86-609 WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - F�NANCE COU CII CA�ARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L File NO. �_ �O • BLUE - MAVOR � ' � uncil Resolution � r Presented y � � I ��# Referred To �C � -.. Committee: Dat �� a� � Out of Commit ee By Dat � WHEREAS, cable television is an important medium which c n significantly increase the understanding and participation of the elector te in local governme t decisionmaking, and WHEREAS�, the franchise granted to Continental Cablevision o construct and operate a cable communications system in Saint Paul (Appe dfx H of the Saint Paul Legislative Code) provides that one channel on t e cat�}e system shall be reserved for municipal cable programming, to be o erateti by the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the City Council is currently considering amend nts to t3�e cable regulator ordinance (Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legi lative Code), which ordfnance sets out the manner in which any cable fra chise is to be � administe ed and monitored by the City, and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided that all City Counc 1 meetings shetl be video aped for both live cablecasting and delayed playb ck (C.F. 86- - 259), and WHEREAS, the City Council intends that City involve ent in cable programm ng and oversight of the cable franchise will be car ied out fn the most efficient and effective manner possible, and WHEREAS, the City Council intends that municipal channel rograrnmi�►g which is originated by City departments shall be carried out by th e departments with Cable Communications Office support; and that cable rogramming and related activities originated by the City Council shall be car ied ou# by Council Research video production division staff; and th Council has recently adopted policies for municipal channel programming (C.F. 8b-40�) which reflect this division of responsibility; and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas p�eW Nay Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agalllst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Coune.il Secretary BY By� Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Sub ssion to Council Bv - - — BY � i WHITE - G7V CLEHK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA�I,NT PALT L Coun il /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT File �N�. Vv _�D� BL'UE - MAVOR � � f �� Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committl e By Date WHEREAS,I the City Council further intends that ongoing oper tion and admin- istration of the cable franchise shall be carried out by the Ca le Communi- cations Of�ice, and that monitoring and policy issues concern ng the fran- chise shalll be carried out by the City Council, and WHEREAS,I the City Council finds it necessary and desira le to fur#her clarify th�, relative responsibilities of the Cable Communicati ns Office and Counci 1 Research; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEL�, thet: 1. Develbpment of programming originating fro[n City depa tments is the respo�sibilfty of each department. Cable Communications Office staff shall Iassist departments in development of programming f r cablecast- ing bn the municipal channel, which assistance may inc ude technical suppdrt, training, provision of equipment, and develo ment of such prog jams as may be requested by the administrative ranch of City government, which may include video, videotext and r lated programs; and i�nclusion of related resources. 2. CounGil Research video production division staff shali evelog such progr�amming for the municipal channel as may be reque ted by members of thg Clty Council, shall provide technical support, t aining, pro- visfo of equYpment, and development of such program as may be re- quire� by the legislatfve branch of City government, wh h may tnctude videol, videotext and related programs; and incorporation of related Coun�Cil Research resources. 3. The �ouncil Research video production division shall ope ate under the direc�ion of a City Council committee. Responsibilities f the video prod ction division shall include: I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas Drew Nay�s N"°5'a [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Ag3illSt BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City At orney Adopted by Council: I Date Certified Vassed by Cou�ncil Secretary BY By� Approved by :Vlavor. D�te _ Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council BY - - — BY I WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Coun il CANARV -QEPARTMENT � J�i BIVE - MAVOR File NO. u �D� � '- � �C u cil Resolution �� . , Pres'ented By � a � ` / � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committl e By Date a. lbeveloping in consultation with City Council me bers an annual �orkplan and budget for Council video production ctivities which ncludes specific objectives, projects, timelines and performance �ndicators. b. �reparing and cablecasting programming accordi to specified �olicies, procedures, and timelines. c. �roviding monthly reports to City Council member on the status of designated video projects, including relevant budget informa- tion, providing other relevani, reports and reco mendations, and r�eeting with Council members as requested. d. I�aintaining and storing available equipment, mai taining records of all City Council video, videotext, and rela d projects, and r�aintaining a library of all Council video programmi g produced. 