86-606 City of S .Paul COtJNCIL NO. � D
FINAL ORD R IN BY ,;� '' � ° t�
File No.
Yotia� In the Matter of +�+��►'�a� :aa�d tald� +�e w�Mrst tor the 11Ca�►t iit�aa �sl�
ard Xaure�ptor be�aRr !+� th+s p��pw� ot cocrsas�etia s� �ni�-
3 i 1 tsiei� • pablic ssrr�tx a�, undar �ad �cs�s tbr llarisj
pro�atr Eit�s
�6at p�rE oi LQt 6. �locl� 2, maalap ll�+a�► Additi I�ia�
k+ar�c�rly o! a �i+� �t� #�et aaa�th o! aud p�ra I�1 ta th�
ea:t� liio►t 4t s+�i� l.�at � aod so�st�rrrterl�► o! sovth�tsrlr
riabt-v�-dw�r 1i�r o! tiar Short �.i� to�d sa cc ned ��r
�ouacil l�il� �. 2!0�►li�, J�1� lt, 1l62.
/►�sQ, tbic p��� ot paattd �wrg��ta �Iae� lyiu� rti�rly ai
a lia� ��i �E+at saa+l� ot �a� parati�l ta t�� aar iiue at s�id
Lot i, iloet �t, �lap !�� 1�dicios actwd�! � •r 1�rersx�e�
tlaa• awd soatb o� a li� i��o; at tA� 1Mr � �o�r of
said �at b, �tlaalc �, tlaaa�► s�wtMrrst�rl�r c�o a i�a►t oa ti�s
�a�t 1�i�t ot Lc�t f, �laalc l. �usl�p lLr�! �li�4iti 30 �°l+et
sout� af Et+� w+yrtl�asst cor�r of said Loc i, �1 1, �ad
' �Mt+e c�x�ianrla=. �r��r�.T +�sr �Qrt �.i,r � sad
�t. Ciair ,►rrawe)
_� -
under Administrati e Order approved
under Preliminary rder �� � �7� approved � `�^��"
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an the Council having heard
all persons, objecti ns and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the s e; therefore, be it
RESOLVED,�That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvem nt to be made
�xxa�c�xxa�x��x x�tx��w��cx�€x
FURTHER R SOLVED, That the Couneil hereDq determinea that tIIe eatate requited Epr th e improvement be se descriM
ed above, and tLat, the proper City otficers submit a repott to the City Coanoil ta the purpos ot the Connail's making an
award of damages f�t the interest���and determination of assessmenta. if any, against the enefited property.
I acquired
��� MAY 1 3 198�
Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas D� Nays
���� Certified by Counc' creta
8�absiM1 In Favor
S aRMt
TNNfO ' �Against
atlaoa N1AY 1 �, 1986 Mayor
UBIiSHED MAY 2 419$6
. . (,�-�--�o�
� - - .- -- - -. ._ -- __ _
Date: April 30,1986
-__ _._ _ �I - . � . Committe � Re ort
p .
To: Saint Paul Cit Council
From: Committee on Public Works
Chris Nicosia. hair
The Public Works Committee at its meeting of Ap il 30, 1986 took the
foltowing action:
Hearinq Date
1. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and main aining a 2D foot sewer
easement on, under and across ce tain property in Block
17, Beaupre and Kelly's Additi n (block bounded by
Jessamine, Magnolia, DeSoto and Ar wright).
� Recommended approvai.
2. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and m i�taining a permanent
sewer easement on, under and acr ss certain properties
for the PHALEN-ARCADE EAST STORM S WER (over Johnson High
School Property},
Recommended approval.
3. 5/l3/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and ma ntaining a permanent
�,,. sewer easement on, under and acr ss certain properties
temporary construction easement (o er Cleveland Jr. High
School property).
Recommended approval.
4. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maintaining a sewer
easement on. under and across cer ain properties for the
Magnolia, Cook, DeSoto and Arkwrig t.
Recomnended approval.
5. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing th EAST KITTSON DALE
INTERCEPTOR on, under and across rtain property for the
: , East Kittson Dale interceptor long Short Line Road
', (right-of-way owned by Soo Line RR ompany).
Recommended approval.
SA.S/13/86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing th EAST KITT50N DALE
INTERCEPTOR SEWER along the Shor Line Road right-of-way
between Summit Avenue and Inter 5 te Highway 356E.
_ Recommended approval.
I 6, 5I131�-' 1�`'1�� bROER �etf e a �5ewer
..=. , �
�as��r►t 'ItbydEr � - .,� �r�r"{�i�"'part
of Lot 6�Q��:>�, �ly. T�: <.,��tpperEy ni��^'SFiort
{.ine f�`oad anti 'St; �air Avehue).
� //�� � �d �
, '
7. 5/ /86 FINAL ORDER: Constructing and maintaining 30 ft. sewer
easement on, u�der and across certain prope ty being part
j of Lots 20, 21 and 26, Cottage Homes. (V rginia Street
I and north 8 south of right-of-way line f Burlington
' Northern Inc. } ,
Recommended approval .
8. 5/6/86 FINAL ORDER: Improving LEXINGTON PARKWAY from Summit
Avenue to llniversity Avenue by constructing a bituminous
overlay and doing all other work necessar to complete
said improvement.
