86-620 WHITE - CITV CLERK PIHK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT YAUL C uncil (� /f CANARV -OEPARTMENT F e NO. � �+' ��` � �DLUE - MAVOR • r indnce O inance N 0. � Presented By � � , � Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committee By D te An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by creating Chapter 81 which establishes a storm sewer syst m charge for all properties in the Cit of Saint Paul for the purpose of provid ng partial financing for the separation and maintenance of the now combined � sewer system. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 81 . 01 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. For the purpose of paying for the construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, and improvements necessitated b the separation of the combined sewer system in Saint Paul and for he maintenance, operation and use of the separated sto�m sewer s stem, the City of Saint Paul acting pursuant to Chapter 14, Article 9, lst Special Session, Laws of Minnesota 1985, and all other 1 ws and charter provisions applicable hereto, hereby establishes a annual storm sewer system charge to be made against all prdpertie located within the city limits of Saint Paul but excluding all pu lic street and alley rights-of-way. All charges shall be establi hed, collected and accounted for in the manner as set forth under this ordinance. Th� storm sewer system shall be under the jurisdictio of the Depart- ment of Public Works together with existing sewer syste s. 81. 02 FINDINGS OF THE COUNCIL. The determination of the annual storm sewer system cha_ra,es is in part based upon expected storm water runof and the.�efore cannot be done with mathematical precision but can only be acco,t�lished within reasonable and practical limits. The prov' sions of this ordinance undertake to establish a 'ust, e uitable and ractical COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department f: Yeas Nays Drew � ��((1J��.. Nicosia ln Favor Rettman i Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson i Form A roved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � G � 5 '�56 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve by M or or Su ission to Council $ r`�..._� �.1�� Y . � : . � � � � � � � ��� ���� � � � /'7.3-�`� 81 . 04 DETERMINATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM RATES. The Council may from time to time, by resolut on, establish the storm sewer system rate for the various land use classifications which will be based upon the data provided by he Department of Public Works. Prior to the adoption or any amen ment of these rates the Council shall conduct a public hearing and shall publish a notice of the hearing in a newspaper of gener l circulation at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 81 . 05 CALCULATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGES. Each year, the Department of Finance and Manage ent Services, applying the current storm sewer system rates establ shed pursuant to Section 81.04, shall calculate the storm sewer system charge to be applied to each parcel of land within the ity of Saint Paul. The charges, including any administrative osts incurred by the finance department in processing the charge , shall then be collected by billing all parcels within the city. These charges are due and payable on or before October lst of the bi ling year. All billing invoices shall include the parcel ' s Ramsey County property tax identification number, its area, t e applicable storm sewer system rate, the storm sewer system cha ge and notice of the owner' s right to request a review of this c arge pursuant to Section 81 . 06 . All invoices shall be sent to he person or persons shown to be the owners of the parcel in t e records of the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation or o her appropri- ate records. All charges when collected shall e maintained in a separate activity object code account establish d for manage- ment of the storm sewer system. 81 . 06 REVIEW OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE. Property owners may seek review o£ their_ storm sewer system charge by filing a written request for review with he Department of Public Works . The request must be filed withi 30 days of the mailing of the annual bill and shall set forth he particular grounds upon which the review is sought. Grounds for review are limited to questions relating to the City' s determination of the parcel ' s area and its determination of the parcel ' s hydrological response established as part of the storm sewer system rate. Any person who fails to ile the 3 . . C � ���L� 6 �; 1�� wHITE — Cirr CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL FincilNO. �� -��� CANARY - OEPARTMENT -0lUE - MAVOR • O/ Z/L nce Or 'nance N O._,�7��J / . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Da Out of Committee By Da request for review within the 30 day time period s all be barred from raising these issues in any other proceeding. The Council, by resolution and upon the rec mmendation of the Director of Public Works shall adopt guideline and policies for the review of these petitions. The Director shall follow these guidelines and policies and consider all rtinent data including that provided by the property owner be ore making a determination of the merits of each petition. The payment of the annual storm sewer system charge shall not be deferred when a property owner files a petiti n for review. The property owner shall pay the annual charge hen due, and if not so paid, certification and collection shall be made pursuant to Section 81. 07 . Upon the Director' s determination of the merits of the petition any adjustments or creditsshall be pa d or refunded without interest. 81. 07 �RTIFICATION OF UNPAID CHARGES. Any unpaid storm sewer system charges as of October 1 of any year shall be certified to the Ramsey County epartment of Property Taxation for collection with real estate taxes in the following year pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 444 . 075, Sub. 3 . 4 . COU[�1CILMEN Requ ted by Department o : Yeas Nays � � — �_ Nicosia ln Favor Rettman �1 � Scheibel Z� Sonnen Against BY Tedesco Wilwn Adopted by Council: Date JUN 3 - 1986 Form A roved by City Att ney Certified Pass ouncil r gY C $ By Approve Mayor: Date JUN 5 ' 1�6 Approved Mayo for bm s 'on to Council � � . By �-'`� pUBLISNEO JUN 141986 • _ . . • . . . ' , , �� �%.r'� _�'°��1 methodology for making such charges . 81 . 03 DEFINITIONS. �� � i� (1 ) Land Use Classification is that classifica '�n designated for a parcel in the sub usage code list of propertie as established in the records of the Ramsey County Departm t of Taxation. If more than one land use classification is ' ven for a parcel, then the land use classification which has the igher rate of runoff shall be assigned to that parcel for t purpo e of determin- ing the storm sewer system charge. � . (2 ) Area is the total square f�notage of al the improved and unimproved property contained w�' hin the boun aries of each parcel of land in the City of Sai Paul as deter ined from the records of the Ramsey County D,�'partment of Pro erty Taxation or from other appropriate records.° (3 ) Storm Sewer System,' Rate is that portion of the total annual expenses which the Ci, y Council determines is to be charged to a one acre parcel wi��i a specific land use classification to provide such services 'as the management and op ration of the storm sew er system as ell as the construction, econstruction, repair, enlargement, m ntenance, use and operation f all improve- ments necessitated by he separation of the combined 'ewer system. This per acre rate is a function of the expe ted peak rate of storm water r off for the land use classificatio under consid- eration, based hydrological data developed by the Soil Conserva- tion Service f the United States Department of A riculture for a Type II r infall distribution, soil group "B" ith a normal antecedent isture condition for the Saint Paul ' year design storm. The ve year design storm is a storm that has a statistical probabilit of occurring in the City of Saint Pa 1 once every five year . (4 Storm Sewer System Charge is the actual harge imposed agains each parcel of land within the City of Saint aul. 2 . ���_`l__ ��y�.` C�6 S� 'Finance_ � Mariagement Services ' � ��N� �5421 A DE PAR?MENT /7,� • _ Edward J. Warn CONTACT 292-7017 PHONE Ma.y s, 1987 DATE e�� Q Q,r ASSIGN NUMBER FOR �OUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : Department Director � Director o' Management/Mayor 2 Finance and Management Services Director � 4 City Clerk Budget Director. 