86-635 WHITE - C�TV CLERK DINK .. FINANCE CO ACII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L FI NO• ��� BIUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By ` • Referred To Committee: D e Out of Committee By D e WHEREAS, in November 1985 Carl Bolander & So s moved their concrete crushing operation off Port Authority-o�� ed land onto land at Capp Road and Vandalia; and this land is lease to Bolander by the owner, Dan Oren, of Dart Transit; and the con rete crushing began operating in March 1986; and WHEREAS, since that time, local businesses ha e complained about airborne dust particles, noise of operation rocks falling off trucks, etc. and concerned businesses include Central Distribution Company, Capp Industries, New York T a Company, Gourmet Foods, Inc. , White Castle, as well as the area' s business association, Midway Civic and Commerce; and WHEREAS, the affected area is zoned I-2 , whi h allows concrete crushers as a permitted use, and Sections 226. 01 , 226. 04, 60. 622 (2) , 60 . 623 (2) , and Appendix B to the Zonin CodQ of the St. Paul Legislative Code relate to this issue; a d WHEREAS, the City Council continues to work ith the affected businesses as well as staff from the Port Authori y, Minneso-ca Pollution Control Agency, city Public Works and H using and Building Code Departments; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the concrete crusher operatio continue to do business under the following conditions: 1) A six-foot high obscuring fence be cons ructed alongside the operation at Capp Road (according Section 60 . 623 (2) of the Legislative Code) ; COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B}� Approved by Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council BY - — BY M�H�TE - C�TV CLERK P»NK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ouncil CANARY - DEPARTMENT jle NO• -��—�� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution � .� _ i Presented By Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate 2) The partially demolished building on th property is in dangerous condition. It must be comple ely demolished or fenced off to prevent access to the sit immediately (according to Zoning Inspector John Har wick' s April 3 , 1986 letter to Carl Bolander) ; 3) The crushing machine must be enclosed o secured to the satisfaction of the Saint Paul Public W rk' s Department (according to Section 226 . 01 and 226 . 04 of the Legislative Code) ; 4) Bolander shall make arrangements to wat r, clean and sweep Capn Road and Vandalia every day or 1/2 mile from the operation. In addition, private ac ess roads to the crushing machine and outdoor storage pi es must also be watered and cleaned every day; 5) Bolander must secure the outdoor storag piles against airborne particulates with either a "li uid tarp formula" or plastic i:arps secured to th tops of the piles. In addition, the sides and base of the piles must be watered or treated daily to prevent irborne particulates. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � �""° [n Favor a..a..n Scheibel � Sonnen __ AgaipSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 0 1986 Form Approved by City At orney Certifie •ssed by Cou cil Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Dat S ��� 5'`�'+� Z 2 Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council By � � By Pu6�is++� m��� ,. � ���3.5 -:�,�::_-^��.'--.'r `. CITY OF SAINT PAUL II ,,,, � , �`J OFFIC� OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL I __.. KIKI SONN EN I Councilmember MOLLY O�ROURKE L�'°'at'°°''iae - May 19 , 19 8 MEMO TO: City Councilmembers I FROM: Councilmember Kiki Sonnen SUBJECT: Petition of Midway Businesses about Bo ander Concrete Crusher on Capp Road off of Vandalia On Tuesday, May 20, John Daubney, representing s veral Midway businesses, will appear before the City Council o express concerns about Carl Bolander and Sons concrete c shing operation. Here is background on the issue and proposal to resolve the problems. BACKGROUND: In November 1985 Carl Bolander & Son moved their concrete crushing operation off Port Authority-ow ed land onto land at Capp Road and Vandalia. This land is lea ed to Bolander by the owner, Dan Oren, of Dart Transit. The con rete crushing began operating in March 1986. I Since that time, local businesses have complainedllabout airborne dust particles, noise of operation, rocks falling off trucks, etc. The concerned businesses include Central Distribu ion Company, Capp Industries, New York Tea Company, Gourmet Fo ds, Inc. , White Castle, as well as the area' s business asso iation, Midway Civic and Commerce. The affected area is zoned I-2, which allows conc ete crushers as a permitted use. Sections 226. 01 , 226. 04, 60. 22 (2) , 60 . 623 (2) , and Appendix B to the Zoning Code of t e St. Paul Legislative Code relate to this issue. I 've been working with the affected businesses as well as staff from the Port Authority, Minnesota Pollution Cont ol Agency, city Public Works and Housing and Building Code Depart ents. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55 OZ 612/298-5378 B�r46 I _ . .. . � (;�_ �-�:.� . . City Councilmembers -2- May 19, 1986 - PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM: I have prop sed to the busi- nesses that the concrete crusher operation conti e to do business under the following conditions: 1) A six-foot high obscuring fence be constructe alongside the operation at Capp Road (according to Section 0. 623 (2) of the Legislative Code) . 2) The partially demolished building on the proplrty is in dangerous condition. It must be completely emolished or fenced off to prevent access to the site imme iately (according to Zoning Inspector John Hardwick' April 3, 1986 letter to Carl Bolander) . � 3) The crushing machine must be enclosed or secu ed to the satisfaction of the Saint Paul Public Work' s epartment (according to Section 226. 01 and 226 . 04 of th Legislative Code) . 4) Bolander shall make arrangements to water, cl an and sweep Capp Road and Vandalia every day for 1/2 mile from the operation. In addition, private access roads to the crushing machine and outdoor storage piles must also b watered and cleaned every day. 5) Bolander must secure the outdoor storage pile against air- borne particulates with either a "liquid tarp formula" or plastic tarps secured to the tops of the pile . In addition, the sides and base of the piles must be water d or treated daily to prevent airborne particulates. I believe these five conditions will allow for th continued use of the site for the concrete crushing business, a well as alleviate the concerns of the area' s warehousing industry. KS/jfc cc: David Bolander, Bolander & Sons John Daubney, Attorney at Law Wendy Lane, Housing and Building Code Div. A1 Shetka, Public Works Department Bob Meyers, Minnesota Pollution Control Agenc Gene Kraut, Port Authority Dan Oren, Dart Transit Marty Capp, Capp Industries k. Michael Taylor, Central Distribution Compa y Lee Krumpelman, New York Tea Company � Arthur Stone, Gourmet Foods, Inc. General Manager, White Castle I Jim Wingate, Lift Stak & Stor Thomas Towle, Jr. , Twin Town Box Midway Civic & Commerce Assn. Board of Direct rs Bobbi Megard, District 12 Community Council I I ..---� � � ��- ��s � . � TO: THE SAINT PAUL CTTY COUNCIL We , the undersigned owners of land, buildin s , and businesses at the locations set opposite our respective nam s , do hereby petition the Honorable City Council of the City of Saint laul to immediately cause the cessation of the crushin$ of concrete nd the storage of the residue upon the premises located north of t e intersection of Vandalia and Capp Road in Saint Paul 's Midway Di trict . Numerous food companies are located in this area and are ubject to strict Federal and State inspection for cleanliness . The noise from the operation of the crusher, the spreading of dust , and the day-long line of heavy trucks have ade continuing of business difficult for the undersigned. We are a heavily taxes area that is being su jected to an on- going nuisance. The property is zoned I-2 , inclustrial , but t e processing or storage of materials in bulk form may not be done in a manner which is "injurious or offensive to occupants of adjace t premises by reason of the emission of noise , vibration , smoke dust or parti- culate matter . . . . " We hereby assert , as occupants of ajoining p emises , that the continuation of this crushing operation is injuri us and offensive by reason of noise , dust and particulant matter . -1- 1 � . \ • �\\ .. • � ._ \\ � � i � V y � � r H � � � � , � : � �v - � , �� � . � � � �� � � � � � - , � ., � � g � . � � � � � � � , � � o � �S v � � � � � � � � \ � � � ,,._ 9 M \ A r � � � � �� �e�� � � � � � �C . . , ��� . � � � � � � °�V' � r G � � � ' � ° � � � � r ? � � � � � a � . cn �o � - • � � � .. . � � � C. � ` a . � iJ � � � � Q � � � Oc �(1 G� � r" M ca �' � �` c O � o v � � H �% " C � o �� � � � � � � � � � � ,�. � -� , - � � � � ",1 � � � � �C; � � � b� �, � 61 r �, .,�,� O � `�l � `� � � `� o `� � � � � v \ �' � � �l, b'` � �' � N �1 � . � � . 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