Laid over in Committee until 5/14/86.
9. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the following im ovements for
', double and single style decorative lights, rees and tree
grates in the following project area: th sides of
Grand Avenue from about 150 feet east of elling Avenue
(146 feet north side; 150 feet south side) to about 150
feet west of Fairview ( 167 feet north side; 144 feet
� south side) and Both sides of Fairview A enue from the
I alley north of Grand to the alley south of Grand Avenue.
Recommended approval with amendments.
10. 5/13/86 FINAL ORDER: To decide on the operating costs for the
Above Standard Street Lighting System or the GRAND
- October thru December 1986.
Recommended approval with amendments.
11 . 5/15/86 VACATION: Petition of Michael Roach for t e vacation of
LELAND STREET and the alley in Block 1 , asis Addition
between W. Seventh St. and Benson Street or the purpose
' of muttiple residential construction.
Recommended approval with amendments o 2-1 vote -
Councilwoman Sonnen voting N0.
12. 5 8/86 VACATION: Petition of Bethesda Hospital f r the vacation
of CEDAR STREET between Como and Charles or the purpose
�I of constructing a 135-175 unit senior hous ng project.
Recommended approval on 2-1 vote - Coun ilman Nicosia
voting N0.
13. OROINANCE: amending Section 159.05 of Le islative Code
adding Martin Luther King Day as a day on which parking
restrictions shall not apply.
Recommended approval .
. - � 2 ��-�o�
� .
14. OROINANCE: amending Section 160. 14 of Legi lative Code
by adding Martin Luther King Day as a y on which
I parking meters shall not be in operation.
Recommended approval .
15. RESOLUTION: directing City Clerk to accep and keep on
file skyway agreement dated August 25, 198 , between the
HRA, City of St. Paul , Fountain Dev. Co. , G ilery Towers,
Twenty Broad Street Leasing Co. Inc. , St Paul-Ramsey
Arts and Science Council and the Port Autho ity relating
to skyway bridge and pedestrian concourses.
Laid over in Committee to 5/14/86.
16. RESOLUTION: requesting Ramsey County to re trict parking
on south side of LARPENTEUR AVENUE from Va Dyke Street
' to McKnight Road.
Laid over in Committee to 5/14/86.
17. RESOLUTION: authorizing a Quit Claim Deed o the HRA for
a wail easement no longer needed for pu lic purposes
I (easement adjoins land recently vacated on ackson Street
at Kellogg Blvd.) .
Recommended approval .
18. RESOLUTION: waiving retained utility easeme ts in part of
JACKSON and SIBLEY STREETS as vacated by C. . 86-274.
Recommended approval .
19. ORDINANCE: granting Space Center, Inc. ermission to
construct, operate and maintain two ten inch diameter
water pipes and a two inch diameter con nsate return
, pipe under and across East Eighth Street ri�ght of way at
approximately twenty feet sw. of the swly. right of way
line of Willius Street.
Recortxnended approva 1 .
20. RESOLUTION: authorizing issuance of pe mit to Space
', Center, Inc. to construct, operate and maintain said
j underground pipes across East Eighth Stree .
Recommended approval .
, , . ��_-,��, ��,��
' Council File No. 86-475—By Chris Nicosia— -
In the Matter of condemning azld taking an ea:5ement tor the East` ttsop
; ale Interceptor Sewer for the purpose of cAfiistructing and maintaining a lic
sewer.on,uader and across,the foilowing properti�s�ti V+�tia�Wards 3, 1:
� 7"hat part ot Lo�,8,Block Z,..Dualap Place Additiotllying NOrthe�sterl #.
� a line 30 feet south of and parallel to the north 11ne Q�ssf� Lot.$ d
southwesteriy of the southwesterly right-of way line of the Siiort�L �e
R,oad as condemned per Council File No.206188,July 18, 1962.
: ' Also,that part o!vacated Evergreen Place lying nort3serly'of a li3e 801
; south of and parallel to the north�line of safd Lot 8,Hlock 2,Du�lap Fl
� Addition extended across Evergreen Place and south oi a lirie be g
at the Northwest.corner of said Lot 6,Hlock 2,�heac�southwesterly t a
point on the east line of Lot 6, Block 1, Dunlap Place Addition 30 f t _
� south of the noitheast corner of said-Lot 6,Hlock 1,and there terminati .
` ' (Property near Short Line Road and St.Clair Avenue)
" The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report oi the ayor
upon the above improvement, and having eonsidered said report, ereby
_ resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is hereby appmved with no alte tives,
� and that the estimated cost thereof is $5,000, iinanced by 19�Watei Po ution
` Abatemeut Funds.
2�That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the th da May,
1988. 'clock a:m., in the Cou�il Ch�nbers o#the'Ctty
ouse ing in the City oi Safnt PauL
3. That notice of ssid public hearing be given to:the persons �i1fl n the
manner provided by the°Charter,stating the time:and pl�ce oi hearks�._the tpi�e
, oi the improv�m�eht and the total�ost thereoi as estimated. �
File No. 18421E-2 ,
Adopted by the Council ApriT 15, 1986. ��. �
i; . .. .
; Appraved April 17. 1986. � :..:
I (�Pri126, 1986) _ l