1 City Attorney - WHAT WILL BE ACHIEY�ED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Pur ose/ Establishes the authorit to make a Rdt onale) : y yearly Storm Sewer System Charge hat is needed to finance about one third of the City's Combined Sewer Separation Program. In rmation and billa will be mailed to the owner of each parcel in the City on or about July 1 h, 1986. All unpaid bills will be added to tax statements. R CEIVED _..�.. ��r�. � 1986 COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS RNTICIPATED: �FF1C'' 0 rH� D�:�ECTOR DEPA. , � r., ^��� .:;;= Fi��lANCE ��p Mq;vA 'ci��ENT SERVICES $4.8 million plus expenses will be collected to help finance_-�Fie Com ned Sewer Separation Program in 1987 and thereafter. The actual dollar amouts will be set by a subsequent resolution. � FINANCING SOURCE A(�0 BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayo 's signa- ture nat re- Total Ama�flt of 'Transaction: See Above quir d if under - ��o, oa) Funding Source: charges to property owners Activity Number: Separate activfty ob�ect code to be established. ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1. Urdinance � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY EYIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? (subsequent) � Resol�tion Req ired? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Suff cient? NA Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . ' • . . . . . - . �,,�� -��d � ' . . - � � ���-�� . .��,,, _;�;:• ::°,,,, � �TY� C,� Sf�ll�`i' ��t�� ;,• •.;��•,,, -_ `� ;_ �EPAR7`MENT t�F FiNANCE f�N� M �JA�EM1�Nlf S��11lCES �,; ii A:� FILED VALUATION DIVISION .. '�,:�,�,.i�;:�H�°'��` �1riY I v, �t 7 � �f:•` 21A City Hall GEORGE LATIMER "- ��' "� Saint Paui,Minnesota 55102 �Y� 612•298-5317 Gli`� C' - ^Fi�� To : City Coun�il Public Works Committee Chris Nicosia, Chair Janice Rettman Kiki Sc,nnLn From: Edward J. Wa.rn (� Civil Engineer , luations & Assessments Date: April 29 , 1986 Fe: STORM S�WER SYSTRM CHARGE Thank you for tne opportunity to discuss this new harge with the Public Wo�ks Committee. The Storm Sewer System Charge represents approxim tely one third of the annual financing for the Combined Sewer Sep ration Pr�gram raising $4.8 million for 1986. Use of this metho was approved by the City Council in January as part of the t tal financing package for this accelerated 10 year program. R presentatives from the Public W�rks Department and I will be av ilable to make a short presentation and answer any questions yo may havP about this charge. I am woYking with the City Attorrrey' s office o iinalize an Orciinance that will b� necessar_y to pro�ide th authority to collect this charge. P.ttached is a draft of a not ce and invoice I propose to send to all City property ow;��rs by m d July. I propose the attached Schec3ule for appr�val and implemPn�.ation to ensure tha timely mailing of this not.ice/invoic by mid July. EJW:dm Attach. cc : A1 Olson Don Nygaard Gene SchilZer Bill Peter John Nir_Cormick (SSSCharge) I . �^ � � � � : � � � � �� - �� � � � � � i���� STORM SEWER SYSTEM CHARGE APPROVAL TIME INE BY: Edward . Warn April 2 , 1986 . DATES ACTION April 30 , 1986 Public Works �ommittee discussio of issues . May 2 , 1986 Advertise for bids for preparing mail notice/ invoice. May 8 , 1986 Ordinance signed by City Attorne , Mayor and Council Member presented to City Clerk for P�ay 15th Agenda. May 14 , 1986 Public Works Committee discussio and approval of Ordinance and Notice. May 15, 1986 lst reading of Ordinance May 16 , 1986 Open bids/select mailing vendor nd begin work on final layout of noti e/invoice mailing . May 22 , 1986 2nc� reading of Ordinance May 27 , 1986 3rd reading of Ordinance May 27, 1986 Resolutior� signed by Mayor, City Attorney and Council Members establishing rates for 1986 submitted to City Clerk for June 3rd Agenda. June 3 , 1986 r^inal Adoption of Ordinance Final Adoption of Rates and Resolution. . � - � � � ; � � � ��-�� � � � . � ,��f June 6 , 1986 Tape of final parcel information a d rates to mailing vendor . June 14 , 1986 Publish Ordinance and Resolution i Legal Ledger . July I5 , 1986 Effective (3P! days after publicati n) July 15 , 1986 Notice/Invoice placed in mail . (SSSCharge) !