4. The !Cable Communications Office and the Council Resea ch video produc- tionI division shall cooperate on scheduling as provide in C.F. 86-�+08, shall share equipment and facilities as may be necess ry to carry out eachl office's respective responsibilities, and shall m ke a good faith effort to inform each other of all programming planned r under develop- ment� 5. The Cable Communications Officer shall be responsible f r administration of i�he cable franchise and operation of municipal c annel 18 except for City Council video productions. 6. The Cable Communications Officer shall file with the ouncil quarterly repo�ts on forms prescribed by the Council for its eva uation and moni- tori�g function. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department f: Yeas N a}�s Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel I Sonnen __ Agaitlst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Coul cil Secretary BY ��- !`� � ���'E' ` 'z8 ��'� By� Approved by Mavor: D9te _ Approved by Mayor for Sub ission to Council sy _ _ — sy I � �� �1TV CLERK CO�In II �' . FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL C�. EPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR I File N 0. � `- ; Council Resolution Presented By I Referred To i Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 7. Coun�il Research shall review the operation of the ca le franchise on a qu�.rterly basis and make recommendations to the Counc'1. The Council may �.uthorize its staff to request information from any ity department. i i � I I I i I i COUNC[LMEN I Requested by Department f: Yeas.�D�eW Na}�s �Nicosia � [n Favor �Rettman I Scheibel/� I � Sonnenr.---� __ Against BY \ Tedesc — VNilson Ado ted b� Council: � Date MAY 1 3 1986 Form Approved by City At orney P y Certified Va•s d b ouncil Se r BY �'�- �' � �- Z���� Bp Appro by Mavor: D$t --LItjY � 9 I�v6 Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council Bv - - — BY P116LISNED M AY 2 41986 . . , �ti^� 1 WHITE - CITV CLERK �--�-----'-�-�--�- - --- --- PINK - F�NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Coun il CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution . �- Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date a. Developing in consultation with City Council memb rs an annual �,rorkplan and budget for Council video production tivities which ncludes specific ob�ectives, projects, timelines erformance ndicators. b. reparing and cablecasting program g accordin to specified olicies, procedures, and timelines. c. �'roviding monthly reports to Ci Council members n the status pf designated video pro�ects, including relevant b dget infor- Imatfon, providing other rel ant reports and recom endations, and �neeting with Council mem rs as requested. d. Maintaining and stor' g available equipment, maint ining records bf all City Council deo, videotext, and related rojects, and maintaining a libr ry of all Council video programmi g produced. 4. The I Cable Comm nications Office and the Council Research video prod�ction divis n shall cooperate on scheduling as pro ided in C:F. 86-4 8, shall hare equipment and facilities as may be ecessary to carry� out ea office's respective responsibilities, and hall make a good faith ffort to inform each other of all programmin planned or unde� dev lopment. 5. The I ble Communications Officer shall be responsibl for ongoing admi stratfon and operation of the cable franchise, ex ept as spec- ified�` in items 2. and 6. of this resolution. / b. The City Council shall be responsible for all polIc decisions, -� moni oring and evaluation of the cable franchise. In ca rying out its � resp nsibilities, the Council may authorize its staff to request information from any City department. and be it COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department f: Yeas p�BW Na s N'°os'a [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agelnst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Cou cil Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor. D�te _ Approved by Mayor for Su ission to Council By _� _ — BY I WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Coun il �(�G f C4NARV - DEPARTMENT ' BLUE - MAVOR File ,� i Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: D te Out of Committ e By Date FURTHER �ESOLVED, that these changes shall b incorporate into amendments to Chapter 430 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co before any mend�+ents to Chapter 4�0 shall be adopted by the City Co cil, and tha appropriate � changes w 11 also be made in Chapters 7 and 6 of the Saint ul Admfnis- trative Cod�e. I I I I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Nicosia [n Favor Rettman Scheibel Sonnen __ Agai[lst BY Tedesco I Wilson Form Approved by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counci! Secretary BY B}� I Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submi ion to Council By� - �-- — BY I . � ��-(oa:`I � CITY OB` SgINT PAUL � '������ � OB'FIC� OB' THE CITY COIINCIL . +����� , � 0 d t e ; Apri 23, 1986 - . COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = � Saint PQU I City Councii F R O M �; C o m m ii�t e e Q h Energy, Utilities and Envi onment C H A(R Councilmember Kiki Sonnen The Committee on Energy, Utilities and Environment, at its Ap il 23, 1986 meeting tbok the following action: Councilman, Wilson moved the Wilson Resolution to allow the Council Re�search video production division staff to continue o have responsibility for the operation of City Council cable. � I The MOTI01� prevailed (3-2) with a recommendation that it pass � � � . s� � � � cn-� � �r� � � , � - �n , _' �' r~ .- rn ' . =' v� ° � . :.�> ;,��,, � —�� �..•�a I � l� � � rn � � � ; I • CTTY HALL � SEVEN'TH FLOOR S 'T PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � ���