86-655 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ouncil �yGir _ /��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT lle NO. V v BLUE - MAVOR � Cou il R s ution 4 ���'� � r �_� t Presented By � v ��� '' / Referred To � � w ° ��-�-5 Committee: ate � ���a Out of Committee By ate WHEREAS, The City desires to reconstruct Creti Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, using Municipal S ate Aid Funds and Federal Aid Urban Funds; and WHEREAS, The proposed widths do not conform to current Municipal - State Aid standards and Federal Aid Urban Standards now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that we do hereby authorize the Dire tor of Public Works to request a variance from Municipal State Ai Standards and Federal Aid Urban Standards for this project. COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Departmen of: ��D Yeas Nays Dre��°NN�/ Public Works - raffic En . R.H. Roett er �t j�ETTMMV [n Favor N�R ,s� �e s.�rsi v __ Against BY T�eo Wilson MAY 7 � 1986 Form Appro d by 'ty t rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•ssed by Council Secretary BY gy, � lappro e ;Vlavor: Date M L � � Appr y Mayor for S � si ncil By _ B PUBLISHED M AY 31 1986 � Public Works DEPARTMENT �r�-��Np �.741 � �onald E. So��nia 'tONTkCT ` 292-6288 PHONE April 3, 1986 DATE ree e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : ' r 3 Director f Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Cler Budget Director 5 it o nc' 1 � City Attorney 6 Donald . Sobania, 800 CHA WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pu pose/ Ra ion.ale) : A widening of Cretin Avenue for one block north and sou h of Marshall Avenue will allow us to create left turn lanes and install lef turn traffic signals to help reduce the very poor accident history at this i teXsection. C�`'�.��1 � �-�-'-- � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: If the variance is granted, the project will be constru ted with Municipal State Aid and Federal Aid funds. If not granted, no co struction will be done. RECEI!./E� APR 2 1 i98� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (May r's signa- C�r}� A TTQ���/ tur not re- Total Amount of Transaction: N/A qui ed if under $10 OOQ�) Funding Source: Activity Number: Es�-�-�.i�a'?=� ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : f',P� 2 = Resolution ����`��`�� � ��r�lCE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REV�EW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Re uired? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Suf icient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 _� . , � �r= �-�ss • - �. ; 1Lembera: ' �iITY UF SAI�TT PAUL inn�'icaNRe��iman�� . ���������u Biki Soanea OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ' Joha Dres (Alt) 8te: May 14, 19�E _ • � � � � C o mmltte e R o rt p . To: Saint Paul City Coun il � From: Committee on Public Works Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committ=e at its meeting of May 14, 1 86 took the following action: Hearinq Date 1 . 5/22/86 VACATION: P?tition of Carlton Mix for- th vacation of part of th� North-South atley in Block , Lake Park Addition lccated at Snelling and Como Ave ues far the purpose of private ingress and egress for an existing building. Recommended approval . 2. 5/20/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 30-foot wide temporary construction easement for storm ewer purposes in the block bounded by Arcade, Mendota Orange and Hyacinth. Also a temporary storm sewer construction easement in *_he block bounded by Arcade, endota, Rose and Maryland. Recommended approval . 3. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDEn: Constructing the Phalen C eek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer along the Burlington Nort ern Right-of- Way from apF�oximately Earl Street to appro imatety Inter State 1-94. Also, condemning and taking a easement for the purpose of constructing and maintain ng a public sewer on, under and across certain proper ies for the Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. Recommended approval . 4. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a perm nent easement for purposes of constructing, opening and maintaining a sewer pumpirg station �nd a sewer forcemain on, over and across certain property. (West side o Prior near Feronia) . Recommended approval . 5. 5/27/86 ACQUISITION: Acquiring permanent easemen s for street purposes by opening, widening and extendin Energy Park Drive across certain property. � -�_.� .�_.,_... ._.._.....,...�...,.........�.,.,. .......�...�, r. _ __- :..,....,«....,... � _ _ _ - • � 6. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDE�: �lmprovements for the Gran Avenue East � Neighborhood Partnership Lighting Projec (Phase 2) by ��-�5� construction of double lantern style dec ative lights for the fallowing area: Both sides of GRA D AVENIJE from about 260 feet west of Victoria ( 180 feet n rth side, 260 feet south side) to about 210 feet west of Lexinyton Parkway (210 feet north side, 130 feet sou h side) ; Both sides of LEXINGTON PARKWAY from the alley n rth of Grand Avenue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; Both sides of OXFORD from Grand Avenue to the alley no th of Grand Avenue; west side of OXFORD from Grand A enue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; both sfdes f CHATSWORTH from Grand Avenue to the aliey north of Gr nd Avenue and both sides of MILTON from Grand Avenue to t e alley north of Grand Avenue. AND 7. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Operating costs for the A ove Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand Avenue East Neighborhood Partnership Project (Phase 2) or the months of October thru December, 1986. (See #7 for area) . Referred back to City Council without recom endation. 8. 5/20/86 FINAL OKDER: (Laid uver fl-om 4/30/8 ) Improving LEX I NGTON PARKWAY f r�om Surnm i t Avenue to Uri i ers i ty Averiue by constructing a bituminous overlay and d ing all other work necessary to camplete said improvement. Made motion to withdraw this item at this ti e. 9. RESOLl1TI0N: requesting Ramsey County to re rict parking alnng a portion of Larpenteur Avenue from Va Dyke Street to McKnight. Road. ( laid over from 4/30/86) . Recommended approval . 10. RESOL4JTION: directing City Clerk to accept and keep on file skyway agreement dated August 25, 1982 between tfie HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Dev.Co. , Ga lery Towers, Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St. ' Paul-Ramsey Arts and Science Council and the Port Autf�o ity relating to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. ( laid over from 4/30/86) Recommended approval . , 11 . RESOLUTION: of agreement to indemnify, sa e and ��old harmless the 5tate of Minnesota from any cla ms, demands S acti:ons as a condition to granting a var ance to the State from State standards for the Sth Stree project. Recommended approval . 12. RESQLUT I ON: ���i z i r�g°�'tt�►�°�i rectc� , ��Yk>►�I�� 'to request a�,.var i a1�ce �-11�c�� . `� k �'' �ti�r.�s for Cretln �fr�c��yton �b [qi.ttiarti pro,��c . Re�dan�ec�d eppr�ova 1 . 13. ORDINANCE for Storm Water Utility Charge. Recommended approval . 14. Other Business. -RESOLUTION authorizing roper city officals to execute a corrective deed f r property conveyed by the City to Mr. Ben Blizen in Ap il 1954 (to correct description) . Recommended approval . ''.