�IHY l'OES W�{Y THIS�VEW LL? � , C�-1��� THE C1TY NEED i here are two reasons tor is new bi��. First,it's needed �T`�� • Y�(�R f�E(.P� �:�:�:::::: ::., because the new sewers P blic Works has to buiid cost a lot of �� 'i���'�:;:;;�;�::: money. That's�ot t�o sur rising. This bill will collect about 1/3 - Saint Paul needs your heip to �� �;.;�f��: the money needed for the w sewers over the next ten years. pay for these sewers. (You ��� ,� knew this looked like a bill.) � Second,this bill is a new y to charge properties for the amount But.don't just pay this bill. '-. of water fhey discharge int the sewer system. For instance,an First take a minute to read asphaft-coated parking lot reates more stormwater runoff than about it. You'li 6nd out about \ � 2 grassy lot the same size. Why? Because stormwater slowly ihe sewers this bill helps pay s �ks into the grouni�on th grassy tot. Therefore,the parking for,and what your payment "" ; lot pays a higher rate than e grassy lot. See the section,"Fiow options are. ' Much Does Everyone Pay?" WHY BUILD NEW SEWFRS? HOW DO YOU PA THIS BILL? Recent State and Federal legislation now requires the City's There are two ways to pay: Public Works Department to accelerate its sewer building � Use the tear-off form n the next page to pay the program to protect water quality in our community The main AMOUNT DUE shown in the lower right box. Put it in the requirement is that to build new,better sewers to keep envelope we provided stamp it,and mail it to us before sewage-contaminated stormwater runoff from entering the October 1, 1986. Mississippi River. OR T�ie new sewers will separate stormwater from household and °� Do nothing. ThaYs rig t,you can do nothing right now,and commercial sewage. In fact,the City now plans to build$154 we'll automatically add it on to your property taxes. We'll million worth of sewers in the next ten years to meet the State include a 6%interest arge to cover our costs. If you decide to pay this way, his does not mean you defaulted on a and Federal requirements. biN. IPs perfectly okay o do it this way. ----- If you have questiorts abo this 6i11,ca/t fhe Flnance and Management Service Department at 298-5i25. Nnw nA��u nncc c�lr-nvn��r n_ v�. � �.•.. ..v�,.i ` Lt t r v � I"I�l t � - n^���^�^°'� M-- ^ ►+►� -��,-e a.�� Almost 90%of Saint Paul propertes pay the Basic Residential rate,$30.00 a year. Rates vary for o r properties,based on the aver- age amount of stormwater runoff similar properties produce,and ihe size of the property in acres. ( acre is 43,560 square feet.) t __ _ Klnd of Property ` Amount � ---- � TEAR OFFAND CLOSE WITH PAYMENT Residential land,One-and Two-Family Homes � (Up to 1/3 acre) $32.00 ► Remember,you ca mai!this bill and your payment before ; Cor�dominiums andTownhomes $20.00 � October 1,or you an do nothing right now,and the Kind of Property (�,�,Q� Amount per Acre � AMOUNT DUE will utomatically be added to your taxes. Large residen6al land(over 1/3 acre)�3 Z�t- $50.00 per acre � Mail to: Parks,Cemeteries,Golf courses,Vacant land $50.00 per acre � CITY OF SAINT P L Muftiple dwellings(more than two families) $220.00 per acre � STORMWATER D AINAGE UTILITY Schools and Institutional land $490.00 per acre � DEPT.OF FINANC &MANAGEMENT SERVICES Churches,Synagogues,industrial land, I 218 CITY HALL and undeveloped commercial land $490.00 per acre i SAINi PAUL,MN 5 102 Developed commercial land,government buildings,and parking lots $620.00 per acre � 08 29 22 31 0046 I 08 29 22 31 046 �t & r� 'r�� I Jo�-av & r� � 1123 ARUI�IIDEL I i123 ARZ�IDEI, ST PkIJL N�T 55117 � ST P� � S 117 �ID AR�A LESS 'I'HAN 1/3 ACRE � L'� �"� SS T�iAN 1/3 AC'RE �E RESIDF�PI'IAL � �� ID�TIAL AN�UNT DUE $32.00 � I ANI�UIVT DUE 32.00 • KEEP THIS PORTION FOR YOUR RECORAS I TEAA OFF AND EN LOSE W1TH P,4 YMENT , � � � , � , . , . . ,; � . . . - . i . , . . .. • a � � ,. . � . . �- ��-_��__ � � ::3:::::::::�:::'::::�:::::•�::::::�:::::::�::'::::��:::::��::�:::::::::::: ER EW S WHERE WILL S ::€;��::��:�:: � �B !L T. B U :;��:; �����::::::::::::::.�....��..���,�..�.�`�..�..�.°°`°.....:::::::,:::::::.::::::::::: Neariy haif the city will get new sewers � li 1 Pu c r . In 986 b n x n ea s v r the e t te oe Y a� i f wr n i il in miles o se e s Works s bu d 9 � :::::::::::: �����:��'�'��.:s�:€€:::€::::€:€:::_;:.'�:€::;:���:'•.'•::�:': four major project areas: '������°�" "` ss::::::::::::::::::�:::• .............. ./ WEST KITTSONDALE SEWER Centered around Snelling and ' ' University. ✓ TROUT BROOK SEWER �-� Centered around West Maryland and Gaitier. ✓ PHALEN CREEK SEWER In the streets between Payne and Arcade. ./ BELT LINE SEWER Centered around East Hawthome and Ruth. .:.