86-659 WHITE - C�TV �LERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L ouncil �//� CANARV - DEPARTMENT lIe NO. �/�s`+ �� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By � Referr To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul d s hereby prescribe and rearranqe the voting precincts and boundari s thereof for the City of Saint Paul as described in the attached E hibit A, which Exhibit A shall be on file in the Office of the Cit Clerk; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby direct to post in a conspicuous place in his office notice of the changes a set forth in Exhibit A for a period of at least sixty days followin the adoption of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Requested b -Qe rtme t Yeas Drew Nays � J �1°"° In Favor Rettman Seheibel D Sonnen __ AgBi[lst BY 'iwMseee Wilson MAY 2 � 1986 Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Cou�cil: Date Certified . •ed by Council Secretar . By ��� �' �- S��-�'6 Bl, �. A►pprove y Mavor. Date MAY 2 8 �ggg Approved by Mayor or isst to Council s _ _ PUB�E�i�EO ���`�`�° 311�86 `� .. "�''';_ ' . ��_G,S � 4 ' City Clerk DEPARTI,IENT A1 Olson �ONTACT . F�c. 4231 PHONE �� May 15, 1986 DATE reen . (Routing and Explana ion Sheet) Assi n Number for Routin Orckr Cli All Locations for oral Si ture : 1 Department Director 2 City Attorney 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? ur ose Rationale : Certain precinct lines will be changed to acconmodate an acces ible polling place within the precinct. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated: New maps will be prepared, Voting lists will be changed to ref ect changes and all registered voters affected by changes will be properly notified. Costs have been budgeted in 1986 budget for printing and posta e. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Total Amount: Unknown at this time. � F�.'unding Source: City Clerk� Election Div. Budget. 00263-221 00263-241; 00263-297 Attachments (List and Nur�er all Attachmentsl: Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTURNEY REV EW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requir d? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Suffici nt? Yes No ,� Yes No Insurance Attached? , Revision of Octob r, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'jnstructions) � �� � U` ���� PRECINCT BOUNOARY DESCRIPTIONS DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 1 North - Burlington Northern Ry from Harntine to Le ington. East - Lexington from Burlington Northern Ry to innehaha. South - Minnehaha from Lexington to Hamline. West - Hamline from Minnehaha to Burlington Nort ern Ry. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 2 � North - Burlington Northern Ry from Lexington to ale. East - Dale from Burlington Northern Ry to Blair South - Blair from Dale to Victoria, Victoria rom Blair to Lafond, Lafond from Victoria to Lexington West - Lexington from Lafond to Burlington North rn Ry. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 3 North - Blair from Dale to Western. East - Western from Blair to University. South - University from Western to Dale. West - Dale from University to Blair. ,,, ,. , DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 4 North - Blair from Western to Como, Como from B1 ir to Lafond, Lafond from Como to Rice. East - Rice from Lafond to University. South - University from Rice to Western. West - Western from University to Blair. � � `F� � � , � . �- � _. - � DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 5 North - Bur l i ngtorh�' NoY�tMerrt �Ry."�1!ibth'�R i ce' �tb` U�ckson. East - Jackson from Burlington Northern Ry. to Valley. South - Valley from Jackson to Capitol Hts. , Capitol Hts. from Va 1 1 ey to Como,� Como' iFrom 'Cap�i tcJ 1� Hts to R i ce. West - Rice from Como to Burlington Northern Ry. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 6 North - Como from Rice to Capitol Hts. , Capitol Hts from Como to Valley, Valley from Capitol Hts to Jackson, Jackson from Valley to Penn�ylv�n'ia, F��h�sy`lvania from Jackson to Mississippi . East - Mississippi from Pennsylvania to University. South - University from Mississippi to Rice. West - Rice from University to Como. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 7 North - M i nnehaha frdm �Ha�ml i n�e �o �L��ci'n��on. East - Lexington from Minnehaha to University. South - University from Lexington to Hamline. West - Hamline from University to Minnehaha. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 8 North - 81 a i r from V i c�tor'i a �'tt5' Da 1 e. ' '-� ` � ' East - Dale from Blair to University. South - University from Dale to Avon. West - Avon from University to Edmund, Edmund from Avon to Victoria, Victoria from Edmund to Blair. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 9 North - Lafond from Lexington to Victoria. East - Victoria from Lafond to Edmund, Edmund from Victoria to Avon, Avon from Edmund to University. South - University from Avon to Lexington. West - Lexington from University to Lafond. . . • � � (�`-- �� �� `'°1 DISTRiCT 1 PRECINCT 10 North - Burlington Northern Ry. from Dale to Rice. East - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry. to Lafon . South - Lafond from Rice to Como, Como from Lafo d to Blair, Blair from Como to Dale. West - Dale from Blair to Burlington Northern Ry. . ; � DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 11 North - Portland from Grotto to Dale. East - Dale from Portland to Summit. South - Summit from Dale to Grotto. West - Grotto from Summit to Portland. D�I STR I CT • 1 PREC I NCT _It� North - University from Hamline to Lexington. East - Lexington from University to Marshall . South - Marshall from Lexington to Harnline. West - Hamline from Marshall to University. D I STR I CT !-� PREC I N�T 1�� North - University from Lexington to Avon. East - Avon from University to Aurora, Aurora fro Avon to Fisk, Fisk from Aurora to Central , Central fro Fisk to Avon, Avon from Central to St Anthony, St Antho y from Avon to Fisk, Fisk from St Anthony to Concordia. South - Concordia from Fisk to Lexington. West - Lexington from Concordia to University. , � , ,• a DISTRICT I PRECINCT 14 North - University from Avon to Dale. East - Dale from University to Concordia. South - Concordia from Dale to Fisk. West - Fisk from Concordia to St Anthony, St Ant ony from Fisk to Avon, Avon from St Anthony to Central Central from Avon to Fisk, Fisk from Central to Aurora Aurora from Fisk to Avon, Avon from Aurora to Universi y. �DI9TRiC�� 1 PRECINC� Y5 North - University from Dale to Western. East - Western from University to Concordia. South - Concordia from Western to Dale. West - Dale from Concordia to University. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 16 . .�., _, , , , , North - University from Western to Rice. East - Rice from University to John Ireland Blvd, John Ireland Blvd from Rice to Concordia. South - Concorida from John Ireland Blvd to Western. West - Western from Concordia to University. D�I ST�I CT+ t � PREC I NCT 1�i North - Marshall from Hamline to Lexington. East - Lexington from Marshall to Portland. South - Portland from Lexington to Griggs, Griggs from Portland to Summit, Summit from Griggs to the Short Line Rd. West - Short Line Rd. from Summit to Hamline, Hamline from the Short Line Rd to Marshall . ��I STR�I CTi i PREC I N�T 1�_8 North - Concordia from Lexington to Fisk. East - Fisk from Concordia to Carroll , Carroll from Fisk to Victoria, Victoria from Carroll to Dayton. South - Dayton from Victoria to Milton, Milton from Dayton to Laurel , Laurel from Milton to Lexington. East - Lexington from Laurel to Concordia. OISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 19 North - Concord i a from: F i s�k ��� Western: ' � ' � o East - Western from Concordia to Dayton. South - Dayton from Western to Victoria. West - Victoria from Dayton to Carroll , Carroll from Victoria to Fisk, Fisk from Carroll to Concordia. . . . � �!-' � �J�j . DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 20 - — North - Concordia from Western to John Ireland Bllvd. East - John Ireland Blvd from Concordia to Summi�t. South - Summit from John Ireland Blvd to Western.l West - Western from Summit to Concordia. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 21 North - Portland from Griggs to Grotto. East - Grotto from Portland to Summit. South - Summit from Grotto to Griggs. West - Griggs from Summit to Portland. DISTRICT 1 PRECINCT 22 North - Laurel from Lexington to Milton, Milton rom Laurel to Dayton, Dayton from Milton to Victoria. East - Victoria from Dayton to Laurel , Laurel f om Victoria to Avon, Avon from Laurel to Portland. South - Portland from Avon to Lexington. West - Lexington from Portland to Laurel . � DtSTRICT 1 PRECINCT 23 North - Dayton from Victoria to Western. East - Western from Dayton to Summit. South - Summit from Western to Dale, Dale f om Summit to Portland, Portland from Dale to Avon. West - Avon from Portland to Laurel . Laurel Ifrom Avon to Victoria, Victoria from Laurel to Dayton. I � � . � � . � �G -��9 ; _ , , . , QISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 1 North - Summit from Short Line Rd to Milton. East - Milton from Summit to St Clair. South - St Clair from Milton to Lexington, Lexin ton from St Clair to. 5hort Line Rd. West - Short Line Rd from Lexington to Summit. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 3 North - Summit from Milton to Grotto. East - Grotto from Summit to St Clair. South - St Ctair from Grotto to Victoria, Victori Ext. from St Clair to Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry, Chicago, Milwaukee, St PauI.� RY from Victt�ria Ext to Mitton. West - Milton from Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry to Summit. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 4 North - Summit from Grotto to Kellogg. East - Kellogg from Summit to Pleasant. South - Pleasant from Keilogg to Irvine, Irvine f om Pleasant to Western, Western from Irvine to Ramsey Ramsey from Western to Pteasant, Pleasant from Ramsey o St Clair, St Clair from Pleasant to Grotto. West - Grotto from St Clair to Summit. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 5 North - University from Ri±Qe �to 12th.; East - 12th from University to Jackson. South - Jackson from 12th to 13th, 13th from Jack on to Robert, Robert from 13th to Columbus, Columbus f om Robert to Wabasha, Wabasha from Columbus to 35E, 3 E from Wabasha to Main, Main from 35E to lOth, lOth from Main to College, College from lOth to Smith, Smi h from College to 6th, 6th from Smith to Pleasant, Pleas nt from 6th to Kellogg. West - Kellogg from Pleasant to Summit, Summit f om Kellogg to John Ireland Blvd, John Ireland Bivd from ummit to Rice, Rice from John Ireland Blvd to University. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 6 , 4 � +��-�', • � , a � � . North - Columbus from Wabasha to Robert, Robert from Columbus to 13th. 13th from Robert to Jackson. East - Jackson from 13th to 7th Pl . South - 7th Pl from Jackson to Minnesota, Minnesota from 7th P1 to 6th, 6th from Minnesota to Cedar, Cedar from 6th to 7th P1 , 7th P1 from Cedar to 6th, 6th from 7th to 5th, 5th from 6th to Kellogg. West - Kellogg from 5th to Pleasant, Pleasant from Kellogg to 6th, 6th from Pleasant to Smith, Smith from 6th to Co 1 1 ege, Co 1 1 erge' ffibm``Srh fith' t�� 'l Otih, l Oth from Co 1 1 ege to Main, Main from lOth to 35E, 35E from Main to Wabasha, Wabasha from 35E to Columbus. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 7 North - 12th from Jackson to University, University from 12th to Mississippi . East - Mississippi from University to Grove, Grove from Mississippi t+o Wi''1'1 idt5�; Wi 1�Tilr� �from Grove to 7th, 7th from Willius to Burlington Northern Ry, Burlington Northern Ry from 7th to 3rd, 3rd from Burlington Northern Ry to Lafayette, Lafayette frorn 3rd to River. South - River from Lafayette to Jackson. West - Jackso� Ext. from River to 12th. (Precinct 7 includes that portion of District 7 bounded on the North by 7th; on the East by Burlington Northern Ry; on the South by 3rd and on the West by Lafayette) . ,i , � , t. . ; r „ -:� 1 , . DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 8 North - Jefferson from 35E to Victoria, Victoria from Jefferson to Palace, Palace from Victoria to Osceola, Osceola from Palace to Jefferson, Jefferson from Osceola to 7th, 7th from Jefferson to Western. East - Western from 7th to Chicago, Northwestern Ry, Chicago Northwestern Ry from Western to River. South - River from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Drake Ext, Drake Ext from River to Randolph, Randolph frorn Drake to 35E. West - 35E from Randolph to Jefferson. . � � �. � � . � �-�s, 0 Z ST�i CT '� PREC I NCT ,$! North - St Clair from Lexington to Milton. East - Milton from St Clair to Chicago, Milwauke , St Paui Ry, Chicago, Milwaukee, St Ry from Milton to Victoria, Victoria from Chicago, Milwaukee, 5 Paui Ry to Jefferson. South - Jefferson from Victoria to Randolph, Rando ph from 35E to Lexington. West - Lexington from Randolph to St Ciair. c. , � . , DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 1_0 North - St Clair from Victoria to Pleasant, Plea ant from St Clair to Western. East - Western from Pleasant to 7th. South - 7th from Western to Jefferson, Jefferson from 7th to Osceola, Osceola from Jefferson to Palace Palace from Osceola to Victoria. West - Victoria from Palace to St Clair. DISTRICT' 2 PRECINCT 11 North - George from Hall to State. East - State from George to Oakdale, Oakdale f om State to Annapolis. South - Annapolis from Oakdale to Bidwell . West - Bidwell from Annapolis to Curtice, Curtic from Bidwell to Winslow, Winslc�w from Cur�ice ` to Pa e, Page from Winslow to Hall , Hall from Page to George. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 12 North - Pleasant from Western to Ramsey, Ramsey f m Pleasant to Western, Irvine from Western to Pleasant, Pleasant from Irvine to Kellogg. East - Kellogg from Pleas�nt ' �o �agle, E��gle fr Kellogg to River. South - River from Eagle to Chicago, Northwestern . West - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from River to estern, Western from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Pleasant. I DEI ST�d�CT���,��P�tE�CJ� � North - 5th from Kellogg to 6th, 6th from 5th to 7th P1 , 7th P1 from 6th to Cedar, Cedar from 7th P1 to 6th, 6th from Cedar to Minnesota, Minnesota from 6th to 7th P1 , 7th P1 from Minnesota to Jackson. East - Jackson from 7th Pl to River. South - River from Jackson to Eagle. West - Eagle from River to Kellogg, Kellogg frorn Eagle to 5th. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 14 �.� a -� , � � � � North - Randolph from Lexington to I-35. East - I-35 from Randolph to River. South - River from I-35 to Rankin Ext. West - Rankin Ext from River to 7th, 7th from Rankin to Lexington, Lexington from 7th to Randolph. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 15 North - Randoiph from I-35 to Victoria. East - V i ctor i a from Randai ph�,j#0 7th�+ �,7#,�? :from V i ctor i a to Otto, Otto Ext from 7th to River. South - River from Otto Ext to I-35. West - I-35 from River to Randolph. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 16 North - Randolph f'rom Victoria to Drake. East - Drake Ext from Randolph to River. South - River from Drake Ext to Otto. West - Otto Ext frorn R i vem-;to_A��th, � 7t�� fnom Otto to V i ctor i a, Victoria from 7th to Randolph. DISTRICT � PRECINCT 17 North - 8 - Concord from State to Annapolis Ext. East South - Annapolis Ext from Concord to Oakdale. West - Oakdale from Annapolis to State, State from Oakdale to Concord. . � � .� � � � ��-�s> DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 18 ; .,� �; . , . . � North ' ' ' 8 East - River from West Annapolis Ext to East Ann polis Ext. 8 West South - East Annapolis Ext from River to Concord, Concord from East Annapolis to George, George from Co cord to Robert, Robert from George to Concord, Concord rom Robert to Wabasha, Wabasha from Concord to Pla , Plato f'rom Wabasha to Ohio, Ohio from Plato to Cher kee, Cherokee from Ohio to Baker, Baker from Cherokee t Cherokee Hts, Cherokee Hts from Baker to Annapolis Ext, Annapolis Ext from Cherokee Hts to the River. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 19 North - Ohio from Isabel to Plato, Plato from Ohio to Wabasha. East - Wabasha from Ptato to Concord, Concord fr m Wabasha to Robert, Robert from Concord to George. South - George from Robert to Winslow, Winslow fr m George to Robie, Robie from Winslow to Bellows. West - Bellows from Robie to Isabel , Isabel fro Bellows to Ohio. DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 20 North - Isabel from Ohio to Bellows. East - Bellows from Isabel to Robie, Robie fro Bellows to Waseca, Waseca from Robie to George, Geo ge from Waseca to Charlton, Chariton from George to Morto . South - Morton from Charlton to Chippewa. West - Chippewa from Morton to Cherokee. Cheroke from Chippewa to Isabel . DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 21 North - Robie from Waseca to Winslow, Winslow f om Robie to George, George from Winslow to Hall . East - Hall from George to Page. South - Page from Hall to Winsiow, Winslow from P ge to Curtice, Curtice from Winslow to Bidwell , Bidwell rom Curtice to City Limits, City Limits from Bidwell to aseca, Waseca from City Limits to Page, Page from Waseca to Chariton. West - Charlton from Page to George, George fro Charlton to Waseca, Waseca from George to Robie. , ; � , , � , , i � i4#` ' � DISTRICT 2 PRECINCT 22 North - Chippewa from Cherokee to Morton, Morton from Chippewa to Charlton. East - Charlton from Morton to Page, Page from Chariton to Waseca, Waseca to City Limits, City Limits from Waseca to Charlton, Charlton from City Limits to Annapolis. South - Annapolis from Charlton to Cherokee Hts. West - Cherokee Hts from Annapolis to Chippewa. �. , � ri�1 � 3 j��� A � , , , , , � : a�.. � � , .� , ,. �t • ; # + t '�; � . ; _. � . �--��� �s� DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 1 North - Summit fr�m Fairview to Snelling. East - Snelling from Summit ta St Clair. South - St Clair from Snelling to Fairview. West - Fairview from St Ciair to Summit. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 3 North - 7th from Davern to Rankin. East - Rankin Ext frorn 7th to River. South - River from Rankin to Davern Ext. West - Davern from River to 7th. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 5 North - Summit from Snelling to Short Line • Rd. East - Short Line Rd. from Summit to St Clair. South - St Clair from Short Line Rd to Snelling. West - Snelling from St Clair to Summit. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 6 North - St Clair Ext from River to Finn. East - Finn from St Clair to James, James from Finn to Cretin, Cretin from James to Ford Pkwy. South - Ford Pkwy Ext from Cretin to River. West - River from Ford Pkwy Ext to St Clair Ext. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 7 North - St Clair from Finn to Prior. East - Prior from St Clair to James. ±�' South - James from Prior to Finn. �' i West - Finn from James to St Clair. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 8 North - St Clair from Prior to Wheeler. East - Wheeler from St Clair to James. South - James from Wheeler to Prior. West - Prior from James to St Clair. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 9 North - St Ciair from Wheeler to Snelling. East - Snelling from 5t Clair to James. South - James from Snelling to Wheeler. West - Wheeler from James to St Clair. i DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 11 North - St Clair from Snelling to Short Line Rd. East - Short Line Rd from St Clair to Lexington, Lexington from Short Line Rd to James. South - James from Lexington to Pascal , Pascal from James to Palace, Palace from Pascal to Snelling. West - Snelling from Palace to St Clair. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 12 North - James from Cretin to Fairview. East - Fairview from James to Highiand Pkwy. South - Highland Pkwy from Fairview to Cretin. West - Cretin from Highland Pkwy to James. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 13 Narth - James from Fairview to Snelling. East - Snetling from James to Scheffer. South - Scheffer from Snelling to Fairview. West - Fairview from Scheffer to James. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 15 � � North - James from Hamli�e to Lexington. East - Lexington from James to Montcalm Hill . South - Montcalm Hill from Lexington to Montcalm P1 , Montcatm Pi from Montcalm Hill to Scheffer, Scheffer from Montcalm Pl to Hamline. West - Hamline from Scheffer� to James. � ��� -�s> DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 16 North - Ford Pkwy from River to Cretin, Cretin fr Ford Pkwy to Highland Pkwy, Highiand Pkwy from Cretin t Cleveland. East - Cleveland from Highland Pkwy to Magoffin. South - Magoffin from Cleveland to River. West - River from Magoffin to Ford Pkwy. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 17 North - Highland Pkwy from �Cteveland to Fairview. East - Fairview from Highland Pkwy to Hampshire. South - Hampshire from Fairview to Howell , Howell f om Hampshire to Magoffin, Magoffin from Howell to Chica o, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry; Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry from Magoffin to Cieveland. West - Cleveland from Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul y to Highland Pkwy. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 19 North - Scheffer from Fairview to Snelling_.__ ` East - 5ne 1 1 i ng from Scheffer �to Montrea 1:' -- -- - South - Montreal from Snelling to Davern, Davern fr m Montreal to to Edgcumbe, Edgcumbe from Davern to Hampsh re, Hampshire from Edgcumbe to Fairview. West - Fairview from Hampshire to 5cheffer. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 20 North - Palace from Snelling to Pascal , Pascal fr m Palace to James, James from Pascal to Hamline, East - Hamline from James to Scheffer, Scheffer f om Hamline to Montcalm Pl , Montcalm P1 from Scheffer to ontcalm Hiil , Montcalm Hill from Montcalm P1 to Lexingt n, Lexington �� � from Montcalm Hill to Montreal . i South - Montreal from Lexington to Edgcumbe, E gcumbe from � Montreal to Snelling. West - Snelling from Edgcumbe to Palace. � _ _ __., . ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ _. . __.. __,..: r �.. f-. .w.:..,,rt,.,,.,�.,�,w,,,�,�..,. DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 22 North - Magoffin Ext from River to Cleveland, Cleveland from Magoffin to Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry; Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry from Cleveland to Davern. East - Davern from Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry to River. South � - River from Davern Ext to Mag�ffin Ext. West ' DISTRICT 3 PRECINCT 23 North - Magoffin from Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry to Howell , Howell from Magoffin to Hampshire, Hampshire from Howeli to Edgcumbe, Edgcumbe from Hampshire to Davern, Davern from Edgcumbe to Montreal , Montreal from Davern to Snelling, Snelling from Montreal to Edgcumbe, Edgcumbe from Snelling to Montreal , Montreal from Edgcumbe to 7th. East - 7th from Montreal to Davern. South & West- Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry from Davern to Magoffin. . � , � 1 � ._ _._ _,,_�......._._.__. ..._.,._�.,s,,.__.,,.�....�..._.,..�...-�. __.._.... _---- __._......_.o..�_..._..�_..___:..—�.,.,,�....a..r.=.,..,.-,,,..-..,.... � . I . � .� . � � ��� , . 0 I�TR�I GT � PREC�NQT� 1 — — North - Hoyt from Albert to Hamline. East - Hamline from Hoyt to Arlington. South - Arlington Prom Hamline to Albert. West - Aibert from Arlington to Hoyt. II � D I6TR I CT� 4 PREC�I NCT 2 — — North - Hoyt from City Limits to Cleveland. East - Cleveland from Hoyt to Carter. South - Carter from Cleveland to Hwy 280, Hwy 28 from Carter to Burlington Northern Ry, Burlington Nort ern Ry from Hwy 280 to City Limits . I West - City Limits from Burlington Northern Ry t Hoyt. D I��RI+C�T� 4 PREe�I NCT 3 I North - Carter from Hwy 280 to Cieveland, Clevel d from Carter to Como, Como from Cleveland to Snelling. East - Snelling from Como to Buriington Northern y. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Snelling to H 280. West - Hwy 280 from Burlington Northern Ry to Car er. �DISTRICT�{4 PREC�NCT 4 North - Hoyt from Snelling to Albert. East - Albert from Hoyt to Arlington, Arlington rom Albert to Hamline, Hamline from Arlington to Midway kwy. South - Midway Pkwy from Hamline to Snelling. West - Snelling from Midway Pkwy to Hoyt. DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 5 North - M i dway Pkwy f�r:om �rie�l }�i ng to M�m l i ne. East - Hamline from Midway Pkwy to Burlington Nor ern Ry. South - Burling�on Northern Ry from Hamline to Snelling. West - Snelling from Burlington Northern Ry to Mid ay Pkwy. � DI�TR�I�T 4 PRE��N�QT 6 North - Burlington Northern Ry from City Limits to Prior. East - Prior from Burlington Northern Ry to University. South - University from Prior to City Limits. West - City Limits from University to Burlington Northern Ry. D I�'SR I�T+ 4 PRH�+�A�QT� 7 North - Burlington Northern Ry from Prior to Snelling. East - Sneliing from Burlington Northern Ry to Pierce Butler, Pierce Butler from Snelling to Aldine, Aldine from Pierce Butier to Minnehaha. South - Minnehaha frorn Aldine to Prior. West - Prior from Minnehaha to Burlington Northern Ry. D I�T13�I� 4 PR��PNQT° 9 North - Minnehaha from Prior to Aldine, Aldine from Minnehaha to Pierce Butler, Pierce Butler from Aldine to Snelling. East - Snelling from Pierce Butler to University. South - University from Snelling to Prior. West - Prior from University to Minnehaha. �D I STR I C��• 4��PREC�NCT �10 North - Burlington Northern Ry from Snelling to Holton. East - Holton from Burlington Northern Ry to Taylor, Taylor from Holton to Pascal , Pascal from Taylor to Van Buren, Van Buren from Pascal to Simpson, Simpson from Van Buren to University. South - University from Simpson to Snelling. West - Snelling from University to Burlington Northern Ry. . , � �, , � s �:� ; , . �� DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 11 North - Burlington Northern Ry from Holton to Hamline. . East - Hamline from Burlington Northern Ry to University. South - University from Hamline to Simpson. West - Simpson From University to Van Buren, Van Buren from 5impson to Pascal , Pascal from Van Buren to Taylor, Taylor from Pascai to Holton, Holton from Taylor to Burlington Northern Ry. , . . � C��-l�-s`i DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 12 North - University from City Limits to Cleveland. E�st - Cleveland from University to I-94, I-94 f m Cleveland to Cretin, Cretin from I-94 to Marshall . South - Marshall from Cretin to City Limits. West - City Limits from Marshall to University. DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 14 North - University from Wheeler ta Haml'ine. East - Hamline from University to Nfarshall . South - Marshall from Hamline to �airview. ; West - Fairview from Marshall to Chicago, Milwauk e, St Paul Ry, Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry from Fairv'ew to Wheeler, Wheeler from Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul R to University. D I STR I CT "4� 'PREC I NCT 15 North - Marshall from Snelling to Hamline. East - Hamline from Marshall to Short Line, Sho t Line from Hamline to Summit. - _.. . - -�- - _ � South - Summit from 5hort Line to Snelling. West - Snelling from Summit to Marshall . DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 16 North - University from Cleveland to Wheeter. East - Wheeler from University to Chicago, Milwa kee, St Paul Ry; Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul Ry fr m Wheeler to Fairview, Fairview from Chicago, Milwaukee St Paul Ry to Marshall . South - Marshall from Fairview to Cieveland, Cleveland from Marshall to.. Iglehart, Iglehart frorn Cleve} nd to Cretin. t. West - Cretin from Iglehart to I-94. I-94 fr Cretin to ��, Cleveland, Cleveland from I-94 to 'Universi y. � __._.. ._. . ___ _ _ _. _. ., ,_.�.._..,._W�M...,., _ .._.�� ...�.,.,.,.,.:�.,.,�._ DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 17 North - Iglehart from Cretin to Cleveland, Cleveland from Iglehart ta Marshall , Marshali from Cleveland to Fairview. East - Fairview from Marshall to Laurel . South - Laurel from Fairview to Cleveland, Cleveland from Laurel to Selby, Selby from Cleveland to Cretin. West - Cretin from Selby to Iglehar�. � -, DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 18 North - Marshall from Fairview to Snelling. East - Snelling from Marshall to Laurel . South - Laurel frorn Snelling to Fairview. West - Fairview from Laurel to Marshall . - DISTRICT 4 �PREGINCT 19 North - Marshall from River to Cretin. East - Cretin from Marshall to St Clair. South - St Clair from Cr�tin to River. - - �•West - -Rf ver from St C}a i r to Marsha 1 1 . �-= DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 20 � ; ; North - Selby from Cretin to Cleveland, Cleveland from Selby to Laurel , Laurel from Cleveland to Fairview. East - Fairview from Laurel to Ashland, Ashland from Fairview to Dewey, Dewey from Ashland to Summit. South - Summit from Dewey to Cretin.. West - Cretin from Summit to Selby. � DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 21 � North - Laurel from Fairview to Snelling. East - Snelling from Laurel to Summit. South - Summit from Snelling to Dewey. West - Dewey from Summit to Ashland, Ashland from Dewey to Fairview, Fairview from Ashland to Laurel . _.�...... .-�----�._._�.__.._.�._�,._..__�... _.,A_, ..,,.,..�,�,.._.�_,_._..____ _--___._..�.�_w., ._, , _.:_ _ � ..,.,,_.�.�.�..�.�o,.,,.,�.�,�..�,.,�.,.-��..r,�c.�,..•. � . . (��� �.59 . DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 22 North - Summit from Cretin to Prior. East - Prior from Summit to St Clair. South - St Clair from Prior �o Cretin. West - Cretin from St Clair to Summit. DISTRICT 4 PRECINCT 23 North - Summit from Prior to Fairview. East - Fairview from Summit to St Clair. South - St Clair from Fa? rview to Prior. West - Prior from St Clair to Summit. . , , . � ' (�l`- lf�'�UJ S/ D I ST'R I CT ;5 PREC I�NCt '1 North - Larpenteur from Hamline to Lexington. East - Lexington from Larpenteur to Horton. South - Horton from Lexington to Hamline. West - Hamline from Horton to Larpe�teur. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 2 North - Larpenteur from Lexington to� Vi�ctoria. East - Victoria from Larpenteur to E Como Blvd. South - E Como Blvd from Victoria to Como Lake Dr, Como Lake Dr from E Como Blvd to Lexington. West - Lexington from Como Lake Dr to Larpenteur. , DIS ICT 5 PRECINCT 4_ North - Larpenteur from Dale to Farrington. East - Farrington from Larpenteur to Wheelock, W eelock from Farrington to Farrington Ext, Farrington fr m Wheelock to Arlington. South - Arlington from Farrington to Dale. West - Dale from Arlington to Lapenteur. I ST I CT .,�, P C I N T �� North - Arlington from Dale to Farrington. East - Farrington from Arlington to Maryland. South - Maryland from Farrington to Dale. West - Dale from Maryland to Arlington. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 6 North - Larpenteur fromf Farrington to� Ri{ce. � East - Rice from Larpenteur to Geranium. South - Geranium from Rice to Galtier, Galtier fro Geranium to Maryland, Maryland from Galtier to Farringt . West - Farrington from Maryland to Wheelock Ext, eelock from Farrington Ext to Farrington, Farrington fr Wheelock to Larpenteur. ��LST�RICT,� 5 PR T,.7 North - Larpenteur from Rice to Soo Line. East - Soo Line from Larpenteur to Jackson, Jackson from Soo Line to Geranium. South - Geranium from Jackson to Rice. West - Rice from Geranium to Larpenteur. , , . . , . ,; � . DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 8 North - Larpenteur from Soo Line to 35E. East - 35E from Larpenteur to Maryland. South - Maryland from 35E to Soo Line. West - Soo Line from Maryland to �arpenteur. �D I S`�R I C`� 5 � PREG���1�T�'9 North - Larpenteur from 35E to Edgerton. East - Edgerton from Larpenteur to Brainerd. South - Brainerd from Edgerton to Jessie, Jessie from Brainerd to Ivy, Ivy from Jessie to DeSoto, DeSoto from Ivy to Hyacinth, Hyacinth from DeSoto to 35E. West - 35E from Hyacinth to Larpenteur. D I STft'I'CT �' F�RE�C�I N�T 1 b North - Midway Pkwy from Hamline to Horton. Horton from Midway Pkwy to Lexington. East - Lexington from Horton to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Burtington Northern Ry from Lexington to Hamline. West - Hamline from Buriington Northern Ry to Midway Pkwy. � �;.; � .•�a � �� E �,� � � � � i DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 11 North - Larpenteur from V�ctoria to Dale. East - Dale from Larpenteur to Maryland. South - Maryland from Dale to Victoria. West - Victoria from Maryland to Larpenteur. ' � c � � �U,�-- � -�� -D I S�TR I CT: � P�E`�iirGT �l,g -- North - Maryland from Como Blvd to Mackubin. East - Mackubin from Maryland to Lawson. South - Lawson from Mackubin to Dale, Dale from wson to Como, Como from Dale to E Como Blvd. West - E Como Blvd from Como to Maryland. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 13 North - Mary 1 and from ,Mackub i n, to Ga•l:tt�i�er� , Ga 1 t i e from Mary 1 and to Geranium, Geranium from Galtier to Rice. East - Rice from Geranium to Lawson. South - Lawson from Rice to Galtier, Galtier from awson to Cook, Cook from Galtier to Mackubin. West - Mackubin from Cook to Maryland. D I STR I�CT��¢� PRE��I,NCT L A North - Como Lake Dr from Lexington to Como Lake B vd. East - Como Lake Bivd from Como Lake Dr to Burlin ton Northern Ry, 8uriington Northern Ry from Como to C o P1 , Como P1 from Burlington Northern Ry to Front. South - Front from Como P1 to Chatsworth, Chatswo th from Front to Burlington Northern Ry, Burtington No thern Ry from Chatsworth to Lexington. West - Lexi ngton from B;ur,l;i ng�:o�� Nor�#�1�Iern Ry to C mo Lake Dr. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 15 North - Burli�gton Northern Ry from Como Pl to Co , Como from Burlington Northern Ry to Dale. East - Dale from Como to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Dale to Chatsw rth. West - Chatsworth from Burlington Northern Ry to Front, Front from Chatsworth to Como P1 , Como Pi rom Front to Burlington Northern Ry. I �OI STR't�G'�P''�� PREC i�ICJF 't� North - Lawson from Dale to Mackubin, Mackubin from Lawson to Cook, Cook from Mackubin to Galtier. East - Galtier from Cook to Front, Front from Galtier to Farrington, Farrington from Front to Burl 'i�gton Northern Ry. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Farrington to Dale. West - Dale from Burlington Northern Ry to l.awson. t ii:�; . ''� �,;; � _� � .,�' i ;� DISTR�ICT 5 PRECINCT 17 North - �awson from Galtier to Rice. East - Rice from Lawsnn to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Rice to Farrington. West - Farrington from Burlington Northern Ry to Front, Front from Farrington to Galtier, Galtier from Front to �awson. �ais�Ta�����-�i �ecs�te� � North - Geranium from Rice to Jackson. � East - Jackson from Geranium to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Burl9ngton Northern Ry from Jackson to R��ce. West - Rice from Burlington Northern Ry to Geranium. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 19 North - Cook from 35E to Edgerton. East - Edgerton from Cook to Chicago, Northwestern Ry. South - Ch i cago, Northtiwes�'�rn��•i2+y fr�ofn �E�ciget-ton to 35E. West - 35E from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Cook. DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 20 North - Soo Line from Jackson to Maryland, Maryland from Soo �ine to 35E. East - 35E from Maryland to Pennsylvania. South - Pennsylvania from 35E to Jackson. West - Jackson from Pennsylvania to Soo Line. (Precinct 20 includes that portion of District 1 bounded on the North by Burtington Northern Ry, on the East by 35E, on the South by Pennsylvania, and on the West by Jackson) . . � � � : ' � . � ���J�� DISTRICT 5 PRECINCT 21 North - Hyacinth from 35E to DeSoto, DeSoto from H acinth to Ivy, Ivy from DeSoto to Jessie, Jessie from Iv to Brainerd, Brainerd from Jessie to Edgerton. East - Edgerton from Brainerd to Cook. South - Cook from Edgerton to 35E. West - 35E from Cook to Hyacinth. • - ' �0'�'^�J�/ �j s��i c�� 6,>Pr�c�e� i North - Larpenteur from Edgerton to Arcade. East - Arcade from Larpenteur to Cottage. South - Cottage froin Arcade to Payne, Payne from ottage to Ivy, Ivy from Payne to Edgerton. West - Edgerton from Ivy to Larpenteur. DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 2 , � � �., : , North - Larpenteur from Arcade to East Shore Dr. East - East Shore Dr frorn Lacpenteur to Arlingt n, Arlington from East Shore Dr to Burlington Narthern y, Burlington Northern Ry from Arlington to Maryland. South - Maryland from Burlington Northern Ry to Ar ade. West - Arcade from Maryland to Larpenteur. D t 9iiR I CT 6 iPREC PNCT� �3 North - Larpenteur from East Shore Dr to Burlingto Northern Ry. East - Burlington Northern Ry from Larpenteur to rlington. South - Arlington from Burlington Northern Ry to E st Shore Dr. West - East Shore Dr from Arlington to Larpenteur DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 4 _ �;, - . � , . . � rl North - Larpenteur from Burlington Northern Ry to rosperity Rd. East - Prosperity Rd from Larpenteur to Hazelwo d, Hazelwood from Prosperity Rd to Arlington. South - Artington from Hazelwood to Bt�rlington Nor hern Ry. West - Bur�lington Northern Ry from Arlington to L rpenteur. � D I 3TR I Q'P �6 PRff G I NCT �5 North - Larpenteur from Prosperity Rd to White Bea . East - White Bear from Larpenteur to Sherwood. South - Sherwood from White Bear to Kennard, Kennard from Sherwood ta Arlington, Arlington fro Kennard to Hazelwood. West - Hazelwood from Arlington to Prosperity Rd, Prosperity Rd from Hazelwood to Larpenteur. �D I 9'i�R I�C:T' +6 �PRE�Q f#��T;+6 North - Larpenteur from White Bear to McKnight. East - McKnight from Larpenteur to Ivy. South - �vy from McKnight to Winthrop, Winthrop from Ivy to Nebraska, Nebraska from Winthrop to Ruth, Ruth from Nebraska to Montana, Montana from Ruth to White Bear. West - White Bear from Montana to Larpenteur. . i n : , , ,, ! . ! ;7Tr' ` •! DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 7 North - Ivy fro�n Edgerton to Payne, Payne from Ivy to Cottage, Cottage from Payne to Arcade. East - Arcade from Cottage to Maryland. South - Maryland from Arcade to Edgerton. West - Edgerton from Maryland to Ivy. D I SifR I CT'+6��PREr�I+NICT�'8 North - Maryland from Earl to Burlington Northern Ry. East 8 - Burlington Northern Ry from Maryland to Earl . South West - Earl from Burlington Northern Ry to Maryland. r � ��► i .. ,;y .. , , ,� DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 9 North - Arlington from Burlington Northern Ry to Kennard. East - Kennard from Arlington to Maryland. South - Maryland from Kennard to Burlington Northern Ry. West - Burlington M1lorthern Ry from Maryland to Arlington. D I�T�R I OT��+8 PRBO I lild� ' 1_0 North - Montana from White Bear to Ruth, Ruth from Montana to Nebraska, Nebraska from Ruth to Winthrop. East - Winthrop from Nebraska to Cottage. � South - Cottage �from Winthrop to Furness Pkwy, Furness Pkwy from Cottage to Clear, Clear f'rom Furness Pkwy to Hazel , Hazel from Clear to Ivy, Ivy from Hazel to Kennard. West - Kennard from Ivy to Sherwood, Sherwood from Kennard to White Bear, White Bear from Sherwood to Montana. . , , - . � � � � �- ��� �I STRd+�T=�B��PRE�bhICT �� North - Ivy from Kennard to Hazel , Hazel from Ivy to Clear, Clear from Hazel to Furness Pkwy, Furness Pkw from Clear to Cottage, Cottage from Furness Pkwy to Wi throp, Winthrop from Cottage to Ivy, Ivy from Winthrop to McKnight. East - McKnight from Ivy to Chicago, Northwester Ry. South - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from McKnight to White Bear. West - White Bear from Chicago, Northwestern R to Maryland, Maryland from White Bear to Kennard, Kennard from Maryland to Ivy. : ;,�� : � � ��� � , . . DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 12 North - Maryland from Edgerton to Earl . East - Earl from Maryland to Jessamine. South - Jessamine from Earl to Edgerton. West - Edgerton from Jessamine to Maryland. DISTRi�CT 6 PRECINCT 13 North - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Hazet to Mc night. East - McKnight from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Maryland, Maryland from McKnight to Edgewater, Edgewater from Maryland to Case. South - Case from Edgewater to Mohawk, Mohawk from Case to Stiliwater, Stillwater from Mohawk to Haz 1 . West - Hazel from Stillwater to Chicago, Northwe tern Ry. , DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 14 North - Jessamine from Edgerton to Greenbrier. East - Greenbrier from Jessamine to Buriington Northern Ry, Burlington Northern Ry from Greenbrie to Chi.cago, Northwestern Ry. South - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Burlington orthern Ry to Edgerton. West - Edgerton from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to essamine. m I STR��'�3Q�+PREC I�pIQT�=',� North - Jessamine from Greenbrier to Arcade. East - Arcade from Jessamine to Sims, Sims from Arcade to Forest, Forest from Sims to Burlington Northern Ry. South - Burlington Northern Ry from Forest to Greenbrier. West - Greenbrier from Burlington Northern Ry to Jessamine. DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 16 North - Jessamine from Arcade to Earl , Earl from Jessamine to Cook, Cook from Earl to Atlantic, Atlantic from Cook to Magno 1 i a, Magmo 1 i�t� ' f�r�dtn at l��t!f G �to Bur 1 i ngton Northern Ry. East - Burlington Northern Ry from Magnolia to Forest. South - Forest from Burlington Northern Ry to Sims, Sims from Forest to Arcade. West - Arcade from Sims to Jessamine. D I STRZ�CT �6 �PRE�I�WOT '� North 8 - Burlington Northern Ry from Minnehaha to Johnson Pkwy. West East - Johnson Pkwy from Burlington Northern Ry to Minnehaha. South - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy to Burlington Northern Ry. DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 18 North - Maryl and from��Bur*1!9�rng�cin No*trF�dt*n �Ry to Kennard. East - Kennard from Maryland to Jessamine, Jessamine from Kennard to Kingsford, Kingsford from Jessamine to Ames, Ames from Kingsford to Chicago, Northwestern Ry. Sout�n� - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Ames to Johnson Pkwy. West - Johnson Pkwy from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Burlington Northern Ry, Burlington Northern Ry from Johnson Pkwy to Maryland. . . . . . . � � �� �s� DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 19 North - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Hazelwood o Ames, Ames from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Kings ord, Kingsford frorn Ames to Jessamine, Jessamine fro Kingsford to Kennard, Kennard from Jessamine to Mar land, Maryland from Kennard to White Bear, White Bear f m Maryland to Chicago, Northwestern Ry, Chicago, Nort estern Ry from White Bear to Hazel . East - Hazel from Chicago, Northwestern Ry to Stillwater. South - Stillwater from Hazel to Hazelwood. West - Hazelwood from Stillwater to Chicago, Nort western Ry. DISTRICT 6 PRECINCT 20 North - Stillwater from Hazeiwood to Hazel . East - Hazel from Stillwater to Minnehaha. South - Minnehaha from Hazel to Hazelwood. West - Hazelwood from Minnehaha to Stiliwater. I . , '. � �- �� �- � � D I�TR�I CT 7 PRQC�I�NCT 1 North - Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Johnson Pk to Hazelwood. East - Hazelwood from Chicago, Northwestern Ry t Minnehaha. South - Minnehaha from Hazelwood to Johnson Pkwy. West - Johnson Pkwy from Minnehaha to Chicago, N rthwestern Ry. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 2 North - St i 1 1 water fronA I�fi�ze�H' +to Mo4-�a'wk, Mohawk rom St i 1 1 water to Case, Case from Mohawk to Edgewater, IEdgewater from Case to Maryland, Maryla�d from Edgewaterlto McKnight. East - McKnight from Maryland to Minnehaha. I South - Minnehaha from McKnight to Hazel : West - Hazel from Minnehaha to Stillwater. ` DI�'3�TRIeT 9 PRfi�'3IM�T 3 North - Burlington Northern Ry from 35E to Chicag , Northwestern Ry, Chicago, Northwestern Ry from Burlin ton Northern Ry to Burlington Northern Ry. East - Burlington Northern Ry from Chicago, Nort western Ry to 7th. South - 7th from Burlington Northern Ry to Williu , Willius from 7th to Grove, Grove from Willius to Missi sippi . West - Mississippi from Grove to Pennsylvania, P nnsylvania from M i ss i ss i pp i 'td °$�5E,i " �35E 'f'ran Aennsy 1 van a to Bur 1 i ngton Northern Ry. (Precinct 3 includes that portion of Dis rict 2 bounded on the North by University and Lafayette; on the East by Burlington Northern Ry; on the South by th, Willius and Grove, and on the West by Mississippi ) . �i i .�; � ; �:�,:i , (, � �! • i � . ' � ! DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 4 North - Minnehaha from Burlington Northern Ry to orest. East - Forest from Minnehaha to 6th. South - 6th from Forest to Mounds Blvd. West - Mounds Blvd from 6th to 7th, 7th from M unds Blvd to Burlington Northern Ry, Burlington North rn Ry from 7th to Minnehaha. 0 I�TR:I�F:T 7 PREC:LMCT� 5 North - 6th from Maple to Johnson Pkwy. East - Johnson Pkwy from 6th to I-94. South - I-94 from Johnson Pkwy to Forest. West - Forest from I-94 to Fremont, Fremont from Forest to Arcade, Arcade from Fremont to 3rd, 3rd from Arcade to Maple, Maple from 3rd to 6th. . , , DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 6 North - Minnehaha from Forest to Joh�►son Pkwy. East - Johnson Pkwy from Minnehaha to 6th. South - 6th from Johnson Pkwy to Forest. West - Forest from 6th to Minnehaha. D I S�Tt�I�CT 7 PREG I NGT 7 North - Minnehaha from Birmingham to Kennard. East - Kennard from Minnehaha to Old Hudson Rd. South - Old Hudson Rd from Kennard to Birmingham. West - Birmingham f'rom Old Hudson Rd to Minnehaha. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 8 North - Minnehaha from Kennard to Hazel . East - Hazel from Minnehaha to Old Hudson Rd. South - Old Hudson Rd from Hazei to Kennard. West - Kennard from Old Hudson Rd to Minnehaha. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 9 ;ti� , � � , , North - Minnehaha from Hazel to McKnight. East - McKnight from Minnehaha to Fremont. South - Fremont from McKnight to Hazel . West - Hazel from Fremont to Minnehaha. . .', . . : . �..� - �,,fq , , , ��, , , ;, DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 16 North - Fremont from Hazel to McKnight. East - McKnight from Fremont to Burns. South - Burns from McKnight to White Bear. West - White Bear from Burns to Old Hudson Rd, O d Hudson Rd from White Bear to Hazel , Hazel from O1 Hudson Rd to Fremont. , ,4•� � , _ �,; .� E .; - �.i DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT � North - Burns from White Bear to McKnight. East - McKnight from Burns to Upper Afton Rd. South - Upper Afton Rd from McKnight to White Bear West - White Bear from Upper Afton Rd to Burns. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 18 North - A St from Point Douglas Rd to White Bear, hite Bear from A St to Upper A►f�ot� ,Rd r• ,Upp�r, ,q�tqn Rd fro Wh i te Bear to McKnight. East - McKnight frorn Upper Afton Rd to �ower Afto Rd. South - Lower Afton Rd from McKnight to Forest Hil , Forest Hill Prom Lower Afton Rd to Hwy 61 . West - Hwy 61 from Forest Hill to Point Dougl s Rd, Point Douglas Rd from Hwy 61 to A St. � � �r. �� r r: , . . �I � � i �' � .1�! y ' � f [4�, � . , , .,, � OISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 10 � I i � I . . , , i � �� � � North - Forest Hill from Hwy 61 to Lower Afton Rd, Lower Afton Rd from Forest Hill to McKnight. East - McKnight from Lower Afton Rd to South City Limits. South - South City Limits from McKnight to Hwy 61 . West - Hwy 61 from South City Limits to Forest Hill . DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 11 North - 7th from Bur i i ngton 'Nor'�her�h �Ry td' Mounds B 1 vd, Mounds Blvd from 7th to 6th, 6th from Mounds Blvd to Maple, Maple from 6th to 3rd, 3rd from Maple to Arcade, Arcade from 3rd to Fremont, Fremont from Arcade to Forest. East - Forest from Fremont to I-94, I-94 from Forest to MoUnd, Mound from I-94 to Clermont, Clermont Ext to River. South - River from Clermont Ext to Lafayette. West - Lafayette from River to 3rd, 3rd from Lafayette to Burlington Northern Ry, Burlington Northern Ry from 3rd to 7th. . . � ':i � . . � . DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 13 North - Minnehaha from Johnson Pkwy to Birmingham, Birmingham from Minnehaha to Old Hudson Rd, Old Hudson Rd from Birmingham to White Bear. East - White Bear from Old Hudson Rd to I-94. South - I-94 from White Bear to Johnson Pkwy. West - Johnson Pkwy from I-94 to Minnehaha. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 14 North - I-94 from Mound to Hwy 61 . East - Hwy 61 from I-94 to City Limits. South - City �imits from Hwy 61 to River. West - River from City Limits to Clermont Ext, Clermont Ext from River to Mound, Mound from Clermont to I-94. DISTRICT 7 PRECINCT 15 North - I-94 from Hwy 61 to White Bear. East - White Bear from I-94 to A St. South - A St from White Bear to Point Douglas Rd, Point Douglas Rd South from A St to Hwy 61 . West - Hwy 61 from Point Douglas Rd to I-94.