D00783CrrY OF Satrrr PAUi. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDII2 BUDGET REVISION No.: 1�1� 7 � Q� Date: �Z �`"I �`75 Gs a: 26061 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of PuMir. Wnrkc to amend the 19 95 budget of the Municpal Equipment fund, the Director of the Departrnerrt of Finance and Managemeni Services is authorized to amend said budgei in the following manner. Currern M�ended Budget G Budget 1 2 3 4 • 250 - 12202 - 0224 250 - 12202 - 0274 250 - 12202 - 0279 250 - 12202 - 0341 Telephone-Moves & Chauges Self Propelled Veh-Repair Other-Repair & Maintenance Mo[or Fuel Totals $953.00 $5,100.00 $6,053.00 $137,415.00 $19,900.00 $157,315.00 $6,353.00 $5,000.00 $11,353.00 $376,781.00 ($30,000.00) $346,781.00 $521,502.00 $0.00 $521,502.00 � s . (� � `7i��� ��� Preparetl by: Adrvrty Manager � Fieques[etl by: DepaM�en Dir r ! • • � App�By:Mayor � !L - / S-� S_` Date DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ��g3 I'vblicWorks M. MiCh(�Li EsCi1 izisi9s GREEN SHEET NO.260 WqWIpqTE INITIAUDA7E COFiTACTPEflSIXJ&PHONE �DEPAFiTMENTDIRECTOR S3 O CINCAUNCIL BobSandquist488-8348 � �" � �CITYATfORNEY � crrvc�aK MUSTBEONWUNCILAGENDABV�DA"fE) RWTN6 �BUUGEf06iECTOR O FINANCE-ACCOUMING O�S � �MAY�R(ORASSISTANn O} p�,WityMaregpr AL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710l6 FOfi SIGNANRE) O DEPAFiiMEM A �y 6 9 ACTpN pEQUESTED Adjust the budgei for acrivity 12202 Equipment Services Section. RECOMMENDAiIONSApprave (!q w Rejart (F� PEHSONAL SEflVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLONfING �UESTIONS: ,_ _PUINNWGCOMMISSION_ 7. HastltiSp2f50NfirtlteVefwOrkCdUfldefacontraG[Torthi5depaRment? c18 COMMIS7EE _ YES NO S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a dry employee? — — YES NO � _ OISiRIC7COUNCIL _ 3. Does tltis perSONfiRn possess a sitill no[ normal y possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCIL08JECTIYE? YES NO Ezplain all yas answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet NJIT7ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTY (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEAE. WH�: Greater than noRnal outside repair service for equipment owned by Equipment Services has caused a budget overage. Additionally, the movement of the Dispatching Office from the Gazage to Sa�eet Maintenance and the subsequent use of the vacated space by the Right of Way Division required changes in telephone service. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Spending will be adjusted for actual spending in proper ac[ivities. RECEBVE� DEC 181995 �ITX C��RK DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Expenditures will not be approved and spending wIll not reflect actual spending where it occurs. LAMOUNiOF7RANSACTION$ -0- COST/HEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YE3 NO INGSOUpCE ACTIVRYNUMBER 12 FINANCIAL INFORMATION; (EXPLAIN) � � VV4