�,,r.::.. �f you have more Tf18 M@�fOPO�ltdll W3St8W8t2f COf1tC0� ;:.:;;questfons about the Commission is also building sewers in 1986. � °:�':' c�ty's Pubifc Works The MIDDLE BELT LINE SEWER iS in the sewerprogram�can ,the Sewer Dwlsion Johnson Parkway area. __ ` atsse-s�z1• �!�% - �i i�JiO{ST�1V BACK AN�t �i1L�'J HEFiE TC? SEA� � _ _ ._ F LO�z�LL��ZLZLZZZ���LfCL��Z��LLLL�tC R LQ3L�LZZZZCZZZZZ�CLZZLZZLZZZZZZZZZZ L 04LtZZ�ZZLLZtZCCZZZLLL�CLZLZ�LGLCL PUT STAMP HERE O • THE POST OFFICE M LQSZZZZZZZCZZZZZZZZZZ���ZZZ'CZZZ�Z�Z wiuNOr DELIVER WITHOUT PROPER POSTAGE. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER / WEIGHTS AND MEASUR COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 3400 LA MADERA AVE.EL MONTE,CALIFORNIA 91732 i.�.# L���.C� • . • �. L � • � R .. . � . � I�-- �- �,�2° nranrr�t PRESORTED DEPARTWIENT OF FIRST CLASS AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER / WEIGHTS AND MEASURES U.S.POSTAGE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES PA�� 3400 LA MADERA AVE.EL MONTE,CALIFORNIA 91732 LOGAN,UT PERMIT NO.427 Saint Paul is Building Ne�nr Sewers and Needs Your Help ::.r.. .��� My help?�? C.l r.�`-� ��=� 'ZZZLCLZ�LLi.LLLCGZL���LZZ� 1�-"-�� LZ�LLL�L�Lf LGCZLLL�LZZL'LC 2'• � � 'ZLCZL�ZLLCCLLZ�ZLL.!L�L'Lz i ? ' �� F�{����.�����i������.��1��.�L ' � /�'' �� � �����,� � f �\��� � Yes, Yoc►r I����a � � � � y TO OPEfV—FOI.D AND TEaF�OFF PERFORATION � �-�� - 1[embera: l7J�f _ ' GITY OF ►,S'AI�TT PAUL i niceNRettimaahair uii�i Iitu . � $lki 3oanan OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ' Joha Draw (Alt) ,. DS 8: May 14, 19 8 6 - - ' � . o r�. mltte e Re o rt To: Saint Paul City Counci � From: Committee on Public orks Chris Nicosia, Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of May 14, 198 took the following action: Hearinq Date 1 . 5/�2/86 VACATION: Petition of Cariton Mix for the acation of part of the North-South alley in Block 7, Lake Park Addition located at Snelling and Como Avenu s far the purpose of private ingress and egress for n existing building. Recommended approval . 2. 5/20/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 3 -foot wide temporary construction easement for storm se er purposes in the block bounded by Arcade, Mendota, Orange and Hyacinth. Also a temporary storm sewer onstruction easement in the block bounded by Arcade, Me dota, Rose and Maryland. Recommended approval . 3. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing the Phalen Cre k Sanitary Interceptor Sewer along the Burlington Northe n Right-of- Way from approximately Earl Street to approxi ately Inter State I-94. Also, condemning and taking an asement for the purpose of constructing and maintainin a public sewer on, under and across certain properti s for the Phalen Creek Sanitary Interceptor Sewer. Recommended approval . 4. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a perman nt easement for purposes of constructing, opening and intaining a sewer pumping station and a sewer forcemain , over and across certain property. (West side of Prior near Feronia) . Recommended approval . 5. 5/27/86 ACQUISITION: Acquiring permanent easement for street purposes by opening, widening and extending Energy Park Drive across certain property. , � ______.�..._._..�._.:.._....� . � � 6. 5/27/86 FIt�AL O�DER: Improvements for the Grand Avenue East (),� „ Nei�hborhood Partnership Lighting Project Phase 2) by `"' �� �� construction of double lantern style decor tive lights �7�5� for the following area: Both sides of GRAN AVENLIE from about Z60 feet west of Victoria ( 180 feet no th side, 260 feet south side) to about 210 feet west f Lexinyton Parkway (210 feet north side, 130 feet sout side) ; Both sides of LEXINGTON PARKWAY from the alley nn th of Grand Avenue to the aliey south of Grand Avenue; th sides of OXFORD from Grand Avenue to the alley nor h of Grand Avenue; west side of OXFORD from Grand Av nue to the alley south of Grand Avenue; both sides o CHATSWORTH from Grand Avenue to the alley north of Gra d Avenue and both sides of MILTON from Grand Avenue to th alley north of Grand Avenue. AND 7. 5/27/86 FINAL ORDER: Operating costs for the Ab e Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand enue East Neighborhood Partnership Project (Phase 2) f the months of October thru December, 1986. (See #7 for ea) . Referred back to City Council without recomme dation. - 8. 