86-657 __ _ _ __ __ ________ _ � � WHITE - CiTV CIERK ♦ PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L ouncil /� 1 f �ANARV - DEPARTMENT ]�e NO. /� � + `� v � Bl_UE - MAVOR ounci esolution -=� Presented y ' ' - i� � Referred To �'��J � �- W°�1�,-S Committee: ate �—�� � Out of Committee By ate RESOLUTION REQUESTING RAMSEY COUNTY TO RESTRICT PARKING ALONG A PORTION OF LARPENTEU AVENUE WHEREAS, the County has planned the resurfacing f Larpenteur Ave. (CSAH 30) from Van Dyke Street to Beebe Road; and WHEREAS, the County will be expending County Sta e Aid Highway funds (S.A.P. 62-630-23) on the improvement of said street; and WHEREAS, said improvement does not conform to th approved minimum standards as previously adopted for such County State Aid streets and that approval of the proposed construction as a Count State Aid street project must, therefore, be conditioned upon certain arking restrictions; and WHEREAS, the extent of these restr�ctions, that w uld be a necessary prerequisite to the approval of this construction as County State Aid project in the City, has been determined. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the ity requests the County to restrict the parking of motor vehicles on t e south side of Larpenteur Avenue from Van Dyke STreet to McKnight Ro d. DDT:kaj COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme t of: �� Yeas Drew Nays � �'� [n Favor ublic Works - T affic - R: H. Roett er Rettman � 9�d O ` so��a� __ Against BY T.�.eeo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 2 1986 Form Approved City ttorney Certified P•�ed by Co ncil Sec ry , By By � Approv Mavor: Da ` AY 2 � I��6 Approved ayor r ion to Council � BY — Pll9liS�ED P��AY 3119�6 PUBLIC WORKS _ � DEPARTMENT � 'GS�TNo� 1740 ` Donald D. Tufte f , CONTACT ,E92-6286 PHO�dE � � ree ee March 27, 1986 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : r 3 Director f Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director �,� City Cler Budget Di rector 5 Cit Co ncil � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pu pose/ Ramsey County will be milling and overlaying the Ra ionale) : existing bituminous roadway on Larpenteur Ave. between V n Dyke St. and 400' west of Winthrop St. in 1986 . Larpenteur Ave. between 4 0' west of Winthrop and McKnight Rd. will be constructed in the future. In orde to use County 5tate Aid funds, parking must be restricted on this 44 ' wide roadw y. The funding is to come from Ramsey County' s allotment of State Aid. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: R EC EIVED �;�C �v�D �,p� APR 3 �QE�i N/A Fr9f�Yt�K` OrFICE CITY ATTORNEY FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (May r's signa- tur not re- Total Amount of Transaction: No COST TO ST. PAUL qui ed if under $10 OOQ) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Re uired? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suf icient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � ��0.5'� 1[embets: _ � ' GiTY� UF SAI�TT PAUL 7 niceNRettimnn� . uii i ii�o Hiki Soanea OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL � Joha Drew (Alt) � ...... -— ' � D I te: Ma 14 19 8 6 Y . . � � � . - Co ' tt e Q t mml e l� e r _ . To: Saint Paul City Counc�l � From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 1�, 19 6 took the following action: Hearinq Date l . 5/22/86 VACATION: Petition of Carlton Mix for th vacation of part of the North-South alley in Block , Lake Park Addition located at Snelling and Como Ave ues for the purpose of private ingress and egress for an existing building. Recommended approval . 2. 5/20/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 30-foot wide temporary construction easement for storm ewer purposes in the block bounded by Arcade, Mendota Orange and Hyacinth. Also a temporary storm sewer construction easement in the block bounded by Arcade, endota, Rose and Maryland. Recommended approval . 3. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing the Phalen C eek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer along the Burlington Nort ern Right-of- Way from approximately Earl Street to appr imately Inter State I-94. Also, condemning and taking easement for the purpose of constructing and maintai ing a public sewer on, under and across certain prope �ties for the Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. Recommended approval . 4. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a per nent easement for purposes of constructing, opening an maintaining a sewer pumping station and a sewer forcemai on, over and across certain property. (West side f Prior near Feronia) . Recommended approval . • I 5. 5/27/86 ACQUISITION: Acquiring permanent easeme ts for street purposes by opening, widening and extendi g Energy Park Drive across certain property. -- . �- ____ ___-�—�--�---�- � _ ...,.,..�... 6. 5/27/86 FINAz ORQER: Improvements for the Grand Avenue East n�. �_�5� Neighborhood • Partnership Lighting Project (Phase 2) by �i� constructi�n of double lantern style deco ative lights for the following area: Both sides of GRA D AVENIJE from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( I80 feet n rth side, 260 feet south side) to about 210 feet west of Lexington Parkway (210 feet north side, 130 feet sou h side) ; Both sides of l.EX1NGTON PARKWAY from the alley n rth of Grand Avenue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; Both sides of OXFORD from Grand Avenue to the alley no th of Grand Avenu�; west side of OXFORD from Grand A enue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; both sides f CHATSWORTH from Grand Avenue to the alley north of Gr nd Avenue and both sides of MILTON from Grand Avenue to t e alley north of Grand Avenue. AND 7. 5/27/$6 FINAL ORDER: Operating costs for the A ove Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand Avenue East Neighborhood Partnership Project (Phase 2) or the months of October thru December, 1986. (See #7 for' area) . Referred back to City Council without reco endation. 8. 5/20/86 F1NAL Of�DER: (Laid over from 4/3q/8 ) Impr���ving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Surnmit Avenue to Uni ersity Avenue by constructing a bituminous overlay and d ing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. Made motion to withdraw ttiis item at this time. 9. RE�UT I ON s ., rec�uesti ny. Ramsey C�wnty �o,r t��°ct Park i ng aJ ong a 1�r.t�i�an.��' Larpee�e�ur Avenu� frart� r� �y�c� '�treet to McKn f gF�t Road. (i a i d o�t�r f ran �L�30/86). Re�aon�endmd apRrova 1 . 10. RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accep and keep on file skyway agreement dated August 25. 198 , between tfre HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Dev.Co. , G llery Towers, Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St. Paul-Ramsey Arts and Science Council and the Port Autf� rity relating to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. (laid over from 4/30/86) Recommended approval . 11 . RESOLUTION: of agreement to indemnify, s ve and hold I�armless the State of Minnesota from any cl ims, demands & actions as a condition to granting a va iance to the State from State standards for the 8th 5tre t project. Recommended approval . 12. RESOLlJTION: autr►orizing the Director of P blic Works to request a variance from Municipal State Aid Standards for Cretin Avenue from Dayton to Iglehart proje t. Recornmended approval . 13. ORDINANCE for Starm Water Utility Charge. Recommended a�proval . 14. Other Business. -RESOLUTION authorizing proper city officals to execute a corrective deed for property conveyed by the City to Mr. Ben Blizen in pril 1954 (to correct description) . Recommended approval .