.�r�t
Co�mnenaing at the 9�nt�rsection ot' th� centerlinc qf aysn�nd
Av�nue� �nd thc c���erlin��e of �nergy Park Dr1ve w at af
R�nd Av�nu+�; �hera�� n�arthc►asterly on e� line �51.9 f�et
�ore—or•.1e�s Lo th� inters�,ct3on with t�ae centerZ. ne e��'
Energy F�.rrk Ar�ve e��t ot' R�nd Avenue, said liae �ces
an�l� c�f �3� degre��, 12 n�inut�s, OC s�cands w3 M th�
c�nterlin� ��' Ener� r ark D�ive �rest of .Raymond Av� ue �.s
�a�sured trom �hr� nortlr�re�at to �Aa northeast, to th� p int aP
�bC$�.AA�ri� ot se�id ce�z�terliz�e to be d��crlbed; thenae �w sterly
on the westerly e��nsian ot tFie aer�t�rliao ot En�r P'ark
Dxfve east o� Ray�and: Avec�u�, �[).�? teet, then�� c�eat r�y an
a t�ngeatial �ty.r�rs cnncs�ved tc the nc�rth� havin� a r�, iu� o�'
IOflt3.Q0 �cet, +� �r� 1�agt�e a1' �'�4.d� �nd a c�ntral e�n l�r �f��
degreasa, 1�2 minut��� �� �+�cta�ds� th�nCe t�orthueffi�erl3r �.n�ent
the la+at de�e�ibed c�rv�s "�4�3.g �`�e� m�r�—ar-2e�� to �, pa�;tzt
qn the pz�es�nt cen�e�2ine r�!' Energy Park Drive; a�d th��e
said cent�rllaa termi�aat��. �'he z�ortherly �d sc� ther],y�
1ine� oP �aid $�.� �'ac�� ��rip �re prvlcanged or shr�r� ned �ta
tcrmina�te �an th� we�t li�� of Raymor�d Avanue d �he
southerly line af` ss�id af�.t}C �'oot ataip is �horte efl to
texnai.n�.te o� t�a� nor�h���terly line Qf �nergy Par� Driv+�
(Pormerly kno�ru as FCe,�ota� Av�nuc) as condemned a�nd de cribed
in City of �irt� Paul� Ccnan�il �'ile �o. 17563
��v Adopted by the Council: Date
MAY 2 7 198$
Yeaflr�tr Nays
Mieos is Certified P by uncil S cr r
$!:t i!b[1
Scheibel In Favor B
Soaatn �
Tedesco Against
W�1'°° MAY 2 � �ggg Mayor
� �� � �' � �J � � ITY C � U �� C � �. G�
, . , �'�
�' � � �. � � � � � l� { � � � C� � � E � �--�'�s
City C uncil District ��4
Distri t Planning Councii ��12
�! � �� 18426
��� �
To decide whether to proceed with acqu ing property at the
��.� � � � � northwest corner of Raymond Avenue and nergy Park Drive.
1 (Easement description is attached).
���� ,�. � � � Tuesday, May 27, 1986, at 10:00 a .m. .
City �auncil Chambers , 3rd Floor City aIl - Court House
�� �' �"�� 1� � �, Call 2�;5- 4513and refer to the File �� bcve . City staff w�ill
be availzble to answer any last minute questions on this pro-
ject in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:Q0 a .m. the same
dav as the nearing.
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De�t. of Finance a;�d Manag�rnent Services ;-:�'� � Dt _ '~��',�
Room 218 City Hall - Cotirt ��se '` .`;;° • ` �"' / ' , ' ,w'
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Y_ CITY OF SAI�TT PAUL 7na�iceNRettia�ahair
���n���iu Hlki Sonnen
D$t : May 14, 1986
= � � � C o ' tt � e Re o rt
To: Saint Paul City Counci �
From: Committee on Public orks
Chris Nicosia, Chair
The P�_�lic Works Committee at its meeting of May 14, 1986 took the
follow��g action:
Heari�q Date
1 . 5/L�J86 VACATION: Petition of Carlton Mix for the v cation of
part of the North-South alley in Btock 7, Lake Park
Addition located at Snelling and Como Avenue for the
purpose of private ingress and egress for a existing
Recommended approval .