5/20/86 FINAL 012DER: (Laid over from 4/3Q/86) Impl-��ving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Surnmit Avenue to Unive sity Avenue by constructing a bituminous overlay and doi g all other work necessary to camplete said improvement. Made motion to withdraw this item at this tim . 9. RESOLUTION: requesting Ramsey County to rest ict parking along a portion of Larpenteur Avenue from Van Dyke Street ta McKnight Road. (laid over from 4/30/86) . Recommended approval . 10. RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accept nd keeR on file skyway agreement dated August 25, 1982, between the HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Dev.Co. , Gal ery Towers, Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. . St. Paul-Ramsey Arts and Science Council and the Port Author ty relating ta skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. ( laid over from 4/30/86) Recommended approval . 1l . RESOLUTION: of �greement to indemnify, sav and I�old harmless the 5tate of Minnesota from any clai s, demands 8 actions as a condition to granting a vari nce to the State from State standards for the 8th 5treet project. Recommended approval . 12. RESOLUTION: autf�orizing the Director of Pub ic Works to request a variance from Municipal State Aid S andards for Cretin Avenue from Dayton to Iglehart project Recornmended approval . � 13. ORDlNANCE for Storm Water .Utility Charge. Recc�arnet�ed<mppe�ova 1. 14. Other Business. -RESOLUTION authorizing oper city officals to execute a corrective deed f property conveyed by the City to Mr. Ben Blizen in April 1954 (to correct description) . Recommended approval . - • fil� ��- /��?d , , .�`: (� �7�� O CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Victor Tedesco, Council President and Members of the C ' cil From: J. William Dono Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: May 20, 1986 Re: STORM SEWER SYSTEM ORDINANCE Please include the attached page 2 in place of the original page 2 in the referenced ordinance which will receive it second reading on Thursday, May 22 , 1986 (Agenda Item #5) . The nly change is in 81.03 (1) Land Use Classification. The specific change allows the Department of Public Works to override the amsey County sub-useage code list to place a given property in t e appropriate storm water runoff category. JWD:dm Attach. cc: Mayor George Latimer John McCormick . . - � � �'�� metho::��?cgy for making such changes . 81 . 03 DEFINITIONS . ( 1 ) Land Use Classification is that cla sification designated for a parcel in the sub usage code list o properties as established in *he record of the Ramsey Count Department of Taxation or as o�herwise determined by the Department of Public Works . (2 ) Area is the total square footage of all he improved and unimproved property contained within the bo ndaries of each parcel of land in the . City of Saint Paul a determined from the records of the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation or from other appropriate records . (3 ) Storm Sewer System Rate is that por ion of the � total annual expenses which the City Council determines is . to be charged to a one acre parcel with a speci ic land use classification to provide such services as the management and operation of the storm sewer system as well as t e construc- � tion, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, maint nance, use . and operation of all improvements necessitated by th separation of the combined sewer system. This per acre rate is a function of the e pected peak rate of storm water runoff for the land use cl ssification under consideration, based on hydrological dat developed by the Soil Conservation Service of the United State Department of Agriculture for a Type II rainfall 'distrib tion, soil � group "B" with a normal antecedent moisture c ndition for • . the Saint Paul five year design storm. The five year design • storm is a storm that has a statistical probability of occurring � in the City of Saint Paul once every five years . ( 4 ) Storm Sewer System Charge is the ac ual charge imposed against each parcel of land within the C ' ty of Saint Paul . 2 . L \`G" �\z'�, � � i � ,. " �%�..�;,;;,'.�'. � �� ;� .J , - ; ,�- ,, - ! �,; �n�- �y �`?`` �i,., i.st . - f _ __ , �,f / : �, 3rd � '" >� /� � -" ' Ac?opted C . ��' �� u� _ Yeas Nays DREW � ?f, C.J`_`���'`` �, NICOSIA /;:-��-�� R�'�TNlAN SCiI�:IBEL SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO �