86-607 � _ _ � . City of 5t.Paul COUNCIL�I NO. � � �� FINAL ORDER IN , � � , --� By 1 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ��� _i � File No. � Yotiog In the Matter of �oadanitis and t�ki�� s 14 l�aot rss�t ior �art sr [ittsva� D�1� Int�re�pec��r at�g th� Sbort Lis� � d �or 3 i 1 t1� p�srpor� af c�Cructin� �ad w�laue3ala� a ps lic s�r�s , oaR u+dd�er :r►d acra�s ttte l+�llarisa pre�erti��s '�uRt p��t 8! tla wort�sit 1/4y liection ltf, T bip 2E llarth, �ogM 2� li�st, aad t6R �oat�iast 11�4, S��tioer 3 ?on�uhip 2d ' Nort�, �a� �3 N+est iacladsrd ia a 10 loot �i�de •tri* o� land I�i� a�faasat ta aad anrehs�tl� sad u�t�rly oi� th� aor�+�rl�r ae►d �+utt*rX�r Ziae ot tl�s pr+ht�t 3�ortlia+e ac�rd sasaaee�, �rlti�h is slsa th� �rr�um! loatl�rfst�rly ri�ht-of-,��r i� �t t� �o� Li.� E�ilroad Cc�paa�r. �aid iQ taot iridt s�zip brrsisaia� st a pc�iat oa t6s rortDesly aad �ssi�.srly liar vi � pr+tseat �as�wsat �ich lie� 23� fu�� Morth +�nd '9��t al+� saf� 1 a� lraa i�s ioeer- s�rctioa �ritl� t�► �asst lie� +�t �e�ioa 10 (CEe�s� li�s o# L+�cia�taa ♦wau�) aa� ��11i$ �'#T5 �i�tt RelYL'�t +�laa� aaia 1 lro� its tat�r- •fetioa ritl� t�e aort.� lia� ot t.�e 6m�etb�asc 1/ at 8�+etioa itI E�st��I�.�e o! Sasit !1�). ?l►is l�i�S with tbr ri�t-at- Nsy ac�► a�ra.a l�r cb� sao Lite�r �s:l�,�s� c�.�a�r. under Administrative Order �" approved under Preliminary Qrder �� '�7� approved� � ��° A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the s e; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvem nt to be made �RX7�X �49!'�7�k�X �El[ �X��� FURTHER RESOLVED, That t�e Council herebq determines that the estate reqnired tpr th improvement be as describ- ed above, and tLatI the proper City ofticers submit a repott to the City Counoil tot the purpos o[the Counail's making an award ot damagea f�r Lhe interest�g��and determination of assessments, if any, againat the nefited property. I acquired ccxn�cir.�s MAY 1 3 1986 ��i �� Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Ura�e Na s Iiicnata Certified d y Council ret �et tmaa ' Scheibel In Favor Soanea ?edt�co , �Against titlsoq �Y 1 � �6 Mayor UBIISHED �; a; 19�6 • + . ! �(,�-- �� - �o� � ; _ - , _ _ -- . - - - _,_ _ � � DBte: April 30,1986 �-�� -� y � . � � Committe Report � � - To: Saint Paul Cit Council � From: Committee on Public Works ! Chris Nicosia. Chair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of Ap il 30, 1986 took the � following action: ! Hearinq Date I. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and main aining a 20 foot sewer j easement on, under and across ce tain property in Block 17, Beaupre and Keily's Additi n (block bounded by I Jessamine, Magnolia, DeSoto and Ar wright). � Recommended approvai. 2. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and m intaining a permanent sewer easement on, under and acr ss certain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE EAST STORM 5 WER (over Johnson High , School Property). � , Recommended approval. � 3. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and ma ntaining a permanent sewer easement on. under and acr ss certain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE EAST STO M SEWER. Also. a temporary construction easement (o er Cleveland Jr. High I . School property). Recommended approval. I. ' 4. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maintaining a sewer easement on, under and across cer ain properties for the PHALEN-ARCADE WEST STORM SEWER in block bounded by I Magnolia. Cook, OeSoto and Arkwrig t. i Recommended approval. 5. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing th EAST KITTSON DALE INTERCEPTOR on, under and across c rtain property for the East Kittson Dale Interceptor a ong Short Line Road I (right-of-way owned by Soo Line RR ompany). Recommended approval. I 5A.'S/1���,,. ��,���,��.�'k 4 " � �,��., 1� �'. �� �� -of-way i _ , �1���56 . _ . . , Re�.��o�i. 6. 5/13/86 FINAL OROER: Constructing and maintaining a sewer �' easement on, under and across cert in property being part � , of Lot 6, Block 2, Du�lap Additi n (property near Short Line Road and St, Clair Avenue). I I I I I i , � � ���° �7 � 7. 5/b�/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maintaining 30 ft. sewer , easement on, under and across certain prope ty being part of Lots 20, 21 and 26, Cottage Homes. (V rginia Street � and north 8 5outh of right-of-way line f Burlington Northern Inc.) . I� Recommended approval . 8. 5/�i/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Summit Avenue to University Avenue by constructing a bituminous � overlay and doing all other work necessar to complete � said improvement. i Laid over in Cort�nittee until 5/14/86. 9. 5/1$/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the following imp ovements for the GRAND AVENUE WEST COMMERCIAL AREA PROJ CT construct � double and single style decorative lights, rees and tree � grates in the following project area: B th sides of Grand Avenue from about 150 feet east of S elling Avenue i (146 feet north side; 150 feet south side} to about 150 feet west of Fairview ( 167 feet north si e; 144 feet � south side) and Both sides of Fairview Av nue from the , alley north of Grand to the altey south of rand Avenue. I Recommended approval with amendments. 10. 5/�3/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the operating osts for the i Above Standard Street Lighting System f r the GRAND AVENUE WEST COMMERCIAL AREA PROJECT for t e months of � October thru December 1986. � Recommended approval with amendments. 11 . 5/�5/86 VACATION: Petition of Michael Roach for th vacation of � LELAND STREET and the alley in Block 1 , 0 sis Addition between W. Seventh St. and Benson Street f r the purpose of multiple residential construction. Recommended approval with amendments on 2-1 vote - i Councilwoman Sonnen voting N0. 12. 5/ffi/86 VACATION: Petition of Bethesda Hospital fo the vacation of CEDAR STREET between Como and Charles f r the purpose � of constructing a 135-175 unit senior housi g project. Recorrunended approvat on 2-1 vote - Counc lman Nicosia � voting N0. 13. � ORDINANCE: amending Section 159.05 of Leg slative Code � adding Martin Luther King Day as a day on hich parking restrictions shall not apply. Recortbnended approval . I . . . • i 2 �� ��7 � � i 14. ! ORDINANCE: amending Section 160. 14 of Leg slative Code by adding Martin Lu�her King Day as a ay on which � parking meters shall not be in operation. � Recommended approval . 15. � RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accep and keep on file skyway agreement dated August 25, 198 , between the ! HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Oev. Co. , G ltery Towers, Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St Paul-Ramsey ! Arts and Science Council and the Port Autho ity relating to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses. I Laid over in Committee to 5/14/86. i 16. RESOLUTION: requesting Ramsey County to re trict parking I on south side of LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Va Dyke Street to McKnight Road. i Laid over in Cormnittee to 5/14/86. I 17. RESOLUTION: authorizing a Quit Claim Deed o the HRA for � a wall easement no longer needed for pu lic purposes (easement adjoins land recently vacated on ackson Street I at Kellogg Blvd.) . i Recorttinended approval . 18. � RESOLUTION: waiving retained utility easeme ts in part of JACKSON and SIBLEY STREETS as vacated by C. . 86-274. I Recommended approval . i 19. ORDINANCE: granting Space Center, Inc. ermission to � construct, operate and maintain two ten nch diameter water pipes and a two inch diameter cond nsate return � pipe under and across East Eighth Street ri ht of way at approximately twenty feet sw. of the swly. right of way I line of Willius Street. Recommended approval . 20. RESOLUTION: authorizing issuance of per it to Space � Center, Inc. to construct, operate and aintain said I underground pipes across East Eighth Street i Recommended approval . I � ' � � � � � � � ITY � C� U �� � � d� � �� � " , � � � �... E � � E ,� F� ( � � � C� T � C� � ��—��7 � PU � L I �C I MPROVEMENT /�� Q I S I T I 0�1 � I City Coun il District District lanning Council Soo Line Railroad �� �� 18421-E c/o J. P. McMullin 1000 Shop Road ��� � Sainit Paul, MN 55106 I et1� n O � � I To der_ide whether to proceed with acquirin a storm sewer ease- If' �.i it'- ment for the East Kittsondale Interceptor long Short Line Road. bounded on the North by Grand Avenue, Sout by Stanford, extende ' ! West by Syndicate and ��stby Lexington Par way. (Map and ease- ment description are attached). i ; i I i I ��� A ,� � � � Tuesday, May 13, 1986, at 10:00 a . . a'� City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House i �� � ��� � �� Call 29�-4513 and refer to the File �� abo . City staff will i be avai.lable to answer any last minute Gue tions on this pro- ject in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10: 0 a .m. the s�me � day as the hearing. � � � � � 13ot:ce sent April 215, 1986, by t�e Valuation b �ssess�ent Di�.�ision Bept. of Finance a;� Manag�ment Services Room 218 City Hall -� Court F.ouse St . Paul , Minnesot� 5�10� I I i i - ' � � C� �-�o� � EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 10 foot easement for the East Kittson Dale Inte ceptor along the Short Lir�e Road for the purpose of constructing nd maintaining a public se�er on, under and across the following prop rties : That part of the Northeast 1/4 , Section 10 , ownship 28 North, Range 23 West, and the Southeast 1/4 Section 3 , Township 28 North , Range 23 West included in a 10 foot wide strip Iof land lying adjacent to an northerly and easterly of the ndrtherly and easterly line of the present S ortline Road Easement, which is also the present Southwesterly right-of- way l �ne of the Soo Line Railroad Company. Said 10 foot wide strip beginning at a point on the Northerly and asterly line of the present easement which lies 230 feet No th and West alongjsaid line from its intersection with the ast line of Sectibn 10 (Centerline of Lexington Avenue) an ending 575 feet south along said line from its intersect ' on with the northlline of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 10 ( enterline of Summit Avenue) . This being within the right-of-way now owned by the Soo Line Railroad Company. i I I I I I I I �I i I 1 ._-_._ r.. I __ _.._ �_.�. -; �� '�I Ir.s iry ji+rr r>r} r i I i � ? T I a �_ � j. :�:.n�.z ,qr. i ,� �, �.�Y'.. .� � l' 1 , r I a� I I � �� I � � �.�� « � :. �� 1 i�e���� � le � Ie I a�. � �i.� . � �� •) o�, �i fi •! JY_.� � �. � . I I I � I I -�� I _� ' � Il I�i���� � � I %•I�.an�Y 1_'...�. �,'1 _ !n �._'_._I,��_ ._I..�.L�.Ll�l(y'1. I (yl I i rl I • + • A ��,. 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E � � � � RI � � � C� �" � E � PUBL I l MPROVEMENT ACQU I S I T I 0N ' City Counc 1 District ' District P an�in� Council Wilder Park Association President � ! �� �� 18421—E C/O Manager's Office p�� � 1181 Edgcumbe Road � Saint Paul, MN 55105 __J �t � � D a � � To decide whether to proceed with acquiring storm sewer 4.i !2� easement for tne East Kittson Dale Intercept r Project across ' vacated Evergreen Place bounded on North by t. Clair Avenue, ` on South by Edgcumbe Road, on West by Griggs and on East by the Short Line Road. (Description of easeme t and map are attached) . . � � �.j � ^ � � �� � Tuesday , May 13, 1986, at 10:00 a .m �'4 . City Council Chambers , 3rd Fl.00r City Hall - Court Nouse ��� � f��� � � � Call 29�-4513 and refer to the File �k abov . City staff will be avail�ble to ans�.�er any last tninute que tions on this pro- jecC in Roo:n 218 City Hall from 9: 30 - 10: 0 a .m. the same day as the hearinp. . � `�'0 i-� � 11ot:cc sent April 2 , 1986, by t?�e Valuar_ion b. A sess�ent Divisi.on re�t. of Finance a:�d', Managemer.t Services Room 218 City Hall - Court !;ouse St . Faul , riinnesot� 5�10'� . ' � � �,��-�a� . ; , � EASEMENT DESCRIPTION I The Nlorth 30 feet of the remainder of Lot 6 , B1 ck 2 and the vacated portion of Evergreen Place , Dunlap Place Addition i •. '_ �— 4 — o a � I �3� ° -� � �a , � 1_ '�— � � i ��k� � i _ �.� ,< ,,,_ } �� i � 4 `-.s,. �, . Z i ` ' � [� " �._ .t!' � +� N �1 � I � 1:1 ° n f'�� i '/ a _�v_=�Y� --S�J� , � � _ _ .� � Y .� �' ��.1� �= � S u � _ � — I �p , , aq•. - .8?__ -- � � � ��a 6 i � Fj �' , _ "`_-,-^"" � . `'= � _._----L 7 q �. I -� � n �1 �t_� I �� .9 .` r-- 8 S `� `� � �_ Z J � . c u � � nl � I � ' ., ... , � `9 —�._----'� j , , t. . � p ! . � J � �� � 1I• _.---�J� I . i. 7 . � '�—'" 1 �� � � � I I I I I I I I I �� �.�� -���� � PBELIMINARY O1t�B1�' � ::, :�_ ..:.� : . . , .�-_, •. ..�,� � Council Flle No. 88-476—By Chris 1�licosia— ` In tlie Matter of condemning and taking a 10 foot easement i�� e East Kittson Dale Interceptor along the Short Liae Road !or the pu of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on,under and across the ia owing propertieg in Voti#�g Wards 3 and 1: , That part of the Northeast �/i, Section 10,Townahf�S28 Norrth, R.an 43 ,, i West,anfl the Southeast �4,Section 3,Township 28 North,Renge dS _ I include�!in a l0 foot�►ide strip oi land Iy�g adjacent to and north ly anci�easterly►�of the northcriq and-easterlq liae of the present Short : ; Road Easement, which is also the present SouthwestegIy right-of- ay 4 line of the Soo Line Railroad Company.Said 10 f,00t_wi�strip bR �_ at a point on the Northerly and easterly,Liae of the present.eas t . � ; ,which lies 230 feet I�Iorth and West along said line from.its inte on . with the east line of Sectian 10 (Cet�terline of Lexington Avenue) ending 575 feet south along said line frorn its intersection with the n � line of the Soulheast�/i of Section 10(Centerline oi SumtnitAven eJ, ' ' � being within the right-of-way now owned by,the Soo:Line d:-�� , � Company. , �. 1 I The Council of the Citq of Saint Paul having received the report oi th Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, ereby: resolves: , 1. That the said re�ort and the same fs hereby approved wi�h no-aIte tives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 325,000,financed by 1988 Water P utian- �Abatement Funds. - ' 2. That a public hearing be had on said improveaLeat on.tfue 1986 at 10: ' a.m., in the Council Chambers oi t2ie Citq �ll an urt ouse u ng�e Citq°oi Satt►t Paul. - 3. That notice oi said public he�ring be given to the person��_ptti 3n the' manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place oi hearl:Yg,t2s 'a'ture oi the improvement and the total cost thereot aa estimated. File�No. 18421E-1 ' . ' ., � Ado�ted by tl�e Council April 15, 1988. _ , APPreved AFril�.7, 198fl. . � (APri126,1988). ,