2. 5/�0/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 30 foot wide
temporary construction easement for storm sew r purposes
in the block bounded by Arcade, Mendota, range and
Hyacinth. Also a temporary storm sewer c nstruction
easement in the block bounded by Arcade, Men ota, Rose
and Maryland.
Recorrnnended approval .
3. 5/=?J86 FINAL ORDER; Constructing the Phalen Cr? Sanitary
Interceptor Sewer along the Burlington Northe Right-of-
Way from approximately Earl Street to approxi tely Inter
State 1-94. Also, condemning and taking an sement for
the purpose of constructing and maintainin a public
sewer on, under and across certain properti s for the
Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer.
Recommended approval .
4. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a perman nt easement
for purposes of constructing, opening and m intaining a
sewer pumping station and a sewer forcemain o , over and
across certain property. (West side of Prior near
Feronia? .
Recommended approval .
5. : 5/Z7/86 �C���t,�<��-,: _ �.� _ .,�,���
, �
pt7r�se�°'�'"�p�f�: "���'`�cf ex��ttd'fi`M�`' '£ .; . ,Park
Or�'v� �a<�ai n��ty.
- �,yT . , �.;.
_, _._._..._�.__�.._...._...�.._ ' �._..�.._._... ---- --�--
� 6. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Improvements for the Grand venue East
Neighborhood Partnership Lighting Project { hase 2) by ��-�j 6�
construction of double lantern style decora ive ligt,ts
for the following area: Both sides of GRAND AVENIJE from
about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 180 feet nor h side, 260
feet south side) to about 210 feet west o Lexington
Parkway (210 feet north side, 130 feet south side) ; Both
sides of LEXINGTON PARKWAY from the alley nor h of Grand
Avenue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; 8 th sides of
OXFORD from Grand Avenue to the alley nort of Grand
Avenue; west side of OXFORD from Grand Ave ue to the
alley south of Grand Avenue; both sides of CHATSWORTH
from Grand Avenue to the alley north of Gran Avenue and
both sides of MILTON from Grand Avenue to the alley north
of Grand Avenue.
7. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Operating costs for the Abo e Standard
Street �ighting System for the Grand A enue East
Neighborhood Partnership Project (Phase 2) fo the months
' of October thru December, 1986. (See #7 for ar a) .
Referred back to City Council without recommen ation.
8. 5/20/86 FINAL OHDER: (Laid over from 4/30/86) Impi-i�ving
LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Surnmit Avenue to Univer ity Avenue
by constructing a bituminous overlay and doin all other
work necessary to complete said improvement.
Made motion to withdraw this item at this time
9. RESOLl1T10N: requesting Ramsey County to restr ct parking
along a por•tion of Larpenteur Avenue from Van yke Street
to McKnight Road. (laid over from 4/30/86) .
Recommended approval .
10. RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accept a d keep on
file skyway agreement dated August 25, 1982, etween tf�e
HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Dev.Co. , Gall ry Towers,
Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St. aul-Rarnsey
Arts and Science Council and the Port Autf�ori y relating
to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. (laid over
from 4/30/86)
Recommended approval .
11 . RESOLUTION: of agreement to indemnify, save and hold
harmless the 5tate of Minnesota from any claims, demands
8 actions as a condition to granting a varian e to the
State from State standards for the 8th Street p oject.
Recommended approval .
12. RESOLUTION: autF�orizing the Director of Publi Works to
request a variance from Municipal State Aid Sta dards for
Cretin Avenue from Dayton to Iglehart project.
Recommended approval .
13. ORDINANCE for Storm Water Utility Charge. I
Recornmended approval .
14. Other Business. -RESOLUTION authorizing pr per city
officals to execute a corrective deed for property
conveyed by the City to Mr. Ben Blizen in April 1954 (to
correct description) .
Rpcommended approval .
� �;� ��- C���-
p���Y o�� . :�:: :
Council File No.86-542-By Chris Nicosia— �
In the Matter o! acquiring permanent easeaients tor.street pu ses j
opening, widening and extending�nergy Park Drive across Lots 1, 2, aad•4,
Block 46;Lots 3.4.5 and 6;Blvck 47:I.ot"�,';vacated�less'�veaue;.. �a�d,
Renar�c� street; vac�,t�a Aa� street; a�a �acatea �c�ara stree� �n st.
Antho P�rk.to`St. P,�ul, Ran�sey Count�:Mit�ne6ota, IYing within a p of
l.and 80: #8et wide,the centerline of said strip'is described as foliows:
Commencing at the intersection of the cetiterl3�e af RaymQ;gi�Avas�se �
;th�centerline of�nergy P�rk DrI�►e west oi A:aymond Avenue;
ndrEheasterly on a line 28L80 fest more-pr-less to the inter�#,�Qn v�#� � �_,:
�nterline of En �ark I?rive east of Ra�pnond Av�u�s. s�. . .
mekes angle of$��egrees. i2:minuutes�OQ aeca�►�s'vvi�Ehthg cenfei��n of.'� `�
Energ,y Park:Drlve,west of-Raymoad Aven�te as m�i�i�►
; ,ss�r t hwest to 1�nos#�east,tothe point of�of�ai� ° to` '
be dperibed:theaoe�sterty on the we�stef�l�.�dorr`of;� ? ,�:
-of Energy Pax�k' Drive east oi Rayazo�d�:�lva$ue,'5Q.S� ie�t; �'�.._ �
westeri�on a tangent3�i curve ebucaved to the north;havil�'ax�i} � �
Iflb0.00 f�t,an a�length-ot 570.d4 and a c�entral angle of 32 degrees�41 �
mintttes, 44 seconds; thettce northwesterly.tan�eat the„-,Iast des�ri �, .:
curve 70.19 feet morE=or-1�to a point on t�e.preseat c�iterliae otEn _
Park Drlve; and there said eenterline terminates. The northerly d
southerly lines of_said 8Q.90 foot strip ere prolonsed..or shorte+t�e,d. , .� ,
teiminat,�on the west line of Raymond Avenue aad the southe=ly line i �
said 80.00"foot striB:is'shortened to�ern�nate+on the north+essterl�+li�e `
• Eni�rgy Park 1fri�e(foririerly kriown as I�asota Avenue)as con
:and;descrii�ed ia�ity of 5aint P��1,Coupcil File.No. 17563
• q'#�e C�il a,f the Cit�of Snint Paul haviag reeeived the report of the
uP� t1� above ituprove�en�.' aud 2iavfng<considered said report� y;;.
resolves• , y
• ,
1. �tt the sa�d report and the same is hereby$pproved w�i�t ao al ive�, '
�nd th�tt t�e e�ti�tated co�t thereof ie i6Z5.000 financet!from 1�6 Mt�ieipa :tilb:
2. That a pubiic hearf�g be had arn�sid improvement on th th�t -
�98� `, . :OU a'cl �,tn th�Council C�ambers of the Gity ati `
�1 4use ing �e City of Saint'Peul. �
;' 3. Tf�at�otice of said public heaxip� b.e;given to�he persons aad. ' #he- -
�anner provid�,bp the Charter,stating the time and place of hearing,the ture
'df ihe imprbvernent and the total co�t thereo!as estimated.
F"ile No: 18426, � , _
, ,Adopted bs+the Council April 29. 1986.
'�tpProved May 5, 1986.
, (May 10, 1986)
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