86-644 wHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Cou cil / ` CANARV - OEPARTMENT FII NO• �"�- + �� BLUE - MAVOR un Resol io Presented By 1 Referred To Committee: Da Out of Committee By Da e RESOLVED: That Application for a State Gambling License, applied for by Juan Diego Club at 408 Main Street (Class C Li ense) be and the same is hereb a prove 3�e�. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme t of: Yeas /_�gW Nays � u ��/ �""1e / 5 [n Favor Rettman �/ �cheibel �onne� � __ Against BY ✓T esco ilson Q Adopted by Council: . Date MAY 2 � �v6 Form Approve b C' tto ey Certified P� •sed by Council Secretary BY Bl, _ i Approved by Mavor: Dat s=a"a'-"� AY 2 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _� _ � By . pUBIiSHED M AY 3119�6